Distance from the sun to Alpha Centauri. Astronomers have discovered a planet around the star Alpha Centauri

Centauri(Centaurus) is a huge constellation consisting of many bright stars, where the Alpha Centauri star system is especially highlighted, in which, according to experts, aliens live.

General information about the Alpha Centauri system

Alpha Centauri is a triple star system in the constellation Centaurus, which includes:

  • Paired stars A and B;
  • small star - Proxima Centauri.

Remembering greek myths, the constellation is named after the centaur Chiron, an expert in science, art, and educator of heroes and gods. Allegorically, myths convey to us information that the aliens of the Alpha Centauri system were initially favorable to earthlings and acted as their mentors.

Possessing deep theoretical knowledge about the laws of the universe, having technological capabilities, mastering the transmission of thoughts at a distance, aliens have been helping humanity move forward for thousands of years.

Alpha Centauri is two billion years older than the solar system. It is located so far that if you use today's fastest spacecraft, it will take one (!) million years. Even light reaches from a star in 4.3 years, and its speed is 299,792,458 m/s.

You can observe the star system with the naked eye, although all we will see is bright light, which is achieved due to the glow of two stars A and B Centauri. When observed through a telescope, the glow disintegrates and the distance between cosmic bodies is clearly visible.

Paired stars are dependent on each other. Mutual attraction influences the processes occurring on the surfaces of planets. B Centauri rotates relative to A Centauri for 80 years in an elongated ellipsoidal orbit.

Proxima. The third star of the Alpha Centauri system, Proxima or, as it is also called, a red dwarf, produces powerful flashes, is the source x-ray radiation, the reason for which scientists are unable to explain.

Proxima, the closest star from this system, makes full circle around stars A and B for 500 thousand (and according to some sources, 1 million) years, passes from the earth at a small distance, by astronomical standards, for which it received its name. Proxima moves away from its “native” stars to a distance of 13,000 AU (1 AU=149,597,870,700 m).Recently, astronomers have been receiving theoretically confirmed information about the Alpha Centauri system.

There have been people in the past, and in the present time, who come into contact with alien intelligence through channeling. They managed not only to hear, but also to see aliens, their ships, and even visit some planets. The knowledge obtained in this way became available to all inhabitants of the earth.

Aliens have made contact - the constellation Centaurus is inhabited

In the middle of the 20th century through telepathic contacts with earthlings (Elizabeth Clarer, Hal Wilcox), we learned about intelligent civilizations in the constellation Centaurus. Lectures and meetings were held, a report was read at a UN meeting, a series of books “The Explorer Race” were published, in which contactees claimed that life was brought to earth precisely from Alpha Centauri.

In Elizabeth Clarer's book Behind the light barrier"contacts with alien beings from Proxima Centauri are described in detail.

From the stories it became known that aliens from this system correspond to the violet frequency spectrum, bordering on ultraviolet radiation. The higher race has powerful energy, all residents are empaths (feel people emotionally, understand at a cognitive level, are able to predict the course of thoughts and reactions to any action) and telepaths (feel at a distance physical changes bodies, read minds), are extremely advanced in the field of science and have the most advanced high technologies.

Thanks to contactees, it is reliably known about some cultures in the Alpha Centauri star system.

Video: representatives of Alpha Centauri

Planet Village

Distance from Earth – 4.5 light years. A highly spiritual civilization. It is hundreds of years ahead of us in terms of technical development. Outwardly they are similar to earthlings, but more graceful and beautiful, they look young and live for thousands of years without disease. Aliens adhere to the law of non-interference in the affairs of other civilizations and prefer to help spiritual level, finding people who can go out to .

Telepathically they transmit information about the cosmos, the laws of the universe, and what the Creator is. They themselves are his descendants, but their idea of ​​the “Creator” does not correspond to our concept of “God”. For them, the Creator is an absolute, a comprehensive knowledge that exists simultaneously in time and space, in any universes. The Creator remains unchanged a priori so that people do not lose the guideline for self-improvement.

Contactees said that aliens were visiting earth telepathically, helping scientists make discoveries that would move the race forward. They are not aggressive, calm, and friendly. It happens that they move earthlings to their planet to show how a highly spiritual society is built.

Their assistant in ordinary life- “an alien computer” that combines consciousness and technology, which is inaccessible to us and is unlikely to be artificial intelligence we will be able to master it in the coming centuries, because we still do not have a clear idea of ​​why the brain works the way it does.

Hal Wilcox (USA, Los Angeles) in the 50-60s of the last century communicated more than once with civilization from the planet Selo, his spiritual memory was restored, where the history of the ancients is stored.

According to him, Lemuria, Atlandis are real existing civilizations which were destroyed. The Creator (Absolute) decided to block people’s access to knowledge of the past in order to avoid negative repetitions in the development of humanity. He hoped that a person would learn to control his actions, which, unfortunately, has not happened so far.

Planet Metaria

Outwardly it resembles earth, there is water, land, plants, animals. The main inhabitants are Santinians. They monitor the development of the Earth, helped humanity enter the Age of Aquarius, but do not actively interfere.

Metaria is similar to Earth, there is one large continent and many islands washed by the oceans. Life on the planet occurs not on the physical, but on the spiritual planes.

On Metaria you can meet nature spirits who maintain ideal weather. Devas take care of food for living beings. Much different from earth flora, fauna. Animals are smart, do not need training, and are not food. All Santinians are vegetarians.

There are no cities in Metaria as we understand them. Throughout the planet, dwellings are evenly built in harmony with nature, so as not to disturb the Spirits. Here common standards life, there is a family with no more than two children. Fertility is controlled by reasonable needs. Some of the residents are engaged in space exploration; the permanent population reaches 3.5 billion and has remained unchanged for many years.

The main knowledge on Metaria is the dematerialization/materialization of objects. When the basic principle of movement in time and space is revealed, dematerialization is applied, but, as representatives of the race say, this has never happened, because everyone accepts responsibility to society, absolute moral concepts laid down at the genetic level. The Santinians are favorably disposed to help earthlings, but only when the time is right.

Alien races tend to be in a state of bliss where each individual makes the perfect choice without any preparation (evolution). Thus, they do not face consequences such as mistakes, ignorance, or learning negativity.

Contactees report that the race of aliens on Alpha Centauri is ahead of us in development, and the main difference is not in the level of technology, but in the principle of organization of consciousness. However, the alien civilization is friendly and ready to share its achievements with earthlings if the knowledge is not aimed at destroying each other.

Planets from the Centaurus constellation are being developed by scientists (video)

We don’t know when “the time will come,” so scientists around the world are tirelessly moving forward, creating and launching into orbit powerful telescopes to see what was impossible to guess. Astronomers suggest that in the Alpha Centauri system with high probability There must be habitable planets, you just need to know where to look for them. In the coming decades, it will be possible to unravel this mystery.

According to the mathematical calculations of astrophysicists, planets existing in a star system such as Alpha Centauri should be habitable. This is confirmed by numerous artifacts telling about the Gods who descended to earth from the sun-like star system. In our galaxy, only the constellation Centaurus has a triple star.

In 2016, thanks to the Russian billionaire and Stephen Hogging, the ambitious project to create fundamentally new satellites that develop high speeds to " solar sails" It is planned to create a fleet of nanoships and send it to Alpha Centauri.

Satellites the size of postage stamp, will develop enormous speed on “solar sails”, allowing them to reach the star in 20 years. Nanosatellites will transmit photographs (although they will have to wait for more than 4 years), evidence that will allow scientists to proceed to the next step - organizing a real expedition to the planet.

The mass of which is very close to the mass of the Earth, the star of the triple system Alpha Centauri is the closest to us. In addition to being the closest planet to us, it is also the lightest of all those discovered by mankind. It was found using the HARPS spectrometer mounted on the 3.6-meter telescope of the European Southern Observatory in Chile. A publication about a new planet that broke two records at once appears in today's issue of the journal Nature.

Alpha Centauri is one of the brightest stars southern hemisphere. It is a triple system. Its two main and closest stars, Alpha Centauri A and B are stars similar to our Sun, orbiting general center masses, and the more distant and dimmer red component is known as Proxima Centauri, or Centauri C. In general, the Latin letters of the Centauri system reflect their brightness - A and B are the brightest, with A somewhat brighter, C much dimmer. Formally, the closest star to us is Proxima Centauri, but on the scale of distances between both star systems, the difference in distances within one system does not matter. The distance to Alpha Centauri is only 4.3 light years. Since the 19th century, astronomers have speculated about planets orbiting these three stars, since these planets may be the closest centers of life outside the solar system to us. Until now, searches for planets have led nowhere, despite the ever-increasing accuracy of measurements. Finally, the first result was obtained.

“Our observations with the HARPS spectrometer, which lasted more than four years, revealed very weak but still noticeable emission from a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri B with a period of 3.2 days,” says Xavier Dumusque, a researcher at the Geneva Observatory and the Center of Astrophysics of the University of Porto first. author of the publication. “This is an extraordinary discovery, made at the limit of accuracy of our methods!”

The planet was found by slight fluctuations in the motion of Alpha Centauri B, caused by the gravitational pull of the planet orbiting the star. This effect is really insignificant - the star moves from time to time in one direction or the other at a speed not exceeding 51 centimeters per second. This is the highest precision ever achieved with this measurement technique based on the speed of the star. This is exactly how the HARPS apparatus searches for planets. Its task is to determine the radial velocity of the star, that is, its component linear speed, directed along the line of sight towards and away from the Earth. Of course, a star has both angular and linear speed. But if, with its linear speed, it moves in an almost constant direction, the situation with orbital circulation is different. For us, distant observers, this reversal is expressed in a periodic increase and decrease in the linear velocity of the star. Due to the Doppler effect, these changes in linear velocity cause shifts in the star's emission spectrum either in the direction long waves when moving away from us (red shift), or to the side short waves, when the star moves towards the observer (blueshift). These tiny shifts spectral lines can be measured using the high-precision spectrograph HARPS.

The star Alpha Centauri B is similar to the Sun, but slightly smaller and dimmer. The new planet also differs slightly from Earth in mass, but it is heavier. It is worth noting that it is not yet possible to accurately determine the mass of the planet. The gravitational effect search method used only allows us to obtain an estimate of the minimum mass of the planet. This is due to the fact that the influence of the planet on the motion of the star is related to the inclination of its orbit relative to the line of observation. However, the minimum estimate obtained in this way very often turns out to be close to the truth if it is possible to measure the mass using other methods. So new planet may turn out to be much heavier than the Earth, but this is extremely unlikely. The distance between the planet and the star is about 6 million kilometers. Alpha Centauri A is located at a distance hundreds of times greater.

It is worth noting that the first exoplanet around a Sun-like star was found by the same group of researchers in 1995. At that time, the discovery of new planets was rare, but since then there have been more than 800 confirmed discoveries of planets and several thousand discoveries of candidates still awaiting confirmation. Most of these discovered planets turn out to be much more than Earth, and more importantly, they are mostly gas giants. This is due to the peculiarities of the search method. The main contribution to the search comes from orbital telescope Kepler. He has more than 2,300 candidates, using the walk-through method. Therefore, stars that are located in this way are usually located close to the star, and gas giants also eclipse the star more strongly, making them easier to find. The HARPS apparatus also has its limitations. The first, however, is beneficial to us - he is looking for planets closer to us, so that the radiation of the star is not distorted when traveling through the Universe so much that the features of the change in speed can no longer be distinguished. The second is more serious - it finds the same giants better, since their impact on the star is greater, and for the same reason it finds planets in low orbits better. Unfortunately, the new record-breaking planet was able to overcome the mass limit, but could not cope with the problem of low orbit. It orbits too close to the star, very far from the boundary of the habitable zone.

Yet “this is the first near-Earth-mass planet discovered around a Sun-like star. Its orbit is too low, the star is very close to the star and its surface must be too hot for life as we know it, adds Stéphane Oudry, a fellow at the Geneva Observatory and co-author. “But it is quite possible that this is only one of several planets in the system.” Both our HARPS observations and the new Kepler findings clearly show that most small planets are found in such systems."

“This result represents a huge step towards detecting an Earth twin in the immediate vicinity of the Sun. We live in wonderful times!” - concludes Xavier Dumusque.

A few years ago, astronomers announced that they had discovered a planet inside the Alpha Centauri star system. This system is the closest solar system to our planetary system. Alpha Centauri is only 4.6 light years away from it. years, which by cosmic standards is extremely short. To reach it, it takes approximately 60 years and a speed of 1/10 of light speed. Thus, it should be noted that it is not difficult for us to get to Alpha Centauri, and for this there is no need to invent a new super-high-speed engine.

Despite the claim that there is a planet in Alpha Centauri, some astronomers are confident that no planets can exist there. But there is evidence that is difficult to dispute. Star “B” in the above star system “blinks,” which indicates the presence of a dimly luminous object near it, which may well be a planet. Unfortunately, it was never possible to find traces of this unknown cosmic body, but astronomers and planetary scientists from all over the world continue to believe in its existence.

Most likely, near the star Alpha Centauri B there is a small planet comparable in size to ours. It is difficult to notice it because it is too close to its star. Sooner or later, astronomers will want to study this mythical cosmic body in more detail. Perhaps in the future a spaceship will be sent to Alpha Centauri, but the question remains: is it practical?

Space travel to the Alpha Centauri star system

Over the past 10 years, astronomy has developed incredibly. Scientists almost every day find new space objects, the existence of which they could not even guess before. This once again proves that there is no point in saying that there cannot be planets in the Alpha Centauri system. It’s better to think about where exactly you should look for this planet, what it will be like, how close to its star it is located and could it be a carrier of some kind of extraterrestrial life?

Thanks to the world-famous Kepler spacecraft, we now know that near every star in our galaxy " Milky Way" there is a planet, and sometimes more than one. One can say more, small planets comparable in size to ours are more common in space. If we ever manage to prove that there is at least one planet in Alpha Centauri, it will be the discovery of the century, as it will bring us closer to solving the mystery of the existence of extraterrestrial life. According to scientists, a planet that can exist in such a star system may well be suitable for life. In many legends various peoples world it is described that the “Gods” descended to Earth from this star system. As is known, two stars of Alpha Centauri are sun-like, and the third is a “red dwarf”.

Could life exist in the Alpha Centauri system?

The system itself is quite old, so the planet that is hypothetically located there would have enough time for the evolution of the same Darwin, for example. It would seem that if Alpha Centauri is located so close to us, then why not point radio telescopes at it, such as the super-powerful Arecibo, which is located in Puerto Rico? Unfortunately, this is impossible, since the star system is located in not quite convenient location– too south of that area outer space, which can cover Arecibo. The only option that will allow us to thoroughly study Alpha Centauri is design and implementation new mission: flight to Alpha Centauri and colonization of the star system. So responsible and brave act humanity most likely will not be able to decide for several decades. The project itself will be incredibly expensive, costing trillions of dollars. It should be noted that in addition to difficulties, it has prospects. By implementing it, we can become the first “immortal civilization” to overcome interstellar space. Why immortal? Because having settled in near space, we will in any case be able to preserve representatives of our species. There is even a proverb: “You shouldn’t keep all your eggs in one basket.”

The colonists of Alpha Centauri face numerous difficulties: new climate, environment, microflora, possible living beings unknown to science and much more. In order not to rebuild oneself to new conditions, it is possible to create genetically modified people who will be adapted to them even before birth. The uninhabited planets of Alpha Centauri can be terraformed. If there is an asteroid belt in a given star system, then this is generally wonderful - we can create our own individual world there, and then we will not have to quarrel with possible representatives of alien life that may live on the planets of Alpha Centauri. In fact, astropaleontologists and planetary scientists are very scrupulous about flights to potentially inhabited planets, since any interference with intelligent alien life may deform their cultural evolution.

Is Alpha Centauri really an intelligent civilization?

If this is so, then, most likely, she does not even know about our existence, and if she does, she does not want to establish contact with us, believing that we are not yet very technologically developed. Perhaps this alien race has already taken possession of our asteroid belt and periodically visits our planet to study earthlings and the Earth itself. In this case, it becomes clear why we see UFOs periodically. We can only hope that those who exist in space besides us do not wish us harm.

We view this star system as one star, but in reality it is 3 stars. Of the 3, Proxima Centauri is closer to our Sun than any other famous star.

The Alpha Centauri system is the closest star system to our Sun. On the dome of our sky we see this multiple system as one star - the third most bright star, visible from Earth.

The Alpha Centauri system probably consists of three stars. Alpha Centauri is part of a binary or triple star system. The two main components are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. The third star, a red dwarf, Proxima Centauri is located 4.22 light years away and is next door neighbor our Sun, among the stars.

Comparison of the sizes and colors of stars in the Alpha Centauri system with our Sun

If you look through a small telescope at the Alpha Centauri system, you will see the two main stars, but you will not see Proxima Centauri. It is too faint and too far away (4 full Moon diameters) to be easily recognized as part of the system.

To the eye, Alpha Centauri A appears as the fourth - brightest star visible from Earth, slightly eclipsed by Arcturus. However, the combined light of Alpha Centauri A and B is slightly brighter than Arcturus, making it the third brightest star visible in the sky from Earth. These stars are on average 4.3 light years away.

Yellow Alpha Centauri A is the same star type, like our Sun (G2), although slightly larger. It appears bright in our sky due to its proximity to Earth. Just a few degrees away, the star Hadar (a separate star sometimes called Beta Centauri, not to be confused with Alpha Centauri B) appears dimmer in our sky than Alpha Centauri. But in fact, much further, 525 light years.

Alpha Centauri A's surface temperature is several degrees lower than that of our Sun (that is, about 5770 K), but its diameter is larger (about 25% larger than the Sun) and overall large area surfaces give it a brightness of almost 1.6 times our star.

The smaller member of the system, Alpha Centauri B, is slightly smaller than our sun, with a spectral type of K2. At a lower temperature (about 5300 K), Alpha Centauri B itself would be the 21st brightest star in our sky.

Snapshot Space telescope Hubble, Proxima Centauri, the closest known star of the Sun

Proxima is the closest of the three Alpha Centauri stars to Earth.

Faint red Proxima Centauri is almost a light year away from Alpha Centauri A and B. This long distance casts doubt on its status as part of a triple star system. In other words, there is some debate about whether Proxima is actually connected to the other two stars in the system. For now, her status is unclear. The star may just be passing nearby, but not part of the system. However, most astronomers say that Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our Solar System, with the assumption that Proxima is a true part of the Alpha Centauri system.

Let's look at Proxima's distance from the other two stars in the Alpha Centauri system differently. Proxima's orbit around the two primary stars is thought to take half a billion years. Moreover, Proxima Centauri is an insignificant star. This is red dwarf star, having only an eighth of the mass of our Sun. If Proxima replaces the Sun in our solar system, it will only shine as bright as 45 full moons. Meanwhile, our sun is 400,000 times brighter than the full moon.

Proxima is also a flare star subject to sudden changes brightness However, her flashes are really weak. On a bright star they would not be noticeable. So let's assume, as most astronomers do, that Proxima is part of the Alpha Centauri system, just a very strange, small and distant part.

And whether it is gravitationally bound to Alpha Centauri A or B or not, Proxima is still the closest known star to our Earth and Sun. It is about a trillion kilometers closer than the other two stars in the Alpha Centauri system, for example.

You can see Alpha Centauri using Southern Cross as a guide. A line drawn across the crossbar to the east comes first to Hadar (Beta Centauri), then to Alpha Centauri

How to see Alpha Centauri. Unfortunately for us in the Northern Hemisphere, Alpha Centauri is located very far south in the dome of the sky. Most Russians don't see it. Cutoff latitude is about 29 degrees northern latitude, and anyone north of this is out of luck, the star never rises more than a few degrees above the southern horizon.

Meanwhile, in Australia and much of the southern hemisphere, Alpha Centauri is circumpolar, meaning it never sets. She is probably the most famous star that almost no one in the northern hemisphere has ever seen.

For northern observers, there really are no good pointer stars for Alpha Centauri. When the bright star Arcturus is high overhead, Alpha Centauri may be low in the southern sky if you are south of 29 degrees north latitude.

History and mythology of Alpha Centauri. The Alpha Centauri system appears to the eye as one bright star, the brightest star in southern constellation Centauri Centaur. Two alternative names for this star, Toliman and Bungula, are rarely used. The findings are somewhat dubious, but Toliman may be from the Arabic word for ostrich, and Bungula appears to be derived from the Latin word for hooves.

Thousands of years ago, the movement of the Earth called precession is what causes North Star change with time - caused Alpha Centauri to appear higher in the sky, for Northern Hemisphere than now.

Classical mythmakers did not spend much time on this constellation, although it was believed to represent the wise centaurs who featured in the mythology of Hercules and Jason. The centaur was accidentally wounded by Hercules and placed in the sky after the death of Zeus.

Alpha Centauri itself means the right front hoof of a centaur, although little is known about its mythological significance, if any. The ancient Egyptians revered him and may have built temples according to his ascendant. IN southern China he was part of a star group known as the Southern Gate.

Astronomers determined the distance to the Alpha Centauri system for the first time in 1839, just a few months after they first determined the distance to the star (61 Cygni). The Alpha Centauri system is the closest star system to our Sun. In the dome of our sky, we see this multiple system as a single star—the third brightest star visible from Earth.

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Alpha Centauri - flight destination spaceships in many works belonging to the genre science fiction. This star closest to us belongs to heavenly pattern, embodying the legendary centaur Chiron, according to Greek mythology, former teacher Hercules and Achilles.

Modern researchers, like writers, tirelessly return in their thoughts to this star system, since it is not only the first candidate for a long-term space expedition, but also a possible owner of an inhabited planet.


The Alpha Centauri star system includes three space objects: two stars with the same name and designations A and B, and such stars are characterized by a close location of two components and a distant location of the third. Proxima is just the latter. The distance to Alpha Centauri with all its elements is approximately 4.3 stars, located closer to Earth, at at the moment No. At the same time, the fastest flight is to Proxima: we are separated by only 4.22 light years.

Solar relatives

Alpha Centauri A and B differ from their companion not only in their distance from Earth. Unlike Proxima, they are in many ways similar to the Sun. Alpha Centauri A or Rigel Centaurus (translated as “leg of the Centaur”) is the brighter component of the pair. Toliman A, as this star is also called, is a yellow dwarf. It is clearly visible from Earth, as it has a magnitude of zero. This parameter makes it the fourth brightest point in the night sky. The size of the object is almost the same as that of the sun.

The star Alpha Centauri B is inferior to our star in mass (about 0.9 of the corresponding parameter of the Sun). It belongs to the objects of the first magnitude, and its luminosity level is approximately two times less than that of main star our piece of the Galaxy. The distance between two adjacent companions is 23 astronomical units, that is, they are located 23 times farther from each other than the Earth is from the Sun. Toliman A and Toliman B together rotate around the same center of mass with a period of 80 years.

Recent discovery

Scientists, as already mentioned, have high hopes for discovering life in the vicinity of the star Alpha Centauri. The planets supposedly existing here may resemble Earth in the same way that the components of the system themselves resemble our star. Until recently, however, no such cosmic bodies were discovered near the star. The distance does not allow direct observation of the planets. Obtaining evidence of the existence of an earth-like object became possible only with the improvement of technology.

Using the radial velocity method, scientists were able to detect very small vibrations of Toliman B arising under the influence gravitational forces planet orbiting around it. Thus, evidence was obtained of the existence of at least one such object in the system. The vibrations caused by the planet appear as it moves 51 cm per second forward and then backward. Under Earth conditions, such a movement, even the most big body it would be very noticeable. However, at a distance of 4.3 light years, detecting such a wobble seems impossible. Nevertheless, it was registered.

Sister of the Earth

The discovered planet orbits Alpha Centauri B in 3.2 days. It is located very close to the star: the orbital radius is ten times smaller than the corresponding parameter characteristic of Mercury. The weight of it space object close to Earth's and is approximately 1.1 times the mass of the Blue Planet. This is where the similarity ends: the close location, according to scientists, suggests that the emergence of life on the planet is impossible. The energy of the luminary reaching its surface heats it up too much.


The third component that makes the entire constellation famous is Alpha Centauri C or Proxima Centauri. The name of the cosmic body translated means “nearest”. Proxima stands at a distance of 13,000 light years from its companions. This is an eleventh red dwarf object, small (about 7 times smaller than the sun) and very dim. It is impossible to see it with the naked eye. Proxima is characterized by a “restless” state: the star is capable of doubling its brightness in a few minutes. The reason for this “behavior” is internal processes, flowing in the bowels of the dwarf.

Dual position

Proxima has long been thought to be the third member of the Alpha Centauri system, orbiting the pair A and B every about 500 years. However, in lately The opinion is gaining strength that the red dwarf has nothing to do with them, and the interaction of the three cosmic bodies is a temporary phenomenon.

The reason for doubt was the data that the close-knit pair of stars does not have sufficient gravity to hold Proxima as well. The information obtained in the early 90s of the last century required additional confirmation for a long time. Recent observations and calculations by scientists have not given a clear answer. According to assumptions, Proxima may still be part of triple system and move around a common gravitational center. In this case, its orbit should resemble an elongated oval, and the most remote point from the center - the one in which the star is observed now.


Be that as it may, it is to Proxima that it is planned to fly first when this becomes possible. Journey to Alpha Centauri modern level development space technology can last more than 1000 years. Such a time period is simply unthinkable, which is why scientists are actively searching for options to reduce it.

A group of NASA researchers led by Harold White is developing Project Speed, which should result in new engine. Its peculiarity will be the ability to overcome the speed of light, due to which the flight from Earth to the nearest star will take only two weeks. Such a miracle of technology will be a real masterpiece of the united work of theoretical physicists and experimentalists. For now, however, a ship that overcomes the speed of light is a thing of the future. According to Mark Millis, who once worked at NASA, such technologies, given the current rate of progress, will become a reality no earlier than in two hundred years. Reducing the period is possible only if a discovery is made that can radically change existing ideas about space flight.

Now Proxima Centauri and its companions remain ambitious goal, unattainable in the near future. Technology, however, is constantly being improved, and new information about the characteristics of the star system is why visual evidence. Already today, scientists can do many things that they could not even dream of 40-50 years ago.

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