Essay my summer holidays. Summer holidays at sea

Summer is the favorite time of boys and girls. You can put your textbooks aside for three whole months and school uniform and enjoy the warmth, sun and communication with friends. So that the children of Novoshakhtinsk can actively relax in summer period, at many schools in the city, children's health camps cordially opened their doors.


In one popular song it is sung that “Summer is a small life.” For children, these words are the motto of the summer holidays. This is not surprising, because over the summer children live a “small” life filled with various interesting events. Summer holidays are a kind of bridge between the completed school year and the upcoming one.

Children's recreation areas operate in 13 schools in Novoshakhtinsk. In the first shift, 750 children will rest in children's camps, and 370 people will rest in the second.

In the summer, not all parents have the opportunity to send their children to the sea or provide active recreation Houses. Summer camps serve as an assistant in organizing children’s health during the holidays for such parents. school camps. They are attended mainly by children from low-income, single-parent and large families. For them, the opportunity to attend the camp is communication with other children, here they get bright and positive emotions.

We will tell you about some children's recreational areas in Novoshakhtinsk.


At school No. 40, the health camp began its work on June 9. For children's daily pleasant pastime, there are playrooms and a relaxation room. Every morning here begins with physical exercise, after which the children go to breakfast. After that, the fun begins - games and entertainment.

Over three weeks, the children's health camp at school No. 40 will be attended by 125 children aged 7 to 17 years.

Our children relax not only on the school grounds,” says Irina Chernovolova, head of the school playground at school No. 40. “Together with their teachers, they go on excursions, take walks and hikes.

At the children's health camp, children spend their leisure time pleasantly and usefully. They participate in activities aimed at spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and sports education. Here children are instilled with a love of the Motherland, sports and art.

We have already held many events where children showed their talents. We spent Ecology Day, went to the theater, talked about proper nutrition. Also, one labor detachment has been formed at the school, where older children go. They not only relax, but also clean the area and put things in order. They also help with younger children, acting as counselors,” says Irina Chernovolova.

The children's camp at this school has already crossed the “equator”. There are many pleasant events left behind, but no less interesting meetings and entertainment await the guys.


In terms of the number of children who attend children's camps in Novoshakhtinsk, school No. 40 is the leader. Slightly fewer children attend children's camp at school No. 4. Here, according to the schedule, leisure activities are organized for them, special place which involves a visit to the club in the village of Kirov.

“Thank you very much to the staff of our club,” says the head of the camp at school No. 4, Irina Danilova. - They always prepare extensive and interesting program. The children themselves demonstrate their artistic abilities by holding competitions and organizing concerts in their groups.

In the school health camp, much attention is paid to sports competitions. An excellent help in this is the recently opened sports ground, donated to the children by the Russian Olympic Committee. The weather in Novoshakhtinsk hasn't been very sunny lately, so while it's not summer-like outside, the kids are studying in special classes. An entire school section was allocated for them, where all conditions for recreation were created.

In the school canteen, children are fed twice a day - there is always tasty and healthy food, fruits and vegetables on the tables. The afternoon snack is a pleasant addition to lunch. Growing children's body spends a lot of effort and energy on entertainment, and therefore dessert in the form of ice cream or delicious tea with buns is always welcome.

The children not only go to visit, but also welcome guests themselves with pleasure.

Recently, civil defense and emergency personnel came to us,” says Irina Danilova. - Spent with children educational conversation on the topic of safety measures in the summer, according to
They showed training videos and talked about their work.

According to Irina Valentinovna, the guys never get bored. Curious children will always find something to their liking at the health camp, and teachers and counselors are ready to diversify their leisure time.


A tour of the territory of the children's health camp of school No. 5 for the correspondent of the newspaper "Shakhtyor's Banner" was conducted by its head, Elena Dmitrievna Chebanenko. This is her first year in this capacity, and therefore for her organizing children’s recreation is an honorable and responsible mission.

The main emphasis in our children’s camp is on improving health and involving children in active sports,” says Elena Chebanenko. - All the guys enjoy going to the camp. Some parents tell me that their children are ready to attend even on Sunday.

Life in the summer day camp at this school, as in many others, is full of events and pleasant meetings. One of them was on the day of my arrival. Came to visit the guys interesting person, artist and poet Mikhail Gaponov.

Mikhail Konstantinovich comes to us for the second time, says Elena Chebanenko, the children enjoyed communicating with him so much that they asked to invite him again.

The guys have another week of rest ahead, which means that new meetings and a lot of new and interesting things await them.

And here’s what the schoolchildren themselves and their parents say about the work of children’s recreational areas in their schools:

Nastya AGAPITOVA, 10th grade:

At a children's health camp I attend labor
squad. Together we do useful work for the benefit of our school. We keep the area clean and take care of the flowers. We also relax here and participate in events. We do physical exercises with younger children.

Natalya SHABALINA, mother of a schoolboy:

My son goes to a children's health camp at school No. 40. I am very pleased with the organization of my child’s holiday. My son participates in competitions, quizzes, and brings home prizes and gifts. Thanks to the teachers, a lot of entertainment is organized for the children, they create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

Victoria ISTEEVA:

Together with the guys from the children's camp, we have a lot of fun and interesting time. We go for walks, take part in competitions and contests, and get a lot of useful information. I became friends with many of the guys, and now we constantly communicate not only in the camp, but also outside of it.


I really enjoy going to children's camp. Together with friends we sing, dance, play and just relax. I always take part in quizzes and competitions, and for winning them I receive delicious and healthy gifts.


Every day at camp is filled with laughter, joy and positivity. We play on the playground, perform at various concerts prepared by our teachers. I really enjoyed the meeting with the artist Mikhail Konstantinovich Gaponov. He told us a lot about painting and photography. Showed interesting drawings. Since I really like to draw, communicating with such a person was beneficial for me personally.

Denis ZABNIN visited the camps

Summer holidays are a joy for children and headache for parents. From year to year, adults think about how best and more effective for a child spend your summer school holiday.

How to spend your summer holidays

Long live summer! Summer holidays for schoolchildren begin on June 1, 2013 and traditionally end on August 31. This is a great time for teenagers to reconsider their attitude towards life and have time to do everything that they do not have time for during the school year. There are three whole months of fun, relaxation and joy ahead, and so that the holidays do not go in vain, you should think and make a plan on how to spend them with maximum benefit and what to do. Undoubtedly, it’s worth relaxing; that’s what vacations are for. Sea, sun, beach, cottage, fishing, hiking with friends or camp - there are a lot of possibilities!

But so that it doesn’t turn out like in Krylov’s fable: “I sang red summer, I didn’t have time to look back...”, it’s worth thinking about how to spend the holidays profitably. For example, improve or learn a foreign language, take courses in makeup, hairdressing, for photography enthusiasts. Who knows, perhaps the skills acquired in the courses will be useful in the future, because you can’t carry knowledge behind your shoulders.

A wonderful opportunity to improve your well-being and gain independence will be to work during the summer holidays. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to go somewhere abroad.

Work during summer holidays

Summer work is becoming increasingly popular among young people. There may be several reasons for working during the summer holidays. Firstly, this financial independence teenager Agree, pocket money is good, but earning money on your own is much more enjoyable. This kind of money is much more valuable. In addition, there is a constant fear: will there be pocket money this month or not due to various situations, including those related to poor academic performance or behavior. Secondly, it is a way of self-affirmation among peers. Smoking and drinking are no longer fashionable, but earning money for clothes, a fancy phone or a trip is now considered “cool”. A working teenager already feels quite mature and independent. And thirdly, it is responsibility. The work involves responsibility to the employer for the results of one’s work. There is an understanding of the value of earning money when money does not fall from the sky, but is earned.

Summer holidays provide an opportunity to earn money in the following areas:

              • work as a promoter (carrying out all kinds of promotions, distributing leaflets, etc.);
              • in the delivery department (pizza, flowers, gifts, correspondence, etc.);
              • assistant in cafes and restaurants (from cleaner to waiter);
              • blue-collar jobs (car washing, lawn mowing, office cleaning);
              • work on the Internet (copywriting, translations).

If a teenager masters a certain specialty, then there is the opportunity to work as an apprentice to a master (hairdresser, massage therapist, mechanic).

But, first of all, it is worth remembering that the child’s work must be paid, and for this it is necessary to officially employ him. Teenagers are prohibited from working in hazardous industries, at night, and without the written consent of one of the parents.

Summer holidays abroad

IN recent years ten, traveling abroad has become a very popular holiday destination for children during the summer holidays. Parents who send their schoolchildren abroad strive for several goals: to break down the language barrier, to help the child begin to speak foreign language, see the world, study or work. At school, at the end of the school year, you can see advertisements offering education and recreation in Europe and the United States of America.

This is a great opportunity to travel, with the choice of studying or working. As an option, a program for schoolchildren to live in families is suitable - relaxation and communication with peers. The most popular destinations are England, Germany, Italy and the USA. And how many new friends and impressions your child will bring from such a vacation! In addition, the child will very soon begin to speak a foreign language freely and at ease.

Summer holiday activities

In order not to sit at home and get bored all summer, you can come up with a vacation scenario. You will be surprised how many interesting events are held for schoolchildren in the summer! Useful sources of information will be posters, newspapers, and the Internet. Excursions, exhibitions, and sports competitions are organized for schoolchildren. In each city, the administration for culture and sports prepares its own action plan. All parents need is to choose the most interesting direction for their child. A boat ride will bring an unforgettable experience, an excursion to historical places will be remembered by the myths and traditions of your native land, a trip to the theater will immerse you in the world of art and beauty. Tournaments in yard football, basketball, and beach volleyball are planned for the summer holidays.

Summer holidays in the village

Adults often remember with pleasure their holidays with their grandmother in the village as their happiest moments. And this is not surprising: fresh air, carefree games from morning to night, trips to the pond or river, sore knees and new friends. The most interesting adventures During the summer holidays they happen in the village. After all, at school you can then brag to your peers about how interesting it was to herd geese, steal apples from neighbors, or ride a bicycle through fields and meadows.

To make your vacation with your grandparents as comfortable as possible, you should take care of the student’s safety. Be sure to include a cap, mosquito and sun protection in your backpack. standard set medicines. After all, during the summer holidays, children spend most of their time outdoors, eating vegetables and fruits straight from the garden and completely forgetting about hand hygiene.

And the most important argument in favor of a holiday in the village may be the fact that the child will probably not spend all his free time in front of a computer screen.

Summer holidays at sea

Frankly, anyone who has been to the sea at least once wants to return to its tender embrace again and again. If there is such an opportunity, then the child must be taken to the coast. It's always joy, positivity, sun, visiting interesting places and undoubted health benefits from the cleanest sea air and water. It would be great if it was a camp, because then the student would be able to relax and improve his health for a longer period of time. Known fact that sudden climate change and hot sun require adaptation, which lasts about 10 days. At summer camp, counselors come up with interesting scenarios games, sporting events, and the brought photos will tell you about the unforgettable moments of your holiday at sea.

Summer holidays in the library

In order to restore schoolchildren’s interest in books, libraries organize special exhibitions, competitions and themed days. By visiting such an event, you can have a fun and unusual time. Getting to know literary heroes V game form, participation in drawing competitions or debates will leave bright, positive emotions, and the children will expand their knowledge base and develop their creative and intellectual abilities.

Lesh, have you put everything together? Did you forget your passport? How about a warm sweater just in case? - Mom fussed around me, helping with getting ready.
- Mom, why do we need warm clothes in Greece? - I tried to excuse myself, not wanting to load up my bag with unnecessary things.
“It can be cold there too, especially at night,” the mother did not give up.
“I’ll sleep at night,” I said categorically, throwing the jumper aside and closing the bag, indicating that the conversation was over.

Mom looked at me reproachfully, but did not argue - it was pointless, and she understood this perfectly. My father took me to the airport, escorted me to boarding and wished me to have a good rest.

It was only in the air that I breathed a sigh of relief. I, of course, love my parents very much, but sometimes they can be too tiresome when they are overprotective. And I’m no longer fifteen, but twenty-four. After the army, I entered the university and successfully approached my final year.

Remembering his alma mater, he frowned. The image of the teacher immediately appeared before my eyes, to whom not only I, but also many students of our stream drew attention. How the girls did not make fun of them: they unbuttoned the buttons on their blouses, put on belted skirts, made eyes at them, and some, more insolently, openly made proposals, but the young teacher turned out to be adamant, only smiled condescendingly and... sent them to study the task.

Sometimes, looking at him in classes, I wondered what this perfection forgot at the university? He should show off on the covers of magazines: tall, with a sporty figure, wide shoulders and a narrow waist, a short stylish haircut, dark eyes behind the frames of glasses that seemed to look into the very soul, a thin mouth often curled in an ironic grin. He was truly handsome, but in addition to his appearance, everything about him was mesmerizing: his voice was velvety, low and a little viscous; the ability to present information in such an accessible way that even a child would understand; his magnetism, charm and charisma. Everyone was drawn to him like a magnet. And I was no exception.

And his name matched him - Aristarkh Illarionovich. You'll break your tongue before you pronounce it, but it's unusual. Our girls nicknamed him “ice of ice” behind his back. Man of mystery. Nobody knew anything about him. Who he lives with, who he dates, what he prefers... Although, some particularly zealous girls tried to spy on him. Kindergarten, nursery group, honestly.

Remembering the chatter of my classmates during breaks about my unsuccessful observations, I smiled, but immediately hissed with discomfort: the memories had done their job - my penis not only began to move, but also caused a lot of inconvenience in tight jeans. So, we urgently need to distract ourselves, otherwise the flight will not be the most pleasant. I had to remember our Adelaide Markovna, a heavyset woman, not always neat, but in a short skirt, who made eyes at almost all the students, trying to leave them for additional classes. Therefore, in her subject, almost all the male half of the students studied excellently. No one wanted to be alone with this woman for even a minute.

ABOUT! It helped! Adelaida Markovna is a wonderful sobering up person. I smiled. A body moved next to me. Turning around, I noticed a girl not taking her eyes off me.

Hello! - the neighbor smiled, displaying two rows of uneven and yellow teeth. I shuddered.
- Hello! “Have a nice flight,” I squeezed out, quickly putting on my headphones, showing with all my appearance that I was not in the mood for communication. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the girl’s sour expression, but it didn’t touch me.

Closing his eyes, he plunged into the world of music. I woke up only when the plane was landing. The neighbor, noticing that I had taken out my headphones, went on the offensive:

Are you on vacation too? Which hotel will you stay at? What are your plans? We can help each other brighten up our leisure time.
“Yes, for rest, grandiose plans, I prefer solitude,” I responded slowly, drawing out my words to convey the truth to her. “Besides, I don’t need an escort.”

Landing was announced. I got up, without waiting for my neighbor, and quickly went to the exit. Having received his bag, he left the airport building, where there was a minibus, next to which the Greek was holding a sign with the names of those he was meeting. Mine was first. I walked up, pointed my finger at the sign, waited until he scribbled my appearance in his notebook, climbed inside and closed my eyes.

The hotel where we were taken lived up to expectations. Comfort, service, location - everything was on the level. I didn't stay in the room. I changed my clothes, grabbed a towel and ran to the sea at a brisk jog.

I threw a towel on the sun lounger and ran into the warm water, diving. He swam underwater, emerged, snorting from the water, and... almost sank to the bottom. The dark eyes of Aristarkh Illarionovich looked at me in amazement. For a moment they flashed fear, the nature of which I did not immediately understand. And only after a couple of minutes it dawned on me.

Star, are you okay? - a man swam up to the teacher, an open smile shining on his face. - A small accident? Collision? - he was having fun with all his might.
“Everything is fine,” Aristarchus muffled out.

Throwing a wary glance at me, he, quite professionally, crawled to the shore. The man is behind him. I kept an eye on these two, realizing that the nature of their relationship was not at all friendly. This was noticeable in looks, touches, and behavior. Disappointment hung like a stone in my chest. pipe dream.

Looking at the half-naked Aristarchus, I could not cope with my excitement. I rested, as they say, unwinded. It only got worse. Every day, encountering a teacher about whom you are crazy is still torture, especially when you see him happy face, addressed to another. The only joy was that he also preferred his own gender, but this turned out to be neither hot nor cold.

For three days I went crazy. I had to face their happy couple every day and slowly went crazy. And on the fourth day my luck turned. Although... for Aristarchus this was clearly not luck, rather an unpleasant shock.

This morning I went for a run. In the shade of the cypress trees I noticed a man who did not leave the teacher. There was a frown on his face now. He was talking to someone on the phone. I slowed down, listening, although I understood that it was not aesthetically pleasing to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t do anything about my curiosity.

I warned you that the wedding would take place when I returned. What's the fucking rush?
- ...
- What-o-o-o?! How's pregnant? I was protecting myself, this can’t happen...
- ...
- That bitch, she thought of everything. But I can’t now, I’m on vacation, I... Okay, I’m flying out today,” the man sighed tiredly, squeezing his temple with his hand.

A branch rustled on the opposite side of me. The man and I simultaneously glanced in that direction. Aristarchus was scary to look at. His face twisted with disappointment and anger. Pain flashed in my eyes and immediately disappeared.

Star, I’m everything to you now... - the man began to stretch out his hands to the teacher, but he grimaced contemptuously and shook his head negatively.
- It's not worth it. It’s time for you to get ready, you’ll be late for the plane and for your own wedding,” Aristarchus said harshly and coldly.
“Star, let me explain,” his companion asked, pleadingly folding his hands in front of him.
- I said it’s not worth it! - the teacher interrupted. - I heard everything I needed. You fucked both her and me, and you lied to me. You fed me with promises for three years, but now that’s enough. It's time to stop! Go, get ready. I don't want to see you anymore. Our relationship is over. They didn’t have a future anyway, you lied, dodged and cheated all the time. Your wedding was the last straw. Leave! I don't want to see you anymore. “I have someone to spend the rest of my days with,” he said.
- With that boy, your student, right? - the man rose jealously, clenching his lips in displeasure.
“This doesn’t concern you anymore,” Aristarchus snapped. - At least he is sincere in his feelings, and he has liked me for a long time, his eyes don’t know how to lie.
- What about your principles? - the interlocutor asked sarcastically. - Do not start relationships with students.
- Sometimes there are exceptions, this is one of them. Have a nice family life!

Having finished the dialogue, Aristarchus turned around and walked along the path to the sea. The man wanted to rush after him, but, looking at the time, he went to the hotel, probably to pack his things.

I grinned, Lady Fortune was clearly favoring me. Although she gives someone unpleasant surprises. After watching the retreating figure of the teacher, I continued jogging. Wet, he ran to the sea to freshen up after running. Having dived into the sea, he again found himself near the teacher. But this time he looked as if he was expecting something. I became bolder. Without taking his eyes off him, he blurted out:

I've liked you for a long time! Let's meet?

He was amazed at his own impudence, but grimaced from being tongue-tied. It wasn't even possible to make an offer. But the teacher smiled, although his smile came out forced, took me by the hand and answered:

To begin with, it would be nice to get to know each other better, and we have seven more days to do this.

I wasn't pushed away. I was incredibly happy about this turn of events. My throat was dry and there was a lump in my throat, making it difficult to speak. All I had to do was nod.

Our acquaintance began with joint excursions and trips to the mountains. We explored every interesting corner. Aristarchus a lot interesting stories I was telling them, I listened to them with my mouth open. Sometimes he himself spoke a lot, recalling incidents from army life.

We were together for days, never separated for a minute, and at night he decorously wished me good night and went to his room. This state of affairs depressed me. I was going crazy from excitement and overwhelming desire. During the day, being next to Aristarchus, I had to be distracted so as not to go crazy from the boner. It’s good that I bought wide shorts especially for the vacation, in which my boner was not so noticeable.

Several times I caught the glances Aristarchus cast at my erect penis, but he never said a word about this.

On the last night of our vacation, the teacher invited me to his room. From the joy and proximity of the desired body, I almost came as soon as he touched me and kissed me. What happened next was like a fairy tale. I was up and down, trying to give my partner as much pleasure as possible, the return was manyfold.

We fell asleep only in the morning. I was incredibly happy. I was especially pleased that I managed to enter my number into his phone and write it down for myself.

And in the morning I woke up alone. Melancholy and disappointment surged and overwhelmed me. Aristarchus’s belongings were not in the room, as well as the note. I dialed his number, and in response: “The subscriber’s device is outside the network coverage area...”

Cursing, he rushed to his room, collected his things, had a snack, not feeling the taste, constantly looking at the vacationers, suddenly he would appear now... But Aristarchus did not appear either in the restaurant, or at the bus landing, or at the airport...

But in the salon I was “lucky” again. The same neighbor was nearby. She smiled when she saw me. I quickly put my headphones back on. I felt bad at heart. Turning to her, he angrily warned:

No talking. Don't bother me!

The girl pouted with displeasure. But she didn’t climb. Upon boarding, she no longer tried to smile and talk to me. This made me incredibly happy.

My father met me at the airport. During all this time, I dialed Aristarchus’ number several more times, but the answer was heard automatic voice. At home I tried to make my face look carefree. If I managed to deceive my father, my mother immediately sensed my condition, but did not pry into my soul, for which I was immensely grateful to her.

The rest of the summer went by too quickly. I never got through to Aristarchus. I went to his house several times, hoping to meet him and talk. But to my deep disappointment, the old ladies at the entrance reported that Aristarkh Illarionovich had moved out in an unknown direction. This turned out to be the last straw. Melancholy, melancholy, and depression completely took hold of me. I was looking forward to the school year. See your favorite teacher at least with one eye.

On the first day of classes, I kept an eye on everyone, often wandering along the university corridor, hoping to “accidentally” run into Aristarchus. We haven't had any pairs of it yet. No one knew what this was connected with, although many were perplexed. As it turned out, I was not the only one who longed to meet my favorite teacher.

It was only in the fourth week of school that everyone was happy to see his subject on the schedule. Joy, hope, anticipation overwhelmed me. Having barely waited for the steam, I fidgeted impatiently in my chair. The door opened. He came in. Cool and collected as always. Zero attention to me. It's like I'm empty space. He was giving a lecture, but the words did not reach me, I was in prostration, not taking my eyes off the man with whom I spent the most wonderful seven days of the holidays. Only towards the end of the lecture did I notice minor changes in Aristarchus’s face: small wrinkles on the forehead, lips pursed more than usual, a harder look that made me feel creepy. What happened in the two months that I tried to look for him and didn’t find him?

His pairs were the last. Having stayed later than everyone else, I waited until the audience was empty and approached the table at which Aristarkh Illarionovich was located. He pulled out a pre-prepared note that two pairs had written and, handing it to him, quickly left the class. There was resentment in my soul, I couldn’t breathe, my breathing was blocked by a lump stuck in my throat. I walked along the corridor to the exit, my legs were tangled, my head was noisy.

This time I turned around. Near the audience I had just left stood Aristarchus, propping up the door frame. I froze, not knowing what to do. But the teacher pointed at the class with his eyes, offering to return. I didn’t think. He quickly covered the distance separating us and found himself next to him. I saw my note in his hand.

Have you read it? “I thought you’d break it without looking,” I whispered.
“How can you break such a confession,” Aristar said without a hint of mockery and suddenly pronounced the text of my note, without ever looking at it: “I love you, no matter what, and will always love you.”
“I know perfectly well what’s in the note,” I muttered, blushing.
- Lesh, sorry for my disappearance. It turned out to be difficult for me to step over my principles. I set a taboo for myself - never to get involved with students. And you... Burst like a typhoon into my measured life. It turned out to be difficult for me to accept,” he whispered quietly, barely audible.
- And now? What conclusion did you come to? - I waited with bated breath for an answer.
“I think we can endure a year, making do with rare meetings, and then nothing will stop us from moving in together, if by that time you still love me,” Aristarchus proposed.

I was ready to dance with joy. Squeezing him in my arms, I pressed my whole body against him, inhaling his unique smell.

All year I soared, flew as if on wings. Even rare meetings with my favorite teacher brought me incredible joy. And after defending my diploma, we were finally able to move in together...

Summer is ending, so I decided it was time to add a How I spent my theme to the site. summer holidays. And not even one, but several - for different classes. How I spent my summer holidays topics will allow you to create your own oral statement or write an essay on this topic.

HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER HOLIDAYS themes for primary school.

These topics are suitable for 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade. They are not complicated and are given with a translation into Russian.

Holidays in the country.

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the country. Most of the time I walked, cycled, spent time with my friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I liked my summer holidays very much.

TRANSLATION: Holidays in the village.

Summer is mine favorite time year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the village. Most of the time I walked, rode a bike, spent time with friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I really enjoyed my summer holidays.

Holidays by the sea.

This year I spent most of the summer holidays in the city. At weekends, I went to the country with my family. In July, we went to the Black Sea. I liked the sea very much. I swam and sunbathed. I even saw dolphins. I had a lot of fun. I took many photos and made new friends.

TRANSLATION: Holidays by the sea.

This year I spent most of my summer holidays in the city. On weekends, our whole family went to the village. In July we went to the Black Sea. I really liked the sea. I swam and sunbathed. I even saw dolphins. I had a lot of fun. I took a lot of photos and made new friends.

Holidays in summer camp.

I spent this summer holidays in the summer camp “Star”. The camp is not far from the Volga River. It was very interesting in the camp. We swam there, played soccer and other games, watched concerts, and went to the discos in the evenings. We also went on excursions and visited many interesting places – museums, art galleries, theaters. I made many new friends. I really enjoyed in the camp.

TRANSLATION: Vacation in summer camp.

I spent these holidays at the Zvezda summer camp. The camp is located near the Volga. The camp was very interesting. We swam, played football and other games, watched concerts and went to discos in the evenings. We also went on excursions and visited many interesting places - museums, art galleries, theaters. I made a lot of new friends. I really enjoyed the camp.

Topic HOW I SPENT THE SUMMER for high school.

The following topics are suitable for grades 5 - 8.

How I spent my summer vacation.

My summer vacations this year were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events.

In June, together with classmates, we went to a camp. I liked the camp very much. We played sports games, competed in various sports, took part in various competitions. In the evenings, we went to the disco. I enjoyed discos as I like music and dancing. I made a lot of new friends and got to know my classmates better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, together with my parents we went to the Crimea to have a rest by the sea. We stayed in a nice hotel in Feodosia. I really liked the stony beaches, blue sea, and numerous excursions. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive and I saw the life of the seabed. I also visited the water park, made trips on a motor ship, and rode horses. My rest by the sea was unforgettable.

In August, I went to the country to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village where my grandparents live and we spent time together. We went swimming and fishing.

My summer holidays fly surprisingly fast. Now the school year has just begun, but I"m already waiting for new vacations, new impressions and new friends.

TRANSLATION: How I spent my summer holidays.

My summer holidays this year were interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events.

In June, together with my classmates, we went to camp. I really enjoyed the camp. We played sports games, competed, took part in various competitions. In the evenings we went to the disco. I liked discos because I love music and dancing. I made many new friends and got to know my classmates better than before at school.

When I returned home after visiting the camp, my parents and I went to Crimea to relax by the sea. We stayed in a good hotel in Feodosia. I really enjoyed the rocky beaches, blue sea and numerous excursions. Mom and Dad let me go scuba diving and I saw life on the seabed. I also visited a water park, took a boat ride, and rode horses. My holiday by the sea was unforgettable.

In August I went to the village to visit my grandparents. I have many friends in the village and we spent time together. We swam and fished.

My summer holidays flew by surprisingly quickly. The school year has just begun, but I'm already looking forward to new holidays, new experiences and new friends.

My summer holiday - short essay.

I like summer very much. This doesn’t mean that I don’t like spring, winter or autumn, but the fact that you do not need to get up early to go to school and you needn’t do your homework every day makes summer my favorite season.

During my summer holidays, I do everything I like most of all. I play football, spend time with my parents and friends.

Usually, I spend my summer holidays in the country. I like growing fruits and vegetables. My dad always tells me something interesting about plants and nature.

I like to walk in the summer forest with my friends or with my parents. We often go to the river. This year we went fishing with my dad. We got up early, took our fishing rods and went to the nearest lake. We caught a lot of fish. That was amazing.

TRANSLATION: My Summer Vacation - Short Essay.

I love summer. This doesn't mean I don't like spring, winter or fall, but the fact that you don't have to get up early to go to school is not necessary to do homework every day, makes summer my favorite season.

During the summer holidays I do everything I love most. I play football, spend time with my parents and friends.

I usually spend my summer holidays in the village. I like to grow fruits and vegetables. My dad always tells me something interesting about plants and nature.

I love walking in the summer forest with friends or parents. We often go to the river. This year my dad and I went fishing. We got up early, took our fishing rods and went to the nearest lake. We caught a lot of fish. It was amazing.

Topic: HOW I SPENT THE SUMMER for high school.

This is the most difficult of all the proposed topics.

Summer is the most wonderful time for me. I always look forward to summer holidays. Summer is the most beautiful time of the year. The three summer months give us a lot of new impressions.

Summer is the time when I can do everything I like. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, and travel. This summer I did a lot of sports — I played football in the school stadium almost every day.

During this summer holidays, I walked, bathed and sunbathed much. When it rained, I read books. One of them was Jack London's “White Fang”. I really liked the book. It is about a wolf dog, very devoted and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. Many people today lack these qualities. I would like to have such a four-footed friend.

This summer I also went to the sea, visited my grandmother, and spent the rest of the time at home.

In July, I had a trip to the sea with my family. The weather was nice, so we swam and sunbathe. The water was warm and transparent. We also saw the sights of Anapa and took photos. We also went to the zoo, which left a lot of good impressions. At the entrance, we were offered to buy different treats for the zoo pets. I liked to feed birds and animals from my hands. It was funny to observe the monkeys, toucans, raccoons, and ostriches.

In August, I stayed with my grandmother. I liked it because my grandmother allows me absolutely everything. I read books, went rollerblading and cycling. The last summer days I spent preparing for the first of September.

Summer has ended, but I will never forget my summer holidays. My holidays were excellent.


Summer is the most wonderful time for me. I always look forward to the summer holidays. Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. The three summer months give us many new impressions.

Summer is the time when I can do whatever I like. I like to play football, swim, go to the forest and travel. This summer I played a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day.

During these summer holidays I walked, swam a lot and sunbathed. When it rained, I read books. One of the books was White Fang by Jack London. I really liked this book. The book is about a top, very loyal and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. Today many people lack such qualities. I would like to have such a friend.

This summer I also went to the seaside, visited my grandmother and spent the rest of the time at home.

In July, our family went to the sea. The weather was good, so we swam and sunbathed. The water was warm and clear. We also saw the sights of Anapa and took many photographs. We also went to the zoo where I got a ton good impressions. At the entrance we were offered to buy various treats for the zoo animals. I liked feeding birds and animals from my hands. It was fun to see the monkeys, toucans, raccoons and ostriches.

In August I visited my grandmother. I liked it because my grandmother allows me absolutely everything. I read books, rollerbladed and rode a bicycle. In the last days of summer I was preparing for the first of September.

Summer is over, but I will never forget my summer holidays. My vacation was great.

I hope the suggested essays helped you.

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