How much should an adult read per day? Evening prayer time

Slavic mantras are known, which are called agmas, but unlike Vedic ones they do not contain more than three words, in addition, they cannot be abused, since they are extremely strong and can stop working if used regularly.

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How many times can you recite mantras?

Mantra - an appeal to the Higher powers for help, an attempt to harmonize the surrounding space, capable of responding positive changes In human life. The question of how many times you can read mantras is very individual. Usually the person himself must feel when the optimal effect is achieved. It’s difficult to overdo it, but you should focus primarily on internal sensations.

Let your soul spread its wings!

The main criterion is the feeling of peace that descends on a person during the process of meditation.

  • In some cases, the standard number of repetitions of the selected “key” is recommended to be a multiple of three (9, 18, 27 times - and so on).
  • Other practitioners advise putting “seven” at the forefront - accordingly, reading mantras 7, 14, 21 (and so on) times.

Which option should you prefer? This is where a personal “indicator” can help. The soul must respond, sing at exactly the right point. In the future, having finally decided how many times to read the mantra to achieve the desired effect, you need to stock up on rosary beads with the required number of beads - this will help you not get confused and not be distracted in the process.

It is much more important to pronounce the chosen text correctly - words in Sanskrit must vibrate in a certain way. This is why mantras cannot be recited in translation - it seems that the meaning is preserved, but sound vibrations they come out completely different. They do not have the expected ennobling effect on the human soul and the surrounding Universe.

Too much - or too little?

  • Usually the maximum one-time the number of repetitions does not exceed 108- this is exactly how many beads are contained in the most voluminous rosary.
  • You should not meditate according to the principle “the more, the more effective.”
  • It is better to repeat the phrase fourteen times, but thoughtfully, soulfully, listening to the sound own voice and completely detached from the bustle of the world around you.

What do you want to receive from the Universe? One person dreams of finding true love, another asks for health or successful resolution problematic situation. If, as a “language of communication” with By higher powers Mantras have been chosen - how many days to read these phrases, is it worth changing them, diversifying them, somehow combining them?

Adults often ask me this question: I read a book, reach the end and forget everything. Why?

If you are familiar with this situation, then do not be upset. The fact is that when a person reads, he must absorb the information. To solve this problem, still in Soviet time Technologies were developed to increase reading productivity. Today we see these methods as technologies quick reading or speed reading.

What are the reasons why a person cannot comprehend what he read:

1. Level of concentration.

In order to remember well what you read, it is important while reading to think only about what you are reading, and not about the fact that the phone is ringing, you need to go to a friend, what the children are doing, etc.

2. Level of complexity of the text.

How accessible is the text you are reading? Are there a lot of terms or some unclear words, on which you constantly stumble and do not understand the essence of the text.

3. The habit of going back.

Most readers are accustomed to constantly going back while reading - after one sentence, after one line, after several words. As a result, a person reads the same thing several times, but does not notice it.

4. Small field of view.

A man looks at a book and sees only 5 centimeters in diameter. This prevents it from covering multiple words at once. But we read only by fixing our gaze. What can it cover? a common person in one commit? Half a word, two short words.

5. Fatigue.

A person cannot read the same thing for a long time and still feel cheerful and joyful. After only 30 minutes of such reading, fatigue sets in, concentration drops even more, and it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate on the book. With every minute such reading will become less and less productive.

What to do? How to solve such problems? How to learn to read the first time and remember everything?

1. Watch your eyes.

Don't allow yourself to constantly go back on every line. If you really don't understand, go back to the end of the paragraph.

2. Develop cognitive functions.

Every day, complete tasks to develop memory, attention, perception, reaction speed, acceleration mental operations. These exercises can be found on intelligence development websites. There are even those who offer daily workouts based on your progress.

3. While reading, think not about everything in the world, but only about one thing - what you are reading about.

This increases your reading productivity significantly!

4. Perform exercises to expand your field of vision.

Schulte tables, searching for numbers, putting together puzzles, looking at pictures, placing your gaze in the center and catching details on the edges with peripheral vision, reading tables of words with a vertical movement of the eyes in the center of the column.

5. Physical training.

Pay attention to your health status and The biological clock. If you are sleepy and try to read something, automatically you will fall asleep quickly. If you need to absorb what you read well, read books at a time when you are in a state of vigor and clarity. For some it is early morning, for someone after 16.00. Choose a time when you can work with a book and not be distracted by anything.

In the following articles we will talk about other secrets on how to remember what you read more effectively.

Good luck with your training!

Positive vibrations

Mantras are very different, but they are united by the fact that every sound and every syllable is filled with positive vibrations. And there are certain rules, following which you can learn to read mantras correctly, and, accordingly, achieve the maximum positive effect.

Mantras - sacred words

Use of words

In Hinduism and Buddhism, mantras are sacred words. It is even believed that they consist practically only of the names of deities. That is why, by pronouncing certain mantras, a person tunes into the energy of the deities of Hinduism, turns to them and merges with them. And after identifying himself with a certain god, a person acquires the necessary qualities inherent in this god. This means that the desired changes in life follow.

We can say that reading mantras adjusts to a certain state, and therefore life begins to change. All that remains is to choose the mantras necessary for a given period of life. So, there are healing mantras, there are mantras of prosperity, wealth, love, luck, success, mantras of knowledge and enlightenment and many other mantras.

Accurate sound reproduction is important

Compliance with the rules

Some people believe that mantras should be read in the same way as prayers. But there is a huge difference. The prayer must be read with with a pure heart and an accidentally missed word will not play a certain role. Whereas in mantras, accurate reproduction of sounds is important.

Experts have long established that all the sounds, as well as the words that we pronounce, have a huge impact on our lives; one might even say that mind influences matter. Therefore in Lately all psychologists tirelessly repeat that our thoughts and words determine our lives. This means that you should exclude swear words from your own speech so as not to destroy your own energy biofield.

The mantra has special power. It is translated from Sanskrit as “liberation of the mind.” Many Buddhists believe that by repeating mantras daily, one can achieve liberation from almost all worldly experiences and suffering.

Read only in Sanskrit

We use Sanskrit

The most famous mantra is saying something like simple sound"OM". Some believe that the universe arose from this mantra. The mantra “OM” should be pronounced in such a way that vibration is created with the sound “m”. That is, this sound must be pronounced while exhaling. It is also important to direct breathing from the mouth to the very bottom of the abdomen.

How many times and when to read mantras

How and when?

Experts emphasize that it is necessary to read mantras 3, 9, 18, 27 or 108 times. It is 108 that is considered the most significant number repetitions of mantras. And you should always strive to repeat the mantras as many times as possible. Some Buddhists recite mantras and larger number once. But it is important to always remember that you can read mantras any number of times, a multiple of 9. And in this case, the mantra will already have a positive impact on life.

How to avoid losing count? To do this, you can bend your fingers, counting the desired number. But it’s better to use rosary beads – they relax a person. And at the same time they allow you to count the required number of mantras.

Relaxation and concentration

Some tips

Experts who teach reading mantras emphasize that while reading it is necessary to learn:

  • breathe correctly
  • concentrate the mind
  • relax the body.

Based on this, you should read mantras while in a meditative state. To do this, you need to lie down and relax. As a rule, everything does not work out right away. After all, the mantra must be read 108 times. A relaxed person will simply fall asleep while reading mantras. But with some preparation, anyone can do it.

A person who is just starting to read mantras can be recommended to learn the mantra they like and sing it, as sometimes we have motives spinning in our heads popular songs. This is not entirely correct from the point of view of the basics of correct reading of mantras. But many claim that this way they improved their lives.

Mantras - from trusted sources

Selection of mantra

Finally, it is worth noting that the power of the mantra lies only in correct pronunciation sounds. Therefore, you should not take mantras from unverified sources. Without knowing Sanskrit, if you choose the wrong sounds, you can even harm yourself.

If the mantra is chosen correctly, then with regular and correct pronunciation you can achieve impressive results.

People who know a lot different facts and dates always amaze with their knowledge. Ability to present a report without assistance additional materials often seems like magic.

How to better remember what you read

In fact, this is not magic, but simply the art of remembering information well, including text information. If you also dream of reading and not forgetting what you read in a few minutes, pay attention to our tips.

1. Quickly view the text

Most people read a book straight from the first sentence to the last. But to make reading more effective, before you seriously take on the text, skim the entire text to become familiar with it and its structure. Very often in books, the main points are briefly described at the beginning of the section, so by skimming through them, you can determine what you need to pay attention to first.

2. Find out why you are reading

Before you start reading, you need to clearly define what information you want to get from the book and why you need it. This will help you understand what is important in the text and prevent your brain from ignoring such information. For example, if you have a huge scientific work about dinosaurs, and you only need to study pterodactyls, then by formulating the purpose of reading, you will help your brain highlight information about them and ignore the rest. Thus, data about pterodactyls will be remembered better.

3. Immerse yourself in the text

You have probably noticed that sometimes, while reading a text, your eyes simply wander over the pages, but the thoughts in your head are about something completely different. This happens due to the fact that you do not concentrate on the text itself and are distracted by extraneous thoughts, sounds, etc. Immersion in a book is the key to good memorization of what you read, because then nothing distracts you from perceiving the information. You need to make the book your reality, and then it will be easier to remember what it was about. If it is difficult to concentrate on the text, everything around is disturbing you, noise generators can help you. They create the same noise, which blocks extraneous sounds, but is not distracting.

4. Read words in groups

5. Take notes

How to quickly remember what you read? Use different types of memory. Everyone knows that the combination various types memory - visual, auditory, tactile, etc. - promotes better memorization new information. Therefore, when studying material, it is advisable to write it down, sing it, and retell it. You can write down brief theses, draw diagrams, signs - as you wish.

6. Look for associations

Most new information for a person is not really new, it is based on something already known knowledge. Therefore, if you connect what you read about with something already known, the likelihood of remembering it increases significantly. For example, you can link historical dates with dates from your life. Also, these connections help the brain not only remember better, but also quickly recall new knowledge when necessary.

7. Enhance the impression of what you read

When you are very amazed by something - an idea, a sound, a picture - the likelihood of remembering it increases significantly. Therefore, when reading, it is necessary to enhance the impression of the text. You can stop reading and think about some scene from a book, imagine yourself as the hero of a novel. Connect the information with your feelings (reading about snakes, feel fear, about cats - joy and comfort).

8. Visualize what you read

This advice echoes the previous one. How to remember what you read well? Try to visualize it, that is, present it in the form of pictures. Visualization helps not only to more clearly present the information you read, but also to combine some data with others, for example, people’s faces with their names.

9. Never take information as too easy.

When you come across some information that seems quite easy to you, you think that you shouldn’t pay attention to it, because it will be remembered anyway. However, this feeling is deceptive. As a rule, in such cases the information passes the person by. Even to remember something simple, you have to repeat it.

It will be more clear from this example:

If you want to remember the page you stopped on, you see - 44 and think: “Ah, this is very easy to remember.” You close the book and after a while you will most likely forget this number. But if you notice that these are two fours, mentally ask yourself which page you stopped on and answer, the chances of remembering this when you return to reading will be much higher.

10. Repeat what you read

If you read the text 10 times, you will undoubtedly remember much more from it. more information. Everyone knows this principle, especially with songs as an example - don’t learn them on purpose, but after listening to them several times, they are remembered by themselves.

How to remember the text you read if it is very voluminous? It is clear that big book You won't reread it 10 times. To do this, you can highlight the main points and repeat only them.

11. Force yourself to remember what you have learned

It happens that you read a book as if carefully, it seems that you have remembered everything, studied it, and when you close it, you cannot remember anything. In this case, force yourself to remember what you read. As an idea, write questions on separate pieces of paper, take them out one by one and answer. This way you can identify “blank spots” in your knowledge and re-read the necessary passages.

About the benefits of reading For the development and self-knowledge of a person, one can speak for months. Books can influence human life, change worldview imperatives, inspire, amuse, relieve stress.

A person reading can be seen from afar: he is sociable, educated and competent in formulating his thoughts. Amazes and lexicon well-read people. They choose words perfectly to describe the most different situations and also own big amount synonyms.

The level of erudition directly depends on the number of books that a person manages to “master” in a week, month, or year. However, there are no specific standards. All people are individual, each has their own genre preferences, which also affect the number of books read.

For example, reading business books requires much more effort than reading pulp novels. Average an experienced reader manages to read one book a week. Accordingly, he reads about 52 books a year.

The number of books read also depends on the ability to choose them. By constantly purchasing “not their own” books, the reader personally drives himself into vicious circle, gets tired of reading uninteresting texts and puts book after book in a distant chest of drawers.

Before you go to book Shop, the reader should familiarize himself with main criteria for choosing books, which include:

  • interest

A book standing on a shelf in a store should beckon. If the reader doesn’t want to pick it up and open it, then most likely this book is not intended for him. After reading the summary, the desire to purchase the book should only intensify.

  • reviews

Of course, as many people exist, there are as many opinions. However, if more than 50% of people, after reading a particular book, are dissatisfied, it is better to think several times before buying it.

  • necessity

Unfortunately, people often depend on circumstances and do some things out of necessity. This also applies to books. Sometimes a person is forced to buy a book just because it will help him deal with a certain life situation(pass the exam, improve your professional level).

  • benefit

Useful books help a person better understand himself, decide life problems. Before purchasing a book, the reader must decide whether it will benefit him.

  • readability

It is best to choose books that are written simply and accessible, but not primitive. In any case, no one likes to read a work with a dictionary of terms.

According to the latest estimates, there are more than 130 million books in the world. Even long-livers will not be able to get acquainted with all this wealth. However, read the most famous classical works Every self-respecting person is obliged.

To do this, he needs to be patient and learn the basic methods for increasing your reading speed.

So, the main ways to develop speed reading, allowing you to “swallow” a book in a day, experts include:

  • Peripheral vision training

The reader who thoroughly masters technology lateral vision , will be able to instantly read individual words, but whole lines.

To train peripheral vision, you must do daily exercise using a Schulte table, consisting of many divided squares with numbers inside. The reader’s task is to name all the numbers one by one, while looking at the center of the square.

  • Suppression of subvocalization

To learn to read quickly, it is necessary to abandon the mental pronunciation of words. When perceiving a text, many people try to pronounce every word they read in their heads, moving their lips. Since a person cannot speak more than 180 words per minute, such micro-movements significantly slow down the reading process.

Help to get rid of subvocalization simple exercises: pressing the tongue to the palate, pinching the tip of a pencil with the teeth, putting a finger to the lips.

  • Refusal of regressions

A book does not always allow you to escape from problems outside world. Often, a person is distracted from the text, immersed in his own thoughts, after which he returns again to the test he has already read so as not to lose its meaning. Naturally, such manipulations do not increase reading speed, but, on the contrary, tire the reader. To forget about constant regressions, you need to resort to a simple but effective technique: move your finger at the bottom of the lines, following each line y.

  • Full concentration

The most effective is saying the names of colors while reading words printed in a different color. For example, the word “red” is highlighted yellow, which the reader must name.

One more no less effective exercise to increase concentration is long-term observation of one subject. In case of extraneous thoughts, the reader should make a note on a piece of paper. Over time, such notes should become less and less.

  • holistic word reading

Nowadays, there are many apps for practicing holistic reading. To forget forever about the separate perception of each word, you should perform a unique exercise every day.

How to increase the number of books you read?

Having firmly decided to improve his reading skills, a person must set himself a specific goal. For example, he can promise himself to read at least 60 books a year. At first glance, this figure seems too exaggerated. However, successful people who have read hundreds of books in their lives claim that by following their recommendations, any reader can become a real “book lover”, “swallowing” more than 60 books a year.

The most important of these tips are:

  • Quick Read. By performing the exercises described above, the reader will be able to lift new level reading speed and quality.
  • Use of technology. By using special programs, you can easily adapt the texts to your personal perception. Having established certain speed parameters, the reader can receive new lines and paragraphs on the screen at a selected frequency of playback.
  • View quick reviews. The most valuable thing a person has is time. It’s not worth spending it on uninteresting books. Therefore, before you buy a book, you need to read it summary so as not to waste time in the future.
  • Scheduling. Planning your day is a habit successful people who do not indulge in laziness. The daily schedule will allow the reader to devote time to self-education and reading new books every day.
  • Listening to audiobooks. With the advent of audiobooks, people have unique opportunity do several things at the same time. Listening to the text interesting book, you can play sports or clean the house.
  • Refusal of uninteresting books. Self-discipline is, of course, wonderful, but a person has the right to close a book, reading which does not bring him any pleasure. Do not forget that all people are different, and if the wife liked Anna Karenina, this does not mean that the husband will also be delighted with it. tragic story, described by the great Tolstoy.

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