How to cultivate feminine character traits in yourself. Training willpower: developing an iron character at home

Being a Being a MAN is not easy. To achieve this, it is not enough to simply be born male and wear trousers. You need to have courage, and it, in turn, includes certain character traits and qualities, the most important of which are courage, patience, boldness, responsibility, perseverance, and self-confidence. But not every man can say that he has full set all these qualities. However, this should not serve as an indicator of a person’s “badness” as a man; it’s just that some qualities need to be developed in oneself. And today we will give some very good advice on the topic of how to raise a Man in yourself.

First, let women surround you

This is probably one of the most important recommendations, because a man by nature should be close to a woman, and if there are a lot of women, then this is even better. Just don't misunderstand our advice, because... We can hardly be called supporters of polygamy. Surrounding yourself with women means interacting with them as often as possible. The fact is that in the process of communicating with women, masculinity and courage in a man are manifested most of all. If you are one of those who experience embarrassment and constraint in the company of women, your task is to overcome them - this will be the first step on the path to courage. Just try to overcome these sensations, and over time you will gain an understanding of how to behave, the ability to carry on a conversation, etc.

Second, test yourself in a team sport.

Team sport very well develops such qualities as self-confidence, competitive spirit, and the will to win. When a person aims to go only forward together with his comrades, his character is tempered and becomes stronger inner rod. In addition, team sport is a constant interaction with other people, in this case– with teammates, thanks to which even an insecure man will gradually absorb the confidence of those who are confident in themselves, and this will begin to manifest itself in his everyday life. And another quality that is formed through team sports is patience, which is no less important in life.

Third – test yourself in extreme sports

Extreme sports, such as parachuting, diving, rock climbing, mountaineering, shooting, bungee jumping, alpine skiing, rafting, etc., including even contact martial arts, allow a man to gain one of the most important qualities for him - courage. In addition, they build confidence in themselves and their strengths, get rid of anxiety, strengthen internal resilience, and impart perseverance and determination. Thus, a person in whose life there is extreme sports not only soon notices how he himself is changing, but also observes positive changes in his own life.

Fourth – develop your body

It's easy to see why this is important. A man is a priori one who has not only strong spirit, but also a strong and developed body. But this does not mean at all that you need to make yourself a “mountain” of muscles, spending endless hours in the gym. Simple is enough. You can start visiting the pool, buy a barbell and a pair of dumbbells for home and exercise once every two days, do exercises or morning exercises, go for a run. Just make it a rule to do something that will develop you physically, because strength and endurance will never become unnecessary. In addition, a strong man can always protect himself and his woman, and this is important, because... a man is a warrior from time immemorial.

Fifth - learn to play poker

You should not think that learning to play poker is necessary for the sake of some kind of bragging rights, smoky evenings at the poker table, or making money (although the latter will only be beneficial). , which also develops qualities inherent in a man, but inherent in an intelligent man. These are qualities such as determination, prudence, patience, ingenuity, logic, intuition, the ability to control emotional manifestations and understand people. A real man You must be able to control yourself and control yourself in any situation, and poker can teach you this.

Sixth, watch what you say.

This point also relates to the issue of self-control. As is known, " long tongue“has always been the root of many problems, and unfulfilled promises are the reason for the loss of respect from others, even the closest people. A real man is not only always responsible for his words and keeps his promises, but also tries to speak exclusively to the point. This behavior allows you to deserve good attitude from other people, and can also eliminate the occurrence unpleasant situations in life. And another advantage is that it develops, which is important when communicating with other people.

Seventh - try to behave with dignity

A man in every life situation must behave exactly as a man should. This suggests that you should not commit careless acts, behave respectfully with others, especially women, not indulge your weaknesses or the weaknesses of loved ones, refrain from showing rudeness, aggression, and disrespect. A man should be an example for others, especially for his children, if he has any. If there are no children, then you need to train yourself to behave in such a way as to become a role model for them when they appear.

Eighth - develop your mind

A man should pay great attention to the development of his mind. It's no secret that being smart and versatile is always good. But a man, if he really wants to be an example for others and even for himself, must constantly develop in this regard. The development of the mind means broadening one's horizons, having wide range interests and various hobbies, development of intelligence and expansion of the scope of personal skills and abilities, formation and training leadership qualities. Having a developed mind means having a sharp mind, a sense of humor and a large information base. By the way, this also contributes to achieving success in any area of ​​life.

Ninth – develop spiritually

When it comes comprehensive development, we need to take into account not only physical body and reason, but also inner world. In other words, you need to take time. This does not mean that from now on you need to completely immerse yourself in some kind of spiritual teaching, because Quite simple, non-binding practices, such as meditation, for example, are enough. Just set aside time during the day to be alone with yourself for at least half an hour in a state of peace and tranquility. This practice allows you to stop the racing of thoughts, achieve some inner silence, and put everything in your mind “on the shelves.” It also develops intuition, improves understanding of yourself and others, and helps you remain true to yourself in any situation.

Tenth – strive for success

Considering that the indicators of success for each person can be completely different, here we can only say that a man must, firstly, and secondly, make efforts to achieve them. You must understand what is important to you, what you want to strive for, and what to spend your time and energy on achieving. And if you find this, if you manage to achieve the desired results, then you can already be called successful person. And success will bring with it financial wealth, moral satisfaction, and a feeling of happiness.

ANOTHER RECOMMENDATION: In fact, every person, regardless of gender, skin color, age, religion, or anything else, should strive for. But to become truly developed and strong personality is possible only when you know yourself well: your personal qualities, advantages and disadvantages, preferences, life meaning, most important values etc. At first glance, it may seem that achieving such self-knowledge can be very difficult and you can spend a lot of time on it, but we want to tell you that this is far from the case. To know yourself, you just need to have a system and understand how to use it. We can offer you both - we invite you to take our self-knowledge course, which will reveal to you many secrets and interesting things about yourself. Go ahead and start getting to know yourself.

And we wish you courage in completing our course!



Those who have enough strength of character achieve dreams and real success, while weaklings remain on the sidelines. Only hard and strong character helps you achieve your goals in life. How to develop stronger character and stronger moral discipline?

Character, from Greek word"χαρακτήρα" was originally a term that denoted the characters printed on coins. Nowadays, character refers to the collection of all the qualities such as courage, truthfulness, loyalty and integrity that a person possesses. Character is perhaps the most important thing a person can have, as it defines the very essence of people. Developing stronger character means making yourself more productive person within specific area interests or a particular profession. This article contains tips on how to develop stronger character and stronger moral discipline.

1. Know what makes character strong. Strength of character consists of the qualities that allow you to control your instincts and desires, control yourself and have the ability to hold yourself back from the many temptations that you constantly encounter in life. everyday life. Moreover, strength of character is freedom from prejudice and stereotypes, and includes the ability to show and feel tolerance, love and respect for other people. .

2. Understand why strong character is important to you and especially to those around you:

Grit allows you the freedom to pursue your goals while building your resilience to failure. She helps you achieve your goals.
Having a strong character allows you to analyze and examine the reasons for failures, instead of simply complaining about them like other people do.
Strong character gives you the courage to admit your shortcomings, frivolity and weaknesses.
It allows you to withstand any changes in the situation and continue to move forward, regardless of obstacles.

3. Empathize. The most important step in development strong character is to learn to empathize with other people, especially those who are weaker than you, and to love other people as you love yourself. This skill can cost you dearly, as you will have to carefully examine your motives in order to be able to empathize selflessly. Empathy differs from sympathy in that empathy requires your direct participation in the lives of others (enter the person's life and help them clear the path), while empathy involves an emotional but passive response without active participation and dedication.

4. Seek the truth. Prefer reason to ordinary emotions. A person with a strong character examines all the facts with his head and does not give in to prejudices and emotions. Resolve most questions only through reasoning and avoid the chaos of your feelings, understanding that despite the fact that “there is no dispute about taste,” reason should always win with the help of factual evidence and arguments.

5. Don't be a pessimist or an optimist; be a leader. The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist waits for the end of the storm, and the leader rebuilds the sails and prepares them for any weather.

6. Beware of irrational impulses. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas believed that there were seven human feelings: love and hate, desire and fear, happiness and sadness, and anger. While not bad in themselves, these emotions often overpower our intellect and cause us to indulge in the wrong things: overeating, being irrationally afraid of something, or letting sadness or anger consume us. In fact, the answer to any question can only be found in the rationality of decisions and in practice good habits aimed at liberation from emotions. Excessive and sensual appetites are a sign weak character, while the ability to delay (suspend) rewards and practice self-control indicate strength of character.

7. Be happy with what you have (don't imitate anyone). Appreciate your own merits. Believing that the grass is always greener somewhere else will ensure you have a miserable life; remember that this is only a projection of your ideas about how other people live. It's better to concentrate on how you live.

8. Dare to take (calculated) risks. If you avoid battles, you deprive yourself of victory and all the benefits that come with them. Don't be cowardly, aloof or shy away from your responsibilities, but be courageous to make your contribution to humanity.

9. Reject any external advice, contrary to what you decided yourself. Every person is driven by them own interests, whether subconsciously or consciously. Don't force anyone to do what you want, but don't allow others to force their opinions on you. Understand and accept the fact that different people will offer you different solutions the same issue, and that you can't please everyone. Find the right way and walk along it, without turning either to the right or to the left. Manage yourself and never stray from the right path.

10. Learn to do good and shun/avoid evil. Seek peace and strive for it sincerely. Pursue not personal goals that trample on the needs of other people, but noble and worthy motives that will benefit the whole society. If you pursue your personal goals, you will get involved in conflicts with other people and, in the end, you will definitely fail. If you work for the common good, everyone will benefit and you will be able to satisfy your personal goals at the same time.

11. Learn to control your emotions. Don't let anything but common sense, influence your daily decisions and actions. It may often be difficult, sometimes almost impossible, not to give in to emotions, but you can learn to suppress them and overcome them by relying on prudence and common sense.

12. Be neither wasteful nor stingy, but find golden mean. The ability to find a middle ground is a sign of a strong character that can withstand extremes.

13. Always remain calm. Calmness is a state that allows you to concentrate and redistribute your divergent thoughts and meditate profitably. Thinking leads to ideas, ideas lead to opportunities, opportunities lead to success. Calmness is the sine qua non of a strong character. Without calmness there is no willpower. Without calm, desires can quickly ignite, turning into an invincible passion and hindering sound thinking. Calmness is not the enemy of emotions, but a regulating force that allows their correct expression.

14. Focus on positive aspects in life and don't waste time on negative points. One day a doctor, to whom a young girl came complaining of a variety of diseases and praying for a cure, told her: “Don’t think about them; this is the most effective of all medicines.” Physical and mental pain can be weakened by one effort of will, directing thoughts in other directions, or increased by continuing to think about it.

15. Resist fatalism. Each person bears full responsibility for own development and fate. If you accept fatalism, that is, if you believe that fate is somehow predetermined and unchangeable, you will dissuade yourself from any attempt to improve your life and your character. Fate is blind and deaf; she will never hear or see us. Better remember that correcting mistakes and changing your own destiny is better side are sure steps towards developing a strong character and improving your life overall. Pursue your own happiness; don't wait for something or someone to bring it to you because it won't happen unless you are persistent.

16. Have patience - to enthusiastically set, pursue and achieve your goals, be they short-term or long-term: that is, to make progress (success). Success is progress, not a final destination. A person with a strong character will not give up when he encounters obstacles on his way, but will persevere until the very end and overcome all obstacles. Learn to suspend gratification in life, learn to wait as you progress, and understand that time can be your friend, that it can be used to learn and grow. Also know which battles you should get involved in and when it is better to retreat; sometimes letting go means accepting the gift of life rather than clinging to a sinking ship.

17. Conquer all fears. Indecision is a serious obstacle to success. Do not allow prejudices based on superficial observations into your life, but accept facts that are based solely on common sense. Don't lay your foundation on sand, but rather build on solid rock. By overcoming fear, you will gain the strength of character that will allow you to think, make decisions, and act like a true winner.

18. Just as a gardener must clear the ground of weeds to allow his garden to grow, so you should eradicate all weak thoughts that, like weeds, undermine your strength. Beware of being overly emotional and give emotions only their true meaning. When you notice that you are tormented by some overwhelming emotion, immediately occupy yourself with something for fifteen minutes, preferably an hour. Many great warriors have lost their lives because they reacted too boldly to insults and went into battle too early against their offenders, without proper preparation, acting extremely hot-tempered and rash. Learn to overcome such weaknesses over time, remembering that anger is a common vice among people of weak character.

19. Practice calm, discretion, discernment and prudence in business. Develop logical thinking and use it in your work.

20. Be truthful in everything and in all aspects of life. If you are not truthful, you are lying, first of all, to yourself, and this will certainly affect your character.

21. Lastly, be the best you can be wherever you are and always try to do the best you can. Work hard and avoid idleness like the plague. At the same time, learn to appreciate good rest for its ability to restore your strength and inspire you to return to your good deeds every time.


Be disciplined and control yourself. Run away from bad impulses (including habits and actions that you will later regret) - and compulsive behavior that become habits and distort character.

Be a man of your word and avoid the temptation to lie; Honesty maintains strong character. Also learn to make decisions without fear.

Be happy. Happiness is health. Happiness gives you the strength to overcome monotony and get rid of boredom in life. It allows you to make the best of any situation. Happiness is a state of mind. According to observations, poor people smile much more often than rich people on Wall Street.

Follow physical activity to develop resilience. Mind and body are interconnected. Train your physical stamina to strengthen your mental toughness.

Be good friend. Commit yourself to your friends and be willing to make sacrifices for them. Never hold a grudge or pay attention to minor incidents. Live in harmony with other people. Don't be selfish: always take other people's interests into account.

Before we begin to consider the question “how to train willpower,” let’s figure out what is willpower? According to the famous doctor philosophical sciences, Professor V.I. Selivanova “Will is a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior and activities, manifested in the ability to cope with internal and external difficulties when performing purposeful actions and actions.”

Note - the conscious performance of any action. For example, someone running away from a dog is clearly not committing volitional action, climbing a tree or jumping over high fence, since he performs all these acrobatic sketches driven by fear, and not driven by the internal attitudes of his Self.

What to do? Realize! Okay - I realized it, but what next? And then you need to decide on the following line of concepts: I want - I can - I need, and in exactly that order! And there is one more small nuance here, this is the answer to the question “when?”: when I want, when I can, when I need! By solving this seemingly simple problem, we are preparing for certain conscious actions.

We determine the goals of action, motives, desires, priorities. And only after this is a decision made on any action.

It sounds easy and simple: I set a goal (I want to), agreed on tasks (I can), built bridges, when and in what order it was necessary, and that’s it - I went to perform volitional actions! I went, ran into difficulties (internal or external) and that’s it, sour. Some kind of vicious circle it turns out, right? Let's look into the issue deeper.

It is necessary to cultivate willpower through the development of several aspects of a person

Willpower is based on certain character traits of a person:

  • endurance and self-control;
  • determination and perseverance;
  • initiative and independence;
  • determination and consistency;
  • self-control and self-esteem.

By developing and improving the above-mentioned traits, as a result, the bar of willpower rises.

Agree, after we broke such an incomprehensible expression as willpower into parts, it became somehow easier! It is necessary to develop and improve character traits, both individually and collectively. Moreover, we already have all this baggage, because in adult life we already come with a certain set of strong-willed qualities.

Where do they go then, these personality traits, you ask? Nowhere, it’s just much easier to go with the flow, rather than overcome difficulties, conquer obstacles, and having received the result, keep the bar. After all, the main function of the will is to overcome oneself, one’s second self.

The second self, which in the morning persuades you to lie in bed for another five or six minutes, although time is running out. This is the Self with whom you buy another chocolate bar or a pack of cigarettes, although yesterday you decided not to buy any more. This is the second Self, with which each of us comes into conflict every minute, several times a day. And here you feel the euphoria of victory or the despair of defeat, as if you were fighting with another person. And then in which direction the pendulum of internal self-awareness swings depends only on us. Anyone who has already stopped overcoming difficulties is similar to a henpecked husband - he evokes pity and contempt.

How to develop willpower: exercises and practices that will help strengthen character

Overcoming yourself - cultivating willpower in yourself always begins with awareness of yourself, your Self. After all, you can’t fool yourself, you can’t fool yourself! We know all our strengths and weaknesses. Both need to be constantly developed, improved, and cultivated. And here it is not necessary to undergo paid trainings and seminars. It’s enough to work on yourself, which you can do at home. Think about people with an iron will. Start making yourself.

#1. Rule 1 - Start small and work your way up to bigger goals.

There is no need for global restructuring, start small. For example, getting up by the alarm clock without any “five more minutes and I’ll get up” or reading a bedtime story to your child every day without any buts. It seems like a small thing, but how organized it is!

The main rule is to gradually increase the load. You need to start by setting small goals, gradually moving on to larger ones. Break it up big goals on small tasks and move towards implementing what you planned gradually.

Willpower is significantly strengthened after achieving your goals and realizing your victory. There is a kind of transition to new level, as if you have upgraded your character. That is why it is important to experience a feeling of victory over yourself (usually over your laziness) as often as possible. In order for this feeling to visit you as often as possible, you need to break down your goals into small tasks. Many tasks - many victories.

So, remember the sequence of actions:

  1. Set a goal for yourself;
  2. Break it down into a series of tasks;
  3. After completing each task, praise yourself (you can even do something tangible);
  4. Do a little more than planned.

The last point is important in strengthening your character. If every time you do not only what you planned, but also beyond that, then development will go faster.

#2. Rule 2 - consistency in self-improvement

You need to work on yourself constantly, every day. Remember the main word for yourself - systematicity. There should be no acceleration in such an event. You, like a tireless mole, tediously dig the ground in search of something tasty.

#3. Rule 3 - strengthen yourself physically

In a healthy body - healthy mind. This hackneyed expression has not lost one iota of its relevance. A loose, pampered body can hardly accommodate an iron spirit capable of moving mountains and controlling its inner self.

And here exercises such as workouts can come to the rescue. I highly recommend the 100-day workout from Ruslan Dudnik - 100DW. Moreover, the third wave has just started. In the summer of 2013, I completed a 100-day workout, which was conducted by Ruslan in 2012. The feeling is indescribable.

The beauty of such workouts is that they are based on the above-mentioned rules - gradualism and consistency. The load in the exercises increases gradually, and the exercises themselves are completed every day.

A huge bonus - a series of breakthroughs - testing your strength to the limit physical capabilities. This is where the real strengthening of willpower happens! During such training, thousands of thoughts, thousands of excuses crawl into your head, urging you to drop everything and go lie on the couch. But when you finish the workout, the euphoria from realizing your capabilities, from the fact that you were able, simply goes off scale.

And so, day after day, we will develop the weaknesses of our character and improve the strengths. What will this give us? Confidence in yourself, in your abilities, in your capabilities and, as a result, the development and strengthening of willpower.

Very often people want to change their character, as it interferes with their communication with other people and spoils relationships. But it’s never too late to change: you can do it at any age. To cultivate a strong character in yourself, you will have to try, as this volitional quality, which not everyone gets.

More and more often there are girls and women with a strong character who do business and develop their personality.

This character manifests itself only in strong people who stand out from the rest with their actions and actions. To become a strong person, you need to follow the recommendations that help you build a strong character. They will be discussed below.


First of all, to become a strong person, you need to find it for yourself interesting area . Your hobbies should be constant, and you yourself should know what you want. You need to do one thing in order to develop a strong character and achieve success in any activity.
This is both a hobby and a job. You need to do only what you really like. Don’t forget about self-development, which fosters a person’s strong character.


To educate strengths character, you need to keep yourself in shape and exercise regularly. You just need to decide on the sport that you like. You need to attend classes regularly and hold them at the same time to develop discipline. You need to take as a rule: you should attend classes at any time, even if you are not in the mood or feel bad.

If you are not in the mood for heavy workloads, then you can go jogging or just walk around the garden. Even the rain shouldn't bother you. If you decide to become sports person, then nothing should stop you.


A person’s thinking can also affect their character. To develop a strong character, you need to think positively. As practice shows, you can work on character at any time; if a person is strong, then he will be able to rebuild and change.

It is worth noting that what a person constantly thinks about and what he imagines in his thinking becomes his reality after some time. After all, how a person thinks is how he lives. Anyone wise and smart man He thinks only positively, he considers himself confident and that he will succeed. If you want to attract success, you must think that you will succeed and have enough strength for everything. It’s not for nothing that people say that thoughts are material.

If we're talking about about women, they believe that next to him is a loved one who is the best, even if this is actually not the case. It is with such thoughts that women can be happy and have a good mood.


To cultivate a strong character, you need to adhere to order, and this applies to any business and undertaking, starting from order to dining table and ending with order throughout the house. Also, one should not forget that there must be order in a person’s thoughts, otherwise nothing good will simply be achieved.

You need to understand that each task should be given its own time, and thanks to order, you can save not only time, but also nerves. If a person learns to plan everything, then he will certainly have time to do everything and know where and what he has and is. Everything needs to be in its place.

Getting rid of old things

You definitely need to get rid of old things that are dragging you down. Those things that you haven’t used for several months should either be given to someone or thrown away. The same applies to people, if you do not communicate with a person and it is unlikely that he will be useful to you, then you need to boldly part with him. And don’t worry about those things and people you broke up with. Remember that there will be many useful and necessary acquaintances in your life. You just have to wait.

It is also imperative to part with those people and things that make you sad and remind you of something unpleasant. If you get rid of negativity in time, you will be able to find harmony and focus on what you really need.

You need to give up everything that you don't need. And you shouldn’t think about leaving this or that thing. You need to understand that you need to live in the present and make room in your life for the present, getting rid of the old and unnecessary.

Tell me, no laziness

To become a strong person you need to overcome your laziness, since a person who is lazy will never be inspired and creative. It’s one thing when a person does nothing and it’s completely different when he doesn’t try to do anything. Even if something doesn’t work out for you, you must move forward towards your goal, conquering heights.

Look for like-minded people

You need to look for like-minded people and communicate only with strong people. After all, as is known, then weak people can pull down even the most strong man. So if you want to become a strong person and build character, you should communicate with the same people as you want to become yourself.

After all, when failures overtake you, a strong person will be able to support you, guide you the right way and maybe help with something. If you find like-minded people, they will rejoice with you in your victories and share the bitterness of your defeats. Even if something doesn’t work out for them, you can become useful to them. After all, it’s better to stay with someone rather than be alone. One head is good, but two are better. Without support, people feel very bad, so you need to think about this issue constantly.

As we can see, developing a strong character is not so difficult; the most important thing is the desire that every person should have. After all, if a person does not want to become stronger, then no matter how hard he tries, nothing will work out. Therefore, if you are planning to become a strong person, you must set goals for yourself and achieve them at all costs.

There are many definitions of a strong person. Most often, this concept is associated with qualities such as honesty, responsibility and self-control. These tips will help you improve your strengths and improve your weaknesses.

1. Develop your positive qualities

Be honest

Don't let your words match your actions. Don't try to imitate emotions that you don't experience: people often notice falsehood. For example, if you're annoyed that your spouse is working too much, find the strength to say, “I'm sorry I'm so angry and not supportive of you. I think it's because I just miss you."

Increase your awareness

Mindfulness allows you to explore yourself on a deeper level, understand how your ideas and reactions are formed, and this important stage in working on your character. Set aside time for daily reflection where you can ask yourself questions such as, “Why did I react the way I did to those words?” and “What can I do to avoid this type of conflict in the future?”

Meditation also helps increase awareness. Now there are many books and master classes for those who want to make meditation their daily practice, but lack free time. Use them!

Develop self-control

Start with everyday little things. For example, set a goal to control your spontaneous food intake. The next time you decide to indulge in a late-night snack, stop and ask yourself if you're actually hungry. Then drink a glass of water. Consciously control your impulses and introduce small everyday habits into your life, for example, start making your bed in the morning. This will help you develop discipline that will be useful in other areas of your life.

Be true to your principles

If your actions don't match your beliefs, you will always feel uncomfortable. Know and respect your values ​​and moral principles. Make decisions based on them and do not give in to outside pressure.

Always analyze your decisions in terms of their compliance with your internal attitudes.

Take responsibility for your mistakes and correct them

Everyone makes mistakes, and how you deal with the consequences of your bad decisions reflects your character. Admitting your mistakes is a sign of strength, not weakness. Don't be afraid to apologize if the situation requires it, or to compensate for the damage caused. Saying “Sorry for stealing your idea. I confess to everyone that she is yours,” you will show the strength of your character and build relationships with others based on trust and mutual respect.

Be patient

It is completely normal to feel irritated in some situations. But patience and endurance can and should be trained. For example, if your colleague is not grasping information as quickly as you would like, think about whether this is due to the fact that you are not explaining things clearly enough. Or maybe he simply doesn’t have your technical background and you should reduce the use of technical terms? Learn and don't jump to conclusions.

Ask for an honest assessment

Sometimes it can be difficult to be objective about yourself. If you are serious about working on your character, ask someone you trust to give you honest, constructive feedback. Ask about your strengths and weaknesses, thank you for the feedback and start working on yourself.

2. Learn empathy and gratitude

Put yourself in the other person's shoes

The capacity for compassion lies at the core of strength of character. Try to imagine how other people feel. Maybe your friend recently lost loved one, is that why you became gloomy and irritable? Put yourself in his place, and you will be able to understand the motives for his actions. And then it will become clear to you that now he needs not criticism, but friendly support.

Fight prejudice

Most people have an established system of prejudices - conscious or unconscious, many of which have nothing to do with reality. For example, the idea that people without higher education not as smart as university graduates. Look around and you will find real examples refute this belief.

Awareness of your bias is the first step towards overcoming it.

Learn to experience and express gratitude

Gratitude is an important step towards awareness of yourself and the world around you. Make it a part of your daily life and see how your character changes. Every day before you go to bed, think of three things you are grateful for. You can even lead by writing down your thoughts in it.

Also, don't forget to express gratitude to people who deserve it. A simple “thank you” or a detailed comment about how much you appreciate another person’s actions helps to see you as a strong person.

3. Show leadership skills

Speak up and let others speak up

Dealing with shyness can take a lot of effort, but your voice must be heard. Try to actively participate in work meetings, speak clearly and clearly, justify your point of view, and, sooner or later, those around you will begin to listen to you.

If you don’t have problems with shyness, you may not notice how often you interrupt others and don’t let them speak. Showing restraint also shows strength of character. Let others be heard and create frequent discussions.

Be open to new things

Every time you learn something new, you build your character. Do not miss the opportunity to apply this principle in personal life, and at work. You might say to your boss, “I'd like to know more about the accounting portion of our project. May I attend a meeting on this issue today?”

Don't be shy to ask for help

Some people believe that asking for something is a sign of weakness. In fact, it is an indicator of your strength of character, your ability to recognize and articulate your needs. Your requests must be specific and understandable. Instead of saying, “You don't do anything around the house!”, try saying, “It would be great if you did the laundry and walked the dog today.”

Notice the strengths of others

Good leaders know that it is more effective to support the successes of others than to undermine them. Help people recognize their strengths and capitalize on them in team play. You might say, “You're really good at presentations. Would you like to speak on behalf of the department?”

Focus on the team's success, not just your own. Come to working together from the position of “we”, not “I”.

Learn to face difficulties

Instead of ignoring the problem, find a way to solve it. Assess the situation objectively and avoid impulsive reactions. For example, you run a department and one of your valuable employees quits without notice. Don't be angry. Better think about how to get out of the situation. You will probably have to redistribute tasks among employees. Gather the team, explain the situation and invite them to think through options together.

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