Summary of the frontal lesson in the senior group “Sound. Lesson topic message

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man got modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations, produced on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals were found ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge quantities and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them with practical purpose almost useless in modern world, these are for example hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example Therefore, rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for mating. various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

if you have interesting observation monitor your pet's behavior or have a desire to share information about some pet. Or you have a nursery, veterinary clinic, or animal hotel near your home, write to us about them at , so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

The role of the tail for animals.

  • A lizard's tail saves its life.

The role of the tail for animals

  • The squirrel's fluffy tail serves as a barrier from the wind.

The role of the tail for animals

  • Monkeys cling to tree branches with their tails.

Why does a cat need a tail?

  • Obviously not for tree climbing?

  • The tail helps the cat communicate with humans.
  • Shows the way to the kittens. They always run after their mother's tail.
  • The tail helps the cat express its emotions.
  • To play with your tail.
  • To warm kittens with the tail.

Results of a survey of classmates.

  • Lie on the tail as if on a pillow.
  • The tail helps you jump higher.
  • The tail is needed to shoo away insects.
  • With the help of its tail, the cat lets its owner know that it is hungry.
  • Expresses his gratitude.
  • A cat wags its tail when it wants to make friends with another cat...

It turns out not all cats have a tail!

  • Kurilian Bobtails do not have a tail.

  • These cats get along just fine without a tail.

  • Aren't these cats beautiful?

A cat's tail is an important organ.

  • Helps balance when climbing, jumping, or falling from a height.

Observations on the Button.

  • How she jumps from a height.
  • How he jumps on high objects.
  • How to make sharp turns when running.
  • He threw her up.

A cat falls from a height.

  • A cat thrown up with its paws, even to a small height, will level out before reaching the floor.

Emotions of cats.

  • A cat's tail is constantly in motion.
  • This is the best device for assessing an animal's mood.

My observations.

  • The twitching of the tip of the tail indicates a nervous, worried state of the cat.
  • Feeling annoyed and angry, the cat taps its tail on the floor.
  • Frightened, she lowers her tail between her hind legs.

My observations.

  • A raised tail shows a cheerful mood.

My observations.

  • A cat's sadness is expressed by randomly twitching its tail from side to side.

My observations.

  • A tail wrapped in a pretzel around a lying or sitting cat indicates its desire to take a nap.

My observations.

  • It's funny to watch how our cat's tail increases three times in size when she sees unfamiliar rustling objects.

  • If she flattens her ears, it means she is angry and ready to fight back.

How do tailless cats express emotions?

  • When greeting its owner, the cat rubs against his legs.
  • When a cat is happy, its ears are raised expectantly, its paw pads clench and unclench, and the animal purrs.

How do tailless cats express emotions?

  • A satisfied cat begins to lick its fur.

  • A cat needs a tail for balance when jumping.
  • To express your emotions.
  • The tail is the best “device” for assessing a cat’s mood.

  • Scientific supervisor Lyudmila Vitalievna Karavaeva, teacher primary classes MBOU secondary school No. 56
  • Kirov

1 class
Topic: Sound [o]. Letter O.

Goal: To help students familiarize themselves with the vowel sound [o] and the letter O.


1. Educational. Introduce students to the vowel sound [o] and the letter O. Strengthen the characteristic of this sound(articulatory and acoustic properties).

2. Developmental. Develop phonemic processes: phonemic awareness, Phonemic Analysis and Synthesis , Representations Based on Phonemic Awareness.
Develop speech and auditory memory, attention, logical thinking.

3. Corrective. Be able to find the sound [o] in any part of a word.

4. Educational. Cultivate hard work, self-control, accuracy, and the ability to strictly follow instructions.

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment.
II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
III. Articulation gymnastics.
IV. Main part.
V. Physical exercise.
VI. Independent work children.
VII. Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.
We stood up and straightened up. The children will sit down and tell me a word-object whose name contains the vowel sound [a].

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Name the same sound in the words: cat, house, dream. Sound [o]. Today in class we will get acquainted with the sound [o] and the letter O. A postcard flew to us, but on the way it scattered into 5 parts. We have to collect it. For each part you need to complete a task. First, let's do articulation gymnastics.

III. Articulation gymnastics.(You can use various articulation exercises)
"Painter". Open your mouth. Use the tip of your tongue to move along the hard palate, moving from the upper front incisors to the soft palate.
"Horse". Suck your tongue to the hard palate and click your tongue. Try to pull the hyoid ligament.
"Fungus". Open your mouth. Suck your tongue to the hard palate and, without lifting your tongue, pull back lower jaw down.

IV. Main part.

Exercise 1
Characteristics of sound [o]. This is a vowel sound because it can be sung, pronounced protractedly. There is no obstruction in the mouth. Let's look at the modules and select the sound module [o].

The first task has been completed, you can receive the first part of the postcard.

Children take turns naming words that contain the sound [o].
The second task has been completed, you can receive the second part of the postcard.

Task 3
Find pictures whose names contain the sound [o].
Cat, mole, elephant, house, cake, hare, beetle, cheese, snail, doll. Take one picture each.

Draw a diagram for your picture and note the sound [o]
You have completed this task, you can receive the next part of the postcard.

Task 4.

Highlight the first sound in the names of each picture. By connecting all the first sounds, you will find out what children love.
You have completed the fourth task, you can receive the next part of the postcard.

V. Physical exercise.
Let's stretch our fingers. Visiting the big toe (show)
came straight to the house, (make a house out of palms) Index and middle, (show)
Nameless and last. (show ring and little fingers)
The very little finger of the little ones knocked on the threshold.

VI. Independent work of children (in a notebook).
Write the letter O o
Task 5.
Under each letter there is a number. Take the numbers and guess the word.
Game "Cryptor"
d s o t v p r n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
238 (sleep)
1537 (yard)
26374 (sport)
You have completed the fifth task, you can receive the last part of the postcard.
What's on the postcard? Rose. Why do you think there is a rose on the card? Because today in class we learned about the sound and the letter O.

Bottom line.
What did we study?
What words came to visit?
What new did you learn?
Thanks to all.

Municipal autonomous preschool

educational institution kindergarten No. 13 “Umka”


correctional and developmental activities

With children in a pre-school group.

Topic: "Sound O".

Conducted by a speech therapist

II qualification category:

Evsyukova I.V.

The date of the:


Khimki, 2011


correctional and educational:

  1. consolidate the concept of “vowel sounds”;
  2. teach children to identify the sound O by ear;
  3. characterize the sound O;
  4. consolidate the ability to convert plural parts. singular nouns;
  5. consolidation of knowledge on the topic “Autumn”;
  6. consolidating the ability to write down a graphical outline of a sentence;

correctional and developmental:

  1. automate the sound O in syllables, words, sentences and text;
  1. develop phonemic awareness and perception;
  1. develop common and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;
  2. develop breathing, voice, facial expressions;
    correctional and educational:
  3. to cultivate moral qualities in children.

Equipment: symbol of the sound O, red traffic lights, pictures with the sound O (at the beginning, middle, end of the word), the letter O, a house with three windows, sheets of paper in a box,pencils (plain and red), sets for drawing up a diagram of words and syllables, white envelopes, a sample of writing the letter O, an envelope with a letter.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational stage. Development of facial muscles.Perform actions based on text.

It's so good when we smile,

It's so good when we we are surprised

But how sad we are,

When we are angry and sad.

Speech therapist: Guys, what time of year is it now?(Autumn).

Repetition of vowel sounds. Introduction to the topic.

Autumn leaves sit on branches.

Autumn leaves tell the children:

Aspen: ah-ah! Rowan: and-and-and.

Oak: oh-oh-oh! Birch: ooh-ooh.

What did the leaves say to us?(Vowel sounds).

Name them. Children repeating sounds -

a-o-u-i. What sound disappeared from the series a-u-i? (ABOUT).

Let's call him: o-o-o... (A red man appears - a symbol of the sound O.).

II. Main stage. 1. Introducing the sound O."The Tale of the Sound O"
Once upon a time there was a sound O. A very sound O loved to sing. He sang a lot and with soul. When the sound O sang, his mouth became like a small elongated circle: “O, O, O.”
Sound O was delighted with everything: “Oh! What a beautiful cloud! ABOUT! What a deep lake! ABOUT! What a green island! The sound O could not only admire everything around, but also sing, imitating a hen calling her chickens:
- O O O_ O O O_ O O O_O O O O_.
Translated, this song sounded like this: “Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, don’t go far...”

Many people liked the sound O. People sang along with him in chorus and admired the cloud, the lake, and the island, and at the same time, all the singers’ mouths looked like small elongated circles.

2. Characteristics of sound O.

What sound did I tell you a fairy tale about?(About the sound O).

What happens to the lips when we pronounce a sound?O? (The lips are drawn out into a tube. They are rounded. They look like an elongated circle.) Sing the sound o. Sound o stretches. Is there an obstacle when pronouncing a sound? O ? (No). What sound is this? (Vowel.) What color should we use to mark it?(Red).

What was the sound O excited about? (From a cloud, from a lake, from an island.)
- Who could the sound O imitate with its song? (To the chicken.)

The sound O is a vowel (the air comes out freely through the mouth without encountering an obstacle, it is sung), indicated by a red chip.

Sound O: You are great, you said everything correctly. I want to play hide and seek with you. Try looking for me today. When you circle me, you will find me, but for now I will hide.

3. Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Traffic Light" (raise the red semaphore to the sound O):


4. Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences and text.

  1. Sound analysis and synthesis of OP and PO syllables.

Op - and I’m already sitting

and I don’t walk on the floor.

Laying out a diagram of syllables from colored chips on the board. (Parsing the word “op” and transforming it into “po.” The children’s eyes are closed.)

  1. Pronunciation and emphasis of the sound O in words.

Didactic exercise “Many - One”(education singular nouns).
Windows - window, glass - ..., saddles - ..., wings - ..., feathers - ..., wheels - ...

Speech therapist: Name the same last sound in all formed words.(ABOUT).

Sound-syllable analysis of words house, wasps with drawing up a diagram of words (children in the field, speech therapist on the board).

Physical exercise. Children perform movements to the text:

Not under the window, but near

"O" rolled and groaned.

"Oh" ooh, "o" ooh

Not under the window, but near it.

Game "Seekers" (By subject pictures on the board): select only those pictures whose names have a sound O, Determine the place of the sound o in words and place it in the appropriate box.

3) Work on the proposal.

Speech therapist: They brought me a letter this morning. Let's see what's in it. The girl Olya wrote us a letter. She suggests playing “cipher coders” and writing down a diagram for each sentence of her letter. To do this, you need to determine the number of words in a sentence. (Children complete the task on sheets of paper, the speech therapist lays out the sentence diagram on the board).

It often rains in autumn.

Getting cold.

People dress warmly.

Animals hide in holes.

Vegetables are harvested in autumn.

Before starting the task - an exercise ondevelopment of fine motor skills:

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

Along the white, smooth road

Fingers gallop like horses.


A frisky heel jumps.

5. Correlation of sound with letter.

After completing the task, children fold the sheets in half and put them in an envelope. You need to write the letter O on the envelope. To do this, children take a red pencil.

There is no angle in this letter

That's why it's round.

She was so round before

I could roll.

L.: What does the letter O look like? (Children's answers).

Look at the wheel -

And you will see the letter O.

The sound O appears:You led me around and you found me. What words were you looking for me in? What have you learned about me?

III. Lesson summary . Clarification of the sound that was discussed in class, its characteristics. Assessment of children's work.


Game "Cryptographers"

(determine the number of words in each sentence

and write down the sentence outline).

  1. The long-awaited autumn has arrived.
  1. It often rains in autumn.
  1. Getting cold.
  1. People dress warmly.
  1. Animals hide in holes.
  1. Vegetables are harvested in autumn.

Zhgutova Irina Vladimirovna

teacher-speech therapist of the Municipal budget preschool

educational institution kindergarten No. 1 in Kurganinsk

Explanatory note:

Children with speech disorders suffer from immaturity phonemic processes, often absent-minded, inattentive. Therefore, in my work I use a variety of unconventional techniques, which arouse children’s interest in the correction process itself, but at the same time are optimal in the work of a teacher-speech therapist. The lesson notes present different techniques: this is an adapted Japanese therapeutic massage, which is carried out after the children remember the name of the fingers (thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger). It promotes the successful targeted development of hand motor skills, which is necessary when preparing the hand for writing, and Japanese massage is very effective for normalizing the psychophysical well-being of children. Japanese massage can be performed in classes instead of physical therapy. just a minute. It is by enriching the tactile sensitivity of the hand, especially the fingers, that the kinesthetic (motor) memory of the articular organs improves; it is necessary for the effectiveness of working with children preschool age.

The next technique is the use of bioenergoplasty, which effectively speeds up the correction of defective sounds in children with reduced and impaired kinesthetic sensations, since the working palm greatly enhances the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from the tongue. The essence of this technique is the simultaneous work of organs articulatory apparatus and fingers when performing articulation exercises

One of effective techniques– use of sound articulation modeling in work. They reflect articulation pattern at the moment of pronouncing a sound, they introduce the child to the basic properties and relationships of the world of sounds. A child who cannot distinguish a sound by ear can use hints in the form of models. Models of sound articulation recreate the image of the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus at the moment of pronouncing sounds. The child sees and hears that different structures of the organs of the articulatory apparatus correspond to different quality of sounds. Patterns of vowel sounds are indicated in red, patterns of hard consonants are indicated in blue, and patterns of soft consonants are indicated in green.

That is, the use of sound articulation models in the formation of phonemic hearing allows us to connect auditory, visual and speech motor analyzers to work.

I use all these speech correction techniques in my work with preschool children. The presented lesson notes relate to the section on developing sound pronunciation in children. The outline script is designed for a subgroup of 5-6 children with general underdevelopment speech level 3.

Lesson notesSounds S and S

Target: give the child an idea of ​​the situation speech organs when pronouncing a sound.

teach your child sound analysis skills.

Develop phonemic awareness; extension vocabulary The child has; teach your child to determine position by ear given sound in a word; analysis and synthesis of combinations of vowel and consonant sounds.

Equipment: mirrors for individual work, sound patterns, bumps for Japanese massage; cards for each child, pencils, pictures for the sound being studied.

Progress of the lesson:

1 Organizational point:

The speech therapist asks the children to determine which sound we will be familiar with.

Spread your tongue wider

The tip is closer to the lower teeth!

In the middle of the tongue

Let the air flow.

Smile and whistle

– Sss, sss, sss – say it!

Children: Let's talk about the sound “s”.

Speech therapist: Correct. When pronouncing the sound " WITH" the lips are half-opened in a smile, there is a small gap between the teeth, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is curved upward, a groove is formed along the middle part of the tongue, air jet passes along the groove of the tongue between the teeth, the voice does not work. Look in the mirrors And let's do gymnastics for the tongue so that it speaks well.

(Bioenergoplasty is being carried out). Children do exercises.

"Smile"– fingers spread out to the sides, like rays of the sun. On the count of 1, the fingers are straightened and held simultaneously with a smile for 5 seconds, on the count of 2, the palm is curled into a fist. And so on. The lips are in a smile.

"Proboscis"– the palm is gathered into a pinch, the thumb is pressed to the middle finger. The lips are extended into a tube, while the teeth are closed.

"Spatula"– the thumb is pressed to the side of the palm, the closed, relaxed palm is lowered down. Mouth open broad tongue lies motionless on the lower lip.

Speech therapist: Who can characterize the sound “s”?

Alyona : The C sound is a dull consonant sound because the voice does not work.

Speech therapist: Correct.

Speech therapist: How to check this?

Sasha: Place your palm on your throat and say “S-S-S”, the throat is silent. Or you can cover your ears with your hands and listen to whether the voice sounds or not. We do not denote a dull sound with a bell.

2. Main part.

A) Game “Traps”.

The speech therapist pronounces clearly, distinctly, in at a slow pace sounds, and children clap their hands to a given sound.

Speech therapist: - Now we will play. If you hear a sound WITH, then you must catch it in your palms.


B) Game “Ears on the Top of the Head”.

The speech therapist pronounces the syllables at a slow pace, and the children fill in the circles (each child is offered a card with empty circles drawn on it).

Speech therapist: – Color the circle blue if you hear the sound S.


Speech therapist: - Count the filled circles. How many are there? If it’s a 6, then you kept your ears to the ground and were attentive. Well done!

C) Game “Selection of words for a given sound.”

The speech therapist asks you to remember 3-5 objects with the sound “C”.

Speech therapist: – Remember 3-5 objects whose names begin with the sound S.

Children come up with words starting with the sound “S”.

Speech therapist quits ball for the child, and He throws it back to the speech therapist while naming words that start with the sound “s.”

D) Exercise “Where is the sound hidden?”

The speech therapist offers pictures to the children.

– Listen carefully to the words and say where the sound C is hidden, at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end of the word. Match the word with the correct diagram.

Fireworks fire sugar catfish bridge weight sable mask trace mustache forest

Children: I took the pictures - fireworks. In this word, the sound “s” is at the beginning of the word. This word fits the first scheme (this is how all words are further understood with other children).

3. Physical exercise. Massage with gifts of nature.

Exercise 1. Pine cone.

– Rotate the base of the cone on the back of the hands clockwise and counterclockwise (duration 1 minute).

– Rotate the cones between your palms like a wheel in different directions

(duration 1 minute).

– Throw the cone up, catch it with both hands, then with one hand, left, right (duration 1 minute).

Exercise 2. Fir cone.

– First, the movements are performed with one cone, then with two cones and rotate them between the palms (duration 1 minute).

– Roll the bump on the back of your right and left hands (duration 1 minute).

Circular movements lump between the palms and the back of the hands (duration 1 minute).

4. Exercise “Stone - cotton wool”.

Speech therapist: - The sound C has a brother - the sound S. The sound S is hard, like stone, and the sound S is soft, like cotton wool. If you hear the sound S, show clenched fists; if you hear the sound S, show open palms. Listen carefully to the words:

Hay Sonya Sasha Seryozha boots strongman garden sled family soup

5. Exercise “Read.”

Speech therapist: – Vowel sounds have symbols that resemble the shape of the mouth when pronouncing the sound. The sound A is a big red circle, the sound U is a small red circle, the sound I is a red rectangle, the sound O is a red oval, the sound E is a red semicircle, the sound Y is a quadrangle (trapezoid). The sound C is a blue rectangle, and the sound S is a green rectangle. Try to read these symbols.

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