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Vision is one of the main human senses, so it should be protected from a young age. In our age modern technologies People are increasingly having vision problems, and they are also affecting children. school age. The most common causes of visual impairment in schoolchildren and early development They have diseases such as myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, and abuse of computer games and watching cartoons on TV. Instead of walking on fresh air, active recreation and dosed reading, children spend all their free time in front of the monitor, which cannot but affect their visual organs. Negative influence computer on the vision of schoolchildren is that the eye muscles, which are not yet strong, become very tired from prolonged strain. If this happens regularly, then vision begins to rapidly decline.

However, this can be avoided by introducing restrictions on the computer and TV, alternating intense eye work (doing homework, reading) with rest. Also, ophthalmologists strongly recommend performing eye exercises for schoolchildren, both at home and at school. Protecting the vision of schoolchildren is very important, since myopia, as a rule, is very difficult to treat.

Gymnastics for the eyes is the most suitable method for the prevention of visual impairment in younger schoolchildren, since if you teach a child to do these exercises at an early age, it will become very good habit. If your schoolchild already has any visual impairments, then visual gymnastics should be performed. Regular eye exercises will stop the decline in vision, which for schoolchildren often ends with the prescription of glasses. Exercises should be done 2-3 times a day, devoting 10-15 minutes to it. During these activities, the eye muscles relax and rest, and the subsequent load on the eyes is perceived much easier. Such eye exercises are useful not only for schoolchildren; it will not hurt adults, especially those whose work involves daily “communication” with a computer.

The exercises described below are aimed at relieving tension from the eye muscles, training them, as well as increasing accommodation and improving blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes. Each of them should be repeated several times (first 2-3 times, then, when the child already knows what to do - 5-7 times). When voicing exercises to your child, be sure to do them with him: clear example Sometimes it works better than any words.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

1 Oh, how long have we been writing?

The guys' eyes are tired.

(Blink your eyes)

Look all out the window

(look left and right)

Oh how high the sun is

(look up)

We'll close our eyes now,

(cover your eyes with your palms)

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go up the rainbow

(Look in an arc up - left and up - right)

Let's turn left and right

And then we'll slide down

(Look down)

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on

(Close your eyes. Open and blink them)

2. "Butterfly"

The flower was sleeping

(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids,

lightly pressing them clockwise and counterclockwise)

And suddenly I woke up

(Blink your eyes)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(Raise your hands up - inhale. Look at your hands.)

He perked up, stretched,

(Arms bent to the sides - exhale)

He soared up and flew.

(Shake your hands, look left and right.)

3 . Once my eyes are tired.

Your eyes need a rest

Everyone should know this.

There are exactly five exercises,

It's important to remember everything.

Exercise one –

Move the books to the edge of the desk.

(While sitting, lean back on your desk, do deep breath,

then lean forward onto the desk lid, exhale.)

The exercise is like this

Repeat after me five times.

Exercise two -

Train your eyes.

(Lean back on your desk, close your eyelids,

close your eyes tightly, open your eyes.)

Let's do everything at once

Repeat four times.

Exercise three.

Do it with us, don't rush.

(While sitting, put your hands on your waist, turn your head to the right,

look at the elbow of your right hand, turn your head to the left,

look at the elbow of your left hand, return to I. p.)

Repeat five times

Relaxing the eye muscles.

Four per exercise

You need to spend a lot of strength.

(While sitting, look in front of you, look at the chalkboard for 2-3 seconds.

Extend the finger of your left hand along midline face at a distance of 5-20 cm from the eyes. Move your gaze to the end of your finger and look at it for 3-5 seconds, then lower your hand.)

Repeat 5-6 times

Everything will work out for you.

Exercise five

It needs to be done clearly.

(While sitting, stretch your arms forward, look at the ends of your fingers.

Raise your hands up - inhale, follow your hands with your eyes,

without raising your head, lower your arms (exhale).)

4. A set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes.

1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Extend your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes

without turning your head, follow the slow movements of your index finger

finger of an outstretched hand left and right, up and down. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Look at index finger with an outstretched arm, on the count of 1-4, then move your gaze into the distance on the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, and the same amount to the left side. Relax your eye muscles and look into the distance while counting 1-6. Repeat 1-2 times.

6. Eye exercise: “Owl”

For “one” - open your eyes wide.

On “two” - close your eyes tightly. (3 times)

7. "Fly"

Circular rotation of the eyes in one direction and the other (5 times each)

5. Preventive exercises for the eyes:

1). -15 oscillatory movements eyes horizontally to the right -

left, left - right.

15 oscillatory movements of the eyes vertically: up and down,

down - up.

15 rotational movements eyes from left to right.

15 rotational eye movements to the right, then to the left

sides - "eight".

2). “Hands behind your back, heads back”

Hands behind the back, heads back.

(Close your eyes, relax.)

Let your eyes look at the ceiling.

(Open your eyes, look up.)

Let's lower our heads and look at the desk. (Down.)

And again up - where is the fly flying? (Up.)

Let's turn our eyes and look for her. (To the sides.)

And we read again. A little more.

3).Eye exercises (set 1)

I. p. - sitting at a desk.

2. Movements of the eyeballs.

- eyes to the right - up.

- eyes to the left - up.

- eyes to the right - down.

- eyes to the left - down.

Repeat 3-4 times. Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 s.

3. Self-massage.

Rub your palms. Close your eyes, put your palms on your eyes,

fingers together. Hold for 1 s.

Palms on the table

Open your eyes.

4). Eye exercises (set 2)

Repeat 2 times.

2. Look into the distance. Close your eyes for 5-6 s. Open, view

to the tip of the nose. Close your eyes for 5-6 s, open your eyes. Repeat

3-4 times.


Close your eyes and do your lungs circular movements

with the pads of two fingers, stroking the brow ridges for 20-30 s.

Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 s. Open your eyes.

5). Eye exercises (set 3)

1. Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 s. Open your eyes. Repeat 2-3 times.

2.Close your eyes. Perform circular eye movements

apples with eyes closed right and left.

Repeat 2-3 times in each direction.

3.Blink your eyes. Repeat 5-6 times.

6).Eye exercises (set 4)

1. Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 s. Open your eyes.

Repeat 2 times.

2.Close and open your eyes, squeezing your eyelids tightly.

Repeat 5-6 times.

3.Close your eyes, relax your eyelids, 10-15 s.

4. Blink your eyes quickly. Close your eyes.

Imagine the sea, forest. Rest 10-15 s.

Open your eyes.

6. Exercises to relieve eye fatigue.

1. Rub palm against palm.

Close your eyes and place your palms on them.

2. Cross your arms in front of you, clench your hands into a fist,

thumb up.

Close your eyes and swipe three times thumb left hand

By right side, A right hand- field side

brow ridges from the bridge of the nose to the end of the eyebrows.

7. Exercise to strengthen the eye muscles and enhance vision.

(Children sit on chairs, back straight, legs under their feet rest on the floor, head in one position, only the eye muscles work.)

Let's do it, friends, now

Exercise for the eyes.

We looked to the right, to the left,

Everyone's eyes brightened up.

Bottom up and top down.

You, crystal, don’t be angry,

Look at the ceiling

Find a corner there.

To make the muscles stronger,

We look diagonally.

We will not take a compass,

Let's draw a circle with our eyes.

Now let's write the words.

Whose letters will be higher?

“Dad”, “Mom”, “house”, “grass” -

We can see it outside our window.

Look outside the window.

What do you see there in the distance?

And now to the tip of the nose.

Repeat this eight times -

The eye will see better.

The eyes thank us.

We are all told to blink.

We blink our eyes smoothly,

Then we close our eyes.

To have more strength.

They put their palms on them.

(Children cover their eyes with their palms and hold them there until they feel the body from their hands with their eyes.)

One, two. three, four, five

You can open your eyes!

8. Exercise to strengthen the eye muscles.

Helps children do the exercise sunny bunny(the presenter uses a mirror). Children perform each movement 6-8 times.

Little eyes, little eyes, where have you been?

We went to visit the bunnies.

We saw the rabbits and quickly began to catch up.

Left - right, left - right,

Little eyes move around to the left, one after another.

Right - left, right - left

The eyes ran boldly.

From bottom to top, and from top to bottom -

They sat down on the ledge.

And then we write eights:

We blink our eyes smoothly,

We close our eyes forcefully.

Let's repeat it all again

And we close our eyes with our hand.

Let's look at the nose, then into the distance.

What a pity for lazy children:

They didn't want to play with us -

Their eyes hurt.

(Children pronounce the last two lines while exhaling, forming correct breathing.)

Vision is one of the main human senses, so it should be protected from a young age. In our age of modern technology, people are increasingly experiencing vision problems, and they also appear in school-age children. The most common causes of visual impairment in schoolchildren and the early development of diseases such as myopia, astigmatism, and strabismus are the abuse of computer games and watching cartoons on TV. Instead of walks in the fresh air, active recreation and dosed reading, children spend all their free time in front of the monitor, which cannot but affect their visual organs. The negative impact of the computer on the vision of schoolchildren is that the eye muscles, which are not yet strong, become very tired from prolonged strain. If this happens regularly, then vision begins to rapidly decline.

However, this can be avoided by introducing restrictions on the computer and TV, alternating intense eye work (doing homework, reading) with rest. Also, ophthalmologists strongly recommend performing eye exercises for schoolchildren, both at home and at school. Protecting the vision of schoolchildren is very important, since myopia, as a rule, is very difficult to treat.

Eye gymnastics is the most suitable method for preventing visual impairment in primary schoolchildren, since if you teach a child to do these exercises at an early age, it will become a very useful habit. If your schoolchild already has any visual impairments, then visual gymnastics should be performed. Regular eye exercises will stop the decline in vision, which for schoolchildren often ends with the prescription of glasses. Exercises should be done 2-3 times a day, devoting 10-15 minutes to it. During these activities, the eye muscles relax and rest, and the subsequent load on the eyes is perceived much easier. Such eye exercises are useful not only for schoolchildren; it will not hurt adults, especially those whose work involves daily “communication” with a computer.

The exercises described below are aimed at relieving tension from the eye muscles, training them, as well as increasing accommodation and improving blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes. Each of them should be repeated several times (first 2-3 times, then, when the child already knows what to do - 5-7 times). When voicing exercises to your child, be sure to do them with him: a clear example sometimes works better than any words.

Gymnastics for the eyes, designed to be performed by primary schoolchildren and children attending kindergarten, may include game elements. For example, these exercises can be written in poetry and, including as an audio recording, performed by the whole team.

Hello, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents! Perhaps the main component of the child’s development process is the accumulation of various information. Did you know that a baby receives 90% of information through vision? Eyes are a priceless and amazing gift, so it is important from the very early age keep them away from negative impacts, strengthen the eye muscles. Today we will tell you what eye exercises for children should be so that the baby can maintain good vision for many years.

How to protect your child's eyes

Intensive development of the visual organs occurs in the first ten years of a child’s life. During this period any negative factors may cause blurred vision or eye disease. What should be done? Here are some recommendations from pediatric ophthalmologists:

  • Do not allow your child to sit in front of a TV or computer monitor for long periods of time.
  • You cannot watch TV or play games computer games V dark room: The eyes are forced to constantly change focus, which leads to overstrain.
  • The baby should sit directly in front of the screen, not to the side of it.
  • Pay attention to the toddler's posture at the table. Sitting with a crooked back impairs blood circulation to the brain and can lead to poor vision.
  • Do not allow your child to read or look at pictures while lying down.
  • Tell your child that they need to take care of their eyes and never allow them to be injured.
  • Physical activity: outdoor games, physical education - helps the eyes work better.
  • Regularly visit an ophthalmologist with your little one, who will check his vision and, if necessary, prescribe a course of vitamin therapy.
  • Try to ensure that your baby’s nutrition is complete. The following foods are very beneficial for the eyes: carrots, blueberries, cottage cheese, pumpkin, fish and fish oil, various fruits.
  • Do visual exercises with your child regularly.

Exercise for the eyes in verse

The main purpose of visual exercise is to train the eye muscles. It is much more interesting for young children to do exercises if they are carried out in the form of a game. Turn on some soft music and start doing eye exercises in poetry with your baby.

Sun and clouds

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds (look up),
The sun of the flying cloud counted (right and left):
Gray clouds, black clouds (up and down),
Lungs - two things,
Three heavy ones.
The clouds hid, the clouds are gone (cover your eyes with your palms) -
The sun was shining in full force in the sky (open your eyes wide).


This is what a dragonfly is like - like pea eyes (make “glasses” with your fingers).
Left, right, back, forward (look left and right with your eyes) -
Well, just like a helicopter (circular eye movements).
We're flying high (look up)
We're flying low (look down)
We fly far away (look into the distance)
We are flying close (look down).


The donkey walks, chooses,
He doesn’t know what to eat first (circle with eyes).
There is a ripe plum at the top (look up),
And nettles grow below (look down),
On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga (look left and right),
On the left is a pumpkin, on the right is a cranberry (look left and right),
Below is fresh grass (look down),
On top there are juicy tops (look up).
I couldn't choose anything
And without strength he lay down on the ground (close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times).

Autumn leaves

Oh, how the leaves are flying,
All colors are on fire (circular movements with the eyes: left, up, right, down, right, up, left, down).
Maple leaf, carved leaf (look left and right),
Multi-colored, painted (look up and down).
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,
How I rustle a leaf.
But suddenly a breeze blew (circular movements with the eyes: left, up, right, down, right, up, left, down),
Our leaf began to spin (look left and right),
Flew overhead (look up and down) -
Red, yellow, gold.
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,
How I rustle a leaf.
Under the guys' feet (look down)
The leaves rustle merrily (look up).
Let's go for a walk now
And collect bouquets (look left and right).
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
How I rustle a leaf (close your eyes, stroke your eyelids with your index fingers).


The flower was sleeping (close your eyes, relax)
And suddenly I woke up (massage my eyelids, lightly pressing on them clockwise and counterclockwise),
I didn’t want to sleep anymore (blink my eyes),
He woke up, stretched, (raise your arms up - inhale, look at your hands, arms bent to the sides - exhale),
Soared up and flew (shake your hands, look left and right).

You need to do visual exercises with your baby regularly, at least twice a day. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 5 minutes.

Here are a few more poems that immediately mention what actions need to be performed.

One - left, two - right,
Three - up, four - down.
And now the eyes are all around,
To see the world better.
Let's look closer, look further,
By training the eye muscles.
We'll see better soon
And a hundred times sharper.
We do gymnastics for the eyes
We do it every time:
Right, left, around and down -
Don't be lazy to repeat!
Eyes to the right, eyes to the left -
And we'll go around in circles.
Let's blink quickly
And let's rub it a little.
Look at the tip of your nose
And look between the eyebrows.
Circle, square and triangle
Repeat three times.
We close our eyes,
We inhale slowly.
And on the exhale again
Make your eyes blink.
Now let's relax
And we went for a walk.

And a few more exercises

Change the exercises every two to three weeks so that your little one’s interest in visual gymnastics does not disappear. Buy a large doll that can close its eyes and move its arms well. Tell your child that the Katya doll will practice with you, and let the little one show her what exercises to do.

Look at the balls

Attach bright balloons to the ceiling in two corners of the room. The baby should stand or sit in the center.

The child must first look carefully at one ball (10 seconds), then concentrate on the other. At the same time, do not allow him to turn his head; all movements should be made only by his eyes. Repeat 5 times, then ask your baby to close his eyes for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again.

We close our eyes

This exercise is designed to relax the muscles that support the eyeball. It is light, but very effective, even children 2-3 years old can handle it.

For 10 seconds you need to close your eyes very, very tightly, and then open them and relax. Repeat several times.

Further - closer

While walking, stop with your baby somewhere. Find two stationary objects: one distant (for example, a tall tree), and the other close (for example, a flower).

Ask your child to look at the tree and at the flower in turn, working only with his eyes. Do this several times.

Snakes and spirals

For this exercise you will need didactic material. Take several large sheets of paper or cardboard and draw one shape on each of them. These can be snakes, spirals, circles, broken lines etc. The main condition: the drawing must be large and bright.

Place your baby in the center of the room and attach your posters one at a time to the wall. The baby must “walk” with his eyes the path from the beginning of the drawing to the end.

“We write” with our nose

Tell your toddler: “Imagine that the tip of your nose is a pen with which you can write or draw. Let's write something!

You can "write" different letters or numbers that the baby already knows. Or “draw” a house with smoke, a tree, or maybe just a circle or square.

What are the benefits of visual gymnastics?

Visual exercise relieves tension from the child’s eyes and trains the eye muscles. It depends on them whether the baby will have problems with his eyes. school years and in later life. In addition, easy and fun exercises help:

  • Calm down nervous system child, relieve mental stress.
  • Lighten the load on your eyes, let them relax, rest.
  • Activate the processing of information received through the organs of vision.
  • Prevent, slow down or stop the loss of vision or the development of eye diseases in the baby.

Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents! Write to us which visual exercises your child liked the most.

We are waiting for your letters and comments. Goodbye!

Developing in children, it is a serious and widespread problem of our time. Therefore, gymnastics for myopia for children is important for improving vision.

High visual load at school, huge amount electronic devices available to children - all this causes the baby’s visual apparatus to overstrain, which can lead to the development of both myopia and true myopia. However, regular and proper eye exercises can significantly improve the situation, preventing the appearance of myopia and stopping its progress.

Visual gymnastics is a preventive measure that helps strengthen the eye muscles in children. Since the growth of the eyeball continues until adulthood, many types of interventions (for example, laser vision correction) are impossible during this period. Consequently, a significant role in the prevention and treatment of childhood myopia is played by conservative methods, including eye exercises.

The main goal of eye gymnastics for myopia in children is to train and relax the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for accommodation. This is the name for focusing the eye on objects that are located at different distances. This allows you to relieve the spasm of accommodation, which causes the so-called false myopia, which disappears when the muscle relaxes.

Gymnastics also performs a number of other important functions:

  • improves blood supply and nutrition in the organs of vision;
  • trains the ability to focus on distant objects;
  • relieves fatigue and discomfort associated with it.

Eye exercises for myopia are guaranteed to improve vision in children if done correctly and regularly.

Exercises to relax the eyes: warm-up

Before performing eye exercises for myopia in children and adolescents, it is necessary to warm up. This activity will prepare the eyes for the main set of exercises and make gymnastics more effective.

The following light exercises are used as a warm-up:

  • The classic ophthalmic exercise “palming”, which for children can be called more in a clear word"palms". Children place both hands with closed palms on their closed eyelids, creating complete darkness under them, and gently press on the eyeballs. The exercise prepares the eye muscles for the main gymnastics complex.

  • “Write with your nose”: the exercise is aimed at relaxing not only the eye muscles, but also the neck, and activating blood flow, which supplies the organs of vision with oxygen. The children are given the task of writing letters in the air with the tip of their nose. You can dictate lines from children's poems.

5-15 minutes are allotted to prepare for the main complex, after which you can do gymnastics. To improve a child’s vision, various exercises have been developed that are very effective for myopia.

Basic set of exercises

To restore vision in case of myopia as important component complex treatment uses exercises specially designed for children, taking into account age characteristics. These are gentle exercises with a gentle effect on the visual apparatus, helping to prevent the disease or slow down its development.

  1. “Red dot”: taking a deep breath twice, then gradually exhaling, children should imagine that each of them has a bright dot drawn between their eyebrows. Next, they should try to move their gaze to it and hold it there for 3 seconds, after which they return their gaze to its original position. Then you need to close your eyes for 5-7 seconds. Three passes 5 times are recommended.
  2. “Nose”: now we imagine a point at the tip of the nose. Having inhaled and exhaled smoothly, children focus their gaze on the tip of their nose for 3-5 seconds, then relax and close their eyelids for the same 5-7 seconds. Repeat three times 7 times.
  3. “Here and there”: without turning your head, you need to move your gaze along imaginary lines: up right, down right, up left, down left. In each extreme point the gaze stops for 5-10 seconds, then moves to the next point. Will be performed 5 times in three passes.
  4. “Clock”: kids move their eyes left and right 20 times without pauses, and so on 5 times with breaks for a minute rest with their eyes closed.
  5. “Semicircle”: the guys should describe semicircles with their eyes, first on the right, then on the left, alternating them. The eye movement begins at the highest point, describes a semicircle and ends at the lowest point. 10 repetitions, three passes.
  6. “Distance”: select a point outside the window and a second point in front of it or on the glass itself. Without moving your head, you need to look at both points alternately 25 times without a break.
  7. “Circles”: the guys perform a circular rotation with their eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

With the help of the described eye training for myopia in children, you can slow down the development of the disease or prevent its occurrence.

Measures to enhance the effect of exercise

By itself, a set of exercises for improvement works well, but its effect can be significantly enhanced with the help of a series of important measures. In order for gymnastics to be more effective, it is necessary to follow a number of rules, including:

  • Good workplace lighting.
  • Dosing of visual loads according to age.
  • Complete nutrition, including all the necessary substances.
  • Correct daily routine and sufficient quantity walks in the fresh air.

All this will definitely enhance positive effect eye gymnastics.

Features of performing gymnastics by age

Effective eye gymnastics means that for of different ages performing gymnastics will have its own characteristics. For children of preschool and primary school age, exercises are carried out in game form, the number of repetitions is reduced. Older children and teenagers can perform the entire complex fully.

For myopia weak degree Eye gymnastics for children can even completely restore vision. This is possible in the case of false myopia - a spasm of accommodation that causes symptoms of myopia. Gymnastics relieves spasms of the eye muscles, restoring the child’s ability to clearly see distant objects. This myopia treatment really works.

Additionally use fun exercises in pictures:

Eye gymnastics for myopia is a simple and effective therapeutic and preventive measure. By teaching your child simple exercises, you will help him maintain healthy vision for many years.

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