Schmidt origin of the earth. Origin of the Earth


Cooking is a set of methods for preparing a variety of foods from minerals and products of plant and animal origin that are necessary for human life and health.

Compliance with certain rules when preparing food is called technology. Cooking methods and ingredients vary widely among different countries, peoples, social groups called cuisine and reflect the unique interrelationships of culture, economy and tradition. Cooking itself greatly depends on both the skill and education of the cook. To prepare tasty and healthy food, you need to acquire certain knowledge of technology and skills in the culinary art of cooking.

Confectionery products are high-calorie and easily digestible food products with a high sugar content, characterized by a pleasant taste and aroma. Confectionery shops are an integral part of Russian national cuisine and have great value in human nutrition.

Dough products are in great demand among consumers as they are tasty, nutritious and high in calories.

All products produced by confectionery shops of food enterprises must comply with the requirements state standards(GOST), industry standards (OST), enterprise standards (STP), technical specifications(TU), a collection of recipes and is produced according to technological instructions and cards, subject to sanitary rules.

Salads are a cold dish, but can also be a hot dish. This dish can be prepared from different products.

Salads appeared in ancient Rome, and consisted of one single dish of raw green leaves of vegetables and garden herbs. Later, already in France, they began to add green onions, mint, parsley, garlic feathers, etc. to salads. At the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, cabbage of all types began to be included in salads.

Soup is a liquid dish common in many countries. It is served to the table as a first course. Soups come in hot and cold varieties.

The main dish is considered to be a dish prepared in the main way with side dish and sauce. The dish is mainly made from meat, fish, poultry and game.

Dessert is the final dish of the table, designed to provide a pleasant taste sensation at the end of lunch or dinner.

The purpose and task of writing exam paper is a demonstration of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies acquired over the entire period of training in the profession of Chef, Confectioner. During the training, the following professional modules were studied:

Preparation of cold dishes and snacks;

Preparation of soups, sauces;

Preparation of meat and poultry dishes;

Cooking fish dishes, etc., as well as disciplines such as:

Technical equipment and organization of the workplace;

Commodity research food products etc.

In this work, I will demonstrate all the acquired knowledge in the form of product characteristics, in the form of a workshop diagram, a description of the rules for the safe operation of selected equipment, technological schemes for preparing dishes, as well as technological maps dishes.

Main part

Commodity characteristics of products and raw materials

Crab sticks- a type of product that is created artificially from processed surimi fish protein or minced white fish meat. The history of the creation of crab sticks began in Japan; the production of crab meat on an industrial scale is unprofitable, since crabs contain a very small amount of meat, so later they decided to make sticks from fish meat. Storage and packaging of crab sticks: stored in a clean, cool place, at a temperature of - 18 degrees, for 18 months. Contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, provitamin D, and minerals.

Rice- a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the Poaceae family; cereal culture. Rice began to be cultivated more than 7 thousand years ago in South-East Asia in the territories of modern India and China, rice loves a humid and warm climate. The grain is stored in dry, well-ventilated warehouses that are not infested with pests, observing sanitary rules. During storage, it is necessary to maintain a temperature no higher than 18 ° C; they are stored for 16 months. Contains amino acids, vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, PP, mineral salts, starch (47.4-73.7%), proteins (7-23%), fat (0.5-6.9%).

Bulb onions - perennial herbaceous plant of the onion family. The homeland of onions is Asia Minor. The bow was already known in 4000 BC. e. IN Ancient Egypt it was cultivated in the Nile Valley. The bulbs must be ripe, healthy, dry, clean, whole, uniform in shape and color, with well-dried upper scales. Store at a temperature of -2 to -3°C at relative humidity air 70-75% for 6-10 months. Packing mesh bag, vacuum. Contains 6 mg of essential oil, sugar (up to 9%), vitamins C, B 1, B 2, B 6, folic acid, minerals (up to 1.7%).

Tomato puree – mashed tomatoes. Invented in Italy, the requirement for quality without dark inclusions, skin residues, seeds and other coarse particles of fruit. The shelf life of concentrated tomato products from the date of production in glass jars is 3 years, in metal cans, tank containers - 1 year, in aluminum tubes - 6 months, in containers made of polymer materials- 10 days. Ready tomato paste is packaged in consumer containers. Contains proteins - (3.6%), carbohydrates - (11.8%), sugar (3.5%), malic and citric acids (0.5%), minerals (0.7%) in the form salts: sodium potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, K. Carotene

Eggs- a common human food product. Enough for a long time In Russian cuisine it was not customary to mix eggs with other products. However, over time, mainly under the influence of French cuisine, the range of dishes using eggs has expanded. First of all, they began to be added to the dough for pies, pancakes, noodles and other flour products; omelettes, egg casserole, etc. became widespread. Eggs should not have irregular shape, dirty, broken, notched, with calcareous growths, old, without a shell and with a thin shell, double-yolk, with blood, meat or other inclusions, with a displaced and wandering air chamber, frozen, with various spots under the shell, with an internal notch, with liquid protein. The packaging must be transparent, the shelf life is 25 days from the date of sorting, provided that it is stored at a temperature from 0 to +20°C.

Contains proteins (12.7%), fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.7%), minerals (1.0%), water (74.0%), vitamins B 1, B 2, PP .

Wheat bread - food product obtained by baking, steaming or frying dough . Around 1000 BC, people began to use potassium carbonate and sour milk to make the first bread. Quality requirements, no foreign odors, well baked. Shelf life: 72 hours – in packaging, 24 hours – without packaging. Contains proteins (4.7-8.3%), carbohydrates (42.5-50%), mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and copper).

Apples - apple fruit. For the first time, cultivated varieties of apple trees appeared in Asia Minor; apples must be fresh, whole, healthy, clean, free of foreign smell and taste, of a certain size and degree of ripeness. Packaging is a specialized container, shelf life is 10-15 days, contains water – ( 80-81%); soluble sugars – (9-10%); organic acids – (0.7%); fiber – (0.6%); minerals – (0,5%).

Sugarcommon name sucrose. The Chinese obtained sugar from sorghum, in Egypt from beans, in other countries from palm sap, maple, birch and even from the roots of parsnip and parsley. In India, they found a method for producing cane sugar, the quality requirement is that it must be non-sticky and dry to the touch, white with a shine, sweet taste, cardboard packaging, shelf life up to 5 years, contains on average (99.3%) sucrose and (0 .14%) moisture. The energy value of 100 g of sugar is 379 kcal (1588 kJ).

Milk - nutrient liquid. Cows and sheep were domesticated many years ago, and they provided milk. Milk must be a homogeneous liquid without sediment, Packaging in polymer films, in polymer containers, in combined materials. Shelf life is from 10 days to 6 months, contains proteins (2.8-4.3%), lactose (4.7-5.2%), minerals (0.7%), vitamins A, D, E, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, PP.

Cocoa powder - dried and crushed cocoa cake, which remains from grated cocoa after squeezing cocoa butter used for the production of solid chocolate. In the 19th century, the Swiss learned to produce cocoa butter and cocoa powder from cocoa beans. Quality requirement, must be free of grains, packaging: kraft bag, foil-lined on the inside, with a ziplock fastener, shelf life from 6 months to 1 year, contains water 4 g, calcium 55 mg, carbohydrates 33.4 g, fats 17.5 g ,proteins 24.2 g.

Dietary fiber, Organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, starch, ash, vitamins (PP, Beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H).

Salad- leaf lettuce is the earliest ripening, forming a rosette of long (10-15 cm) pale green leaves with an oily surface and delicate taste. These vegetables are early ripening, juicy, tender, rich in nitrogenous substances (3%), minerals (2%), especially iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, vitamins C, P, K and group B, carotene. All types of salad are consumed fresh as an independent dish.

Granulated sugar consists of pure sucrose, is a valuable food product and raw material for the confectionery industry. Energy value 100 g. Sahara. 375 kcal, or 1569 kJ. A person needs 100 grams per day. Sahara. Sugar is easily absorbed by the body, restores strength, has a beneficial effect on nervous system, but its excess is harmful. The sugar industry produces granulated sugar and refined sugar. It is obtained from sugar beets.

Chicken egg- contains everything nutrients, necessary for human life. Chicken eggs contain 74% water, 12.6% protein, 11.5% fat, 0.6 - 0.7% carbohydrates, 1% minerals, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, PP. Energy value 100 g. Chicken eggs are 157 kcal or 657 kJ.

Table salt - natural origin almost always contains admixtures of other mineral salts, which can give it shades different colors(usually gray). Produced in different types: refined and unrefined ( rock salt), coarse and fine, pure and iodized salt, sea ​​salt, and so on. Consists of sodium chloride and minor impurities of other mineral salts.

Butter- a food product made by separating or churning cream obtained from cow's milk (less commonly from the milk of sheep, goats, buffalos, yaks and zebu). It has a high milk fat content (50-82.5%). Contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, ash, moisture.

Wheat flour- is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereals. It comes in wheat, rye and corn. Flour contains water 14 - 15%, proteins 10.3 - 12.9%, fats 0.9 - 1.9%, vitamins B1, B2, PP. Energy value 100 g. flour 323 - 329 kcal or 1352 - 1377 kJ. The higher the grade of flour or the more carbohydrates it contains, but the less proteins and fats.

Refined powder- powdered sugar - granulated sugar, ground to a dusty state. It is used mainly in the preparation of confectionery products. Powdered sugar is often sprinkled on baked goods.

Vegetable oil - products extracted from plant materials and consisting of triglycerides of fatty acids and their accompanying substances (phospholipids, free fatty acids, waxes, sterols, coloring substances, etc.). contains fats, water, fat-soluble vitamins (provitamin A, vitamin E).

Ground black pepper The most versatile spice for many dishes. Contains essential oil and alkaloid piperine.

Vanilla powdered sugar made by placing vanilla beans and powdered sugar in one container. too fast. Vanilla fruits contain glucovanillin glycoside, essential oil (0.5-0.8%), mucous and tannins. During fermentation, glucovanillin is broken down into vanillin and glucose. The main aroma element of vanilla is vanillin-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde. Its content is in the range of 0.75-2.9% (up to 12.5%).

Strawberry. Strawberries contain many biologically active substances. This is sugar organic acids, vitamins. C and B, P-active substances, as well as a complex of microelements in an easily digestible form (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, iron, etc.), pectins. Calorie content of strawberries - 41 kcal. Nutritional value of strawberries: proteins - 0.8 g, fats - 0.4 g, carbohydrates - 7.5 g

Mascarpone(Italian Mascarpone) - Italian cream cheese. Comes from the Lombardy region. When producing mascarpone, cream with a fat content of 25% is heated in a water bath to 75-90 °C and, while stirring, tartaric acid (traditional method), lemon juice or white wine vinegar is added to begin the process of coagulation (clotting) of the milk protein. After a short heating to complete coagulation, the product is cooled and subjected to self-pressing in linen bags suspended in a cool place to remove whey. Due to the non-use of lactic acid cultures (starters) and enzymes for coagulation, the name “cheese” can be applied to it with a large degree of convention.

Lemon. All parts of the lemon fruit are used in cooking: pulp, juice and zest. The property of citric acid to soften collagen is widely used in meat dishes, and the strong fresh smell makes lemon a good addition to fish and seafood. Lemon juice can prevent browning of apples, avocados and bananas. Lemons can be added to salads, sauces, sandwiches, and rice for a flavor accent. Lemons are widely used in confectionery. The zest is added to baked goods, cakes, creams, soda is quenched with lemon juice, lemon slices are served with tea, coffee or used to decorate cakes. Cocktails, lemonades, ice cream and other refreshing desserts are prepared using lemon juice. Some types of cheese are curdled with lemon juice. Alcoholic drinks are flavored with lemon zest, and lemon slices are served with cognac and vodka.

Vanilla sugar is sugar mixed with vanillin, a synthetic flavoring substance. It is sold in a hermetically sealed paper bag. This is the most common and most commonly used flavoring additive in dough.

Mint- one of the most common spices in the cuisine of peoples all over the world. Dried or fresh mint leaves are used in a variety of areas of the food industry and home cooking. It is especially widely used in oriental cuisine, and not only as an excellent spice suitable for a wide variety of products. Fresh mint leaves are often used in cooking to decorate dishes, including sweet ones. In culinary arts, mint is also used as a food coloring. Since fresh mint wilts very quickly, it must be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. As a result of heat treatment, mint loses its freshness, so it should be added to hot dishes immediately before serving.

Powdered sugar - granulated sugar, ground to a powdery state. It is used primarily in the preparation of confectionery products, such as icing sugar. Powdered sugar is often sprinkled on baked goods. Ready-made powdered sugar is available for sale; it is also easy to make it yourself from granulated sugar, grinding in a coffee grinder or by hand in a mortar.

Lady fingers cookies- this is not only a grape variety, but also a delicious biscuit cookie, which received an unusual name due to its oblong shape (like eclairs). The recipe for lady fingers is quite simple, and it does not take much time to prepare it, as well as to buy expensive products. In addition to being a stand-alone dessert for tea, the lady fingers recipe can serve as the basis for Italian desserts such as tiramisu or ice cream cake.

Champignon contain proteins, carbohydrates (fiber and sugar), minerals (iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins: E, D, B. Champignons have antibacterial and antitumor activity. Eating champignons reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Pantothenic acid contained in champignons helps relieve fatigue.

Dill- a spicy annual plant, cold-resistant, demanding of moisture and light. Dill contains essential oils, pectins, flavonoids, carotene, chlorophyll, a lot of vitamin C, B1, B2, B5, B9, PP, potassium salts, phosphorus, iron, chlorogenic acid. Dill seeds contain essential oil, fiber, flavonoids, fatty oil, sugars, carotene, and nitrogenous substances.

Parmesan cheese- Italian hard cheese with a scaly-grainy and rather brittle structure. Cheese contains many essential proteins and fatty acids, but at the same time this cheese contains virtually no cholesterol, which is why it is often used in various diets. Parmesan is rich in vitamin A, groups B and D and E, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium), which makes it an indispensable product in the diet of children, the elderly and people with high physical activity. 100 g of Parmesan cheese contains on average about 392 kcal.

Olive oilvegetable oil, obtained from the fruits of the European olive (lat. Olea europaea). In terms of fatty acid composition, it is a mixture of triglycerides of fatty acids with a very high content of oleic acid esters. It has a color from brownish-yellow to greenish-yellow and a slight bitter taste. Melting point +7 +10 °C, depending on the origin of the oil. One of national products Greece, Italy and Spain. Since antiquity, this oil has been an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. Since ancient times it has been used to illuminate temples and mosques, as well as during the performance of Christian and Jewish rituals (see oil). In Russia until late XIX century, extra virgin olive oil was called Provencal, lower - wooden.

Balsamic vinegar. Traditional balsamic vinegar has a very dark color, sweet fruity aroma and thick consistency. There is also a simplified (and cheaper) version of balsamic vinegar made from red wine vinegar. This balsamic vinegar has more light color and differs in taste characteristics. Balsamic vinegar is used in the most famous restaurants in the world in the preparation of salads, marinades, desserts, and soups. A few drops of this seasoning highlight the taste of cheese, strawberry salad, ordinary omelet and even ice cream.

Soy sauce- is a product of fermentation (fermentation) of soybeans under the influence of fungi of the genus Aspergillus. It is a very dark-colored liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. Soy sauce contains many mineral elements, vitamins and amino acids. Due to the presence of glutamic acid derivatives, it has the ability to clearly emphasize the taste of dishes. Soy sauce calories - 50.66 kcal. Nutritional value of soy sauce: proteins - 6 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 6.66 g.

Cilantro- a spicy-aromatic annual plant of the Apiaceae family. In cooking, fresh and dried herbs are used (they are called cilantro) and dried seeds, whole or ground (they are called coriander). Young leaves have a bitter taste and a sharply spicy aroma. The dried seeds have a subtle aroma of anise and citrus.

Black pepper(lat. Piper nigrum) is a perennial climbing plant, a species of the genus Pepper ( Piper) family Pepperaceae ( Piperaceae). The plant is cultivated for its fruit, from which, through various processing, spices such as black pepper, white pepper, green pepper and pink pepper are obtained (the fruits of other plants not related to black pepper are also known under the names green pepper and pink pepper). These spices are used both in ground form and in peas. Pepper contains resin (1-2%), fatty oil (6-12%), and a lot of starch. The hot substance in pepper is the alkaloid piperine (5-9%), and the smell is due to the presence of essential oil (0.9-2.5%). The essential oil contains dipentene, phellandrene and the sesquiterpene caryophyllene.

Beef- an excellent supplier of complete protein and iron, which helps saturate the body’s cells with oxygen. Men who go to the gym or work physically should especially pay attention to this meat. There is even less fat in this meat than in chicken. Beef contains low-value proteins such as elastin and collagen. And as you know, collagen is the main building material of interarticular ligaments. Beef also contains a wide range of nutrients, including valuable minerals, including zinc, which our body needs to maintain immunity. Beef calories - 218.4 kcal. Nutritional value of beef: proteins - 18.6 g, fats - 16 g, carbohydrates - about g.

Wasabi- a seasoning used in Japanese cuisine. It is known as “Japanese horseradish”. Wasabi is the dried and crushed root of a plant of the same name in the cabbage family, which has a very strong odor. Wasabi calories - 10 kcal. Nutritional value of wasabi: proteins - 10 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 15 g.

Commodity science is scientific discipline, studying the consumer properties of goods. Commodity assessment of products allows the technologist to create a diet, choose rational way food processing and preparation, preserve valuable nutrients, understand the essence of the changes that occur during culinary processing of raw materials and food storage.

Margarine- emulsion fat product. Produced from vegetable fats. Mass fraction of total fat is at least 39%. It is allowed to add animal fats, dairy products, food flavoring and aromatic additives. It has a plastic, dense, or soft, or liquid consistency; its biological value is determined by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, and vitamins.

Eggs - contain all the nutrients necessary for human life. Chicken eggs contain 74% water, 12.6% protein, 11.5% fat, 0.6 - 0.7% carbohydrates, 1% minerals, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, RR. Energy value 100 g. chicken eggs is 157 kcal or 657 kJ.

Sugar– consists of pure sucrose, is a valuable food product and raw material for the confectionery industry. Energy value 100 g. 375 kcal, or 1569 kJ. A person needs 100 grams per day. Sahara. Sugar is easily absorbed by the body, restores strength, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but its excess is harmful.

Flour - is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereals. It comes in wheat, rye and corn. Flour contains water 14 - 15%, proteins 10.3 - 12.9%, fats 0.9 - 1.9%, vitamins B 1, B 2, PP. Energy value 100 g. flour 323 - 329 kcal or 1352 - 1377 kJ.

Apples - grown mainly in the southern and middle parts of our country. Apples contain sugar (from 8 to 15%), fructose predominates; organic acids (from 0.2 to 1.7%), malic acid predominates; minerals (0.5%), potassium, sodium, calcium iron, magnesium; proteins (0.4%); pectin substances (1.5%); tannins; fiber; vitamin C, group B, PP and cartin. Apples are used fresh, compotes, jams, marmalades, marmalades, and wines are prepared; dried.

Plums - cultivated in southern regions And middle lane Russia. Most widespread have garden (domestic) plum, cherry plum, sloe, damson. Several groups of garden plums are cultivated: Hungarian, Renclod and egg plums.

Raisin- dried grapes with seeds. Light raisins obtained from light grape varieties by air-solar or mechanized drying with pre-treatment with alkali, and to achieve a golden color - with additional sulfitation. Raisins colored- from colored grape varieties, obtained by air-solar or mechanized drying without pre-treatment.

Lemon-- lemon fruits contain (in%): acids (mainly citric) 3.5-8.1, sugars 1.9-3, vitamin C 45-140 mg per 100 g, as well as vitamins P and B, pectin substances, salts of iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium. They are used fresh for the production of juice, citric acid, etc. The skin of the fruit contains essential lemon oil, which causes a specific smell.

Baking soda - acid salt carbonic acid and sodium. It is a white, fine-crystalline powder. Used in the food industry and cooking. Acts as a leavening agent on its own, at a temperature of 60 degrees (sodium bicarbonate) begins to disintegrate into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water.

Powdered sugar- sand, ground to a dusty state. It is used mainly in the preparation of confectionery products.

Bee Honey - It is a thick transparent semi-liquid mass that gradually crystallizes and hardens over time. The ability of honey to crystallize is its natural property and does not affect its quality.

Nuts-fruits consisting of a woody shell and an edible kernel.

The nutritional value of nut kernels is determined by the presence in them large quantity fats and proteins. Fats, the content of which reaches 63%, are easily digestible and consist of unsaturated fatty acids. Protein content 18...25%. In addition, nuts contain up to 3.7% minerals (potassium, magnesium, cobalt, iron, manganese, etc.), a small amount of vitamins C and group B up to 3.5% fiber. The energy value of 100 g of nuts is on average 650 kcal.

Syrup- is a product of incomplete hydrolysis of such a familiar culinary ingredient as starch, which is found, for example, in beets, from which sugar is produced (the same story with sugar cane). The syrup obtained by-product during processing into the final product is what molasses is. And other types of it are produced specifically for use in food industry technologies (from corn grains and barley malt). Molasses, so viscous and very sticky, contains glucose, maltose and dextrin in varying proportions. Some types of it are extremely nutritious. It’s not for nothing that they are called “liquid honey”, since they are even appearance resemble this natural product.

Starch- a polysaccharide of amylose and amylopectin, the monomer of which is alpha-glucose. Starch, synthesized different plants in chloroplasts, under the influence of light during photosynthesis, differs somewhat in the structure of grains, the degree of polymerization of molecules, the structure of polymer chains and physicochemical properties.

Tea - obtained from young apical shoots (fleche) of a perennial evergreen shrub or tree (see figure), growing in areas with subtropical and tropical climates. Tea drink is one of the most common globe. It quenches thirst, relieves muscle and nervous fatigue, improves blood circulation and breathing.

The composition of the finished tea includes various compounds that determine its aroma, color and tonic properties: tannins or tea tannin, caffeine (0.36-4.2%), protein substances, essential oils, ash, pectin substances, vitamins (P, C, B 1 PP, pantothenic acid), enzymes, acids (oxalic, citric, malic, etc.).

Cognac- strong alcoholic drink, the main component of which is cognac alcohol (a distillation product of dry natural wines) with a characteristic bouquet, a complex aroma with vanilla or floral-fruity tones, a soft harmonious taste, obtained by fractionated distillation of special cognac wine materials aged for at least 3 years (up to 20 and more) in oak barrels or enamel tanks, equipped with oak staves immersed in them.

Vanillin(vanilla) - colorless needle-shaped crystals with the smell of vanilla. Vanillin formula C 8 H 8 O 3

Gelatin– a product in the form of transparent plates, grains or powder of colorless or light yellow color. By its nature, it is an incomplete animal protein - collagen (87.2 g per 100 g of gelatin).

Gelatin is obtained from bones, skin, trimmings, films, i.e. from collagen-containing products. An extract is boiled from the raw material, which is dried after processing.

Edible gelatin swells in cold water, absorbing 10…15 times the amount of water. IN hot water it dissolves easily. When a solution containing 1% gelatin is cooled, a jelly is formed. The gelatinizing ability of gelatin when heated to temperatures above 60 degrees with the addition of food acids decreases. The melting point of the resulting jelly is 27...32 degrees. In terms of quality, edible gelatin should be in the form of granules or grains, or plates, or powder, from light yellow to yellow in color, bland taste, odorless. Dissolution time 25 min. mass fraction moisture 16%, foreign smell, taste, impurities are unacceptable.

Gelatin comes packaged in packs in the form of plates of 0.5 kg, in the form of powder of 50 g, packed in boxes of 20 kg.

Edible gelatin is used to prepare jellied dishes, fruit and berry jellies, mousses, and creams.

Spices- products of plant origin that have a strong spicy aroma and often a sharp, burning taste. They improve the taste of food and promote its absorption, as they are catalysts for many enzymatic processes and activate metabolism in general. Spices play a big role in removing toxins from the body and increasing protective functions body. The latter is explained by the fact that they exhibit bactericidal and antioxidant properties. This also explains their preservative effect when added to food products. Some spices and their components exhibit medicinal properties, and they are used to prepare various medicines.

The flavoring and aromatic origin of spices are substances belonging mainly to three groups chemical compounds- essential oils, glycosides and alkaloids.

More than 150 known various types spices, but not many of them have been used since ancient times.

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