On what continent is Argentina located? Where is Argentina: detailed information about the country

Buenos Aires 20:11 25°C

Population of the country 41,343,201 people Territory 2,766,890 sq. km Part of the world South America Capital of Argentina Buenos Aires Money Peso (ARS) Domain zone.ar Country telephone code +54


Argentina has a relatively developed transport infrastructure. Considering the large territory of the country, airplanes are the most suitable look transport. They are convenient to use for moving both within the country and abroad.

Travel by long-distance minibuses is widespread within the republic. Such a trip is very comfortable and may include a number of additional services, depending on the duration of the upcoming trip. Traveling around the country by rail is not always convenient. This is due to the cancellation of many intercity routes due to their low profitability.

Climate: Mostly temperate. Dry in the southeast. Subantarctic in the southwest.

Sights of Argentina

Argentina is rich in attractions, both natural and cultural and historical. TO natural monuments include picturesque waterfalls, high majestic mountains, dense forests, wide steppes, endless deserted beaches.

The country's cultural and historical attractions are concentrated in its capital, Buenos Aires. There are: the Colon Opera House, the Metropolitan Cathedral, squares decorated with monumental obelisks and fountains, quiet parks, gardens and museums. On the banks of Riachuelo you can see original wooden houses painted in bright colors, and the legendary old cemetery of Recoleta, with many open-air sculptures, recalls the national cult of worship of death.

The historic city center contains ancient buildings, old churches, cobbled streets with lampposts, an antiques market and many cozy bars.

Terrain: Rich Plains in northern half. Patagonian plateau in the south. Andes along the western border


The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, is called the city of museums. And all because Argentines are very proud of their history and the presence of 120 museums does not surprise them at all.

Particularly popular among museums National Museum history, representing the history of the country from the 16th to the 20th centuries and providing a colorful panorama of Argentine life. A cinematic museum featuring the history of Argentine cinema and a collection of over 600 films.

Football Museum in Argentina, was the first of its kind in America to showcase the best moments in 20th century football using cutting-edge audio and display technologies. visual perception. There are a large number of museums in the city various directions that can interest any visitor to this country.

Resources: Fertile plains, lead, zinc, tin, copper, iron ore, manganese, petroleum, uranium.


Resorts in Argentina are distinguished by their diversity, but their main feature is the beauty of the local nature. Among them are ski and sea resorts.

Ski season in Argentina starts in mid-June. Until mid-October you can enjoy skiing on numerous scenic trails with varying difficulty. All ski resorts are well equipped. There are good hotels, convenient ski lifts and well-groomed areas.

Argentines sympathize with Russians because of severe frosts that they have to endure.

Argentina's seaside resorts are not so popular like skiing because of the water Pacific Ocean cool. The water temperature in the season does not exceed 22 degrees. Miramar and Mar del Plata are resorts with beach holidays, a temperate climate and good infrastructure.

Money of Argentina: The national currency is the Peso (ARS) – 100 centavos. The currencies in use are 1, 5, 20, 50 and 100 pesos. National Bank issues coins: 1, 10, 20 and 50 centavos. In large shopping centers, restaurants and hotels you can pay with Eurocard, American Express, Master Card and Visa.


Argentina is a country with a considerable number of hotels in all its corners, for every taste and with different pricing policy. All hotels are of good quality and comfortable. The price per room varies depending on the location and the availability of additional services, but it is worth noting that the ratio between price and quality is always perfectly maintained.

An umbrella opened into a room brings bad luck. Therefore, doing this is strictly prohibited.

A large number of tourists come to Argentina every year, including people with varying incomes, marital status, of different ages And different concepts about the ideal hotel. It is always possible to find a hotel that will meet your needs and specific requirements, thanks to the variety of offers in this unique country. Leaving Argentina, your holiday impressions will remain unforgettable.


The organization of leisure time in Argentina is at a high level - cinemas, museums, casinos, nightclubs, restaurants, theaters, sports facilities and much more - will always help you have an interesting time. But the beauty of nature is unforgettable.

There are more than 10 national parks on the territory of the state, among which are two of the most significant. Iguazu National Park is recognized as one of the wonders of the world. There are 275 waterfalls on its territory, including the largest waterfall on the continent - Iguazu and a cascade of waterfalls consisting of 14 separate ones - Gargante del Diablo. Los Glaciares National Park is located in the Andes on the border with Chile and is famous for its glacier called Perito Moreno. It protrudes 60 meters out of the water and moves 2 meters per day. The glacier crumbles and its fragments fall into the lake with a roar.

Standard of living

Argentina is one of the most urbanized countries in Latin America, where 87% of the total population lives in cities. Argentina is ahead of many Latin American countries in terms of socio-economic indicators of living standards.

Society includes: a class of entrepreneurs, numerous middle class, a well-organized working class and peasantry. A special important group of the population that influences the life of the country is the “estancieros”. These are farmers who own large livestock farms. It is worth noting that the standard of living in the city differs from the way of life outside the big cities. 77 years old - that's it average life expectancy of the republic's inhabitants.

Pope Francis once worked as a bouncer in a bar in Buenos Aires.

Major cities in Argentina

Among the major cities of Argentina, the most significant is undoubtedly Buenos Aires, a giant city with a population of about 13 million people. This metropolis is recognized as one of the most elegant cities in the world and this is explained by the fact that its central part was built according to the designs of the best architects in France. The beauty of the buildings' architecture, wide streets, parks and gardens are brief characteristics cities. Buenos Aires is the capital of the state, the largest cultural and industrial center. More than a third of the country's total population lives in it.

The city of Cordoba is a large industrial center, Rosario is a port city on the river. The city of Paraná is home to more than one million people, and half a million people are Salta, nearest city to the equator, located at an altitude of 1100 meters.



Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires FO

34.61315 x -58.37723

Province of Cordoba

31.4135 x -64.18105

Province of Santa Fe

32.94682 x -60.63932

Province of Mendoza

32.89084 x -68.82717

San Miguel de Tucuman

Province of Tucuman

26.82414 x -65.2226

Province of Buenos Aires

34.92145 x -57.95453

Mar del Plata

Province of Buenos Aires

38.00228 x -57.55754

Province of Buenos Aires

34.72418 x -58.25265

24.7859 x -65.41166

Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz

Province of Santa Fe

31.63333 x -60.7

San Juan

Province of San Juan

Water resources

In the east and south, Argentina is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The northeast of the country is crossed by the Parana River, the second largest in South America.

Neighbor states

In the north and northeast it borders with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the east with Uruguay, in the south and west with Chile.


The climate in Argentina varies from subtropical in the north to humid tropical in the center of the country and temperate in the south. The Andes regions are characterized by rainy weather and floods in the summer season, intense heat, snow cover in mountainous areas and dry hot winds, which are called Sundas. In lowland areas, heavy rain often falls over impenetrable rainforests and savannas. The amount of precipitation decreases from east to west. The average temperature in January is +5C, in July from +20C to +22C


In area (2,780.4 thousand sq. km) it is second only to Brazil.


Buenos Aires


In July 2003, Argentina's population was estimated at 38.74 million people. Life expectancy is 71.72 years for men and 79.44 years for women. This territory is dominated by one ethnic group - whites (mainly Spaniards and Italians), who make up 97% of the population. Unlike some other countries in South America, the Caucasian element dominates - the descendants of Spanish colonists and emigrants from European countries. The remaining 3% are mestizos, American Indians and other non-white groups.


Spanish, Italian, French, English, German and Portuguese are also common.

Administrative structure

Argentina is a federal republic and is divided into 23 provinces and one federal district Buenos Aires.


Argentine Peso. 1$ = 3 AP. In large shopping centers, hotels, and restaurants, American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards are accepted for payment.

Political structure

In accordance with the Constitution of Argentina, the country has a republican form of government and representative political system, with a moderate role of the federal government (about the same as in the United States, which in many ways served as a model for Argentina). However, unlike the United States, in Argentina the provinces do not participate in the adoption of constitutional amendments. The president is the head of the executive branch of the country and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, appoints the government (cabinet of ministers) and determines its functions; appoints heads of state-owned enterprises, as well as judges and ambassadors, with their subsequent confirmation by the Senate; defines foreign policy; has the right of veto in matters of legislation; in the event of a threat of military attack, can declare (with the approval of the Senate) martial law, temporarily restricting certain civil liberties. Legislative power in Argentina belongs to the National Congress, which consists of the Chamber of Deputies (257 members) and the Senate (72 members).


90% of the population profess the Catholic religion, which has always played an important role in social and political life countries. The constitution guarantees citizens freedom of religion, but the Roman Catholic Church has long enjoyed a privileged position in the country. The constitutional reform of 1994 abolished many of the remaining forms of state trusteeship of the church, and also abolished the requirement that the president and vice-president be members of the Catholic Church; However, even after this, the constitution retained a provision obliging the federal government to “maintain the Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith.”

Internet domains.ar

Important phone numbers

Telephone code: +54

Time zone UTC−3

Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the South American mainland, the eastern part of the Tierra del Fuego island and the nearby Estados islands. The length of Argentina from North to South is about 3800 km. and about 1400 km. from west to east. In the South and West, Argentina borders with Chile, in the north with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the northeast and east with Brazil and Uruguay. The southeastern border of Argentina is delineated Atlantic Ocean, and its border with Chile in the West and South-West is determined by the Andes.

Area - 2.8 million square meters. km. divisible by three landscape areas: mountainous west, and vast, mostly flat north and east, stepped plateaus of Patagonia in the south. The western border runs entirely along the Andes. The Patagonian Andes, which form the natural border between Argentina and Chile, are low and do not exceed 3600 m. In the north, the border with Bolivia and part of the border with Chile passes through the main ridge of the Andes. There is the highest peak of this mountain range Aconcagua (6960 m). Other peaks are Ojos del Salado (6893m), Tupungato (6800m) and Mercedario (6770m). To the east of the Andes lies a vast valley. The north of this valley makes up the region known as the Gran Chaco. To the south of the Gran Chaco is the fertile pampa. Further south, in Patagonia, there are dry steppes. The main rivers of the country: Parana, Paraguay (the main tributary of the Parana), Rio del Plata, Rio Colorado, Rio Salado, Rio Negro. The lakes are concentrated mainly at the foot of the Patagonian Alps.

Official language: Spanish.
Capital: Buenos Aires.
Largest cities: Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario.
Form of government: Presidential republic.


38.4 million people More than 85% of Argentines are of European descent and are descendants of Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Germans, Slavs and other Europeans. The Indian population, often already mixed with whites, makes up about 15% of the population, and previously numerous nations and tribes such as Mapuches, Collas, Tobas, Matacos, now make up only 1.5% of the country's population and live on extreme south and the north of the country.


Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Argentina for up to 90 days. All you need is a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into the country, air tickets and a voucher.


The official language is Spanish. Common languages: Italian, German, French, English.


90% of Argentina's population is Catholic.


It lags behind Moscow by 7 hours in summer, and by 6 hours in winter.
Electrical voltage: 220 V.
Telephone code: 8-10-54


Argentina is distinguished by a real weather kaleidoscope, since it is located in several climatic zones ah: from the subtropics to Antarctica. The average January temperature in Buenos Aires ranges from 17° C to 29° C, average temperature July - from 6° C to 14° C. Among the natural attractions of the country: picturesque lakes in the resort area of ​​Barilo-che and Iguazu Falls.

Recommendation: before you go on a trip, you should think about your route. Season in Argentina - all year round. Just take note: the air temperature drops from north to south, and the amount of precipitation decreases from east to west.

Summer in Argentina is from October to March. We can say that there is no ideal time to travel to Argentina, but it is still better to travel during the specified period.

Diverse Argentina

Argentina attracts travelers not only with tango and football. Its beauty lies in its unique location. You can visit humid subtropical forests and deserts, see majestic mountains and fantastic waterfalls. This - amazing country, combining various types rest. Beach holiday, coastline Argentina has a length of more than 2500 km. The largest beach resorts in Argentina are Maar del Plata and Miramir. The high season lasts here from December to February.

Argentina also has all the opportunities for diving. The best places for scuba diving are undoubtedly Puerto Madryn and Valdos Island. There are many beautiful underwater parks with unique flora and fauna. More experienced divers prefer scuba diving in the Tierra del Fuego area. The ocean floor in this place is lined with colonies of white sponges, which creates a complete illusion snow cover. The best time for diving in Argentina is from March to September.

Argentina is also great for ski lovers. The most famous local ski resort is San Carlos De Bariloche, located in Patagonia, within the Nahuel Huapi National Park. You can climb to the beginning of the ski slopes in the lift cabin. It is better to come on holiday to Bariloche in summer time, when unique opportunities are created here for walking through the myrtle grove, fishing, hunting, and hiking.

Winter sports are widespread in Argentina. Fans of snowboarding or cross-country skiing prefer to stay at the Bajo resort.

Climbers from all over the world come to Argentina. Classic mountaineering routes are ascents to the Lanin (3776 m) and Tronador (3554 m) volcanoes.

Therapeutic tours to Argentina are in great demand, because it is here that the world-famous balneological resort Terma de Copaju.

Ecotourism is another area of ​​the Argentine tourism industry for which there are all opportunities. Virgin nature has been preserved in many areas of the country. There are about 20 national parks in Argentina. The most famous of them are the protected areas of the Chaco Plain and the Ibero, Los Cadenos, Rio Pilcomayo, El Palmar de Colon and others.

Banking and currency exchange

The currency of Argentina is the New Argentine Peso (P, ARS), equal to 100 centavos. Banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 pesos, coins of 1, 2 and 5 pesos, as well as 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 centavos are in circulation. The US dollar is in almost universal, albeit semi-official, circulation.
Banks and exchange offices in Argentina are open from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 15.00.

Argentine currency can be exchanged in all banks and major shopping centers, hotels and specialized exchange offices. Most banks and exchange offices use a ticket system - instead of standing in line, you get a ticket with a number and then simply wait for the line to arrive. This procedure takes quite a lot of time.

At large retail outlets, gas stations, hotels and restaurants in the capital, American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards are accepted for payment. Traveler's checks can be exchanged at banks or exchange offices (usually there is a better rate here). To avoid additional exchange costs, it is recommended to take traveler's checks in US dollars with you. In the provinces, the use of non-cash means of payment is problematic. Shopping by credit card sometimes they cost a little more.


Transport in Argentina is based primarily on a network of highways, with relatively inexpensive bus passenger routes to long distances, as well as routes for the transportation of goods. The country has several national and international airports. Usage railway transport has decreased today. In cities, the main passenger mode of transport is the bus or colectivo (Spanish: colectivo), Buenos Aires has the only metro in the country. A commuter train network connects the capital into Greater Buenos Aires.

Taxis in Argentina are quite common and affordable, but differ in color in each city. In Buenos Aires, for example, they are black and yellow. There are on-call taxis or so-called “radio taxis”. There are free remis taxis, they are similar to on-call taxis, but have a variety of designs in terms of design. The fare is negotiated in advance (in person or through a center called Remiseria), although quite often the fare is fixed and not regulated (unlike taxis) by the state.

How to get there

There are no direct flights from Russia to Argentina. You can get there by making a transfer at the airport to one of the Western European countries. All planes arrive at the same time international airport, located 47 km from Buenos Aires (Ministro Pistarini). To travel within the country, tourists use the services of local airlines, rail or road transport. All intercity buses are equipped with dry closets and air conditioning.


Argentina is a fairly safe country. In the capital and other large cities, there is a risk of encountering fraud (this is especially common when exchanging currency) or petty theft; in rural areas of the country, theft or deception of a guest is unthinkable from a moral point of view. It is recommended to follow basic safety rules - do not carry large amount money and jewelry, do not display expensive photo and video equipment, and do not leave things unattended.

Medicine and treatment

International medical insurance is recommended. The country's medical system has two types of healthcare - free, which provides assistance only in case of a threat to life, and paid insurance, which provides the entire range of medical services not included in emergency care.

Level medical care quite high, although outside Buenos Aires it decreases noticeably. International insurance allows you to take advantage of the full range of medical services.


There are no special vaccinations required to enter the country.

Argentina cuisine

When you go on holiday to Argentina, you will definitely appreciate the rich Argentine cuisine. If there is a paradise for meat eaters, then it is in Argentina, since meat is the basis of Argentinean cuisine. The national dish of Argentina, parrilla, is a mixture of steak, sausages and offal that is cooked on the grill. Argentines also have a unique way of cutting meat, so that the shape of each piece will be different from the previous one. The main dishes are bife de chorizo ​​(a huge 5cm thick steak), bife de lomo (grilled ribs), bife de costilla (pulp in sauce) and simple chorizo ​​(delicious pork sausage). Other dishes that are equally beloved by Argentines include puchero (stew), tartas (vegetarian pies) and empanadas del horno.

In the lake region of Patagonia, trout is very tasty. Vegetarian cuisine appeared only a quarter of a century ago, so such restaurants exist only in large cities.


Mate is the national pride of Argentina, one of its symbols.

Mate - hot drink, brewed from the dried leaves of a shrub that grows in the jungle along Argentina's border with Paraguay and Brazil. The first to appreciate the taste and magical properties of this plant were the Guarani Indians who lived in these places. It is not surprising that the best mate in the world can only be tasted here, in the drink’s homeland, because the technology for its preparation has been perfected in Argentina for centuries.

As for the most popular alcoholic drinks in Argentina, they are wine and beer. This country is considered one of the leading wine producers. Dry red wines are especially good, such as Lopez, Weinert, Orfila, Sutter, San Felipe, Etchart, Navarro Correas and Nieto Senetiner.

Excursions in Argentina

A large selection of excursions in the capital of Argentina, Buens Aires.

You can see the Plaza de Mayo, the Metropolitan Cathedral, which houses the tomb of José da San Martin, the country's national hero during the struggle for independence, 9th of July Avenue - the largest shopping area in the world; visit the famous Colon Theater - the center of opera and ballet throughout South America; visit the capital's museums – Museum natural sciences, Museum fine arts, International art gallery, Museo Fernandez Blanco (Museum of Colonial Art), National Museum of Art, Museum of Cinema, National historical museum.

The most popular excursions in Buens Aires are the Fiesta Gaucho and the Tango Show, entertainment performances in which the country's best dancers participate. These shows are a kind of introduction to the life, cuisine, customs and music of gauchos (Argentine cowboys).
No less interesting is an excursion to Cordoba, the second largest city in Argentina, which from an architectural point of view is in many ways superior to the capital. In the center of the city there are beautiful ensembles of buildings from colonial times - the old market, the Catholic Cathedral and much more. One of the best historical museums in Argentina is open in Cordoba.

The most interesting are the excursions that will introduce you to the natural attractions of Argentina. These are excursions to national parks- Nahuel Huapi, Los Glaciares, Lanin, Iguazu.

Ocean cruises to Cape Horn, Antarctica and Patagonia are especially popular among tourists.

Also interesting are the colorful Italian suburb of La Boca and the resort of Mar del Plata, 400 km away. south of Buenos Aires, famous for its fossil museum and botanical garden.


January 1 - New Year.
March-April - Easter and Easter holidays.
April 4 is Malvinas Islands Day.
May 1 is Labor Day.
May 25 is the anniversary of the May Revolution.
June 20 is National Flag Day.
July 9 is Independence Day.
August 17 is the anniversary of the death of General José de San Martin.
October 12 is America's Day (Columbus Day).
December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.
December 25—Christmas.


For many tourists, shopping is an integral part of their vacation.

The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, offers you a shopping experience that sells exceptional, high-quality products - leather goods, gemstones and clothing from brand names such as Gucci, Dior, etc.
Gifts typically include wicker rugs, gaucho souvenirs, sheepskins, wines, guitars, art, handicrafts, mate drinking utensils such as gourds and bombillas (a metal straw with a filter at the base) and vicuna wool clothing (a high-quality wool made from similar Lama creature). In Argentina, you can also buy a pair of gaucho trousers - bombachas, or ponchos. In Buenos Aires, most of the upscale shops are located along Calle Florida and Avenida Santa Fe, where you can buy leather clothes and shoes, or order an exclusive suit.

Also for lovers of shopping tours, the city has many markets and department stores. You can haggle a little and get what you had your eye on at the department store for a better price on the market. Palermo Viejo is often recommended as an area with wonderful boutiques, where they sell only talented designers, make bespoke suits and are famous for chic lingerie and accessories.

Store opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 19.30, on Saturday stores are open from 9.00 to 13.00.

The country's name comes from the Spanish argento, meaning "silver".

Capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires.

Argentina area. 2766890 km2.

Population of Argentina. 43.42 million people (

Argentina GDP. $540.2 mlr. (

Location of Argentina. Argentina is a country in. In the west it borders with Chile, in the north - with Paraguay and, in the east - with Uruguay. In the southeast it is washed by waters.

Administrative divisions of Argentina. The state is divided into 22 provinces, a federal (capital) district and a national territory.

Argentina form of government. Republic.

Head of State of Argentina. President, elected for 6 years.

Supreme legislative body of Argentina. Bicameral Parliament - National Congress (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).

Higher executive body Argentina. Cabinet of Ministers.

Major cities in Argentina. Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata, Salta, Mendoza.

Official language of Argentina. Spanish.

Religion of Argentina. The vast majority of the population are followers of the Roman Church - 92%.

Ethnic composition of Argentina. 85% - (mainly and their descendants) 15% - mestizos.

Argentina climate. The climate in Argentina is varied, which is due to the length of the state from north to south for 3,700 km. Traditionally, 6 climatic zones are distinguished: Cuyo and the north-west, Mesopotamia and the north-east region, Chaco, Pampas, Patagonia and the lake region, Tierra del Fuego islands. In Mesopotamia (the so-called territory between the rivers and) there is a climate characterized by very hot summers. In Patagonia (the area south of the Rio Colorado) it is also arid. Tierra del Fuego is characterized by a mild marine. In winter, southern ones (Pampiers) cause frosts even in the north of the state. In Patagonia, frosts reach -33 °C. decrease from east to west from 1400-1600 to 100-300 mm per year, on the eastern slopes of the Andes 2000-5000 mm fall.

Flora of Argentina. The territory of Argentina is covered with humid, subtropical forests(palm, rosewood, tannin). Eucalyptus, sycamore, and acacia trees were introduced. At the foot of the Andes, spruce, pine, cedar, and cypress are common.

Fauna of Argentina. Representatives of the fauna of Argentina - monkeys, jaguar, puma, ocelot, llama, armadillo, anteater, tapir, fox. Among the birds inhabited are the ostrich rhea, flamingos, parrots, hummingbirds, hawks, falcons, and partridges.

Sights of Argentina. In Buenos Aires - Congress building, National Museum of Fine Arts, Museum contemporary art, Film Museum, National History Museum, colonial architecture, many beautiful parks. The symbols of Argentina are gauchos (cowboys), tango, and the drink mate.

Useful information for tourists

It is customary to give tips, which amount to 5-10% of the bill for service; in expensive establishments they are often already included in the bill.


(Argentine Republic)

Geographical location. Argentina is a country in South America, bordered by Chile in the east, Bolivia and Paraguay in the north, and Brazil and Uruguay in the west. From the southwest, Argentina is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Square. The territory of Argentina occupies 2,780,092 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires. Largest cities: Buenos Aires (12,750 thousand people), Cordoba (1,250 thousand people), Rosario (1,000 thousand people), La Plata (630 thousand people), Mar del Plata (600 thousand people), Salta 420 thousand people), Mendoza (160 thousand people). Argentina is a federation consisting of 22 provinces, the Federal (Capital) District and national territory Tierra del Fuego.

State system

Argentina is a republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is the bicameral National Congress.

Relief. Eastern part Argentina is flat, in the west there are the Andes, in the southwest there is the Patagonian Plateau.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of lead, zinc, tin, copper, iron ore, oil, uranium.

Climate. Argentina stretches from north to south, hence the variety of climatic and weather conditions. It is traditional to distinguish 6 climatic zones in Argentina: Cuyo and the Andes in the northwest; Mesopotamia and northeastern region; Chaco; Pampas; Patagonia and Lakes Region; Tierra del Fuego islands. Mesopotamia, the area between the Uruguay and Paraná rivers, is an area with a subtropical climate, where the weather is very hot in summer. Patagonia is the name of the region south of the Rio Colorado. In general, the climate of Patagonia is temperate and arid, and farms subsist on the moisture of rivers flowing from mountain glaciers. Tierra del Fuego is an area with a mild maritime climate. Average January temperatures: on the plains of Argentina fluctuate around +30°C; in Gran Chaco, at the “heat pole” of South America, they reach +46°C; in Pampa +20-24°С; on Tierra del Fuego up to + 10°C. In July, respectively: +18°C, +8°C, + 12°C. In winter, southern winds (pampers) cause frosts even in the north of Argentina (down to -10°C). In Patagonia, frosts reach -33°C. The annual precipitation in the northeast of the country is 1600 mm, in Gran Chaco 400-1400 mm, in the east of Pampa about 1000 mm, in Patagonia 100 - 300 mm, in Pune less than 100 mm. Most high level precipitation - on the slopes of the Andes. Here it is over 2,000 mm and can reach up to 5,000 mm.

Inland waters. The main rivers are the Parana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chubut, Rio Ne Gro, Rio Colorado.

Soils and vegetation. Wet meadow steppes, savannas, subtropical forests (mainly in the mountains).

Animal world. In Argentina there are monkeys, jaguar, puma, ocelot, llama, armadillo, anteater, tapir, fox, among the birds are the ostrich rhea, flamingo, parrots, hummingbirds, hawk, falcon, partridge.

Population and language

Argentina's population is approximately 36.265 million. The territory of modern Argentina, before its conquest by the Spaniards, was inhabited by numerous Indian tribes of the Diaguites, Guaycuros, Abipons, Guaranis, Charruz, Querandis, Arau-Canans, Tuelche, Una and Yana. As the kingdom of La Plata (one of the first names of Argentina) was settled, the local population mixed with arriving colonists from Europe and African slaves. Descendants from marriages of whites with Indians began to be called mestizos, from marriages of whites with mulatto blacks, from marriages of Indians and Sambo blacks. Starting from the second half of the 19th century V. A large number of immigrants from European countries entered the country. As a result of the urbanization process, more than a third of Argentina's population (about 32 million people) now lives in the so-called Greater Buenos Aires (meaning the capital and its surroundings). The official language of Argentina is Spanish, which is spoken by almost the entire population of the country. Some ethnic communities retain their national linguistic traditions. There are many bilinguals among Indians. In total, up to 17 Indian languages ​​are still used in Argentina. The Spanish language of the Argentines differs in pronunciation characteristics both from the Spanish language of the peoples of countries neighboring Argentina, and from the language of the indigenous Spaniards.


The dominant religion in Argentina since the country's colonization has remained the Roman Catholic Church.

Brief historical essay

In 1516, a Spanish expedition led by Juan de Solis discovered the mouth of the river, which later received the name Rio de La Plata. Four years later, La Plata was explored by the expedition of F. Magellan. The main motive that guided the Spaniards during their travels was gold. In 1526, during the third Spanish expedition led by Cabot, the conquistadors heard rumors about the existence of rich lands in the depths of the continent - the “empire of the white king” and the “silver mountain”. In search of these lands, Cabot and his companions decided to move inland along the bed of the La Plata River, and then along the Parana. On June 9, 1527, on the banks of the Parana, the Spaniards founded the first fort on the land of the future Argentina - Sancti Spiritus (Fort of the Holy Spirit). The Spaniards, who did not hide the purpose of their travels, met stubborn resistance from the Indians. In 1534, in Spain, at the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Seville, there was an exhibition of jewelry acquired by the Spaniards during their campaigns in the lands of the Aztecs and Incas. Impressed by what he saw at the exhibition, the wealthy Spanish merchant Pedro de Mendoza led new expedition to the shores of La Plata. Mendoza was appointed governor of the "new lands". The number of the expedition reached 1,500 people. These were settlers who brought with them livestock and grain seeds. Mendoza had the power to seize lands and found cities and fortresses. In 1536, the Spaniards reached the mouth of La Plata, where they founded the city of Buenos Aires. The first name of the city is Puerto San ta Maria de Buenos Aires, which means Port of Our Lady Good Winds. On August 15, 1537, the city of Asuncion was founded, which soon became a major stronghold of the Spaniards. Local population At first, the newcomers were greeted warmly. The Indians brought a lot of game and fish. Then relations deteriorated and hostilities began. The Spaniards managed to subjugate the agricultural tribes of the Guarani, and the Querandi Indians entered the war and managed to inflict several significant defeats on the Spaniards: many forts were destroyed, including Buenos Aires (1541). After Juan de Garay took charge of the Spanish troops, the colonists began to win victories, founded Buenos Aires a second time, founded the new fortress of Santa Fe, advanced along the banks of the Parana inland, and founded the city of Corientes (1588).

The conquest of Argentine lands also came from the Pacific Ocean, from across the Cordillera. The detachments traveling east from Chile set themselves the task of conquering the Cuyo region, inhabited by the Huarp Indian tribes. Overcoming the resistance of the Indians, the Spaniards founded the cities of Mendoza (1561), San Juan (1562), and San Luis in the inland provinces of the country. The missions of the Catholic Church played a major role in the development of new lands. In 1609, the Spanish king issued a decree allowing the establishment of Jesuit missions in Latin America. With the help of the Jesuits, the governors created so-called reductions in the territories they occupied. This is a territorial-administrative entity reminiscent of reservations for the Indians of North America.

The first decades of the 19th century. brought serious changes in the balance of power on the European continent, which affected the state of affairs in the colonies. England, deprived of markets in Europe and having lost its North American colonies, tried to establish itself in South America. Taking advantage of the depressing situation Spanish court, the British in 1806 sent a squadron to the shores of Argentina. On June 27, an English landing force of 1,500 - 1,600 people managed to capture Buenos Aires. Until July next year armed struggle continued between regular English units and detachments of Argentines, led by the captain of the army of the Spanish king Santiago de Ligne and the wealthy Creole Juan Martin Pueyredon. On July 7, 1807, General Whitelock signed the act of surrender. English troops. Political processes, which took place over the next ten years, led to the fact that La Plata was proclaimed independent state. This happened in 1816, and then came the period internal confrontation between the two main parties: Federalists and Unitarians.

According to the Constitution of 1833, Argentina became a single state with presidential rule, uniting 3 provinces: Pampas, Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) and Cordoba. A significant leap in the development of the Argentine economy occurred after the country was built railways, connecting the country's agricultural areas with industrial centers. By 1929, a crisis socio-economic situation had developed in Buenos Aires and other cities of the country, and then a military junta replaced the civilian government. Stabilization in economic life Argentina after World War II is associated with the name of Juan Domingo Perón, who was elected president in 1946 and re-elected to a second term in 1952. In 1955, the military came to power again, and the next presidential elections took place only in 1973. In these elections, Hector Campora, a supporter of Peron’s line, won. 1976-1983 were named years " dirty war" Wanting to neutralize the growing protest from the majority of the population, military government decided to take an extreme step: a war was started with Great Britain over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). After losing the war in 1983, the Argentines elected a new president, Raul Alfonsin.

Brief Economic Sketch

Argentina is an industrial-agrarian country with highly commercial agriculture. Extraction of lead and zinc, oil and natural gas, uranium and other ores. Food (mainly meat processing), textile, leather and footwear industries, mechanical engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Oil refining and petrochemistry. IN agriculture dominates large landholding. Main crops: wheat, corn, barley, oats, sunflower. Fruit growing. The main branches of livestock farming are cattle breeding and meat and wool sheep breeding. Fishing. Export of agricultural products (meat, wool, leather, grain).

The currency is the Argentine Peso.

Brief essay culture

Art and architecture. Works of ancient Indian art have survived to this day - painted and figured ceramics, petroglyphs, fabrics with geometric patterns, feather jewelry, religious sculpture made of wood, stone, and clay. During the period of colonization, the official forms of religious painting, sculpture, and wood carving predominated. Of the secular genres of painting, only portraiture became widespread. The modern architectural appearance of Argentine cities bears the imprint of a four-century history of colonization. In the 18th century Argentine architecture experienced strong influence from the European Baroque side. After the proclamation of Argentina as an independent state, a period began when modern European movements dominated in art and architecture.

Buenos Aires. Congressional Building (1906); National Museum of Fine Arts (paintings by world-famous artists - Renoir, Rodin, Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, as well as works by Argentine authors); Museum of Modern Art (the collection of paintings of this museum includes works by Dali and Picasso); Cinema Museum; National Historical Museum.

Literature. X. L. Borges (1899-1986) - writer, one of the founders of avant-gardeism in Spanish-American poetry (collections of poems “The Creator”, “Another, Still the Same”, “Cryptography” (1981), author of short stories and prose miniatures, full of intellectual metaphors (collections “Fictions”, “Aleph”); ").

Music. The folk music of Argentina is dominated by Creole folklore. Argentine dances are the most famous. Of the ancient ones, the most popular are triste, estilo, topo, cueca, etc. Of the more recent ones, tango. On becoming musical culture Argentina in the XIX-XX centuries. strongly influenced by the musical traditions of France.

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