Strange noises from the ground. Heliocentric version and others

Since the summer of 2011, abnormally low sounds emanating from the sky have been repeatedly recorded throughout the planet, which are popularly called the “Sound of the Apocalypse.” Throughout this time, the media has voiced cases of the appearance of these strange sounds from the USA, Russia, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, and Australia.

The International Committee on Global Environmental and Geological Change (Munich) and the Global Earthquake Prediction Network (London) conducted their research, which made it possible to determine the origin of these low, frightening sounds.

Many people, especially believers, classified the strange sound of the earth as evidence of the approaching Judgment Day.

Professor Elchin Khalilov, head of the international GEOCHANGE committee, is well acquainted with these sounds. In his opinion, they are related to acoustic-gravity waves, which sometimes arise at the boundary between the ionosphere and the atmosphere. And the reasons for the occurrence of these waves, according to the geophysicist, can be located both in the Sun and in the Earth’s core.

The professor is convinced that the source of powerful manifestations of acoustic-gravitational waves must be equally large-scale energy processes. These can be particularly powerful solar flares that generate enormous energy flows that, when reaching our planet, destabilize its ionosphere, magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. Among the consequences of solar flares, the scientist names flows of corpuscles, the impact shock waves solar wind and splashes electromagnetic radiation. However, another reason for the strange hum may be hidden deep in the bowels of the Earth. The fact is, says Professor Khalilov, that the tendency to accelerate the displacement of the planet’s north magnetic pole, which significantly intensified in 1998-2003 by more than 500 percent, and continues today, indicates energy processes occurring in the Earth’s core that form a geomagnetic field in both cores .

On November 15, all geophysical stations included in the ATROPATENA network recorded a powerful impulse of gravitational influence, almost simultaneously. The network stations are located in Kyiv, Baku, Istanbul, Islamabad and Jokjakarta. The maximum distance between them is about 10 thousand kilometers.

A similar phenomenon can only occur if the source of radiation is located in the Earth's core. Therefore, according to many scientists, this powerful release of energy from the planet’s core is a kind of sign signaling the beginning active phase in the internal energy processes of the Earth.

This phenomenon may also cause modulation geomagnetic field, which through some physical processes, occurring at the boundary of the ionosphere and the atmosphere, and are the cause of the emergence of acoustic-gravitational waves, recorded in many parts of the planet in the form of low-frequency sound that causes anxiety in people.

One way or another, both of these possible reasons geophysical nature indicate a possible significant increase in solar and geodynamic activity. Processes in the Earth's core most likely control the planet's energy. Therefore, experts from the World Organization for Cooperation in Science believe that at the end of 2012 a sudden increase in the number of powerful earthquakes, prices, volcanic eruptions and other events is possible. natural disasters atmospheric character.

At the same time, the maximum level similar disasters expected in 2013 - 2014.

Reports of strange noises are coming from all over the planet. People again hear incomprehensible sounds, reminiscent of a dull lingering hum, creaking, steady humming or rumbling. It seems that the earth itself is groaning. Sometimes the phenomenon is accompanied by noticeable vibrations. It all sounds something like this:

Sometimes those who hear a strange hum experience attacks of causeless panic. Some people begin to experience headaches, nausea, weakness, and dizziness. Others have mood swings, become irritable, cannot sleep, and become depressed. Cases of suicide have been recorded.

If we consider that the hum of the earth is low-frequency noise, then the pathologies are justified. Because such waves (ELF or even VLF) can ultimately provoke disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system and change the row biological functions body. But not everyone, I, for example, had nothing like this.

It all started in the 70s, then strange sounds also heard in different countries. The next surge occurred in the mid-90s. And in 2011, the phenomenon became widespread; noise was recorded on all continents. By the way, the activation of both (and others) falls during the same periods.

Here is a map where the epicenters of the rumble are indicated (not all of them, of course, but the general picture is clear). If you click on any icon, the date will appear and detailed description noise of the earth. I don't know who made this map, but it's an interesting idea.

Please note that the ground was mostly groaning in the EU and the USA. If these are truly the trumpets of the apocalypse, then “our partners” should remember and think a little. Well, that's it, a retreat...

Now, it seems, a new wave has begun, and scientists are already talking about global processes on a planetary scale. In the first months of 2016 alone, the earth's rumble was recorded almost throughout the world. Here I also have a note:

Those who have heard strange sounds are trying to explain this phenomenon. Many see them as ominous omens. Scientists also put forward some theories. No one has a single opinion, there are only versions... from apocalyptic to normal scientific ones. Here are several options, choose which one you like best.

The groan of the earth is the trumpets of the apocalypse

Indeed, in many religions and beliefs, the end of the world must be accompanied by some kind of sounds. The Bible says that after wars, famines, epidemics, earthquakes and other disasters, angels will blow seven trumpets, announcing the true apocalypse. In Islam, the description of the end of the world is very similar, and it will be preceded by the sound of a trumpet blown by the archangel Israfil. Jews believe that at the end of days the shofar (ritual horn) will sound, announcing the coming of the Moshiach. Among the Scandinavians, before the start of Ragnarok (the death of the gods and the whole world in last battle) the horn of Gjallarhorn will sound.

The rumble of the earth is the result of HAARP

There is a lot of gossip about this installation. With its help, the American military is studying the possibility of using disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere to solve combat missions. Many believe that this is a full-fledged climate and psychotropic weapon that can influence the weather and cause earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and hurricanes. Our scientists are quite skeptical about HAARP, believing that the Americans, as always, have created expensive and stupid garbage. Our SURA is better! However, HAARP radio emissions penetrate underground and may cause some anomalies.

The cause of the sounds is solar activity

Some scientists support the theory of Professor Elchin Khalilov. They believe that strange sounds are associated with cataclysms occurring on the Sun. In a nutshell, then for every solar flare thrown away huge amount energy. When these streams enter the Earth's magnetosphere, acoustic waves are generated that rush to the surface of the planet. Sometimes they are superimposed on natural noise, and then sounds resembling a groan are heard. In general, this has always happened. But in recent years solar activity began to increase, so the hum is heard more and more often.

Noise is a consequence of geophysical phenomena

Many scientists take a simpler view. They believe that the strange hum is the result of normal natural processes. After all, the Earth is a relatively young planet, and something is happening in its depths all the time. Energy is accumulated and released, magma flows move, tectonic plates shift, rises and falls earth's crust, there is gravitational deformation of deep layers. Naturally, all this is accompanied by characteristic sounds. In theory, we shouldn't hear them. But we hear. And no one can really explain why. That's why we're talking about about the anomaly.

The rumble foreshadows major earthquakes

Remember what happened in Japan on March 11, 2011? The magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed at least 20 thousand people. But Alexey Lyubushin, chief researcher at the Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, predicted these events back in 2008. He drew attention to the synchronization of low-frequency noise in the area of ​​the future cataclysm and even warned about possible earthquake. The disaster happened, but the anomaly remained, the rumble of the earth is still synchronized in that area. This means that Japan may experience an equally destructive earthquake in the near future.

Earth hums due to pole shift

Change magnetic poles– one of the possible scenarios for the future apocalypse. And many associate the fact that there is a growing rumble in the bowels of the planet with this. So, at least, says Professor Martin Stanville, member International Academy deep geological and tectonic problems. There are a number of scientists who agree with this version. The process has already started, the magnetic poles have shifted and continue to shift. This happens continuously and, perhaps, is the cause of the chaos occurring in nature, climate change and all kinds of disasters.

Errors or obvious falsifications of records

Many videos that record the sounds of the apocalypse are not credible. Some of the audio materials are obvious falsifications. Experts conducted a technical analysis of the recordings and found that the sound level of the main track (that is, background noise) did not match the level of the “hum.” The volume of the latter is on average 20% higher, and this contradicts all the operating principles of modern equipment. Finally, eyewitnesses are often simply mistaken, mistaking some other sounds for the sound of the earth. For example, I personally have often heard “the trumpets of the apocalypse,” but in fact it turned out that this was the cry of some local marsh bird.

For seven years now, a low hum has been annoying residents of Windsor, Canada. The city is located on the banks of the river separating it from the American Detroit. Sound causes health problems in humans and animals. The hum is heard in different parts city, but its source has not yet been found. True, there are assumptions. "360" tells the details mysterious story.

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Essex MP Tracy Ramsay told The Guardian newspaper that residents of the city of 220,000 often complain of headaches, irritability, depression and insomnia caused by a strange noise called the “Winsor hum”. According to the townspeople themselves, the sound resembles the rattling of a truck or distant rumbles of thunder with a frequency of 30-40 hertz.

Do you know the stories about people who plan their vacation in advance to get away from certain sounds or noises? In recent years I have wanted to do this so often because everything is so bad. Imagine having to run away from everyone you know and love just to stop hearing the buzzing in your head for hours on end.

— The New York Times quotes local resident Sabrina Weiss as saying.

At times the noise becomes so strong that the glass in the windows shook, and in some areas shells burst chicken eggs. And sometimes it even reaches the city of McGregor, located 30 kilometers away. Some time after the noise appeared, local residents created closed group The Windsor/Essex County Hum on Facebook. There they exchange information about the anomaly, share information about the location of the manifestation and the duration of the noise.

“We are currently working with the Canadian federal government, the University of Windsor, the University of Western Ontario, and other independent agencies to get to the bottom of this most troubling “mystery.” noise pollution", her description says. The community is led by a former insurance agency employee, 62-year-old local resident Mike Provost.

“It's very destructive. Imagine constant, repeating thunderclaps, and there is no escape from it. You go to work in the garden, you go outside to enjoy the sun, and it still comes,” he said.

However, some residents do not hear the hum. According to ex-engineer Tim Carpenter, this is due to the fact that not all people are able to distinguish low frequencies. Over the years of research, the Provost has accumulated large number documents and records. Last year he introduced them to a journalist.

An investigation by Canadian authorities found that the source of the noise could be the American island of Zug, located near the city. It houses a steel mill. One of its huge blast furnaces, visible from the Canadian shore, may well produce a powerful roar. This data was obtained by a team of scientists from the University of Windsor.

“We have not identified the blast furnace, but there is enough evidence that this is the likely source. This is a reason that may explain why the noise comes and goes, and why the sound was at times heard as far as 12 kilometers from the island. The fact that we can still hear it at a long distance suggests that this source is producing a huge amount of energy,” explained one of the researchers Colin Novak.

The owner of the plant, U.S. Steel, did not give permission to inspect the factory grounds. In their report, the researchers indicated that the sound could most likely be muffled or eliminated by debugging the equipment. However, the location of the plant is American side means that the solution to the problem will get bogged down in diplomatic disputes.

"It's the equivalent of pushing a snowball up a hill," said politician Brian Masse, noting that on buzz days he receives up to 40 complaints from Windsor residents. Masse repeatedly tried to appeal to his American colleagues. But without an international noise treaty, the U.S. municipality of River Rouge has no incentive to address a problem that predominantly affects Canadians.

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The previous time it was heard in the UK, in Bristol, and was discussed in the newspapers for a long time. And then he appeared again, this time sweeping across the entire planet. In August 2011, 2012 and early 2013, he was heard in Brazil, the USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Europe and Asia.

Its main feature is that it causes causeless panic in people. He is the so-called “moan” or “hum” of the Earth. What is this - sound hallucination, movement tectonic plates, the sound of acoustic-gravity waves, mass psychosis or just a newspaper duck? Let's try to figure it out.

We hear groans from everywhere

Doug Shafer, Ontario (Canada):
- These sounds were very intense, it seemed that everything was roaring. It's like a huge ocean.

Natalia and Marina Eroshenko, Rostov-on-Don:
- The noise was so unusual that it couldn’t even be compared with anything. He was powerful
and scary. There was just some kind of roar, as if a plane were flying right over the house.

Tatyana Miteleva, Moscow:
- It seemed to come from the Earth, but it was everywhere. And for me it was a little incomprehensible and scary.

Ilya Bogomolov, Rostov-on-Don:
- It was as if he was everywhere, around. So low, quite frightening, unlike all other sounds.

Roman and Gennady Ovchinnikov, Novokuznetsk:
- He woke me up at night. A strange hum that penetrates even through a closed window. It creates a feeling of causeless panic. And you literally don’t even know what to do at this moment. I really got scared, I thought that I had to pack my things, my child, my documents and run somewhere. It was unclear where it was coming from; it felt as if the sound was enveloping.

This is a compilation of numerous programs and Internet videos. The largest series of such noises swept across the planet from January 9 to January 12, 2012. These four days the Earth, according to news correspondents different channels, literally rumbled. Amateur audio and video recordings have been made on every continent. The media assured that no one had ever heard these sounds before.

This is not entirely true. For many years now, residents of the town of Taos in the state of New Mexico in the southwestern United States have been hearing a low-frequency rumble coming from the desert. The phenomenon was called the “Taos Noise.” The sound is similar to heavy equipment moving along a highway, although there are no major roads There is no small settlement in the area.
This sound is heard only by local residents and extremely rarely by visitors.

Scientists who investigated this hum were never able to find its source. They only suggested that it could be caused by a large power line running near the city. Meanwhile, such noise has been known for a long time, and it is called a sound anomaly.

This is a general name for a number of phenomena associated with a constant or periodic low-frequency hum that is not audible to all people. These noises are recorded in all parts of the globe. In some cases, the source of the sound has been identified. For example, the noise in Hawaii, heard tens of kilometers away, was a consequence of volcanic activity.

Usually the noise is described by witnesses as the idle sound of a running diesel engine. As a rule, they cannot be recorded using a microphone, and most importantly, the source cannot be accurately identified.
However, there were cases when the sound was heard not only by some certain part people. An example of this is the "Bristol Rumble", which was allegedly heard in the UK in the 1970s.

“Sounds of the apocalypse” or “creaking of the Earth” is the name given to a sound anomaly that has been noticed in different parts of the planet over the past two years. Unlike other similar phenomena, the hum was audible to most people, and it was perfectly recorded by equipment.


Needless to say, even the most incredulous started talking about the notorious end of the world. The fact is that different beliefs say the same thing: a certain sound will notify people of the apocalypse. The Jews believe that this will happen, and the trumpet is a shofar, from the sounds of which Jericho once fell. Many immediately began to experiment with audio recordings of the “groan” of the Earth and, of course, came to the conclusion that this was the sound of the Jericho trumpets.

Heimdall. Icelandic manuscript "Small Edda", 1760. Heimdall in Scandinavian mythology is the guardian of the gods, living at the edge of the world, the owner of the golden horn Gjallarhorn, the sound of which will be heard in all corners of the world. The sound of his horn will herald the beginning of Ragnarok.

In German-Scandinavian mythology, the beginning of the Scandinavian end of the world with the cheerful name Ragnarok will be announced by the golden horn of Gjallarhorn. The creaking of the planet certainly reminds me of it. In Kyiv, where the Earth also “screamed,” they started talking about “Arkhangelsk trumpets” foreshadowing That Very Day...

In fact, the “noise of the Earth” has been known for a very long time. There are references to a certain “trumpet voice” in both the Bible and the Koran. The ancient Greeks explained the underground groans by the fact that in its depths were imprisoned hundred-armed giants, cast down by the gods into the bosom of the Earth. If you believe mythology, not only they suffered - Mother Earth also “moaned” from them.


The most common. Some geologists, for example, associate the mysterious hum in Novokuznetsk with the development of coal in Kuzbass. The energy of rock explosions supposedly accumulates in the Earth, and provokes either man-made earthquakes or mysterious noises.

A similar version is shared by scientists from the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. In 1982, when the Americans arrived in the town, one of the geological professors, Alexey Dmitriev, allegedly warned them that serious disasters would soon await America, meaning man-made earthquakes and noise. The Americans didn’t believe him then, but in 1984, everything East coast Geophysical rumbles and small earthquakes swept across the United States.

Alexey Dmitriev claims that it was not difficult to predict them, since along the Eastern Atlantic coast The United States has installed more than a dozen energy-intensive high-voltage power lines. The frequency of the transmitted current in the US power supply system is 60 Hz. And since it corresponds to the frequency of natural lithosphere currents, a “short circuit” has occurred...

The man-made version has only two drawbacks. If the cause of the noise was a “production” factor, then how can we explain that the sound was heard in different parts of the planet almost simultaneously? The second drawback is that if you believe, again, the same eyewitnesses, then power lines, thermal power plants, factories, construction sites and others technical objects they were not always close to the place where the “moan” was heard.


Arthur Conan Doyle has a story called “When the Earth Screamed.” The hero of the story, Professor Challenger, decides to find out whether the Earth is “alive.” To do this, he drills into it giant hole. And when the drill penetrated very deeply into the earth's layers, the planet... screamed.

In this story, only the ending is fantastic. In other respects, geophysicists agree with the writer - the Earth is indeed “alive”, and it really “screams”.

In the depths of our planet, convection, the movement of magma flows and the displacement of lithospheric plates constantly occur. This leads to the Earth making noise. And scientists learned to record her “voices” a long time ago. To do this, they come to wells drilled in technical or scientific purposes, and drop ultra-sensitive microphones into them. The ordinary human ear is in most cases unable to hear this sound.

But there are also exceptions. They can occur, for example, during an earthquake, immediately before tremors. However, this is not surprising: during earthquakes they move lithospheric plates, so the process, of course, can be accompanied by a lot of noise.

It has been noticed that before a major earthquake, the level of earthly noise increases sharply. The earth seems to warn about an upcoming earthquake and gives people the opportunity to assess its strength in advance and localize the epicenter.

In fact, in the depths of the Earth, earthquakes never stop. But it is almost impossible to predict long ago which of them will “break out” to the surface. The chief researcher at the Schmidt Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexey Lyubushin, once succeeded. Major earthquake in Tohoku (Japan), which occurred in 2011 and killed at least 16,000 people, he predicted three years in advance.

The fact that earthly noises under Japan began to synchronize (according to the scientist’s hypothesis, this is the first sign of an impending powerful earthquake), Lyubushin noticed back in 2008 and published several warnings on this topic.

The Japanese didn't believe it. The most unpleasant thing is that even after the disaster, the synchronization of low-frequency noise was preserved. Alexey Lyubushin believes that Japan will face another earthquake, no less devastating, and its epicenter should be located near the capital of the country - Tokyo. That is why the noise of the Earth can and should be studied. With their help, the planet not only reports earthquakes, but also helps, for example, search for oil and other minerals.

But, alas, not all of the Earth’s “screams” can be explained by impending earthquakes. After all, where they were supposedly heard in the last two years, there were no seismic events! it couldn’t - often these were areas where they don’t exist in principle.


Some scientists suggest that the creaking of the planet is associated with the weather: fog, dampness and rain. When melting the ice is breaking part of the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. Each such rupture releases energy and can produce a faint audible click. Therefore, according to the hypothesis of these scientists, if a noise is heard during fog or when there are clouds in the sky, this is the “song of water”, which can be accompanied by a hum. Of course, one snowflake creates only a slight noise, but when melting large quantities everyone hears the sound of ice.
Unfortunately, the version does not answer the question of why noises are heard in the summer, in clear weather.


It is adhered to by Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the International Committee for global changes geological and environment, President Global network on earthquake forecasting (GNFE) Elchin Khalilov. He studied audio recordings of earth noise made in different points planets, and discovered that they were all remarkably similar. From this he concluded that the noise is a consequence of cataclysms on the Sun.

When the flows solar energy after the next ejection they rush towards the Earth and crash into the magnetosphere, this leads to the emergence of special acoustic waves, which then rush to the surface of the Earth. These waves can only be heard with the help of special instruments. However, some people are also able to hear them if the sound is superimposed on low-frequency city noise. Low frequency wave changes the spectrum of city noise, and then a person can hear a similar ominous “moan”.

On audio recordings you can hear that the hum is indeed similar to ordinary city noise - a crane, an airplane, construction equipment - but amplified many times over. Elchin Khalilov explains that this sound often causes a feeling of panic among eyewitnesses due to its low frequency. It is known that low frequencies, although not distinguishable by the ear, have a bad effect on the human psyche. An example of this is famous studies French professor Gavreau, who precisely established at what frequencies of infrasound a person’s eardrums rupture, cerebral hemorrhage, and at which frequencies even death begins.

The negative impact of infrasound on the psyche was recently demonstrated by Dr. Richard Lord and professor of psychology Richard Wiseman, who organized an unusual concert of organ music in Liverpool Cathedral. The sounds of a 7-meter organ, specially constructed for the experiment, were added to two of the four compositions. The peculiarity of the giant instrument is that the sounds it makes have a frequency below 20 kHz, so the human ear is simply unable to hear them.

Thus, the volunteers listening to the concert did not even know when exactly the organ began to play. Scientists were able to establish that among the negative feelings that people had while playing the organ were fear, loss of strength and mood, and sadness. Many people had goosebumps.

In the 1960s of the last century, against the backdrop of a general rise in the economy, science and culture in our country, Soviet scientists conceived grandiose project- drilling a well of unprecedented depth - 15 km. This project was supposed to mark another “psychological” victory over the United States. The victory of science was to learn more about the structure of the Earth.

The Americans also thought about the possibility of drilling such ultra-deep well, but after weighing all the pros and cons, we decided that it would be easier to fly to the moon. But the Russians, as usual, did not give up.

And here on Kola Peninsula a well with a depth of just over 12 km appeared. Soviet scientists did not reach the declared level, but they broke the world record and entered the Guinness Book of Records. These tests are literally and figuratively“undermined” all theories about the structure of the Earth that existed until then. It turned out, for example, that there is water even in the deepest layers of our planet, and the temperature is great depth turned out to be not at all as high as previously thought. About Kola well there are a lot of stories going around. One of them says that once geophysicists lowered a microphone there and clearly heard human screams, confirming that hell really exists.

It has long been known that infrasound inevitably accompanies many natural phenomena: hurricanes, tsunamis, gusts of wind, wave noise, volcanic eruptions, thunderclaps, sudden changes in pressure, etc. Feeling unwell during fluctuations atmospheric pressure associated, among other things, with infrasound, which is formed in the atmosphere.

According to one version, the mysterious hum is associated with the change of magnetic poles that is now happening on our planet. And University of Chicago psychologist Neil Johnson believes that the noise of the Earth is associated with psychological characteristics those people who hear him.

Researchers from Earthscope USArray have detected a series of infrasonic noises produced when two collisions occur. ocean waves. The resulting sound from such collisions can, in principle, spread throughout to the globe, so the cause of the hum may not be the earth, but the water.

There is also a version that the “sounds of the apocalypse” is just a massive hoax, a large-scale newspaper hoax using fake videos to promote films such as “Red State” or “ Alien Invasion: Battle for Los Angeles 2." The premieres of these films took place in 2011, almost immediately after earthlings heard the “cry of the planet.” However, it is also known human ability wishful thinking, and a feature of many media is wishful thinking as sensationalism.

Such a number of hypotheses confuses a person who wants to find the only correct explanation for the sound of the planet. At least for now. Perhaps the groaning of the Earth is truly a multifactorial phenomenon, one way or another connected with each of these versions.

NAKED SCIENCE January, 2014

IN lately residents different corners Planet Earth trembles upon hearing a strange and eerie noise. It seems to come from the depths of the planet itself. In some places it sounds like the creaking of metal plates, in others it sounds like the roar of a jet engine, and in others it sounds like the sound of a freight train.

According to one version, the growing hum inside the planet can serve as an indirect signal of an imminent change of magnetic poles. How realistic could this theory be?

According to academician, member of the International Academy of Deep Geological and Tectonic Problems, Professor Martin Stanville, possible scenario changing Earth's geomagnetic poles, strange sounds could be possible. “No one knows what actual signs could be accompanied by such a global cataclysm,” says Stanville, “so far we are only studying general model change of poles and along it the displacement occurs almost instantly.” Meanwhile, the expert explains, “instantly” means theoretical point vision. The fact that nature will somehow react in advance to upcoming events is also quite likely.

Unfortunately, scientists are not able to answer the question of where the hum comes from. As a result, the aliens decided to explain to the frightened citizens where the source of the sounds was located. The alien beings calling themselves the Zetas, through their emissary Nancy Leader, explained that this is how the pole shift is approaching.

According to their version, the Earth will increasingly provide evidence of compression and tension on its surface - so that people will feel a rumble. The mechanism is compared to the mechanism of thunder or the appearance of a hum from an airplane: compression of air masses occurs, and the noise is created with the help of masses breaking back to equalize air pressure. But these vibrations are horizontal, and the roar foreshadowing a cataclysm is caused by vertical oscillations V large masses water. Thus, earthquakes create ruptures in the thickness of the crust. Most often, these breaks are underwater as water fills low-lying areas. sea ​​water, seeking to fill new voids, influences those located above air masses. Air rushes into it from all sides, which creates a roar.

It is worth noting that it is Nancy Leader who is the author of the theory about the end of the world, which will entail the appearance of a new sun in the sky - Planet X (aka Nibiru). Considering that the existence of this celestial body While it has only been proven theoretically (in 1989 it was possible to measure some gravitational fluctuations near the Sun), opponents of the aliens have accumulated many questions for Ms. Leader. In addition, according to the same Zetas, the change of poles should occur after the same Nibiru, which is tens of times larger than the size of our planet, flies past the Earth.

The latest strange source of terrible sounds has appeared in Kyiv. Residents of Knyazhy Zaton recorded on video how a heartbreaking roar terrifies people throughout the day. local population. Local officials were unable to identify the source. Various working options were put forward as versions: the construction of a subway, the sound from air collectors, the creaking of a nearby iron bridge.

Meanwhile, as our correspondent in Kyiv Lev Yashchenko told Weekjournal, there are no checks on this fact was not carried out by the leadership of the local government. “Surprisingly, even the residents themselves, frightened by the strange noise, refuse to write any official letters to city managers, believing that the mystical side of the issue will cast them in a bad light,” reports the Week’s correspondent.

A mysterious Noise keeps Londoners on edge. According to official eyewitness reports (submitted to the police), in the middle of the night they heard five repeated dull knocks, and just like the people of Kiev, they cannot determine their source. Even double-glazed windows and earplugs were no barrier to this noise. According to the recollections of one local resident, it sounded like someone was beating a drum loudly.

In Spain on March 24, 2011, a sound anomaly is similar to the one in London. The sound is similar to a jet, but 20 times stronger and also vibrating. The eyewitness rightly notes that due to the noise of the wind and passing cars, the anomaly may be difficult to discern.

The same sound was heard by the inhabitants of America at the same time. "It's an unsettling pulsating sound that never stops," says Mark Craigen of Hilton, New York. "It lasted about two hours, all our neighbors heard it."

In New Mexico, people heard a hum and compared it to the noise of a truck with its engine idling. The police chief of Lancaster County in South Corolina also reported on the citizens' appeal that same night. A sound similar to drumming was heard the day before in Seattle. The “Wailing of the Earth” was also heard by the residents of Japan, who initially perceived it as a signal for another earthquake.

There is ample evidence of a strange anomaly. The state of Ohio, there literally the day before - on August 11, a rumble was heard that was felt even by the body and passed through the ground. In Michigan, on February 7, 2011, the anomaly lasted for 30–45 minutes. The sound was like jet engine, but periodically pulsated.

It seems that “creaking in the Earth” is a widespread phenomenon and not at all studied. Skeptics simply blame everything on the “noise of construction” or “claps of thunder.” And scientists shrug their shoulders, citing the fact that the problem has not been studied or even identified. This, in turn, makes it possible for the next madmen to contribute to the writing of the next book about the Apocalypse and compare the roar with the sound of the Jericho trumpets, heralding the imminent arrival of the Day of Judgment.

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