The influence of the material and social environment. Social environment and personality of the child

Factors influencing the social environment of an organization

An organization as a social system, a stable form of association of people with common interests and goals, is characterized by versatility of functioning. Its development is carried out in at least three directions - technical, economic, social. The first of them is mainly related to the improvement of production means and technologies, the availability of the necessary equipment and materials, the degree of mechanization and automation of labor processes. The second direction expresses the forms of ownership, the level of specialization and cooperation of production, the system of organization and remuneration of labor, the structure and methods of management. Social development includes the organization’s personnel with their traditions, preferences, intellectual potential and professional qualifications, ways to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of employees, interpersonal and intergroup relations, and the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team.

Consequently, the social environment of an organization, which is closely interconnected with the technical and economic aspects of its functioning, consists of those material, social, spiritual and moral conditions in which workers work, live with their families and in which the distribution and consumption of goods take place and real connections are formed. between individuals, their moral and ethical values ​​find expression. This environment is formed by: the organization’s personnel themselves, with their differences in demographic and professional qualifications - gender, age, education, etc., as well as various interpersonal and intergroup connections; social infrastructure, including facilities social purpose; components of the quality of workers' working life, which in one way or another determine the material and moral remuneration of work, the atmosphere of solidarity, cooperation and mutual assistance, the degree of team cohesion, and the prestige of teamwork.

Always, but at the present stage social development In particular, the successful activity of any organization depends on the high efficiency of the joint work of the workers employed in it, on their qualifications, professional training and level of education, on the extent to which working and living conditions are conducive to the humanization of work, the satisfaction of people’s material, social and spiritual needs, and the diversified manifestation of personality. The vector of social development of the organization should be aimed at diversifying and enriching the content of work activity, more fully using the intellectual and creativity employees, increase their discipline and responsibility, create appropriate conditions for effective work, have a good rest, arrangement of family affairs.

Development social environment expressed both in the form of objective processes, i.e. in connections between people regarding their living conditions (work, life and leisure), and in a subjective, conscious form, i.e. in phenomena psychological atmosphere, interpersonal relationships and moral assessments. The factors of such development include the conditions that characterize the content of changes in the social environment and the consequences adequate to these changes. They differ in the direction and forms of influence on personnel, both directly - during joint work, and indirectly - where employees and their families live, raise children, communicate with friends, and relax.

A factor is the driving force of development. In relation to the social environment of an organization, this concept expresses the conditions that determine the nature and possible consequences of the changes occurring in it, which in turn affect the personnel.

The main direct factors of the social environment of an organization include: the potential of the organization, its social infrastructure; labor conditions and safety; material reward for labor contribution; social protection of workers; socio-psychological climate of the team; outside working hours and use of leisure time.

Potential reflects the material, technical, organizational and economic capabilities of the organization, i.e. its size and territorial location, number and quality of personnel, the nature of leading professions, industry affiliation and profile of the enterprise, volumes of products (goods and services), form of ownership, financial position, state of fixed assets and technical level of production, content and organizational forms labor process, the company's fame, its traditions and image. These are, of course, basic factors that have a versatile, essentially complex influence on the social environment as a concentration of the most important means and incentives that encourage and ensure the social development of an organization.

Social infrastructure is a complex of facilities designed to provide life support to the organization’s employees and members of their families, and to satisfy social, cultural and intellectual needs. In the conditions of the Russian Federation, the list of such objects includes:

Socialized housing stock (houses, dormitories) and public utilities (hotels, bathhouses, laundries, etc.) with networks of energy, gas, water and heat supply, sewerage, telephone communication, radio broadcasting, etc.;

Medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, pharmacies, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.);

Educational and cultural facilities (schools, preschool and out-of-school institutions, cultural centers, clubs, libraries, exhibition halls, etc.);

Trade and public catering facilities (shops, canteens, cafes, restaurants, farmsteads for supply fresh food);

Public service facilities (factories, workshops, studios, salons, rental points);

Sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds) and public recreation centers adapted for physical education and recreational activities;

Collective dacha farms and gardening partnerships.

An organization, depending on its scale, form of ownership, industry affiliation, location and other conditions, can have its own social infrastructure entirely (Fig. 2.1) or have a set of only it individual elements or rely on cooperation with other organizations and on the municipal base social sphere.

But in any case, taking care of the social services of workers and their families is the most important requirement for managing social development.

Labor conditions and safety include factors that in one way or another affect the well-being and useful output of workers, ensuring safe work, preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

Working conditions are a set of psychophysiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and socio-psychological factors of the production environment and the labor process that influence human health and performance. They include safe working conditions, under which the impact on workers of harmful and dangerous production factors is reduced to a minimum - to the level of established standards or completely eliminated; reducing the amount of heavy work that requires great physical effort; overcoming the monotony of work, rational use regulated breaks during the working day (shift) for rest and nutrition; availability and convenience of social facilities (locker rooms, showers, toilets, first aid station, rest rooms, buffets, canteens, etc.).

Rice. 2.1. Social infrastructure of the organization

Occupational safety, designed to ensure the safety of life and health of workers, in particular, provides for: the establishment of uniform regulatory requirements in the field of occupational safety, the development of programs corresponding to them and the implementation of events in organizations; state supervision and public control over compliance with the legal rights of workers to work that meets safety and hygiene requirements, the fulfillment of labor protection obligations by employers and the workers themselves; providing workers at the employer’s expense with special clothing and footwear, personal and collective protective equipment, medical and preventive nutrition; prevention of accidents at work, implementation of a system of measures for the rehabilitation of persons injured at work.

Material reward for labor contribution acts as a key point in the social development of the organization. It combines the main costs of labor, compensation for labor costs of workers, their social status and, at the same time, family budgets, satisfaction urgent needs people in life's blessings.

Remuneration should be based on the social minimum - on what is necessary to maintain a decent standard of living and reproduce a person’s ability to work, to obtain a means of subsistence not only for himself, but also for his family. In the Russian Federation, the total monetary income of the population includes wages, to which are added all types of pensions, scholarships for students and students of educational institutions, benefits for children and child care, the cost of natural products of subsidiary farming used for personal consumption, as well as income from property, sales of farm products on the market and entrepreneurial activity, including dividends and interest from bank deposits.

The expenditure part of the family, mainly consumer, budget consists of cash expenses for paying taxes and making various contributions (including interest on loans), for the purchase of short-term and durable goods - food, clothing, shoes, cultural and household items and household items. household goods, to pay for housing, utilities, transport, medical and other services. The balance of the expenditure and revenue parts of the budget is an indicator of the volume of benefits received by a family during a certain time (month, year) per person. Average per capita income and corresponding expenses reflect the level of family wealth, quality and standard of living.

Social protection employees of the organization are measures for social insurance, unconditional compliance with civil rights and social guarantees established by the current legislation in the country, collective agreement, labor agreements and other legal acts. In the Russian Federation, these measures, in particular, provide for:

Ensuring the minimum wage and tariff rate (salary);

Normal working hours (40 hours per week), compensation for work on weekends and holidays, annual paid leave of at least 24 working days;

Compensation for damage to health in connection with the execution labor responsibilities;

Contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly benefits to mothers during the period of their maternity leave, stipends for employees during professional training or advanced training.

These guarantees are implemented with the direct participation of the organization. Cash payments, as a rule, are made from the organization’s funds, their sizes are based on the average salary or a share of the minimum wage. The social protection system should insure workers against the risk of finding themselves in a difficult financial situation due to illness, disability or unemployment, and give them confidence in the reliable protection of their labor rights and privileges.

Socio-psychological climate- this is the total effect of the influence of many factors affecting the organization’s personnel. It manifests itself in work motivation, communication between workers, and their interpersonal and group connections. In the structure of the socio-psychological climate of the team, three main components interact: the moral and psychological compatibility of workers, their business spirit and social optimism. These components relate to the subtle strings of human intellect, will and emotional properties of the individual, which largely determine her desire for useful activity, creative work, cooperation and cohesion with others. Expressing the attitude of workers to a joint business and to each other, the socio-psychological atmosphere brings to the fore such motives that are no less effective than material rewards and economic benefits, stimulate the employee, cause him tension or decline in energy, work enthusiasm or apathy, interest in the matter or indifference.

After hours forms another group of factors in the social environment of the organization. They are associated with the rest and recuperation of workers, the arrangement of their home life, their fulfillment of family and social responsibilities, and the use of leisure time. The time resource of a working person is divided into working hours on a weekday (the length of the working day in different countries is not the same, it also differs by economic sector and profession) and non-working time in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. In turn, time not directly related to work activity includes the expenditure of 9-9.5 hours on recuperation and satisfaction of natural physiological needs person (sleep, personal hygiene, food intake, etc.). The remaining time of the day is occupied by traveling to and from work, running the home and farmwork, caring for children and activities with them, as well as leisure.

Free time equivalent to leisure has special meaning for comprehensive personality development. It serves to restore the physical and intellectual strength of workers, and is closely connected with the satisfaction of their socio-cultural needs, caused, among other things, by the acceleration of scientific, technical and social progress, and the requirements of the humanization of labor. The size, structure, content and forms of use of leisure significantly influence the lifestyle and worldview of a working person, his choice moral guidelines and civic position.

More general factors also have a significant and often decisive influence on the social environment of the organization, the level of well-being and the quality of working life of employees. Meaning, as shown in Fig. 2.2, socio-economic situation of the country, spiritual and moral state of society, social policy of the state.

Socio-economic situation of the country is assessed primarily by whether it is in at the moment on the rise, in the prime of life, or experiencing a recession, crisis and experiencing increased social tension. At the same time, events taking place in any country are an integral part of the development of human civilization as a whole, an expression of trends common to the world.

The state of affairs in Russia recently is characterized by a deep and all-encompassing crisis. According to scientists and politicians, the country is stuck halfway in its progress from an over-centralized planned economy to the establishment of market relations and a socially structured state. The reforms that have been launched have not yet brought tangible results that are acceptable to the majority of Russians. Instead of improving life, they resulted in a decline in production, a weakening inflow of investment into the economy and the social sphere, a decrease in income and impoverishment of a significant part of the population, and a deterioration in the financing of health care, education, science and culture institutions.

Rice. 2.2. General factors, affecting the social environment of the organization

It is becoming increasingly clear that the market itself cannot be a panacea for all problems. A significant correction is needed both in tactics and in the strategic line of socio-economic transformations. In this matter of paramount importance, it is necessary to establish order based on law, coherence of market mechanisms and government regulation in order to open not just declared, but actual space for healthy competition between different forms of ownership and types of business, for the effective use of technical, economic and social innovations aimed at achieving high living standards for all segments of the population.

The experience of Germany, Sweden, Japan and a number of other countries with socially developed market economies shows that a fair solution to social problems is as priority as achieving economic growth and making a profit. The guidelines for such a market economy are: respect for basic human rights, providing everyone with equal opportunities to demonstrate their abilities, hard work, initiative and entrepreneurship; increasing the level of well-being and social protection in proportion to the country’s potential, insuring people from the risk of losing a decent livelihood; maintaining stability, civil harmony and social peace in society.

And in Russia, according to the general opinion, the implementation of overdue reforms should be in line with the interaction of economic and social efficiency. In this case, preference should be given social goals with indispensable consideration of the traditions and national characteristics of the country.

Spiritual and moral state of society no less than the economy, the material sphere affects the way of life in the country and the level of well-being of the population. Inextricably linked with it are the realization of human freedoms and rights, the affirmation of individuality and collective principles, the originality of historical traditions, stability of moral principles, in particular the requirements of the prevailing work morality in a given society, ethics of personal and public behavior, high criteria of civic virtue - everything that makes up the mentality of the people, the deep essence of their national and social nature, worldview and ideals.

Of course, the mentioned components are mobile and changeable. They can either become thinner or lost, or they can grow and become stronger. Historical experience teaches that success and well-being accompany the society that constantly takes care of the social sphere that reproduces social connections and relations, is able to rely on the enthusiasm and creative spirit of its members, to provide associations of citizens and individuals with maximum opportunities to realize their generally significant goals. That is why it is so important to achieve harmony of interests of the state and civil society, to merge together the action of objective laws of social development and consciously undertaken efforts.

Russian society is currently in a difficult situation due to the stalling of ongoing reforms, the crisis situation in the economy and social sphere, the destruction of the former, which for many have already become familiar way of life, the decline in living standards to a critical point, and a sharp revaluation of social and moral guidelines. In particular, there is a dangerous trend of income stratification, a striking polarization of poverty and wealth, and an increase in the number of disadvantaged families on the verge of poverty. There is a serious weakening of interest in productive work - an allergy to work, increased selfishness, greed and acquisitiveness, the spread of those negative manifestations of the market element, which are accompanied by speculative fraud, seizure of other people's property, quick but unjust enrichment, extortion, corruption, and criminal lawlessness.

In some regions, social tension is growing, contradictions are intensifying, leading to acute social and labor conflicts, and clashes on ethnic and religious grounds. The moral foundations of society and citizens are being undermined, which is fraught with moral degradation of people, an increase in feelings of fear and hopelessness, and a loss of confidence in the future.

Sociological research They also record the emotional state of Russians that is unfavorable for society. Thus, the results of a representative public survey conducted at the beginning of 1999 in all territorial-economic regions of the country showed that three-quarters of citizens regularly felt the injustice of what was happening around them, two-thirds of the population constantly felt shame for the state of affairs in their native country, and the same number did not could get rid of the feeling of the impossibility of continuing life in such conditions. Pessimistic sentiments also prevailed in the expectations of the respondents: 52% expressed fears for the future of their children, 48% - to be left without a livelihood, 37% - to get sick and find themselves without medicines and medical care, 32% - to lose their job, 30% - to become a possible victim crimes.

The spiritual and moral improvement of Russian society, overcoming the crisis of its trust in the authorities require, first of all, a clearly expressed ideal that can unite Russians and instill in them a spirit of constructive activity, strengthen legal culture and purity of moral aspirations.

Social policy of the state as a powerful force for social development is intended to play a key role in solving social problems facing a particular country. Carried out by the government, all branches and authorities, based on economic structures and public support, such a policy should accumulate, focus, reflect the situation in the country and the situation in society, the needs and goals of social development, contribute to the creation of optimal conditions for people’s lives, improve social ties, interactions and relationships between them, and implement social justice.

The main object of influence of social policy is the social sphere, directly related to the distribution of material and spiritual benefits, the satisfaction of a person’s specific needs, the quality and standard of his life, working conditions, life and leisure. This sphere covers a variety of relationships between individuals, social groups and strata as they arise for a specific historical moment, includes a number of industries national economy and the main elements of social infrastructure, including healthcare, education, science and culture institutions, health resort complex, sports and tourism industry, housing stock and public utilities. The social sphere absorbs the system social services population, social protection and guarantees for citizens established by the laws of the state and based on the traditions and customs of the inhabitants of a given country.

Contents and specific tasks social policy cover stimulating economic growth and subordinating production to the interests of consumption, strengthening labor motivation and business entrepreneurship, ensuring a guarantee of a certain standard of living and social protection of the population, preserving cultural and natural heritage, national identity and identity. To effectively carry out its social functions, the state has such effective levers as social legislation, the national budget, and the system of taxes and fees.

The practice of most countries confirms that, despite all the objective dependence of the solution of social problems on the economic and political situation of the state, social policy also has independence, is capable of helping to improve the level of well-being of the population through its own means, and have a stimulating influence on the desire of citizens for social progress. IN modern conditions it should be a priority for the power structures of any state.

Following generally accepted principles, the Constitution of our country (Article 7) declares that the Russian Federation - welfare state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. This involves labor protection and human health, a guaranteed minimum wage, state support for families, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens, the development of social services, the establishment of state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

The priority of social policy, as well as the social sphere, means, first of all, the search for real ways to a higher level of consumption, increased life expectancy, further development of education and culture, environmental well-being, and the inadmissibility of any attempts to curtail social programs and diminish guarantees. People in any country are not content with a minimum of social improvements, but hope for a completely prosperous, safe and civilized life. They want social policy to be promoted not by “willy-nilly humanism,” but by the lofty goal of bringing “ social minimum» to worthy person level.

But this is not the case everywhere. In a number of countries, including Russia, social policy is not yet a well-thought-out, conceptually verified regulatory instrument social relations and processes, a means of optimally linking the economy and the social sphere. In particular, there is a lack of understanding of the simple truth that low wages and incomes limit the demand for goods and services and deprive production of a capacious and solvent sales market. The social sphere is not a dependent at all, and social expenses are not irrecoverable costs, not a simple deduction from economic resources. They are absolutely necessary as investments in human capital, which ultimately result in increased productivity and quality of labor, and expanded consumption. Thus, a balanced social policy is very significant as a kind of investor, a stimulator of economic growth and the well-being of society.

In harsh market conditions, individual economic units and entrepreneurial structures cannot and are not able to fully engage in the social sphere. Authorities are intended to perform this most important function. It is the state, through its regulatory role, that is obliged to compensate and eliminate the shortcomings that were initially inherent in the market element, and to establish the “rules of the game.” It, in particular, without directly interfering in the management of enterprises, pricing and setting wages, has the opportunity and must, in accordance with the laws of the country, exercise control so that profit does not harm the social goals of the market economy, so that wages stipulated by agreements between employers and trade unions, increased in proportion to the growth of labor productivity, so that the labor market reacts to unemployment and reduces its scope, so that social payments are made in a timely manner and other social protection measures are taken.

Social policy does not come down to the state proclaiming social goals and declaring guarantees, but should be represented by a system of specific measures for their implementation, designed for the short-term (usually within a year), medium-term (three to five years) and long-term (ten or more years) perspective. . Regulation of the social sphere presupposes the purposeful functioning of various social institutions- systems of values, patterns and norms of behavior, branches and institutions state power, organs local government, trade unions, business associations and other public organizations.

In the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of institutional regulation of the social sphere, established by the Constitution of the country, provide for a unified state policy in the field of culture, science, education, healthcare, social security, and ecology. At the same time, most social policy issues are the subject of joint jurisdiction of the Federation and its constituent entities.

At the federal level, the functions of pursuing a unified policy in the social field should be performed by the government of the country. The ministries of health, culture, education, labor and social development and other levels also participate in the management of the social sphere public administration, designed to predict, plan, direct, coordinate the activities of relevant industries, enterprises and institutions. At the level of the constituent entities of the Federation (republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg), similar ministries, departments, administrations or departments are created. The management structures of cities and districts have their own departments for social issues.

An integral part The general system of goals and objectives of the state's social policy is regional policy in the social sphere. It must ensure equal quality and standard of living for the population in all regions of Russia. These regions, as a rule, coincide with the territories of the subjects of the Federation and have common natural, socio-economic, national-cultural and other conditions. Subjects of the Federation have a leading role in the development and implementation of regional social programs that take into account the level of socio-economic development of the territory, financial capabilities, demographic situation, natural and climatic conditions, national traditions and local characteristics of work, life, consumption of food, non-food goods and services.

For the success of the state's social policy, it is important that public agreement is achieved regarding its main guidelines and priorities. The harmonization of the interests of citizens and the state as a whole, the socio-psychological perception of mostly society, the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy and the social sphere, the interaction of participants in social partnership, which allows in a civilized way to solve problems of employment, improving conditions and remuneration, social protection of both workers and the entire population. This is the only way to achieve people’s trust in the government and mass support for its social policies.

Social policy of the Russian Federation for a number of reasons mentioned above in recent years does not enjoy the necessary support from citizens suffering from the excessive social costs of the reforms undertaken in the country. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Russians, negatively assessing the current situation, show a low degree of trust in the central and regional authorities, which, of course, cannot be a favorable background for the implementation of socio-economic transformations.

Currently, there is a tendency towards a change in the mood of Russians. Surveys in 2000 showed that 63% of the country's adult population (14% more than in 1999), while acknowledging difficulties, noted signs of improving living conditions. But restoring trust in the authorities, the obligations of the state, and achieving constructive agreement based on a common goal - a real and sustainable increase in people's well-being in accordance with available opportunities - are still relevant. Specific tasks are put forward, aimed, in particular, at making the costs of wages and social benefits protected, i.e. not subject to any reduction, move step by step to the targeted principle of social protection, actively introduce insurance methods to replenish sources of covering social expenses, strictly control the activities of social departments and social development funds.

The implementation of a set of measures for further reform of the economy and social sphere is presented the most important thing at all levels - national, sectoral, regional, local. This also applies to individual organizations. Of course, additional specification of social guidelines is needed here.

The biological factor influences the development process not directly, but indirectly. Hereditary and congenital characteristics represent only possibilities for future development of the individual. Its course largely depends on what environment, what system of living conditions and relationships the biological individual will be included in.

The concept of environment includes the entire set of conditions in which the development of an organism takes place.
The environment includes three components: natural, material (or objective) and social.
The natural environment consists of climate, vegetation, geographical conditions. Natural environment provides indirect influence through the lifestyle and work of adults. It is known that the games of children living in different continents, are different.

The material environment is represented by an artificial world created by man himself - this is household items, forming the immediate environment of a person, buildings, books, works of art, etc. In the course of his development, the child gradually masters the ways of using these things; objects around him contribute to the formation of ideas.

But the social environment is of greatest importance for development. The facts available in science prove that outside human society a baby cannot become a real person, a person.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Indian psychologist Reed Singh discovered in wolf pack two girls: eight and one and a half years old. The youngest died a year later, and the eldest lived to be 17 years old. Over the course of 9 years, she was almost weaned from wolfish habits, but the girl essentially never mastered speech; with great difficulty she used only about 40 words.

History has examples that, under appropriate environmental conditions, an individual can achieve high level development.

The expedition of the French scientist J. Velar discovered in a village lost in the depths of the forests of Central America, a little girl abandoned to the mercy of fate, who was later named Marie Yvonne. She belonged to the Guayaquil tribe - the most backward in the world. globe. The girl was brought to Paris and placed in school. Ultimately, she turned into an intelligent, highly educated, cultured woman.

The social environment is an interconnection of three components.

The macroenvironment consists of society, certain socio-economic and socio-political living conditions. Its influence is carried out mainly through means mass media, books, laws, rules established in society, through the requirements and assessment of morality and aesthetics.

The mesoenvironment includes the national-cultural and socio-demographic characteristics of the region in which the child lives.

Microenvironment is the social environment of a child’s life with which he is in direct contact (family environment, adult society, peer groups in various educational institutions and in the yard where the child lives). Interaction with these elements of the environment is of exceptional importance for the development of the child. What kind of people are included in the child’s microenvironment, what the content of their communication with the child is, what the nature of the relationship is, largely determines what personality traits will be formed in the child.

As the child grows up, he joins various contact groups.

The first and very significant, especially in the first years of life, microgroup is the family. Researchers, in particular E.V. Subbotsky1, have noted that the formation of a child’s personal qualities is largely determined by the uniqueness of the family microclimate: children raised in an atmosphere of goodwill and respect for the child’s personality have many advantages over children living in more unfavorable conditions.

Modern research shows that, unfortunately, negative trends are growing in families. For example, American psychologist W. Bronfenbrenner (data given from the book by L. F. Obukhova) points out that a tendency towards alienation in child-parent relationships is increasingly noted. Among the main reasons, he identifies the following: parents’ employment, an increase in the number of divorces, a low level of material well-being and, on the contrary, the achievements of civilization (separate bedrooms, televisions in every room, etc.). Similar trends have emerged in our society. This leads to the formalization of contacts (did you do your homework, did you eat) and impoverish the content of communication between parents and children.

At the same time, communication with adults is extremely important for the development of the child’s psyche. Research by N.M. Shchelovanova, N.M. Aksarina and many others indicate that lack of communication with parents and limited microenvironment are the reasons for such a phenomenon as hospitalism.

It is known that important achievement Infancy is considered to be the emergence of a need to communicate with people, which prompts him to seek contact with an adult. But this need does not arise or is extremely delayed during hospitalization. Children deprived of communication do not show interest in the world around them, are in a half-asleep state, and passively react to external signals.

With the expansion of the circle of relationships, with the child entering a preschool institution, another adult is included in his microenvironment - the teacher. The nature of the relationship with him and his assessment significantly affect the development of the child’s personality.

In addition, the child interacts with children, that is, the “child-child” system begins to stand out in the microenvironment. Ya. L. Kolominsky, T. A. Repina and others note the significant influence of a child’s communication with peers on the development of his personality. Through the attitude of peers towards him, an understanding, assessment of oneself, and the ability to relate one’s desires to the interests of other people are formed.

So at the beginning life path the child is included in the “child-mother (significant adults)” dyad. Then the “child-child” system is connected, which naturally changes in the process of development (kindergarten group, school class, extracurricular educational group, production team). At a certain stage of development, with the creation of a family, a return to the family environment occurs, but in a new capacity - as a parent. This is vertical axis human life.

But the movement of personality across groups also occurs horizontally. At every moment of life, a person finds himself involved in a complex system of various non-contact and contact communities. A unique situation of interpersonal interaction develops: role, status, nature of relationships, etc.

So, the environment, especially the social one, has a significant impact on mental development child. In different years of life, each of the environmental components has different importance. However, the influence of the environment is not absolute: the child not only experiences the influence, but also transforms the world himself. He interacts with the environment in the process of activity, both his own and organized by an adult. The expression of interaction is the activity of the child himself.

  • Analysis of the operating environment of the enterprise and its elements
  • Analysis of factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise
  • Budget surplus and budget deficit and their impact on the economy.
  • B 4. Vibration, physical characteristics, regulation and effect on the human body. Types of vibration protection.
  • B 4. Harmful substances, their classification, regulation, impact on the human body. MPC. Means and methods of protection against exposure to harmful substances on humans.
  • B 4. Microclimate of industrial premises, microclimate parameters and their impact on the human body. Methods for normalizing the microclimate.
  • In the field of land relations and environmental protection, municipal property management
  • Interaction of social service institutions with other institutions in the prevention of neglect and crime
  • The relationship between social intelligence and social competence
  • Social environment- these are, first of all, people united in various groups, with which each individual is in specific relationships, in a complex and diverse system of communication.

    Social environment, surrounding personality, has activity, influences a person, exerts pressure, regulates, subordinates to social control, captivates, “infects with appropriate “models” of behavior, encourages, and often forces, a certain direction of social behavior.

    Complex scientific knowledge, a person draws rich life experience and motives for his actions from a direct source, which is the social environment. Those opportunities that objectively exist in society that allow an individual to express himself as a person are brought to the fore. The content of this impact is that the realization of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual should occur on the basis of a combination of the interests of the entire society as a whole and each individual individually. This is possible only in a society where the free development of everyone is a condition for the free development of all. In addition to the state-social environment, social in the broad sense of the word, we should also highlight the microenvironment, which includes relationships that arise in a small social group, in a work collective, of which the individual, the totality is a member interpersonal relationships. Each personality has its own specific traits that distinguish it.

    Social orientations and attitudes

    Social behavior is oriented towards public values ​​and its results are of public importance. The incentives for this kind of behavior should be sought in social reality, although phenomenologically they are given in the aspirations and goals of the individual.

    Social behavior, like any other activity, begins with readiness, an attitude, which, along with all others, reflects social aspirations, goals, requirements and expectations. When analyzing a person’s social activity, this circumstance manifests itself in the presence of social tendencies in the individual. To understand the nature of personality, it is completely insufficient to know what information an individual has about culture, traditions, ideology and social relations. It is also necessary to take into account what orientations and attitudes he has in relation to these phenomena.

    The orientations and knowledge represented in the consciousness of the individual are closely related to each other. If knowledge reflects objects and phenomena of reality, then orientations express a person’s relationship to it. They set the tendency of human actions regarding these phenomena.

    Personal orientations are created in a person under the influence of individual needs and wants, while social orientations are determined by the demands of other people.

    Social attitudes defined as the mental experience of meaning, meaning, and value of a social object.

    The installation consists of three components:

    · descriptive knowledge;

    · attitude;

    · plans, behavior programs.

    Functions of the attitude: adaptive, protective, expressive (expresses the individual significance of cultural values), cognitive and the function of coordinating the entire cognitive system of mental processes.

    Changing an attitude usually has the goal of adding knowledge, changing attitudes, showing the consequences of changing views, opinions, etc.

    Stereotypes are one of the types of social attitudes. Knowledge about people, accumulated both in personal experience communication, as well as from other sources, are generalized and consolidated in people’s minds in the form of stable ideas - stereotypes. They are very widely used by people when assessing people, because they simplify and facilitate the process of cognition.

    Stereotypes are regulators of behavior. National stereotypes are the most studied. They record relations between ethnic groups, are part of national identity, and have a clear connection with national character. Stereotypes - spiritual education, formed in the minds of people, emotionally charged images that convey meanings, in which there are elements of description, evaluation and prescription.

    Thus, it is in the process of interaction between a person and the social environment that they influence each other, thereby each of them becomes a bearer and exponent of some social qualities. Thus, social connections, social interaction, social relationships and the way they are organized are the objects of modern research.

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    Abstract: Human social environment

    • Introduction


    Social environment is the social, material and spiritual conditions surrounding a person’s existence, formation and activity. In a broad sense (macroenvironment) covers society. - produces the economic system as a whole. forces, totality public relations and institutions, social consciousness, culture of a given society; IN in the narrow sense(microenvironment), being an element of the social environment as a whole, includes the immediate social environment of a person - family, work, educational and other teams and groups. The social environment has a decisive influence on the formation and development of personality. At the same time, under the influence creative activity, human activity changes, transforms, and in the process of these transformations people themselves change.

    Socio-psychological phenomena arise from the interaction of the social environment, the individual and the group. Therefore, when studying them, it is necessary, first of all, to form a fairly clear idea of ​​the social environment, of the individual and the group as subjects of these phenomena, and of general conditions their mutual influence and interaction.

    The social environment is everything that surrounds a person in his social life, serves as the object of his mental reflection - either direct or mediated by the results of the work of other people. Exposure to the wider population social factors a person experiences throughout his life. All of them, taken together, make up the social environment of the individual. But to designate the social factors that determine social life, Marxism uses the concept of “socio-economic formation”; why else the concept of “social environment”? Let's consider the relationship between these concepts.

    Social environment and socio-economic formation

    The concept of social environment denotes the specific uniqueness of social relations at a certain stage of their development. In this way it differs from the concept of socio-economic formation and complements it. The concept of social environment characterizes not the essence of social relations, but their specific manifestation. Capitalism as a socio-economic formation is subject to the same socio-economic laws. But, manifesting itself in specifically special forms, the action of these laws creates a specific social environment that differs from other social environments. It is in such a specific social environment that individuals and groups operate. And if historical figures and large groups (classes, nations) operate in a broad social environment, then the sphere of action of small groups and the individuals included in them is the microenvironment, the immediate social environment.

    A specific social environment appears in the psychological aspect as a set of relationships between individuals and groups. The relationship between the social environment and the individual has a rather significant element of subjectivity. If a class cannot change its place in the socio-economic formation without destroying itself as a class, then a person can change his place in the social environment, can move from one social environment to another and thereby construct, to a certain extent, his own social environment.

    Of course, personal mobility in the social environment is not absolute; it is limited by the objective framework of socio-economic relations, class structure society. Nevertheless, the activity of the individual, especially in relation to the microenvironment he chooses, cannot be underestimated. Practical significance This issue is revealed, in particular, when analyzing the causes of crime.

    The social environment in relation to the individual is of a relatively random nature. This randomness is especially great in psychological terms, since the character and characteristics of certain individuals leave their mark on their relationships. But even this randomness manifests itself only to certain limits. It is limited by the necessity of relations determined by a certain socio-economic system.

    It should be taken into account that the socio-economic formation is the highest abstraction of the system of social relations, where only global features. In the social environment, these elements of socio-economic formations are enlivened by a variety of aspects: demographic, ethnic, psychological, individual. Therefore, the structure of the social environment seems more confusing and more complicated than strictly logical structure socio-economic formation.

    The structure of the social environment cannot be a complete analogue of the structure of the socio-economic formation, its mirror image. Factors of an ethnic order, for example, belonging to a nationality, a nation, a particular ethnic group, as well as derived factors of ethnic consciousness, acting together, constitute integral elements of the social environment. At the same time, elements directly related to the socio-economic formation have a decisive influence on the social environment. The system of objective social relations constitutes, as it were, a framework on which small groups and individuals are located. The place of the group on this framework mainly determines the social environment of the individual.

    Thus, the social environment, to a first approximation, can be determined by the type of socio-economic formation. This is how the social environment characteristic of the primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and socialist systems differs. The nature of the influence of the social environment defined in this way on the individual and the group also differs. We speak with indignation, for example, about feudal-bai remnants in socialist reality. We angrily brand modern facts slave trade and slavery, realizing that they do not pass without leaving a trace on the consciousness of those who live in a similar social environment in some foreign countries.

    The class character of the social environment

    Within the types of social environment, distinguished by the type of socio-economic formation, the types should be distinguished depending on the place of the group in the structure of the formation. Here, first of all, the class social environment is distinguished by its place in a historically defined system social production. Thus, we distinguish between the bourgeois social environment, the proletarian social environment, etc. Since any social class is heterogeneous in its composition and is divided into certain layers, each layer has its own characteristic features of the social environment. This gives intra-class divisions of the social environment. In addition, there is a social environment of so-called declassed elements. Each of the noted types of social environment is characterized by certain psychological traits that leave their mark on individuals and groups of people.

    Finally, there is a group of characteristics that help to identify the type of social environment according to the division of labor. More or less clearly distinguished urban environment and rural environment; a social environment characterized by physical and mental labor, various types of activity - industrial, political, legal, scientific, artistic, with all the ensuing features of people's existence.

    social environment division of labor

    All these signs make up specific characteristics social environment affecting individual qualities personalities that leave their mark on their relationship.

    Closely related to the problem of the social environment is the problem of the individual’s lifestyle, small group. The social environment is a complex set of relationships. However, the individual can be involved with varying degrees of activity in these relationships. The totality of practical relationships to the social environment constitutes the individual’s way of life. More details about lifestyle will be discussed below. Now let's sum it up.

    So, the socio-economic formation in its historical, demographic, geographical and ethnic specificity forms a given social environment, giving rise to a particular way of life and, subsequently, a way of thinking and feeling.

    Consequently, socio-economic formation - social environment - lifestyle - personality - this is the fundamental diagram of the process of penetration of social relations into a person’s relationship with other people, the social into the individual, the path of socialization of the individual.

    It is not enough to say that the social environment shapes personality, as the French materialists of the 18th century said. It is necessary to carry this connection further - to the socio-economic formation, the method of production, as Marxism does. “We,” wrote G.V. Plekhanov, “not only say that a person with all his thoughts and feelings is a product of the social environment; we try to understand the genesis of this environment.” Concluding that ultimately “the properties of the social environment are determined by the state of the productive forces at each given time", Plekhanov explains: "Every given stage of development of the productive forces necessarily leads to a certain grouping of people in the social productive process, i.e. certain relations of production, i.e. a certain structure of the entire society. And once the structure of society is given, it is not difficult to understand that its character will be reflected in general on the entire psychology of people, on all their habits, morals, feelings, views, aspirations and ideals."

    The concept of social environment is widely used by modern bourgeois sociology and social psychology. However, the social environment is predominantly understood by them as a cultural environment, without connecting it with the productive activities of people, with the social-class structure of society, which ultimately leads to an idealistic interpretation of the role of the social environment in the formation of personality.

    As a result:

    The social environment is everything that surrounds a person in his social (public) life. This is, first of all, family, classmates, peers in the yard, and so on. Throughout his life, a person experiences the influence of social factors. In relation to human health, individual factors may be indifferent, may have a beneficial effect, or may cause harm - even death.

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    The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the social environment has a strong influence on a person and is, as it were, a source that feeds the development of the individual, instills in him social norms, values, roles, etc.

    The formation of personality occurs in the process of people assimilating the experience and value orientations of a given society, which is called socialization. A person learns to perform special social roles, i.e. learns to behave in accordance with the role of a child, student, employee, spouse, parent, etc.

    Social personality develops in the communication of people, starting with the primary forms of communication between mother and child. The child is constantly included in one form or another of social practice; and if its special organization is absent, then the educational influence on the child is exerted by its existing, traditionally developed forms, the result of which may be in conflict with the goals of education. The formation of a person as an individual requires from society constant and consciously organized improvement of the system public education, overcoming stagnant, traditional, spontaneously formed forms.

    The object of this work is the social environment, and the subject is the study of the influence of the social environment on the individual.

    Acting as both a subject and a result of social relations, a personality is formed through its active social actions, consciously transforming both the environment and itself in the process of purposeful activity. It is in the process of purposefully organized activity that the most important thing is formed in a person, defining him as developed personality need for the good of another.

    Under the influence of the behavioristic paradigm, this approach was born: any given individual develops in a certain environment by adapting to it. This environment represents for the individual a set of stimuli: physical, technical, social. Other people in relation to a given individual are also considered only as elements of the environment. The “individual-society” connection is essentially no different from the “organism-environment” connection. The same laws and the same principles apply here: adaptation, balancing, reinforcement, etc. It is true that the influences of the social environment are more complex (than the physical), as well as the responses of the individual.

    The purpose of this work is to consider the most important issues relating to the social environment and personality.

    The purpose of the work determines the formulation of the following tasks: consideration of the formation of conventional meanings, social roles, social activity, activities, social attitudes and personality orientations.

    1. Personality as a socio-cultural formation

    Personality is a system of socially significant qualities of an individual, a measure of mastery of them social values and his ability to realize these values.

    As a person, a person is characterized by the level of development of his consciousness, the correlation of his consciousness with social consciousness, which, in turn, is determined by the level of development of a given society.

    An essential aspect of a personality is its relationship to society, to individuals, to themselves and their social and labor responsibilities.

    A human being becomes a person only thanks to social heredity - thanks to the development of the experience of previous generations, enshrined in knowledge, traditions, objects of material and spiritual culture, in the system of social relations.

    But the formation of a person as an individual occurs only in specific social conditions. The requirements of society determine both the behavior patterns of people and the criteria for assessing their behavior.

    As a starting point for understanding the nature of personality, we can take the statement of A. N. Leontyev. Describing the subject of personality psychology, he wrote: “Personality ≠ individual; this is a special quality that is acquired by an individual in society, in the totality of relationships, social in nature, in which the individual is involved... Personality is a systemic and therefore “supersensible” quality, although the bearer of this quality is a completely sensual, bodily individual with all its generated and acquired properties."

    The essence of personality manifests itself when studying the position, position of a person in his relationships with other people, is revealed in his life goals and the motives behind them, in methods of behavior and means of action in relation to their general goals and objectives. The concept of personality is closely related to the concept of position and the related concepts of social role and social status.

    According to a widespread definition in psychology, a role is a program that corresponds to the expected behavior of a person in the structure of a particular social group; it is a given, unfree way of his participation in the life of society. Status determines the behavior of a person included in the system of established social relations, where a place and method of action, and a type of normative behavior are assigned to him. In a status system there are always norms that regulate our relationships and our actions.

    The concepts of status and role are relevant to the definition of personality. It is no coincidence that in everyday consciousness a person’s personality is identified with his social position, social status; a person is judged by his social actions, by his social role.

    A person’s place in social life can be given, prescribed to him by chance, birth, circumstances. A person’s place in life can be chosen, found, conquered by himself, according to his own will and free, conscious choice. In this case, they talk about the subject’s choice of position in life, about his personal self-determination. Position is the most holistic characterization person as an individual. A personality is a person who freely, independently and responsibly determines his place in life, in society, in culture. Therefore, personality is an entirely socio-cultural formation. You can also find the following definition: a person is a subject who has freely defined himself and developed his position in the space of culture and the time of history.

    2. Social environment and personality

    The social environment is, first of all, people united in various groups, with whom each individual is in specific relationships, in a complex and diverse system of communication. The social environment surrounding a person is active, influences a person, exerts pressure, regulates, subjects him to social control, captivates him, infects him with corresponding “models” of behavior, encourages, and often forces him to a certain direction of social behavior.

    A person draws a complex of scientific knowledge, rich life experience, and motives for his actions from a direct source, which is the social environment. Those opportunities that objectively exist in society that allow an individual to express himself as a person are brought to the fore. The content of this impact is that the realization of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual should occur on the basis of a combination of the interests of the entire society as a whole and each individual individually. This is possible only in a society where the free development of everyone is a condition for the free development of all. In addition to the state-social environment, social in the broad sense of the word, we should also highlight the microenvironment, which includes relationships that arise in a small social group, in a work collective of which the individual is a member, and a set of interpersonal relationships.

    It cannot be assumed that under the influence of the social environment in the broad sense of the word, a unification of representatives occurs, that they all become exactly the same. Each personality has its own specific traits that distinguish it.

    2.1. Formation of conventional meanings

    Each person's belief system regarding his environment consists of knowledge. Formation general knowledge turns out to be possible in part because all human beings share similar biological qualities. Physical world familiar to us mainly due to the influence on it, and agreement regarding the properties physical objects is achieved because by manipulating them, all people acquire similar experiences.

    General concepts of reality are based in part on the proper functioning of the sensory organs. Any disturbances in the flow of sensory processes make each person's perceptions more idiosyncratic, and the ability to achieve agreement is weakened.

    Similarity of biological characteristics, however, is unlikely to be sufficient to explain agreement in cases where the meanings of something that cannot be directly perceived or manipulated are at stake. A person acquires most conventional knowledge due to the fact that other people react to his behavior in a standard way. The meaning of most categories is clearly established by the fact that other people's reactions are institutionalized. Each adaptation of a person participating in organized groups is fixed into a habit and reinforced through social sanctions.

    The acquisition of conventional meanings is the learning of appropriate methods of recognizing and classifying objects and the development of accepted methods of action in relation to them. Most often, certain values ​​are acquired through the stable emotional reactions of other people.

    When a new person is included in a group, his behavior gradually approaches accepted standards - starting with crude imitation and little by little developing into conventional procedures.

    It is the systematic and monotonous reactions of other people that forms and fixes an individual’s behavior patterns. Meanings evolve in the process natural selection. Forms of behavior that enable a person to successfully adapt to existing conditions lives are preserved to become part of his orientation towards the world.

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