The scientific picture of the world as a fundamental category of science. Scientific picture of the world: structure, functions, paradigmatic nature of the picture of the world

"Picture of the World" called established on specific stage development of mankind a set of ideas about the structure surrounding a person reality, ways of its functioning and development.

The picture of the world is formed, on the one hand, as component worldview, and, on the other hand, based on the original ideological principles and integrating the knowledge and experience accumulated by humanity.

The picture of the world is a complex structured integrity, including the conceptual part of the picture of the world and a set of visual images of culture, man, and his place in the world. These components are combined in the picture of the world in a way specific to a given era, ethnic group or subculture.

The picture of the world is formed both in the mind individual person, and in the public consciousness, which explains different projections world in existing paintings.

Distinguish religious, scientific and philosophical pictures of the world. Their fundamental differences are determined by two positions: 1) the main problem solved by each of these pictures of the world and 2) the main ideas that they propose to solve their problem.

RCM problems: The relationship between God and man

RKM ideas: Divine creation of the world and man

FCM problems: The relationship between the world and man.

FKM ideas: monism, dualism and pluralism; dialectics and metaphysics; eclecticism; reductionism; mechanism; the question of the relationship of thinking to being.

NCM problems: Synthesis and generalization of heterogeneous, sometimes contradictory, parts of knowledge into a single, logically consistent whole

NCM ideas: The world, as a set of natural processes, develops according to its own laws, objective and specific for each of these processes.

Religious World Picture (RPP)

- a set of the most common religious ideas about the world, its origin, structure and future. Main sign RCM - division of the world into supernatural and natural, with absolute domination the first over the second.

The Creator creates the world “out of nothing”; before the act of creation there was nothing but God (creationism). Absolute existence cannot be known by man in a rational way, because the Creator’s plan cannot be accessible to the creation. Man in RCM is given the role of a child who is loved, encouraged and elevated as he strives and strives to get closer to the Creator and live according to his instructions. In different religious denominations, RCM differs in details, but common to them is the principle of providentialism, the divine predestination of created being and its imperfection.

A religious answer to the question “Why do I live?” is to save the soul.

RCM is developed by theologians.

Scientific picture of the world (SPM) - special shape systematization of knowledge, qualitative generalization and ideological synthesis of various scientific theories.

Being a holistic system of ideas about general properties and the laws of the objective world, the scientific picture of the world exists as complex structure, which includes as components general scientific picture of the world And pictures of the world of individual sciences(physical, biological, geological, etc.). Pictures of the world of individual sciences, in turn, include corresponding numerous concepts - certain ways of understanding and interpreting any objects, phenomena and processes of the objective world that exist in each individual science

Features of NCM:

1. The scientific picture of the world will differ from religious ideas about the world based on the authority of the prophets, religious tradition, sacred texts etc.

Religious ideas are more conservative in contrast to scientific ones, which change as a result of the discovery of new facts. In turn, religious concepts of the universe can change in order to get closer to scientific views of its time. At the heart of receiving scientific picture the world lies experiment, which allows you to confirm the reliability of certain judgments. The religious picture of the world is based on belief in the truth of certain judgments belonging to some authority.

2. The scientific picture of the world also differs from the worldview characteristic of everyday or artistic perception world, using everyday/artistic language to designate objects and phenomena of the world.

Art man creates artistic images world based on the synthesis of his subjective (emotional perception) and objective (dispassionate) comprehension, while a man of science is focused on exclusively objective and with the help critical thinking eliminates subjectivity from research results. Emotional perception is right-hemisphere (figurative), while logical scientific basis, abstractions, generalizations - left-hemisphere.

Philosophical picture of the world gives a very general idea of ​​it. The FCM created within the ontology determines the main content of the individual’s worldview, social group, society. Being a rational-theoretical way of understanding the world, the philosophical worldview is abstract in nature and reflects the world in extremely general concepts and categories.

Hence , FKM is a set of generalized, system-organized and theoretically substantiated ideas about the world in its integral unity and the place of man in it.

Features of FKM:

1. Unlike RCM, FCM always relies on NCM as a reliable foundation.

Cosmocentric The FCM of antiquity was fully consistent with the natural philosophical level of development of ancient science.

For formation natural philosophy and anthropocentrism Revival had powerful influence heliocentrism of N. Copernicus and G. Bruno.

Mechanistic model of the world arose from classical mechanics I. Newton and was based on the philosophical principles of the unity of the world, as well as the laws and concepts of mechanics (mass, particle, force, energy, inertia).

Her replacement dialectical, relativistic QM built on a scientific foundation quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity, and now the principles of global evolutionism and synergetics form its foundation.

2. Each stage of the developing FCM puts before science and philosophy the task of understanding certain concepts, deepening, clarifying or fundamentally new definition of the content of fundamental philosophical categories, through which FCM is built.

3. The philosophical picture of the world breaks up into multiple, pluralistic pictures.

Main features of the modern scientific picture of the world

Many theories that collectively describe known to man the world is synthesized into a single scientific picture of the world, i.e. a holistic system of ideas about general principles and the laws of the structure of the universe. Our world consists of different scale open systems, the development of which is subject to general laws.

The main features of the modern scientific picture of the world are presented below.

Systematicity means recognition modern science the fact that any object of the material world (atom, planet, organism or galaxy) represents complex education, which includes components organized into integrity. The largest system known to us is the Universe. The systemic effect manifests itself in the appearance of new properties in an integral system that arise as a result of the interaction of its elements (for example, the formation of molecules from atoms). The most important characteristic systemic organization is hierarchy, subordination, i.e. sequential inclusion of lower-level systems into higher-level systems. Each element of any subsystem turns out to be connected with all elements of other subsystems (man - biosphere - planet Earth - solar system– Galaxy, etc.). All parts of the surrounding world are closely interconnected.

Global(universal) evolutionism recognition of the impossibility of the existence of the Universe and all smaller-scale structures without development. Each component part of the world is a historical consequence of the global evolutionary process begun by the Big Bang. The idea of ​​evolution originated in the 19th century. and sounded most strongly in Charles Darwin’s teaching on the origin of species. However evolutionary theory limited only to the plant and animal world, classical basic sciences, first of all, physics and astronomy, which form the basis of Newton’s mechanistic model of the world, remained aloof from evolutionary doctrine. The universe seemed balanced and unchanging. The appearance of nonequilibrium formations with a noticeable organization (galaxies, planetary systems etc.) was explained by random local changes. The situation changed at the beginning of this century with the discovery of expansion, i.e. nonstationary nature of the Universe. This will be discussed below.

Currently, the ideas of evolution have penetrated into all areas of natural science. Until a certain time the problem of origin various elements chemists did not care; it was believed that the diversity of the periodic table had always existed in an unchanged form. However, the concept big bang pointed to historical sequence the appearance of various elements in the Universe. The process of creating complex molecular compounds also traces the ideas of evolution and mechanism natural selection. From more than 100 chemical elements The basis of living things is made up of only six: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Of the 8 million known chemical compounds 96% are organic compounds, based on the same 6-18 elements. From the remaining elements, nature created no more than 300 thousand organic compounds. Such a striking discrepancy cannot be explained by the varying abundance of chemical elements on Earth and even in Space. There is a completely obvious selection of those elements whose properties (energy intensity, strength of the bonds formed, ease of their redistribution, etc.) give an advantage when moving to more high level complexity and orderliness of matter. The same selection mechanism can be traced in the next round of evolution: out of many millions of organic compounds, only a few hundred are used in the construction of biological systems, out of 100 known amino acids, only 20 are used by nature in the construction of protein molecules of living organisms, etc.

In general, natural science has the right to formulate the slogan: “Everything that exists is the result of evolution.” On the description driving forces The evolution of any objects in our world is claimed by a new interdisciplinary direction - synergetics.

Self-organization is the observed ability of matter to become more complex and create more and more ordered structures in the course of evolution. Transition mechanism material systems into a more complex and ordered state, apparently, there is a single algorithm for systems at all levels.

Historicity is the recognition by modern science of the fundamental incompleteness of the present and any other picture of the world. Over time, the universe evolves, human society, change value orientations and strategy scientific research. These processes occur on different time scales, however, their mutual overlap makes the task of creating an absolutely true scientific picture of the world practically impossible.

Security questions

1. How do philosophy, culture and religion relate to each other?

2. Material, spiritual and social culture. How do these forms of culture relate to each other?

3. What are some examples? different approach to the assessment of the same phenomena you know? Why natural science knowledge is more objective than the humanities?

4. What is the confrontation between the two cultures? Will the gap between “physicists” and “lyricists” continue to widen?

5. When did science begin? What do the terms “science as” mean? social institution” and “science as an activity of single scientists”?

6. What is social conditions science? How do you assess these conditions in our country? Abroad?

7. What properties should scientific knowledge have? What is its practical value? What research, in your opinion, should be funded first: applied or fundamental?

8. How do you understand the activity of the subject? What, in your opinion, are the motivations for engaging in scientific activities?

The scientific picture of the world (SPW) includes the most important achievements of science that create a certain understanding of the world and man’s place in it. It does not include more specific information about the properties of various natural systems, or about the details of the cognitive process itself.

Unlike strict theories, the scientific picture of the world has the necessary clarity.

The scientific picture of the world is a special form of systematization of knowledge, mainly its qualitative generalization, ideological synthesis of various scientific theories.

In the history of science, scientific pictures of the world did not remain unchanged, but replaced each other, thus we can talk about evolution scientific pictures of the world. The most obvious evolution seems to be physical pictures peace: natural philosophy - until the 16th - 17th centuries, mechanistic - until the second half of the 19th century, thermodynamic (within the framework of mechanistic theory) in the 19th century, relativistic and quantum mechanical in the 20th century. The figure schematically shows the development and change of scientific pictures of the world in physics.

Physical pictures of the World

There are general scientific pictures of the world and pictures of the world from the point of view of individual sciences, for example, physical, biological, etc.

From the history of scientific ideas Primitive knowledge

Primitive culture is syncretic - undivided. It closely intertwines cognitive, aesthetic, objective-practical and other types of activities. The following story is interesting. A group of European travelers got lost in the Central Australian desert. The situation in those conditions is tragic. The guide, an aborigine, reassured the travelers: “I have never been to this area before, but I know its… song.” Following the words of the song, he led the travelers to the source. This example clearly illustrates the unity of science, art and everyday experience.


In the primitive era individual parties, aspects of the world were generalized not in concepts, but in sensory-concrete, visual images. The set of interconnected similar visual images represented a mythological picture of the world.

Myth is a way of generalizing the world in the form of visual images.

Myth carries within itself not only a certain generalization and understanding of the world, but also an experience of the world, a certain attitude.

The primitive myth was not only told, but also reproduced through ritual actions: dances, rituals, sacrifices. By performing ritual actions, a person maintained contact with those forces (beings) that created the world.

Mythological consciousness was gradually transformed by rational forms. The transition to scientific knowledge of the world required the emergence of qualitatively new, in comparison with mythological, ideas about the world. In such a non-mythological world, there are not anthropomorphic, but processes independent of people and Gods.

Milesian school

Natural science begins when the question is formulated: is there a certain unified principle behind the diversity of things? The emergence of European science is usually associated with the Milesian school. Its historical merit consisted in posing the first and most important natural scientific problem - the problem of origin. Representatives of the Milesian school - Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes - were both the first natural scientists and the first philosophers.

Thales of Miletus entered the history of science both as a philosopher and as a mathematician who put forward the idea of ​​mathematical proof. The idea of ​​mathematical proof is the greatest achievement of ancient Greek thinkers.


Plato proposed the existence of two realities, two worlds. The first world is a world of many individual, changing, moving things, a material world that is reflected by human feelings. The second world is the world of eternal, general and unchanging entities, the world general ideas, which is comprehended by the mind.

An idea is what is seen by the mind in a thing. This is a kind of constructive beginning, a generative model. These are the old mythological Gods translated into philosophical language. An idea is something general concept, some generalization.

None of the Gods and heroes lived in the world of ideas. The world of ideas is primary in relation to the world of sensory things. Material world derived from the ideal.

In order to understand the world, we try to create a general knowledge from private knowledge about the phenomena and laws of nature - a scientific picture of the world. Its content is the basic ideas of the natural sciences, principles, patterns, not isolated from each other, but constituting the unity of knowledge about nature, defining the style of scientific thinking at this stage of the development of science and culture of mankind.

In each period of human development, a scientific picture of the world is formed, which reflects the objective world with the accuracy and adequacy that the achievements of science and practice allow. In addition, the picture of the world also contains something that has not yet been proven by science at this stage, i.e. some hypotheses

Science itself goes through three main stages in its development: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical, which reflected the change in the concept of the scientific picture of the world in the process of the development of science.

1 . Classical science (XVII-XIX centuries). The dominant type of knowledge is classical mechanics.

a) S –Ср - [О]. The object of knowledge must be described in a “pure” form.

b) science is visual

c) the world is qualitatively homogeneous; all his bodies consist of the same material substance; There are only quantitative differences between bodies. The laws of heaven and earthly worlds are the same.

d) hard (“Laplacian”) determinism is affirmed, built on the recognition of unambiguous cause-and-effect relationships. Randomness was seen as a form of ignorance

e) the world is fundamentally knowable: ultimately, one can find the absolute truth, that is, obtain complete complete knowledge about the world.

f) an anti-evolutionist attitude dominates in science. Matter is an inert, non-evolving substance; Exists final limit divisibility of matter

2. Non-classical science (end of the 19th century - last third of the 20th century), appear relativistic physics and quantum mechanics.

a) S – [Ср - О]. The description of the object of cognition must also include a description of the means of cognition.

b) science is losing the principle of clarity. Increasingly, science deals with mathematical description,

c) the world begins to be viewed as a multi-level system in which there is a microworld described by statistical probabilistic laws, there is a macroworld described by classical mechanics and a megaworld described by relativistic physics.

d) chance is a form of manifestation and addition of necessity. And besides, chance is considered as a factor that takes place along with necessity.

e) there is no absolute truth, reality is so multifaceted and changeable that all theories can only be relative, each theory is a moment of truth. The principle of complementary concepts is spreading.

e) Evolutionary idea becomes the norm and ideal scientific explanation in biology, geology, social systems, but in physics knowledge continues to be built, abstracted from the idea of ​​evolution.

3 . Post-non-classical science (last third of the 20th century - present). The dominant paradigmatic ideas are the ideas of evolution, self-organization and systematicity, on the basis of which the modern universal scientific picture of the world is being formed.

A) . The object of knowledge cannot be described not only without the means and methods of knowledge, but also without taking into account social goals and internal scientific knowledge.

b) strengthening the role of interdisciplinary research.

c) an organic combination of experimental and theoretical, fundamental and applied knowledge,

d) methodological pluralism (many different equal, independent and irreducible methodologies)

e) truth is considered not only as relative and concrete, but also as conventional.

f) it is not physics that takes first place, but biology and anthropology.

As can be seen from these stages, the scientific picture of the world is refined and developed over many centuries - penetration into the essence of natural phenomena is an endless, unlimited process, since matter is inexhaustible. With the development of science, people's ideas about nature become more profound and adequate, more and more reflecting the true, real state of the surrounding world.

Modern scientific picture of the world

The basis for the formation of the modern picture of the world was provided by a series of discoveries at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries: the discovery of the complex structure of the atom, the phenomenon of radioactivity, the discrete nature of electromagnetic radiation, etc.

Fundamentals new painting world:

a) general and special theory relativity (the new theory of space and time has led to the fact that all reference systems have become equal, therefore all our ideas make sense only in a certain reference system. The picture of the world has acquired a relative, relative character, key ideas about space, time, causality, continuity have changed, the unambiguous opposition of subject and object was rejected, perception turned out to be dependent on the frame of reference, which includes both subject and object, the method of observation, etc.)

b) quantum mechanics (it revealed the probabilistic nature of the laws of the microworld and the irremovable wave-particle duality in the very foundations of matter). It became clear that it would never be possible to create an absolutely complete and reliable scientific picture of the world; any of them has only relative truth.

The advent of quantum mechanics led to a huge revolution not only in physics, but also in related disciplines. Quantum theory helped the development of semiconductor technology, without which modern electronics is completely unthinkable, and also contributed to the creation of quantum radiation generators - lasers, which are firmly established in daily life person. The most important consequence of discoveries in quantum physics, the theory of relativity and nuclear physics- mastery of nuclear energy.

It is also worth noting the emergence of new revolutionary theories. For example, string theory, which combines the ideas of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity and is based on the hypothesis that all elementary particles and their fundamental interactions arise as a result of oscillations and interactions of ultramicroscopic quantum strings on scales on the order of the Planck length of 10 −35 m.

Within the framework of the new picture of the world, revolutions took place in the private sciences and the emergence of a number of new interdisciplinary areas (synergetics, astrophysics, genetics, cybernetics).

Cosmology and astrophysics . The most impressive achievement of physics in the mid-20th century, which has enormous consequences for worldview and philosophy, is the discovery of the expansion of the Universe, and subsequently the discovery of the existence of the “beginning of the Universe” - the Big Bang. The existence of dark matter and dark energy was discovered - matter and energy invisible with modern instruments, which, however, participates in gravitational interaction. Dark matter and energy makes up the overwhelming share in the mass of matter in the Universe and determines its evolution and future fate. An impressive manifestation of dark energy has been discovered - the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. Predicted black holes and planets in other solar systems have been discovered

Synergetics . No less important role The theory of self-organization (synergetics) plays a role in the formation of a new scientific picture of the world. Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​scientific research, the task of which is to study natural phenomena and processes based on the principles of self-organization of systems. It studies any self-organizing systems consisting of many subsystems (electrons, atoms, molecules, cells, neurons, organs, complex multicellular organisms, humans, communities of people). Synergetics has established the universal interconnectedness of the world and the multivariate development of systems.

Thus, throughout the 20th century, science greatly changed its appearance, which caused the creation of a new modern picture of the world

Scientific picture of the world (SPM) - system general ideas about the fundamental properties and laws of the universe, arising and developing on the basis of generalization and synthesis of the basic scientific facts, concepts and principles.

NCM consists of two permanent components:

  • conceptual component includes philosophical principles and categories (for example, the principle of determinism, the concepts of matter, motion, space, time, etc.), general scientific principles and concepts (the law of conservation and transformation of energy, the principle of relativity, the concepts of mass, charge, black body, etc. .)
  • sensory-figurative component - is a set of visual representations of world phenomena and processes in the form of models of objects scientific knowledge, their images, descriptions, etc. It is necessary to distinguish NCM from the picture of the world based on the synthesis of general human ideas about the world, developed by different spheres of culture

The main difference between NCM and pre-scientific (natural philosophy) and extra-scientific (for example, religious) is that it is created on the basis of a certain scientific theory(or theories) and fundamental principles and categories of philosophy.

As science develops, it produces several varieties of scientific knowledge, which differ in the level of generalization of the system of scientific knowledge : general scientific picture of the world (or simply NCM), picture of the world of a certain field of science (natural science picture of the world), picture of the world of a separate complex of sciences (physical, astronomical, biological picture of the world, etc.).

Ideas about the properties and features of the nature around us arise on the basis of the knowledge that in every historical period give us various sciences, studying various processes and natural phenomena. Since nature is something unified and whole, since knowledge about it must be holistic, i.e. represent a certain system. This system of scientific knowledge about nature has long been called Natural Science. Previously, Natural Science included all the relatively small knowledge that was known about Nature, but already from the Renaissance, its individual branches and disciplines emerged and became isolated, and the process of differentiation began scientific knowledge. It is clear that not all this knowledge is equally important for understanding the nature around us.

To emphasize the fundamental nature of the basic and most important knowledge about nature, scientists introduced the concept of a natural scientific picture of the world, which is understood as a system of the most important principles and laws that underlie the world around us. The term “picture of the world” itself indicates that we're talking about here is not about a piece or fragment of knowledge, but about whole system. As a rule, in the formation of such a picture the most important acquire concepts and theories of the most developed branches of natural science in a certain historical period, which are put forward as its leaders. There is no doubt that the leading sciences leave their mark on the ideas and scientific worldview of scientists of the corresponding era.

But this does not mean that other sciences do not participate in the formation of a picture of nature. In fact, it arises as a result of the synthesis of fundamental discoveries and research results from all branches and disciplines of natural science.

Existing picture nature, depicted by natural science, in turn has an impact on other branches of science, including social and humanitarian ones. This impact is expressed in the dissemination of concepts, standards and criteria for the scientific nature of natural science to other branches of scientific knowledge. Typically, it is the concepts and methods of the natural sciences and the natural scientific picture of the world as a whole that largely determine the scientific climate of science. In close interaction with the development of natural sciences since the 16th century. mathematics developed, which created such powerful mathematical methods, like differential and integral calculus.

However, without taking into account the results of research on economic, social and humanities our knowledge of the world as a whole will be deliberately incomplete and limited. Therefore it is necessary to distinguish natural science picture of the world, which is formed from the achievements and results of knowledge of the natural sciences, and the picture of the world as a whole, which includes as a necessary addition essential concepts and principles of social science.

Our course is about concepts modern natural science and accordingly, we will consider the scientific picture of nature as it was historically formed in the process of development of natural science. However, even before the appearance scientific ideas About nature, people thought about the world around them, its structure and origin. Such ideas initially appeared in the form of myths and were passed on from one generation to another. According to ancient myths, all visible ordered and organized world, which in antiquity was called the cosmos, came from a disorganized world, or disordered chaos.

In ancient natural philosophy, in particular in Aristotle (384-322 BC), similar views were reflected in the division of the world into a perfect heavenly “cosmos”, which for the ancient Greeks meant any orderliness, organization, perfection, consistency and even military order. It was precisely this kind of perfection and organization that was attributed to the heavenly world.

With the advent of experimental natural science and scientific astronomy in the Renaissance, the obvious inconsistency of such ideas was shown. New views on the world around us began to be based on the results and conclusions of the natural sciences of the corresponding era and therefore began to be called the natural scientific picture of the world.

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