20 years since graduation from school. Twenty years later

School years... Bells for lessons and breaks, A's and D's, joys and sorrows, school friends, holidays, competitions, Olympiads... We are sincerely glad that once again within these walls those whose ringing voices have gathered for a year or five years ago filled the school with life. Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.



Scenario for the alumni meeting “Once upon a time.....years later” 2014

School-themed songs are played.

Registration is carried out at the entrance, the emblem of the evening is issued: a bell with the year of issue,

graduates pin the emblem on their clothes.

The hall is festively decorated.

There are tables in front for graduates celebrating their anniversaries.

With plates where the year of manufacture is written.

The students on duty seat the guests in their places.

Leading: Hello, dear friends!

Presenter: We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Host: - Do you know everyone?

Presenter: Yes, sure! It’s written all over their faces that they are theirs! You can immediately see creativity, positivity and communication! Because they all graduated from our nine.

Leading: And how great it is that they are all here today!

Presenter: Remember friends and first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell

Leading: After all, each of you was waiting for her at some point...

Presenter: True, mostly from class, and very rarely to class!

Leading: We are also waiting for this call today, it will start our holiday!

They give a call………………………………………………………………………………….


Presenter: Do you remember? Of course, you all remember.

How your mothers took you to school by the hand,

They called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

Leading: School years... Bells for lessons and breaks, A's and D's, joys and sorrows, school friends, holidays, competitions, Olympiads...

Presenter: We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life a year or five years ago have once again gathered within these walls.

Leading: Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

Presenter: With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers: those who worked and are working today, giving the school talent, soul and heart, and for whom the school has become a second home.

Leading: On behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you, teachers! We love you very much!

Presenter: You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
So you will never grow old.

Leading:: Never! Never! Never!

Presenter: Today at the evening there are: (all labor veterans are listed).


Presenter: This musical gift is for you, dear teachers.

Kalinka Dance………………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Many things have an amazing way of returning people’s memories of the past, giving them the joy of lived moments that have long been prevented from happening again.

Presenter: And everyone really wants to go back to childhood...

Film Childhood Day………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Because those instructive lessons and interesting events remain in my memory. School friends and a fun time during recess.

Presenter: All this happened here within the walls of our native land. And the school remembers you, the graduates.
Song Zemlyanskaya Nastya………………………………………………………

Slide show…………………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: For 74 years now, Nine has hospitably opened its doors. And every year we, students and teachers, look forward to meeting you.

Presenter: You are probably thinking: “Why are they trying so hard? Who are we to them? I will answer this question right away: we would also like that in a year, five, ten years, high school students would be waiting to meet us - and they were waiting sincerely.

Leading: For us, you are a kind of bridge to the future, which we can look into through you.

Presenter: Overall it's a wonderful day. Just imagine: on the same day, at the same time, all the city’s graduates, as if on command, meet in their home schools, all the stores exceed their plan for selling cakes. Even yesterday's ones are being bought up. The flower sellers are having another successful day, and passers-by can easily recognize themselves 10, 20, 30 years ago in the cheerful young men and women.

Song 8A………………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Yes, this is a unique day, because every year, despite the same scenario, everything is different. A year is added. And now not four, but five years have passed, and not nine, but ten...

Presenter: Today students came to our meeting different years our school. Young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable...

Leading: Among the graduates sitting in the hall are VIP graduates celebrating their anniversary.

Presenter: We want to look at the graduates of 2009......5 years ago who graduated from school. (applause)

Leading: Let's greet the graduates of 2004 - 10 years ago, the last bell rang for them, the graduates of 1999 - 15 years ago, they graduated from school!

Leading: I would like to know if any of you are graduates of 1993?

Presenter: We welcome you, your graduation is special - on October 19, 2013, our gymnasium turned 20 years old and we have the first graduates - gymnasium students!

Presenter: We are glad to see graduates of 1994 in our hall - please stand up, today is your 20th anniversary!

Leading: We welcome the graduates of 1989 with applause - 25 years ago, they graduated from school!

Presenter: I wonder if among the graduates there are those who graduated from school 30, 35 years ago, please stand up.....this applause is for you.

Leading: And of course, we especially welcome those who are at this meeting for the first time, those who have recently left the walls of their home school and miss it very much.

Presenter: Graduates of 2013 are our golden class, among them are 11 gold medalists - we welcome you!

Leading: Ah, we are a different generation

Have we moved forward? Who knows!
After all, we are children, just like you once were

The answer is that only time can give...

Hipster Dance…………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: What is 11 years old? These are the years spent in the waiting room of the school station. Years of hopes, worries, thoughts about the future.

Presenter: And today there is a solemn event at our station. On the Graduation Express train we set off down the road of high school memories.

Leading: When you're at school, time moves forward subtly. But when you return to school and meet your classmates, it seems as if these years never happened, that everyone is the same schoolchildren, and your teachers are still waiting for you. And today is just such a day when our school hours will help you return to your school years. I think it's worth a try...

Presenter: We invite you to take a virtual journey on our symbolic train.

Leading: Attention! Attention! The “Graduation Express”, following the “School Years” route, departs from the second track of the “Gymnasium No. 9” station, the numbering of cars is from the tail of the train. Please: passengers take their seats. The train leaves in 2 minutes.

Presenter: The head of the train, who is also the director of the gymnasium, Olga Viktorovna Kulichkova, is invited to greet passengers on the platform.

Director's words…………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Each passenger on our train carries with him a significant baggage of memories. school life.

Let's wish each other a good and long journey!

Song…………………………………….Kalashnikova S. Nechpai O.

Presenter: Our train is picking up speed, the wheels are knocking on the rails in time. Their knocking adds upfrom memories interesting facts, joyful moments of your school life.

Presenter: Dear passengers, during the trip you and your guides (favorite class teachers) need to fill out a travel diary. Reflect in it your memories, confessions and wishes to each other, schoolchildren, teachers...

Leading: And ahead of each issue there is a short stop where you will share your recordings with us.

Presenter: So, dear passengers, the first train stop is in 15 minutes......have a pleasant journey along the road of school life. Everything you need to create a diary of your memories is on the tables in the carriages.

Musical background…………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Attention, attention!!! Our train arrives at the station

"Heroes of Our Time"

Presenter: And we meet on the platform passengers of the 1st carriage - graduates of 2013

Leading: Dear passengers, next stop is station

"The World of Wonderful Discoveries"

Presenter: Passengers of 2, 3, 4 cars - graduates of 2012-2009 are invited to the platform

(if they don’t say anything, ask questions)

How has our school changed since you left?

2.Which teachers do you remember and what do you remember about them?

3. Which of your classmates would you like to tell us about?

4. Do you remember your first class, your first teacher’s name?

5. Your favorite subject.

6. Who did you dream of becoming and who did you become?

8.What can you wish to your friends, graduates, teachers?

Leading: Our train is approaching the station "Bylye, darling years"

Presenter: Passengers of carriages 5, 6, 7, graduates of 2008-1998, prepare to leave.

Leading: Dear passengers! Look at each other, pay attention to yours appearance, smile, we are approaching the station

"Wind of Change"

Presenter: And with great pleasure we invite to the platform passengers of 8, 9 and 10 cars - graduates - trainees of the 90-80s.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our train arrives at the final station. We welcome those who will always remember each of their graduations, each of their lessons - these are our beloved teachers and class teachers - we invite you to the platform.

Presenter: Your wishes to graduates (live microphone)

Leading: This concludes our journey. But the school's story does not end there. We are all its chroniclers. With every step we take, with every action we write new pages.

Presenter: Perhaps, years from now, we will gather for our homecoming evening, and today will be history for us.

Leading: And today is a special evening - wonderful, soulful,


Presenter: We thank everyone who came to home school, and we ask

Song People can’t always be there……………………………………

Leading :The evening of the meeting does not end here,
It continues in your former classes.

Presenter: Good teachers are waiting for you there
Classmates and beloved friends are waiting!
And we say goodbye to all of you:

Together: "See you again, friends! And goodbye!"


“Graduation Express” Numbering of carriages 2013, 2012, 2011/10, 2009, 2008/2005, 2004, 2003/1998, 1999, 1993, 1989/79 (other years refill for available seats)

Leading: And now we would like to play a game with the graduates.

Presenter: Shouting game “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!” I will read the text, you, dear graduates, shout the phrase “This is me, this is me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!” to the lines that suit you.

1.Who does not change his roots
glorifies the hometown,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From near and far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now?
And admires you:
On their graduates
without taking your kind eyes off?

6.We are experienced parents,
Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 15 years old?

7. Let's continue about children
heroic families
Who, who knows,
Large family?

8. Who is still single
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness
To start a family faster.

9.Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is it, stand up now?

10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
Adorable classmates
Is everyone trying to find it?
Who hangs up on the network?

11.Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I’m very happy
20 years back.


Confession game - cards with answers and questions.

1 Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

2 Have you ever played in class? gambling?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on chairs?

7 Have you often fallen in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you spy in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Did you spy on your neighbor’s tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (school)?

17 Are you capable of a noble act?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you are able to deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when you are angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve healthy image life?

23 Do you ever feel scared?

24 Do you remember your friends' birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


1 I often had to suffer from this.

2 This happened against my will.

3 My embarrassment tells me that I should remain silent.

4What do you care about this?

5It all depends on my mood.

6This goes without saying.

7 I admit this too.

8I don’t answer such questions.

9I don’t even allow the thought of this.

10It seems you got too carried away.

11Yes, this is my element.

12Yes, I advise you too.

13Yes, although that's not all.

14This is my dream.

15How did you guess?

16Only in a hammock under a tree.

17This gives me a lot of pleasure.

18You don't know me well.

19You don’t have to do it once at a time...

20I've been used to this since childhood

21This is my hobby.

22Especially in the dentist's office.

23I spend all my free time like this.

24Had to a couple of times.

25My head is fine for now.

26Yes, I have always had many talents!

27Yes, but today I am resting.

28Yes, especially on the train.

29You would like it too.

30Only if no one sees.

31Please do not put me in an awkward position.

32If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

33Yes, I really like it.

34Only in the company of friends.

35Life forces you.

36Only in a dream.

37At every opportunity.

38Every night.

39This is quite possible, given my appearance.

40Ask something easier.

41We’ll talk about this without witnesses.

42Risk is a noble cause.

43My financial situation does not allow me.

44I think this is possible.

We - representatives of the upcoming release - assure you:

We will proudly bear the title of graduate of our school

We will meet the expectations of our teachers

We will go through life in such a way that the school is proud of us.

And the school has stood for 75 years and will stand for another hundred years.

And the school will have both the 100th and 200th graduation, and this means

EVERYONE - we will meet again!

When you receive an invitation to a reunion of graduates, classmates 25 years later, at first you rejoice at the opportunity of a meeting - such a wonderful opportunity to meet people whom you have not seen for many years, find out how your school or university friends are doing, and remember joyful moments. But then you are overcome by doubts - is it worth going? Surely others have already achieved a lot in life: many have families, children, some have advanced in their careers, some have gone to live abroad. In general, everyone is doing well. And you?

It can be different - different meeting scenarios. 20 years later former graduates We've grown up and a lot has changed. For example, you still don’t have a family. You never made a career. This is how you live: work - home, work - home. Even if you have achieved something, your achievements seem insignificant to you. You are prone to constant self-examination and self-criticism: “I could have done better, but it wasn’t good enough.”.

And some of my classmates, after these 20 years, are still not interested in conversations at the level of kitchen gatherings. And the scenario of the meeting will be completely different. Such people want to discuss something global and significant, and not diapers, diapers and a vacation by the sea. They were always lonely among their classmates, they were bored with them, and little has changed in 20 years...

U different people there are various reasons, why they don’t want to go to the alumni meeting. Let's, with the help of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, figure out what these reasons are and try to look at the evening of the alumni meeting in a new way. Whether 20 or 25 years have passed is not important.

For whom the alumni meeting is a heavy duty?

System-vector psychology explains that there are people who are much more comfortable alone, alone with their own thoughts, than among other people. She defines them as owners of a sound vector.

Unlike other people for whom it is important social success, career, material well-being, family and children, all this is of no interest to sound people: they have other values. They consciously or unconsciously seek an answer to the question of the meaning of life, about why they came into this world. And if they don’t find it, then they are prone to depression, to withdraw into themselves, into their own thoughts and states. 25 years later they are still the same, they are not interested in the alumni meeting.

When they are busy with their own thoughts, they don’t care about other people. by and large don't care. In such states they are self-centered. It seems to them that there are only idiots around, that other people will not understand them. People with a sound vector are focused on distracted people, abstract concepts, which is why they often go into science, study philosophy, languages, programming, mathematics, physics or other fields of knowledge. This is how they strive to realize their high intellectual potential, abstract thinking, with the help of which you can create new concepts, theories and teachings.

However, being carried away by mental work, such people often remain loners, not feeling the need to build connections with other people. They may have few friends. It happens that the sound engineer doesn’t even have anyone to talk to.

Among other people, a sound artist who does not know how to fulfill his sound desires feels uncomfortable. When he is addressed, he needs time to come out of his state of internal concentration and answer the question. Therefore, sound people often do not immediately respond when addressed - they simply need a pause to extrovert and think about how to respond.

The sound guy cares little about his body. He often wears the same clothes for a long time, because he doesn’t care what to wear, he never chases fashion.

A reunion is an event where, willy-nilly, you have to communicate with others and look good. For a sound engineer this is stressful. Moreover, this is an event where everyone is noisy, talking loudly, joking, and the sound guy doesn’t tolerate it well. loud sounds: He has very sensitive hearing.

And so you either have to smile forcefully to try to be like everyone else, or sit on the sidelines and feel like an outcast. 10 or 25 years have passed, but even these years later the sound artist does not feel like “he belongs” at a meeting of matured classmates.

Successful person or failure?

But for some people, it is someone else’s success 20 years later that can become the reason for their reluctance to meet classmates. The worst scenario for a high school reunion for him is to meet a more accomplished classmate. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan includes people for whom career, success, high material and social status, to the owners of the skin vector.

Such people have a keen sense of time. Their day is scheduled literally by the hour and minute. They take on several things at once, just to get more done. The leather workers do everything quickly. This way they save time - main resource of your life. They are truly capable of achieving a lot in life if their properties are correctly developed in childhood and then realized in the right way.

If the child’s ambitions, the desire to be first, the tendency to compete were suppressed, and he was humiliated verbally, then he develops a scenario for failure. The fact is that it gives its owner special adaptability to environmental conditions, including pain. He learns to experience pleasure from humiliation, and therefore in adult life such a person, although he consciously strives for success, unconsciously finds a way to become a loser. This is how he gets his little pleasure.

Such a person comes to an alumni meeting and is jealous of everyone: “Well, others succeed, but I don’t.”. Successful classmates at the meeting are like a painful thorn; in 20 years they have “fulfilled themselves.” Years later, the leather worker feels like a loser compared to them.

There is also another possible reason for a person’s reluctance to meet with classmates. Such a person tends to consider everything from the standpoint of benefit and benefit, including connections between people. And if so friendly meeting and maintaining communication with its participants do not imply tangible benefits for him, he can easily refuse it. This is not the person who carefully preserves the memory of old friends.

Excellent student and best specialist

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

1. Opening remarks Host of the evening.

“It seems that just recently the last bell rang at our school, and our class scattered through life in different sides. Only 20 years have passed since we all gathered at this table to see each other and remember those unforgettable moments of school life.

To ensure order in the glasses in our class today, let's appoint “classmates on duty.”

The presenter appoints “class attendants” - men responsible for filling glasses.

The presenter makes an introductory toast.

The river of time carries you! It's no secret to anyone here

What from last call 20 years have passed!

Now everyone has their own worries, their own affairs, their own path in life.

Perhaps you love your job and don’t have time to relax...

It’s a pity very rarely, - having thrown off the burden you understand “It’s time”

Get together, remember the time - with the name “School time!”

And remember how we were all friends, fell in love, sometimes quarreled,

How we couldn’t live a day without each other, how we stood up for our friends!

The granite of science is a hard stone, they gnawed everything while breaking their teeth!

Suddenly, annoyed, they smoked in the forest belt.

We were all ready to play pranks, we didn’t know the word - sadness,

After all, how many pranks we knew by heart back then!

OK! I got carried away! Otherwise I’ll tell you everything for you!

Let's pour some glasses, and I'll make you a toast!

As the song says, we are all so different and different from each other. Each of us is individual and unique in our own way, but there is one thing that unites us all - our childhood, our school, our class. And today, communicating with each other, maybe for a while we will return to our childhood again. And I just want to say “how great it is that we are all here today!” and let's raise a glass to our first meeting, after 20 years, and so that it will not be the last!

PAUSE - break.

:Look at any map

There are many roads in the world,

But they begin

From the school threshold

The first time you came to first grade -

You carried flowers to the line.

To you beautiful shape put it on...

First class is the first bell.

There were joys, there were hardships,

Your teacher and first lesson -

This is how my school years began.

Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He ushered you into first class.

Solemn and respectful.

Let's applaud

Let's say THANK YOU to the first teacher!

(we give bouquets and memorable gifts)

Shouting game “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

1.Who does not change his roots

glorifies the native VILLAGE,

Praise, honor and honor to you

Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,

those who are here from afar,

Who are our birds?

From near and far abroad?

3.Who built himself a house

celebrated a housewarming party in the house

and now he lives in it,

survived this fun?

4. There is nothing more beautiful in this world

live in your own apartment

Who is the owner?

Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

5.We are experienced parents,

Someone with more, to put it bluntly?

Who became mom and dad a little early,

Whose children are older than 15 years old?

6. Let's continue about children

heroic families

Who, who knows,

Large family?

7. Who is still single?

Who holds his own tail with a pipe?

to whom I wish happiness

To start a family faster.

8.Live and learn

who has a life like this?

Are there any students among you?

Who is it, stand up now?

9.Who is on the site, on a well-known one

Adorable classmates

Is everyone trying to find it?

Who hangs up on the network?

10. Who, despite the burden of life,

Found an opportunity, means, time

And today I’m very happy

20 years back?

A toast to us.

— Friends are remembered not only in their presence, but also in their absence. Let's remember all our friends who various reasons We couldn’t be here today, so let’s drink to them!

Wit and ingenuity

They have helped you in your life more than once.

If you don't mind the time,

Prove it to us now.

Let's play a little more

It's very boring to live without a game,

After all, the game helps many

Remember your childhood and love life!

Ask me, and I will answer you - one of the types of games. The rules are very simple, and the game itself can be played at the table to catch your breath.

It all comes down to the fact that the presenter must cut strips in advance, preferably from cardboard, so that they will be useful another time. On each of them, write a question, you can choose from the ones suggested, or you can come up with your own, and on the second, answers to them, and as you noticed, all the answers are suitable for any question. Next, the first couple of people sitting at the table takes one

a strip with a question and one strip with an answer, some of them ask, and some answer. Then the next couple does exactly this, and so on until everyone present has participated.

It is possible not necessarily, but at will, i.e. a person takes a card with a question and asks a question to any of those present, and now the one who answered the question asks another.

The presenter conducts a prediction game.


Each person present receives a card number.

The presenter reads out the question, and then the answer to it, accompanying the prediction with comments suitable for the owner of this number.

1. Who were you in a past life?

1. A hermit monk.

2. A navigator.

3. The royal jester.

4. Renaissance artist.

5. A eunuch in a harem.

6. A concubine.

8. Roman legionnaire.

9. A slave on a plantation.

10. Astrologer.

11. A swindler of noble origin.

12. An artist in a traveling circus.

13. Card sharper.

14. Tribal leader.

15. Provincial actress.

16. Innkeeper.

17. Medieval knight.

18. Organ grinder.

19. Camel driver.

20. Court lady

2. What is your character?

1. Good.

2. Good-natured.

3. Very controversial.

4. Difficult.

6. Weak.

7. Strong-willed.

8. Scandalous.

9. Optional - Your vice.

10. You are too decent.

11. Wonderful!

12. Jealousy spoils you.

13. Very heavy.

14. You are almost a child.

15. Naivety adorns you.

16. It is difficult to say anything good about your character.

17. You need to be simpler.

18. Your character has not yet been formed.

19. You are just an angel.

20. Your character depends on the circumstances.

3. What type of transport matches your image?

1. You are better off walking.

2. Reindeer team.

3. Bicycle.

4. Antique carriage.

5. Balloon.

6. Race horse.

7. "Moskvich-412".

8. Pie.

9. Airliner.

11. Hang glider.

12. Freight train.

15. Russian troika.

16. White Chevrolet.

18. Gypsy wagon.

19. Personal jet.

20. Racing motorcycle.

4. What's good about you?

1. You do not bore with your presence.

2. Refined manners.

3. Graceful figure.

4. The ability to choose friends.

5. Luxurious hair.

6. Ability to sit on two chairs at once.

7. Loyalty to ideals.

8. And face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.

9. Almost everything.

13. The ability to turn a blind eye to other people's vices.

14. The desire to notice the good in others.

15. Flying gait.

16. Your hospitality.

17. Love for people.

18. Charming smile.

19. Fantastic generosity.

20. Rare wit.

5. What is your life motto?

1. After me there might be a flood.

2. Everything - or nothing!

3. Whatever is done, everything is for the better.

4. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. My hut is on the edge.

6. Through thorns - to the stars.

7. I came, I saw, I conquered.

8. Nothing human is alien to me.

9. Take everything from life.

10. Man is a wolf to man.

11. If you don’t know the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water.

13. Don't be surprised by anything.

14. If you want to be happy, be happy.

15. Seize the moment.

16. The end justifies the means.

17. Not a day without love.

18. Give people joy.

19. Time is money.

20. Don't spit against the wind.

6. What do you dream about most often?

1. Something that will not happen in reality.

2. Past life.

3. Nightmares.

4. Treasures.

5. Lots of food.

6. They don’t talk about this out loud.

7. Fragments from pornographic films.

8. Romantic trips.

9. Stage and fans.

10. Money, money, money.

11. Leadership position.

12. Beloved person.

13. Childhood.

14. Dull landscapes.

15. Luxurious mansion.

16. Gardens of Eden.

17. Blacks and the sea.

18. Flights in time and space.

19. First love.

20. God knows what!

7. What would you give half your life for?

1. No way.

2. For the fulfillment of your innermost desires.

3. For a bottle of good wine.

4. For talent.

5. For an ardent lover (ardent lover).

6. For extraordinary love.

7. For a rich groom (rich bride)

8. For a secure old age.

9. For a graceful figure.

10. For good health.

11. For your loved one.

12. For first love.

13. For worldwide fame.

14. For the opportunity to become a Hollywood star.

15. For eternal youth.

16. For a villa by the sea.

17. For a ticket to Rio de Janeiro.

18. For slender legs.

19. For a clear conscience.

20. For a tight wallet.

8. Where would you rather spend your holidays?

1. At the dacha.

2. You can do without a vacation.

3. On a Mediterranean cruise

4. At home on the couch.

5. In the village with grandfather.

6. In the kitchen.

7. At youth parties.

8. On romantic trips.

9. In Paris.

10. While running around the shops.

11. Reading detective stories.

12. Where there is wine and women (men).

13. It is difficult for you to give advice.

14. Tent, fire, barbecue.

15. You don't know how to rest.

16. Visit museums and libraries.

17. In the best restaurants in the city.

18. At the resort with your mistress (lover).

19. On a nudist beach.

20. In a family that hasn’t seen you for a year.

Time flies quickly, everything changes.

Colleges and lyceums are appearing everywhere.

And among them is our usual one,

Our high school excellent!

You will appreciate the school only then

When years flash by like moments.

She will often dream about her at night.

No one will forget their school years!

I dream about a school scene,

Your first roles

First applause!

First success!

And you are happy!

You are the best!

And now our class’s theater group is performing.

The presenter selects from among those present colorful characters who will

play the roles of Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse. The presenter distributes

them “costumes” (wigs, hats, ears, bows, etc.) and cards with short phrases,

which participants must say every time the leader gives a sign.

Text for the presenter

Grandfather planted a turnip,

I watered it with fertilizers,

The sun began to get hot,

Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;

And she said: “Both - on!”

Grandfather took the bit

And I thought: “Wow!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,

The grandmother shouted: “Insolent!”

Turnip again: “Both of you!”

Grandfather replied: “Wow!”

He grabbed the turnip tightly,

He pulled as hard as he could.

But without my grandmother I made a mistake.

She replied: “Insolent!”

I tried, but I couldn’t,

Immediately she called her granddaughter.

She is smart beyond her years:

“I won’t give it to you so easily!”

Turnip is shocked: “Both!”

Grandfather too: “Wow!”

Everyone slept with the grandmother,

She barely said: “Insolent!”

The granddaughter doesn’t care about dramas:

“I won’t give it to you so easily!”

They pull - You can’t see the turnips -

They need to call Zhuchka.

The bug is happy to help them -

He answers: “I wouldn’t mind.”

But again it didn’t work out.

This is where the Cat came in handy.

"No problem" she said

And it became the end of the chain.

No result to be seen

You need to call the mouse.

The mouse had a simple answer:

“Dudes, there is no market!”

Turnip moans: “Both of them!”

Grandfather in ecstasy: “Wow!”

Almost hit grandma in the eye

She, naturally: “Nasty!”

Super - a line for the ladies:

“I won’t give it to you so easily!”

The poor bug can't bear it anymore,

But through clenched teeth: “I’m not averse.”

The cat says: “No problem”

He doesn't risk anything.

The mouse pressed a little

And, pleased, she said:

“Dudes, there is no market!” -

Here's Turnip for lunch!

Rewarding participants with sweet prizes.

Lottery and auction

A very good way to entertain your guests is to hold a lottery. Lottery tickets can be issued in the form of invitation cards, or simply attached to an invitation card, a gift, whatever you want. You can organize a competition, and the winners get lottery tickets, but these competitions should be at the very beginning, because it is better to draw lottery tickets in the first half of the evening. Even better, if you distribute them throughout the program, play no more than 5 - 7 tickets at a time. Below are examples of possible lotteries.

1. On a ticket by chance


2. Receive your present


3. It’s your turn

A SWEET BAR “MARS” for you!

4. So that your face and hands

Were clean

Got on your ticket

A piece of scented soap.

5. Pleasure for the whole night. (pacifier)

6. The Polyana company offers facial makeup. (watercolor paints).

7. Get it, hurry up,

A notebook for you: write poetry.

8. Car keys (spanners)

9. Islands in the ocean (piece of map).

10. Live to be a hundred years old

With “BLEND-A-HONEY” toothpaste!

11. To always have a hairstyle,

You are given a comb.

(20 years from the date of graduation)

Such an evening is best held separately from the school-wide alumni reunion evening - it is, after all, an anniversary. Therefore, it’s worth getting together somewhere in a cafe or restaurant and having a real holiday dedicated only to the graduation of 199..., 20....

It will also be interesting to declare this evening a conditionally “carnival” - everyone should dress in 90s fashion. Music of that time will be played, not only from domestic performers, but also from foreign ones.

Guest teachers - class teacher

As for clothes - now, of course, it will be problematic to find exactly the same, for example, sweaters that boys and girls wore, and “malvina” jeans no longer exist in nature, but if everyone finds at least one piece of clothing that resembles about the fashion of those years, it will be good. For example: light green and bright pink hair ties can be used for women's hairstyles; Buying multi-colored leggings is also not particularly difficult.

The tables in the hall will need to be placed in rows (like desks), however, there should be a buffet table, already served, to the side, since during the breaks between “lessons” graduates will come to this table for a drink and a snack.

The presenter will sit at the “teacher’s” table, facing the “class”; on this table there will be items that will be needed for holding competitions.

Those who come will need to be allowed into the hall together, “on the bell,” after waiting until everyone has gathered in front of the banquet room. The bell must be a school bell.

In addition, the hall must have a screen for showing slides connected to a computer.


Good evening, 11 "A" (letter graduating class)! We don’t linger at the door, we go into the classroom and sit down at our desks! Let's hope you remember who sat with whom!

Surely, not everyone will be able to come, so the committee preparing for this evening will need to make signs in advance for those who are absent, and place them on desks in those places where the person is absent. But since now there is social media, you can and should find almost everyone, and persuade the person or say hello via Skype to those present (the time for communication is agreed upon in advance), or set Skype to conference mode so that those who did not come can see the holiday.

So, everyone sits at their desks, in accordance with how they sat in the class. On the tables are “diaries” - pre-prepared albums with the graduate’s name on the cover. During the evening, everyone will be able to write wishes and small messages to each other in these diaries, and it is also worth leaving a place in such an album for a photo from this festive evening. This will be a very good memory of the meeting.


Well, everyone sat down and calmed down, but something was noticeably wrong. One thing is missing, but very important person. Let's invite your class teacher here, because you probably miss him no less than he misses you.

The class teacher comes out. How will he greet his former class, depends on the relationships that existed in the team 20 years ago, on the personality of the teacher himself, so the speech should be prepared individually. Maybe the class teacher would like to mention individual students, maybe he will want to remember some particularly memorable stories.


So, let's begin our lessons! Today we decided to ignore exact sciences, but pay attention to the humanities and natural sciences. First on the list is literature. Dear (addressing to the class teacher, let it be Marya Ivanovna), who do you think we will call to the board for a survey on literature?

Marya Ivanovna tells the presenter who will cope with this task best, based on someone who knew literature very well 20 years ago.


Before the literature quiz begins, the student will tell us about himself - where his fate has led him, in what field the former graduate is now working.

Everyone present must write in advance short story about himself, preferably humorous, which will describe his current life - family, work, hobbies.


Well, now let's have a little literary quiz!

Quiz questions can be as simple as:

1. Who wrote the poem “Mtsyri”;
2. Who is called the “Sun of Russian poetry”;
3. From which author’s work the lines: “I clasped my hands under dark veil…»;
4. Last names of writers: Mikhail Afanasyevich (answer: Bulgakov); Nikolai Vasilievich (Gogol); Alexander Sergeevich (Pushkin); Mikhail Yuryevich (Lermontov), ​​etc.;
5. Tell any poem from school curriculum;
6. Transfer summary the story “Mumu”, or even the novel “Anna Karenina”;
7. Finish the famous quatrains: “I loved you, love can still be…”; "I'm taking it out of wide legs a duplicate of the priceless cargo"; “If the holy army shouts, throw away Rus', live in paradise...”, etc.
You can come up with even more questions. Tips from the class are welcome!

After the quiz, the host announces a “recess” for 20 minutes. During this period of time, everyone comes to the table, raises their glasses, and makes toasts. These may be impromptu speeches, but someone will probably prepare a toast in advance. After the “break,” the presenter again invites everyone to their desks.


It's time for a history lesson! Marya Ivanovna, over to you: who will go to the blackboard?

Sample History Quiz Questions (you shouldn’t go too crazy with dates, especially for little-known historical events):

1. List the rulers of the Romanov dynasty in order (we remind you that hints are welcome!);
2. Year of abolition of serfdom;
3. Date of the Battle of Kulikovo;
4. Countries that were part of the Entente;
5. Date of the start of the First World War;
6. The reason for the start of the First World War;
7. Who was the nationality of the last Russian empress, and what was her name?



And now it's time for a geography lesson combined with zoology and botany. Tell us the name of the student who will answer the tricky questions of this quiz.

Geography and biology quiz questions:

1. At which pole are polar bears found?
2. List as many animals as possible listed in the Red Book;
3. Name the seas washing the shores of Greece;
4. In what climatic zone Australia is located;
5. Which bull was practically exterminated in the 19th century North America;
6. What was the name of Thailand before 1939;
7. Name the most major cities Siberia.



And the last lesson will not be quite ordinary. Now that our students have already thoroughly refreshed themselves and quenched their thirst, we invite everyone to the board, one at a time. After all, everyone, since school, probably has some words left that were not spoken - words of first love, words of apology, words of gratitude. Therefore, in our lesson of frankness, you will be able to correct this injustice 20 years later, and already from the height of your age, experience and worldly wisdom, tell one of your classmates or teachers something that you didn’t have time to voice at school. Maybe we'll even hear confessions about breaking a window, or cheating in class!

Every former student will have the opportunity to say something to their former classmates or teachers (and since everyone has already had a little drink and relaxed, the number of people willing to be frank will increase).


Well, finally, written part our lesson on frankness. Now everyone will write anonymous notes specific people, fold them up and indicate the addressee so that his name and surname are visible. Then we will throw all these notes into a box, mix them up and distribute them. You can write anything!

After receiving and reading the notes, and the next approach to the buffet table, the presenter announces the end of the lessons:

Now it's time to chat with friends! After all, after finishing lessons, we always ran into the yard in a big group and tried to spend as much time together as possible. Let's take a look at the Odnoklassniki website and read there messages from those who, for some reason, could not come to our holiday today!


It's time for some 90's disco! We will start it with the “Guess the Melody” competition. Now we will listen to song introductions, and you will guess what kind of composition it is.

Competition "Guess the melody". The songs can be both foreign and domestic, the main thing is that the music belongs to the period of the early-mid 90s. Since the domestic rock movement was very developed at that time (“Chizh and Co,” “Nautilus Pompilius,” “ Civil defense", "Chaif", etc.), it is worth including popular compositions of these groups in the disco program.

During the disco, the presenter can perform all sorts of activities, especially when everyone is completely relaxed.

In addition, during breaks between dances, graduates can watch a pre-prepared photo and video selection from past years - joint trips, school performances.

You can also hold a “Miss Graduate” and “Mr. Graduate” competition.

School years fly by very quickly. It would seem that yesterday’s first-graders have become graduates today. We offer you a selection funny statuses about graduation that will help you get through these exciting moments and lift your spirits. We have also selected for you parting words great people who have achieved a lot in life. Let them help all graduates take a step into adulthood with confidence and make the right decision.

Graduation party opens the door to adulthood. This is the time when you have to choose future profession maybe leave parents' house and start independent life. Ahead entrance exams, mastering a profession, new acquaintances and new opportunities.

Every year the school graduates its students, everyone goes to different cities, each of them begins their own life. But, be that as it may, the school doors will always be open to every graduate. School will forever remain a second home, where everyone receives knowledge and makes friends. To re-immerse yourself in a carefree atmosphere school years and find out how your classmates are doing, there are alumni meetings. Some go to them to brag about their achievements, others sincerely miss their school friends.

A higher education institution is another place where a person spends best years in his life, learns to make decisions independently and be responsible for his actions. Graduation at a university is no less significant event, because after studying, everyday work awaits, and besides, you again have to part with people who have already become so close. Only after training do you understand that tests, exams and tests are mere trifles compared to the tests that life has prepared.


We've become adults now
We can't get our childhood back.
School opened the door to life for us
And showed the way. (S. Mikhalkov)

Graduation is the beginning of adulthood.

A completely uneducated person can only rob a boxcar, while a university graduate can steal railway. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Schools produce everyone, universities produce the best...

Thank you, teachers,
Because the Earth is round,
For Troy and for Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZHI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words,
Those that we now keep within ourselves.
We THANK YOU for everything!

We owe school knowledge only to teachers.

IN morning sky, tinted sun rays, a small blue ball was flying - their common dream. (E. Gabova. book Prom Tale)

Balloons are a dream that graduates send to the heavens.

Graduation is like the Olympics - you wait four years, and three people are having fun while the rest are crying over broken hopes. (From the movie Graduation)

At university there are 4, and at school there are all 11...)

It was dress rehearsal the future first ball, which for most will never take place, the false promise of a future continuous celebration of life, which will also not happen, parting with school, which for everyone without exception was a joyful event, but on this day was painted with false romantic colors. (L. Ulitskaya, book Green Tent)

At graduation, everyone talks about a bright future, but no one warns about the difficulties ahead.

It's very difficult to concentrate and not give in internal monologue, which constantly sounds in my head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the liberal arts cliché about learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I thought: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you think. you think. That is, learning to be sensible and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth attention and how to extract meaning from experience. Because if you can't learn to make these kinds of choices as an adult, then life will seriously screw you up. Remember that hackneyed expression that says: The mind is the best servant and the worst master. (David Foster Wallace, graduate speech)

Graduation is a journey into adulthood, but you find your ticket 20 years after it.

Don't be sad that you won't be returning to school,
Youth is a wonderful time,
All we can do is wish
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Saying goodbye to school is always filled with sadness.

As you get older, you will realize that the definition of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is downing 20 shots of tequila. For me, more important thing is the opportunity to live your life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not try to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to some cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never follow a path trodden by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation (Ellen DeGeneres, speech to graduates)

After school, graduates are driven by ambitions; after a while, by goals.

The beautiful white floor-length dress I wore to prom was in many ways similar to those worn here, and yet it could easily seem strange or vulgar. (A. Akulova, book Devil's Graduation)

When wearing a white dress to prom, graduates probably want to imagine themselves as a bride...

What does graduation mean to you?
This is the evening of farewell to childhood.
This is a holiday with an open soul
And a little wounded at heart.
This is the urge to go back
Where were you just yesterday?
This ball will spin until the morning,
So that you don't forget him.

Between childhood and adult life there is one evening - Graduation.

Dear Graduates! Create your own compass and trust it. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always makes mistakes. (Aaron Sorkin)

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.


Last call: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and protect Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

They have lived to see that they are no longer protecting them from scammers, but from graduates...)))

Boys are made into men by the army, and girls are made into women by graduation.

Men and women are made to test and age.

On graduation party young people, faced with a non-standard bra clasp, kiss until dawn.

You can learn anatomy at graduation better than in biology class...)

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited for the dawn for six months.

Well, at least you waited?)

Looking at some of the graduates, one can’t help but want to ask: where did they graduate from?

Imagine from school)

The more you achieve in life, the harder it is to ignore alumni reunions.

The alumni meeting is a reason to brag about your achievements.

Today, graduates will be fished out of fountains, oh, these kids.

They need to somehow put themselves in order, so they climb into the fountains...)

Why 3rd, there is also a 4th - those that are not prepared at all)

In general, many university graduates are suitable for the army, but only for war with a virtual enemy!

Suitable for training too... only part-time and distance learning...)

CHEF (looking into the water): Are you a university graduate?? Yes, you will miscarry him!!

Some students educational institutions they release others, they throw them out...)

Rector at graduation: “After graduation, go to America. Let their economy collapse there.”

It’s immediately obvious that the university prepares real specialists!

If school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty.

When you begin to live an adult life, you understand that school is not a prison, but a heavenly place. And, if it’s a prison, then you’re ready to suffer your punishment in it again, but, alas, they won’t take you anymore.

School graduation is the only day in life when all parents chip in for alcohol for their children!

They chip in, and then reprimand them for going too far...)

Goodbye, oh school, oh resident evil. And hello to the institute, oh citadel of vice!

Where has virtue gone?)

And only after graduation you realize how much you have fallen in love with these idiots over the past 10 years...

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