How to develop eloquence in the shortest possible time? Travel notes out loud.

From this article you will learn how to develop a child’s eloquence and how not to go overboard. fine line so that it does not turn into talkativeness and tediousness. There are also examples of exercises to develop the art of speaking beautifully, convincingly and confidently.

Each parent sees the future of their children only as bright and successful. For these thoughts to become a reality, we need daily work of both the parents and the child himself. Only perseverance, perseverance and correct life position will help a boy or girl develop into a successful adult over the years.

One of the keys is the ability to speak convincingly, accurately and correctly, adding, where required, to your statements emotional coloring. This ability is called eloquence.

Eloquence – or in other words, “red” or beautiful speech. For some, it may be innate, given by nature, but most people achieve its development through training, classes and training. Eloquence is ideal mastery of words; it is the ability to argue reasonedly and convincingly on any topic. Only an eloquent person can speak equally well both with a prepared speech and improvise if the conversation has gone in a different direction, deviated from the topic or questions have arisen.

Often in everyday life Difficult situations or misunderstandings arise that can and should be resolved with the help of words. This applies not only to adults, but also to schoolchildren and even before school age. With the help of persuasive speech, you can defend your position, protect your interests or the interests of your loved ones, and agree on something.

  • To speak confidently, it is important to have inner self-confidence, the ability to overcome fear, collect your thoughts, and restrain excessive emotions. Confidence should be felt not only in the words spoken, but also in gestures, facial expressions, and behavior.

How to develop a child's eloquence?

Skill development effective communication– one of important tasks who stand before parents and teachers. The ability to correctly recognize your feelings, formulate thoughts and express emotions using colloquial speech will become one of the components of your child’s successful future.

  • The ability to convince, instill confidence in listeners, win over, negotiate, find common language- a valuable aid that will help you get out of difficult situations. It is unlikely that a person who speaks slurredly and unconvincingly will achieve great success in his career or occupy a leadership position.

Undoubtedly, it is never too late to learn, but it is still better to develop the ability to speak, starting with childhood.

To speak in various topics and carry on a conversation, you need to have a rich vocabulary and a certain amount of knowledge. The love of reading books has waned in our time; children prefer to communicate in social networks, computer games and newfangled gadgets. Book in her classic version is becoming less popular with today's children. But without reading, it is impossible to achieve eloquence, since there is a close connection between reading, perception of information and its reproduction.

  • The emergence of new devices and technical means gave us e-books or audiobooks, which are a type of paper-based book. With their help, both adults and children can get acquainted with literary works Russian and foreign authors, expand your horizons, expand your vocabulary.

Communication with peers, teachers, and adults is also an integral part of the process of developing correct, competent and beautiful speech in children. Parents can also make a significant contribution to this process by being interested in the child's life. Ask, be interested, ask questions, push for reasoning, achieve detailed, complete answers to questions every day, unobtrusively and competently.

Exercises and techniques

As in any business, the main thing is not to overdo it. Eloquence can lead to talkativeness and empty reasoning about nothing, which is not an advantage, but rather, on the contrary, a disadvantage. When working with a child, it is important to convey to him that the ability to talk a lot and on any topic should be different from chatter, which, instead of having an attractive force, has the opposite effect.

One of simple exercises which is available to do at home is the following.

1. Invite your child to pick up an object and talk about it for 10 minutes

Let the object be, for example, a rubber ball. What can you say about him? Let the child describe it, talk about the material from which it is made, tell what can be done with it, etc. Perhaps during the first exercises it will be difficult for him to express his thoughts and gain confidence - help, show patience and tact, ask leading questions, etc. Daily exercise will definitely bear fruit!

2. Teach your child to be resourceful and inquisitive.

For example, if there is a word in the text whose meaning is unknown, let the child find its meaning in the dictionary, select synonyms for it, and make up a sentence with it. The chances that the word will be fixed in memory and replenish your vocabulary will increase significantly.

3. Game: “Yes”, “Don’t say no”

Many children like the game, the essence of which is as follows. One of the adults (mom, dad, grandmother) asks a question that cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”. The answer must be detailed. For example, the question: “Did you go to school today?” You can simply answer "yes", but the rules of the game do not allow this, so the answer may be: "I just got back from school."

You can complicate the task by asking the child to justify his answer, explain why he went to school, what lessons there were, what topic was covered, etc.

4. Train your child's memory

To acquire coherent, competent, convincing and understandable speech to others, you need to train your memory. Baggage of knowledge and life experience stored in memory from which it can be retrieved necessary information. It is possible to train your memory, and you should start from early childhood. In order to have good memory, you need to constantly train her: memorize poetry, read prose (fairy tales, short stories, poems) and retell them out loud, replacing words with synonyms.

For older children, you can read a short piece of news that is neutral in tone and retell it first solemnly, then with slight sadness, with irony, with sorrow, etc. - that is, to show that the meaning of what is said can change depending on the intonation, gestures and facial expressions of the speaker.

5. Teach your child to listen to your interlocutor

The ability to listen is very important in the formation of speech skills. Only after listening to the end of the question can you give the correct answer. Often, a text that is not heard enough or listened to inattentively can become distorted and acquire a completely different meaning than the one that the narrator wanted to convey. Therefore, being able to listen and analyze what you hear is important point, without which it is difficult to maintain a conversation or conduct a dialogue.

Eloquence is one of the components of a successful career, the key to productive communication and the ability to convey your own thoughts to others in a competent, accurate and convincing form. You need to strive for it with perseverance, perseverance and patience. After all, the statement familiar to many - whoever thinks clearly, expresses it clearly - has not yet been canceled and it continues to be relevant. Talk to your child, take an interest in his life, read, go to the cinema, reason, train his memory, teach him to listen - and success will not keep you waiting!

Try to talk about all sorts of incidents and adventures in a fascinating and extremely imaginative way...

TIP 1. Diction. Try to pronounce each word in a sentence slowly and deliberately. Speak as long as possible and try to do it all in one breath.

TIP 2. If possible, try to read out loud. This will help you understand better new material, since in the process of memorization it connects your two organs of perception - vision and hearing.

TIP 3. Learn to retell easily. Read a passage of any text, no more than five sentences, and retell it while doing so, trying to do it word for word, and then do it in your own words, independently constructing your speech.

TIP 4. Verbal thinking. Freedom of any speech is achieved neither by reading articles nor by memorizing them, but only by regular exercise in mastering the skills of rhetorical speech based on a summary consisting of keywords and your speech thinking. The speaker does not adhere to existing prepared phrases, but on the contrary, he pronounces the same thought over and over again, but each time doing it in a new way.

TIP 5. Try to talk about all sorts of incidents and adventures in a fascinating and extremely imaginative way. Jokes, short stories, the travel stories you tell should captivate your listeners.

TIP 6: Prepare a business message. A short segment from a newspaper article, retold in the form of keywords in your own words using a summary of these same keywords, is best retold many times with different verbal formats.

TIP 7: Prepare a speech that expresses your point of view. It can be any duration of no more than five minutes on a strictly defined topic: professional goal, hobbies, etc. Use as many keywords as possible in the story, but try to replace them with synonyms.

TIP 8. Train your memory regularly. Everyone who wants to become a speaker must train their memory. Make it a rule to memorize something every day: learn a poem or an excerpt from a book, or even better, start learning a foreign language.

TIP 9. Subdue your memory. Research shows that strengthening memory is achieved primarily by complex influence of three main factors:

  • concentration of attention (increasing the ability to perceive);
  • creation of associations (so-called “memory bridges”);
  • repetition (the mother of learning).

TIP 10. Determine for yourself how you remember information better. Someone has motor memory , like Napoleon, a man with perhaps the best memory for names of his time: he wrote down a new name three times, then threw the note away and remembered that name. A person who has acoustic memory , needs to be learned out loud, he needs to hear what he is learning. The basis of memory for people tuned to visual perception , is, the deliberate placement of keywords.

TIP 11. When preparing your speech, take short pauses (creative breaks). It is better to master new material in two days, an hour at a time, than in two hours in one day. This happens because during the break between classes the subconscious continues to consolidate new information in your memory.

TIP 12. Prepare your speech in the following order:

Collection of material;

Selection of material and its organization;

Thinking through the material;

First edition of keywords;

Stylistic design of the main part;

Formulation of introduction and conclusion;

General control;

Final revision of keywords;

Rehearsal of the entire speech and performance.

If you are one of those parents who wants their child to grow up to be a successful person, then this information is for you. Why is the ability to speak beautifully so important? How to develop eloquence? What is needed to teach a child to speak correctly? And when should you start doing this?

Firstly, the ability to speak will help your child not only answer well at the board, but also produce in the future good impression on others, own an audience and achieve your goals. A teenager who was not taught to speak beautifully in childhood may feel awkward around people, and this will interfere with communication and develop a feeling of inferiority. Incorrect speech interferes with making acquaintances and limits a person’s choice of profession. Therefore, it is important for parents to start developing their child’s speech as early as possible. Preferably immediately after birth. Lullabies, beautiful music, talking with the baby while leaning towards the cradle - these are the first lessons in developing eloquence.

But if your child has already left infancy, it’s okay. Get started now. So, to speak correctly and beautifully is:

- construct sentences correctly;

- have a good vocabulary;

- use comparisons, synonyms, quotes;

- take breaks;

- change intonation, louder or quieter;

- speak emotionally, as if to “infect” those listening;

- use words correctly;

- pronounce sounds clearly.

What should parents do to teach their child to speak correctly and beautifully? Not difficult advice will help you with this.

1. Go to a speech therapist.

Knowing how to pronounce words correctly is as important as being able to read and write. In addition, there is a connection between correct pronunciation words and the literacy of their spelling.

If you hear that your child is pronouncing any sounds incorrectly, that he has “porridge” in his mouth and his speech does not sound free and smooth, then you need not to procrastinate and contact a speech therapist. The sooner you start doing this, the better. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to go to a speech therapist, then I advise you to work with the child yourself (

2. Read books out loud.

At first, when the child is still small, you will read, and when he grows up and learns to read, you will need to encourage him to do this for you. Establish a family tradition - read books before bed every day. One evening it’s you, the next it’s him. Praise your child, because praise “inspires” and encourages you to strive for better results. Thanks for reading. Be active listener, discuss what you read.

You can ask your child to read to you while you are busy with housework, ironing or cooking. Carry a small book in your bag and read it while you and your child are waiting in line, for example at a children's clinic or other place.

3. Listen to audio stories.

Firstly, they can be discussed, and this also develops speech. Secondly, fairy tales are filled with many beautiful words, phrases, comparisons, author's words, hyperboles, and all this enriches children's speech.

4. Go to the theater.

Of course, with the whole family. Theater production, this is, first of all, quality text, delivered with expression and emotion, performed by professional actors.

Try to attend children's performances regularly, at least once a month, the benefits will be enormous.

5. Develop fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills are the work of the small muscles of the hand. But how are speech and hand connected? In the brain, the centers of fine motor skills and speech are located nearby, and therefore the development of one affects the development of the other.

Developing fine motor skills through manual activities: modeling from plasticine, clay or salt dough, drawing, embroidery, design, assembling puzzles, appliqué, etc.

6. Take up singing.

Singing develops proper breathing, which is necessary for children who speak intermittently, are nervous when they need to say something, or stutter. During vocal exercises, clear articulation, breathing, expressive singing and many other things useful for the child are practiced. You may not need a speech therapist either.

7. Host shows at home.

During home performances, the child can read a poem or perform in a simple performance prepared in advance. This will help your baby learn to cope with anxiety and shyness. And also, it is a great speech training.

8. Watch less TV.

Nowadays, much of what is shown on TV is more harmful to children than beneficial. Various reality shows, talk shows, films of dubious quality, American cartoons, with terrible translation, from which you can only guess what we're talking about– all this will not teach the child to speak beautifully.

Competent speech can only be heard in good old Soviet cartoons and films, on the “Culture” and “Discovery” TV channels.

9. Learn tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

Learn a tongue twister with your child and repeat it often. The main thing is to pronounce it not quickly, but correctly and clearly. Future actors and announcers do just that. You can find pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters with sounds that are “problematic” for a child and thus hone their pronunciation. If the child refuses to say them, then repeat them yourself, at least let him hear correct speech. Praise your child for his successes.

You can come up with pure sayings yourself. These are rhyming couplets in which necessary, poorly pronounced sounds are often found.

For example: Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, Our Masha is good.

Ry-ry-ry, ry-ry-ry, Oh, and bright balls.

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha, We found a hedgehog in the forest.

Soup-soup-soup, soup-soup-soup, quickly look for me.

10. Parents, speak correctly and beautifully.

If you, adults, do not speak correctly and beautifully, then the child will not do the same. After all, it is your speech that children hear every day at home. And you for them main example for imitation. How does dad express himself if something doesn’t work out for him? There are also mothers who will not miss a “red” word. Don't be surprised if you hear from a child's mouth what you say yourself.

To avoid such a result, control what you say. Not only with the child, but always. After all, there is a possibility that once you get used to communicating like this, you will not be able to restrain yourself. Also, if you yourself pronounce words incorrectly, then your child will do the same.

11. Talk to your child.

Encourage your child to talk. Ask guiding questions:

- How do you think?

- Tell me, please...

— What is this book, fairy tale, cartoon about?

- What did you like?

12. Listen to your child.

Parents and grandparents are the child’s main listeners. For your baby to want to tell you something, you need to listen to him carefully and show interest in what he says.

- Look at the child. Eye contact shows that the other person is interested in what is being said.

— Your posture should show interest in the conversation. You can nod your head. There is no need to express impatience by tapping on the table, looking at the clock or TV, etc.

— Comment on the child’s story. Ask questions, insert remarks showing how you feel about what the baby is telling.

What to do if you have had a hard day and are tired. Do not offend your child with the words: “Be quiet,” “Give me a rest,” “Your chatter is already giving me a headache.” It is better to gently tell the child about this or listen silently.

Remember that the main thing in education is love and patience. Happiness to you and your children.

Many people tend to consider eloquence a natural talent, and people who possess it are rare lucky ones. But, as practice shows in all spheres of life and art, talent is only a small percentage of success, everything else is perseverance and daily work. It is not difficult to develop eloquence. This is a well-researched subject that has been studied and taught since ancient Greece and Rome. We can confidently identify a number of qualities inherent in an eloquent person in almost all cases:


good memory


self confidence


ability to improvise


competent and well-delivered speech

With the help of available and effective techniques self-development, each person can cultivate in himself all the qualities inherent in a good speaker.

If you consider these qualities separately, you will see that each of them can be developed in yourself, or by attending appropriate courses. There are also combined classes, the purpose of which, directly or indirectly, is the development of eloquence. These include courses in public speaking and acting.

The art of speaking beautifully

Would you like to be able to speak on any topic, learn how to talk about boring things in an interesting way, master the power of words, express your thoughts in a convincing and reasoned form, improvise with ease or clearly follow a prepared speech? If yes, then you simply need to master the art of eloquence.

In order to master the art of speaking beautifully, you must first:

  1. Find your harmony internal state, i.e. overcome self-doubt or fear of an unfamiliar audience, tune in to positive result. Of course, the ability to overcome anxiety before public speaking comes with practical experience, which can be obtained from the acting club. During the classes you will learn how to develop eloquence, overcome stage fright and unfamiliar interlocutors. Teachers will also point out your mistakes and give individual recommendations on relaxation, eliminating anxiety before a performance, trainings will help you become a more confident person.
  2. It is impossible for an adult to learn eloquence without working on the quality of speech, sound production, and diction. Talking a lot or quickly does not mean talking beautifully. Details are important to help you become an eloquent speaker and simply pleasant conversationalist. There are many practices that include all kinds of breathing exercises And speech warm-ups. Many of these exercises only become effective when performed with professional teacher in acting. Improper execution of the technique will not improve diction and will not deliver correct breathing, which is necessary for a long performance.
  3. A topic of speech that fascinates you will help you develop eloquence; your “strong point” can become your “ business card" Don't be afraid to talk and talk about your favorite hobby or pleasant event. Then you will appear to the audience as energetic, interesting, “lively” and, of course, eloquent. To do this, even in the most scientific and “dry” topic, find facts that are interesting to you, draw analogies with interesting events, draw diagrams that simplify the content of your report, use illustrations and video materials.
  4. Try to joke with the audience; their favor will definitely reveal your eloquence. Train yourself in improvisation in class oratory skills and feel free to participate in all kinds of training to develop self-confidence. An eloquent speaker will always get away with it. He can fend off any awkward and tricky question and cope with a negative public.
  5. You can and should develop eloquence in parallel with training your memory. Remember bright phrases, word forms and buzzwords, which will make your speech bright, special and memorable.

Eloquence is an entire art, the ability to control minds, which means that anyone who does not know how to learn eloquence should also turn to the study of psychology. Once you understand how certain words and expressions affect your interlocutor, you will be able to effectively control your consciousness, which means your speech will achieve the desired result.

That's why lately It has become fashionable to study NLP (neurolinguistic programming) or to pay great attention not only to speech, but also nonverbal communication(gestures, postures, facial expressions), which are designed to further add weight to you as an interlocutor.

Books for the development of eloquence

Please note that the development of eloquence is positively influenced by reading absolutely any books. The book itself is speech material, which contains many lexical, syntactic, logical and rhetorical structures. All of them can be used by you in practice. Reading books aloud develops speech, diction, memory and improvisational skills (unbeknownst to yourself, you are training in expressive reading unfamiliar text without preparation). In addition, the vocabulary is constantly updated - the most important tool of a speaker.

As for “profile” books, our small selection is worldwide famous works from recognized authoritative authors will help you understand the basic concepts and basics of working on yourself. The selection of books is compiled with the unprepared reader in mind.


Heinz Lemmermann "Textbook of Rhetoric"



Heinz Lemmermann "Textbook of Rhetoric"

A universal guide to modern rhetoric from Professor Heinz Lemmermann at the University of Bremen. The textbook includes theoretical part, in which the author gives the reader an accessible and detailed understanding of rhetoric as a science in general, and also shares his own thoughts and practical experience. The book further includes a collection of various exercises that both adults and children can practice. The book is rather methodological manual, rather than introductory material, and is intended for long-term studies.

Dale Carnegie "How to Speaking in Public"

Dale Carnegie - world famous American psychologist and teacher, author of a number of authoritative works on psychology and self-development, as well as founder of the Institute of Effective Oratory and Human Relations. This book was published in 1956, after the author’s death. It represents a kind of quintessence of the writer’s previous works in the field of rhetoric and eloquence. The book is written in a simple and popular language, abounds life examples and illustrations, and also contains a number of practical exercises.

Larry King "How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere"

The book by the famous American television journalist Larry King is aimed mainly at overcoming fears of communication. The author's methodology is unique and has been tested many times by the author himself and a group of his assistants. Important difference book from the previous two is that it is entirely devoted to communication. The author examines in detail hundreds of situations in which people of different ages And social status experience communication difficulties. The most current problems speeches and offers accessible solutions from the author’s own practice.

Exercises for self-study

Any exercises that involve continuous, spontaneous and prolonged speech are suitable for developing eloquence. You can find workout options even in everyday life. For example, enable football match, turn off the TV sound and imagine that you are a football commentator reporting live. Take the matter seriously, try not to get lost and not take long pauses. Even if you don’t complete all 90 minutes of the match, you will at least know exactly how long you can successfully “hold the line.”

Games to develop associative thinking

Association for a speaker is an important tool that allows you to easily change the topic of a conversation, make the necessary digressions, and also make your speech clear and persuasive depending on the situation. Selection of associations from good speaker brought to the point of automaticity: without hesitation, it will give out a whole list of options as soon as the need arises. It will be very difficult for people without special training to repeat such a trick, because in everyday life this skill is practically not useful to them.

A speaker with developed associative thinking is able to speak more flexibly and skillfully give his speech the necessary direction without being noticed by the listener. With the help of association, you can smoothly move the conversation in any direction and give it any vector of development.

The best way to develop associative thinking is through games. The standard "association" game is based on the same principle as "cities", "names" and other similar games. You can play it with friends, adjusting the rules to suit your taste and abilities.


The hardest thing is not to get lost in the live interviewing mode, especially when the journalist tries to introduce a provocative, tricky, ambiguous or compromising question. Such an interview is a real test even for a skilled speaker, which is why it is indispensable as an exercise in developing eloquence. You will need a partner who will take on the role of a journalist. You will have a kind of duel with him: he makes attacks on questions, you counter with answers. His task is to confuse you, yours is to maintain control over the situation and each time smoothly move the conversation away from a development unfavorable for you. Based on the results, you can change places, because the person asking the questions also undergoes serious training in improvisation and flexibility of speech.

Courses in Moscow: what to choose

The variety of courses that directly or indirectly develop eloquence is enormous. This includes most business trainings that develop the ability to negotiate productively and communicate correctly with subordinates. The narrow specificity of such trainings makes them attractive to those who want to develop eloquence for the purpose of professional growth. Among the features of the training are the skills of overcoming objections and manipulating the interlocutor.

Psychological courses to increase self-esteem and develop communication skills are also related to eloquence. Their goal is emancipation and overcoming fears, which is a prerequisite for a person who comprehends oratory. Such courses are especially relevant for children of teenage and primary school age, but are also suitable for adults.

Elocution courses in Moscow, as well as acting courses, represent a comprehensive, universal approach to speech production and teaching public speaking skills. These areas are closely related to each other, the only difference is that acting includes a number of highly specialized disciplines, and oratory is entirely devoted to speech.

If a student has micro clamps in speech apparatus, then to eliminate them he will need training in stage speech with a whole complex effective exercises. Then he will have tasks that will help him establish proper breathing and sound production.

A child comes into this world without any idea about himself or the world around him. Subsequently, frequently repeated events and words shape the child’s perception of himself and everything around him. This is a kind of program that affects all events in the future.

"If you sow a thought, you will reap an action,
If you sow an action, you will reap a habit,
If you sow a habit, you will reap a character,
If you sow character, you will reap destiny..."

Parents are the first people who set the foundation for this program by pointing to by example what you can do and what you can’t do, how to treat yourself and everything that surrounds us.

Below are tips to help you lay the foundation. successful person.

1. Respect the child. Show him your love.

Your task as a parent is to lay the foundation for a successful personality - high self-esteem for the child. People with high self-esteem they know their worth, are not afraid of the disapproval of others, and do not try to prove to others that they are better. The more your child loves and respects himself, the better he treats others and the better their opinion of him.

Tell your child about your love. Hug him often. Your child should know that he is loved and will be loved no matter what happens. He needs to know that you love him even when you punish him.

Under no circumstances try to control your child by blackmailing him with your love. Don't tell your child, "If you don't do what I ask, I will stop loving you." Children who experienced the fear of losing their mother's love in childhood grow up to be insecure people.

Be respectful of everything your child does. If it's bedtime and he's still playing, help him finish the game (for example, build a garage for a car or a house for a doll where the toy can sleep). The game for the child has the same important How is your job for you?

If you criticize a child, criticize not him, but his actions. For example, it is better to say “you did bad” instead of “you are bad.”

Accept your child for both the good and the bad. Accepting a child as “bad” does not mean refusing to improve. This only means that your child is a unique individual with his own strengths and weaknesses.

2. Teach optimism.

“Life belongs to the optimists. Pessimists are just spectators.”

Teach your child to see in every situation positive points. Make a game out of it: who can find the most? positive aspects in a bad situation. Teach you to believe in the best.

Failure is an experience that is necessary to achieve future goals. For example, a child did not win a competition, although he really wanted to and prepared for a long time. Explain to the upset child that his temporary failure will serve as a good incentive to achieve best results in the future.

Tell your child that in life there are joys and difficulties, happy moments and bad situations. It is impossible to win all the time and always do everything right. But we need to strive for this. So if something doesn’t work out, you need to put in more effort, think through everything, and then everything will definitely work out.

3. Find your child’s “life’s work.”

Every person has certain abilities. How earlier child begins to engage in the work of his whole life, the faster he will achieve more success compared to peers. For example, a girl who started playing tennis at the age of 4 will achieve greater success by the age of 20 than one who only recently started playing tennis.

Finding your “life’s work” in childhood is very difficult, but it is necessary. So your task is to show and let the child try as much as possible more features every profession. Tell your child about how you can earn money (using the example of people you know), watch educational films together, read books about professions, play games about professions, etc.

Start from the very beginning early age. Give your child tasks and take a closer look at what he likes most. If he is very interested in a particular activity and is ready to do it more often and more, then this is a sure sign to develop this direction in the child. For example, a girl likes to draw more than to do logic tasks. In this case, the parent’s task is to provide the girl with various tools and materials for drawing (painting with special paints on clothes, oil on canvas, spray paint on the wall), getting acquainted with the works of masters, and reading specialized literature, etc.

A child who showed an active interest in art at 5 years old may well switch to something else in the future. Be sure that your experience will definitely be beneficial. And it may well be that your child will find some new combination of professions.

4. Develop your child's eloquence.

80% of a person’s success in life depends on the ability to negotiate, find a common language and win people over. If you want your child to be successful in life, it is imperative to develop effective communication skills.

Teach your child to realize and express his feelings in words, explain his thoughts and emotions, construct sentences correctly, and be able to say the same thought in different words.

Support your child's desire to communicate more. Attend educational groups and clubs, retell stories you read, discuss films you watched and situations that happened.

5. Teach your child to have his own opinion.

Teach your child to have own opinion, be aware of your desires. Know WHAT and WHY he wants. In adult life it is very important to recognize yourself as separate unique personality with your desires and needs. And it is quite normal if in some cases your child’s opinion does not coincide with the opinion of others.

Teach your child to constantly make choices and be content with what he gets. In fact, our entire life depends on what we choose. Every choice of action (or inaction) has its own consequences, which shape our lives. So it is very important that a person with early years learned to make choices.

If you are buying food for a child, ask them to help you choose. If you are going for a walk, ask him what he wants to wear for a walk. For example, ask: “What will you wear for a walk - a red sweater or a blue one? What will you take with you - a spatula or a scoop? " Constantly teach your child to make choices: what plate to eat from, what toothpaste to brush his teeth with, what toy to go to sleep with today, what book to read, etc.

Talk to your child more often, ask his opinion and advice, discuss the books you read, the cartoons you watched, the films you saw, and the situations you saw.

6. Train yourself to be independent.

How bigger baby does it on his own, the more confident he feels. Teach from an early age to dress and undress independently, clean up the potty after yourself, wipe up what you spill, and correct what you have done. Don't scold your child for mistakes. Be patient and better help your child do what he is trying to do on his own.

At approximately the age of 2.5-3 years, the child goes through a “3-year crisis.” If during this period you do not encourage his desire to do everything on his own, then later you will not expect this from him.

7. Develop your child's imagination and creativity.

"A successful person is always an amazing artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, but imagination is unlimited."

(Albert Einstein)

Success in our lives depends on how well we cope with difficulties. The more options we come up with to solve problems, the more effectively we cope with obstacles.

Develop in your child from an early age creativity: draw, play music and dance, come up with poems, stories and your own ending famous fairy tales, find new uses for everyday objects. Encourage curiosity and curiosity in your child, and encourage your child to think: “what if...”.

8. Learn to value time.

The most valuable resource you have in life is time. The more effectively we use it, the better our life.

From an early age, teach your child to be constantly busy. If your child doesn’t know what to do, be sure to keep him busy with something interesting. Over time, the habit of constantly being busy will become entrenched in the child’s character, and this required quality successful person.

Plan the next day and week with your child. Analyze the past day. For example, before bed. Celebrate your child's successes and praise him.

9. Teach your child to be responsible.

Successful people realize that only they are responsible for their life and everything that happens in it.

From an early age, teach your child to take responsibility for his words and actions. The child must understand that all his actions have consequences. But don't blame us for mistakes. Your child is developing as a person and must gain experience based on mistakes. But don't hold him responsible for your life or for something he can't change.

Get a pet, but agree in advance with your child that he will look after it, feed it and clean up after it.

Develop in your child the habit of keeping your word. Lead by example - always do what you promise to your child. This way he will feel his importance and significance, and just like you, he will learn to keep his word.

10. Learn to set a goal and achieve it.

Many people don't achieve success because they simply don't know what exactly they want. They only have the outlines of what they would like to have in their lives and a faint hope that someday it will come true.

Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to teach the child to be aware of his desires, to put specific goal, come up with actions to achieve it and achieve results.

It is very important to give your child a taste of victory. Be sure to praise your child when he deserves it. Note what exactly you praise for. If your child is struggling, help him a little (but don't do all the work for him). Encourage your child's desire to finish what he has started. Teach your child not to stop in front of difficulties, but to overcome them. After all, luck is the result active work, and failure is just a reason to start all over again, only more thoughtfully.

In order for your child to be successful in adulthood, you will have to work hard. But the reward for this will be happy life your child. In addition, by developing the qualities of a successful person in your child, you yourself will improve yourself. This means change your life for the better and your life will sparkle with new colors. Good luck to you in this important and interesting matter!

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