The highest mountain village. The highest altitude capitals in the world

The most high mountain Europe - Elbrus. Climbing it is associated with great risk and mountain sickness. Weather conditions Elbrus can be called extreme. At the same time, there are several cities in the world located at an altitude comparable to Elbrus. These are the highest cities on the planet - La Rinconada in Peru at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, Namche Bazaar, at an altitude of more than 4,000 m. At the same time, people street cities are not only higher than the mountains, but also lower than the sea. How deep can you dive? 2-5 meters? And the Golan people build cities at greater depths - the lowest cities in the world. The lowest city in the world can be called Rotterdam, located 7 meters below sea level. Read more about the highest and lowest cities in the world in the article “The highest and lowest cities in the world.”

The highest cities in the world - La Rinconada, Peru

The highest city in the world is located in the Andes near the border with Bolivia, at an altitude of more than 5,100 meters above sea level. The population of the highest town is 30 thousand people. As doctors say, such a height is the limit for the human body.

Most high city was founded on a mine, where most of the residents work. Despite the very harsh climate: during the day the temperature rises several degrees above zero, frost at night, people are in no hurry to leave their homes in search of better conditions life. Even the lack of oxygen did not stop population growth. In the 21st century it increased by 231%.

And all because of the rich reserves of gold ore. Residents work in difficult conditions. Some of them even work for free for a whole month, so that on its last day they can take as much ore as they can carry on their own. The highest city can only be reached along one narrow mountain road.

The highest cities in the world - Namche Bazar, Nepal

The high mountain town of Namche Bazar is a favorite place for tourists and climbers from all over the world, because it is located on the road to Everest, and its height is 4150 meters above sea level. The high town serves as the main transit point for people planning to climb further to the camp on the mountain. This is the last refuge of civilization before high mountain peace.

The highland city was originally built as a trading zone where herders raising yak herds high in the mountains could exchange the butter and cheese produced from the milk of these animals for agricultural products grown in the lower regions of Nepal. Namche Bazaar is still the main shopping center Khumbu region.

The tall town has electricity and there is an airport (more precisely, a helicopter station) nearby, but most tourists cannot use it due to protests local residents. For mass tourism, the Lukla airport is used, from which tourists must make a 24-hour journey to Namche Bazaar (six hours are enough for a very fast walk). Serving tourists in this area provides jobs and income for local residents.

In the high mountain Namche Bazaar there are also official institutions, police control, post office and bank. At the top are the barracks of the Nepalese army. There are hotels in the high city that have special rooms that help people adapt to the rarefied mountain air.

The highest cities in the world - El Alto, Bolivia

Despite its location at 4,150 meters above sea level, the city of El Alto ranks second in terms of population in Bolivia - 1 million 700 thousand people.

The highest millionaire was founded during the construction railway, connecting La Paz and Lake Titicaca. El Alto is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. In 1992, 424 thousand people lived here, in 2001 - 647 thousand people, in 2010 - already 992 thousand, in 2011 the number of El Alto citizens exceeded 1 million.

As city residents say, being located below sea level does not interfere with their lives. Although there were some problems. For example, during the construction of the city metro: all the tunnels that the authorities tried to build were soon flooded. And then a solution was found - now most of the metro system runs along an overpass or on the surface of the earth.

Lowest cities - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, and as of January 1, 2012, the population of the Amsterdam municipality is 790 thousand people.

Amsterdam is located five meters below sea level. Because of this, the city is built entirely on stilts, with the help of huge stakes driven into the ground (in our time, many piles “ride”, and the houses are bent in one direction or another). But still, environmentalists warn that this will not save the city. If due to global warming If the water level rises significantly, Amsterdam will be the first city to go under water.

The lowest cities are New Orleans, USA

New Orleans - largest city Louisiana, is four meters below sea level. Because of such a low location, the city suffers greatly. Constant hurricanes and typhoons are trying to wipe New Orleans off the face of the earth. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to pump water from an area that is much lower than the ocean. The authorities are fighting this scourge as best they can, but they are powerless in the face of nature.

What was it worth to survive the terrible Hurricane Katrina, which hit New Orleans in 2005?

The highest mountain community in Georgia is located in a real wilderness at the foot of snow-capped mountains in the farthest corner of the picturesque. Despite its inaccessibility, this place is the most desired by any tourist who finds himself in this amazing country.

2. The Ushguli community is located at an altitude of 2200 meters above the sea and is one of the highest mountain settlements in Europe. True, it is not entirely clear where the border between Europe and Asia lies in this case, but it sounds beautiful, yes. We can definitely and confidently say that this is the highest mountainous place in Georgia where people live. And it’s not the height that matters, but the beauty surrounding this almost medieval community. And also in architecture, the number of legendary Svan towers here is simply off scale

3. Thanks to the preserved architectural ensemble Ushguli the entire Upper Svaneti region was included in the list world heritage UNESCO

4. Many people call Ushguli a village, but this is not entirely true. Ushguli is a community consisting of four villages, and on the most famous photographs Svaneti - Chvibiani village in the background Caucasus Mountains And highest point Georgia mountains Shkhara


6. The Inguri River originates in the glaciers above the community; downstream it stands the largest in the Caucasus

7. Most stone houses were built many centuries ago. There were no cars then, so you can move around the streets inside the village either on foot or on horseback

8. There are many different opinions about the purpose of the towers, but one thing is certain, they are all over 700 years old!

9. It is worth understanding that civilization cannot remain on the sidelines forever, and satellite dishes and Coca-Cola have long since arrived in Ushguli, and local residents speak four languages: Svan, Georgian, Russian and English. The local population is about 200 people, all of them are involved in agriculture and tourism. At the best time of year, Europeans come here for exotic things, so you can find such signs on every corner.

10. Here is a street cafe with the best views in Georgia

11. Everything is beautiful in Ushguli, except for one thing. Someone thought of putting a gray thing with red letters in the middle of such beauty...

12. Many buildings are abandoned. Still, it is not easy to live in such conditions, even despite the presence of tourists. There is no normal road here, so from time to time villages find themselves simply cut off from the rest of the world.

13. Many locals only travel on horseback.

14. Color and all that

15. Svans are considered a very harsh people. For centuries they live in one place and do not integrate into the rest of the world. Now tourists help them earn a living, but they shouldn’t rely on sincere conversation, Svans are very silent and closed

16. In some places the streets are wider, locals even manage to drive along them in jeeps and trucks

17. Legend

18. Almost every building here is under UNESCO protection



21. In the village of Chazhashi, the remains of the Lower Chazhash Castle have been preserved

22. Goats at the castle ruins

23. Residential medieval house


25.V different condition Several churches have survived in the villages


27. This is such Svan exoticism in the farthest corner of Georgia

Man, like microorganisms, has learned to adapt and survive in the most extreme places, from the sizzling Sahara Desert to the frozen Siberian tundra. People have lived for thousands of years even in inhospitable highlands with thin air. In the Himalayas, Andes and the mountains of Ethiopia at altitudes from 2500 to 8200 meters above sea level they live in total 140 million people, many of them residents of rapidly growing cities. Below we will talk about seven high-mountain settlements, each of which lies at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters above sea level. La Rinconada
The Peruvian city of La Rinconada, located in one of the remote corners of the Andes, was once a gold mining camp, but gradually grew to the size of a large city. This mountain locality with a population of more than 50 thousand people, located at an altitude of 5100 m, lays claim to the title of “the highest mountain city in the world.” Even though economic life The city is centered around a gold mine; the infrastructure of the settlement is in poor condition. The city has no running water or sewer system, and backward mining methods have led to serious mercury contamination in the area. Most of La Rinconada's residents are workers who migrated here in hopes of a stable income and a share in the lucrative gold business. Their work is paid according to a cunning system called “cachorreo”. For thirty days they work in the mine for free, and on the 31st day they are allowed to take from the mine as much ore as they can carry. Their wages- everything that they can independently extract from this ore. Despite the fact that local gold mining companies pay the miners in this strange way, people continue to flock here from all over the region. The population of La Rinconada has increased by 230% in the last ten years.

El Alto

The city of El Alto is one of the largest and fastest growing in Bolivia. It has a population of more than 1.1 million people, is located at an altitude of 4150 m above sea level and is one of the highest mountainous settlements in the world. El Alto was once just an outskirts of the Altiplano city of La Paz, but in the 1950s there was intense migration from rural areas Bolivia to the La Paz region led to the fact that after 40 years its suburb acquired the status of an independent city. The area where El Alto is located has a harsh and arid climate and was not settled until 1903, when railway lines, connecting it to Lake Titicaca and the city of Arica. At the edge of the canyon in La Paz was built railway station, depot and residential buildings for railway workers, in 1925 an airfield appeared, around which neighborhoods also gradually grew. In 1939, the first one opened in El Alto primary school, and in the 1950s, rapid growth began, caused by the connection of El Alto to the La Paz water network (up until this point, all water in El Alto was brought from La Paz in tanks). In 1985, the El Alto district gained administrative independence from the city of La Paz, and in 1987 it was given city status.


Another candidate from Bolivia, Potosi, is located at an altitude of 4090 m above sea level. It was founded in 1545 as a mining settlement. Soon the population of Potosi exceeded 240 thousand people, and it itself became a source of fabulous wealth and the largest city of its time in America and throughout the world. Potosi is located at the foot of the 4,824 m high Cerro Rico de Potosi mountain, which, according to local residents, consists almost entirely of silver ore. The mines of Cerro Rico brought the city world fame, becoming the main source of silver for the Spanish Kingdom during the Conquest. It was from Potosi that the Spanish conquerors took most of silver From 1556 to 1783, 45 thousand tons of pure silver were mined in the mines of Cerro Rico, of which 9 thousand tons were received by the Spanish Monarchy. Due to such intensive mining, the height of the mountain decreased by several hundred meters. In 1672, a mint was established in Potosí to mint silver coins and reservoirs were built to supply the population with water. During the same period, 86 churches were built in the city, and the population of Potosi increased to 200 thousand people, turning it into one of the largest and richest cities in the world. After 1800, as silver supplies began to dry up and the world turned to tin mining, the city's slow economic decline began. However, silver is still mined in the mines of Cerro Rico today. Due to harsh working conditions, lack of protective equipment and constant inhalation of dust, the life expectancy of miners is very short - almost all of them suffer from silicosis and die at the age of about 40 years.


Shigatse is the second largest city in Tibet. autonomous region, part of the People's Republic of China. Its population is 100 thousand people and it is one of the largest populated areas in Tibet. Shigatse is located in western Tibet at an altitude of 3840 m above sea level at the confluence of the Yarlung Tsangpo (aka Brahmaputra) and Nianchu rivers. The city, which lies on a plateau surrounded by high peaks, was ancient capital Tsang Province, and is currently administrative center Shigatse Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region of China.


Juliaca is the capital of the province of San Roman, located in the Puno region in southeastern Peru. It is the largest city in the region with a population of more than 225 thousand people (as of 2007), located at an altitude of 3825 m above sea level on the Altiplano plateau and is largest center trade and commerce and transport hub region of Puno. In addition, the city of Juliaca is closely connected with southern cities Peru, such as Arequipa, Puno, Tacna, Cusco, Ilo and the Bolivian Republic.


In the beginning, the city of Oruro, founded on November 1, 1606, was the center of silver mining in the Bolivian Urus region. Today Oruro is one of largest cities Bolivia with a population of more than 235 thousand people (according to the 2010 census). It is located at an altitude of 3706 m above sea level. At the end of the 19th century, after silver deposits were depleted, Oruro's mining operations switched to tin mining. For a time, the La Salvadora mine in Oruro was the world's largest source of tin. Gradually, this resource also began to dry up, and Oruro again entered a time of decline. However, the city's main employer is still the mining industry.


Located in the center of the Tibetan plateau in small valley Surrounded by five-thousand-meter Himalayan mountains, Lhasa lies at an altitude of 3600 m above sea level. Through southern part The Kyi-chu River, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, flows through the city. The length of Kyi-chu, whose name is translated from Tibetan as “cheerful blue waves,” is 315 km; it flows down from the snow-capped peaks and passes of the Nyenchen Tangla ridge and flows into the Brahmaputra in the Chushu region, creating landscapes of unearthly beauty along its way. Lhasa is the second most populous city on the Tibetan plateau: more than 550 thousand people live there. The city is replete with Buddhist sites of great cultural and historical significance, mainly located in the Chengguan area. Among them are the Potala Palace, the Jokhang Temple and the Norbulingka Palace complex.

Thanks for the translation Ksenia Churmateeva

Traveling to this remote village cannot be called too simple. And let you climb up with the help of a proven SUV - one way or another, it’s not the most best road and, of course, air. With every turn of the road and with every meter, the oxygen deficiency becomes more and more felt.

However, such a rise and lack of air is unusual only for us, city people. Local residents who have lived here since birth have long been accustomed to these living conditions.

What kind of place is this? The highest mountainous settlement in Russia and Europe (if we take the border along the Caucasus ridge) is called Kurush and is located on the southeastern slope of Mount Shalbuzdag, in the valley of the Usukhchay River.

But to say that this is the highest mountainous settlement means not to say anything about Kurush.

To get to the settlement, we turn off the Derbent-Akhty road and begin to climb the mountains. The beauty is indescribable.

We pass a noisy mountain river and stop to take a few shots.

There is also a bridge right there, clearly intended not only for pedestrians, but no one really dares to step on it and go into the middle. The condition does not inspire confidence, and breaking legs (and not only) is absolutely not included in our plans.

When I was looking more information about the village on the Internet, I came across the following entry left by one of the travelers:

“When you look down into the deep gorge, the reason for the coolness and dampness is clear - we entered and exited the clouds several times, several layers of them were already left under our feet. Breathing noticeably quickens, temples squeeze something, there’s a slight noise in the ears.”

I can only say that this is the most accurate description of the sensations that we also experience. True, we are more fortunate with the weather and there are not many clouds observed, but about breathing and general feelings everything is written correctly

But now we are entering the settlement itself.

And of course, the first thing we pay attention to is the fence) A common occurrence for this place, but so unusual for us city dwellers

In principle, settlement on at the moment not big at all. If in 1886 in Kurush there were 718 households for 4761 people, of which 2536 were men, 2225 women, and total quantity livestock amounted to 71,451 heads of sheep, 1,767 horses and 2,189 heads of cattle, then in 2010 only 826 people lived in the village. About cattle and talk in in this case no need to.

Naturally, the Muslim religion dominated the spiritual life here. Most of the mosques have not survived to this day, but their number was quite significant. Basically, they were all destroyed after October Revolution. BEFORE it, almost every tribal community built its own mosque, equipped and maintained it.

By historical references You can find information that literate people who received the title of effendi lived in Kurush. Among them is the head of the Muslim clergy in the Caucasus in Tiflis Amrah-effendi, a student at the Kazan University Rahim-effendi. Further Alisultan-effendi, Sefer-effendi, Umud-effendi, Rejeb-effendi (grandfather of N. Samursky), who then worked as the chief mufti in Akhty.

And today there is also a school for children, with more than 100 students. The director of the school is Agametov Rustam Abdullahovich.

In fact, while we are still wandering around the village, we notice local kids playing volleyball.

It is quite difficult to photograph them all together. They easily make contact in communication, but they are shy and hide as soon as you take out the camera. Fortunately, in the process of communication we still manage to persuade them to take several group photos

And even young girls decide to have a photo shoot

As you may have noticed, there is not much entertainment here. Volleyball, horizontal bar, and a local club located nearby.

Fortunately, a gym is now being built in Kurush, thanks to the efforts of State Duma deputy Mamed Abasov. It is planned to be fully completed this year and children will be able to practice sports there.

Well, for now I will continue to show you the village.

The main question that often arises in many people’s minds is how do Kurushi people live? Definitely, the main occupation is cattle breeding. Their well-being depends on it and for a long time Kurush residents were considered the richest village in the entire Samur region

In addition to cattle breeding, people in Kurush also engage in agriculture and the production of those goods for which sheep can provide raw materials. This includes cloth, felt, and of course cheese making.

Alas, easy conditions there is no way to live here. According to local residents, some of the tourists tried to stay in order to experience all the delights of local life, but few stayed for long.

At the same time, every house has a satellite dish that picks up almost all possible channels

Present and post office. Apparently, it is also the southernmost and highest mountain in Russia

There were also difficulties related to the border. With the collapse of the Union, the border with Azerbaijan became state-owned, giving rise to the problem of divided regions. Naturally, it did not bypass Kurush either. But today the situation is much calmer than it was in previous years.

And also, about Kurush we can say that it is not only the most high mountain village, but the friendliest people also live here. In any case, that’s exactly what it seemed to us. With an adult population we easily found common language and talked about various topics.

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