Double letter in prefix and root. Lesson topic: Double consonant at the junction of prefix and root

Subject: “Spelling words with a double consonant at the junction of a prefix and a root”


    Introduce students to the spelling of a double consonant at the junction of a prefix and a root;

    Learn to distinguish between doubled consonants at the root of a word and a doubled consonant at the junction of a prefix and a root.

    Develop attention, memory, spelling vigilance, oral educational and scientific speech.

    Bring up creative activity students .


    multimedia device

    grading tape based on a 10-point system

    cards for groups

I . Self-determination for activity.

(slide 1)

The cheerful bell rang

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Today we have many guests at our lesson, turn to them, say hello - give them your smiles. Sit down. Let's start the lesson. Today in the lesson we will learn something new, interesting, something that will be useful to you for the rest of your life. I would like to consult with you: how would you like to see our lesson?

For our lesson I chose this epigraph:

(slide 2)

If you did good, hide it,

If they did something good to you, tell me.

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

Today in class we will reveal another little secret of the Russian language. But to get closer to this secret, you need to complete several tasks.

Warm up.

    Find words in Slovolov

Read and find words from the word book.

(rabolocomotive )

(slide 2)

(-book lover, stargazer, diver, ice, steam locomotive)

What's interesting about these words?

Tell us what you know about difficult words?

(-These words are complex. They are connected by a connecting vowel “o”. They end with a paired consonant in the spelling.)

    Let's test visual memory. (Words are written on the board. Children read for 1 minute, then the teacher closes the recording)

Mom, children, kindness, brother, person, aunt, child, man. (slide 4) Be careful, as there will be a task for these words.

Name a word with one syllable. ( Brother)

What is the third word from the beginning? (Kindness)

Which word has the letter “w” in it? (Man)

How many letters are in the penultimate word? (Child)

    “Restore the words” The vowels fell out.

Let's work as restorers (slide 5)

t r r s

in front

d l f n

h r h

c c d e

What words did you get? (terrace, forward, dolphin, through, always)

How are these words similar?

Where can I check the correct spelling? Write these words down in your notebook.

Now let's check the slide . (slide 6).

II . Calligraphy.

Folk wisdom reads

“They write not with the pen, but with the mind.”

It's time for a moment of penmanship.

Write in calligraphy those letters that you need to remember in the guess words. Observe correct connections. By the way, calligraphy is the art of clear and beautiful writing; kallos (kalos) - Greek. “beautiful” - + grapho (grapho) - I’m writing.

1.Where are the boards and desks so that all children can sit down at once? We have this at school, this is our spacious... (class, ss- top connection)

2. Many of us are familiar with it; we can swim in it at home. What is this item? Did you guess it or not? (bath)

3. I caught a cold yesterday, my head hurts in the morning, I coughed and became hoarse. I probably have... (flu)

4. Along the road there are linden trees on the sides, maples here and there. It's more fun for everyone to go here. This path is called... (alley, ll - lower connection)

5.Basic unit of mass in International system units equal to 1000 grams (kilogram, mm - lower connection)

b.Sixth day of the week (Saturday)

7. They are used to prepare butter dough, kvass, beer (yeast) 8. An employee of a newspaper, magazine, radio, sending messages from the field (correspondent).

(her nn pp ll mm bb fj rr)

III . Vocabulary work.

Today we have something new vocabulary word– gallery.

What does this word mean? Let's find its meaning in school dictionaries. The group commanders will look up the meaning of this word, and the rest of the group will look up the spelling of the word gallery in spelling dictionaries. (Work in groups with dictionaries)

What word is this ? (Multiple meanings.)

And Dasha invites us to visit the Tretyakov Gallery.

(slides 8-10)

Dasha:The State Tretyakov Gallery is art museum in Moscow, founded in 1856 by the merchant Pavel Tretyakov and having one of the remarkable and large collections of Russian fine arts. Pavel Tretyakov began collecting his collection in 1850. And some time later, in 1867, the “Moscow City Gallery of Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov” was opened for wide publication in Zamoskvorechye. HER collection consisted of 1276 paintings, 471 drawings, 10 sculptures by Russian artists, as well as 84 paintings by foreign masters. In 1892, Tretyakov bequeathed the gallery to the city of Moscow.

On June 3, 1918, the Tretyakov Gallery was declared “state property” Russian Federation Soviet Republic"and was named the State Tretyakov Gallery.

When did the Great Patriotic War, the entire collection was sent by a train of 17 carriages to the city of Novosibirsk, and only on May 17, 1945 it was reopened in Moscow. And he still continues to welcome and delight his guests with his wonderful works of art.

Write this word in your notebook and indicate the spellings that you must remember. (G A l e Rhea)

IV .Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

The spellers were having fun

They ran and frolicked in tag

You put things in order

Divide the words into groups(slide 11)





Guys, let's see if we can do it? Can we handle it?

What groups will we divide the words into?

How many groups? (Two groups. Unpronounceable consonants and doubled consonants)

Name the words that relate to the spelling unpronounceable consonant . (Furious, honest, ladder.)

Which word is the odd one out? Why? (Staircase. This is a dictionary word.)

Read the words that remain .(- Philip, team, fake)

Which spelling? ?(-

Let's work now in groups. Each group has a piece of paper with these words. Take them apart.

Let's check it out! (slide 12)

Tell me, how did you understand the word fake?

Let's define in a word fake parts of it. (slide 13).

(If they explain, ask how they guessed it?)

– Select the root. What needs to be done for this?

(-Choose words with the same root. Dressing, doing. The root of “deeds”)

What part of the word comes before the root?

(-Prefix “under”.)

Does this word fit the spelling of the doubled consonant at the root of the word? Why?

(- This word does not fit the spelling of a doubled consonant at the root of a word, because the doubled consonant is not in the root.)

Help me pose the question: why is the word fake….

(- Why are two letters “dd” written in the word fake?)

V . Setting a learning task.

We posed the question to ourselves,

“And whoever thinks always comes up with it”

I suggest you do some research scientific linguists. The object of study will be the following words:

(slide 14)

judge the schedule

angry stretching

Let's try to explain why double consonants are written in words. Observe the spelling of words in your group and discuss in a low voice answer to the question. These words are also on your tables.

(- If the root begins with the same consonant as the prefix ends, then a double consonant is written.)

VI . Building a project for getting out of a problem.

Let's hear your observations on the study.

What was the first step?

– What is the second step? Third? (slide 15)

    Doubled consonants were emphasized.

    The root was isolated.

    .Selected a console.

So why in the word fake does a double consonant appear?

(One consonant is written in the prefix, and the other in the root, so there are two consonants.)

Thanks to your inquisitiveness, we have discovered another secret of the Russian language.

What do you think is this spelling?

What is it called ? (This is a spelling. Double consonant in the prefix and in the root.)

Let's check our assumptions? With. 108

Read it!

So what is the topic of our lesson? ?(slide 16)

(Double consonant at the junction of prefix and root.)

What does joint mean?

(- In trains, when the cars are coupled together, a joint is created; the place where the prefix and the root are closely connected)

Do you think there are many such words in the Russian language?

So, what should we learn by studying this topic over several lessons so that it remains in our memory for a lifetime?

VII .Primary consolidation in external speech.

Well done! Are you satisfied with your job?

Then I suggest you practice

“The bird is red in its plumage, but the man is in his skill”

With. 108, Ex.159.

Read it. Determine how to perform the exercise.

What does graphically mean?

What symbols will we have to show?

I suggest doing this exercise

"Do as I do." The task is completed on the board with comments.

(-Scatter prefix race, root rash (double agreement at the junction)

Consider (look),

Enraged (fierce)

Investigation (investigators, investigation)

I'll drag you away (drags)

Shriveled up)

What spelling did we write down the words in?

(- Double consonant at the junction of prefix and root.)

Where else can a double consonant occur? ?(- Double consonant at the root of a word.)

F/pause “Autumn”

VIII . Independent work with verification against the standard.

Today in the lesson we were able to answer the question: why is a double consonant written at the junction of the prefix and the root.

We have practiced, and now I propose to show your skills in exercise 160.

“What I learned was useful”

Read how to do the exercise.

(- Write down in two columns, in one column words with a double consonant at the junction of the prefix and root, and in the other is a double consonant at the root of the word.)

Groups 1 and 3 write down words with double consonants at the root.

Groups 2 and 4 write down words with double consonants in the prefix and root at the junction.

Highlight the root and, if there is a prefix, in the words.


I encrypted words with a double consonant in the root for groups 1 and 3 in "Explainers"

    stroking, rubbing the body for therapeutic or hygienic purposes (massage)

    a task game in which a figure of squares must be filled in with letters to form words (crossword puzzle)

    boy from our class (classmate)

    school completion document (certificate).

(slide 17)

And groups 2 and 4 will also check on the slide. (slide 18).

IX . Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

“When you begin something, think about the end.”

Our lesson is coming to an end. Thanks to your inquisitiveness and observation, we discovered another little secret of the Russian language. Which one?

(- Why are two consonants written at the junction of a prefix and a root?)

Highlight keywords that reflect the topic of the lesson. (slide 19)

(- Joint, prefix, root, spelling, double consonant.)

Let's remember the epigraph of the lesson.

Read it. How is the epigraph related to the topic of our lesson? ?

(slide 20)

(The epigraph contains the word “tell”, where a double consonant occurs at the junction of the prefix and the root.)

X . Reflection of activity.

What do you need to do to be able to correctly write words with a double consonant at the root?

(Check whether the double consonant is at the root of the word, and memorize as many such words as possible. If you have difficulties, you can look up the word in the dictionary.)

Right. Now listen to a fairy tale about what can happen if you don’t know how to write such words.

Fairy tale "About the girl Allochka" by V. Volina.(read by student)

Once upon a time there was a girl Alla. She studied in the third grade.

Once I was given a homework assignment to write words with double consonants. Alla received a bad grade.

At night she had a dream. Double consonants were chasing the girl. Alla tripped and fell. The letters circled above the girl and shouted indignantly:

-You don't know the rules about us? After all, you won’t be able to write now very many words in which we meet. As punishment, we will disappear from your name.

And Alla forgot how to write her name...

And when during the Russian language lesson the children began to write the name Alla, the girl could not do it and began to cry.

Why are you crying? - asked the teacher.

- I don’t know how to spell my name.

The teacher looked at the third-grader with a smile and said:

- You didn’t remember a single word with double consonants. But it's not too late to do this. Learn them and your name will return to you. The girl was delighted, learned and since then knows how to spell her name, and at the same time such words as: bath, class, cash register, team, alley, collection, program, Saturday, hockey, yeast, buzz, horse, mass, gram , to quarrel.

- Let's learn these words too!

Maybe someone wants to say kind word about your friend's work?

Homework: ex. 161, and for those who really understand the topic well, come up with and write down 10 words on pieces of paper to analyze the spelling of the doubled consonants at the root of the word and at the junction of the prefix and the root.

Thank you! Well done! You were real helpers, linguistic scientists. (slide 21).

Additional material.

How many of you know the meaning of the prefix for?

Student: The prefix for - indicates on the other side of the subject: district, Zagorye, swamp and other words.

It turned out to be a wonderful day.

And I'm learning prepositions.

I must know the lesson firmly:

Our teacher is strict.

And I whisper, closing my eyes,

Crossing your legs under a chair:

“What does “Po” mean?

What does “For” mean?

Both “for” and “by” are prepositions...”

It would be nice to go beyond the threshold.

And rush along the road!

What excuse can I come up with?

So as not to learn prepositions?

MOU Average secondary school No. 7

Cities of Leninogorsk

Republic of Tatarstan

Russian language lesson

teachers primary classes

E.T. Elistratova.

Today we are all who have gone through modern secondary school, we habitually read spelling “edifications”, such as:

However, at the same time, those who know do not forget how they used to write without spaces at all. Imagine, today we write prefixes together with the root, and prepositions separately. And earlier, when prefixes and prepositions (and everything!) were written together, in continuous text, HOW to distinguish in continuous text, for example, the prefix “ at» ( pier) from the preposition " at» ( at the camp…)?..

It is clear that they were guided by meanings and meanings. But what and how did they think about this when there were no spellings with spaces, when there were no such spelling rules like today, when we focused more on meaning?

It is clear that no one (even those who are not literate) deliberately wrote two identical consonants, that they actually appeared at the border of parts of words. This means you need to see these boundaries and understand.

It is also clear that the modern Russian language develops through formal rules and new word creation the previous established logic and individual traditions.

But why was it necessary to lose meanings, without which the whole is destroyed!?

Double consonants are obtained if different parts words (for example, in a prefix and a root) there are two identical consonants next to each other: underD + Hold, OT + Drag, Ras + Build etc.

(In fact, the prefix here is “Raz”, not “ras”, but more on that later.)

It’s a pity that now even prefixes and roots turn into almost “signs”, without meaning, with some kind of conventional meaning. But in Antiquity it was different: what we now read as “ support", the ancient intelligent ancestors read meaningfully as “Under Hold” (i.e. “to hold the basis, foundation, essence, foundation”), where “Under” is a name, and not some kind of service unit of language, some "prefix".

And one more thing. There is something to think about here, why this is done.

When we combine two bricks to make one large brick, then in life we ​​remember that the brick is “double.” Even when we attach another brick to this double brick.

But such common sense does not apply to strange world modern linguistics, where the logical chains are very short, and even then only formal. In addition, some kind of “sclerosis” interferes: therefore, where there were just two bricks, suddenly only one is seen. We're not kidding. Here's an example:

And they get a new education, not related to the previous one: “ calculate+calculate", and not as it actually appears: " race+s+read", while maintaining consistency and continuity in origin.

This is not “academic nonsense” at all, but a methodical formation in the minds of those mastering the Russian language of incoherent logical chains, suspended as if in emptiness, i.e. actually torn off from the living, unshakable foundation of the Living Russian Language and Living Russian Speech. Why oppose one to the other when they are clearly connected in continuity and meaning?

C + Even = Count, Ras + Even = Ra With even

Without + With + Even = Be zs honest

(And in this place, only by the artificial assumption of the language reformers of 1917, the prefix “non-existent in the Russian language” is written demon", resulting in the modern " countless", to the laughter of all sensible people who discern stupid subtext and know how to read what is written, and not what is made up: " demon countable"!).

The same situation is in others similar words Oh:

Ras + C + Triple = Ra ss triple(although in fact here it is necessary “ Ra zs triple" based on the real prefix "Raz").

Without+With+Fatal(from Rock) = Be ss fatal(pre-reform: “ Be zs fatal»)…

Introduction of “false prefixes” Ras-" And " Demon-", along with real prefixes " Once-" And " Without-”, in fact, does not result in the “ordering and development of language”, as the reformers wanted, but in the destruction of ancient living meanings in Language and Speech, where every sound, every letter has meaning!

It’s the same here, as a result of the “simplification” reform, i.e. compounds of “normal” words formed by prefixes (such as “Woz+Zha” = Vo zzh A), with those that can be classified as “onomatopoeic” (such as Zhu LJ at).

Although “prefix, prepositions, suffixes” are all quite conventional things for the Living Language (in Antiquity they meant living words, independent ones, and not some kind of “additional parts”), this is not what we are talking about.

The meaning of a word, according to an artificial rule, is nevertheless destroyed and removed. What remains is an incomprehensible but “progressive” neoplasm: “ rein", the spelling of which must now be remembered according to the new rule.

In the case of " yeast“It’s also not very clear why one option was chosen, although there are other, more meaningful options (see Dahl’s dictionary): Dro railway and, Dro zzh And. In our opinion, an unspoiled option: Drozzhi, as a more typical case, because we know a lot of such words in the Russian language where exactly this combination occurs: in zzh And, vi zzh here, there zzh damn, rubbish zzh ah...

“Juniper” also has the same more meaningful version: mo zzh ear.

It seems that the same situation is with “ LJ tion": this word comes from the original versions, which most likely had " ZZH" But let's not guess.

And, as a conclusion, it is no coincidence that this sound combination ZZh (“ZaZh”), which refers, if it’s a pun, to everything that “ Z A AND izn"! And this is in almost all words that do not have simple onomatopoeia.

And one gets the impression that the selection from the commonly used options was made according to the principle of “as bad and incomprehensible as possible.”

This is what can be said today about the rule, which, according to modern spelling proposes to write formally, without thinking LJ.

Ss ora- this noun actually comes from the form “ argument» ( rubbish): you remember well the phraseological unit “ don't wash dirty linen out of the house" Apparently, a situation has been recorded where conflict begins small, “with rubbish.”

They now simply want to include a kind of “neologism” here: Russian, formed through Western (in particular, Polish borrowings of the 17th-18th centuries) forms of word formation relatively recently, at a time when the previous names were removed at the turn of the 18th century " Tartary», « Ru sya " And " Ru ss and I» (« Rus+Siya" - from Rus with other similar relatives, like: “ Po+Rus+Siya", modern Pru ss and I). When written in continuous text, without spaces, the title was unambiguous “ Rus", but with a kind of adjective form " Siya” (“shining, radiant” - because in Antiquity, as is known from the remaining old handwritten books, scribes very often wrote well-known and frequently repeated concepts in abbreviated form!).

Foreign words, since they were introduced into the Russian language, memorize them as is customary now (including for passing tests and exams): A ll her, and pp Arat, Komi ss yeah, those NN is, ho bb and, to mm ersant, uh ff ect, those pp history, oh kk upation, co tt edj, zha NN A…

We won't touch them. They themselves will die out and go out of use as the Native Speech revives.

But we must remember that among them there are also ones that seem to be ours, but have been preserved in other countries, i.e. ancient words common to many peoples, such as: Drama(“Before Ram”), etc. Naturally, they cannot contain double consonants.

Topic: Double consonants at the junction of prefix and root.
Create conditions for research activities students
To develop the ability to write a double consonant at the junction
Develop oral speech children, attention, intellectual
practical skills: create a model of spelling
Foster a sense of teamwork while working in a group and in
when explaining new material.
prefixes and roots.
skills: analyze, generalize, systematize material;
rules and work according to it.
Equipment: textbook, task cards, models, presentation.
1. Organizational moment.
So, friends, attention -
After all, the bell rang.
Sit back comfortably -
Let's start the lesson soon!
Today we are going on a trip to the country of the “Literates”. We
Let's reveal another little secret of the Russian language. To open this
secret, we will observe, compare and analyze, perform
exercises in pairs. I'm glad you have great mood, and you
ready to climb up another level of knowledge. And now
open your notebooks, write down the number and great job.
A minute of penmanship.
pp bb ss (write on the board)
Look at the board and tell me what unites these records?
(Consonants, doubled)
Let's write them down beautifully and correctly. What should you pay attention to?
attention? (tilt, parallelism of elements, connection, height
2. Updating knowledge.
1 stop “Guess and Think”
Guess the riddles. Whoever guesses first will write on the board, and we
Let's write in notebooks.
What is this strange car?
There is interior, horns and tires.
Not a bus, not a tram...
Hey passerby, don't yawn,
Solve the puzzle quickly
This is new... (trolleybus)
On the ice platform there is a cry,
A student rushes to the gate:
Everyone shouts: “Puck, Stick!” Hit!
Fun game...(hockey)
He flies on an airplane.
Travels on a train, tram
To be one for many years
You need more than one ticket! (passenger)
Every morning
He comes through the window to us
If he has already entered
So, a new day has come. (dawn) -

Look at the board and check the spelling of these words.
Self-test: Evaluate your work. (Well done)
3. Statement of the educational task.
What do these words have in common? Are consonants always doubled?
are found only in the root of the word? Find the odd one out among these words
word? Why did they decide this?
Now let’s check in which part of the word the double is located
consonant. Let's select the root.
What needs to be done to correctly isolate the root? (We need to pick up
as many cognates as possible)
What is the root of a word? + General part related words
called a root.
Light, it is dawning. Tell me, what is race? this word which
-What is a prefix? (The prefix is significant part words that
stands before the root and serves to form new words.
How did it happen that the word has a double consonant?
­ Problematic question: Why is a double consonant written?
(Because one letter is in the prefix and the other is in the root)
What do you think we will do in class today? (Work
with words in which one consonant is in the root and the other in the prefix)
Do you think this is a spelling or not? What could it be called?
Let me help: the place where two ends of something connect or meet?
The vocabulary word joint will help you.
Working with a dictionary.
What does joint mean? Will help us explanatory dictionary Russian
What is the topic of our lesson? + Double consonants at the junction of the prefix
and root.
What task will we set for ourselves? What will we learn in class?
Let's get acquainted with words where double consonants occur
the junction of the prefix and the root.
Let's find out why double consonants are written at the junction of the prefix and
Let's learn to write these words correctly.
4. Solving a learning problem.
2nd stop “Issleduyka”. Finding a solution.
1) Form new words using a prefix.
Problem! Are there triple consonants in words?
Ras + quarrel =? (No)
So this word is an exception to the rule!
Now in groups, indicate the correct order of parsing such words.
What is the first step, second, third... Let's check the answer by
sample. What is the name of this thing that you compiled? (algorithm)
7. Indicate the spelling.
2) Work in pairs. Explain the spelling of these words using the algorithm.
1 row fake fake
2nd row schedule – open, scatter
Read the word.
Select the root (choose words with the same root).
Select the attachment.
Compare the consonants at the junction of the prefix and the root.
Draw a conclusion.
Write down the word.

3 row fearless stupid
– Where can I look up the meaning of words? (In the dictionary.)
A craft is a small item made by hand.
A fake is a fake thing. To counterfeit is to manufacture
a false likeness of something for the purpose of deception.
What kind of crafts do you do in technology lessons? Let's make up
sentences with these words.
Evaluate yourself. What level of task did you complete? (Elevated)
6.Physical minute game.
If at the root long sound,
I have to hear... (clap hands showing).
Kohl in the prefix and in the root,
Squat for your health.
Alley, story, training, judge,
swimming pool, dawn, telegram, cash desk.
5. Consolidation. Stop 3 "Zakreplyaika". Working with textbooks.
a) Do exercise 158. Orally in pairs.
Read the assignment, we work step by step. Explain to each other
why do these words contain a double consonant?
b) Work in notebooks. Ex. 159. In writing. We explain on the board
We analyze the spelling of each word graphically.
6. Summary of the lesson.
4 stop "Check".
1) Now let's be researchers. We will explore words from
exercises 160. Boys must find words with a double consonant
letter at the root of the word, and girls at the junction of the prefix and the root. Words
We write it in a column, indicating the spelling. We work in a notebook.
Whose? research laboratory works better?
Boys Girls
massage made me laugh
crossword puzzle pushed away
the certificate has thawed
screwed it in from there
now check if there are no errors, put “5”, if 12 errors “4”,
more than 3 errors "3".
2) Independent work on tests.
1. Which part of the word contains main meaning words?
A) prefix
M) root
2. By finding which part of the word do we start analyzing the composition?
B) prefix
What needs to be done to find the root of a word?
L) choose a related word
B) choose a synonym
4. Which words have the same root?
O) sick, hospital, pain, hurts
R) shines, firefly, light, whistles
5. Mark the word with a prefix:
A) dishes D) hurried
6. Doubled consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root are written in
A) for (ss) oh E) ra (ss) stirred
7. The place where the prefix and root are connected

A) connection C) joint
What word did you get? Well done guys.
7. Reflection.
Well done, guys, you have entered the country of “Gramoteev”, you have discovered more
one secret of the Russian language, became a little more literate.
What goals were set at the beginning of the lesson? We have achieved these
What task was the most interesting? What task was
Who will give themselves “5”, “4”, “3” for their work? Why?
Evaluate your work in class with emoticons.
D.z. Ex. 161, write 5 new words on the topic studied.
Additional task - reserve.
Work in groups with cards.
1. Find synonyms for words with double consonants.
He got angry, went into a rage, looked at it.
2. “Collect words.” In, warm, demon, carry, from, hold, under, conscientious.

1. Double consonants are written at the junction of prefix and root, If prefix ends and root begins with the same consonant: story, appeal, forge, in anticipation, from time immemorial.

2. Double consonants are written in compound words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant: head physician, maternity hospital.

3. Two letters and are written in words reins, yeast, zhuzhreap, juniper, as well as similar roots with them (yeast, buzz, juniper etc.).

4. Two letters and are also written in the word burning and cognates with it (if not pronounced burn, burn): burn outburns, burns, burns(But: I'll burn you, I'll burn you etc.).

Note. IN words with sound alternations zg- zh, zh- is written zzh: squeal- squeal, come- arrival, cerebellum- mo

5. Two letters With written in a word argument and cognate with him (quarrel, quarrel, quarrel etc.).

6. Two letters With are written in the word loan and cognates with it (loan, savings loan).

7. Two letters c are written in a word Russia and of the same root as him (Russian, Russian etc.). Words with the root -ras are written with one With at the root: Russianist, Russify, BeloRus(But: Russian, Belarusian).

8. Double root consonants are stored before the suffix: point- five-point, group- group, compromisemiss- compromise, program- programs-to-a.

Exceptions: 1) words: crystal(But: crystal),operetta(But: operetta), Finnish(But: Finn), antenna(But: antenna); 2) diminutive forms of personal names formed from words with double consonants: Alla- Alka, Inna- Innochka, Philip- Filipka, Kirill- Kirilka; 3) compound words, formed from a root with a double consonant: correspondent office (correspondent office).

9. Writing double consonants in words foreign language origin needs to be checked spelling dictionary: appeal, fiction, tennis, hobby, businessman, effect, territory, occupation, cottage etc.

Double consonants are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter, for example: lawless, heartless, introduce, restore, chill out, obsolete, wipe off (but cf. wipe off where the prefix o is), support, threshold, pre-diploma, pour in, scatter, ring out, cheresedelnik, counter-revolution, post-totalitarian.

Note. They differ in spelling, on the one hand, words with the root -chet (calculation, calculated, prudent; calculate, pay off), and on the other hand, words with the root -chit (calculate, count).
Double consonants are written at the junction components complex abbreviated words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: chief physician, state property, Mossovet, pommastera.

In words that are written together, no more than two identical consonants are written in a row, even if this is required by the composition of the word, for example: quarrel (ras+quarrel), column (from column: column+ny), bathroom (from bath: bath+naya), five-ton (from ton: five+ton+ny), Odessa (from Odessa: odes+sky), Prussian (from Prussia: Prussian+skiy), Donbass (from Donbass: Donbass+skiy). But cf. preserving three identical consonants in hyphenated words: press secretary, press service, mass launch, gram molecule, kilogram meter.

Spelling consonants is one of the key topics school curriculum. Children begin to master it from the first grade and continue to study it until the end of their schooling. Teachers do not classify the spelling "double consonants as complex", but difficulties in writing still occur, and like junior schoolchildren, and high school students.

What is a double consonant, its place in a word

By observing pronunciation and writing, students notice that there is a group of words where a long consonant sound is sounded, and in writing it is indicated using the same letters, standing nearby. Since there are usually two such letters, this combination of consonants began to be called doubled.

The next task is to develop the ability to determine the place of a doubled consonant in a word. Later, children learn that it can be located not only in the root, but also in other parts of it.

In words group, chord, alley, burns, ton There is a spelling "double consonants at the root of the word." Examples of such words can be continued. It is worth noting that the doubled -zhzh- is found in the roots of words of Russian origin - yeast, reins, juniper, zhuzhzhat - and all forms derived from them.

Consonant at the border between prefix and root

For example, in words lawlessness, consider, get angry, fake, story, introduction the double consonant is written at the border of the prefix and the root. Having analyzed them by composition, the student will easily notice this feature.

To avoid mistakes in writing words of a similar structure, the child must be very good at parsing by composition and correctly identifying the prefix and root. In addition, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of writing prefixes ending in a consonant in the case when the root also begins with it.

and their writing

Root words are written when they are part of a compound. They lack a connecting vowel, for example, head physician. The first part of it ends with a consonant, and the second begins with the same letter. Let's say words like maternity hospital, Mosselmash have a similar way of education.
Writing them correctly again depends on the student’s ability to see the roots and understand them lexical meaning.

at the junction of root and suffix

Double consonants -nn- And -ss- most often occur in cases where the first letter when parsing a word by composition belongs to the root, and the second to the suffix. This is usually observed where there are suffixes -stv-, -n-, -sk-, For example: lemon, moon, cast iron, Russian.

Double consonants in the root of a word at the junction of a root and a suffix are written in past tense verbs with a reflexive particle -xia-, For example: grazed, rushed.

Double consonants in a suffix

Errors in the spelling of doubled consonants in a suffix can be caused by the fact that there are many variants of their spelling, e.g. -enn-, -en-, -ann-, -an- and so on. The child needs not only to memorize the rule that regulates the process of competent writing, but also to clearly understand all the actions that he needs to perform.
Adjectives formed from nouns are written with double -nn- ( cranberry, lunchtime, sickly, windless but windy). Tin, wood, glass- these are exception words, and they are also written with a double consonant.

General rules

Double consonants in the root of a word, prefix and suffix are subject to general rules their writing. For example, three or more identical letters are never written side by side, although the generally accepted rule requires this. It's about about words like quarrel, three-ton, Odessa and others.

Words containing double consonants retain them during the process of word formation. For example: group - group - group, class - cool. But there is an exception to the rule: Anka, column, condensed milk.

Double consonants in the primary school curriculum

After children become familiar with the topic “Double consonants in the root of a word” (examples are given below), primary school students need to be taught how to use spelling dictionary. The directory is a sample correct spelling words with different spellings, including those with double consonants.

Schoolchildren may be offered exercises where it is necessary to given words, for example like quarrel, platform, gram, select related ones from the dictionary, writing them into one group.

In Russian -ss-, -dd-, -ll-, -rr-, -zh-, -pp-, -mm-, -bb- are used most often as double consonants at the root of a word. Grade 3 is studying a list of words for memorization, where all the listed letters are presented as double ones. There are more than a dozen such examples on the list.

A large number of words with double consonants appeared in the Russian language due to the process of borrowing. Sometimes it is useful to compare what their style looks like in Russian and foreign versions. But this method must be treated very carefully, since foreign words Once in the Russian language, they may undergo certain changes. For example, classe - "class", profession - "profession", But adresse - "address". This technique is only in some cases helps you better remember how to write double consonants at the root of a word.

The transfer rule has its own characteristics, and it is also included in program material primary school on studying the rules of the Russian language. The result of working on the entire topic is the formation of the following skills in younger schoolchildren:

  • choose the correct spelling;
  • transfer words with letters of double consonants;
  • justify your choice using the learned rules and spelling dictionary.

To check the level of skill development, tasks are offered where you need to insert missing letters into words. The selection of material is such that not in all cases it is necessary to write a double consonant. Children must notice this and complete the task correctly.

When testing the ability to transfer words with a double consonant, it is necessary to offer different structures in terms of the presence of parts and the number of syllables. These could be words like burns, cash register, alley, I'll tell you and others.

Expanding the topic of spelling double consonants

As the child progresses in mastering the laws of Russian spelling, the number of orthograms that use double consonants at the root of a word increases. also becomes diversified. In addition, the lexical material becomes more complex, using the example of which double consonants at the root of a word are studied. The 5th grade of the school curriculum can serve as proof of this.

In addition to adjectives, nouns, and verbs, students are offered adverbs, participles, and gerunds to observe the spelling of double consonants. The material for analyzing the spelling of words are excerpts from classical literature, oral folk art. Children become familiar with these works in class.

In addition, schoolchildren must freely determine the place of a doubled consonant in a word. To develop this skill, they are regularly asked to perform exercises where they need to divide words into groups depending on the location of the doubled consonant.

Children must be able to justify their choice, which is helped by the students’ oral responses by formulating rules and giving their own examples.

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