Efim Shevchenko’s thoughts on emotions and their creation. Taking emotional and spiritual portraits - tips and examples

Psycho - emotional portraits on real people, compiled by specialists using full name only, regardless of distance. Indicatingproblematic issues, fears, correction mechanisms.

To create such portraits, no mandatory contact (conversation) with a person is required. No tests are used (not to be confused with extrasensory perception, etc.).

Smart, fairly educated. In his subordinates he values ​​unquestioning obedience and the presence of moderate intelligence. Requires unconditional acceptance of his decisions.

Treat your business responsibly, within the framework of the responsibility required when engaging in this business. You do your job because you do. If you are assigned to another position, then the approach will be responsible, but within the framework of the prescribed requirements. The only problem When moving up the career ladder, to move quickly, you need a person to promote you. Anywhere good specialist. In your opinion, the manager must strictly follow the instructions; amateur activities are not encouraged. He is responsible for his subordinates, not a nanny. Subordinates must be carefully selected. Your inner circle looks at you in the following way: they consider you too predictable, serious and mostly boring. Friends, as you call them, see you as a means to achieve plans, because if you promise, you usually keep your word. The attitude of women towards you is ambiguous. On the one hand, they see you as a reliable partner, but on the other hand, they quickly lose interest in you. But since reliability and stability are above all else for women, she will be devoted to you and will fight for you. You should pay attention to the central nervous system, musculoskeletal, hip joint system.

Musculoskeletal system - hip joint, spine - thoracic and sacral sections, endocrine and urinary systems.

Your attitude towards women determines your status in your male community.

Brief psychological portrait to the owner of the company

(Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Peculiarity this person lies in the fact that his view of others depends on the amount of benefit he extracts from others in the future. Based on this, relationships are being built. If the prospect of benefit is solid, then this person will accept all the conditions for getting what he has planned. In all other cases, the possibility of interaction will depend on the level personal responsibility. This person is perceived by those around him with some rejection due to the feeling of manipulation that arises in them and, also, due to the dual perception of this person. The inner world of this person is simple, because the existing abilities are not extraordinary. The desire for self-improvement is mediocre. Avoids the difficulties associated with the need to take responsibility. He does not accept the truth that is contrary to his own opinion about himself.

Psycho - emotional portrait of the director of an advertising company in Novosibirsk.

Smart. Educated within the required program. In general, he knows everything that is in demand now. He treats new things with distrust, but takes pleasure in methods that can smear a person and then put them back together at his own discretion. Outwardly, he behaves in a businesslike, neutral manner. Preference is given to psychologists who adhere to her point of view: “Do as I said and get a phenomenal result. Give me your laurels, and I’ll pinch off a piece of yours.”Myself". Can't stand young, smart, attractive,self-confident esp. Especially the last one. The confidence of another person is infringed upon and she immediately takes a defensive stance, that is, she begins to test her professional suitability (and insinuatingly, unnoticeably).

She has some kind of symbiosis of techniques:

1. shows his disposition towards a person

2. gives him the opportunity to become bolder and stand on the same level with her, to feel confident in this state

3. begins to set tiny, almost invisible logic puzzles according to the activities that a person conducts. The goal is to confuse by the end of the conversation. The person is still confident, but begins to “fidget,” vaguely feeling in the back of his mind a slight, but not obvious, unformed catch.

4. And here he should realize that the catch is still real, and not pretend to be super confident, recognize its significance... But he brushes it all aside, because everything was so good. And he got caught. This pisses her off. This is her moment of triumph. She begins to act according to her “smear and assemble at her own discretion” method. She always succeeds in this. But such people are not valuable to her. Garbage.

Here you have to be smart. Something between confidence and respect, readiness to listen, analyze, accept advice, but not servile and not swallow with joyful slurping everything that is shoved. Copy her main attitude - neutrality. No matter what emotional message or coloring she speaks with, she is essentially neutral. (but not indifferent.) If she sees opposite her -Yourself according to the mood, then it’s “Oh! soul mate.” But under no circumstances should you compete in intelligence, professionalism, etc.

You need to speak measuredly, not mournfully,The word calm doesn't fit here. To feel that your business is dear to you, that you care for your profession with all your heart, that it is valuable and significant. And the lady sitting in front of you - (full name) is worth four times, because she is an entrance ticket for you. But there should be no flattery, but only harsh reality that you really think so. A inner mood neutral. There is such a word - Dignity. She loves this word very much. (full name) and Dignity words are synonyms. Speech should be clear, specific, logically structured, so that it does not strain or wrinkle the forehead. Yes, and also, she must feel that you are ready to recognize her as your guru at the wave of her hand.

Psychological portrait. Igor

Not smart, but smart. There is no intuition. Doesn't like difficulties, tries to choose the easy path. Stingy. Loves money. Closed He almost always doubts everything. She is afraid of seeming “clumsy”, so she maintains neutrality.

Attitude towards women: considers them cunning, that they only need well-being. I like standard women and preferably without extravagant requests. He doesn’t like it when a woman leads him in bed, because he immediately feels humiliated, because they couldn’t feel, appreciate and admire all his splendor. He can be with such a woman for a long time in exceptional cases when he owes her.

Society perceives him as soft, pliable and moderately kind, knowledgeable, generous, etc. He is all “in moderation”, that is, all his qualities are in moderation. He is, let's say, neutral. People can’t say anything specific about him except: “well, it seems like nothing...”.

He is afraid of harsh formulations, questions, topics, decisions, because he is afraid of being branded as a “mattress”. If you have to make a tough decision, then it is better through someone else, with other hands. But, if he really can’t get away with it, then he won’t talk (show toughness), he will inform him and redirect him to another person, who will explain his decision and carry out the appropriate procedures.

In personal relationshipshis cruelty manifests itself in the form of door slamming and dissatisfaction - refusing something. May sometimes squeal.

Although, due to the presence of “moderate” merits, he can “fall” a person so much in love with himself that for some time he can turn into almost a “MACHO”, almost a tyrant, almost a dictator.

Main fears:

1. Tough choices with acceptance of responsibility;

2. Counter cruelty, hyperconfidence, arrogance (that is, if he encounters it);

3. Requirements for rapid adoption are vital important decisions;

4. Reveal yourself and be ridiculed.


how to take the position of a small, stupid woman, to whom everything flows into her hands and everything lies at her feet (feelings, money, devotion, opportunities, etc.). And so that there are no hassles, responsibility, or risk of parting with existing values.

To date:

Job. There are some aspects that are unclear to him that threaten him with financial problems. The presence of seven people who are not interested in his existence on the field professional activity. The situation is still light, tense.

Family. "Neighborhood" existence. Reluctance to cultivate, build, understand, change anything. I'm tired of everything. Empty.


1. Reproductive system (prostate),

2. immune system,

3. Urinary system (kidneys, ureters), Digestive system

(12 p.k., pancreas,),

4. Spleen,

5. Joints.

Feels general malaise, weakness, discontent. Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Suspicions of problems in the sexual sphere, but drives away this thought.

Striving for safety!!!

There is no clear definition of WHO HE IS, WHAT HE IS, his value and real status as a MAN!!!

Psycho-emotional portrait of a major political figure.

The events taking place in the life of this person developed in such a way that his personality as an essence was finally formed by the age of 17 and remained unchanged to this day. His ability to see the move further developments even at the stage of the emergence of the situation, it gave him the opportunity not to make mistakes in choosing goals and paths to follow. Regardless of that easy Whether the paths and goals were difficult, they were always true, unmistakable. He always arrived at the destination that was most comfortable. He has a rather extraordinary mindset. Despite the extensive database of all kinds theoretical knowledge does not rely on them when making decisions. First, the situation is assessed for feasibility. Then what will be the benefit of this and to whom. If the benefit is seen, then the associated costs do not matter. The main thing is the end result. And if this result adds significance to his authority, then everything else simply does not matter.

He has his own worldview, which can be described as follows: “Everything that happens makes no sense until a problem arises,” that is, there is no point in doing something without an urgent need. Life credo: “Love yourself, the rest will follow.”

The person is mostly caring and not evil, but vindictive. He is not capable of meanness, but if the opportunity to take revenge presents itself, he will not miss such an opportunity. Revenge will not be limited to certain specific actions, it will be limited to “noise effects” and possibly actions that will not cause damage. He has fairly strong willpower and an ineradicable desire to lead and lead.

All of this person’s virtues, qualities and character traits, abilities, etc. can be rated five with a minus on a five-point scale.

Fears unusual situations because due to the liveliness of his temperament, he cannot always react calmly. He is afraid of male representatives who combine mediocrity, encyclopedic knowledge and lack of ability to analyze, because he considers them uncontrollable and incapable of hearing the main thing.

Afraid of losing own authority and status of the owner in the eyes of people whose opinion he values ​​very much. He does not respect people who are not able to thank well and be responsible for their words. Available to people who can surprise him with their unconventional and smart ideas and worldview, decency, generosity in all aspects.

In everything that is directed at him: in feelings, relationships, compliments, etc. likes it to be a little more than it should be, but not too much.

We govern through our own authority. He doesn’t like it when people “stick out” in front of him and put their own merits above his merits. He does not accept criticism of his actions. Conversation as equals rejects. You can’t scold him - he becomes isolated. To get him to “agree” to a constructive conversation in which he can calmly accept criticism and admit mistakes, analyze, and as a result do much better than expected of him, it is necessary: ​​to behave friendly, but not friendly; exclude wordsmust Andneed to . The conversation should be structured approximately along the following lines: “Because of such and such a problem, we cannot achieve such and such. It is necessary to do this and that. And this is within your power. I hope that you will do everything possible and impossible for this. " Next, you just need to praise him, focusing on his authority. This person can do a lot for those who believe in him, recognize his authority, the results of his work and see him as a master. It can teach perseverance in achieving a goal, love for oneself and one’s work, devotion to friends and those who believe, and the fact that own opinion about yourself should be equal to the opinion of others.

Psycho-emotional portrait. Andrey.

Sadistic tendencies(afraid of them).

Loves to reduce a person's dignity to the level of basic instincts: to sleep, drink, eat, etc.

Inclined to physical violence. Before Use physical strength the enemy must be demoralized or immobilized.

He prefers moral destruction to physical destruction because he is afraid of the consequences and is very afraid of responsibility.

He has good psychological pressure skills (brought them to perfection in prison).


  • The speech should be replete with such words as: “you deserve more..”, “you don’t understand what they are doing to you”, “they don’t have the right to dictate or point out to you”...The main goal is to convince a person that he is underestimated and unfairly offended.

  • Reach mutual understanding with a desperate person. Convince him that he can trust you completely. The following semantic formulations are used: “nothing will happen to you”, “let me help you”, “as long as we are together (next to you) everything will be fine.”

  • A person must firmly believe that you are the only source of solutions to his problems. Used the following phrases: “if you want, I can help solve all your problems,” “I am not indifferent to your fate,” “I know what you need.”

All phrases should be constructed in such a way that a person has a clear conviction that he himself makes a decision, without the slightest pressure, without coercion. That is, a person is absolutely free in his choice. But he chooses only you, the only hope in you. A person must see that he is needed and you are the only one who needs him.

80% of women and 50% of men fall for this: resentful or abandoned wives and men in despair over women and prone to drunkenness.

Attitude towards women: “Any woman can be made into a litter.” Women are afraid of being alone, and he firmly believes that he will always be in demand. He is terribly afraid of almost all women. Before approaching a woman, look for her weak point, otherwise the technique will not work.

He chooses male friends from the morally degraded strata: cowardly, pathetic, insulted, without clear guidelines and principles in life, pliable, weak-willed, capable of nasty things and low acts towards women.

Attitude to an unfamiliar environment always aggressive. In order not to get into trouble, he initially behaves ingratiatingly. First of all, his own safety is important to him. In this regard, he has one rule: “Either they are afraid of you and what is behind you (if there is one), or you ignore them.”

  • Liabilities – excluded
  • Responsibilities – excluded
  • Responsibility - Visibility
  • Respect is visibility
  • Feelings - from case to case
  • Plans for the future - only for yourself
  • Taking into account a woman’s plans and desires is strictly prohibited
  • His plans and desires come first, by any means at the expense of a woman, by cultivating her dependence on him.
  • The main task is to settle down.
  • Relationships with real men are excluded

Externally: kind, pliable, moderately responsive, good listener. He seems like a fairly reliable person.

Really: hyper-greedy, Tishka, very cowardly,

missing: honor, nobility, life principles;

opportunist, closed (no one managed to open it).

Attitude towards parents: anger for the restriction of freedom and the imposition of ideas, for the fact that they were not interested in what he really wanted.

Relation to mother: disrespect, because she is weak-willed.

Relationship to father: hatred, because he crushed him with his successes and authority.

Parents' attitude towards him: They believed that he was an unworthy son of his parents. Tested before him strange fear, because they couldn’t see the real thing. They avoided him. By the age of 19, his parents’ love for him had grown into rejection. He deprived them of their usual peace of mind for themselves and mutual understanding (between spouses). The spouses began to move away from each other and their relationship turned into a fiction.

After the death of his parents, he experienced joy.

Relatives' attitude towards him: “It’s easier to give than to refuse.” He uses these stupidly, portraying someone offended by fate, crushed by grief, etc.

Opening and management technique.

Know that he can stab you in the back. You can't trust him. He does not enjoy authority. He doesn't have any solid cover, just scum. People who know their worth do not make acquaintance with him. Nobody needs him. Nobody will stand up for him. He has absolutely no serious support or trustees. He's cunning. However, if with him to speak firmly is a coward, and immediately begins to pretend to be “poor,” evoking sympathy for himself. If it doesn’t work out, he turns to aggression. If aggression does not produce results, he moves on to trying to intimidate. Then assault, then humiliation (this is only if the enemy is clearly inferior to him in physical strength).

You need to talk to him evenly, without ridicule, firmly, do not switch to his wavelength, do not respond to his jokes.

Toto control it, it is enough to use the words: “I want to understand”, “I can help”, “I know how to find a way out”; and do what he cannot repeat.

The purpose of his coming: show Olya the impossibility of changing his condition. To prove to her our inability to influence, change, see. Rise before her and gain complete power over her. Show that he can scare us.

Drive purpose: Olya wants to see who wins, who she can listen to.

He has no desire to “not drink.” There is a desire to find out how you can right moment stop, control yourself in order to have confidence, strength, high self-esteem.

4 years physical action, which entailed psychological trauma. Father: cruel punishment, a blow to the masculine.

8 years – the first sensual relationship with the opposite sex. The experience was negative, I felt my insignificance. Relationships with boys of the same age: he was always subordinate.

12 years old psychological violence. Resentment on the verge of humiliation towards a peer. He became cowardly and realized his disadvantage, uselessness, inferiority. His father ingrained this in him. Hatred arose. The solution is to adapt.

16-18 years old. Belief in one's own insignificance. People, in his opinion, are not worthy of respect. The rule has been formed: “Choose a victim. Achieve it mentally. Submit. But only one." To be content with the role of a “scapegoat” among the strong, eating “leftovers” and cherishing the dream of being left alone with one of the strong to realize oneself according to one’s own invented method.

25 years old. ZK. Invaluable experience. Implementation of your plans, development of methodology. The technique works. Belief in one's own invulnerability.

28 years old. Psychological violence against women. The belief that he is a MACHO.

32 years old. The taste for quiet physical violence in every sense has intensified.

He considers himself almost a god over the destinies of people. He just acts very selectively, like a super spy, to be sure. Socially dangerous. Because no one can understand him. He is not a man in camouflage. He's camouflage under camouflage.

Psychological portrait of a deputy.

Outwardly it exudes sweetness and cloying. He is endearing to himself because it is not difficult for him to tune in to the wave of his interlocutor, i.e. he takes on the role of a person and tries to analyze what he would do himself (full name) in this condition. For example, in front of him is a depressed man. He enters into the role of a person - emotional state on at the moment(not to be confused with a person’s role in life. He also does this, but cannot even approximately draw the course of events. But he studies this intensively. He needs this, because knowing at least approximately the further behavior of a person, one can consider himself a little or a prophet - to protect yourself from the danger associated with this person, to adjust your behavior and the course of events).

But let's get back to that what he can already do at the moment- to enter into the role of a person, but this is not small (the person is vulnerable at this moment), at this moment he (full name) can crush the person under himself, slightly opening the door for him with a sign “exit from the current situation.”

Causes the following reaction in almost everyone: relatively safe, but uncomfortable (not uncomfortable). Uncomfort is caused by a discrepancy between words, facial expressions, appearance, and intentions in life. All this is separate and the interlocutor does not understand where to look for him - the real (full name), in words, in facial expressions, in appearance or in intention.

One intention:“If someone would give it all at once, or he would give it to someone 5-6 times, but for it all at once.” Since this “gave” is a problem (no charisma, boring, “doesn’t get in”), then you have to find well-being social work(the choice is wrong, but possible), only here his policy is initially incorrect: the promises set the teeth on edge, they are motley. It’s like hastily copied out material for an exam, but he doesn’t know the meaning, which means he won’t pass the exam. Convinced myself that goes the right, fast and easy way. The main thing is to get into it quickly. He will think about “not being shaken out” when he pushes in. Narrow-minded, short-sighted.

Talk to him only when you meet him. The tone is absolutely neutral, cool. But (full name) must feel that you, like him, can “give” or be “given” to achieve your goal. In short, they are bullies on this issue, soul mates so to speak, and you’re not the least bit ashamed.

Brief psychological portrait ondirector of a Moscow bank.

There is no ingenuity, intuition, or professional instincts.

He relies on his education, reads a lot, and is always studying. Hyper-persistent in an effort not to let his business wither. Doesn't like to pay. Life principle:" you can get almost everything for free ". Recognizes power-hungry people, people of action - whose words do not diverge from their actions and, most importantly, from their thinking. He has a nose for weakness. Those. if a person speaks the point, is responsible for his words, but in his thoughts he is not sure of what he says and does - he senses it immediately - he will be laughed at. For him, people are trash. But there are diamonds in the trash. According to him, diamonds are rare. In general, he is junk, but with these qualities (see above) he earned a good reputation and price. For him, only human significance can be authority. Not showy, but really real, really.

Psychological portrait of a psychologist. Marina

Professional qualities .

She quickly grasps everything new, especially those that can bring her ways to manage the situation, but for personal purposes. In professional activity, this is also grasped, but the implementation cannot be called rapid. We need guarantees! Everything in a hundred rows is weighed, and only after convincing that it is safe will implementation begin. Implementation cannot be called confident.

First, touch the door handle with your little finger,

then we'll smell it,

then we'll lick it,

then we'll put our ear to it,

look through the keyhole,

then we'll put our ear to it again,

look through the keyhole,

let's take a decisive pose,

let's take a deep breath,

let's get out of the pose and take it again,

let's mark time to be sure,

let's freeze

let's take a deep breath,

let's clench our fists

let's close our eyes,

let's open our mouths

Let's close our eyes even tighter and jump on the door with a loud scream.

The main thing is that the door opens. True, after this she will jump on her without fear. Only the number of attempts is limited to 5-8, no more. On the 9th attempt everything stops and depression begins...

And again we touch the door handle... Yes, and we can target the same door a maximum of 4 times. Next, the door should be different. If she goes all the way preparatory stage, meets the average standards of his attempts, then you cannot find a more professional, scrupulous, pedantic employee. You can only “lead” her away, or, let’s say, lure her away with promises that the door will be opened for her,

They'll wheel her there in a wheelchair,

If you don’t like it, they’ll roll it out and show you another door.....

But the employee, in that case, will turn out to be not just lousy, but very bad. She needs to be trained. The carrot and stick method.

And like this: We show the stick, but under no circumstances show the carrot, no way. Don't even smell it, don't give it. One can only tell what such a delicacy actually is, they say that it brings such and such. Do you want to try it? Then "fas!" She receives the gingerbread at the very end, when she has completely mastered all the intricacies of training. All you can do during training is talk about gingerbread. Can't stand rudeness. You need to deal with her calmly, but firmly. Authority is a mystery leader who manages to make something out of nothing, and with such an air as if there is no mystery in him at all. In order to train her, the leader must forget about pity, indulgences, additional feedings - this will not make her understand, only relax her. Main secret- the manager should not see her as either good or bad qualities. It's like picking your nose on a daily basis, uncontrollably. The goal is for the nose to be clean and breathable. And there, what kind of goats, whether the finger is sterile or not, green polish on the nails or they are not painted at all - it doesn’t matter. In short, she is a stool that needs to be taught to bounce. And she may surprise.

Portrait of a Namoskov leader.

Features of thinking.

His thinking is generally aimed only at squeezing out the information he needs from those around him. The information is divided into 5 categories.

1. Business sphere. Information showing profitability. This information is isolated from everywhere, even if it does not contain a single numerical value. It is used for purely personal purposes related to the growth of business authority, business significance, and the profitability of one’s own undertakings and enterprises.

2. The sphere of interpersonal relations. In this area, the significance of the information received is divided into the following levels of priority:

A) people occupying higher social position. This category is the key to the gate behind which 59-90% of the opportunity to gain promising connections, beneficial in virtually all areas of activity, “lives”.

But he himself, making a bet, i.e. choosing key people at this level, he makes mistakes in 99% of cases, because he focuses on the candy wrapper, and not on the candy itself, not to mention its filling. (His thinking, for all its, so to speak, almost ideal mechanism of adaptation and survival, is completely devoid of the ability to know about anything under the wrapper)

B) people who occupy an equal social position, but have higher income levels than him. The information he squeezes out aimed at:

- in 60% of cases to extract mechanisms to increase their own income items;

- in 18% of cases for fictitious partnerships (because after a while he will abandon his partners);

- 20% on searches weak points these people in the business field in order to gain the opportunity to be in their place;

- 12% for the liquidation of these people in order to manage sources of income.

Communication with people of the same social and economic level is forcedly neutral. Because he does not exclude the possibility of obtaining information beneficial to him, but he does not particularly hope.

Friendship, trust, partnership are excluded. Cooperation and subordination to someone in a professional field is possible, but only if it promises high income in the future and necessarily the status of the owner of this common business/undertaking at the moment.

3. The sphere of relationships related to pleasures on the physical body. The information squeezed out is aimed at detecting opportunities where, how, and most importantly at whose expense to receive a full set of not banal, but VIP pleasures. The information is wide ranging, right down to nasty habits and places to store dirty laundry. However, another person will never guess that all his hiding places have been discovered and opened. He will be “bred” under the thick sauce of intelligence, decency, glamor, sophistication, etc., but at the same time absolutely free for the culprit of the “divorce”. This refers mainly to comfort: environment, food, position, status…. In a word, to the wrapper.

4. The sphere of relationships, which gives pleasure in terms of sensations and emotions.

A person of his mindset has an unshakable, firm belief that he is exceptional. And therefore he is simply doomed to receive only the exceptional. Therefore, he is not interested in extraneous problems, experiences, feelings, failures. Everything should be perfect and only for him. I am ready to sympathize with the problem, provided that I receive information regarding information related to the business sphere (see point 1). A person of this mindset considers it inappropriate to expose himself to waste in terms of sensations and emotions. His life is a collection of information. Firstly, for the sake of the information itself, and secondly, for the sake of personal comfort and pleasure. Everything outside of his personality, if worthy of attention, is only fictitious. and only for the purpose of pleasing exclusively oneself. Excludes the involvement of its internal contents in anything existing on planet earth. It is difficult to determine his affiliation - he is so impeccable. He is not from here, and he is completely convinced of this.

5. Current information. Information that is not beneficial, useful, or informative. The attitude towards her is indifferent, as well as towards the people moving in this field of information.

Let's summarize. A person whose middle name is “The Chosen One.” He is primitive, but far from a fool, because his entire existence revolves around himself. His fatal mistake is that he is a big, doomed and incurable lover of wrappers.

You need to decide which of the 5 listed categories to stand in in order to “win” his location corresponding to the category.

Example? Please.

Bruce Willis - sidelong glance, asymmetrical grin. Marilyn Monroe - chin raised, eyes narrowed, mouth slightly open. Try to mentally imagine that the faces of these people will take on each other’s expressions; they will seem strange and completely unfamiliar.

Facial expressions truly express a person's character. There are many books about how different emotions affect facial muscles. For example, “Body Language” by Allan and Barbara Pease or Paul Ekman is the first thing that comes to mind (not counting anatomy for artists, of course). If you want to draw emotional portraits, information about the work of facial muscles will not be superfluous.

And for those who would like to try their hand at drawing emotions already now, I would advise starting with sketches and quick sketches. And to begin with, I suggest you watch one lesson on this topic:

The lesson was prepared by the artist Tatyana Olenchinkova.

Emotions attract attention, it’s hard to disagree with that!

Here are some more image examples for inspiration: emotions in the paintings of great masters:

Repin, “Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”

Ribera, "Hawk Moth"

A portrait of a person, taken in the environment in which he lives, works, has a certain character. A photograph that has no character will not be of interest to the viewer. Every small detail is important; these aspects will make the portrait special, unusual, unique, original. When taking portraits, you should not forget that the place where a person lives influences his formation, development, habits and behavioral characteristics, and maybe even his appearance.

Time and place

Place plays an important role in the creation and development of an image. Place is a rather loose concept. It could be a separate clearing or village, or maybe an entire country. The area where a person lives greatly influences his development. This is also worth taking into account and trying to indicate in the portrait, to show unbreakable connection between them.


As a photographer, you strive to show something more than just beautiful photo. This whole life and the viewer should catch your idea. Must empathize with the heroes, feel them inner world, conditions. The photographer must be able to emphasize important points, characteristic places.

Semantic load

You are trying to convey something to the viewer with this portrait. The uniqueness of the person depicted in the portrait, any traditions inherent in the depicted area or the essence of the plot, image? Or just show something that people haven't seen yet? You need to try to answer these questions for yourself. Observe, experiment, think, fantasize. Empty frames are of no interest to anyone; you need to fill any work you do with meaning and ideas and not stop there!

The key to the puzzle lies in emotions. They can be positive or negative, but they must be present in the photo to go beyond physical attributes. In this post we will try to highlight several useful tips for shooting emotional portraits.

Each image is associated with the original source from which it was taken. You can click on the photo to see other photographers' works.


Chat with your model to get her used to your presence before you point the lens at her. Contact is very important when we're talking about about portrait photography. Without trust and full agreement On the part of the subject, it is very difficult to reveal the true character of a person.

You don't want run-of-the-mill portraits. Therefore, be polite and clear, precise and positive. Make the model believe in your own inner beauty, then you can get great results. Praise for efforts and, thus, you will make it easier for yourself to reveal the soul of the model.


Emotion is everything for a portrait. It arouses interest and surprise in the viewer, allowing you to feel the portrait. To capture it, you will need a lot of patience, practice and, possibly, pure luck. Take on the role of director, define and plan the character's emotions to create something magical and get wonderful results.

But don't forget about respect for the model and the existence of certain boundaries that stem from who we shoot and where we shoot. Emotions are vital important elements in any portrait, so ignite them, identify them, try to discover or insist on their manifestation from the model. Actively discuss expressions of emotion with your subject.

Light and environment

Terrain, lighting and environment play a decisive role in conveying character and help give the portrait its notorious spirituality. You can imagine harsh or bright or dim light. Such aesthetic characteristics draw more attention to any portrait and thereby insist on the continuation of the story.

Dramatic lighting sparks curiosity. With its help, we purposefully add depth and interest to the image. Environment is a space that can be an open lawn with wonderful scenery or a cramped dark room. But both of these extremes have their place when you're creating a soulful portrait. They make the viewer believe, arouse interest, delight or tears and, thus, help create spiritual, emotional masterpieces.


Just like some stories, there are photographs that never end, they continue to haunt us with their magnificence. The more you look at them, the more they will express. There is something in the portraits, and they carefully convey it.

Silence provides a wonderful trance state for controlling your own creativity. After all, a photograph conveys only a quarter of the story, and the rest is drawn by our own imagination from pure silence.

The flaring emotion will add more magic, liveliness and eternity to the portrait. Silence can be very powerful. It conceals potential strength to transform a photograph into an emotional and artistic masterpiece. But how to photograph silence? Feel the trance and beauty in the symbols, admire and formulate the aura of the model.

Feel the air currents and silence will slowly open up to you. Among all the chaos there is only you, your model and your silent heart. Now you are ready to create soulful portraits that will be treasured for many years to come.


One of the types of “psychological” photographic portrait is an emotional portrait. It represents an interesting separate portrait genre that is very popular. The main object of such a photo is bright emotions and mood, and it is these that should be conveyed to the audience. These can be any emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear or delight. There are many options.

The photographer “captures” the essence of a person, as well as such aspects as social and material status, and the history of his life.

Emotions as a subject of photography

Every day we meet large number people, but only some of them remain in our memory, thanks to some elusive mood and external features. For reasons unknown to us, they remain for a long time in our subconscious.

The solution here is very simple and it lies in ordinary emotions. It doesn't matter whether they are negative or positive. The main thing is that they are in the photograph and are bright, clear and exciting.

Emotional portrait- this is, first of all, a very expressive photograph that reveals a person as a person.

Home distinctive feature photographs - a clearly expressed emotional state in the picture, it is necessarily transmitted to the audience. Whether it’s sadness or joy, anger or fear, joy or surprise, delight or calmness - it doesn’t matter, there are many different emotions and borderline states for which, perhaps, there are not even suitable names in our language. However, they are quite tangible and understandable to the audience.

Photographer: Brett Walker

How to create an emotional photo portrait?

Each portrait, which shows sincere emotions, is remembered for a long time and leaves vivid impressions. It is very important to learn how to convey emotions through the camera lens without distorting them.

People who find themselves alone with a camera often try to play with feelings, portray them, becoming for a moment a professional actor. That’s why it’s so difficult to photograph real, genuine feelings.

Very often photographs turn out unreliable and artificial, dull and nondescript. This happens because a person cannot completely relax in front of the lens. It may seem to the model that something is not being done as it should be - the smile is not the same, the pose, the expression of the eyes, and so on. A photographer must be able to find an approach to any person and must be able to convince that everything is fine, everything is working out and everything is going as it should. It may take a lot of time and a lot of frames, but it will be worth it in the end.

It’s good to constantly talk with the model, having time to press the shutter button to tell jokes or interesting stories. At such moments it turns out interesting shots and you can catch sincere laughter or surprise.

The easiest way is to get joy and laughter, surprise. And if we talk about a family or group photo shoot - a manifestation of tenderness, love, care.

Photographer: Natalya Serdukova

Thus, this genre brings liveliness and emotionality into our lives and into all photographic art, reminds us of our feelings, and allows us to see each other from a new side.

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