What a teacher should be like: rules for future teachers. types of teachers that every school has

This is a person who can see the personality in a student. Become a friend to each of us and help in difficult situation. He shows the same feelings to the student as to his own child.

For me, this is a kind and sympathetic person, not only demanding, but also explaining his subject clearly.

A true teacher loves children and finds joy in communicating with them. He must be patient, understanding, wise, creative.

For me, a real teacher is like a mother who can support and advise the right decision. This is a person who understands children and is able to care and pay attention to each student. But such teachers are only in primary school.

The teacher is not only a source of knowledge and advice, but also a comrade and true friend. Able to express his knowledge accessible language any student. After all, it is teachers who make us educated people.

A modern teacher keeps up with the times and his students. He knows how to show the world in a new way and constantly surprises. Always gives the student the opportunity to express his opinion. The calling of a teacher is not only to give a worthy education - a sum of knowledge, but also to instill in children independence, humanity, to develop creativity to study and enrich spiritually.

A real teacher is the one who explains in such a way that you remember it for the rest of your life. The one who is in no hurry to give bad marks and draw negative conclusions. Someone who treats students with respect and deserves their respect. The main purpose of the teacher is to clearly explain the material: to translate from an “incomprehensible” language to an “understandable” one. It's a pity that not everyone succeeds. But a real teacher can make an unloved subject a favorite...

A teacher is not a profession, but a calling. It's not enough to just teach - you need to love your job. Recently I heard Meyerhold’s expression: “You cannot teach, you can only learn.” At first this point of view seemed absurd to me. Why then are teachers needed? After thinking, I understood her true meaning. Many of us have changed our attitude towards a subject just because we didn’t like the teacher. This means that the teacher does not just teach. He helps you learn by conveying his love and understanding of the subject.

A teacher is an eternal student who continues to improve throughout his life. A student always ready to admit that he was wrong. “He who comprehends the new by cherishing the old can be a teacher,” said Confucius. There have been many real teachers in my life. I want to tell them Thanks a lot for putting a piece of themselves into me!

A teacher is a person who teaches and educates students. But, of course, such a definition cannot reveal everything that a teacher needs to do and what he is responsible for during the educational process. And not everyone can become one. It is necessary for a person to have special type personality. What qualities of a teacher help him in passing on knowledge to other generations?

Professional readiness

If we briefly list the qualities of a teacher, they will be as follows:

  • love for children;
  • humanism;
  • intelligence;
  • creative approach to work;
  • high civic responsibility and social activity;
  • physical and mental health.

Taken together, they constitute professional readiness for teaching. It distinguishes psychophysiological and theoretical-practical aspects. They describe the requirements for determining teacher competence. Pedagogical competence- this is a definition of the theoretical and practical preparedness of a teacher to carry out his professional activities. At the same time, the requirements for the teacher primary school somewhat different from other teachers.

Qualities of a first school teacher

IN modern system Education, the concept of "primary school teacher" has begun to be used more widely than before. If once its functions were limited only to what it gave basic knowledge children, now his field of activity has expanded significantly.

Therefore, the requirements for teacher qualities primary classes now the following:

  • he is not only a teacher, but also an educator;
  • must know the psychophysiological characteristics of children;
  • he must be able to organize the activities of his charges;
  • the teacher actively interacts with children and their parents;
  • readiness for constant self-development;
  • the teacher must create optimal conditions for training;
  • helps students interact with the environment;
  • owns modern techniques training.

A primary school teacher is not comparable to teachers at the middle and senior levels. Its functions are even broader, since it is always class teacher and teaches several disciplines. Of course, the qualities of a teacher, both professional and personal, are important.

What skills and abilities does the teacher have?

What should a teacher be like? This is determined by the standards that are prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as by the qualities listed by others famous personalities in pedagogy. For example, such an employee must constantly educate himself and improve his skills. Professional quality teachers highlight the following:

  • broad outlook and ability to present material competently;
  • training taking into account individual characteristics students;
  • competent, delivered speech and clear diction;
  • ability to use facial expressions and gestures during performances;
  • focus on working with students;
  • ability to quickly respond to situations, resourcefulness;
  • the ability to correctly formulate goals;
  • must have organizational skills;
  • quality control of students' knowledge.

Important qualities of a teacher are his knowledge and skills acquired during his studies and during his professional activities. He must also be able to apply them in his work as a teacher.

Personal qualities of a teacher

It is very important that the teacher has a theoretical basis, which is the basis of the educational process. But even if a person knows everything about raising and teaching children, he may not become good teacher. What should a teacher be like from a personal point of view? A qualified specialist is determined by the following qualities:

Leading abilities in teaching activities

  1. The activity of a teacher is of a continual and forward-looking nature. Having knowledge of past generations, he must master modern techniques and follow new trends. Also the teacher must see personal potential students.
  2. Interactions between teacher and student are subjective in nature. The “object” of a teacher’s activity is a group of students or a pupil, who at the same time are the subject of their own activity with their own needs and interests.
  3. IN educational process It is difficult to appreciate the contribution made by everyone involved in the upbringing and education of a child. That's why pedagogical activity is of a collective nature.
  4. The process of upbringing and education takes place in natural and social environment, in which it is difficult to take into account all factors. Therefore, the teacher has to constantly create optimal conditions for learning.
  5. Pedagogical activity is creative nature. The teacher has to constantly search non-standard solutions for the assigned tasks, various ways increasing the motivation of students. Also, the mentor must be proactive, observant, and strive for excellence.
  6. All professional activity The teacher’s education is based on humanistic principles: respect for the individual, a trusting attitude, the ability to empathize with students, faith in the child’s abilities.
  7. The teacher cannot immediately see the result of his work.
  8. The teacher is constantly engaged in self-education and improves the level of his qualifications, i.e. continuous learning occurs.

The teaching profession involves constant interaction with big amount people, namely children. He must be able to organize their activities and maintain attention in class. The teacher must know the psychophysiological characteristics of each age period children and apply them in practice. Also, the teacher must be able to cope with large amounts of information.

Or maybe this is a calling?

It is difficult to determine what is more important: getting Teacher Education or love children and have a sincere desire to teach and educate them. For many, a teacher is not a profession, it is a calling. Because if you want to build trusting relationship With a child, you need to stay a little small yourself.

A teacher should be like a child who is always interested in everything, who is always looking for something new. And being a teacher is great talent, you need to be able to discern the potential in each student and help realize it. Also, the teacher must be highly spiritual and cultured person, in order to instill in their wards the correct life guidelines.

Their commitment to children and their subject keeps our teachers in school for a long time. The teaching profession is one of the most stressful; a person is constantly in emotional stress. The ability to withstand such loads is one of the requirements for a teacher’s professional suitability, which brings this matter closer to What should a teacher be like in order to become not an ordinary, but a good teacher, to whom students come long after leaving school?

Giving hope

The most important quality, without which it is unthinkable good teacher- this is faith in your students. Not so often, but still sometimes we see how a strong belief in the best in a child turns an inveterate C student into a strong good student, or even an excellent student. A brilliant teacher is not a winner of competitions, but a winner of students' laziness and despair. This is someone who knows how to give hope even in difficult situations. What should a teacher be like? The most important quality is to see intellectual and moral potential in a child.

The team as a big personality

Working as a teacher requires special sensitivity, caution, sensitivity to the mood of children, the ability to understand the children as a team as a whole, because large group children gathered together are like one person. Experienced teachers They know that each class has its own face. What works in one team will not work in another. Therefore, a teacher who knows how to guess the best strategy and tactics of behavior with different groups will be a good specialist.

Relationship professional

What should a teacher be like to deserve the title of an excellent teacher? Professional in building human relations. If a teacher does not have a good relationship with a student, this is a sign of insufficient development of this skill. It is very difficult to choose and maintain the right distance so that on the one hand there is no coldness, and on the other, so that the student does not adopt a familiar model of behavior. Partnerships are possible only with high school students, but at the same time, the student must remember that he is a junior partner, and the teacher is a senior.

Consistency is the key to respect

What should a teacher be like for students to respect him? Thinking, doing and saying the same thing. A teacher can be authoritarian, harsh, capricious, but if his words do not diverge from deeds and thoughts, students will still respect such a teacher. There will be many who will feel sympathy for such a teacher. It is very important to be fair so that students can be sure that the teacher does not assign grades according to likes and dislikes. Transparency of grades given by the teacher is very helpful in this matter. When a student knows the requirements and sees how they are implemented, he feels much calmer. This gives him the feeling that his academic performance directly depends on his efforts. Increases motivation and self-confidence.

To be a good teacher, you need to meet many requirements. Not everything works out right away, but over time, every person who enters the profession can learn to become a teacher with a capital T.

When we were in school and loved to complain about the evil teachers who were already “fed up” with their bad grades, the answer to the question: "What should a teacher be like?", seemed obvious to us. We even remember once writing an essay on the topic “ Ideal teacher" Of course he must be kind! So that he doesn’t give bad marks and doesn’t yell, so that he calls less people to the board, and so that the lesson is still interesting. Sweet, good, always smiles, never swears and homework doesn't ask. Perhaps this is the whole portrait of an ideal teacher in the eyes of children.

But we all grew up and many of us encountered pedagogy: someone became school teacher, some as a tutor, and some as a university teacher. But, probably, each of those who nevertheless chose the path of teaching had a question: “ So what should a good teacher be like? What shouldn't a teacher be like? Which teaching method should I choose?

And many, I think, in their youth stepped on the same rake.

Democratic teaching method is now considered the most popular. And, of course, many young teachers want to live up to the image of that same kind teacher from their childhood. WITH good grades, without shouting... and it seems that this perfect model behavior until... until you are faced with the issue of discipline.

What happens to young “good” teachers at school? Once in the children's flock, they find themselves “eaten” by those same children. Don't believe me? Look into such a teacher's classroom, where the children are standing on their ears, screaming, minding their own business, and the unfortunate teacher, in an attempt to kindly stop them, clutches his head, ready to burst into tears. And vice versa. It would seem that the evil and vile hysterical teacher has all the children sitting at attention: not a single one makes a sound, their mouths are closed and deathly silence reigns.

Why does this happen? What are we doing wrong? What qualities should a teacher have?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out who actually becomes a teacher. Among teachers, there are often skin-visual teachers and teachers with an anal vector. The first ones are the creators of culture, so they go to school to “teach children beauty”. Often these are teachers of primary school, as well as Russian, literature, foreign language, MHC. Such teachers feel students on a subtle level, are very attentive, responsive and often intuitively choose correctly required style teaching. However, among these there are often counter examples: hysterical, fixated only on themselves, suffering from a love of irrational limitation. “Ivanov, sit up straight! Lisitsyna, where are you going? Vasiliev, shut your mouth! Baranov, why are you digging around?” And it’s scary to move in front of such a teacher in class: she’ll start screaming like that, God forbid. And schoolchildren hate and fear it, but they teach the subject.

Teachers with the anal vector perform their natural function at school, because they are naturally given a craving for children and a desire to pass on knowledge to subsequent generations. And in teaching they will also be greatly helped by such qualities as excellent memory, a sense of justice and attention to detail. Anal-visual teachers are often just those “ kind teachers“, and if they do not yet have a skin vector, or their skin properties are not developed, they do not know how to limit children and maintain discipline in the classroom.

Our visual mistake is that we do not fully understand the significance of the democratic method of teaching. We often visually believe that “democracy” is complete laxity and chaos. We are visually mistaken, as if kindness alone can win over students, forgetting that the school is a kind of model of the primeval savannah. Anally, we rush to extremes: if not a utopian atmosphere of kindness and forgiveness, then harsh tyranny.

Thinking about what a real teacher should be like, we forget about what a real student is like. Even if he is not in a pack, but alone, and you come to study with him not at school, but at home.

The main mistakes that young teachers and tutors make:

1. We, anal-visual teachers, evaluate children through ourselves and form some of our own expectations. And we all have the same expectations. We already know how a student should behave at school! Children should be obedient, children should be interested in what seems interesting to us. Children will behave well if you are “kind” to them. And the most main mistake, which is common among young teachers and tutors... For some reason, we often believe that if you become a friend to a student (or students), he (or they) will love your subject, study well and behave perfectly.

No matter how it is! Children may love such a teacher, but discipline will not improve from this... and neither will their knowledge of the subject. Moreover, they will sit on the neck of a “kind” teacher-friend. There are so many videos circulating on the Internet where children either run naked into the classroom to the teacher, or swear at her, or something else... As a result, the anal teacher is offended. The teacher becomes disillusioned with the children in general and begins to consider them almost monsters. And it would be okay if such a teacher left the school: no, he often becomes a kind of local despot and tyrant, a screaming scarecrow, whom students are not so much afraid of as despised. And this is an illustration of what a teacher should not be.

I remember an anal-visual art teacher who was given the nickname Pencil. Despite the fact that he swore, he simply did not know how to maintain discipline. The students simply mocked him: they spat on his chair, threw papers at him, there was even a rumor about how some teenager waylaid Pencil on the street and attacked him with their fists. Does this mean that shouting does not help in learning?

2. We lose sight of the fact that all children are different. And that some are naturally obedient and inquisitive (anal-visual children), while others cannot sit still quietly for five minutes (skin and urethral children). And we make an example of some and infringe on others, trying to put everyone under the same brush.

3. We also forget that there comes a moment when lovely children, who only yesterday listened to us with interest and solved problems, enter puberty, when they are carried into lower vectors, and lose interest in learning completely. The desire to rank among peers completely overshadows the desire to learn. The authority of a teacher is lost if he does not understand the needs of adolescents and continues to stubbornly stick to his line.

A good teacher.. what is he like? K Not the one who tries to please everyone and pretends to be a “kind” teacher. After all, many of the anal-visual teachers who have had the complex “ good boy” and the “good girl” complex, and being a teacher they continue to chase universal love (in particular the love of children), with fear in their eyes they try to please everyone. And the one who is aware of his own and others’ shortcomings. A reflective person, analyzing himself and others.

What should an ideal teacher be like? First of all, soberly assessing their students. Not with our heads in the clouds and dreams that schoolchildren will suddenly become what we want them to be. And he sees who is in front of him and understands how to behave with this or that child.

Who shouldn't you swear at, and who wouldn't hurt to rein in? Who should be given more time to think, and who should be pushed? Who should be given the opportunity to speak out, and who should not be required to be verbose? Who will be affected by punishment, who will be traumatized by it, and who will it provoke? Who should parents complain about and who should they not? There are many situations... thousands! Try to take them apart at once!

Instead of a conclusion

Now I look at all this and think that without knowledge

On the eve of Teacher's Day, we decided to indulge in nostalgia and remember the wonderful school days. We noticed that most students and teachers are like heroes famous films and TV series, so we invite you to have a little fun - find your friends and teachers, and maybe yourself among the proposed types. Find out if you're like Phoebe from Friends or Peter Parker from Spider-Man.

7 types of teachers that every school has

Below we will tell you about 7 types of teachers you definitely met at school. We think you will easily recognize them in our characters. Or maybe your current English teacher is like one of them?

Ross from Friends (good, but too good-natured)

The most harmless teacher in school. Even if you haven’t learned something, he will say: “For now, I only put a D in the journal with a pencil.” He is happy to share his knowledge with his students, but... they have almost no respect for him. Remember what Ross said: “My rule is: either show up on time or don’t show up at all. My students use this a lot.” Yes, yes, this is the same type of teacher whose lessons were so easy to disrupt and skip, because out of the kindness of his heart he would never complain to his parents or write a report to the director. It is easy to study with such a teacher, the main thing is not to sit on his head, because the cup of patience may overflow. In rare moments of anger, he can behave arrogantly, so if you do not want to become the object of his caustic jokes, like Joey, know when to stop.

Darth Vader from Star Wars (dictator)

Very strict teacher. Like young Anakin Skywalker, he believes that best system- dictatorship. His authority is so high that the students even forget about the existence of the Emperor - the school director; the main thing is to please the strict teacher. The slogan of the teacher-dictator is “Sit down! A call for the teacher,” well, since the force is on his side, the teacher-Darth Vader will keep you under a tight rein educational process until the end of the break. If you don't do your homework, he will start waving his saber with a lightsaber - handing out deuces left and right. “Sit down, two!” - one of the favorite phrases of the Vader teacher. In general, if this teacher is not your father, we advise you to behave quietly, below the grass and wait until Darth Vader angers the Emperor so much that the latter wants to get rid of him.

Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory (smart but narcissistic)

If this beacon of knowledge has condescended to teach, get ready to study, study and study again. He will demand that you know every little detail about his subject. If you (God forbid!) declare that on entry level don’t yet know the difference between be going to and will, he will consider you mediocre and say famous quote Sheldon: “Do you know what they don’t sell at the container store? Containers that can contain my disappointment!” Do not under any circumstances try to argue with this type of teacher, even if you are 100% sure that you are right: best case scenario Sheldon will not listen to you, at worst, you will become his enemy, just like Leslie Winkle.

A pedant to the core: being a second late will be punished with the sacramental phrase “Close the door on the other side.” In addition, the Sheldon teacher loves strict discipline. Remember famous phrase from school “If you’re so smart, stand in my place and teach a lesson, and I’ll sit in yours and giggle”? This type of teacher often says this. To tame Sheldon, throw comic books at him and do your homework, this will keep him entertained for a while.

Indiana Jones from the Indiana Jones films (a practitioner who knows how to captivate)

Teaching is the main activity in his life. However, he is not just a theorist, but also a practitioner: as soon as the opportunity arises, he will go abroad to practice his English, taking only a hat and a whip. Being a valiant fighter against evil and injustice, the Indy teacher will not allow you to skip his lessons, although you are unlikely to have such a desire: natural charm and the ability to explain everything in simple words are able to win the love of not only millions of fans, but also a couple of dozen students. Him wonderful feeling humor, most likely, it is in his lesson that you can hear the famous “Who’s at the blackboard?” Forest of hands! And he also motivates us to take action instead of saying: “If you want to become archaeologists, get out of libraries.” With such a teacher, you will definitely be ready to go in search of the Holy Grail and to the pinnacle of knowledge of the English language.

Dr. House from the TV series "Dr. House" (very smart, but breaks all the rules)

Teacher-House is a true master of his craft: he understands the subject perfectly and gives clear explanations. At the same time, he treats his patients and students cynically and rather ruthlessly. If you cannot cope with the task, you may well quote your prototype from the series: “Are you always so stupid or today a special case? This unusual type of teacher does not get along well at school, because there are too many rules in the educational institution, and Dr. House and the rules, as you remember, are incompatible things. However, no matter how callous a cracker he may seem, teacher House still loves his job and wants all his students to be well versed in the subject. So, despite his disgusting character, many students adore him and consider him a teaching genius.

Mary Poppins from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!" (Firestarter)

An almost ideal teacher who is respected by absolutely all students. Even inveterate losers and hooligans listen to her with bated breath, because this lady (or gentleman) is able to turn any lesson into fairy tale. Teacher-Mary advocates for individual approach to every student. In addition, she is not afraid of change, so without a twinge of conscience she throws away old, outdated textbooks, gladly uses new methods of teaching English and promotes modern textbooks, and not the manuals of the dashing 90s, so revered in many schools. She is strict, but fair, and also knows how to present knowledge in an interesting form and easily instills a love for the subject in her students.

Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings (wise mentor)

Gandalf is an ideal teacher: he loves hobbit students and knows his business perfectly. But his main advantage is that this is the same type of teacher who “only opens the door, but you yourself must enter.” Remember, Gandalf showed Frodo the path and motivated him to reach his goal. At first glance, it seems that the cunning wizard is inclined to dump his work on the shoulders of the poor hobbit students. However, it is not. Teacher Gandalf knows very well: to understand something, you need not only the help of a teacher, but also independent work, even if it assumes not an easy path with many obstacles and mistakes. A magical teacher pushes students in the right direction and inspires them to achieve feats in their studies, which is why his students love him.

7 Types of Students Every Class Has

Now let's remember our classmates: some were quiet and modest, some were cheerful and eccentric, and some were meticulous and annoying. What type would you classify your friends and yourself as?

Daenerys Targaryen from the series "Game of Thrones" (team leader)

Determined and confident student. While the teacher considers himself to be the leader in the class, the student leader has a different opinion. He easily leads his khalasar class and does not recognize other authorities except himself. Usually such a student has his own “dragons” - a retinue who is ready to do anything for the sake of their leader. Despite the apparent authoritarianism and even harshness of the student leader, he, like Daenerys herself, is inclined to protect the oppressed and fight authoritarian power. So the teacher better be in good relations with the class leader, otherwise the latter will greatly spoil his blood.

Cinderella (very diligent student)

The quietest and most obedient student in the class. Most often, this is an insecure girl who easily bows to the authority of the teacher. She believes that if she works diligently, peace will reign on Earth, and all the pumpkins will turn into carriages. The Cinderella student is very patient and obedient: she will sit on a task until she solves it. May prefer homework fun games in the yard, because she simply doesn’t have the conscience to lie to the teacher that she tore up her notebook with problems evil stepmother. It should be said that Cinderella’s efforts, as a rule, pay off handsomely: she graduates well from school and goes to university even without the help of a fairy godmother.

Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter film series (excellent student, teacher's dream)

Hermione is as diligent and diligent as Cinderella, but, unlike the latter, studying gives her great pleasure. Student-Hermione loves to gain new knowledge and does not miss the opportunity to show off it. She is characterized by some arrogance, so she has few friends. It must be said that teachers do not like an upstart student, so the poor excellent student does not have to expect support from them either. However, this does not at all prevent her from being the best in her class and performing academic feats every day. While her classmates go to disco balls, the excellent student studies textbooks and storms to new heights in English and other subjects. If Hermione can calm her arrogance, she will easily win loyal lifelong friends like Harry and Ron.

Barney Stinson from the TV series How I Met Your Mother (fun party animal)

The most cheerful and charming guy in the class. A real star: he loves to be the center of attention, so he often plays pranks on the teacher and amuses his classmates, he is even called the school clown. All the girls are in love with him, and all the boys imitate him. Student Barney is so charming and dexterous in communication that he can easily persuade the teacher to dismiss the entire class from class. If this fails, Barney will take the class away to play laser tag without the teacher’s permission. Only Hermione, who loves studying, and Cinderella, who simply does not dare to break discipline, do not succumb to his charms. Barney is smart and a good student, but he is constantly looking for adventures on his own and encourages the whole class to do the same.

Phoebe from Friends (the weird creative student)

A very strange student (often a student) who has few friends, because not everyone can understand her specific humor and unusual behavior. As a rule, she is not particularly interested in studies, but she is interested in creativity: she can draw talentedly electrical circuits in the art deco style in a physics lesson or singing Smelly cat in an English lesson. Most of the students avoid Phoebe, and even the leader, as a rule, does not touch her, because no one knows what to expect from her. This student lives in her own little cozy world, and if someone tries to violate its boundaries, Phoebe can yell at the offender and give a worthy rebuff.

Grima Wormtongue/Wormtongue from The Lord of the Rings (sneak, speaker)

This student is not liked by the whole class, however, he lives well due to the fact that he can gain the trust of the King of Rohan with almost any teacher. He knows everything: who broke the window in the dining room, who catches Pokemon in gym class, who copied Hermione's homework, etc. All this news is immediately reported to the chief Saruman educational institution. Although Grima is only disgusting, you need to be on your guard with him and keep your mouth shut, especially if you don’t have a Gandalf teacher next to you, who does not tolerate speakers and knows how to rid the school kingdom of them.

Peter Parker / Spider-Man from the Spider-Man films (The Outsider)

There is such a “whipping boy” in every class. He is very quiet and modest, studies diligently and looks around hauntedly. Immediately after school he goes home and does his homework, never plays football with his briefcase and does not misbehave. He is somewhat similar to Cinderella, but if she is treated condescendingly, then Peter often becomes an object of ridicule and does not believe in a bright future, unlike the same Cinderella. One can only hope that one day such a student will be lucky and the radioactive spider will nevertheless awaken in him determination and self-confidence.

Of course, this article is just a joke, and we hope you remember your school friends and favorite teachers with warmth. By the way, our school only employs teachers with Mary Poppins, Gandalf and Indiana Jones types, so if you love these characters, we invite you to Inglex at Hogwarts.

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