Victory Day celebration. Victory Day in Russia: history and traditions of the holiday

Scenario of the event “Day Victory - holiday throughout the country"

To the 70th anniversary of the Victory 2015.

Ved: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Hello everyone who is in this room today. This means that you are not left out of this great feat. Soviet people, from the oppressive pain that does not subside over the years, from the sorrow in the eyes of those whom the Great Patriotic War at least somehow touched with its black wing.Memory... It has a beginning, but has no end.And today we have all gathered together in this hall to celebrate our 70th anniversary. Great Victory in Great Patriotic War and say that we remember you, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Number: 1st class installation

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country.

The brass band plays marches.

Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair

Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and those younger.

Even those who have not seen war -

But everyone was touched by her wing, -

We congratulate you on Victory Day!

This day is important for all of Russia!

Today and the years are already gray

Since the war was over,

But congratulations on Victory Day

The country of grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Thank you, dear, dear ones.

Those who protected us then

And those who defended Russia

At the price of military labor.

To you, veterans of fierce battles.

Whose youth is battle-hardened!

To you, home front workers of different generations.

By hard work bringing your Victory closer

We dedicate this concert!

Ved: There are events over which time has no power, and the further you go into the past, the clearer their greatness becomes. Such events include the Great Patriotic War. Fewer and fewer of those who fought for our Motherland are left alive. Today we, the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans, bow deeply to you for your courage and fortitude, patience and mercy, for your boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory.


Ved: Our generation knows about the horrors of the Great Patriotic War from books, films, and for those lucky enough, from the stories of our great-grandparents. But the pictures of the war were etched into our memory by lines of poems, verses of songs, and documentary photographs. We will always remember this war. And someday, our children will hear from us “Once upon a time there was a war...”

Ved: Summer...1941. The gardens were blooming, the children were laughing, singing, and enjoying the sun. The boys went to sanatoriums during the holidays.

And suddenly - WAR!!

The most brutal and bloody war in human history. IN human memory this day remained not just as a fateful date, but also as a milestone, the beginning of the countdown of the long thousand four hundred and eighteen days and nights of the Great Patriotic War.

Ved: There was so much silence in the world

An hour before the onset of war...

Who had dreams about an approaching battle?

There was so much silence in the world,

That I only dreamed about happiness involuntarily.

Number: Song "Great-grandfather" performed by 2nd grade

Leading: Stop, time! Stop and look back. Look back at those who look at us in stone from the heights of their monuments.
Look back at those whose names are carved at the foot of the obelisks. For those who gave for you and me the most precious things they had - spring and the first kiss, happiness and life that was just beginning.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Metronome. Minute of silence

Ved: Very young and not very young; blond, red, gray; Soviet men, loving and unloving, went to war, clearly deciding that they only needed victory. Soviet people stood up for the defense of the Fatherland, at the front and in the rear, in partisan detachments and in the underground, day after day, they forged victory, sparing no effort and their lives to defeat the enemy. Today, we cannot help but remember those who left and did not return.

Let's remember everyone by name!

Let us remember with our grief!

It's not the dead who need this!

The living need this!


Ved. Every year we move further and further away from the war era. But time has no power over what people experienced during the war. It was very difficult time. Soviet soldier knew how to boldly look mortal danger in the eye. By his will, his blood, victory was achieved over a strong enemy. There are no limits to the greatness of his feat in the name of the Motherland, just as there are no limits to the greatness labor feat Soviet people.

Ved:Light candles for all those who died
Let them burn with the fire of hearts
Flowers of lives that arose in the war
Because my father didn't come back from the war
For the brothers who did not return from battle
For the husband - for the bride - for the wife
For the lives of children taken away by war
For cold, hunger and complete darkness
For those who did not live to see this meeting
Light the candles everyone...
Light the candles

Number: “Fire of Memory” 5th grade

Ved: The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For everything, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And she laid so much on the ground

That even after so many years

The living cannot believe that they are alive.

And having straightened the ticket to the dead,

Everyone is coming from someone close to you,

And times will be added to the lists

Someone else who is not there.

And they put up, they put up obelisks.

The years fly by...

And the paler the lightning,

The deeper the echo of the terrible days,

The more the Motherland can be proud

Victory of the faithful sons.

Ved: The Patriotic War is not only blood, suffering and death, but also the upsurge of the human spirit, the highest measure of honor, nobility and loyalty...

Ved: Images of distant loved ones, their devotion, fidelity helped our soldiers in difficult everyday life at the front, in heavy battles, gave them strength and courage.


Ved: During the war, soldiers not only fought, they continued to live, remembered home, mother, beloved, wrote letters... Letters flew to all corners of the country. Not all of them reached their recipients. But it was an immense happiness for everyone to receive news from their relatives. But different news came.

Ved: All one it hurts,

And it sounds more incessantly every day

Eternal anguish of lamentations

We will meet you both on foot and on horseback,

Tired, stiff - any -

If only it weren’t for the emptiness of funerals,

Don't foresee them!

Number: “Pilots” 8th grade

The Soviet people led 1418 days and nights liberation war. The path to Victory was long and difficult! More than 20 million of them died. There was not a person alive who did not know the bitterness of loss. 20 million went into immortality so that we could live.

Our country lost over twenty million people in that war. The language of numbers is stingy. But listen and imagine... If we dedicated one minute of silence to each victim, we would have to remain silent for 20 million minutes, which is more than thirty-eight years of memorial prayer.

Let's remember! Each one by name! Glorious warriors buried in our land, Those who brought us victory in 1945. And he remained a soldier until his death.

Let's remember! Remember for life all those awarded posthumously! Let your name be immortal!

Bow down, people - both young and old - In honor of those who gave for happiness, Who gave their lives for the sake of life.

Years pass in succession, but we always remember you, dear ones, you will remain forever in our hearts - soldiers of the great Victory.

Ved. The front and the rear are the highest kinship, the highest equality in the world, for this is equality in feat, equality in love for the tormented homeland, equality in unshakable faith in victory!

The country lived and fought in incredibly difficult conditions. It turned into a huge battle camp, seized by a single impulse to expel the enemy from our land. People, forgetting about rest, did not leave the factories for days, trying to give the front as many tanks, planes, weapons, and ammunition as possible. Old men, women and children worked heroically in the rear. Their contribution to the cause of Victory is invaluable. Thank you very much We say today to the workers who now live in our village.


Ved: Wherever our soldiers are, no matter what duty they perform, they always remember their Motherland. Longing for Russia, for the Motherland, a feeling equal to oneself strong feeling love for wife, children, mother. This feeling, like a reflection, arose in the most desperate, most dangerous moments of the battle, when the soldiers were deaf from the explosions of shells, the cutting screech of fragments, when nothing existed around them...

Ved : The Soviet army defeated fascism. April 30, 1945... At 22:50 the Victory Banner soared over the Reichstag. Fair, liberation struggle was completed.

On the ninth day of jubilant May

When I lay down on silence on earth,

The news rushed from edge to edge

The world has won! The war is over!

The windows were no longer darkened anywhere

In the smoky cities of Europe.

Victory was bought at the price of blood,

May the globe always remember this.

Room: “Heirs of Victory” 4th grade

Ved: Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say: enough, enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It is never possible to say everything, because there is no measure of the tragedy of the war, there is no measure of the heroism of the people shown in it, there is no measure of bitterness and suffering.

Ved: We're walking down memory lane

Leafing through the chronicle Great one war.

And everything we say is dedicated today

To the heroes and soldiers of that war!

You survived even if you were buried

You survived, even if unknown

You were able to pass under heavy fire,

We dedicate songs to you today!


Ved: Fighting, dusty roads,

They took us to mortal combat,

And few managed to return,

Sing a song in memory of those who have passed away!


Ved: Glory to you, brave ones,

Glory to the fearless!

Eternal glory the people sing to you.

Living valiantly, crushing death

The memory of you will never die!

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten - words deep meaning, facing not only the past, but also the future. Many, many heroes have left us forever, but their names will forever remain in people's memory.


Ved: No matter what time we live in, we, peaceful people, would not want to face the horror of war. The war is long over. But still, mothers, wives and children of military personnel wait for their beloved sons, husbands and fathers to be ladies. And they, being at a combat post, know for sure: the faith of their relatives will save them in difficult times.

Ved: You won't serve -you won’t recognize,

The strength of the drill song,

You walk in step with the song,

During the day you walk along the pavement.

If you don't serve, you won't know

What is a forced march?

You can’t rest for 20 miles,

And you still run for an hour.

If you don't serve, you won't know

Who is your faithful comrade,

With whom do you share as equals?

The difficulty of combat service.

Number: "" 6-7 grade

Ved. Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!
To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!
And to those who, approaching Victory Day,
He didn’t leave the workshop for weeks.
Thanks to the women who worked in the fields
Orphaned villages and hamlets.
Thank you for our happy holiday,
Here's to this difficult and wonderful day!

Ved.: Boys dance, girls dance,

Like grandmothers before, like grandfathers before.

At any time, we need music.

We will dance until the morning.

Number: “Clouds in Blue” 9th grade

Ved: All people on Earth know and remember that “A thin world is better good fight"And that's why we all want peace on Earth and that there will never be wars.

World! This word is like an alarm bell
Wakes up our planet.
Let it be engulfed in the flames of war
There will never be peace.

The earth is calling to you, man,
So that you save her from the nuclear storm.
And the majestic beauty of its forests and rivers
You helped preserve it for posterity!


Ved: The children of the whole earth are playing war,

But do children really dream about war?

Let only laughter break up the silence

On a joyful cloudless planet!

Ved: So that everyone in the world can live without war,

Let the ice floes of anger and enmity melt!

Let's be friends, children of the whole earth!

Let our friendship grow with us!


Ved: This feat will live in memory

And burn in our hearts!

Those who were ready to divide with the enemy,

Equally only death!

Ved: We remember the war not because

To boast of victory once again,

We simply repeat everything to everyone:

This shouldn't happen again.

Ved. Are children born for death?
Did you really want us to die?
The flame hit the sky -
Do you remember
She said quietly: “Get up to help...” -
We are from leaden rods
They fell into the snow with a running start,
But - they rose in height
Voiced like Victory!
As a continuation of the day,
They walked hard and powerfully...
You can kill me
It is impossible to kill us!



While hearts are beating, remember!

At what price is happiness won, please remember!

Remember your song when you take off!

Remember those who will never sing again!

Tell your children about them so that they remember

Tell your children's children about them so that they remember them too!!!

Ved.. Over 11 thousand soldiers of all nationalities were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was repeated more than 300 times during the war. immortal feat Alexander Matrosov, who covered the embrasure of the enemy firing point. For heroic defense and perseverance, the title of “hero city” was awarded to Moscow, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Kyiv, Stalingrad (Volgograd), Minsk, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Tula, Smolensk, Murmansk. Brest Fortress awarded the title of “hero-fortress”.


Ved.: Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were signalmen, intelligence officers, doctors, nurses, and orderlies. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle, kind female hands.

Guns roar, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.

Sister whispers:
“Come on, I’ll support you
I will bandage your wound!”
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms!
There is so much love and warmth in it!
My sister saved many from death!

Number: Nurses

Presenter 1: Victory Day - two short words,

But what a big scope they have

How infinitely precious

In these wonderful words.

Victory did not come to the people in vain,

It came at an immeasurable cost.

And the blow of war is still severe

He will not get even with the great country.

But we know, having endured all the troubles,

The people saved themselves and the world from darkness

And that’s why Victory Day is so dear

To all generations and to each of us.


I've never seen war

And I can’t imagine her horror,

But the fact that our world wants silence,

Today I understand very clearly.

Thank you that we didn't have to

Imagine and recognize such torment.

It was all your share -

Anxiety, hunger, cold and separation.

Presenter: Victory went along the front roads

And, filling the air with music,

With hope, with pain, with joy, with anxiety,

Swallowing tears, the whole world was waiting for her!


You came like this!

You warmed the world with your warmth,

No, I don’t know other words -

Victory Day - you are beyond words!!!

Ved.: Today the holiday enters every home,
And joy comes to people with it.
We congratulate you on your great day,
Happy day of our glory! Happy Victory Day


May your sky be clear
The star of joy does not go out.
And the roar of tanks and guns
He will die forever.
Over the years, without arguing,
We wish you with all our hearts
Health and health again,
And good and great life!

Victory Day

Victory! Which winged word,
It lights up hearts like fire!
It makes anyone tremble
It raises a fighter to feat!
It's like a rushing autumn wind,
Blows away fatigue and cheers the spirit.
Victory! And the stars shine more radiantly.
Victory! And the sun shines brighter!

We believe that no one will dare to disturb the peace for which so many lives have been given. And for the sake of this faith, remember the horrors of war, for the sake of this faith, take care of the world!
Peace is happiness for all children, for all people. Without peace there is no childhood, no future.
Peace is a morning full of hope and light. This is a day filled with labor worries and accomplishments.
The world is blooming gardens and golden fields of wheat. The world is a school with sunshine in its windows.
The world is the roar of tractors and combines, not the grinding of tanks. Peace is life, not death.

We need peace - you and me,
And to all the children in the world.
And the dawn should be peaceful,
Which we will meet tomorrow.
We need peace - grass in dew,
Smiling childhood
We need peace beautiful world,
Who cares about this world?
With flowers on the edge?
Who in this world wonderful world
Aimed the cannon?
Why are they scaring us again?
With hidden anger
That's scary atomic war,
Is it a neutron bomb?
“No” - we declare to war,
To all evil and dark forces...
The grass must be green
And the sky is blue.
Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing,
Birds sing on the branches.
On a wonderful land
We were lucky to be born.
So let it always bloom,
Let the gardens rustle,
Let people look at her
With loving eyes.

It's arrived peacetime, but the scars brutal war remained in every city and village and in each of us. Today, memorial complexes have been created, battle sites are marked with obelisks, monuments with red stars keep the names of the fallen soldiers, and we will remember them forever. Because it is impossible to forget the great disasters and misfortunes that the war brought to our country, our people. We remember at what bloody price the Victory was won, and we will never forget those who gave their lives for the Motherland for our lives and freedom.

The war has passed

The suffering is over

But pain calls to people:

Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

Let her memory be true

They keep about this torment,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren's grandchildren.

Let there always be that time

Brings us to memory

And the first snow and rye in bloom,

When he walks in the wind.

And every house and every garden

In a row - big and small,

And the day is sunrise and the day is sunset

Over dark forest scarlet.

Let it be in everything that life is full of.

In everything that is dear to the heart,

We will be given a reminder

About what happened in the world.

9 May 2017, 09:35

Victory Day- celebration of the victory of the people of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Celebrated on May 9.

Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated not on May 9, but on May 8.
War-torn Europe celebrated Victory Day sincerely and publicly. May 9, 1945 in almost all European cities people congratulated each other and the winning soldiers.

In London, the center of celebrations was Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. People were congratulated by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Winston Churchill gave a speech from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

In the USA, there are two whole Victory Days: V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day) and V-J Day(Victory Day over Japan). Americans celebrated both of these Victory Days in 1945 on a grand scale, honoring their veterans and remembering President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Victory Day coincided with the birthday of President Harry Truman. He dedicated the victory to the memory of his predecessor, Franklin Roosevelt, who died of a cerebral hemorrhage a month before Germany's surrender.

Now the veterans are celebrating this way - they go to lay wreaths and salute the fallen in the city of Washington at the memorial to the heroes of World War II. And the real Victory Day in the USA is September 2, 1945.

On this day, September 2, 1945, at 9:02 a.m. Tokyo time on board the U.S. battleship"Missouri" in Tokyo Bay signed the Instrument of Surrender Japanese Empire. On the Japanese side, the document was signed by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and the chief General Staff Yoshijiro Umezu. Representatives allied powers were Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers Douglas MacArthur, American Admiral Chester Nimitz, commander of the British Pacific Fleet Bruce Fraser Soviet general Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko, Kuomintang General Su Yung-chang, French general J. Leclerc, Australian General T. Blamey, Dutch Admiral K. Halfrich, New Zealand Air Vice-Marshal L. Isit and Canadian Colonel N. Moore-Cosgrave.

Apart from the USSR, May 9 was officially recognized as Victory Day only in Great Britain. This country waged war against fascism from 1939 and until 1941 fought Hitler almost alone.

The British clearly did not have enough strength to defeat Germany, but when faced with the terrible machine of the Wehrmacht, it was they who were able to appreciate the feat of the Soviet people who crushed it.

After the end of the war, many of our veterans remained in Great Britain, so now England has the largest diaspora of USSR veterans in Western Europe. It is worth noting that although Victory Day is celebrated in Britain, it is not done so magnificently and loudly. There are no crowds of celebrating people, large processions or parades on the streets.

On May 9, in London, in the park near the Imperial War Museum, the traditional laying of wreaths at the monument to Soviet soldiers and citizens who died in the war takes place, as well as a meeting of veterans of the Northern convoys on board the cruiser Belfast.

Northern convoys and the maritime brotherhood that united British and Soviet sailors further united the veterans. The celebrations do not differ in pomp, but they are held very dignified, with the participation of members royal family and senior government officials. Living survivors of air battles with the Luftwaffe, icy, but no less hot campaigns northern seas and those who have had the opportunity to swallow the hot sand of the African desert, after meeting on the cruiser Belfast, listen to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. There are fewer and fewer veterans, and if earlier music sounded only for them, now free seats there is more, and everyone who wants to is invited to enjoy it.

The history of the Victory Day holiday dates back to May 9, 1945 when in the suburbs of Berlin the chief of staff supreme command Field Marshal W. Keitel from the Wehrmacht, Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the USSR Georgy Zhukov from the Red Army and British Air Marshal A. Tedder from the Allies signed an act of unconditional and complete surrender of the Wehrmacht.

Berlin was taken on May 2, but German troops resisted the Red Army for more than a week before the fascist command, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, finally decided to surrender.

On May 7 at 2:41 a.m. in Reims, the act of unconditional surrender Germany. On behalf of the German High Command, the Instrument of Surrender was signed by General Jodl in the presence of General Walter Smith (on behalf of the Allied Expeditionary Forces), General Ivan Susloparov (on behalf of the Soviet High Command) and General French army Francois Sevez as a witness.

General Susloparov signed the act in Reims at his own peril and risk, since he did not manage to contact the Kremlin in time and receive instructions. Stalin was outraged by the signing of the surrender at Reims, in which the Western allies played the leading role.

Representatives of the allied command (from left to right): Major General I.A. Susloparov, Lieutenant General Walter Smith, Army General Dwight Eisenhower and Air Marshal Arthur Tedder. Reims, May 7, 1945.

The document signed in Rains came into force at 23:00 on May 8th. Many believe that due to the time difference between the USSR and Europe, it turned out that we celebrate this holiday in different days. However, it's not that simple.
The act of surrender was re-signed.

Stalin ordered Marshal Zhukov to accept general surrender in the capital of the defeated state, Berlin, from representatives of the branches of the German armed forces.

On May 8 at 22:43 Central European time (May 9 at 0:43 Moscow time) in the suburbs of Berlin, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, as well as Luftwaffe representative Colonel General Stumpf and Kriegsmarine Admiral von Friedeburg signed the act of complete surrender of Germany again .

“I can’t help but brag,” photographer Petrusov later wrote. - It took me a lot of effort to tear myself away from filming close up- Marshal Zhukov, Keitel and others, give up the hard-won place at the table itself, step aside, climb onto the table and take this photo, which gives the overall picture of the signing. I am rewarded - there is no such second shot.”

However, all these details, while of interest to researchers, in no way affect our attitude towards the very fact of the Great Victory.

Berlin, May 1945

Red banners on the quadriga of the Brandenburg Gate. Berlin. May 1945. (Archive photos)

Soviet soldiers on the streets of Berlin. May 1945. (Archive photos)

Fireworks in honor of the Victory. On the roof of the Reichstag, soldiers of the battalion under the command of Hero of the Soviet Union Stepan Andreevich Neustroev. May 1945. (Archive photos)

Red Army troops on the streets of Bucharest, 1944. (Archive photos)

And before all these events, Stalin signed a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that from now on May 9 becomes public holiday Victory Day and is declared a day off. At 6 o'clock in the morning Moscow time, this Decree was read out on the radio by announcer Levitan. The first Victory Day was celebrated with people on the streets congratulating each other, hugging, kissing and crying.

On May 9, in the evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow, the largest in the history of the USSR: thirty salvos were fired from a thousand guns.

But May 9th was a day off for only three years. In 1948, it was ordered to forget about the war and devote all efforts to restoring the national economy destroyed by the war.

Only in 1965, already in the relatively prosperous era of Brezhnev, in the 20th anniversary of Victory, the holiday was again given its due. May 9 became a day off again, Parades, large-scale fireworks in all cities - Heroes and honoring of veterans - resumed.
Victory Banner

The banner, taken down from the Reichstag, where Yegorov and Kantaria planted it, did not participate in the first Victory Parade. It bore the name of the 150th division, where the soldiers served, and the country's leadership considered that such a banner could not be a symbol of Victory, which was achieved by the whole people, and not by one division. And in fact, this is correct, since in those days this Banner was not the only one that was hoisted soviet soldiers on the day of the capture of Berlin.

In 2007, a controversy flared up again around the Victory Banner: after all, on it you can see a sickle and a hammer - symbols of a state that no longer exists. And again common sense prevailed, and the banner once again fluttered proudly over the ranks of soldiers and cadets striding across Red Square.

In addition to festive victory parades in the cities of the country, Victory Day has other attributes and traditions:
Laying wreaths and flowers on memorial cemeteries and monuments to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Traditionally, flowers are laid on the worship mountain and at the monument to the unknown soldier; in St. Petersburg, the main laying ceremony takes place at the Piskarevsky cemetery and at the memorial plaque on Nevsky Prospekt, in Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan. And throughout the country there are thousands of thousands of monuments, memorial plaques and memorial places where everyone, young and old, brings flowers on Victory Day on May 9th.
A minute of silence. Solemn funeral ceremonies of laying flowers are traditionally accompanied by a minute of silence in memory of all those who died during the Great Patriotic War. A minute of silence is a sign of respect to all the people who gave their lives so that today we would have a peaceful sky above our heads.

Victory salute. Victory Day ends with festive fireworks. The first fireworks in Moscow were given in 1943 in honor of the successful offensive of the Red Army, after which a tradition arose of arranging fireworks after successful actions with Hitler's troops. And, of course, one of the most grandiose fireworks was the fireworks on May 9, 1945, on the day the complete surrender of the fascist troops was announced. The fireworks began at 10 p.m. Moscow time; since then, every year at 10 p.m., Victory fireworks begin in many cities, reminding us that the country survived, overthrew the invaders, and is rejoicing!

St. George Ribbon

There are fewer and fewer living witnesses of that war, more and more political forces some foreign countries They are trying to denigrate the heroic soldiers of our victorious army. And in order to pay tribute to the memory and respect of the exploits of our heroes, so that the younger generation knows, remembers and is proud of their history, a new tradition- tie a St. George ribbon on Victory Day. The action is called “I remember! I'm proud!

St. George's Ribbon - bicolor (two-color) orange and black. It traces its history from the ribbon to the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious, established on November 26, 1769 by Empress Catherine II. This tape with minor changes entered the USSR award system as “ Guards ribbon” is a sign of special distinction for a soldier.

The block of the very honorable “soldier’s” Order of Glory is covered with it. The black color of the ribbon means smoke, and the orange color means flame. In our time, an interesting tradition has emerged associated with this ancient symbol. Young people, on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, wear a ribbon as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with the heroic Russian soldiers who defended the freedom of our country in the distant 40s.

A fine can easily be issued for disrespectful attitude towards the symbol.

Volunteers are distributing new rules for wearing the Victory symbol among the country's population. From the very beginning of the St. George's Ribbon campaign, on April 24, volunteers have been warning about the strict rules associated with wearing the symbol.

“It is strictly forbidden to attach the ribbon to a bag or car, wear it below the belt, on the head, tie it on the arm, or treat it disrespectfully,” according to the website of the “Volunteers of Victory” project. In case of neglect, a citizen may face a fine».

The St. George ribbon can only be worn on the lapel of a jacket, near the heart. This is reported to everyone who decides to take part in the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign.

“It is a symbol of respect and memory. Therefore, we believe that the place for him is on the left side of the chest. This is how we show our recognition to the departed heroes,” the volunteers add.

Metronome sounds. In St. Petersburg there is a special attribute of Victory Day - the sound of a metronome from all radio broadcast points. During the difficult 900 days of the siege of Leningrad, the sounds of the metronome did not subside for a minute, announcing that the city was living, the city was breathing. These sounds gave vitality To Leningraders exhausted by the siege, it can be said without exaggeration that the sounds of the metronome saved thousands of lives.

Marches of the "Immortal Regiment"
In an endless stream through the squares and streets of cities on Victory Day, soldiers who died during the war march together with living participants in the processions. " Immortal Regiment"consists of photographs of these people. Descendants have found a way to once again remember dear relatives and friends, pay tribute to their memory, and bow deeply for their feat.

Holiday Parade. The Victory Parade in Russia is traditionally held on Red Square in Moscow. In addition to Moscow, on May 9 Parades are held in other cities - heroes of the former USSR.

The first Parade in honor of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War took place on June 24, 1945 on Red Square.

The decision to hold the Victory Parade on Red Square was made by Stalin in mid-May 1945, almost immediately after the defeat of the last group of Nazi troops resisting on May 13th.

June 22, 1945 The Pravda newspaper published an order supreme commander in chief I.V. Stalin for No. 370: “In commemoration of the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, I appoint a Parade of Troops on June 24, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square Active Army, Navy and the Moscow garrison - Victory Parade. Bring to the Parade: consolidated regiments of the fronts, consolidated regiment of the People's Commissariat of Defense, consolidated regiment of the Navy, military academies, military schools and troops of the Moscow garrison. The Victory Parade will be hosted by my Deputy Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov. Command the Victory Parade to Marshal of the Soviet Union Rokossovsky."

The first Victory Parade was prepared very carefully. According to the recollections of veterans, rehearsals took place for a month and a half. Soldiers and officers, who had been accustomed for four years to crawling on their bellies and moving in short dashes, had to be taught to take a step at a frequency of 120 steps per minute. First, stripes were drawn on the asphalt along the length of the step, and then they even pulled strings that helped set the height of the step. The boots were covered with a special varnish, in which the sky was reflected as if in a mirror, and metal plates were nailed to the soles, which helped to stamp the step. The Parade began at ten o'clock in the morning, almost all this time it was raining, at times turning into downpour, which was recorded by newsreel footage. About forty thousand people took part in the Parade. Zhukov and Rokossovsky rode to Red Square on white and black horses, respectively.

Joseph Vissarionovich himself only watched the Parade from the rostrum of the Lenin Mausoleum. Stalin stood on the platform of the mausoleum on the left, losing the middle to the front-line generals - the winners.

Also present at the podium were Kalinin, Molotov, Budyonny, Voroshilov and other members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Zhukov “received” the Parade from Rokossovsky, rode along with him along the soldiers lined up in ranks and greeted them with three “hurrays”, then climbed to the podium of the Mausoleum and read out a welcoming speech, dedicated to victory USSR over Nazi Germany. Combined regiments of the fronts: Karelian, Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd, 2nd and 1st Belorussian, 1st, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian, consolidated regiment solemnly marched across Red Square Navy. As part of the 1st regiment Belorussian Front Representatives of the Polish Army marched in a special column. In front of the marching columns of the fronts were the commanders of the fronts and armies with swords drawn. The banners of the formations were carried by Heroes of the Soviet Union and other order bearers. A column of soldiers was moving behind them special battalion from among the heroes of the Soviet Union and other soldiers who particularly distinguished themselves in battle. They carried the banners and standards of the defeated fascist Germany, which were thrown to the foot of the Mausoleum and set on fire. Further along Red Square, units of the Moscow garrison passed, then cavalrymen galloped, legendary carts passed, air defense formations, artillery, motorcyclists, light armored vehicles and heavy tanks followed. Airplanes piloted by renowned aces flew through the sky.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Victory Day parades ceased again for some time. They were revived again only in the anniversary 1995 year, when two parades took place in Moscow at once: the first on Red Square and the second on memorial complex Poklonnaya Mountain.

Happy Victory Day, my dears!

The Great Victory Day is a national holiday, a tribute to the feat of our people. The Victory Day holiday is held annually on May 9. In 1941 in Soviet Union came the most terrible war, which lasted four years and claimed tens of millions of lives. Our people won the bloody war over the Nazis on May 9, 1945, paying for it high price. Now May 9 is one of the most glorious and exciting holidays.

The memory of the war is the duty of all living

The first Victory Day in the country's history was celebrated as a holiday after Hitler's surrender in 1945. On this joyful spring day, the Decree designating May 9 as Victory Day, the act of surrender of Nazi Germany, was read out over all loudspeakers of the USSR. The first victory Parade in 1945 took place on June 24 in Moscow. May 9 was a holiday for three years, then, to restore the destroyed economy, the holiday temporarily ceased to be considered a red day.

But on the twenty-year anniversary of the Victory in 1965, in the USSR calendar, the victorious date again became a state official holiday. Since then, on this day, celebratory laying of wreaths and flowers at monuments to war heroes has been held throughout the state. holiday fireworks, a solemn military parade with a demonstration of equipment on Moscow’s Red Square and in the hero cities of Russia. Citizens of all ages endless stream They rush to memorials and monuments and bring flowers. In the Soviet Union, every family was touched by the sorrow of that terrible bloody war. Meetings and congratulations of veterans have become traditional.

The May spring holiday Victory Day is beloved and revered in Russia and other countries that suffered during the Second World War.

The war became a tragedy, but it was unity and courage, perseverance and dedication, military heroism and love for the Motherland that helped the Soviet people defeat Hitler's fascism.

This Victory is the glory and pride of the Soviet Union and modern. Victory Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to everyone who died, fought or worked on the home front at that time. The generation of veterans is passing away, and all we have to do is preserve the bright memory of the war heroes, love our Motherland and be worthy of their great feat.

It is the honorable duty of all living to remember what event the Victory Day holiday is dedicated to, not to forget about greatest feat our people and prevent new tragedies in the history of mankind.

This is the holiday that marks the end terrible war, which claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians. This date will remain forever in history and will always remind of those terrible events and the great defeat of the fascist troops.

Historical treachery

The Great Patriotic War (WWII), which is the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945, began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany, violating the Soviet-German treaty, attacked the Soviet Union.

The non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union (known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) was signed on August 23, 1939. Historians argue that by signing this pact, Stalin gained time to prepare the country for war, which he considered inevitable.

On the front, stretching from the Barents to the Black Sea, from 8 to 13 million people fought simultaneously on both sides in different periods, from 6 to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 85 to 165 thousand guns and mortars, from 7 to 19 thousand airplanes.

Blitzkrieg failure

Plan lightning war(plan Barbarossa), during which German command planned to capture the entire Soviet Union in a few months, but failed in the fall of 1941.

The failure of Hitler's plan was facilitated by the defense of Moscow, Leningrad, the Arctic and all other main directions. The war dragged on, the course of events changed. The Soviet army, having gained strength, defeated fascist troops near Moscow, Leningrad, in the Caucasus, inflicted on the enemy crushing blows on Kursk Bulge, near Stalingrad and launched a large-scale offensive on all fronts.

The liberation march ended with the surrender of Germany.

In total, the armed forces of the Soviet Union defeated 607 fascist divisions over the course of four years. On Eastern Front German forces and their allies lost more than 8.6 million people. More than 75% of all weapons and military equipment enemy.

History of the holiday

The first Victory Day in history was celebrated in 1945. That evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow - a grandiose spectacle at that time - thousands of anti-aircraft guns fired 30 victorious salvos.

The parade in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War took place on Red Square in Moscow on June 24, 1945. The parade was hosted by Marshal Zhukov. It was at this parade that an event took place that would forever become part of history. world history- the deposition of Nazi banners and standards that were thrown onto the platform near the Mausoleum.

Until 1948, Victory Day was an official holiday. In 1948, the holiday on May 9 was abolished. Only in 1965, Victory Day again became a non-working day. In the period between 1965-1990, the holiday was celebrated very widely.

After the collapse of the USSR, many countries, including Georgia, continue to celebrate Victory Day.

"Price" of Victory

The Second World War and the Great Patriotic War are the largest battle in terms of scale and ferocity, which became a tragedy for the inhabitants of many countries of the world, bringing human losses unprecedented in history and countless suffering to millions of people.

In total, almost 35.5 million Soviet troops took part in hostilities during the war. 490 thousand women were drafted into the Army and Navy. Total losses Soviet Army amounted to more than 11.9 million people, and in total The Soviet Union lost 25.6 million citizens. According to other sources, total losses may be approximately 29.6 million people. Among the victims of the war, at least 13.7 million people are civilians.

During the war years in the USSR, 1,710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages, 32 thousand plants and factories were destroyed, 98 thousand collective farms were plundered - the total cost of these destructions was 128 billion dollars.

Every fifth person who fought in the Great Patriotic War was awarded an award. In total, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 11,681 soldiers, and 2,532 people were complete gentlemen Order of Glory.

Victory Day traditions

On Victory Day, thousands of people lay wreaths at the graves Unknown Soldier, near Eternal Flame, which burns in memory of the war heroes.

Veterans, who are becoming fewer and fewer every year, gather on Victory Day for central squares cities, meet fellow soldiers, remember fallen comrades.

On this day it is customary to visit battle sites and monuments. military glory, on the graves dead soldiers. Traditionally, the laying of wreaths and flowers, rallies, and the ceremonial passage of military units are held here.

European countries celebrate Victory Day in World War II on May 8, the day on which Germany signed the act of surrender, Central European Time.

On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their Motherland against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War was the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Romania, Italy took her side, and a few days later Hungary, Slovakia and Finland.

(Military encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S.B. Ivanov. Military Publishing House. Moscow. in 8 volumes - 2004. ISBN 5 - 203 01875 - 8)

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed conflict in human history. On a huge front stretching from the Barents to the Black Sea, from 8 to 12.8 million people fought on both sides at different periods, from 5.7 to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 84 to 163 thousand guns and mortars were used, from 6.5 to 18.8 thousand aircraft. Such a huge scope of military operations and concentration of such large mass The history of wars has not yet known military equipment.

The act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8 at 22:43 Central European time (Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the End of World War II is celebrated on May 8 in Europe, and on May 9 in the Soviet Union.

And only in 1965, the year of the twentieth anniversary of the victory Soviet troops, by decree of the presidium Supreme Council May 9 was again declared a non-working day. The holiday was given an exclusively solemn status, and a special anniversary medal was established. On May 9, 1965, a military parade was held on Red Square in Moscow, and the Victory Banner was carried in front of the troops.

Since then, Victory Day has always been celebrated very solemnly in the USSR, and holding military parades on May 9 has become a tradition. Streets and squares were decorated with flags and banners. At 7 pm a minute of silence was declared in memory of the victims. Mass meetings of veterans in the center of Moscow have become traditional.

On May 9, 1991, the last parade of the USSR era took place, and no parades were held until 1995. In 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, a military parade was held in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt at Poklonnaya Gora. Samples of military equipment were demonstrated there, and columns of veterans marched across Red Square.

Since 1996, the tradition of holding military parades on main square country was enshrined in the law “On the perpetuation of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” According to it, parades should take place not only in Moscow, but also in hero cities, and in cities where the headquarters of military districts and fleets are located. The participation of military equipment is not stipulated in the law.

Since then, parades have been held annually. On Victory Day, veterans' meetings, ceremonial events and concerts are held. To monuments of military glory, memorials, mass graves Wreaths and flowers are laid, guards of honor are displayed. Memorial services are held in churches and temples in Russia.

Every year on this day in the hero cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Novorossiysk, Tula, Smolensk and Murmansk, as well as in the cities of Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Chita, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Severomorsk and A festive artillery salute is performed in Sevastopol. The first fireworks on the occasion of Victory Day were fired in Moscow on May 9, 1945, with 30 salvos from a thousand guns.

Since 2005, the patriotic event "St. George's Ribbon" has been held with the goal of returning and instilling the value of the holiday to the younger generation. On the eve of Victory Day, everyone can tie it on their hand, bag or car antenna." St. George's ribbon"in memory of the heroic past of the USSR, as a symbol of military valor, Victory, military glory and recognition of the merits of front-line soldiers.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

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