Russian Army Officer's Code. In Dahl's explanatory dictionary, the explanation is: “Honor is the internal, moral dignity of a person

nobility of soul and clear conscience. An army driven by a sense of Officer's Honor,
is an invincible force, a real pillar of peace and prosperity for Russia.

In 1904, captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchinsky, who later passed through the First world war, put together “Advice to a Young Officer” - incredibly relevant in our time.

1. Don't make promises unless you're sure you'll keep your promise.

2. Conduct yourself simply, with dignity, without foppishness.

3. It is necessary to remember the border where it ends full of dignity politeness and sycophancy begins.

4. Do not write rash letters and reports in the heat of the moment.

5. Be less frank - you will regret it. Remember: my tongue is my enemy!

6. Don't play around - you can't prove your valor, but you'll compromise yourself.

7. Don’t rush to get on friendly terms with a person you haven’t gotten to know well enough.

8. Avoid money accounts with your friends. Money always spoils relationships.

9. Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won't lose, but you'll get rid of the scandal.

10. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying anything bad, even if you know.

11. Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right, whether to follow it or not, will remain yours. Be able to take advantage of good advice from another - this is no less an art than giving good advice to myself.

12. An officer's strength lies not in impulses, but in inviolable calm.

13. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is.

14. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.

15. A secret that you tell to at least one person ceases to be a secret.

16. Always be alert and don't let yourself go.

17. Try to keep your words soft and your arguments firm in a dispute. Try not to annoy your opponent, but to convince him.

18. It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.

19. When speaking, avoid gesturing and raising your voice.

20. If you have entered a society in whose midst there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without drawing the attention of those present or the hosts. Giving a hand does not give rise to unnecessary conversations, and does not oblige you to anything.

21. Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

22. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.

24. There is nothing worse than indecision. A worse decision is better than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.

25. The one who fears nothing is more powerful than the one whom everyone fears.

26. Soul - to God, heart - to a woman, duty - to the Fatherland, honor - to no one.

“Russian officer” is the definition of a special breed of people. More of a title than a title, uniting several eras of our history at once. And not every Russian military man can really be considered a Russian officer. Probably everyone remembers this quote: “...what is the honor of an officer, I know - you learned this quickly at the front”? Vladimir Sharapov's line from "The meeting place cannot be changed." Although formally he was a Soviet officer, he was Russian in spirit.

The point, of course, is not a matter of innate qualities. Persistence, nobility - they teach all this. How they taught to be a Russian officer. For this, there was a special set of rules that - albeit informally - had to be observed. There have been regulations in the Russian army since the time of Peter I. Already Peter the Great’s “Military Article” of 1715 regulated the basic rules of military science, army discipline and subordination.

However, there was another, informal set of rules for officer conduct. Those rules that made an officer a real gentleman. For a long time There was no single written military code of honor, like the Japanese “Bushido,” in Russia. He appeared - coincidence or not? - in 1904, per year Russo-Japanese War. “Advice to a Young Officer” was written by captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchitsky. In fact, this is a set of pre-existing unwritten rules, Kulchitsky only brought them together. At one time it was a popular brochure, now completely forgotten: between 1915 and 1917 it went through six editions.

Many of the rules of behavior listed in the “Tips...” are universal and will be useful to any man. Here are some of them:

  1. If you are harsh and arrogant, everyone will hate you.
  2. Be polite and modest in your dealings with all people.
  3. Don't make promises unless you're sure you'll keep your promise.
  4. Conduct yourself simply, with dignity, without foppishness.
  5. Be self-possessed, correct and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.
  6. Be polite and helpful, but not intrusive or flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.
  7. It is necessary to remember the line where dignified politeness ends and servility begins.
  8. Don’t play around - you won’t prove your daring, but you will compromise yourself.
  9. Don’t rush to get on friendly terms with a person you haven’t gotten to know well enough.
  10. Avoid financial settlements with friends. Money always spoils relationships.
  11. If you can, help your friend financially, but avoid taking it personally, as it lowers your dignity.
  12. Don't make debts: don't dig holes for yourself. Live within your means.
  13. Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, or ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won't lose, but you'll get rid of the scandal.
  14. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying anything bad, even if you know.
  15. Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.
  16. To be able to take good advice from another is no less an art than to give good advice to yourself.
  17. Honor tempers courage and ennobles courage.
  18. A boss who does not spare the pride of his subordinates suppresses their noble desire to become famous and thereby weakens their moral strength.
  19. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is.
  20. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.
  21. Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.
  22. Always be alert and don't let yourself go.
  23. Try to keep your words soft and your arguments firm in a dispute. Try not to annoy your opponent, but to convince him.
  24. When speaking, avoid gesturing and raising your voice.
  25. There is nothing worse than indecision. A worse decision is better than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.
  26. The one who fears nothing is more powerful than the one whom everyone fears.
  27. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.
  28. The strongest delusions are those that have no doubt.
  29. By the way, it’s smart to remain silent.
  30. Humble is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to blame.

Prepared by Alexander Ryazantsev.

“Russian officer” is the definition of a special breed of people. More of a title than a title, uniting several eras of our history at once. And not every Russian military man can really be considered a Russian officer. Probably everyone remembers this quote: “...what is the honor of an officer, I know - you learned this quickly at the front”? Vladimir Sharapov's line from "The meeting place cannot be changed." Although formally he was a Soviet officer, he was Russian in spirit.

The point, of course, is not a matter of innate qualities. Perseverance, nobility - they teach all this. How they taught to be a Russian officer. For this, there was a special set of rules that, albeit informally, had to be observed. There have been regulations in the Russian army since the time of Peter I. Already Peter the Great’s “Military Article” of 1715 regulated the basic rules of military science, army discipline and subordination.

However, there was another, informal set of rules for officer conduct. Those rules that made an officer a real gentleman. For a long time, there was no single written military code of honor, like the Japanese “Bushido,” in Russia. He appeared - coincidence or not? - in 1904, the year of the Russo-Japanese War. “Advice to a Young Officer” was written by captain Valentin Mikhailovich Kulchitsky. In fact, this is a set of pre-existing unwritten rules; Kulchitsky only brought them together. At one time it was a popular brochure, now completely forgotten: between 1915 and 1917 it went through six editions.

Many of the rules of behavior listed in the “Tips...” are universal and will be useful to any man. Here are some of them:

  1. If you are harsh and arrogant, everyone will hate you.
  2. Be polite and modest in your dealings with all people.
  3. Don't make promises unless you're sure you'll keep your promise.
  4. Conduct yourself simply, with dignity, without foppishness.
  5. Be self-possessed, correct and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.
  6. Be polite and helpful, but not intrusive or flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.
  7. It is necessary to remember the line where dignified politeness ends and servility begins.
  8. Don’t play around - you won’t prove your daring, but you will compromise yourself.
  9. Don’t rush to get on friendly terms with a person you haven’t gotten to know well enough.
  10. Avoid financial settlements with friends. Money always spoils relationships.
  11. If you can, help your friend financially, but avoid taking it personally, as it lowers your dignity.
  12. Don't make debts: don't dig holes for yourself. Live within your means.
  13. Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, or ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won’t lose, but you’ll get rid of the scandal.
  14. If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying anything bad, even if you know.
  15. Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.
  16. To be able to take good advice from another is no less an art than to give good advice to yourself.
  17. Honor tempers courage and ennobles courage.
  18. A boss who does not spare the pride of his subordinates suppresses their noble desire to become famous and thereby weakens their moral strength.
  19. Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is.
  20. There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.
  21. Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.
  22. Always be alert and don't let yourself go.
  23. Try to keep your words soft and your arguments firm in a dispute. Try not to annoy your opponent, but to convince him.
  24. When speaking, avoid gesturing and raising your voice.
  25. There is nothing worse than indecision. A worse decision is better than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.
  26. The one who fears nothing is more powerful than the one whom everyone fears.
  27. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.
  28. The strongest delusions are those that have no doubt.
  29. By the way, it’s smart to remain silent.
  30. Humble is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to blame.

Prepared by Alexander Ryazantsev

© Publication. Decoration. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL Classic", 2016

Preface to the 1916 edition

“Advice to a Young Officer,” published in its third edition, is now even more necessary and useful due to wartime. The accelerated graduation of young people as officers does not give them the opportunity and time to learn in schools all the subtleties of tradition, the correct view of the essence of military education and discipline.

The young officer will have to independent work above yourself. It is for this work that the present leadership will provide invaluable services to every officer. It will give him useful tips and instructions on many issues of the upcoming service. Laconic presentation of individual aphorisms guarantees quick memorization and the ability to find the necessary information at any time. If we take into account that peacetime offenses become crimes during wartime and are punished especially severely, then the value of the advice collected here in a concise form will become even more obvious. They enable the officer to avoid many mistakes, to understand what is legal and what is criminal, to understand everything that is required of him in order to be a good officer who does not lose his dignity.

These tips are equally useful for those who are on advanced positions, and in the rear of the army, where you often have to deal with people of dubious professions and behavior.

This handbook will save young officers from many mistakes and blunders in the service and in privacy. An officer who has not yet become accustomed to his new position, which is based on conventions, restraint and military tact, is often lost and does not know how he should act in certain cases not provided for by the regulations. And as a result of ignorance of the laws in general (at least the important law for the military on protecting one’s honor with weapons), irreparable mistakes occur, forcing the officer to leave the regiment or end up on trial.

We repeat that here we briefly outline those everyday rules that, undoubtedly, will only bring benefit to every officer in the upcoming service. These original aphorisms force the officer to think seriously about military service essentially, and not judge it superficially, by its external form and saber-rattling.

The officer will not find these councils in any charters.

The purpose of this unique work is the desire to prevent inexperienced military youth from taking a false, disastrous step. Here are collected old but eternal truths that are forgotten by most and unknown to young officers.

The third edition of this handbook speaks for itself.

V. M. Kulchitsky “Discipline comes first.”

I. The basis and essence of military service

Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, His Family and love your Motherland.

First and main responsibility a soldier is loyalty to the Emperor and the Fatherland. Without this quality he is unfit for military service.

The integrity of the Empire and the maintenance of its prestige are based on the strength of the army and navy; their qualities and shortcomings resonate throughout the country, so it’s not your business to get involved in social issues and political speculation; your job is to steadily fulfill your duties.


Put above all else the glory of the Russian army.


Be brave. But courage can be true and feigned. Arrogance, characteristic of youth, is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are low and arrogant, everyone will hate you.


Obey discipline.

Dragoon officer of the times Napoleonic wars. 1800–1815


Respect and trust your superiors.


Be afraid of breaking your duty - you will forever lose your good name.


An officer must be faithful and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Faithful - a person who fulfills his duty; truthful - if he does not change his word. Therefore, never make promises unless you are sure that you will fulfill your promise.


Be polite and modest in your dealings with all people.


The best part of courage is caution.

II. Arrival at the regiment

Arriving at the regiment, the officer acts in accordance with the Constitution. garn. sl. Art. 400 and 401, i.e. appears to the regiment commander. In practice, they do this: arriving at the office at about 11 o’clock, the officer introduces himself and gets acquainted first of all with the regimental adjutant, who gives all the necessary advice and instructions, since each regiment has its own customs and traditions. If an officer appears at the apartment of the regiment commander, then, if you do not find him at home, you should appear a second time, trying to catch him: it is not recommended to sign or leave a service card for the first time. Report for duty to the commander of the company (hundred, squadron, battery) to which the appointment took place. Having taken a list with the addresses of Messrs. from the senior clerk in the office. officers and noting the married ones, make visits to everyone without delay 1
IN wartime no visits are made. The time to introduce yourself to your superiors is uncertain, and the dress code is casual.

It is recommended to have time to do them all at once, in one day. The dress code is formal. The rest of the time: on all official occasions, visits, congratulations - ordinary, unless given in the order for the regiment to be in a different position. If you don’t find your elder at home, leave your service ID (not at all business card). For married people - an official ID and a business card. Before being introduced to the regiment commander and without having yet reported to the regiment, appearing in public places (theaters, gardens, concerts, evenings) is considered tactless. Upon arrival at the regiment, the first impression is of serious importance.

Having not yet arrived at the regiment and being on leave, if you meet an officer of your regiment (in the same city), you should definitely approach him and introduce yourself first, and report to the regiment commander.

III. Relationships with superiors and yourself

Always remember that you are an officer.


Be formal with your superiors.


Remember that the boss is always and everywhere the boss.


Never criticize the actions and actions of your superiors in general; with someone especially, and God forbid - with the lower ranks.


Any order from a superior, no matter in what form it is expressed (suggestion, request, advice), is an order (Decision of the Chief Military Court of 1881 No. 183).


If you are senior in rank, and according to the distribution of positions you will be subordinate to a junior, you are obliged to carry out all the orders of the person placed above you, without any argument (St. Military. P., VII ed. 2.20).


If you come on vacation for three days or less, then, without appearing in person, you must certainly send your vacation ticket to the commandant. control.

If you arrive for more than three days, you must appear in person to the commandant.


At the end of the vacation period, you must return to the commandant’s office or report open letter to the commandant’s office: “On this date I left for the place of my service” (signature).


“Whoever wants to be able to command must be able to obey!” - said Napoleon.


Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army.


Dress strictly in uniform and always clean.


Be strict about your job responsibilities (Disc. Ord. § 1).


Conduct yourself simply, with dignity, without foppishness.

Cossack and officer. 1812


Be self-possessed (correct) and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.


Be courteous and helpful, but not intrusive or flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.


It is necessary to remember the line where dignified politeness ends and servility begins.


Make yourself talk less.


Be observant and careful in your expressions.


Do not write rash letters and reports in the heat of the moment.


Be less frank in general - you will regret it. Remember: “My tongue is my enemy.”


Don’t play around - you won’t prove your daring, but you will compromise yourself. Forget the “good old days” and the expression: “A bad officer who doesn’t drink.” Now it’s different: “A bad officer who drinks”... and “such” an officer is not kept in the regiment.


Don’t rush to get on friendly terms with a person you haven’t gotten to know well enough.


Avoid “you”, which gives a reason and the right to familiarity in bad taste (amicoshonism), an excuse to scold you on the grounds of friendship, interfere in your affairs, say vulgarity, rudeness, etc.


Often the older one, having become tipsy, offers to be the first to get on first-name terms with him. Nevertheless, the next day, be diplomatic: either speak to him on “you”, or wait until he is the first to address you on “you”. In a word, tact - necessary condition so as not to get into an awkward position and get into trouble.


Avoid stories and scandals. Do not act as an uninvited witness: by supporting one, you will make an enemy in the other: a double-edged sword. Neutrality is a means even for great powers to maintain good relations with everyone.


A person who makes enemies, no matter how smart, kind, honest and truthful he is, dies almost inevitably, since our enemies in society are always active; friends are always passive - they only sympathize, regret, sigh, but do not fight for the dying, fearing for their own fate.

Life Guards Cossack regiment. Cossacks in Paris in 1814


Avoid money accounts with your friends. Money always spoils relationships.


“If you can, help a friend financially, but avoid taking it personally, because it lowers your dignity.”


Don't make debts, don't dig holes for yourself. Live within your means. Drop false pride. It is immoral to make debts without being able to pay them, otherwise, don’t get into someone else’s pocket... In a word: “Stretch your legs by clothes.”


Don’t indulge at someone else’s expense without having the means to repay in kind, if you don’t want your dignity and self-esteem to suffer. Remember French proverb: “It’s better to drink bad wine from your own small glass than good wine from someone else’s big glass.”


Live alone - it’s calmer. Living together with a friend ultimately leads to a breakup.


Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, or ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won’t lose, but you’ll get rid of the scandal.


Think about every decisive step. It is impossible to correct a mistake, but it is difficult to make amends. “Measure seven times, cut once.”


“Be more considerate before a quarrel than compliant after a quarrel.”


At a critical moment, friends will not help: in military service they are powerless, bound by discipline and obedience to their superiors.


If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying bad things, even if you know.


Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right, whether to follow it or not, will remain yours.


To be able to take good advice from another is no less an art than to give good advice to yourself.


Avoid talking about military topics with anyone outside of duty, especially in wartime.

Cossacks in Paris in 1814


Be careful in choosing your acquaintances; be guided not only by their education, but also social status in society. “Tell me who you know and what you read, and I’ll tell you who you are.”


In front of orderlies (in general, in front of servants), refrain from talking about sensitive topics. This habit is necessary firmly root it in yourself and always remember it. Unfortunately, most people forget this. Meanwhile, the servants listen especially sensitively and look closely at the lives of their masters, take everything into account and often spread absurd gossip to the houses of their acquaintances (through the servants).


The person using the orderly must monitor his health, behavior and must not allow him to be treated illegally; It is absolutely prohibited to give orderlies to serve another person.


Responsibility for failure to comply with the orderly's dress code and his behavior falls on the officer under whom the orderly works.


Do not use the services of someone else's orderly without prior permission, do not order anything - it is tactless.


After graduating from college, continue studying. Knowledge of the art of war is your strength. In battles there is no time to learn, but you have to apply what you have learned. Don't lose sight of the fact that you need to know all types of weapons.


In all cases of his life and service, the officer submits a written report: on arrival in the regiment, on departure on a business trip, leave and return from such, on taking up or surrendering a position, on illness and recovery, on collisions and incidents in or outside of service , about any petitions, etc.


Reports are written concisely, to the point and without naming the boss.


The signature of an officer, no matter what his rank, must always be legible and without any flourishes.


Military officials are governed by the same rules as officers.

Russian Carabinieri officer imperial guard. 1815

IV. Old truths

Firmness of will and fearlessness are two qualities necessary for a military man.


An officer needs to stand out moral qualities, on which the personal greatness of a fighter is based, since he is associated with charm over the masses, which is so necessary for a leader.


The strength of an officer does not lie in impulses, but in inviolable calm.


Honor tempers courage and ennobles courage.


Honor is the shrine of an officer.


The officer must respect human rights his brother - the lower rank.


A boss who does not spare the pride of his subordinates suppresses their noble desire to become famous and thereby weakens their moral strength.


All age classes of the population pass through the ranks of the army, the influence of the officer corps extends to all the people.


Woe to the country if, upon leaving service, a soldier is disgusted by the ranks of the soldiers.


Do not present as irrefutable truth something that you either do not believe at all, or at least doubt. To do so is a crime.


It is necessary that not only the formal side of the service flourish, but also the moral one.


The army is an oak tree that protects the Motherland from storms.

V. Rules of life

Don't court the regimental ladies (in the vulgar sense). Don't make dirt in your regimental family, in which you will have to serve for decades. Such novels always end tragically.


Never express opinions about women. Remember - women have always been the cause of discord and the greatest misfortunes not only of individuals, but also of entire empires.


Take care of the reputation of the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is. Decent man in general, especially an officer, even in intimate circle your faithful and tried friends about things like that never speaks, because a woman is always most afraid of publicity.


There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.


In your intimate life, be very, very careful - “the regiment is your supreme judge.”


Any unseemly actions of an officer are discussed by the regimental court of honor.

Cossack officer Don army Imperial Guard of Russia. 1815


There is no need to talk about service and affairs in society.


Keep an entrusted secret or secret, even of a non-official nature. A secret communicated by you to at least one person ceases to be a secret.


Do not cross the line of conventions developed by the traditions of the regiment and life.


Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.


Know how to not only think and reason, but also be silent in time and hear everything.


In military service, do not show pride in small things, otherwise you will always suffer because of it.


Always be alert and don't let yourself go.


Although military personnel are allowed to engage in literary activity, but they do not have the right to sign their articles indicating their rank and position (Circus. Gl. Sht. 1908 No. 61).


Military personnel for publishing are subject not only to the general criminal procedure, but may also be brought before the court of the society of officers, and those who are not subject to this court are subject to disciplinary liability, including up to and including disciplinary dismissal from service ( Prik. according to Military Ved. 1908 No. 310)


To catch other people lying means harming yourself and them.


Try to keep your words soft and your arguments firm in a dispute. Try not to annoy your opponent, but to convince him.


It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.


When entering a public place, be careful; if the public is there without an outer dress or cap, then you need to do the same.


If you want to smoke, ask the ladies for permission, or better yet, wait until either the mistress of the house or the elder (depending on where and when) offers it to you.


Everyone has their own shortcomings: no one can do without the help of others, and therefore we must help each other with advice and mutual warnings.


When speaking, avoid gesturing and raising your voice.


If you have entered a society in whose midst there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then, when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without drawing the attention of those present or the hosts. Giving a hand does not give rise to unnecessary conversations, and does not oblige you to anything.


According to the Most Highly Expressed Will, it is necessary for an officer to salute, when meeting on the streets, chief officers of all branches of arms, regardless of their rank and without waiting for a greeting from them first.


Chief officers are required to give the established honor to staff officers (lieutenant colonels, colonels) and generals. When entering them, if the officer was sitting, it is necessary to stand up and bow, and not barely stand up or continue to sit.

Officer of the Russian Imperial Guard. 1815


It is indecent to give and receive honor casually (also for lower ranks) with the left hand (except for the wounded) or with a cigarette in the mouth, nod your head, hold it when giving honor left hand in your pocket.


The cap must be worn according to the regulations, and the overcoat must always be fastened with all buttons.


Needless to say, an officer must obey in public places all the rules that exist for the public.


In general, an officer’s behavior should pay attention to those around him through his correctness and prudence.

VI. On duty

Don't let mistakes and false tricks bother you. Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education.

Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.


Spare the pride of the soldiers. U ordinary people it is no less developed than ours, and, due to their subordination, is more sensitive.


Soldiers are not silent sheep, but merciless judges who came from different ends boundless Russia, taking back everything experienced in the service: gratitude and embitterment, respect and contempt, love and hatred. The silence of the soldiers is constrained by stern and iron discipline, and does not stem from a lack of development. They know how to value justice and humanity.


It is against the law to hit a soldier.


Adjutant General Dragomirov said: “Adjust the stance without touching. When corrected with words, the soldier will correct himself, but if he sculpts with his hands, he will forget what the mistake was, because it did not reach his consciousness.”


Even a horse loves to be told, but it is not at all proper to teach a person like a dumb creature.


During classes, be always cheerful, always even and calm, demanding and fair.


You should not “flirt” with a soldier - you will undermine your authority.


It is important that your subordinates respect you, not fear you. Where there is fear, there is no love, but there is hidden ill will or hatred.


Be truthful always, and especially with a soldier. Fulfill what you promise to him, otherwise you will teach him to lie.


Truthfulness everywhere, and especially in education, is the main condition.


Never touch a drunk. If a soldier is drunk, personally never take repressive measures, so as not to be subjected to insult and protest, often unconscious. Order the drunken man to be taken by the same lower ranks as him (but not by the non-commissioned officer - for the same reasons), and if they are not there, by the police. By this you save a drunken person from the crime of insulting an officer (non-commissioned officer).


When arresting those who are intoxicated, it is prohibited to enter into any personal explanations with the offender.


IN difficult moments tone means a lot, because what? to do - in the sense of an order, but how? do it in tone.


There is nothing worse than indecision. A worse decision is better than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.


Respect the laws and teach them to respect by example.


Do not object or enter into disputes regarding service with a senior in rank.


Be careful with government property and money entrusted to you in your service. No matter how much you need money, never borrow from it. Any shortcoming is a waste. The responsibility is great.

Imperial Guard officer. 1815

VII. In training with soldiers

The dull monotony of training does not develop the soldier, but kills the spirit.

Honor is the main thing internal moral dignity The Russian officer, his valor, nobility of soul and clear conscience. The army, driven by a sense of Officer's Honor, is an invincible force, a real guarantor of state existence and the peaceful prosperity of Russia.

A Russian Officer is a noble defender of the Fatherland, an honest name, the highest rank. Honor is main jewel for the Russian Officer, sacred duty which to keep it pure and spotless. Honor protects dignity officer rank, obliges you to do excellent deeds, great deeds, feats of arms, to believe “your soul is your friend.”

The high rank of Russian Officer is not attached to officer shoulder straps. It is deserved throughout one's life and worn with one's head held high. Not every Russian by birth who puts on a uniform automatically becomes a Russian Officer. A Russian Officer may not be Russian by origin, but he has laid down his life for the good of our Fatherland - Russia.

Russian Officer is a warrior in Spirit. This has been the case throughout the centuries. Today there is a war for the soul of a person, a soldier. Russia and the Russian army are the last “Holder” from the onset of the satanic “new world order”. Until Faith becomes the support of the Officer, the Army itself will not be able to become the support of society and the State. “Don’t be nervous, don’t fall into cowardice, don’t rush God... if you’re a warrior, then fight!”

Fatherland - highest value Russian Officer. The main thing is Russia, everything else is transitory: “I, a Russian Officer, have the honor, but I live for the sake of serving the Fatherland... I agree to live and die without a name, always remembering the main thing: if only the name of the Motherland remains sacred.”

To love your Fatherland - Russia, to know its history, to observe glorious traditions and to be a noble citizen and patriot, not to lose heart under any circumstances, not to stop at any obstacles. Do not allow treason and betrayal, be faithful to the People and the Fatherland until your dying breath, serve it faithfully, protect it from external and internal enemies to the last drop of blood.

Be aware personal responsibility not only for the combat readiness of the entrusted unit and the safety of their environment, but also in general for the defense of the Russian State, the state of its Armed Forces, for victories and defeats, the development of military art, the improvement of military affairs, especially in the conditions of modern information-psychological, financial-economic, sabotage and terrorist wars, which have a total character and affect all the bonds of the state: territory, economy, management, public consciousness, morale.

Constantly seek and gain for yourself Honor following the example and dignity of the great ancestors, rely on their traditions and covenants; study military history and use its lessons to strengthen the Russian Army and the continuous development of the Officer Corps.

Tirelessly develop the qualities necessary for a military man: honesty, selflessness, truthfulness, straightforwardness, good behavior, modesty, patience, constancy, patronage of the weak, innocent and offended; cultivate discipline, decisive character, the will to win, “zeal for common cause and fidelity to service", foresight, self-control, initiative, courage, bravery, boldness, cheerfulness, endurance and other military virtues.

Be a creative person, independent in actions and thoughts, noble in actions and intentions; “to fix things with reason, and not to adhere to the military regulations, like a blind wall”; constantly train your mind, expand your cultural horizons; be able to recognize and develop the talents of their subordinates.

Know the Laws of Russia and Military Regulations, deeply understand military affairs, current situation, techniques and methods of war against Russia, be a professional, constantly improve in the subject of your service; always behave and act “as an honest, loyal and brave Officer should”; perform their duties zealously and diligently, constantly keeping in mind the benefit of the service and the state interest - selfishness and careerism contradict the essence of public service.

Observe and honor sacredly Battle Banner military unit and symbols of Russian glory and valor. The banner is the “soul of the army”, a symbol of honor and valor of the defenders of the Motherland, the personification of the connection between the glorious past and the worthy present and future, a reminder of duty. Do not forget that the presentation of banners and standards is highest award, and their loss is a crime and a shame.

Strive to become not just a military specialist, a combat leader of subordinates in the Army or in conditions civil life, but also an ideological inspirer, the ruler of Russian hearts, a subtle psychologist and propagandist; be able to win not only with the sword, but also with words, master the techniques of eloquence; to fight against anti-state and pacifist teachings that are corrupting the Army and the State.

Achieve victories " little blood", fight courageously and bravely, not forgetting about prudence; in word, deed and personal example, encourage soldiers to show perseverance in battle, not to retreat without orders, to fight to the last opportunity, to die with Honor and Glory; lead troops into battle, not send them; do not feel sorry for yourself, do not avoid difficulties, show personal courage, contempt for danger and death; do not despair in the face of defeats, but turn them to the benefit of future victories; in captivity, behave with dignity, make every effort to return to duty and continue the fight.

For a Russian Officer, “a soldier is more valuable than himself”; he is a “brother”, a “knight”, a “miracle hero”. Take care of soldiers, treat them with care and humaneness: educate them in piety and loyalty, “a hardworking desire for military service”; teach sensibly, “without cruelty and haste”; to ensure their solid mastery of techniques and actions, the fundamentals of military art.

For a Russian Officer, comradeship is dedication and sacrificial readiness to come to the rescue both in battle and in everyday life. Strengthen the officer brotherhood, the ability to “act together against the enemy”; “do not dishonor your comrades either by word or deed, remain in unbreakable love, peace and harmony, and show due respect”; show mutual assistance and mutual assistance, keep comrades from doing bad things; to honor with sorrowful memory and prayer those who fell on the battlefield and thus brought their lives to the altar of the Fatherland, to preserve memories of their exploits.

An officer must always keep his word. Already out of respect for himself, he is obliged to be the master of his word. No one dares to doubt him honestly. Insincerity is a sign of lack of courage, and therefore it affects the Honor of the Officer.

The imperative of officer life - solid knowledge and the belief that “the Russian Army, accustomed to winning, can be inflicted with isolated defeats, but it cannot be defeated... The Army, entering the war, must believe that at the end there will be Victory. Both the plowman and the soldier endure hardships for the sake of final result. Without this alluring goal, then what is the use of our efforts?

A special Honor is to stand under the humiliated Banners, desecrated by the enemy and dishonored among the people, in order to win the next campaign and prevent further defeats.

The difficult and noble profession of an Officer is a necessary and useful task for the Russian people and Russia. It is not beneficial in terms of money or career. The dignity of an Officer lies in dreams and desire to make a career and become a commander. Distinguish yourself in service and in affairs against the enemy. Otherwise, it’s better to immediately go “sell suspenders or beetroot marmalade.” The honor of an Officer does not allow him to be a careerist, even an intelligent and knowledgeable one, and not to put his career above the interests of Russia!

“Do your job, keep your word, tell the truth, don’t fawn, abstain from excessive drinks and snacks,” learn from others, including the enemy, energy, efficiency and punctuality, be frank, “but within those limits that are not hurt neither my Honor nor the Honor of my State.”

For the Russian Officer, all of our past, all of the present and all of the future is embodied in one great and comprehensive word - Russia.

Those who have chosen the Sovereign Service, be it an officer, a warrant officer, a midshipman, a sergeant, or a soldier, must always remember that they serve and sacrifice their lives for the sake of the highest Truths, that “they do not have a second Fatherland in reserve” and “they take the oath only once.” An Honor Officer cannot retire or retire.

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