Educational ABC book for kids. Reading training

Should a child learn to read before school? Is it worth it, is it possible, and is it necessary to teach a child to read if he still doesn’t really know how to speak correctly? Teachers' answers to this question vary greatly. Some people believe that learning to read should take place and is generally possible exclusively within the framework of school curriculum. But there is huge number examples that refute this point of view. Many children learn to read well even in preschool age, while they go to kindergarten. Moreover, if you work with a child, if you teach him to read in early age, then in the pace of his development he will always be ahead of his peers. We invite you to download the primer, which appeared as a result of many years of work (over 20 years) of one talented teacher and well-known child development specialist Olesya Stanislavovna Zhukova.

The experience of her work has shown simply amazing results. Even the smallest people who have just begun to speak their first words can be taught to write and read. The proposed primer contains both traditional and original author's methods, which makes it an indispensable assistant for both parents and teachers.

All kids love to learn and need to take advantage of it! Colorful, funny pictures of the ABC book will allow you to turn your lessons into what you want and child's favorite class.

Download the ABC book for free in PDF format:

Primer (ABC)


If you are looking for the following search queries: “primer online, alphabet online, primer download, alphabet download, ABC lessons, alphabet for children, alphabet for kids, alphabet letters,” you can assume that you have found what you were looking for!

We present you a unique "ABC book (ABC) online" from the famous site with educational games for children

"A Primer Online" is not just the alphabet in pictures, it is a whole set of exercises aimed at learning letters and learning to read syllables. Having studied the first four letters (A, U, M, C), the child, in parallel with repeating the letters he has learned, becomes familiar with syllables and performs exercises for reading syllables.

Studying each separate letter The alphabet consists of 5 exercises.

1. Introducing the letter.

2. Search for words starting with a given letter.

3. Search for words containing a given letter.

4. Search for the letter being studied among other letters.

5. Determine by ear how many given letters are contained in the proposed words. For example, how many letters “A” are there in the following words: ball, ram, eggplant, etc.

Important! Useful information! We draw your attention to the fact that the basis of learning to read is not the letter, but the sound. Imagine that the child has learned the letters “correctly,” that is, as they are usually called in the alphabet (BE, VE, EN, etc.). Then, when naming letters, he will name two sounds B and E, V and E, E and N. This will make it difficult to merge sounds when reading syllables, as a result of which letter-by-letter reading will be formed. Instead of MA-MA, the child will get "eMA-eMA". Reading some polysyllabic words will become completely inaccessible to the child. It is more correct for a child to name consonant letters in a simplified manner, as we call the hard consonant sound that they represent. Not “EM”, but “M”, not “PE”, but “P”, not “HA”, but “X”...

This method of teaching letters does not mean at all that the child should not know that the letter and sound are different concepts, that a consonant letter can represent two sounds - hard and soft. But it is not for nothing that all these concepts are included in the literacy curriculum in the first grade: to master them, sufficiently mature thinking functions are needed - analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction. And the child preschool age masters these mental operations only in elementary level. The time will come and your baby will acquire knowledge of the phonetics of the language and learn the names of letters in the alphabet. In the meantime, he can learn to read without this knowledge.

ABC lessons. We learn syllables.

As we noted above, while studying with an online primer, at the same time as learning letters, the child learns to read syllables and performs exercises and games with syllables. Here are examples of some of them:

2. What is the first syllable in a word? Choose the correct option.

3. Which one last syllable in a word? Choose the correct option.

4. Compose a word from the picture using the suggested syllables.

"Aifolika" is an effective, exciting course in teaching reading for preschool children. It is based on a patented method for learning the letters of the Russian alphabet and reading words.

The course consists of separate applications, each of which is aimed at step-by-step training child reading: pronouncing sounds, memorizing letters, reading syllables, reading words and reading sentences.

The technique is suitable both for children who do not know the alphabet at all, and for those kids who already have basic knowledge.

Modern children are introduced to smartphones and tablets early. And of course, first of all, children play games on them. Online course teaching reading "iFolika" provides an excellent opportunity to take advantage of this to teach a child to read.

Classes on the “iFolika” course develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, speech skills and abilities, as well as cognitive activity, independence and creativity child.

Why the ABC book “Aifolika”?

In order to learn to read, so that the child’s mind performs complex mental operations: comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization and concretization. Carrying out game exercises with our online primer, the child will use all these types mental operations. Exercises in “Aifolika” are based on a combination of logic and association, which activates the work of both hemispheres of the baby’s brain. On this psychological basis and the methodology of the “Aifolika” course was built.

When developing the course, the basic pedagogical principles: consistency, accessibility, visibility, adequacy.

Techniques for teaching reading are based on the principle “from sound to letter”, starting with a phonetic block and ending with reading exercises.

The study of each letter of the alphabet consists of 18 detailed stages with game exercises aimed at correct pronunciation sound, memorization and playback visual image letters, correlating the sound with a graphic image of the corresponding letter, finding this letter among others, composing and voicing syllables with the letter being studied.

The course consists of a set of applications that include:
1. Studying letters and the sounds they represent. The announcer methodically pronounces the sounds correctly, then the child, on the instructions of the announcer, performs game exercises and repeats the sounds. The image on the screen helps the child understand the articulatory position of the lips and tongue. These are exercises such as pronouncing and singing sounds, finding various items, whose names begin with the sound being studied.

2. Memorizing the graphic representation of letters. The child learns to remember and reproduce graphic image letters, perceive the sounds denoted by letters by ear and pronounce these sounds. Using specific game examples, the child will learn to associate the graphic image of a letter with the corresponding sound; will be able, by looking at pictures, to pronounce words and by ear determine the place of a specific sound in a word; will develop phonemic awareness, speech skills and will pronounce sounds and form the corresponding letters - from “A” to “Z”. By playing apps, your baby will learn to recognize letters by composing them from various objects, looking at pictures whose names begin with the letter being studied, matching the same and different letters and solving interesting riddles.

3. Composing and reading syllables. IN game form the child learns to form open and closed syllables from already familiar (studied) letters and recognize these syllables in words. As you learn new letters of the alphabet, online ABC exercises will become more difficult. Exercises for reading syllables are introduced already on the third letter being studied.

4. Reading words. The child gradually begins to put syllables into words, moving from simple one- and two-syllable words to constructions with different types syllables. While playing, the child will learn to associate the sound of a word with its spelling. At the stage of learning to read words, the child will become familiar with such applications as composing a word spoken by the speaker from the suggested syllables, reading words syllable by syllable, composing words based on the name of a drawn object.

5. Reading sentences. First the child is asked to read simple sentences with words divided into syllables. Gradually the tasks become more complicated and punctuation marks are introduced. As a result, the child will learn to read simple texts consisting of several sentences.

The reading teaching methods we have developed also contribute to intellectual development the child as a whole. The “Aifolika” course will be your child’s first primer, which will open to him magical world books.

The course was prepared by a team of practicing teachers, philologists and psychologists, specialists in preschool education.

The ABC book technique is patented as a useful invention by Rospatent.

The course "Aifolika" is suitable for children from 3 years old.

IN not an easy task learning to read best assistant Parents will, of course, get their child's first primer. Best age The period for starting classes is considered to be from four to six years. It is indicated on almost every primer for preschoolers.

Choosing the first training manual for a child, pay attention to the difficulties of pronouncing sounds. Most often this applies to R, L, Zh, Sh. If there are any, then look for an ABC book in which these sounds are located at the end of the book.

This allows you to avoid pronouncing these sounds incorrectly and makes it possible to refer to them later, when the child pronounces them correctly.

Of great importance decoration ABC book, which should certainly be colorfully illustrated and attract attention. Large, easy to read font, clear and logical pictures are important components of an educational book.

The child should like the first primer, then learning to read will be a joy for both him and the adults who are involved in the process of learning to read.

Review of ABC books for preschoolers

“A Primer for Preschoolers” by M. L. Kusov

“A primer for preschoolers” by M. L. Kusova, compiled taking into account the development of speech and the psyche of children, is designed for teamwork child and adult. The book helps the baby become familiar with letters, and then learn to read without much difficulty. The ABC book contains many different logical tasks that contribute to the development of thinking.

The purpose of such a textbook is, first of all, to introduce you to the correct principle of reading - syllable by syllable. At the same time, an idea of ​​the main linguistic units. All this is aimed at instilling interest in learning new things that study gives.

The presentation of the material is structured in such a way that the child gradually moves from oral speech to written, understanding that the latter (new for him) is a way of transmitting sounding speech a certain set of characters (chips, letters).

Reading voices these signs. This matches life experience child, because children's drawings are almost always a story about what he saw or heard.

This primer, starting with a bright cover with a picture of Carlson and his favorite toys, attracts the child's attention.

“A Primer-Reader” by V. Fedienko

An interesting publication is “A Primer-Reader” by V. Fedienko, intended for children 4-6 years old. Everything will depend on the child’s preparedness. The book is interesting for its diversity. In addition to ideas about sounds, letters, stress, syllables, words, sentences, the primer contains initial information about planet Earth, space objects and so on.

On almost every spread of the primer there is methodological recommendations, helping when working with educational material, interesting educational games for inquisitive kids.

The indisputable advantage of the “Reader Primer” is large font. Moreover, it is the largest in the first part. It is there that learning to connect letters into syllables and read the first words occurs.

The book contains many funny poems, children’s favorite riddles, entertaining drawings, which harmoniously complement the content. The primer is brightly and colorfully designed, it is pleasant to pick up, which is very important for a child’s first textbook.

“A Primer for Future Excellent Students” by O. S. Zhukov

Particularly popular among children and parents is “A Primer for Future Excellent Students” by O. S. Zhukova, standing apart among similar publications. It is the result of twenty years of work by a gifted teacher, a true expert in child development.

In this primer, traditional methods are combined with original author's findings, which gives incredible results.

With the help of this book, you can teach reading and writing even to little ones who are just starting to speak. And what’s interesting is that the kids are delighted with this kind of training. Agree that the child’s desire should be actively supported. Judging by the reviews, both adults and children enjoy it. This is facilitated by cheerful illustrations, simple, but interesting stories. This is true learning with passion.

The first primer for a child is a very important book, the choice of which must be approached with great responsibility. After all, it, in particular, determines whether the child will enjoy the learning process.

Almost all parents understand that the time will definitely come when they will need to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet with their child. And they face a lot of questions. For example, at what age will learning be most successful? Or how to make classes interesting for children? And, in general, how to study it?

Children learn better through play

You can start learning the alphabet at any age. Some parents start learning the alphabet, When little man not even a year old. And many people don’t think about it until school. Of course, these are extremes. In the first case it is still early, in the second it is already late. Optimal age for learning letters it takes 4.5–5 years. During this period, children develop the ability to analyze, their interest in their surroundings greatly expands, and their ability to absorb information increases. It is at this time that the child may have a desire to learn to read.

Techniques to support learning

There are a lot of different techniques, methods and exercises that make learning the letters of the Russian alphabet easy for children. These can be special coloring pages, and computer games, and cutting out letters, sculpting them from plasticine and even baking.

The original way memorizing letters

You can try this technique: first you need to remember 10 vowel letters, they come in pairs and rhyme, so learning them will be easy: A-Z, U-Y, O-Y, E-E, Y-I. And then move on to consonants, which can also be divided into pairs, for example, voiceless - voiced. There is also a method for learning sounds rather than letters.

One of the most effective ways is singing. You just need to learn a song with the alphabet and hum it constantly. This option is also popular: learning the letters of the Russian alphabet for children aged 5 years not with letters, but immediately with words.

Learning and memorization is best if it is involved visual memory. Therefore, it will be very effective to cut capital letters and place them in a constant visibility zone so that the child can get used to them and remember them. It is good that they are red, as this color attracts attention. In general, all tools, cards, materials used in teaching should be very bright, colorful, beautiful and attractive in appearance.

It has been proven that children remember the alphabet faster and easier if the letters are depicted in the form of an animal. Or when a picture is drawn next to the letter. And then children will associate the letters with a certain image. For example, A with a watermelon or a stork, B with a drum, etc.

If you simultaneously teach your child to write the letters they are learning, the effect will increase many times over.

Just no exams or forced imposition! This should all be interesting to the little one. Let the information flow slowly so that the child does not get confused and refuse to learn. It’s just wonderful if the baby begins to take an interest in letters on his own. And if not, then you need to awaken this curiosity in him. And temporarily postpone classes if interest still does not arise.

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