What is a person’s active position? Life position

You will need determination in order for the interviewer to answer your questions.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that the interviewer will ignore a number of questions or refuse to answer them;

– the fact that the interviewer will expect questions from you and will remain dissatisfied if you don’t ask them.

This may not be useful if you are always active and always ask a lot.

At least two people are needed to communicate. The very concept of “interview” implies a two-way conversation. The purpose of an interview is for employers to get to know you and for you to learn more about your future job. After all, you probably don’t know everything about your future rights and responsibilities. Don’t be shy, ask, the main thing is that you know what and where you are going.

1. Discuss your position in the chain of command. Find out who exactly will be your immediate superiors and subordinates. This is to clarify your responsibilities.

2. Discuss the availability of a social package. Typically this should include:

– sick pay;

– payment of annual leave;

– payment for parental leave;

– maternity payments.

Sometimes in private companies the social package is partially paid. Weigh what exactly you need from a job and ask questions based on your own interests.

3. Structure working week also needs to be discussed. Weekends, holidays - all this must be known in advance so as not to be unpleasantly surprised later when on duty on a day off.

4. It is important to learn how payroll is processed. There is a significant difference here due to where exactly you go to work. If you take a government job, you will depend on a salary, but in private firms, work is often paid on a percentage basis.

Well, those are all the important questions to ask. Of course, you also need to know about the company, but this is part of the interviewer’s normal conversation style. In addition to introducing himself, he also talks about the company.

What can't you ask?

1. Never ask about your interlocutor’s salary. This is a very personal question. Believe me, even if they answer you, neither the question nor the answer will bring you any benefit. After all, you will be doing a completely different job, therefore, the salary will be different.

2. It is also irrelevant to ask about the details of your future job. The interviewer may simply not understand you. His job is to collect and transmit information, but not to provide information about the narrow specifics of production. Most likely, if you are applying for a rare profession, the employer will communicate with you directly.

3. Don't ask about former employee who worked in this position before you. Even if his person is mentioned by the interviewer, do not fix your attention on this point. You should not be interested in how, for what and under what circumstances your predecessor was fired or left. You will learn all this later.

4. You should not ask about the character of the future boss. No one will tell you the truth anyway, but it’s quite possible to earn a reputation as a gossip.

5. Also, during the interview, there is no need to be interested in the peculiarities of relationships in the team. By asking such a question, you not only show your concern, but also take on a slightly sanctimonious attitude. You can ask all these questions after hiring. Getting a job and establishing relationships with your team are two different things.

6. It is impolite to ask the age of your interlocutor. Even if this question is asked briefly, an unpleasant aftertaste will still remain. This is a personal question, with it you violate the interviewer’s intimate zone and break the image that he created.

When asking questions, stick to the basic line of behavior. The tone you use should be non-aggressive. The construction of the question must be kept in a polite form. If the interview is of a business nature, limit yourself to the points that we discussed earlier. But if you're lucky and the conversation becomes personal, you should take advantage of it.

What can you ask?

1. To set a person on a friendly tone, ask about the features of his work. It is quite possible that instead of a dry answer you will hear a lengthy explanation. The interlocutor will speak out and think that you are a wonderful listener and generally a pleasant person. But we warn you - all these questions should come after demonstrating your professional qualities and important questions.

2. It's helpful to ask about your chances compared to other applicants. Your interlocutor may well give you an assessment of your resume and behavior. Even if you don’t want to work for some reason, at least you will find out how people perceive you.

3. You definitely need to find out if business trips are likely. After all, you should immediately know what you are getting into. Perhaps the work schedule will not be compatible with your family circumstances, and without discussing this you will find yourself in the wrong place.

4. For the same reasons, the question of overtime should be asked.

There are a few more cases to consider.

Should you ask questions when talking with an employer? Of course, ask. This is what it is good chance find out everything you need first hand. By asking questions, you will not only show interest in this position, but will also be able to show your professionalism. To do this, use professional terms in your questions, clearly specify the purpose of the question and monitor the accuracy of the wording. Eye contact is important. Let the interlocutor understand that you respect him, but you will not be servile, because you know the value of your qualifications.

During a group interview, not only you, but also other candidates will ask questions. In this case, the one who asks more questions may be viewed with caution and the less talkative candidate may be chosen. But you need to ask questions, so our advice is to ask only the most important questions. And be careful not to repeat yourself, otherwise you will look stupid. And you can attract attention by being diplomatic and polite in your behavior. If you want to ask a question, try to draw the interviewers' attention to yourself first. This can be achieved by raising your hand or saying "May I..." or "Excuse me, may I ask...?" At the same time, do not hide your eyes and save open posture.

When talking with a psychologist, in order to create warm atmosphere, you can ask a few questions about what the conversation is for, what it might entail, etc. When asking, do not show concern, but speak with a smile. This manifestation of curiosity will force the psychologist to look at you a little more closely and try to understand the full versatility of your “I”.

When testing for professional aptitude, try not to ask questions unless you find some error or inconsistency. Excessive talkativeness can play a fatal role in assessing your qualities. Separate professionalism from everything unnecessary, especially from words that carry very strong emotional values. But you can comment on the interviewer’s questions.

Asking questions is one of the points in demonstrating your activity. This is just as important as answering your interlocutor's questions. Don’t forget that questions can change the course of the interview and direct the conversation in the right direction. But also remember that by bombarding you with questions, you may be seen as intrusive, abstruse, and overly cautious. Therefore, you must choose the form of the question and its relevance. Observe the reaction of your interlocutor when choosing an approach to him. Although, even if the interviewer likes you, do not overwhelm him with questions if you are afraid of disrupting the planned course of the interview.

Purposefulness and active life position

You will need:

– desire to get a job;

- Purposefulness itself.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that determination and activity are often perceived as careerism;

– the fact that initiative is not welcomed in organizations with strict vertical power.

This may not be useful if you do not have a personal interview.

If you are determined to get this job, you need to try to show it.

Give clearly defined answers. You need to answer specifically, but not dryly. Substantiate your claims. For example, to the question “Why do you want to work for us?” you need to answer clearly that it is very suitable for the implementation of your plans. Don't forget, interview time is limited. To show your confidence and determination, display these qualities when answering and asking questions.

Emphasize your professional level. If there is a pause, you can use it for self-promotion. Add something to the answers to the previous questions, insert something about positive plans for the upcoming position. But don't boast about your successes.

Show that you are exactly who is needed. Talk about your previous works without unnecessary emotions. Avoid any hint of regret or judgment in your conversations. There should be optimism in your voice.

Initiative will not be superfluous. Don't be afraid to engage in conversation. Even if there was no question, try to continue the topic and speak, as if anticipating questions. After all, if such silence is allowed, it shows the lack of professionalism of the interviewer. You have come to show your abilities, and nothing should stop you from looking good.

Use confident phrases. Avoid using phrases such as “maybe”, “if only”, “someday”, “not sure”. When talking about the future, replace them with the more confident ones “in the near future”, “in my plans”, “my opinion”, “I will”. This way you will come across as a person who knows exactly what he wants.

Determination is movement towards a clearly defined goal. IN in this case your goal is work. Therefore, it is important if, when talking about professional topics, you show determination in your external manifestations.

Non-passive behavior. Don't let anyone interrupt you, apologize and move on. In order for the picture of your qualities to be complete, you need to have time to say everything you have prepared. Some interviewers deliberately interrupt to see your reaction.

In almost all areas, determination borders on responsibility. These qualities are highly valued for professions in the non-production and production sectors, since this work involves the implementation of a specific plan.

But an active life position allows you to immediately show your ability to find mutual language with people completely different in character and temperament.

For the education sector, activity is one of those qualities that will be welcomed. This is an indicator that you will not only stick to the plan, but also actively expand its boundaries. For example, the creation of optional clubs by a teacher is a plan. And attracting students to them by creating interest is an active life position.

For sphere creative activity indicators of your activity will be creative thinking and original approaches to solving problems. And passivity will be noticeable if you do not take initiative in the conversation, do not complement the interlocutor and ask questions.

For the production sector, your determination and activity will be important. The first will help to complete the planned amount of work, and the second will help to exceed it. Therefore, demonstrating these qualities is simply necessary.

But for the service sector, we advise you not to be so active. It is assumed that you will act according to the plan of your superiors, and the leader’s excessive manners can lead to the idea that you are one of the “flyers” who very often change jobs precisely because of unfulfilled personal plans.

If you are an active person by nature, it will not be difficult for you to produce good impression.

But if you are not confident in yourself, you will still have to tune in to the conversation even before the interview.

First of all, prove to yourself that you need this, this is your goal. Remember why you decided to take this job in the first place. Perhaps this will spur you to become more active.

Remember, self-confidence is the key to success. Highlight as many of your positive qualities as possible. This way you can create a counterbalance to the shortcomings. For example, if you have no work experience, then you need to emphasize to the interviewer that you are trainable and can quickly learn new information.

There's nothing you can't do. This refers to the specificity future profession. You must say that there is nothing difficult in your future work, not because you judge it easily, but because you make an effort to keep up and do everything.

Ideally, you will get a strong-willed, decisive, purposeful and active image, moreover, friendly and sociable. Now you need to remember that you are not going for a month, a year or two. Work should be constant, stable, and the entire routine of your life depends on it. You need to decide a lot for yourself, determine what you are ready for in order to fit the position you occupy. Think about your future responsibilities and rights, and if you are an active person (or want to appear so), then, in addition to the answers, you should discuss some questions.

The magic of a smile

You will need:

– ability and willingness to smile;

– a mirror and friends ready to evaluate your smile.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that a smile will not cause any response;

– that you will be remembered as open and cheerful man;

– the interviewer may think that you are laughing at him.

– the work requires a serious attitude;

– the atmosphere will be strict and obviously very official.

In an interview, the most important thing is the impression you make on the interviewer. Therefore, it’s time to talk about how to behave when meeting and further communicating with your interlocutor.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the smile.

Why is a smile needed? A smile is a sure way to demonstrate your friendliness and openness. A person who smiles is more likely to be liked and evokes positive emotions. Therefore, you need to smile, and it will be easier for your interlocutor to tune in to easier and warmer communication.

General tips. You should smile before you even enter the office. Remember something good, kind, bright from your life. Not funny, but kind. Perhaps a childhood memory of a long-awaited gift will emerge. Or remember how you were given flowers. In general, you need to recharge yourself with the emotions that you experienced then. And your smile will be addressed primarily to yourself. Believe me, it will transform your face and give the desired effect when meeting the interviewer.

Say hello when you enter. It doesn't matter how many employees will be sitting in the office. Introduce yourself and explain why you have come. After this, a person will be determined who will work directly with you. Go to his desk and say hello to him specifically again. After your interlocutor introduces himself, smile and say “It’s a pleasure.”

The charm of a smile is that the interlocutor perceives it as his personal merit. This way you will set the tone of communication in a polite manner, and it will be easier for your interlocutor to start his work. The same line of behavior is not suitable for all situations, and it is impossible to single out just one smile for all cases during an interview. It is necessary to discuss several types of it, depending on the scope of your intended work.

Service industry (salespeople, consultants, hairdressers, waiters, bartenders, etc.). Almost all professions in this area include the ability to smooth out conflicts, attract a buyer or client, and persuade them to accept a service (for example, to purchase a paid warranty for a product). In this way, close contact with people is achieved. Therefore, your appearance directly affects the quality of your work. It follows that the interviewer wants to see a non-conflict sociable person. To fit into his ideal, take our advice: the smile should be attractive, with a touch of charm, inviting, and unobtrusive. Therefore, be sure to show your ability to please using simple ways.

1. Smile after each answer, half-smile, without moving your lips.

2. Be sure to separate the smile from the words. You need to show your professional suitability, not your ridiculousness.

3. Smile, if you meet eyes, also with a half smile.

4. Avoid American smiles with all thirty-two teeth; this is more suitable for other areas of activity (models, for example).

Office services (managers, realtors, operators, etc.)

A blooming smile is welcomed in this area; your future colleagues should be infected with energy from it. So, bloom to your health, smile, showing your teeth, and push the corners of your lips apart more strongly than in the first case.

Your smile should be open, energetic, with shades of confidence and efficiency.

Your interviewer needs to see a confident person, so the most important thing is not to go too far and not seem ridiculous. That's why:

– try to smile when starting to answer a question, remove the smile after the first words;

– when looking eye to eye, show a blooming smile;

– for serious questions, give answers without smiling, but be sure to smile after difficult ones, this way you will demonstrate self-confidence.

Non-production sphere (accountants, researchers, etc.).

Professions in this field do not involve close communication with potential clients. When interviewing for a position in this field, you should know that your professional qualities will be assessed here. Therefore, after a general greeting, you should remember our advice: the smile should be a little dry and restrained. Of course, you shouldn't look like a cracker, but if the interviewer notices that you're smiling too much, it may make him think that you don't fit the appearance of an accountant. That's why:

– maintain a polite smile;

– do not smile when asking questions on a professional topic;

– hold back your smile so that the interlocutor notices it, he will appreciate your efforts to impress.

Production sector (any professions related to the production of something).

When interviewing, you definitely need to demonstrate your ability to connect with people. After all, most likely you will work in a team (and not a small one). For this vacancy, the interviewer expects to hire a non-conflict, soft-spoken person.

Our advice is this: the smile should be friendly, open, balanced, simple. You should keep in mind the general advice; it is most relevant to this situation. But your whole appearance should speak of a non-aggressive position.

1. The more often you have a half-smile on your face, the better (but know when to stop!).

2. If the questions are of a personal nature, you can answer with humor (a little).

3. Put all answers in quotation marks with a smile (smile - answer - smile).

The sphere of education and the sphere of creativity.

Professions in these areas imply a certain approach to work. Therefore, it is important to remember the following: your professional qualities may not be seen behind your smiles.

The smile should be confident and charming, unobtrusive, without shades.

If you show too much smiling, you may be considered irresponsible, and your chances of getting a job will decrease.

The magic of a smile lies in its charm and timing.

Do not smile under any circumstances while filling out the questionnaire; this could be interpreted as a sign of superiority over the interviewer.

Do not smile while being tested; this may be perceived as a concomitant sign of deception and cunning.

A smile is not appropriate if the interlocutor is embarrassed in any way.

Do not move your lips sharply - this may indicate that your “friendly” smile is fake and forced.

When answering, you can smile at the first words of a sentence.

Sparkles in the eyes

You will need:

- good mood;

– cheerful, open look.

Be prepared for:

– there will be a window behind the interviewer, which will be very unpleasant for the eyes;

– because if you wear glasses, it will be difficult to use all the tips.

This may not be useful if:

– you are unwell and wear dark glasses even indoors;

– you prefer, for one reason or another, not to draw attention to your eyes.

As already mentioned, your eyes mirror your condition. In order to fully utilize the useful resources of the eyes, it is necessary to make the eyes speak.

You have to assure your interlocutor of the sincerity of your behavior. Therefore, do not be afraid to look into your eyes, you have nothing to hide.

A fresh, cheerful first glance is the very first positive quality that is taken into account during the first impression. This look will give you self-confidence, good rest, a charge of good mood and an energetic breakfast. Tip: Don't eat a lot before an interview, otherwise you will look sleepy.

Attention in the eyes. When discussing issues, do not lose the thread of the conversation, do not lose value, but do not get distracted by trifles.

A chuckle in the eyes along with a half-smile will create the impression of an energetic person. The main thing is that your eyes sparkle with anticipation of a new job.

Understanding in a glance. Along with a nod of your head, as if confirming what you heard with your eyes. This will show your agreement.

The ability to demonstrate energy and optimism in a glance is not given to everyone. Learn to take advantage of the beauty and emotional richness of your eyes.

When you smile, your eyes should also smile. Otherwise, you will give the impression of prudence and a tense good mask.

When talking to the interviewer, look at his behavior. If he has his eyes hidden behind his glasses, you can't predict whether he will be willing to make eye contact with you.

In any case, try to look at the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose when answering. And if the answer is long, then turn your gaze to the object in his hands. But under no circumstances do you run your eyes.

If you look into your eyes, don't squint. This gives your gaze a focused look and will scare off your interlocutor.

Staring is also unacceptable. It seems that you are waiting for a mistake or embarrassment of your interlocutor.

Don't turn your eyes to the ceiling. If this makes it easier for you to remember something, it is better to close them for a moment. The same effect is achieved by looking at objects in front (on the table).

Don't blink too much. This usually happens from excitement, so breathe evenly and calm down.

Don't make eyes. This will not tell you anything about your professionalism and ability to restrain yourself.

Don't look away abruptly. This is a sign that something has touched or scared you.

The magic of your gaze is the ability to infect others with optimism and positivity. Even when discussing problematic issues, this view should not fade. For example, when asked about the reason for leaving your previous job, answer positively, with cheerfulness, even if you stayed creepy memories. Your attitude should be an indicator of your attitude towards your work.

The ability to restrain oneself is also important. If something in the appearance or behavior of the interlocutor makes you laugh, distract yourself from the documents. Under no circumstances allow sparks of laughter to dance in your eyes when the interviewer is embarrassed. Better continue to answer tactfully.

Don't allow mockery to appear in your eyes. The interlocutor will definitely take your opinion personally, and the atmosphere of the interview will be spoiled by his dissatisfaction.

Sparkles in the eyes always attract attention. This is an indicator of your intelligence, spontaneity and ability to survive in a team. Creative people perceive them as a sign of your unique nature. Discreet people perceive them as an indicator of optimism and cheerfulness. Psychologists and people well versed in human psychology perceive bright, expressive eyes as an indicator of intelligence level.

It’s worth thinking about whether, due to your character, you can look into the eyes to a stranger. Even if so, your outlook should still be energetic and optimistic.

Advice: point it slightly behind the other person’s shoulder, then he will have a chance to notice your eyes and see your emotional coloring.

Advice: if something worries you, do not catch your eyes on everything that comes across on the horizon. Stop your attention on one thing and concentrate, but not for long.

Do not answer with your eyes fixed on any object. This gives your image a feeling of meaninglessness and abstraction.

Sometimes even soft and friendly people can have cold or very hard eyes. This happens due to the structure of the face or the color of the eyes. As a rule, black eyes confuse the interlocutor, and sky blue gives a certain coldness. Green eyes always seem sly, and if the shade is dark, then cruel. Therefore, in such cases, glasses can be used as an addition to the image and style. This is the best option for looking like a serious professional, and at the same time hiding a flaw. If you decide to follow the advice, remember that the glasses should never be sunglasses. Only the slightest change in the shade of the glass is allowed, preferably towards gray or blue color, since these cool colors exclude frivolity and flirtatiousness. It is better to choose a thin, classic, metal frame.

And as an alternative to wearing glasses, you can suggest not to hypnotize the interlocutor, but to compensate for the lack of glances with smiles and gestures

How to determine what kind of look you have.

Ask your friends and acquaintances what they like about your game with their eyes and what they don’t. Often we look at ourselves in the mirror with one facial expression, and at other people with another, without realizing the difference. And our loved ones always know how to evaluate our views. Compare their opinions, choose a middle ground and convince yourself that your interlocutor is very nice man. Accordingly, your behavior will change and you will be able to hide your shortcomings through friendliness and body language.

When talking, you can look: at the interlocutor’s lips, at his fingers, at documents, at the edge of the table, over the interlocutor’s shoulder, at his eyes, at the pen in his or her hands.

You can’t look: at your nails, at your interlocutor’s ears, out the window, at the ceiling, at nowhere.

Remember that it’s not just your eyes that will make a good impression, but your entire set of external manifestations of internal emotions. Everything must be balanced: postures, gestures, voice timbre, manner, sentence construction, and eye movements. All this is necessary to create the image of a person who confidently applies for a vacancy, who knows for sure that this job is exactly for him.

Calm and equanimity

You will need:

– endurance;

– several more interviews to gain experience.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that you will have to train for some time;

– the fact that you won’t be able to restrain yourself during a stressful interview.

This may not be useful if equanimity comes naturally to you.

It's not just about smiling that you need to know when to stop. Any emotion, even a positive one, can bring not only benefit, but also harm if it is pronounced and accompanied by excessive fussiness. At the first meeting, you need to give the impression of a calm and balanced person.

You have prepared for the interview and are in the mood for a conversation. But still, you may be nervous, expecting a trick in the question.

Advice: stop thinking about what hasn't happened yet; concentrate on your answers; Watch the construction of your sentences and the correctness of your speech.

This will take your mind off nervous guessing.

How can you express calm? Calm is a stable, balanced internal state when no emotion stands out from the others. And since the internal state always manifests itself externally, the interviewer may pay attention to your ways of expressing it. Let's highlight a few points that are worth paying attention to.

1. Facial expressions.

In addition to smiling, pay attention to your facial muscles. Don't frown, don't curl your lips. Try not to squint your eyes; your interlocutor may think that you are looking for a mistake in his words. Your face should be calm and friendly. Only lips and eyes should “speak”.

Pay attention to the voice. No overly emotional coloring. Take pauses between sentences, do not jabber. Think a little before answering a question in order to voice a ready-made proposal. This will help you pronounce your sentences more confidently, and there will be less chance of stuttering. Even if you are worried, do not allow yourself to get stuck on words. At speech errors don’t get hung up, correct yourself, apologize to your interlocutor and continue talking. This will show your confidence.

3. Eyes are the mirror of the soul.

You can easily read your eyes inner emotions. If you are calm, try not to shy away from your interlocutor’s gaze, demonstrate your equanimity. But if you still feel nervous, look away for a few seconds at a specific object. Preferably the one that is on the interviewer’s desk. This break will give you a chance to calm down. In no case do not run your eyes, do not look at your shoes or nails, this way you can show your interlocutor that you are not paying attention to the conversation.

4. Gesticulation.

Psychologists around the world agree that gestures help express thoughts. Moderate gestures will be beneficial if you find it difficult to make any proposal. This includes a nod of the head (as agreement), and forward movements of the body (at attention), and gestures of the arms and legs. Try to gesticulate in moderation so as not to distract the interlocutor’s attention.

Speaking about external manifestations internal state, do not forget that your appearance should be calm, no matter what.

Equanimity is a stable mental state that does not fluctuate from external stimuli.

First of all, you should not be distracted by the presence of strangers (HR employees or other room where the interview is being held). All your attention should be directed only to the interviewer.

Secondly, ignore the noise.

Thirdly, even if you make a mistake, don’t get lost and continue on.

Fourth, remember that the behavior should not be aggressive. Believe me, it is very rare to meet people who are not nervous during an interview. But you definitely need to show only the good sides.

In this case, the question logically arises about physiological characteristics body responding to stress.

External manifestations of internal unrest and how to deal with them.

1. Redness of the facial skin.

Don't worry if you feel hot and fast heart rate. If you have previously noticed your ability to blush, then, of course, you may feel uncomfortable. Try to control your breathing, breathe only through your nose, shallowly and infrequently. Thus, the heart rhythms will calm down, less oxygen will enter the blood, and after a few minutes the blush will go away.

2. Increased sweating.

From excitement, beads of sweat may appear on your palms. Do not touch your purse; traces of your excitement may remain on it. Don't wipe your palms on your knees; at the very least, it looks childish. Relax your arms so that there is no tension in your hands. If the interview environment is not very dry and formal, you can use a handkerchief to wipe your palms. If the interview is very serious, during morning hygiene (or immediately before entering the office) you can apply an antiperspirant spray with a mild odor to your hands.

3. Trembling fingers.

At the beginning of a conversation, your fingers may tremble due to internal tension. Pick up a bag or pen. This phenomenon depends only on your anxiety, concentrate and after a while everything will pass. The main thing is that when passing papers, hold your fingers tightly, then your weakness will be less noticeable.

Regardless of all possible manifestations of excitement, do not pay attention to them. Then it will be easier for you to calm down and tune in to communication. Even if your interviewer notices them, he will definitely look at your reaction. Purposefully moving towards a positive outcome of the interview, without paying attention to some of the characteristics of your body, is the height of equanimity.

And besides, all these phenomena are short-term, so there is no need to waste your time on trifles. But we need to consider one more separate feature that can help us during an interview.

Watch your hands

You will need:

– mirror for training;

- some time to get your hands in order.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that the interviewer will be distracted by your gestures;

- the fact that unforeseen situations will arise.

This may not be useful if:

– during the interview you will hardly have to communicate in person.

As we have already defined, gesticulation is the expression of thoughts and emotions through body movements. The most important positions are occupied by facial expressions and hand gestures. Facial expressions most often express momentary emotions: joy, fear, misunderstanding, surprise, attention. And hand gestures help to express your view of something. They reveal your character, the essence of your inner “I”, your attitude towards the world around you. Therefore, it’s time to talk about how you can use gestures during an interview.

Like a smile, they should vary depending on the type of your future activity. It is necessary to analyze each case separately.

Service sector. Due to the nature of the professions in this area, namely due to close contact with people, you need to look like a soft-spoken, non-rude person. Hand movements should be smooth, soft, unsharp, unobtrusive. Most likely they will not pay special attention to your gestures. But you will add external attractiveness to yourself. General impression from gestures and smiles should be good.

Non-production sphere. There is no need to particularly gesticulate; movements should be firm and confident. You need to show the ability to control yourself and not be distracted by emotions from your immediate tasks. Such movements will confirm to the interviewer that you are a professional.

Office services. Here, gestures are more acceptable; the interviewer will certainly appreciate clear, precise movements. But interspersing smooth gestures won’t hurt, since you still have to work in a team. You definitely need to convince your interlocutor that you are confident in yourself and fully responsible for yourself.

Manufacturing sector. It is advisable to gesture only to the point, without excessive emotional overtones. It will not benefit you if you are considered an overly impressionable person. Therefore, only such business movements will characterize you as a balanced person.

The sphere of education. Gesticulation is important, so movements must be smooth, precise, acceptable emotional coloring. It will be easier for you to express your thoughts and prove your professional suitability. Of course, you shouldn't use gestures throughout the entire conversation, but they will help you prove that you are capable of teaching children.

Creative sphere. This is where you shouldn’t restrain yourself too much. You must compensate for your lack of experience or education by being charismatic. Of course, you can’t be a windmill, but you should understand from your gestures that you are an extraordinary person with enormous creative potential.

In any case, you should never gesticulate excessively or meaninglessly. This can reveal your inner anxiety, worry and insecurity. IN modern world these qualities are not valued.

Now is the time to talk about what not to do.

You cannot tug at your hair, wrap it around your fingers, or move the strands like a brush; this is regarded as coquetry and an inability to concentrate on thoughts.

There is no need to straighten your clothes or shake yourself off unless absolutely necessary. This will take your attention away from the questions, and may convince your interviewer that you care more about your appearance than about the interview. All this needs to be done before you enter the office.

Avoid biting your nails or hangnails. Alas, the indicator of your culture with such hand movements will decrease in the eyes of the interviewer.

Don't scratch your head or back. Be distracted as little as possible, otherwise you will alienate your interlocutor with these gestures, they are very personal in nature.

Don't knock your knuckles on the table or crack your fingers. This way you can behave in a freer environment.

What to do, if:

The exposed parts of the hands and face itch. With gentle movements, bring your hand to the desired place and slowly rub it with your fingertips. Don't scratch with all your might.

A strand of hair fell out. Try to catch the moment when you can bend or turn. Just put it behind your ear, don’t waste time on complex procedures.

You need to take the application form. Hand movements should be smooth and careful. This will demonstrate your careful handling of documents.

An object fell. Do not make fussy unnecessary movements, apologize and calmly pick up what you need, in the end, it is not you who are to blame, but the force of gravity of the earth. If you are standing, squat down, do not bend over.

In general, hand gestures directly depend on temperament and mental state person. Sanguine and phlegmatic people are highly valued in the labor market. Although completely opposite in terms of mobility, both types are well resistant to strong and prolonged irritant action. But choleric and melancholic people are unrestrained and hot-tempered, while others have poor resistance to strong stimuli. Therefore, if your hands cannot do you any good, do not at least harm your appearance with untimely movements and postures closed to communication.

Avoid pointing your finger at objects; if necessary, use your entire hand. Most importantly, don't let yourself be distracted by thoughts about gestures. If you rehearse at home in front of the mirror before the interview, you will achieve great success than improvising on the fly. Remember that facial expressions and movements are just the first and not at all the main steps on the road to a new job.

Open poses

You will need:

- training;

– psychological adjustment to openness.

Be prepared for:

– to the fact that you will be placed in uncomfortable conditions to create stressful situation;

– because if your interlocutor dislikes you, it will be very difficult to maintain open postures.

This may not be useful if:

– you prefer to be natural;

– during an interview you can’t think about anything else but questions.

Gesticulation shows your general state whether you are open to communication or, conversely, closed. Therefore, we will analyze several poses that show your readiness to communicate carefully and constructively.

The first thing we pay attention to is the moment when you entered the office. After all, these are the most important moments for establishing the necessary contact.


As you walk towards the interviewer's desk, walk with confidence and firmness. Don't keep your bag in front, it's a sign of anxiety.

Once you stop directly at the place where you will sit, stand straight without crossing your legs. The support should be on both legs, but if you put your leg forward a little, this may be perceived by your interlocutor as a decisive challenge.

Do not rest your hands on your hips, and do not hide them behind your back. Perfect option: in one hand you have a bag, the other rests with your fingertips on your intended chair.

After you sit down, hang your purse on the edge of the chair or place it on your lap (if it is small). Under no circumstances should you place your bag on your interlocutor’s desk, as this will violate his personal space. If for one reason or another you cannot leave your bag with you, ask the interviewer where you can leave it. You should do the same with an umbrella and outerwear.

Basically, if you are truly open to communication, you will subconsciously adopt an open posture. But if you feel some embarrassment, you need to arm yourself with our advice.

1. Hands in a lock. Maybe clenching your hands will give you confidence, but still try not to do so. Most often, this means that from the very beginning you have a point of view on everything and will consider issues from your own angle. This is a demonstration of a kind of filter through which you will pass all information.

2. Crossed arms are an indicator of your shyness and reluctance to be completely sincere in your answers. It's like you're closing yourself off from possible dangers and don’t want to let go of your character. Remember that you are in an interview, not an interrogation, and do not cross your arms.

3. The legs are too thrown over one another, or even braided. This may indicate either manifestations of vulgarity or the infantilism of your psyche. Children usually braid their legs to feel more confident. And throwing your legs over one another in the hip area speaks of a certain arrogance and lack of composure in your character.

4. Don't slouch, holding your bag in your lap with both hands and tucking your feet under a chair. This is a sign of pessimists and people with low self-esteem. Do everything to present yourself in a favorable light.

5. You can’t tap your foot; by doing this, you disrupt the usual rhythm of work for your interlocutor and can provoke him to make a remark. It's not in your best interest.

6. If you place your tense palms on top of each other on the edge of the table, this will tell the interviewer that you are overly emphatic. Try to relax. Otherwise, your interlocutor will think that you are just waiting for his mistake or embarrassment. Everything we've covered now relates to how you can demonstrate your closed positions.

So how should you behave to be perceived as an open and attentive person?

1. If your chair is at some distance from the table and you have nowhere to lean, we suggest the following position, which is most conducive to communication. Your back should be straight, keep your head level too, don’t let it go up (a look from above) or down (a look from under your brows is also not very pleasant).

You can cross your legs, but in the area of ​​your knees. Women usually find it more comfortable to sit this way. At the same time, make sure that the thrown foot does not protrude too much to the side, especially if your shoes have a long toe. You will feel more confident if you have something in your hands, such as a purse or a notebook with a pen. If there is nothing, hold your hands in a way that is comfortable for you, avoiding crossed positions. You can choose one of the following options: palms on top of each other on the knee of the crossed leg, or also on top of each other in the thigh area.

2. If your chair is to the right or left of the table, you can lean on it a little. At the same time, rest the surface of your hand from the elbow to the tips of your fingers on the edge of the table, place your second palm next to or on the first. The torso can be turned slightly towards the interlocutor, it is better not to throw your legs, but carefully place them at an angle towards the table. If, nevertheless, it is convenient for you to cross your legs, then the leg closest to the table should be at the top. Keep your head straight, do not lift your chin.

3. When you fill out the form, try to take a position that is comfortable for you, but after filling out, return to your previous position.

Why do you need to observe all this? Your interviewer is a pretty good judge of people, otherwise he wouldn't have been given the job. Do not forget that your task is to impress your interlocutor with the integrity of your character. If you use different methods to achieve the desired result, you will have to constantly be on your toes. But if you think through all your external manifestations personal responsibilities, success awaits you.

Surely there have been situations in your life when a person pushed you away with his behavior. We are now talking about antics, manners, etc. So start from the opposite and do not repeat any of the movements that strained you.

Your task is almost complete. You can already show your appearance that you are warm and friendly (smile), that you are calm and calm (voice, facial expressions, general gestures, eyes) and open to communication (postures). If you do everything correctly, then your conversation will move in a polite and friendly manner, and the interlocutor will not be annoyed due to possible deviations from the conversation. Now is the time to show him what other character traits you have.

Study your interlocutor

You will need:

- attentiveness;

- rest before the interview.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that the interviewer will control his behavior;

– so that the interviewer will notice your attention.

This may not be useful if:

– you are not interested in what the interlocutor is like;

– you don’t want to be distracted from the conversation.

When we talk about smiles, gestures, postures, clothing styles, etc., we are trying to produce good first impress the interviewer. However, he himself is the face of the company. His attitude towards you largely depends on his beliefs (or prejudices), outlook on life, degree of professionalism and experience. To avoid getting into an awkward position, to avoid appearing too smiling and clingy, study your interlocutor and his external manifestations of internal emotions.

1. The interviewer's eyes reflect the degree of his interest. If he looks at you directly, it means he is listening and waiting for the information he needs. If the eyes are mobile, this indicates some distraction. Try to raise the timbre of your voice a little so that he listens to you. If the interlocutor's eyes are lowered to documents or hands, this is either a test of your activity, or complete inattention and unprofessionalism. In any case, continue answering and finish your thoughts.

2. The interviewer’s gestures show his degree of preparedness for such events. The absence of gestures is a plus in the work of an interviewer, since the questions are not emotionally charged, and you can answer the way you want. Excessive gesticulation speaks of a certain character and attitude to what is happening. An experienced interviewer will use gestures to indicate the end of a conversation: closing a pen, closing a folder, moving documents, and performing other similar actions. An inexperienced interviewer will use gestures throughout the interview to help himself do the job correctly.

3. Pay attention to facial expressions. Unlike gestures, which can be suppressed, facial muscles very clearly show the owner's attitude towards a given situation. It will be easy for you to follow your lips, because they are the source of sound, and when asking questions, attention is often drawn to them. Pursed lips indicate dissatisfaction with what is happening. Perhaps the conversation took the wrong direction. Curling lips are a sign that questions or answers are inappropriate. Try to pause, maybe you can correct the situation.

4. Changes in voice volume, sentence construction, and variability in intonation are one of the interviewer’s techniques used to take the shine off you and face the truth. In addition to these tricks, it is very easy to distinguish emotions such as hidden joy, negativity, hostility, empathy. Try to immediately recognize the emotions with which you are greeted. The arrogant and boorish behavior of the interlocutor usually speaks about the culture of the enterprise, so it’s worth thinking about whether you are applying for a job there, whether it will turn out to be a laundry instead of a cultural center. Sentence construction and conversational style are also important. Adapt to them to avoid overt confrontation.

In general, you need to understand what type your interlocutor is.

The sanguine person tries to conduct the conversation faster, the topics of questions arise spontaneously (in addition to the questionnaire). His movements are swift, his tone of voice is not strongly colored by emotions, he looks into your eyes, knows exactly what he needs to get from you, and resorts to his own ideas to achieve this goal. Often conversations become personal.

A phlegmatic person will carry out his work with restraint, without emotion, acting according to plan and not allowing the topics to change direction. He is not easily embarrassed or made to feel hostile. But he always appreciates all the positive things you show.

Cholerics are very nervous people. Their emotions overwhelm the entire conversation; he often wants to hear only confirmation of his words. He talks a lot, gesticulates a lot and is based on his inner impressions. Distracted by indirect questions, having difficulty maintaining the style of conversation. The result depends on whether he likes you based on your personal qualities.

Melancholic people simply carry out the right job. His attitude to the conversation will be viewed through the prism of mood. But more often than not, he simply collects information about you, performing the entire amount of work professionally. The movements are shy, blurry, the poses speak of closedness. He is frightened by bright emotional outbursts, so it is necessary to remain calm and equanimous.

In fact, these personality types are rare in their pure form; more often they are combined with each other or can be distorted due to the characteristics of the interviewer’s work. Regardless of the character of your interlocutor, you need to express all the information about yourself, so look for an approach to the interviewer. Also, some personality traits can be determined using the style in which the interlocutor’s clothes and shoes are worn. Of course, the neutral, classic style has long become the standard for first communication with candidates. But pay attention to the quality of the interviewer's shoes and accessories. Good shoes are not only an indicator social status, but also the level of self-esteem. All kinds of bracelets, chains, earrings, hairpins, brooches, cufflinks, etc. are personal notes in the style of clothing. Images of butterflies, birds, and flowers are characteristic of romantic natures; expensive and stylish jewelry characterizes the conservatism and radicalism of your interlocutor, his sense of purpose and love of order. Believe me, he will collect as much information about you as is necessary and useful for the organization.

If the interview takes place in the middle or end of the day, your interviewer is already tired and the work already seems like a chore. Infect him with your optimism, smiles, liveliness of judgment, stir up his perception and force him to pay attention to you. Let the interview with you be a vacation for him, not a job. Take the initiative, lead the conversation or actively help the other person in the conversation.

Another important point is not to overstep the bounds business relations. How do you understand that you have interested the interviewer personally, and the conversation is moving into a slightly intimate direction, which could lead to you being rejected?

The woman interviewer begins to demonstrate her figure, actively moving and revealing for viewing the most attractive, in her opinion, facial and physical aspects. Facial expressions are excessively mobile, lips are constantly curling, eyes express interest. Of course, men may be pleased with this behavior, but believe me, this greatly reduces your chances of getting a job. If you fall for coquetry and start flirting, you will be judged according to other categories that do not speak at all about professionalism and education. The behavioral tactics should be as follows: do not play along with your interlocutor, let her only read admiration in your eyes, and the conversation will go on as usual. Don't give compliments, don't look at your figure openly. Perhaps, due to extraneous reasons, she wants to prove that all men are the same, or simply test you with such feminine cunning. Be calm, restrained and do not let the conversation turn to personal topics.

The male interlocutor tries to show his charm and attentiveness. Of course, there is a possibility that this is your “destiny”, but it is safer to find out after hiring. Male coquetry can be expressed by throwing your hands behind your head to demonstrate your biceps, a languid glance from under your forehead, openly looking at your figure, or a veiled interest in your appearance.

You must choose how to behave yourself. But be above prejudice and think about the current situation in a positive way. After all, even from such an attitude towards you, you can benefit for yourself, and only then decide whether it is worth starting a relationship with him.

Formation of an active life position of the individual is the central task moral education, set by the XXV Congress of the CPSU, which concentrates the efforts of the society of developed socialism to educate the spiritual and moral image of the Soviet person, reflects the effectiveness of the ideological work of the party, public organizations. This indicates not only great importance for the entire system of moral education of this problem, but also about the complexity of its solution.

Consequently, the clarification of its essence, the content of the formation mechanism, and the organization of the educational process comes to the fore, both in theoretical and practical aspects. A successful solution to these issues is possible only on the basis of Marxist-Leninist ethical theory, taking into account the actual practice of moral education in the conditions of building a communist society.

Being a specific form social activity personality, life position is manifested in all areas human activity: labor, socio-political, spiritual and moral, etc. As moral activity, life position expresses the moral tension of the individual, his readiness for practical action. Ultimately, a person’s life position is his moral position, an optimizing factor in his activities.

When we're talking about about the life position of the individual as an activity, then one should keep in mind the two opposite poles of its manifestation - activity and passivity.

An active life position is characterized by the manifestation of courage, courage in the struggle to establish goodness and overcome moral evil, the systematicity of an individual’s moral actions, the scale and social significance of the issues raised moral problems. The implementation of this position is associated with the establishment of positive norms in people's lives; it is guided by the criterion of communist morality: everything that contributes to the creation of a communist society is moral.

One should talk about an active life position not only in relation to the individual. The merit of Marxism-Leninism is that the endless and varied actions of living individuals were generalized as the actions of social groups, as the actions of classes. Marxism-Leninism did not dissolve the individual in the mass, as our ideological opponents sometimes claim, did not “sacrifice” him to the class, but pointed to the broader scale of manifestation of the social, including moral, activity of the individual within the framework of a social group, class, and the whole society . In modern conditions, a socialist person receives greater opportunities to demonstrate an active life position.

The opposite of an active life position is passivity. It manifests itself in the inertia of the individual, indifference to social problems, in the reluctance to participate in the resolution of one or another conflicting moral situation, in the discrepancy between words and deeds. The passive position of an individual is no less dangerous for the cause of moral education than the obvious negative position associated with the manifestation of moral evil. In this sense, the passive position is also “active”, because it is inactive. Understanding the essence of a life position is thus inextricably linked with an analysis of its direction.

By determining the direction of an individual's activity - positive or negative, life position has a regulating effect on practical behavior, stimulating useful moral activity for the benefit of society and counteracting the manifestation of moral evil. In reality, they are not separated by an insurmountable barrier and are in constant interaction.

The core of a person’s life position is the worldview of the individual, his beliefs, his attitude towards spiritual moral values. The inner world of the individual finds its concentrated expression in the life position. If in the process of moral education it is more or less clear what is laid down at the “entrance” to the inner world of the individual, and one can judge what appears “at the output” by the actions and behavior of people, then the inner world of the individual is not yet susceptible to the gaze of the educator. This circumstance once again testifies in favor of the analysis of life position as an activity in which the worldview, beliefs, and internal attitudes of the individual that determine its activity are manifested.

Focusing on the positive moral values ​​of socialism and communism, the individual shows his activity, affirming in reality everything that is advanced and progressive. And vice versa, guided by values ​​of a different order, say, setting accumulation, money-grubbing, etc. as one’s immediate practical goal, a person can degrade as a person.

As a social and moral category, an active life position expresses the individual’s desire to achieve high moral ideals. It is closely connected with such a spiritual quality of the Soviet person as communist aspiration for high social goals, which is a fusion of the high aspirations of the individual, his consciousness, will and practical action.

The combination of public and personal interests, moreover, the conscious subordination of personal interests to public ones, when as a result of upbringing, public interests become internal personal interests, are integral features of an active life position. Moral education is aimed at cultivating this ability in a person.

An active life position presupposes conscious attitude to public duty, unity of knowledge and beliefs, unity of word and deed as an everyday norm of behavior. Taken together, this determines the content of an active life position.

The unity of knowledge and beliefs, words and deeds is realized in moral action. The actualization of this problem in moral education is quite natural. It is associated with access to knowledge in in a broad sense this word of the masses of working people. The task is not only to provide deep knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and the human world, but also to translate this knowledge into highly moral behavior. We are, therefore, talking about an extremely important aspect of moral education, its ability to form a person with such moral properties that would be adequate to the goals put forward by society.

Knowledge in itself, including knowledge of the principles and norms of morality, is not always a sufficient guarantee of a person’s high morality in practice. In real life, knowledge individuals often coexist with irresponsibility and are accompanied by a dulling of social feelings.

If, as a result of the costs of moral education, an individualist has developed who thinks only about his own selfish well-being, then he can use knowledge of the norms of morality and law for personal gain, career or some other personal benefit. And therefore, knowledge of the principles and norms of public morality does not automatically lead to liberation from moral vices. Here everything depends on how much the system of moral education managed to “melt” this knowledge into strong moral beliefs, and then into moral actions.

Contradictions between word and deed in practical behavior may arise, in particular, on the basis of shallow, superficial and formal assimilation of knowledge about the creature public relations in our society. If an individual’s efforts are aimed at understanding only general provisions, then he can take the path of moral dogmatism, which is expressed in embellishing or, conversely, denigrating reality. And if in the process of assimilation of knowledge the mechanism of occurrence, development and impact of a particular phenomenon is lost sight of, then a person develops a template that is not at all conducive to independent thinking. In this case, the moral forces of the individual are extinguished and lose their effectiveness.

Sometimes the view is expressed that inevitable cause The discrepancy between word and deed is moral skepticism, disbelief in the real strength of the collective and the individual. This situation can arise if the word is not supported by deeds and the person experiences this on himself. Often this phenomenon occurs in a production environment, when disorganization and irregularity in work, mismanagement lead to storming, failure to fulfill production plans, and ultimately to a weakening of the effectiveness of moral education. That is why, in organizing socialist competition, party and public organizations pay special attention to instilling unity of word and deed among all workers of our socialist society.

The requirement for unity of word and deed is not something external and alien to man. It corresponds to the entire direction of development of the socialist personality, is internally consonant with its moral convictions, and weans a person from groundless daydreaming. The unity of word and deed can also act as an elementary norm of morality and decency. It has a universal human content, consolidated and developed over centuries by the progressive traditions of the people. In essence, the requirement for unity of word and deed is a requirement for trust in the process of communication between people, a requirement for the moral reliability of an individual. IN Everyday life it takes the form of statements and obligations. It would, of course, be a certain idealization to assert that it always receives real expression in the activity of every person. Often, people’s actions come down to empty declarations; they can take on obviously impossible obligations. A gap between word and deed can also occur in the field of science, when scholastic theorizing replaces the real study of phenomena. The discrepancy between word and deed can nullify any educational measures.

The fight against the discrepancy between word and deed, the formation of an active life position of the individual is an increase in communist ideology, the cultivation of aspiration for high social goals, which are based on the practical implementation of beliefs into practical deeds. At the same time, eliminating the discrepancy between word and deed means increasing the professional and ideological training of the worker of a socialist society, who competently implements collective and personal decisions.

In conditions of developed socialism this requirement enriched with new moral content. It includes, as an integral part, the responsibilities of the individual in relation to society, the team, and other people, which is legislatively enshrined in new Constitution USSR 1977 Fulfillment of the requirement of unity of word and deed contributes to the moral self-affirmation of the individual and leads to an increase in his responsibility for the assigned work. All the practice of communist construction and the experience of competition testify to the intention of the working people to keep their word and translate it into concrete practical deeds.

For its normal functioning, developed socialism also develops higher standards of morality corresponding to a given stage of society, which act as regulators of behavior. They carry out their regulatory functions in the form of instructions for all types of life activities. The new moral requirements put forward are not arbitrary formations; they reflect what has already developed in society, and at the same time indicate the goal for moral education. Putting forward the task of forming an active life position in every Soviet person is a new requirement for the entire system of moral education at the stage of a developed socialist society, developing into a society on communist principles.

It is unlikely that an employer would think of rejecting an interesting candidate because of a couple of hackneyed phrases in his resume. But it's best to avoid clichés: you won't get a second chance to impress. We decided to figure out how to make communication skills and stress resistance work for you.

Don't be so stressed

Today, more and more attention is being paid to the personal qualities of a candidate: employers are looking for those who will get along with colleagues, share corporate values ​​and be interested in work. And the more noticeable that a company is looking not for an abstract specialist, but for a person with certain personal qualities, the more difficult it is to describe them correctly.

What to do if the list of communication skills, the ability to work in a team, an active life position and resistance to stress is a set of clichés, and the employer requires exactly these qualities in a vacancy? Try to back them up with evidence: this way, the abstract pioneer-hero in the employer’s head will quickly turn into a person with experience and an interesting story.

“Sociable: for 2 years I worked part-time as a bartender-healer of souls in a nightclub.”

“Stress-resistant: in two weeks I closed a deal with a difficult client who had previously brought three of my predecessors to tears.”

“Punctual: I successfully worked for 3 years in a company where financial penalties were imposed on people who were late for work.”

Don't focus on standard set phrases, look for synonyms. Sociability can easily be replaced with sociability and the ability to be liked. Stress resistance - the ability to overcome difficulties. An active life position will be noticed immediately if you have an open and pleasant smile in your resume photo. And the love of learning - if they see an impressive list of certificates about.

A long list of personal qualities in a resume is inappropriate. The ideal list is no more than 5-7 points. What qualities should you choose if you are a versatile person? Take a look at the text of the vacancy: the employer probably hinted at what is really important to him.

Separate skills and personal qualities

Skills are abilities that you acquired through work or study. But personal qualities are character traits that are not so easy to acquire and even more difficult to lose. Therefore, their place is in the “About Me” section: that’s where the recruiter will look for them.

Do not load your resume with non-personal information. direct relationship to future work. An HR specialist does not need to know that you have a friendly family and talented children. You can mention your hobby, but literally in one sentence. A common mistake in many resumes is that they contain a lot of unnecessary information, but are devoid of any hint as to why the person is suitable for this particular vacancy.

Phrases to delete from your English resume

If you don’t speak the language very well, then in your resume in English you may still have the same cliches that you just got rid of in Russian. Many of them can simply be crossed out; the second part should be supported by evidence.

Here are the phrases that definitely set English-speaking recruiters on edge.

Results-oriented professional, bottom-line orientation - a specialist focused on achieving results.

Superior (or excellent) communication skills - highest abilities to communication.

Strong work ethic - strict adherence to work ethics.

Met or exceeded expectations - I meet or exceed expectations.

Proven track record of success - there is a confirmed list of achievements.

Works well with all levels of staff - I work well with employees of all levels.

Team player - I can work in a team.

Experts from the “Ready Resume” service will help you create a resume without verbal garbage, aimed at your career goals.

An active life position is the key to an individual’s success in any endeavor. And it arises due to the perception of a static world, if you see it, so to speak, “from the right angle,” then you won’t even notice how you will acquire an active life position, and only success will pursue you in everything, and no one will pay attention to failures will pay What does a person’s active life position mean and how is it formed? Let's try to figure this out.

For example, when analyzing the quality of life of physical education teachers, we might consider whether the dimensions that are important to them are the same as other teachers in the school. Additionally, according to Kreitler and Kreitler, questions such as “how are you doing now compared to last week or earlier while sick” or “how has having this illness changed your health” are options for deepening quality of life analysis given the trajectory of history , for example, about illness.

Two versions of the tool were tested. However, such comparisons can be considered naive at the moment when we consider, as Castiel discusses, features in the ways of perceiving and responding to stimuli, taking into account the sociocultural context. Thus, the concept of a stressor agent, taking into account the broad context of health and quality of life, will be associated both with the individual ability to cope with certain situations and with opportunistic unforeseen circumstances, in which they occur in a complex network of relationships.

What is an active life position?

To better and more easily understand what an individual’s active life position is, let’s give a simple life example. There were elections for the post of governor of your city, and a completely new person was elected who had never held this position before. Within a month you noticed that new horizontal bars, a sandbox, a swing were installed in your yard, everything was bright and in good working order. A few more weeks later, you saw that the lawns on the streets had become prettier, the trees along the road had been trimmed or cut down, and a new kindergarten had opened not far from your house.

Thus, it seems consistent to reflect on the need not to consider only extreme approaches to assessing quality of life, since both exaggerated pragmatism and purely psychometric approaches, such as lack of scientific rigor, do not help to clarify the concept and their forms of assessment. It is therefore important that, in considering quality of life as important to our society, its concept and forms of assessment should be discussed and considered in the light of historical progress and individual needs and public health management.

All this suggests that the governor lived up to hopes and expectations, he did and continues to do everything in his power for the city, spending money on a good cause. He still has a lot in stock interesting ideas, so six months later a beautiful alley appeared in the overgrown city forest. He leads an active life, improving his city. It is this constant inexhaustible supply of new ideas, the manifestation of knowledge of human morals and the ability to use one’s power that speaks of an active life position.

However, these tools have important limitations because, while offering indicators, they cannot assess the specificity of each subject in each assessment context. In the same context, Pires, Matiello and Gonçalves criticize the use of assessments that take into account the distance between what is considered desirable and what is effectively assessed, since they can be quite subjective. They may still be strongly influenced social mechanisms resignations and low expectations caused by chronic poverty, as in their environment, that is, dissatisfaction with the fever of unbridled and growing consumption, a sign of a post-industrial society.

How to become an active person

When submitting a resume, many people ask the question: what does the employer mean by vital activity, what do I need to write/answer? When asked if you have a proactive lifestyle, it is simply a paraphrased question: “Will you give us business ideas or live paycheck to paycheck?” Of course, few people will like the second option, so developing an active life position is very important.

The authors also argue that, in general, the choice of different evaluation metrics is directly related to the use interests of those setting, and because they are so different, may even relate to "different quality of life." Thus, the complementarity of methodologies, that is, the use of standardized assessment tools that facilitate comparison with other studies, in combination with qualitative analyzes, which allow us to get closer to the reality to be studied, is an option for study.

In fact, it is impossible to just wake up in the morning and suddenly realize that you have become active. An active life position is characterized by your actions, thoughts, and ideas. People who definitely have an active life position correspond to its structural components:

  1. A normative-evaluative approach to one’s own actions - a person does not do anything suddenly or at random, his actions are thought out and evaluated, the possible consequences are scrolled through his head more than once. If you learn to soberly and firmly evaluate your actions and draw up a plan for future work, then you will never go wrong, and will always keep yourself among the most respected and reliable colleagues or friends in the entire company;
  2. Motivational-incentive approach. A solid estimate and plan alone is not enough if you don't want to do a particular job. There must be some kind of motivation for your actions, for example, you want to rise to the rank of head of a department, receive a large salary and buy or build a house in the suburbs, as you have always dreamed of, but you must also like the work itself, otherwise there will be no motivation for action;
  3. A practical-effective approach - this phase manifests itself directly during work. You are not lazy to carry out assignments, offer something new for the project, know how to defend your opinion if someone doubts it, but you are not an ardent fanatic and clearly assess your capabilities and task. The previous two points are also collected here, since without them everything described above cannot be accomplished.

Thus, we have verified that quality of life analysis should undergo improvements, considering both its operational aspect and its epistemological foundations. It can be suggested that concepts such as universality, individuality and autonomy, which are quite common in assessing quality of life, should be used with caution. Moreover, if, on the one hand, there is a need for complementarity between more general and quantitative analysis using qualitative focal approaches, on the other hand, it is necessary to go further in the basic assumptions of the design, which are largely based on B production systems or in health in the context of illness or personal lifestyle.

As a result of your work on yourself, you will become more responsible, cheerful to give ideas, resourceful and reliable among colleagues, and able to work in a team.

Most often, it is women who are concerned about cultivating an active life position, and for good reason, this is very important for the fair half in order to maintain order in the family, keep themselves clean and beautiful, and in general, be happy without committing stupid acts. A happy woman, as you know, one cannot help but like and not be beautiful.

We argue, however, that although health status is very important to people's lives, not all aspects of a person's life are necessarily a medical or health problem. Using classical approaches to research in a more comprehensive manner and dialectics can help advance research in this area.

Specialized literature indicates the great social and scientific significance of quality of life. Despite this, the topic still presents many conceptual inaccuracies, and different approaches analysis may be useful in clarifying a topic. The fact that quality of life has different individual meanings makes it difficult to assess and use in scientific research and must be overcome by taking into account the different perspectives of science. Intervention research that elucidates clearer options for improving people's quality of life is scarce and necessary.

And we found out what was wrong in the person himself and him life position. So why do some people succeed and others don’t? What secret of success? We are all looking for some kind of technique that will help us cope with problems and achieve success in everything... But the reasons for success or failure are not in the technique, but in our head.

The hole and the ostrich: the uniqueness of human disease. Lessons from literature: towards a holistic model of quality of life. Multidimensional quality of life: a new measure of quality of life in adults. Center for a conceptual approach to improving the quality of life. Development of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Tool. Heidelberg: Springer, p. 41.

If we want aging to be positive, longer life must be accompanied by continued opportunities for health, participation and safety. The World Health Organization has adopted the term "active aging" to express the process of achieving this vision.

If we really want to “live life in such a way that later there will be no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly” and we are about to start new life, then we first need to “change the head”, or rather - life position generally. It is she who plays a decisive role in whether we achieve success in life, and more correctly, whether we are happy and satisfied.

What is “active aging”? Active aging is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and safety to improve quality of life as people age. Active aging affects both individuals and population groups. It enables people to realize their potential for physical, social and mental well-being throughout their lives and to participate in society according to their needs, desires and abilities; while providing the necessary protection, safety and care.

How to form an active life position?

The differences between active and passive life positions, as you can see, lie in the area of ​​responsibility for oneself and one’s life. A proactive person takes it upon himself, a reactive person always strives to shift it onto someone or something. This means that everything that needs to be done to form an active life position and abandon a passive one, in general outline comes down to two points:

  1. Take responsibility for what is happening to us now and what happened before
  2. Take responsibility for your future

However, taking on this very responsibility is not such an easy task for someone who has been accustomed to avoiding it since childhood and has grown up among such examples... It is not always possible to even see it. I propose the following plan for solving the problem of changing a passive life position to an active one:

Algorithm for forming an active life position

  1. The first point is the most difficult. It’s too “obvious” that the government, the environment, the boss, the parents, the husband (wife), the housing problem, the times are “to blame” for our situation... What is our responsibility? Firstly, the fact that we did nothing, but simply went with the flow, accepting what it brought. I have met people who, at the age of 50, justified their failures by saying that their parents raised them wrong! I would like to ask: “Where You“Was it the last 35 years since your parents raised you?” Moreover, a person cannot do nothing at all, even absolute inaction is also our choice, which has consequences. And we have always had and continue to have a choice.
  2. Secondly, our responsibility is in how we relate to the circumstances of our lives. If they cause us depression, indignation or some other type, and we are absorbed in experiencing these emotions, then everything is clear, we like these circumstances! Let's admit it to ourselves honestly! To make it easier to admit, you can read Eric Berne's book "Games People Play"- very good at brainwashing. Our reaction is also our choice, and we must try to recognize this. People react differently to the same circumstances, so there is no longer any need to say that “I was driven to it” and “I couldn’t do otherwise.” And if we had reacted differently in a hundred cases at one time, then we would now have completely different circumstances... Let's think about this in colors. Do you feel inspired by the consciousness of your freedom and the fact that everything depends on you? It is very uncomfortable for a person to feel like a victim, even if he has felt this way all his life.
  3. After we have managed to admit that we are the culprits of what is happening and has happened to us, we should not waste energy scolding ourselves. last words and, again, fall into depression from your worthlessness. On the contrary, everything negative emotions It’s better to throw it away, and self-pity comes first. "Tears of sorrow will not help". This habit is not easy to break, but it is possible. Moreover, there is no need to try to overcome this pity or anger within yourself - such emotions only grow from attention. Energy is better directed to a more constructive question: “What to do now?” Now that we are aware of our freedom to choose how to respond, we can look for the positives and opportunities in the circumstances. And now we are already thinking about the future.
  4. The next one is very important question: What do we want? Not “I would like a dacha in the Maldives...”, but really - what? And taking into account the fact that this will have to be achieved by making a number of efforts and making certain sacrifices? - Nothing just happens like that. Another feature of the reactive position is “wanting that we have everything, but we don’t have to pay anything for it.” It is thanks to this love of ours for “freebies” that tens and hundreds of thousands of scammers live, of which there are so many now. They offer easy solution all our problems - and thus solve their own. But our problems are not solved - but we have a reason to be indignant at their dishonesty and to feel sorry for poor ourselves, who were “threw away” again... But you must admit, if we, for example, have health (circumstances) and we want to become an Olympic champion, then we will have to prepare to the fact that years of grueling training await us - there is no other way. Why should it be different in other areas of life?
  5. Having decided on our desires, we transform them into goals. This raises another important question: “What are we willing to do and sacrifice to achieve our goals?” Are we ready to study and work extra to get rich, for example? In the circumstances in which we find ourselves, we have two ways: to work to create other circumstances, or to learn to live and rejoice with those who have (for which we will also have to work). Maybe we will choose the second path - the main thing is that it is our choice. And we no longer feel like a victim and have no moral right to whine. But we can think about what we can do to change something in better side- establish or break relationships, for example. The main thing is to decide on your goals. A successful person who builds his own life has a plan for this construction - without a plan nothing can be built.

It is, of course, unrealistic to describe in one article all the nuances of how active and passive life positions differ and how to change one for the other. But I hope that I was able to clarify this issue at least in general terms. The formation of an active position occurs exclusively in our head - through awareness and acceptance of responsibility. In principle, this is a one-time act, but deepening the position and restructuring habitual reactions will take some time.

Various books and trainings on success can be very helpful here. They all say essentially the same thing, but until we have internalized this philosophy as “our own,” we need repetition and clarification. And only after we have established ourselves in active life position Having accepted responsibility for your life and defined your goals, you can begin to look for specific methods that will help us achieve these goals more effectively or create methods for ourselves - as you like. I wish you success! See you again!

Life position- this is a person’s effective and emotional attitude to all manifestations in his life, determined by external frameworks and internal attitudes. Similar attitude manifests itself on several levels at once - in actions, thoughts, statements and even inaction at certain moments. Any position implies not only a passive demonstration of one’s attitude, but also an active and effective direction to implement one’s position.

The formation of a life position occurs throughout life, but begins from childhood. It includes features of neuropsychic organization, type of thinking, and psychological trauma. In addition, the immediate environment (especially in childhood) has a direct impact on one’s life position, since close people form values, semantic space, goals and plans.

A person’s life positions can be determined independently, depending on plans and necessary achievements. In many cases, the correctly chosen position helps development and faster development, but first, for this it is necessary to decide on the most correct and effective one for each specific person and his individual life characteristics.

What it is

The life position is formed thanks to the immediate environment during the first years of life. The features of its development, attitudes, guidelines and needs, as well as ways of responding to situations are transmitted by parents and educators, becoming internalized categories. Subsequently, these embedded parts manifest themselves in all possible sectors of human life, determining both moral life positions and work, personal and even political ones.

However, this does not mean that once formed, a life position remains a static category. It may change under the influence of new acquired knowledge or life experience. In many ways, a person himself can shape its changes through the application of mental and mental efforts, changing his direction and habitual ways of reacting and assessing the situation. By the time of achievement, the main life position is formed, and if this does not happen dramatic changes in the individual and the external social situation, then it remains key, only slightly adjusted under the influence of situational factors.

There is also a categorization of positions. One of these classifications adheres to the concept that the position itself is formed before the birth of the child, since it is determined by the psychological state of the parents. This does not mean genetic conditioning or actions, but rather the prism of perception. Roughly speaking, a person can evaluate himself as someone good or feel his own inferiority; everyone is subject to the same basic assessments. external reality. Such deeply held beliefs are practically not amenable to subsequent volitional correction. Changes are possible only if conscious efforts are made, often with the help of a psychotherapist, and require more than one year of intense internal work.

Types of life positions

The typology of positions is based on the ways in which a person interacts with the surrounding space. In relation to this, active and passive varieties are distinguished.

An active life position is always aimed at changes concerning both one’s own personality (creativity, learning, new acquaintances) and society (reform ideas regarding norms, strategies and principles for solving certain problems). At the level of interaction, it always manifests itself through leadership aspirations and innovative ideas. Regarding their own existence, such people are distinguished by independence and high level responsibility for oneself and those indirectly involved in it. With negative development, desires to violate social norms, organize various criminal groups, revolutions and oppositions may be revealed.

In any of the options, an active position excludes an indifferent attitude towards the trends and processes of one’s own life. These people are called to change everything that they consider inappropriate or wrong. Depending on the moral foundations of the individual himself, such an orientation can lead either to rapid development and reform, or to an increase in anarchy and permissiveness. Activity like characteristic allows you to cope with all difficulties and quickly find solutions to all kinds of issues. Such people are not afraid of initiative and the responsibility that comes with implementing their own ideas.

Taking the side of actively changing the world, people do not dwell on their own experiences and difficulties, they are always on the move and are happy about changes. The downside can be considered the same requirements for others - they cannot stand prolonged worry over one issue and the desire to keep everything as it is, just not to be exposed to the risk and uncertainty of change.

A passive life position adheres to conformist ideas, compliance with all social norms and rules, even to their detriment and when they are unreasonably stupid. The desire to rely on chance, not to change your life, circle of friends and interests for years. Such a person takes off most responsibility, leaving many important decisions to the state, significant people or superiors.

Difficulties for people with a passive position arise when faced with difficulties and when solving creative problems. They are certainly good performers, but are practically devoid of leadership qualities, because they always strive to move along the well-known, beaten path.
Sometimes such lack of initiative leads to an increase in problems and the frequent occurrence of critical situations, which are already decided by other people.

The static nature of the passive position at first glance ensures the safety and visibility of the situation, but problems begin when external conditions begin to change. To be successful and prosperous, an important quality is the ability to perceive changes and reorganize your life in relation to trends. This is practically inaccessible to passive people and will sit in a burning house until the end, hoping that the fire will stop on its own.

According to the type of direction of energy, positions are distinguished into negative and positive. In negative manifestations, a person’s behavior and attitudes are aimed at antisocial actions and the desire to resist the established way of life. In the form of active changes or passive sabotage depends on the first two options, but these are always frustrating tendencies. Positive aspirations focus on humanistic values, development and ethical standards. Moreover, if a person is not able to independently introduce and implement similar ones, then he will support and comply with the existing ones, passing on a similar approach to his children.


Examples will help you understand in more detail and finally understand the main types of life positions. Thus, an active life position with a positive orientation is expressed in one’s own high self-esteem; such a person is happy with the place he occupies and knows how to appreciate what is happening in his life. He can be passionate about many matters concerning him and those around him. These are active participants in actions for peace and the fight against poverty, volunteers and simply caring people. They are the ones who stop to help. crying child or fallen on the street, while they sincerely enjoy their actions.

The radical opposite is the passive negative position. In this case, a person may evaluate himself as a victim or a loser, and the world perceived as hostile, stupid, degrading. Life decisions are not made - people resign themselves to the fact that they are fired, offended, deceived and blame everything on the injustice of fate. As a rule, they do not have their own ideas to improve the situation, and if they do, they are not going to implement them.

Passive positive attitude quite widespread, especially in good economic and social conditions. People are able to appreciate what they have, maintain traditions, strengthen existing achievements, but not make adjustments. Having all the makings, such a person will not quit his low-paying, habitual job just because he has enough for everything, and change requires energy. They are subject to mass thoughts - they vote like the majority, listen to the same music and do not argue. At the same time, the level of satisfaction is quite high, especially if changes and troubles do not affect them personally.

An active position with a negative orientation represents opposition to society. These could be protest rallies, defending one’s position through quarrels and fights.
Oppositions, anarchists, criminals are prominent representatives of people with similar internal foundations. Verbal aggression and constant complaints about what is happening, nitpicking over trifles and inflated demands on society ultimately make a person an antisocial person.

To be fair, it is worth noting that there are no pure types of positions; we can only talk about the predominance of one of them. Depending on the situation, a person can react in different ways and this is the best position when flexibility is possible. A situation where a person reacts in a typical way all his life, without orientation towards net worth and the real state of affairs is the most negative, since it leads to personal degradation.

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