Which city will celebrate the New Year first? Congratulations from the mayor of the city on the New Year

Andrey Parkhomenko and Pavel Vorozhbit wish them happiness and optimism

Birobidzhan, December 31, EAOmedia. Mayor of Birobidzhan Andrey Parkhomenko and Chairman of the City Duma Pavel Vorozhbit congratulate residents and guests of the city on the New Year and wish them happiness, optimism, good luck in business, love and stability, reports EAOmedia news agency.

"Dear residents of Birobidzhan and guests of the city!

After all, they are so happy to say “no problem in Bali.” Even with bad roads and crazy traffic, this is a place where you can find peace and quiet. Besides the many beautiful temples, constant ceremonies and celebrations, it offers many other views. Beautiful hills, volcanoes and a truly beautiful underwater world.

Bali is not heaven on earth, but it is very close to it. Malbork is not only a castle. This was shortly before the siege of the castle by the troops of King Władysław Jagiello. The city was rebuilt, the destroyed fortifications were repaired and new ones were built. During the Thirteen Years' War the city suffered greatly. Many buildings were destroyed. John, Arthus Court and the southern end of the town hall. Due to lack of space in the middle of the medieval walls, they began to settle outside them, and so four suburbs developed. The development of the city was in the south, outside the former suburb of Sztumskie and east, towards the railway station.

Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the most joyful and long-awaited holidays - New Year and Christmas! They give us happiness good mood, bring warmth and love to every home!

The year 2014 was marked by many significant events. For each of us, he will probably be remembered for something different, and in history the city will enter, as the year of celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Jewish autonomous region, elections of deputies to the City Duma of the fifth convocation, fighting the elements and providing assistance to victims, as a year of intense, fruitful work to improve our streets and courtyards, prepare life support facilities, education, culture and sports for winter.

Within administrative boundaries The city was annexed by other settlements such as Piaski, Velbark and Kaldovo. First World War did not cause any damage to Malbork. After heavy fighting in the Battle of the Marienburg group with units of the 2nd Russian shock army On March 9, they blocked the bridges in Nogat.

As a result of the war, almost 80 percent of the buildings of the old city were destroyed. Polish authorities began work to rebuild the destroyed and partially devastated city on March 17. Malbork and its surroundings have an extremely rich past. It has long attracted the attention of ancient lovers and archaeologists. To the south of the city we find traces of a settlement from the younger Stone Age. Special attention attention should be paid to the cemetery from the period of Roman influence in Wielbark. In Malbork the Order appears to be relatively late in life.

It was also the Year of Culture in Russia, and we have a lot to be proud of. Birobidzhan received a new rehearsal hall for the pop and brass band, the dance hall in the Palace of Culture and the square in front of the cultural center were renovated, we are high level held a sports dance festival for the Breeder company cup. Pupils of children's musical and art schools achieved success at prestigious, including international festivals and competitions. Our young vocalists became part of the thousand-voice choir of Russia and performed at the closing ceremony Olympic Games in Sochi.

Ten years later, a settlement south of the construction of the castle, on high bank Nogat River, received the charter of Chelm. According to him, urban planning was established in which a longitudinal street market and intersections were built. The entire wall was connected to bastions and gates, which were connected to the castle's defense system.

Inside the city, the first wooden, later brick houses and public buildings, including the town hall, Artus court, parish church. The port and river crossing was located at Nogata. The so-called New town. Spirit and Mary.

It is also important that in the past year there have been more bodies of territorial public self-government in the city; citizens are increasingly taking responsibility for self-organization at their place of residence. We thank all Birobidzhan residents for their understanding, trust and active participation in the life of the city. The main priorities for local authorities in 2015 remain minimizing the consequences of the economic crisis and increasing the well-being of our residents.

Combined with fortifications, Malbork became one of the most powerful fortresses medieval Europe. The expansion of the city led to numerous changes in urban planning and architecture. The town hall was rebuilt, and the town hall and new streets were built with a row of arcaded burgher houses. Suburban settlements developed, which soon turned into suburbs: Shtumskie and Keramika.

The court consisted of 10 laymen and the village chief and his companion. Before the introduction of Malbork into the Commonwealth, this system was permanent, although the leaders of the city were dependent on the Order, which carried out supreme power throughout the state. As a result of the multi-week fire of the city and the castle, numerous destructions occurred, although the town hall and the Church of St. George were preserved. Jagiello's troops failed to win the castle, and Malbork remained in the hands of the Order. These fortifications were added during the Thirteen Years' War, during which the castle was besieged for several months and the city passed from Teutonic to Polish hands and vice versa.

We wish you health, happiness, optimism and good luck in your business! Let harmony and peace, love and stability come to every home! All the best to you and your loved ones,” the official congratulations read.

Dear compatriots!

Happy New Year!

The city and castle retain their unique significance - they were the capital of the city of Lulava, which contributed to the wealth of the city and the royal residence. Both of these factors contributed to an intensive trade in grain and timber imported from the interior of Poland. The city emerged from this campaign without much prejudice. Likewise, the castle, which was not an important strategic point in its course. In February next year The Swedes recaptured Malbork. The troops of King Charles Gustav left the city only after the peace of Oliva was signed.

Malbork ceased to be a stronghold. Despite the depopulation, citizens remained reluctant to accept new citizens. Villager and foreigners, such as the Scots, came to Malbork, where she lived as a servant or poor woman. First of all, he settled in the suburbs and royal properties.

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays when we all remember last year, in which, of course, there was different things: happiness and disappointment, joy and sadness, discoveries and losses. Each of us has our own. And we will remember them. Assessing the events of the past year, we think, first of all, about our loved ones, about our family, about how we ourselves lived this year. After all, the life of the republic and the entire country is formed from our destinies, actions and feelings.

According to a recent census, it was included in the so-called. 635 people live in Kyrgyzstan. Local government was removed, replaced by a municipality and a court. The change in nationality caused A New Look to a forgotten castle, taking into account its military suitability. For infantry regiment was there. The subsequent reconstruction was to turn the High Castle into a great granary. During this work, it almost completely lost its medieval appearance.

Five years later, Malbork has passed through big army, leaving for Russia, and after a few months her remnants and Cossacks pursued her. As in the past, various armies contributed to the economic collapse of the city and the outbreak of another cholera epidemic. The president West Prussia, Theodor von Schon, favorably advocates this liberal tendency. Work began two years later.

We can safely say that the year 2010, which goes down in history, ultimately became positive for us in almost all areas and convincingly demonstrated that we are capable of much and will achieve more! The main principles of our work are honesty, openness and transparency, and the main priority is improving the quality of life of each resident and the social well-being of all segments of society. We, of course, still have enough problems, but I am deeply convinced that no matter what difficulties await us ahead, we will successfully cope with them, because the authorities of the republic have a clear action plan, and the people of Chuvashia have the most important thing - faith in own strength, faith in one’s abilities, hope for state support and love for native land. New Year is one of the most favorite holidays because it unites us around the main human values- kindness, faith, justice, wisdom, and, of course, around love for children and parents, for family and friends, for one’s home and Fatherland. This is a wonderful, bright and, despite the winter weather, a truly warm holiday.

Malbork was one of many typical, not very rich Prussian cities. Improving it economic situation led to the construction of the railway railway, connecting East Prussia with Berlin. Urban development supported by five banks and savings banks. It was also important that the level of education continued to rise. In Malbork it was up to 14 various types schools Cities do not escape natural disasters.

Although direct action The First World War bypassed Malbork, its consequences were felt. Its many inhabitants were killed on numerous fronts, mainly in the local 152nd Infantry Regiment. A wave of refugees flooded the city, and the situation was caused by problems of inflation, unemployment and food supply.

There are many bright things ahead holidays. May all your wishes come true.

Let there be health and prosperity in every family. Congratulations to you! Happy New Year!

The president Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev.

Dear residents of Sumerlin and guests of the city!

Happy New Year 2011and happy holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

As a result of the creation Free City The Gdańsk district of Malbork shrank to a quarter of its original size, and the city lost the suburb of Kaldowo. Although Malbork became a cross-border city, it developed dynamically. In the 1920s, a large industrial area was created on Nogata, on the outskirts of Piaska. The water supply and local power grid were modernized and connected to East Prussian power lines. The importance of the railway connection has also increased. Thus, he established the shortest communication route from Berlin to Königsberg.

Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - New Year! Everywhere - in the family circle and in work collective- feeling its approach, we become a little kinder and more attentive to each other, forgive past grievances and, like children, dream about the future, make wishes and believe in their fulfillment.

The passing year has brought something different to each of us - new victories, joys, meetings and discoveries. Everything that was achieved in the past year was done by you, dear Sumerlinians! Thank you for conscientious work, for devotion to our native land! Of course there were disappointments and mistakes, but they gave us new experience, made us stronger. I believe that the coming year will only bring good things, and together we will achieve new successes in increasing the city’s potential.

Authorities have also tried to increase tourist traffic. The city had several hotels and youth hostels, numerous cafes and pubs. After heavy battle groups? Marienburg? With units of the 2nd Russian army strikes, January 25 this year, last German troops gone. As a result of the war, almost 80% of the construction of the Old Town took place. The eastern parts of the castle complex were also damaged. On March 8, the Germans blew up the bridges in Nogat.

The gradual removal of war damage and the launch of industrial production. The end of the 40s was a period when the remains of buildings were systematically destroyed in the Old Town. The bricks were transferred to the reconstruction of Warsaw. This planned action meant that in the early 1950s, not a single building remained in the Old Town except the medieval parade, the Town Hall, two gates and fragments of the ramparts. The city has lost its historical center. The growing number of residents can also witness the systematic development of the city.

We are standing on the threshold of a new year. Difficult, intense work lies ahead of us. Increasing the level and quality of life, stable economic development, attracting investment in production and social sphere, reforming the housing and communal services - this is the main thing that the efforts of the authorities will be directed towards local government cities. The pace of production development cannot be slowed down. You cannot relax and hope that someone else will do the assigned task for you. Thanks to agreement in matters, I am in the mood for the final high result We will all overcome difficulties together and achieve our goals. I am sure that self-confidence, enthusiasm, and responsibility will help us implement all our plans and make our lives more interesting, rich and vibrant. Only together, only by uniting, can we make our city a city in which you really want to live.

The investment that changed the communications system and the emergence of the city center was the construction of Aleji Rodla, a fragment of the intersection of the national road no. Anna, later in the necropolis of the great masters. For the first time, he led the work to fortify the city. He was probably also in the Great Refectory, where in the decorated infirmary he, in particular, treated his wounds. Marshal Bernadotte, later King of Sweden. He made a second visit on his way to Russia. The next century was a time for the castle to "heal the wounds" of history. The work of its reconstruction also attracted the attention of the powerful world.

I wish all residents of our city warmth and comfort in their homes, love, joy, care and understanding of loved ones. Happy New Year to everyone! New successes, bright victories and achievements!

Head of the Shumerli city administration A.Yu. Bronitsyn.

Dear Sumerlinians!

The administration of the Shumerlinsky district wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

There were princes of this dynasty, successors to the throne, emperors and their wives and children. The Second World War did not cause great damage historical block. Here we can admire. Baptismal font and sculptural scene of the Passion. The cemetery surrounding the church was buried. Conservator of the castle Konrad Steinbrecht.

In the growing Malbork there are new opportunities for administration, education, communication and trade. Royal Grammar School. In this building, for the first time, the brick facade and neo-Gothic style characteristic of a Malbork building were based on the architecture of the most important medieval monument in the city - the castle. The red brick facade also characterized official buildings and public buildings.

As we celebrate the New Year, we traditionally remember the most joyful moments of the outgoing year, sum up the results, and think about the future. For every person, the New Year is always a renewal, an influx of new strength and hope for the best. The residents of our area have good prospects for development; people live here who can and want to work. It is through joining forces that we will achieve a lot. The long-awaited and desired meeting of the New Year and Christmas inspires hope for the realization of creative plans, good luck and prosperity.

Tightly built Old city also received magnificent apartment buildings, but the most interesting events were made in the suburbs. The richest villas and apartment buildings were built in the so-called “official quarter” on the street. March, Grunwaldska and Derdowski. Among the historic and modernist styles, there are also elevations with Art Nouveau architectural details. Another building, more modest and devoid of rich decorations, was erected for sugar workers and railway workers on Ozheszkowa and Reymont streets.

During the interwar period, the suburbs of Malbork contained residential complexes, both single-family houses and one- and two-story cooperative blocks. They were erected mainly in Piaski, Thursdays, Nowowiejski and Kraszewski Square and Malachowski Square. At the beginning of September, the school began operating in the State high school and high school. A faster influx of people, and therefore the return of life to the destroyed city, can only begin after reconstruction railway bridge in Nogata.

For the Shumerlinsky district, 2010 was rich in events that united all residents and entered every home. This is work, family, worries, these are events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the formation of the district. It is gratifying that in preparation for it, in various events dedicated to this glorious date, the Sumerlinians took the most active part.

Arriving in Sanremo, a resort on the Italian coast, from the metropolis of Turin, we were surprised to find that it was so noisy that we did not expect winter on the coast. On the second day of the winter holiday we arrived from Turin on the Italian coast, called the Italian Riviera.

For a short time in the Italian city of Turin we had such an adventure that we even found it in the Italian news. For this reason, at first glance, calm Turin was remembered not for its skin and monuments.

In January, when the evenings are long, dark and cold, even two events in London will bring more light lives of Londoners. What: Winter Lights Festival Where: Canary Wharf When: January 11 to 22 best time from 16.

Every time you come to Italy, we need to rush to study again.

During these twelve months, a lot has been done through the joint efforts of the residents of the region with the support of the republican authorities. Priority priorities are being actively implemented in the district national projects“Health”, “Education”, “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens”, biotechnological projects related to the agricultural sector are being introduced. Elections to local government bodies were held with dignity in the region.

Much work awaits us in 2011. Ahead - the implementation of new innovative projects in the agricultural sector, cultivation and deep processing of Jerusalem artichoke, development of livestock farming, implementation of a project for growing potatoes. Dear Sumerlinians! Let new year holidays will give you many pleasant and highlights, joyful changes, significant events, and the love, understanding and support of family and friends, reliable friends will always be with you.

Good health, happiness, good luck, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Head of the Administration of the Shumerlinsky District V.A. Murashkin.

Dear Sumerlinians!
Accept my sincere congratulations happy New Year!
New Year is one of the most beloved and long-awaited, joyful and sincere holidays. WITH early childhood we associate it with faith in a miracle, in the fact that our most cherished dreams will come true. Let's commit good deeds, speak kind words to loved ones, show care, respect and support.
On the eve of the New Year, I wish you that everything that upset you remains in the past, and that everything good will continue in the coming year. Our common task for 2011 is the formation of independent thinking, which allows you not to go with the flow, but to manage own life. We are able to ensure that 2011 becomes a year of new opportunities and new achievements for Shumerli. I am convinced: we will fulfill all our plans, everything will work out for you!
Let comfort, peace of mind always reign in your homes, and let the festive mood never leave you all year! Happy New Year! Be happy!

Head of the city of Shumerli S.V. Yargunin.

Dear fellow countrymen!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2011 and Merry Christmas!
New Year is the brightest and most beautiful, solemn and fun party. Folk wisdom It says that as you celebrate the New Year, it will be like this all year.
May the coming year be luckier, richer and kinder than the outgoing one.
I wish you all good health, great happiness, new successes in your work, inexhaustible energy, peace and prosperity.
Let love inspire you, hope give you strength, and faith warm your soul!
Deputy State Duma, Hero of Russia, pilot-cosmonaut N.M. Budarin.

Dear fellow countrymen!
As we say goodbye to the outgoing year, it is customary to sum up its results and remember the achievements and successes of the past year. There were a lot of them. In Chuvashia, it was possible not only to maintain socio-economic stability, but also to give new impetus to the development of innovative industry, in particular for the production of solar modules for alternative energy. New technologies are coming to medicine and Agriculture, education and construction.
On the threshold of the New Year, we make plans for the future and wish each other the best. Allow me to wish all my fellow countrymen health and happiness, peace and prosperity. Let in New Year's Eve in every home the warmest, most sincere wishes will be heard, may they all come true! Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, faction " United Russia» P.V. Semenov.

Dear residents of the city of Shumerli and the Shumerlinsky district!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the New Year bring you and your loved ones good health, great happiness and well-being!
I wish you successful and fruitful work, great success and great opportunities!
Deputy of the State Council of the Chechen Republic N.Ya. Volodin.

Dear residents of the city of Shumerli and the Shumerlinsky district!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

These holidays are associated with the brightest feelings, good hopes, fulfillment of innermost desires and striving for new heights.
For Chuvashia, 2011 will be a year of promising and innovative projects that can create conditions for a new, qualitative rise in its socio-economic development, disclosure creative potential nation.
May good luck always accompany you in the new year, and may all your wildest plans and plans come true! Good health, peace, goodness and prosperity to you and your family!
Sincerely, Chairman of the State Council of the Chechen Republic Committee on economic policy, agro-industrial complex and ecology N.V. Malov.

The team of Chuvash Medical Insurance Company OJSC sincerely congratulates all residents of the city of Shumerly and the region on the New Year 2011!
With the new year, a new, clean page opens in the life of each of us. What it will be like, what events and activities it will be filled with, depends on you and me. We believe that thanks to our common efforts, caring and caring attitude towards the city in 2011 it will become even better, even more beautiful.
Let joyful changes come to every home, to every family. Let's believe in ourselves, in our strengths, to accomplish good deeds and take care of each other! We wish you health, good luck, prosperity and prosperity!
Be happy in the new year!
General Director T.M. Vishtynetskaya.

Dear Colleagues!
Please accept my warmest congratulations on the New Year 2011 and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

I believe that in the new year our team will become even more friendly, and we will work in an even more comfortable environment, which means we will successfully complete our tasks! May peace, happiness, love and understanding enter the home of each of you!
General Director of LLC "Dairy Business" V.M. Cockroaches.

Dear residents of the city of Shumerli and the Shumerlinsky district!
OJSC “Insurance Company “Chuvashia-Med” sincerely congratulates you on the most wonderful and long-awaited holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas! Happy is approaching New Year's time- this is an occasion to sum up the results of the work, to remember best events of the passing year.
May everything that makes you happy certainly find its continuation in the coming year. May prosperity and prosperity, joy and happiness come to every family, to every home, and may the New Year bring fulfillment cherished dream and strengthens faith in the future.
Health, happiness and good luck to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Sincerely, CEO OJSC “Insurance Company “Chuvashia-Med” I.V. Klementieva.

Dear shareholders, employees and veterans of KAF OJSC!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year is coming. While waiting for him, we are all preparing for the next life stage, one more step towards your goals. This is the time when every day is filled with the feeling of a holiday - the brightest, kindest, most promising and always a little magical. We believe that with the chiming of the New Year's chimes, secret dreams and cherished desires will begin to come true.
May the coming year preserve and increase all the good things that the outgoing year has brought, may it justify your wildest hopes, give you good luck and warm your homes with the warmth of love and prosperity. Happy New Year!
Board of Directors, Management Board of OJSC "KAF".

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