With Yesenin's prayer to the mother, analysis of the poem. Mother's prayer verse analysis

For every person on earth, mother is the closest person and occupies important place in life. For most of us, there is no one more precious in our lives. Mom supports us in difficult moment, and her words of consolation help us get through difficult times. life periods. This is why prayer for a mother is very often used by children, because every child, no matter how old he is, is obliged to help his parents morally and financially.

Prayer is the most real help. It will definitely be heard higher powers, if ascended with all my heart. Special requirement there is no need to read texts. You can pray for your mother in your own words not only in church, but also at home, even for an unbeliever. By offering a sincere prayer filled with love, you can beg the Lord for longevity for your mother, good mood, success, good luck and prosperity. You can also ask that dear person saved to for a long time beauty and youth to faithful companion there was peace of mind.

A very strong prayer for mom’s health

Of course, the most popular are prayers for the health of the mother. It is believed that loving children should read a prayer for their mother’s health every day. This can be done during the morning or evening rule. Sincerely read orthodox prayer always improves the mood and puts a loved one in a positive mood, so that in difficult periods of life, a prayer appeal will become an effective support in the fight against a serious illness.

A prayer for the health of the mother, directed to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow, is very effective if a loved one is very sick. But before offering prayer, you need to visit the temple, submit a note about your mother’s health and light three candles near the icons of the Savior, the Great Martyr, Panteleimon the Healer, and the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

After this, you should pray in front of the icon of the Blessed Elder with the following words:

“Blessed Matrona, hear the sincere prayer of the servant of God ( given name) turning to you for help. I ask you to pray before the Most High, All-Merciful God and ask the Almighty to forgive my mother all voluntary and involuntary sins, so that he does not punish her for her rash actions, committed out of ignorance with terrible diseases. Amen".

Afterwards, you should cross yourself, take some holy water, purchase icons of the above-mentioned Saints, church candles and leave the temple. Arriving home, you need to repeat the request. To do this, you definitely need to retire to separate room, where to install the image of the Matrona of Moscow, light 3 church candles, place the image next to the Saints, place a bowl of sacred water and begin reading the prayer.

The prayer request should sound like this:

“Blessed Eldress, Holy Matrona of Moscow. I, the servant of God, with spiritual sorrow, turn to you with deep prayer. Heal my mother from this terrible disease. Ask the Most High Merciful Lord for forgiveness of her voluntary and involuntary sins. Let him not torment her with severe trials. Let the disease go away and all the wounds heal. Let her soul stop suffering from unbearable pain. I trust in you, Holy Elder, Matrona of Moscow, I ask you to grant my mother blessed health. I accept the will of God and glorify His Name in my prayers. Amen".

Prayer for mother’s recovery in her hour of illness

In an hour of serious illness, a very strong short prayer to the Lord God, a prayer that must be read several times a day, can speed up a mother’s recovery.

It sounds like this:

“Our Heavenly Father, the Great Lover of Mankind and the All-Merciful Heavenly King! Hear the prayer of the servant of God (proper name), I ask You to give strength to my mother, the servant of God (mother’s name) in the fight against a serious illness. Bless her and forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins. Have mercy on her and don't punish her serious illness. I trust in Your bright name and glorify Him in my prayers. I humbly accept the will of God. Amen".

Prayer for mother's health to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker will definitely hear a prayer for the health of the mother of her daughter or son. It is imperative to pray to this Saint in front of his icon, but this can be done both in church and at home.

When praying for your mother’s health, consider the following:

  • First, you should clear your thoughts of extraneous thoughts and abandon everyday problems.
  • Then you need to ask the Saint to intercede with the Lord God for forgiveness of your own sins, known and unknown.

After this, you can offer the following prayer words to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“O All-Holy Nicholas, exceeding saint of the Lord, our helper, our intercessor in sorrow, hear the prayer of the servant of God (proper name). Pray to the Almighty Lord for the health of my mother, God’s servant (mother’s name). Bless her on happy life and ask the Lord to grant her longevity without illness or disease. Deliver my loved one from mental ordeals and support me in difficult periods of life, for you have never refused to help people who turn to you. I glorify your deeds in my prayers and accept your will.”

Prayer for a deceased mother is considered an important ritual. christian church. It is believed that it will help the soul find peace. Until 40, pray for her dead mother needed every day. On day 40 God's judgment finally decides where to move the soul to hell or heaven.

Prayer for the deceased mother

A prayer for a deceased mother may sound like this:

“Remember, Lord God, and grant hope for the repose of the soul of God’s servant (mother’s name). As the Great Lover of Humanity, I ask You, All-Merciful God, to forgive all the voluntary and involuntary sins committed during her life. Do not punish for sins and deliver from fiery hell and eternal torment. Grant by your will communion, repentance and enjoyment of Your endless blessings, which are prepared for those who love You and glorify You. I trust in you, because even if my mother, the servant of God (mother’s name), sinned, she still sincerely believed in the Holy Trinity, professed the Christian faith until her very last breath. I ask You, Lord, to show your mercy, because there is not a single person on earth who has not sinned. You are the only one who is sinless and famous for your philanthropy and mercy. I send forth Your glory in prayers and accept Your will in everything. Amen".

Prayer for the repose of mother's soul

The following prayer will not only contribute to the repose of the soul of the deceased mother, but will also allow the person praying to receive his own peace of mind after a terrible loss. It is necessary to read it until 490 days, and after that at moments when mental melancholy returns.

This prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased mother should be read in complete solitude and it sounds like this:

“All-Merciful Lord, Savior of the human race Jesus Christ. You are a comforter to those who mourn and a refuge for those who mourn. I, servant of God (proper name), come running to You, groaning and crying. Hear my sad prayer and do not turn away from me, leaving me alone with my mental suffering. I pray to You, Merciful Lord, quench my unbearable grief over separation from my mother, the servant of God (proper name), who gave birth to and raised me. Accept her soul and allow, truly believing in Your mercy, to have firm hope in Your mercy. Accept the soul of my deceased mother, Lord, into the Kingdom of Heaven and bestow upon her the blessings and bounties intended for those who love You. I bow before Your holy will and humbly accept it. Do not refuse, Almighty, your mercy. You, being the Judge of the whole world, punish those who have abandoned your faith, but you also have mercy on those who have sinned and sincerely repented of their actions that are not pleasing to God. With tenderness and contrition of my heart, I ask You, Lord, do not punish God’s servant (mother’s name) with eternal punishment, forgive her her voluntary and involuntary sins, judge her not according to her deeds, but according to your mercy. Have mercy on her, since all the sins of her life were committed through foolishness and ignorance, and she sincerely repented of them. Deliver my mother from eternal torment after death. Grant me, the servant of God (proper name), peace of mind and do not allow me to live in endless sadness and sighing for my parent. Lord, Almighty and All-Merciful, accept my warm prayer and give my mother what she deserves, for strengthening me in Christian faith, taught me to follow God’s commandments and do good. Amen".

Listen to the song-prayer about mom


  1. History of creation
  2. Theme and idea of ​​the poem
  3. Artistic media

“They’re talking about him, an atheist, and I’ll show you... the poems that he brought me yesterday,” this is what his grandmother, E. A. Arsenyeva, said about Lermontov’s poem “Prayer” (“In a difficult moment of life...”). Of course, these words sounded with pride, because her grandson was indeed often accused of godlessness and a frivolous attitude towards life. But outwardly frivolous, Lermontov was still inclined to think about the meaning of life and spiritual search. An analysis of Lermontov’s poem “Prayer” will help you verify this.

History of creation

“Prayer” was created by Lermontov in 1839, already in last period his creativity. The reason for writing was a conversation with M. A. Shcherbatova, whom the poet was courting at that time. According to the recollections of contemporaries, she advised him to pray when there was sadness in his heart, saying that nothing helps as much as sincere prayer to God. Lermontov apparently followed her advice. It is difficult to say whether it was easy for a person who publicly declared his skepticism and unbelief, the creator of the beautiful “Demon,” to turn to God from pure heart. However, “Prayer” is soon born, which can be called an example of the most beautiful Christian lyrics. The poem immediately gained enormous popularity, and is still considered one of the most famous in poetic heritage Lermontov. And in 1855, his words were set to music by composer M. Glinka, and thus a romance arose.

Theme and idea of ​​the poem

The description of the verse "Prayer" might look like this: it depicts a clash lyrical hero with a harsh and difficult world. He is going through a difficult period in his life and is in confusion. The poem refers to philosophical lyrics, and from the very first lines it sets the range of problems:

“In a difficult moment of life
Is there sadness in my heart...

The verb “crowded,” used here by the poet, conveys a feeling of hopelessness, a narrow space from which it is not so easy to get out. And immediately, in the next two lines, the author offers his solution:

“One wonderful prayer
I repeat it by heart"

As we see, this decision becomes turning to God, seeking his consolation and protection. It is not mentioned which prayer was chosen by the lyrical hero, and this is not so important - thanks to the understatement, everyone can present their favorite lines here. What is more important is the inexplicable charm of this prayer, and Lermontov describes it in the next quatrain.

“And an incomprehensible one breathes,
Holy beauty in them"

The repetition of familiar words calms and gives “blessed strength,” which is what is said in the last four lines:

“Like a burden will roll off my soul,
Doubt is far away -
And I believe and cry,
And so easy, easy..."

Thus, we are presented with a picture of spiritual quest and peace found in prayer. The soul is cleansed with tears of repentance and an impulse of sincere faith, this is where, according to the poet, salvation from doubts and troubles lies. Lermontov does not repent, does not list his sins and does not ask for intercession. No, he finds peace when repeating the simplest prayer, and shares this deep prayerful feeling with the reader.
We can say that in the poem “Prayer” Lermontov reaches his creative heights and reveals himself as a mature writer. Here we can see a turn towards spirituality and traditional values, and at the same time a departure from the already familiar ideas of loneliness, misunderstanding and demonism. IN later poet more than once turns to the theme of religion and folk origins, which allows us to talk about this poem specifically as about key point in creativity, and not as a one-time phenomenon.

Artistic media

Analysis of Lermontov's poem "Prayer" artistic means has not lower value to understand his idea than by looking at the text itself. What techniques does the author use?
First of all, we note that despite the small volume of the poem (three quatrains), it contains large number tropes. These are epithets: “a difficult moment of life”, “wonderful prayer”, “incomprehensible, holy charm”, “gracious power”, and metaphors: “an incomprehensible, holy charm breathes in them” and comparisons “like a burden will roll off the soul.” They all serve one purpose: to convey the sublime, upbeat mood in which the lyrical hero is, to express the depth of his experiences and to set the reader himself in an elevated mood. Let us pay attention to the fact that many words belong to a high layer of vocabulary (“burden”, “blessed”), which indicates the religious and philosophical orientation of the work. Lermontov also uses specific poetic phonetics, using assonance. The vowel “u” is repeated in the poem (13 repetitions in the first quatrain): “In a difficult moment of life,” “One wonderful prayer,” which creates a special, slow sound, reminiscent of leisurely, drawn-out reading in churches. It also conveys the melody of the speech of the prayer itself, as if pouring out anew from the hero’s lips. In subsequent quatrains, the emphasis shifts to other vowels, “a” and “e,” which symbolizes a certain ascent, an upward direction. For this purpose, various stylistic figures, somehow repetitions: “so easy, easy”, syntactic parallelism: “And you believe it, and you cry, / And it’s so easy...”.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter, the rhyme scheme is cross, precise, alternately masculine and feminine.

The meaning of the poem in Lermontov's works

So, the analysis of the poem “Prayer” shows it artistic originality and emphasizes the universality of the lyrical hero for all readers: it is not without reason that the romance based on the words of Lermontov enjoyed equal success both in high society salons and among the common people. The importance of this work for Lermontov’s work as a whole is undeniable. For many years it remains the pinnacle of Russian Orthodox lyricism, and only in the 20th century. A. Blok and S. Yesenin manage to achieve the same heights in depicting religious feelings.

Prayer for a believer is an opportunity to turn to the Lord or a saint. The canonical texts of prayers were created by church ministers and devotees of Christianity. However, prayer can be a request ordinary person. The desire to find protection and help from higher powers sometimes forces even non-believers to say the words “Our Father” - the most famous prayer.

Often a prayer becomes a work of art - a poem or a piece of music. That is why the genre of prayer appeared in literature, and many poets of the 19th century and the twentieth centuries used it in their creativity. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, who wrote more than one prayer, was no exception. This analysis will be dedicated to the “Prayer” of 1837, but two more “Prayers” are also known - from 1829 and 1839. The poem of 1837 differs not only in the year of creation - it differs in the addressee.

When reading a prayer, each person turns to his own saint: some to Nicholas the Wonderworker, some to the Son of God. But more often they resort to the help of the Mother of God, calling her “Mother Intercessor.” The hero of the poem does the same, but immediately explains that he turns to her for help and prays “not for salvation, not before battle, not with gratitude or repentance,” because these are the main motives when turning to the saints.

Considering yourself unworthy and calling your soul "desert", the hero asks for "innocent maiden". Researchers of Lermontov’s work are sure that the poet means Varenka Lopukhina, the love of his life. Once in love with her, young Lermontov was going to get married, but life circumstances separated the young people.

At the insistence of her parents, the girl married a man who was much older than her: she was 20 years old, he was 37. Lermontov took the news of this very hard; according to contemporaries, he hated Bakhmetyev, Varya’s husband, ridiculing him in many of his works, and subsequently bombarded his older sister Maria with letters, although they were addressed to Varya. The poet introduced this poem in a letter dated February 15, 1838, entitled “The Wanderer’s Prayer,” explaining that it was allegedly lost in a heap of travel papers, and the poet forgot about it.

The message begins with a request for prayer not "for the soul of a wanderer in a rootless world", and for "innocent maiden", which the hero would like to give “warm intercessor of the cold world”. Thus, the image of the heroine with her defenselessness against cruel world, and the image of the hero takes on new features: before us is a person capable of showing deep participation in the fate of another.

Prayer contains a request "surround with happiness" worthy soul of the heroine, the hero asks that his beloved have "bright youth" And "deceased old age", because her "kind heart" worthy of hope, that is, hope.

IN last quatrain the hero suddenly begins to talk about the farewell period that the still so young maiden will approach. It is then that the Mother of God must send best angel for him to take over "beautiful soul".

If we recall the further circumstances of the lives of Lopukhina and Mikhail Yuryevich, we can once again marvel at the insight of Russian poets. It so happened that the life of both the poet and his beloved was short-lived. The poet was killed in a duel for less than 28 years, and Varvara Alexandrovna lived in marriage for 16 years, but was ill and suffered almost all the years nervous disorders. Her health was further undermined by the news of Lermontov's death. IN recent years she refused to even go for treatment "on the water", remaining, according to the recollections of sister Maria, sick and weak, which was clearly caused by the “death of Michel.”

The poem “Prayer” is imbued with a mood of enlightened sadness, which is typical for poetry XIX century. This attitude resembles the feeling of awe that ordinary people they test for higher powers, including the Mother of God.

It is noteworthy that this lyrical prayer written in dactyl tetrameter, just like the famous “Heavenly Clouds”. But “Clouds” are full of sadness and despair, and “Prayer,” addressed "warm intercessor", sounds measured, reverent, majestic, as an appeal to the heavenly patroness should sound.

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Let's start with the fact that Lermontov has 3 poems called “Prayer”: the first was written by him at the age of 15 (in 1829) and was not published during his lifetime; the second, which we will talk about today, was created in 1837 (“I, Mother of God...”). And the third was composed later, in 1839 (“In a difficult moment of life...”).

Full text of the work:


Poem “Prayer” by M.Yu. Lermontov refers to the poet’s mature lyricism (it was written in 1837). It represents a prayer to the Mother of God for the happiness of her beloved. Literary scholars believe that the poet dedicated it to his neighbor in his Moscow apartment, Varvara Lopukhina, for whom he carried a deep feeling throughout his life. For the first time this poem was attached to a letter to Maria Lopukhina, a friend of the poet and the sister of his beloved, entitled “The Wanderer’s Prayer.” Thus, main theme The work can well be considered the theme of love. And this poem is deservedly considered one of the best in love lyrics Lermontov.

As we see, in the poem the poet addresses Mother of God with a request to protect your beloved, send her a happy life and a peaceful death, give her the best guardian angel, surround her worthy people. Poetic lines filled with tenderness and purity.

Problems reflected in the poem

It is worth noting that the work also touches on several other problems - moral, philosophical-religious, ontological.

Let's reveal the essence of some of them: the ontological problem, in my opinion, is expressed here in the fact that the lyrical hero turns to higher powers with a request for a “worthy soul.” Because he doesn’t feel able to protect loved one, give him happiness and a fulfilling life.

The philosophical and religious theme is revealed in the fact that Lermontov sees spiritual power capable of helping and saving only in divine world. The world of people seems to the poet to be a “cold”, that is, an indifferent, gloomy place. It is worth believing that in addition to those mentioned in the poem, there is also a philosophical and ontological problem (the problem of the loneliness of the lyrical hero and his soul).

Through the prayer of the lyrical hero, the reader can grasp the conflict between a person and the crowd, his environment. The lyrical hero appears to the reader as a hermit, lonely, misunderstood by society and rejected by it. However, the poem contains the chronotope of church sacrament and the intonation of the work has the rhythm of prayer. All this helps to tune the reader into the perception of the poem, immersing him in the feelings of the poet entirely.

There is also opposition in the poem. This is the antithesis of purity, a “warm intercessor” and the cold surrounding world. The lyrical hero, as if forgetting about himself, prays not at all for his own sorrows, but for happiness for his beloved.

Analysis of the structure of the poem “Prayer”

Analyzing the metrical structure of the verse, it can be noted that it is written in dactyl tetrameter in combination with a large number super-scheme stresses and with a certain number of missing stresses in a number of strong places. All this gave the work an original melodic pattern.

Compositionally, this poem can be divided into two parts: the first is the poet’s appeal to the Mother of God, and the second is the confession of the lyrical hero, the disclosure of his own soul to higher powers, requests for the preservation of the soul of the “innocent virgin.”

It is also important to note that the poem is constructed in the form of a monologue, a philosophical reflection, but in addition to the lyrical hero, the poem contains images of his beloved and the “Mother of God.” That is, three images are clearly distinguishable - the lyrical hero, his beloved and the divine image represented by the Virgin Mary. Moreover, the image of the beloved in this poem comes to the fore and even somewhat displaces the image of the lyrical hero. The poet paints her as a gentle and pure girl, a bright and spiritual being with a noble heart. We see this from such epithets as “innocent virgin”, “beautiful and worthy soul”, “kind heart”.

The work contains rows homogeneous members, various means artistic expression(especially epithets that immerse the reader in the mysterious atmosphere that M.Yu. Lermontov tried to convey). There is also an inversion that gives the hero calm, an antithesis (“cold world” - “warm intercessor”, “bright youth” - “deceased old age”).

The lyrical hero elevates his beloved to the image of the divine, and refers himself with his “desert” soul to the “dark world.” This helps the reader discern the Christian mythology that permeates almost the entire poem. Well, such a contrast also indicates the poet’s impossibility of being with his beloved, which forces the hero to loneliness and speaks of unrequited love.

In the last paragraph, the poet turns to the Mother of God with a request to send a beautiful soul to the “sad bed,” which, in my opinion, is an important clarification, since in its early work the poet equates the image of the lyrical hero with the image of a demon, which later (already in more late lyric poetry) disappears. Past ideas are replaced by calmness, humility, true faith into God. It can be assumed that for this reason for the phrase “ beautiful soul"The definition of a “better”, that is, a more exalted soul is used, because a demon is the embodiment evil forces, but for the sake of the happiness of his beloved, he is ready to completely abandon his beliefs, believe in God, entrusting his destiny to him.

The article was provided by Margarita Kindeeva (with minor additions by the editor-in-chief).

We will try to answer the question in detail: mother’s prayer analysis of grains on the site: the site is for our dear readers.

Mother's prayer it will come from the bottom of the sea” - everyone knows this proverb, of course. But how many people believe that this proverb was not said for rhetorical purposes, but is absolutely true, and has been confirmed by countless examples over many centuries.

“I was in a hurry,” said Father Pavel, “and didn’t have time that day.” Yes, I must admit, I forgot the address. And a day later, early in the morning, she met me again, very excited, and urgently asked, directly begged me to go to my son. For some reason I didn’t even ask why she didn’t come with me. I went up the stairs and rang the bell. The man opened it. Very unkempt, young, it’s immediately obvious that he’s a heavy drinker. He looked at me impudently, I was in vestments. I said hello and said: your mother asked me to come to you. He jumped up: “Okay, lie, my mother died five years ago.” And on the wall there is her photograph among others. I point to the photo and say: “This is exactly the woman who asked to visit you.” He said with such a challenge: “So you came from the other world for me?” “No,” I say, that’s it for now. And here's what I tell you

I’ll say, you do it: come to the temple tomorrow morning.” - “What if I don’t come?” - “You will come: mother asks. It’s a sin not to fulfill your parents’ words.”

And he came. And in confession he was literally shaking with sobs, he said that he kicked his mother out of the house. She lived with strangers and soon died. He even found out later, he didn’t even bury her.

And in the evening I'm last time met his mother. She was very happy. The scarf she was wearing was white, but before that it was dark. She thanked him very much and said that her son was forgiven because he repented and confessed and that she had already seen him. Then I myself, in the morning, went to his address. Neighbors said he died yesterday and they took him to the morgue.

Mother's prayer grain analysis

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Having analyzed your questions and essays, I conclude that the most difficult thing for you is to select arguments from literary works. The reason is that you don't read much. I won't talk unnecessary words for edification, but I recommend SMALL works that you can read in a few minutes or an hour. I am sure that in these stories and stories you will discover not only new arguments, but also new literature.

Krupin Vladimir "Mother's Prayer"

“A mother’s prayer will reach you from the bottom of the sea” - of course, everyone knows this proverb. But how many people believe that this proverb was not said for rhetorical purposes, but is absolutely true, and has been confirmed by countless examples over many centuries?

Father Pavel, a monk, told me an incident that happened to him recently. He told it as if everything was as it should have been. This incident struck me, and I will retell it; I think that it is surprising not only for me.

On the street, a woman approached Father Pavel and asked him to go see her son. Confess. She gave the address.

“I was in a hurry,” said Father Pavel, “and didn’t have time that day.” Yes, I must admit, I forgot the address. And a day later, early in the morning, she met me again, very excited, and urgently asked, directly begged me to go to my son. For some reason I didn’t even ask why she didn’t come with me. I went up the stairs and rang the bell. The man opened it. Very unkempt, young, it’s immediately obvious that he’s a heavy drinker. He looked at me impudently: I was in vestments. I said hello and said: your mother asked me to come to you. He jumped up: “Okay, lie, my mother died five years ago.” And on the wall there is her photograph among others. I point to the photo and say: “This is exactly the woman who asked to visit you.” He said with such a challenge: “So you came from the other world for me?” “No,” I say, “that’s it for now. But what I tell you, you do:

come to the temple tomorrow morning.” - “What if I don’t come?” - “You will come: mother asks. It’s a sin not to fulfill your parents’ words.”

And he came. And in confession he was literally shaking with sobs, he said that he kicked his mother out of the house. She lived with strangers and soon died. He even found out later, he didn’t even bury it.

“And in the evening I met his mother for the last time.” She was very happy. The scarf she was wearing was white, but before that it was dark. She thanked him very much and said that her son was forgiven, since he repented and confessed, and that she had already seen him. Then I myself, in the morning, went to his address. Neighbors said he died yesterday and they took him to the morgue.

This is the story of Father Pavel. But I, a sinner, think: this means that the mother was given the ability to see her son from the place where she was after her earthly death, which means that she was

given to know the time of his son's death. This means that her prayers there were so fervent that she was given the opportunity to incarnate and ask the priest to confess and give communion to the unfortunate servant of God. After all, it’s so scary - to die without repentance, without communion. And most importantly: it means that she loved him, loved her son, even such a drunken one who drove him out my own mother. This means that she was not angry, she was sorry, and, already knowing more than all of us about the fate of sinners, she did everything to ensure that this fate passed her son. She pulled him out from the depths of sin. It is she, and only she, by the power of her love and prayer.

Mother's prayer (Vladimir Krupin)

“A mother’s prayer will reach you from the bottom of the sea” - of course, everyone knows this proverb. But how many people believe that this proverb was said not only as a catchphrase, but is completely true and has been confirmed by countless examples over many centuries.

Father Pavel, a monk, told me an incident that happened to him. He told it as if everything was as it should have been. This incident struck me, and I will retell it; I think that it is surprising not only for me.

On the street, a woman approached Father Pavel and asked him to go see her son. Confess. She gave the address.

“I was in a hurry,” said Father Pavel, “and didn’t have time that day.” Yes, I must admit, I forgot the address. And a day later, early in the morning, she met me again, very excited, and urgently asked, directly begged me to go to my son. For some reason I didn’t even ask why she didn’t come with me. I went up the stairs and rang the bell. The man opened it. Very unkempt, young, it’s immediately obvious that he’s a heavy drinker. He looked at me impudently, I was in vestments. I said hello and said: your mother asked me to come to you. He jumped up: “Okay, lie, my mother died five years ago.” And on the wall is her photograph, among others. I point to the photo and say: “This is exactly the woman who asked to visit you.” He said with such a challenge: “So you came from the other world for me?” “No,” I say, “that’s it for now. But what I tell you, you do: come to the temple tomorrow morning” - “What if I don’t come?” - “You will come: mother asks. It’s a sin not to fulfill your parents’ words.” And he came. And in confession he was literally shaking with sobs, he said that he kicked his mother out of the house. She lived with strangers and soon died. He even found out later, he didn’t even bury it.

He came that day. And in the evening I met his mother for the last time. She was very happy. The scarf she was wearing was white, but before that it was dark. She thanked him very much and said that her son was forgiven, since he repented and confessed, and that she had already seen him. Then I myself, in the morning, went to his address. Neighbors said he died yesterday and they took him to the morgue.

This is the story of Father Pavel. But I, a sinner, think: this means that the mother was given the ability to see her son from the place where she was after her earthly death, which means that she was given the opportunity to know the time of her son’s death. This means that her prayers there were so fervent that she was given the opportunity to incarnate and ask the priest to confess and give communion to the unfortunate servant of God. After all, it’s so scary - to die without repentance, without communion.

And most importantly: it means that she loved him, loved her son, even this drunken one who drove out his own mother. This means that she was not angry, she was sorry, and, already knowing more than all of us about the fate of sinners, she did everything to ensure that this fate passed her son. She pulled him out from the depths of sin. It is she, and only she, by the power of her love and prayer.

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Educational and methodological material on literature (8th grade) on the topic:

Methodological development of the lesson The image of the mother in Russian literature

The image of the mother in Russian literature is examined using the example of the works of Paustovsky “Telegram”, V.N. Krupin “Mother’s Prayer” and D. Kedrin “Mother”


Literature lesson 8th grade

Lesson topic: “The image of the mother in works of Russian literature”

  • trace how Russian literature, true to its humanistic traditions, depicts the image of a woman-mother
  • educate students respectful attitude to a woman-mother
  • to educate a patriot and citizen aimed at improving the society in which he lives
  • develop the spiritual and moral world of students, their national identity

... without the sun flowers do not bloom, without love there is no

happiness, without a woman there is no love, without Mother

* Read the epigraph. What do you feel, what do you see, what do you hear when you say the word “mother”? (make a cluster)

All these wonderful words associated with the word "mother".

According to N. Ostrovsky, “there is the most beautiful creature in the world, to whom we are in unpaid debt. This is the mother." For every person, a mother is the dearest person in the world. She gave us life, all the best in each of us comes from our mother.

2. Russian literature is great and varied, but there is one sacred page in it, dear and close to any person - these are works about the mother.

* What works have you read?

(K. Paustovsky “Telegram” - 1946.

V.N. Krupin “Mother’s Prayer” - 2009

D. Kedrin “Mother” – 1944

I. Pankin “The Legend of Mothers”)

* What do these works have in common?

* How did you feel while reading?

*Reread the passages indicated.

* What do these women seem like at first glance? (old, weak, helpless)

* What actions do mothers do for the sake of their children?

Lonely and sick Ekaterina Ivanovna (“Telegram”) does not blame her daughter Nastya for anything, justifying her absence by being too busy. Even before her death, she does not want to hurt her daughter and quietly passes away

  • How did the death of her mother affect Nastya?
  • Read the ending of the story. Do you think Ekaterina Ivanovna has forgiven her daughter?

In the “legend of mothers,” the mothers of sailors, wanting to save their children from death, give them their strength, beauty, and sight. “The mothers gave them the best they had.”

In V.N. Krupin’s story, a mother’s prayer saves her son from eternal torment. Even from the other world, the mother comes to the aid of her son.

  • Read last lines story. What feelings do they evoke?

“And most importantly: it means that she loved him, loved her son, even this drunken one who drove out his own mother. This means that she was not angry, she was sorry, and, already knowing more than all of us about the fate of sinners, she did everything to avoid this fate for her son. She pulled him out from the depths of sin. It is she, and only she, by the power of her love and prayer.”

In D. Kedrin’s poem “Mother,” even death retreats before the power of maternal love.

  • Can these women be called weak after this?
  • What gives mothers strength?
  • What unites the heroines? (dedication, love for children, ability to forgive, desire to protect one’s children, to avert harm from them)

3. Pay attention to the dates of writing the works. They were all written at different times.

* Does the image of the mother in literature change over the years?

Years go by, generations change, but mothers remain as loving, tender, and selfless as before.

(Love your parents, take care

visit them more often, and don’t forget when you’re apart. This is the sacred duty of every person to those who gave us life)

Guitar marching strings sing

In the taiga, in the mountains, among the seas...

Oh, how many of you are young today,

Lives away from mothers!

You, forever young, are on the road -

You'll show up here, then there...

And your mothers are worried

Everyone is waiting and waiting for news from you.

They count the days, weeks,

Dropping words out of place...

Since mothers turn gray early -

It's not just age that's to blame.

And therefore, serving as a soldier

Or wandering the seas,

More often than not, guys,

Write letters to mothers!

Homework (differentiated):

  1. prepare expressive reading(by heart) poems or prose about mother
  2. essay “I want to tell you about my mother...”
  3. essay - essay “Is it easy to be a mother?”

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