Who cannot participate in certification. What is the role of testing laboratories in the PS process? Who is a participant in voluntary certification

The typical structure of a mandatory certification system provides next lineup participants:

Federal executive body for technical regulation;

Certification bodies;

Testing laboratories (centers);


The main participants are applicants, certification bodies and testing laboratories. They are the ones who participate in the certification procedure for each specific object at all stages.

The applicant has the right:

Select the form and scheme of conformity assessment provided for certain types products according to the relevant rules ( technical regulations);

Apply for mandatory certification to any OS whose scope of accreditation covers the products that the applicant intends to certify;

Contact the accreditation body with complaints about misconduct OS and accredited testing laboratories.

The applicant is obliged:

Submit an application for certification, in accordance with the rules of the system, present products, regulatory, technical and other documentation necessary for product certification;

Ensure product compliance with established requirements;

Release into circulation products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity only after such confirmation of conformity has been carried out;

Indicate in the accompanying technical documentation and when labeling products information about the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity

Submit to state control (supervision) bodies, as well as interested parties, documents indicating confirmation of compliance;

Suspend the sale of products if the validity of the document (certificate or declaration) has expired, or their validity has been suspended or terminated;

Notify the OS about changes made to technical documentation or technological processes production of certified products;

Suspend the production of products that have passed confirmation of conformity and do not meet established requirements based on decisions of state control bodies.

Certification bodies perform following functions:

Form a fund of regulatory documents used for certification of homogeneous products;

Accept and review applications for certification;

Involve testing laboratories (centers) on a contractual basis for testing;

Exercise control over certification objects;

Draw up and issue certificates of conformity, maintain a register of certificates of conformity issued by them;

Inform the relevant state control (supervision) authorities about products that have been submitted for certification, but have not passed it;

Suspend or terminate the validity of the certificate of conformity issued by them;

Ensure that applicants are provided with information on the procedure for mandatory certification;

The cost of certification work is established on the basis of the methodology for determining the cost of such work approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Maintain a register of certified products;

Organize advanced training and certification of personnel;

Interact with the manufacturer for timely certification of products when standard requirements change.

An organization applying for the right to act as a certification body must undergo an accreditation procedure. Currently, the Russian Federation is creating independent system accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories in accordance with international standards. The criteria that are taken into account during accreditation include the presence in the certification body of:

Qualified and specially trained personnel;

An updated fund of regulatory documents for certified products (services) and their testing methods;

Administrative structure, legal and economic opportunities (conditions) for certification, including testing and inspection control of certified products;

Organizational and methodological documents establishing the rules and procedure for certification, including the rules for considering appeals and canceling (temporarily suspending) the validity of certificates and marks of conformity;

Register of certified products.

The OS is responsible for the validity and correctness of the issuance of the certificate of conformity and for compliance with the certification rules. Certification bodies are prohibited from providing accredited testing laboratories with information about the applicant. This rule is aimed at ensuring the objectivity of testing. Thus, if the choice of an OS from several organizations accredited for a given product belongs to the applicant, then the choice of a testing laboratory belongs only to the certification body.

Accredited testing laboratories (IL) carry out testing of specific products or specific types tests and issue test reports for certification purposes. If the certification body is accredited as an IL, then it is called a certification center. Thus, the activities of Russian Center testing and certification "Rostest-Moscow". IL is responsible for the compliance of the certification tests carried out by it with the requirements of the ND, as well as for the reliability and objectivity of the results. The main requirements for testing laboratories are: independence, impartiality, integrity and technical competence. Independence is determined by the status of a third party. Impartiality is expressed in activities during testing, making decisions based on their results and drawing up test reports. Inviolability means that research investigators and their personnel should not be subject to commercial, financial, administrative or other pressure that could influence conclusions or assessments. Technical competence is confirmed by the appropriate organizational and management structure, the availability of qualified personnel, testing facilities and equipment, regulatory documents on test methods and procedures, including quality assurance system documents. Compliance with the requirements is verified during IL accreditation. The certification system provides for access to testing products only to accredited laboratories.

OS Expert(a person certified to carry out one or more types of work in the field of certification) – the main participant in certification work. The validity and reliability of the decision to issue a certificate to the applicant depend on the expert’s competence, conscientiousness and objectivity.

Specially authorized federal executive body in the field of technical regulation(Gosstandart) performs the following functions:

Forms and implements public policy in the field of certification, establishes general rules and recommendations for certification on the territory of the Russian Federation and publishes official information about them;

Conducts state registration of certification systems and marks of conformity operating in the Russian Federation;

Represents the Russian Federation in international (regional) organizations on certification issues;

Carries out intersectoral coordination in the field of certification.

A number of federal executive authorities are involved in certification work. Gosstandart coordinates their activities in this direction. Coordination, as a rule, is carried out in the form of an agreement that regulates the choice of a certification system, objects of certification, choice of an accrediting body, etc.

In accordance with the agreement, the federal body may:

Carry out certification outside the GOST R system according to your own rules with the issuance of appropriate certificates and marks of conformity;

Enter the GOST R system and carry out activities in full accordance with its rules.

Let us briefly consider the activities of some federal bodies in the field of certification.

The Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Gossanepidnadzor) carries out certification of new medical immunobiological preparations and disinfectants, and also issues a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for food raw materials and food products, a number of non-food products (dishes, oral care products, etc. ). These conclusions are issued at the stage of approval of RD before the start of mass production of products.

When concluding a contract for the import of goods that are the object of control and supervision of this body, it is necessary to stipulate in the contract the conditions for the mandatory submission of a sanitary and epidemiological report to the customs authorities before the release of the consignment into the customs territory.

The legal basis for certification for sanitary safety is Federal law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” The regulatory basis for state supervision and certification in this area is SanPiN and Sanitary Rules (SP).

The Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation issues veterinary certificates (certificates) for products and raw materials of animal origin upon import, export and transit through Russian territory the specified goods. Veterinary certificates are required for domestic enterprises processing raw materials of animal origin to confirm the parasitic purity of meat and fish. The legal basis for certification carried out by this body is the Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 No. 4979-1 “On Veterinary Medicine”. Regulatory framework are veterinary and sanitary norms of veterinary legislation (vol. 1-4).

Gosstroy of Russia organizes (in the GOST R Certification System) certification various objects in construction (construction goods, engineering equipment of buildings and structures, construction products for residential buildings, design documentation). The regulatory basis for certification is SNiP, GOST, GOST R, etc.

The State Committee for Communications of Russia carries out certification of communications equipment for the right to use them. Certification is carried out in ILs accredited by Gosstandart. The competence of the committee includes certification of the following products: information and computing systems, automated systems and networks, software for computers, databases and data banks. The legal basis for certification of communication facilities and services is Federal Law dated 02.16.95 No. 15-FZ “On Communications” (as amended on 07.17.99).

Certification separate groups products are dealt with by a number of authorized federal executive bodies: Gospozharnadzor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (fire safety equipment), Russian Maritime Register (marine civil ships), Russian River Register ( river boats), Russian Aviation Register (aircraft), etc.

Who participates in the mandatory procedurecertification?

Certification participants are product manufacturers and service providers (the first party, participants representing the first party, with mandatory confirmation of compliance, are “applicants”). customers - sellers (the first or second party, the seller as the recipient of the product represents the second party, and when selling goods to the buyer - the first party, as well as organizations representing the third party - certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), the federal executive body for technical regulation - the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia and its subordinate Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rostekhregulirovanie.

The main participants are applicants, certification bodies (CBs) and testing laboratories (TL). They are the ones who participate in the certification procedure for each specific object at all stages.

What are the rights and obligations of the applicant?

According to Art. 28 Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” the applicant has the right:

Choose the form and scheme for confirming conformity provided for certain types of products by the relevant rules (in the future - technical regulations);

Apply for mandatory certification to any OS whose scope of accreditation covers the products that the applicant intends to certify;

Contact the accreditation body with complaints about unlawful actions of the OS and accredited testing laboratories.

The applicant is obliged:

Ensure product compliance with established requirements;

Release into circulation products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity only after such confirmation of conformity has been carried out;

Indicate in the accompanying technical documentation and when labeling products information about the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity;

Submit to state control (supervision) bodies, as well as interested parties, documents indicating confirmation of compliance;

Suspend or terminate the sale of products if the validity of the document (certificate or declaration) has expired or their validity has been suspended or terminated;

Notify the OS of changes made to technical documentation or technological processes for the production of certified products;

Suspend production of products that have been confirmed as conforming and do not meet established requirements based on decisions of state control bodies.

What functions does the certification body perform?

Certification bodies perform the following functions:

Involve testing laboratories (centers) on a contractual basis for testing in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Carry out control over the objects of certification, if such control is provided for by the relevant mandatory certification scheme and agreement;

Maintain a register of certificates of conformity issued by them;

Inform the relevant state control (supervision) authorities about products submitted for certification, but not passed it;

Suspend or terminate the validity of the certificate of conformity issued by them;

Ensure that applicants are provided with information on the procedure for mandatory certification;

The cost of certification work is established on the basis of the methodology for determining the cost of such work approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The OS is responsible for the validity and correctness of the issuance of the certificate of conformity and for compliance with the certification rules.

An important innovation (in relation to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Certification of Products and Services”) is the prohibition of providing laboratories with information about the applicant. This rule implies anonymity of the products being tested and is aimed at ensuring the objectivity of the tests. Thus, if the right to select a certification body from several bodies accredited for a given product belongs to the applicant, then the choice of the testing laboratory is carried out by the certification body.

What is the role of testing laboratories in the PS process?

Accredited testing laboratories (IL) carry out tests of specific products or specific types of tests and issue test reports for certification purposes. There are more than 2,500 ILs operating in the country. The laboratory is responsible for the compliance of the certification tests carried out by it with the requirements of ND, as well as for the reliability and objectivity of the results. If the certification body is accredited as an IL, then it is called a certification center. Thus, the activities of the Russian testing and certification center “Rostest - Moscow” are widely known in the country. The OS does not have the right to provide accredited testing laboratories with information about the applicant.

Who can be an expert of a certification body?

OS Expert (a person certified to carry out one or more types of work in the field of certification) - the main participant in certification work. From his knowledge, experience, personal qualities, i.e. competence depend on the objectivity and reliability of the decision on the possibility of issuing a certificate.

Who is a participant in voluntary certification?

As noted above, the voluntary certification system (VCS) is a set of certification participants operating in a certain area according to the rules established in the system. In the vast majority of cases, the organizers of the SDS are legal entities: research institutes, commercial enterprises, associations and unions of entrepreneurs, universities, federal executive authorities. Very often the OS that implements mandatory certification, is a member of the SDS. And this is natural, since personnel and technical base OSs that provide significant starting positions for the deployment of VTS.

The creators of the VTS determine its infrastructure, i.e. participants, their functions and conditions of interaction between them. The Federal Law on Technical Regulation regulates only the functions of the voluntary certification body, in particular, the OS carries out confirmation of conformity; issues certificates of conformity; grants the applicant the right to use a mark of conformity (if such a mark is provided in the system); suspends or terminates issued certificates.

The person or persons who created the VTS establish:

a) list of objects subject to certification;

b) a list of characteristics for compliance with which voluntary certification is carried out;

c) rules for performing certification work;

d) participants of this system.

Not only legal entities, but also individuals can act as participants in the VTS. For example, there is a VDS of personnel, where the applicants are specialists seeking to obtain a certificate of competence as an OS expert.

According to the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” (clause 3 of Article 21), the VDS can be registered by the executive body for technical regulation. However, this norm is rightly criticized /7/, since the non-obligatory registration means that the SDS does not undergo the examination that accompanies the registration procedure. The current examination procedure provides for checking only two parameters: the patent purity of the mark of conformity and the name of the system. Because even with possible registration The law does not provide for the examination of VTS documents; therefore, in one market segment, 10-20 similar certification systems may appear, misleading purchasers.

Certification participants

Participants in certification are manufacturers of products and providers of services (first party), customers - sellers (first or second party), as well as organizations representing third parties - certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), the federal executive body for technical regulation.

Typical structure of the certification system shown in Fig. 5.3, specifies the participants and their interaction.

The national certification body - Rostekhregulirovanie operates as a national certification body on the basis of the rights, duties and responsibilities provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and as a federal executive body that organizes and carries out work on mandatory certification in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

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The central certification body carries out its activities in accordance with established standards and performs the following main functions within its competence:

  • establishes certification procedures in accordance with current legislation and the requirements of the GOST R Certification System;
  • organizes the development and preparation for approval of systems (rules, procedures) for certification of homogeneous products, provides management and coordination of work this direction;
  • participates in work to update and improve the fund of regulatory documents, for compliance with which certification is carried out in systems (rules, procedures). As a federal executive body, it carries out work on regulatory support for certification work, including organizing the development and approval of federal requirements (rules, norms) for the safe conduct of work, design, manufacture and operation of equipment, establishes necessary cases uniformity of requirements provided for in these rules and regulations, taking into account their suitability for certification purposes;
  • reviews and approves draft standards, other regulatory documents federal executive authorities containing requirements for the safe conduct of work, design, manufacture and operation of regulated equipment;
  • participates in the development and coordination of international rules, norms and standards establishing safety requirements, determines the procedure for putting them into effect, and establishes additional requirements if necessary;
  • submits for state registration to Rostechregulirovanie the system (rules, procedures) for certification of homogeneous products;
  • develops promising areas of certification work carried out in accordance with general rules and systems (rules, procedures) for certification of specific objects;
  • prepares proposals for the Nomenclature of products and services subject to mandatory certification in Russian Federation;
  • participates in the accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers), in conducting inspection control over their activities and the correctness of certification;
  • coordinates the activities of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers), including those included in systems (rules, procedures), and in the absence of a certification body, performs its functions;
  • maintains records of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers), including those included in the systems (rules, procedures), issued (cancelled) certificates and licenses for the use of the Mark of Conformity, provides information about them, as well as about the procedures for certification of systems (rules, procedures). orders);
  • prepares proposals for the recognition of foreign certificates, marks of conformity and test results;
  • organizes and coordinates work on the formation of a rational composition of certification systems (rules, procedures) homogeneous groups products, networks of certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), etc.;
  • maintains the Register of participants and certification objects;
  • considers appeals regarding the actions of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) participating in systems (rules, procedures);
  • forms a Certification Council in the field of potentially hazardous industrial production, facilities and work (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Council), operating under the central certification body, approves its composition and organizes its work;
  • interacts with interested supervisory and control bodies on the development of systems (rules, procedures) for certification and accreditation.

Certification body is a body that conducts conformity certification, created on the basis of organizations that have the status of a legal entity and are a third party, i.e. independent from the producer and consumer. The main functions of the certification body include the development and maintenance of organizational and methodological documents for this certification system.

An organization applying for the right to act as a certification body must undergo an accreditation procedure. The procedure and requirements for accreditation are established in the regulatory documents of Rostec-Regulation and in the documents of the certification system.

All applicants must have easy access to information about the services of the certification body. The procedures by which the said body carries out its activities must not be discriminatory. The certification body must ensure the confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret.

The testing laboratory carries out tests of specific products or specific types of tests and issues test reports for certification purposes. It should be noted that certification systems for services and quality systems do not require the participation of testing laboratories in the certification process. All practical activities conformity assessment is carried out by the certification body. If the certification body is accredited as a testing laboratory, it is called a certification center.

The main requirements for testing laboratories are: independence, impartiality, integrity and technical competence. Independence is determined by the status of a third party. Impartiality is expressed in activities during testing, making decisions based on their results and drawing up test reports. Inviolability means that testing laboratories and their personnel shall not be subject to commercial, financial, administrative or other pressures that could influence conclusions or assessments. Technical competence is confirmed by the appropriate organizational and management structure, the availability of qualified personnel, testing facilities and equipment, regulatory documents on test methods and procedures, including quality assurance system documents.

Compliance with the requirements is verified during the accreditation of testing laboratories. The certification system provides for access to testing products only to accredited laboratories.

The certification council is formed by the central certification body for each area of ​​technology on the basis of voluntary participation from representatives of the central certification body, Rostechregulirovanie, ministries and departments, certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), manufacturers of certified products and other interested supervisory organizations, and as well as representatives of public organizations.

The Certification Council is developing proposals for the formation of a unified product certification policy for potentially hazardous industrial production, facilities and work; prepares recommendations on the structure and composition of organized networks of certification participants, optimization of organizational, methodological, regulatory and technical support for work; analyzes the functioning of systems (rules, order), prepares recommendations for their improvement and promotes their implementation.

A scientific and methodological center under the central body is created, as a rule, on the basis of one of the certification bodies and conducts systematic research, developing scientifically based proposals for the composition and structure of certification objects. The functions of a scientific and methodological certified center are established by the relevant Regulations and approved by the central certification body.

An appeals commission is formed by the central certification body to consider complaints and resolve controversial issues arising during certification, from representatives of the central certification body directly, Rostekhregulirovanie, relevant ministries and departments, certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), manufacturers of certified products and interested supervisory authorities, as well as representatives of public organizations. Commission at the established specific systems(rules, procedures) period considers the appeal and notifies the appellant of the decision.

Certification applicants (manufacturers, performers, sellers) have the right to:

  • choose the form and scheme of conformity assessment provided for certain types of products by the relevant rules (technical regulations);
  • apply for mandatory certification to any center whose scope of accreditation covers the products that the applicant intends to certify;
  • contact the accreditation body with complaints about the illegality of the actions of the certification body and accredited testing laboratories.

It should be especially noted that there is another important participant in the certification procedure - an expert - specialist certified (certified) by the federal executive body for the right to carry out one or more types of certification work. The validity and reliability of the decision to issue a certificate to the applicant depend on the expert’s competence, conscientiousness and objectivity.

Experts are certified in the following areas of activity: certification systems; quality system certification; product certification; production certification; certification of services.

The certification system must provide free access to manufacturers, consumers, public organizations, certification bodies, testing laboratories, as well as all other interested enterprises, organizations and individuals to information about activities in the System, including its rules, participants, results of accreditation and certification. The confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret must also be ensured.

Voluntary certification is carried out by certification bodies included in the voluntary certification system formed by any legal entity that has developed and registered this system and its mark of conformity in the specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification. Registration is carried out in accordance with GOST R 40.101-95 “State registration of voluntary certification systems and their marks of conformity.”

Participants in voluntary certification can be any legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership, that comply with the rules of the relevant voluntary certification system. The structure of the system provides governing body voluntary certification systems, voluntary certification body, testing laboratories, experts and applicants.

The main stages of the certification process are unchanged regardless of the type and object of certification. A generalized scheme of the certification process according to the most commonly used schemes allows us to distinguish five main stages.

  • 1. Application for certification.
  • 2. Assessment of compliance of the certification object with the established requirements.
  • 3. Analysis of conformity assessment results.
  • 4. Certification decision.
  • 5. Inspection control of the certified object.

Inspection control over the certified facility is carried out

the body that issued the certificate, if so provided for in the certification scheme. This is carried out throughout the life of the certificate, usually once a year in the form of periodic inspections. Specialists from territorial bodies of Rostekhregulirovaniya, representatives of consumer societies and other interested organizations can participate in the commission of the certification body during inspection control. Unscheduled inspections are carried out in cases of information about claims regarding the quality of products and services, as well as in case of significant changes in the design of a certified product, technology for providing services or organizational structure enterprises influencing the elements of the quality system.

Inspection control includes analyzing information about a certified facility, conducting random checks of samples of products, services or elements of the quality system. When monitoring a certified specialist, the compliance of his work with accepted criteria is checked. Based on the results of the inspection control, a report is drawn up, which makes a conclusion about the possibility of maintaining the validity of the certificate or suspending its validity. Information about the suspension is brought to the attention of the applicant, consumers,

Rostekhregulirovaniya and other participants of the Certification System. Suspension of the certificate occurs in the event of violations of its use that can be eliminated in sufficient time. short time. In this case, the certification body orders the applicant to carry out corrective measures and sets a deadline for their implementation. The applicant, for its part, must notify consumers of its products or services about the identified inconsistencies and take appropriate measures.

Cancellation of the certificate of conformity and the right to use the mark of conformity is carried out in case of non-compliance of products and services with the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as in the case of application of a regulatory document to the object of certification, the technological process of manufacturing a product or selling a service, design, completeness of products or composition of services. Cancellation of a certificate is effective from the moment it is removed from the register of the Certification System.

The certification procedure is carried out according to the international standard ISO17021-2006.

Test questions and assignments

  • 1. Define certification.
  • 2. What is a mark of conformity?
  • 3. When was the GOST R mandatory certification system introduced in Russia?
  • 4. Explain the structure of the legislative and regulatory framework for certification.
  • 5. Explain the tasks of Rostechregulirovanie in the field of certification.
  • 6. Define a certificate of conformity.
  • 7. Explain the reasons for dividing certification into mandatory and voluntary.
  • 8. Explain the term “certifier”. List the main participants in the certification system.
  • 9. What are the responsibilities of certification bodies and testing laboratories?
  • 10. What can be the subject of certification?
  • 11. What are the stages of the certification process?
  • 12. What are the objectives of inspection control during certification?

Carrying it out according to the rules established in this system. Certification participants are:

  1. Gosstandart of Russia. This body forms and implements state policy in the field of certification; establishes general rules and recommendations for certification on the territory of the Russian Federation and publishes official information about them; carries out state registration of certification systems and marks of conformity accepted in the Russian Federation.

  2. Central bodies of certification systems for homogeneous products (works, services). Central authorities may be structural divisions Gosstandart of Russia, other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other competent organizations.

  3. Certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers). They must have the status of a legal entity and be accredited by the State Standard of Russia. The certification body performs the following functions:

  • certifies products, issues certificates and licenses for the use of the mark of conformity;

  • carries out inspection control over certified products;

  • suspends or cancels the validity of certificates issued by him;

  • forms and updates a fund of regulatory documents necessary for certification;

  • presents to the applicant upon his request necessary information. Direct work in the certification body is carried out by the body’s specialists with the mandatory participation of experts certified by the State Standard of Russia. An accredited testing laboratory tests specific products and issues test reports for certification purposes.
Information about certification participants, certification systems for homogeneous products, marks of conformity, certified products and documents containing rules and recommendations for certification are contained in the State Register.

Certification participants are manufacturers of products and providers of services (first party), customers - sellers (first or second party), as well as organizations representing third parties - certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), specially authorized federal executive authorities.

Main participants- applicants, certification bodies (hereinafter - CB) and testing laboratories (TL). They are the ones who participate in the certification procedure for each specific object at all stages of this procedure.

Manufacturers (sellers, performers) When conducting certification, you are required to:

  • sell products, perform services only if there is a certificate issued or recognized by an authorized body or a declaration of conformity (adopted in in the prescribed manner);

  • ensure compliance of the products (services) sold with the requirements of the RD for which they have been certified, and marking them with a conformity mark;

  • indicate in the accompanying technical documentation information about the certificate or declaration of conformity and ND with which it must comply, and ensure that this information is communicated to the consumer (buyer, customer);

  • ensure the unhindered execution of their powers by OS officials and officials exercising control over certified products (services);

  • suspend or terminate the sale of products (provision of services): if they do not meet the requirements of the RD;

  • after the certificate expires; in case of suspension or cancellation by decision of the OS; upon expiration of the declaration of conformity; upon expiration of the product's shelf life or service life;

  • notify the OS of changes that affect the characteristics verified during certification.
Certification body performs the following functions:

  • certifies products (services), issues certificates and licenses for the use of the mark of conformity;

  • carries out inspection control over certified products (services);

  • suspends or cancels the validity of certificates issued by him;

  • provides the applicant with the necessary information.

  • The OS is responsible for the validity and correctness of the issuance of the certificate of conformity and for compliance with the certification rules.
Accredited testing laboratories
carry out tests of specific products or specific types of testing and issue test reports for certification purposes.

IL is responsible for the compliance of the certification tests carried out by it with the requirements of the ND, as well as for the reliability and objectivity of the results.

If the certification body is accredited as an IL, then it is called a certification center.

To organize and coordinate work in certification systems of homogeneous products or groups of services, central authorities certification systems (CSSS).

For example, the Consumer Market Marketing Department of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation performs the functions of a service center catering and retail services. The functions of the CESC in the certification system of quality and production systems are performed by the Technical Center of the Register of Quality Systems, operating within the structure of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. The functions of the Center for Voluntary Certification for compliance with the requirements of state standards in the GOST R Certification System are assigned to the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification.

The responsibilities of the CSO include:

  • organization, coordination of work and establishment of rules of procedure in the led certification system;

  • consideration of appeals of applicants regarding the actions of OS, IL (centers).
Specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification(in Russia - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology) performs the following functions:

  • forms and implements state policy in the field of certification, establishes general rules and recommendations for certification on the territory of the Russian Federation and publishes official information about them;

  • carries out state registration of certification systems and marks of conformity operating in the Russian Federation;

  • publishes official information about the certification systems and marks of conformity operating in the Russian Federation and submits it in the prescribed manner to international (regional) certification organizations; prepares, in the prescribed manner, proposals for joining international (regional) certification systems, and can also, in the prescribed manner, enter into agreements with international (regional) organizations on mutual recognition of certification results;

  • represents the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure in international (regional) organizations on certification issues and, as the national certification body of the Russian Federation, carries out intersectoral coordination in the field of certification.
The main participant in certification work is
a person certified to carry out one or more types of work in the field of certification. From his knowledge, experience, personal qualities, i.e. competence depend on the objectivity and reliability of the decision on the possibility of issuing a certificate.

A number of federal executive authorities are involved in certification work. The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, as a national certification body, coordinates their activities in this direction. Coordination, as a rule, is carried out in the form of an agreement that regulates the choice of a certification system, objects of certification, choice of an accrediting body, etc.

In accordance with the agreement, the federal body may:

  1. carry out certification outside the GOST R system according to its own rules with the issuance of appropriate certificates and marks of conformity;

  2. enter the GOST R system and carry out activities in full accordance with its rules.
Question 2. Accreditation and mutual recognition of certification.

Accreditation- a procedure during which accreditation body officially recognizes the right of a legal entity to perform work in certain area. The goals of accreditation are simple: firstly, it ensures trust in accredited organizations and their activities, and secondly, technological barriers to trade are eliminated. And thirdly, as a result of accreditation, the interests of consumers in matters of quality of products or services are protected.

The main goals of accreditation are: ensuring consumer confidence in activities to confirm the conformity of products, services and other objects with established requirements;

Creation of conditions for mutual recognition of the results of activities of accredited entities at the national and international level.

Stages of the accreditation procedure

  • submitting an application for accreditation with the necessary documents attached;

  • analysis of documents submitted for accreditation;

  • on-site screening and assessment of the applicant;

  • analysis of materials related to accreditation and decision-making on accreditation;

  • registration, registration and issuance of an accreditation certificate (or a reasoned refusal of accreditation);

  • periodic monitoring of the activities of the accredited organization.
Certification – This is documentary evidence of product compliance with certain requirements, specific standards or specifications. Product certification is a set of activities carried out to confirm, through a certificate of conformity, that a product meets certain standards or other requirements. Certification arose in connection with the need to protect the market from products unsuitable for use.

Certification– a procedure by which a third party provides written assurance that a product, process, or service meets specified requirements.



Object of certification

An object whose properties are confirmed


The owner of the certification object, the state or a third party that requested certification.

Purpose of certification

Why is certification carried out? How will its results be used?


List of properties of the certification object, the presence of which is confirmed during the certification process. Requirements can be determined by law or presented by the Customer.

Certification body

Government agency or a private certification company

Certification scheme

Rules for certification, including a list of confirmed requirements, methods for their control and confirmation, as well as the type and legal status issued document.


A document issued by a certification body confirming the compliance of the certification object with the requirements imposed on it.

The ISO manual defines eight third-party certification schemes:

1. Product sample testing.

2. Testing of a product sample with subsequent control based on supervision of factory samples purchased on the open market.

3. Testing of a product sample with subsequent control based on supervision of factory samples.

4. Product sample testing followed by surveillance based on samples purchased from the open market and received from the factory.

5. Product sample testing and evaluation of factory quality management followed by control based on supervision of factory quality management and testing of samples received from the factory and open market.

6. Factory quality management assessment only.

7. Checking product batches.

8. 100% control.

In the process of product certification activities, the supplier may encounter two subjects of this process (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Relationships between certification subjects
According to classic scheme, testing of product samples is carried out by testing laboratories. The test results, documented in the form of a protocol, are transmitted in one way or another to the certification body. In this case, the testing laboratory has no right to interpret or disclose the data obtained. The certification body compares the test results with legal requirements (if the product falls within the area regulated by law) or with other characteristics, standards, documents, etc. presented by the supplier. If the product meets the specified established requirements, the certification body issues a certificate of conformity to the supplier .

Certification – important factor ensuring trust in mutual supplies of products, as well as solving such large social tasks, as a guarantee of the safety of consumed (used) products, protection of the health and property of citizens, protection environment. The development of certification in the common economic space of different states implies mutual recognition of product certification results, which can be based on the harmonization of the legislative framework, the use common standards and mutually recognized compliance mechanisms.

At the level European countries, the relationship of certification subjects is regulated by a series of European standards EN 45000. Many certification bodies and testing laboratories that carry out tests for certification purposes are accredited, i.e. . receive official recognition that they can carry out certain types of activities. In particular, accreditation may consist of an accreditation body, guided by the standards EN 45002 or EN 45010, verifying the compliance of a testing laboratory or certification body with the standards EN 45001 or EN 45011, respectively.

For a testing laboratory, the result of accreditation is recognition of its technical competence to carry out certain types of tests, while the certification body must be recognized as competent and trustworthy when operating in a specific product certification system. The purpose of accreditation is usually formulated as follows:

  • improving quality and professional competence testing laboratories and certification bodies;

  • recognition of test results and certificates in the domestic and foreign markets;

  • ensuring competitiveness and recognition of products in foreign and domestic markets.
However, many testing laboratories and certification bodies do not carry out accreditation, not without reason believing that trust and recognition of competence can be achieved at less cost and that accreditation can make sense only when the organization has too many available funds.

In fact, international acts, including European standards, do not require accreditation to carry out work for the purpose of certification. The exception is some legislative acts, adopted at the level of individual countries and tightening the certification procedure. In particular, Germany regulates the need for accreditation of all organizations conducting certification in the field of electromagnetic compatibility; In Russia, all certification bodies and testing laboratories carrying out activities for certification purposes must be accredited.

Another way of confirming the conformity of a product is a declaration of conformity, in which the supplier, in accordance with the EN 45014 standard, declares, under its sole responsibility, that a specific product conforms to the specific standard or other normative document to which the declaration refers. At the same time, the supplier must ensure compliance with the required parameters within acceptable limits and control all types of its activities at all stages of production. If the supplier is truly capable of consistently meeting and monitoring compliance with the requirements of the standard or other document to which it refers in the declaration of conformity, then it is possible this method establishing compliance will be the most economically feasible for such a supplier. However, even if all conditions of EN 45014 are met, the supplier may share the risk of product liability with the certification body by requesting certification of the product by an independent third party.

International certification practice

Technical barriers arising from many international organizations aimed at creating international certification organizations and international systems certification individual species products to ensure their unhindered entry into their markets.

The largest international organization is the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The agreement contains special recommendations for its participants (about 100 countries) in the field of standardization and certification. The participating countries of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) in their final acts following meetings in Helsinki (1975) and Vienna (1989), they noted the need for cooperation in the field of certification and its use as a means of promoting convergence and expansion trade relations countries

Leading place in the field of organizational and methodological support for certification belongs to ISO, which has a Certification Committee (SEGTICO). In 1985, in connection with the further development of work in the field of renaming it to the Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO), Committee ISO 176. The Certification System, the Certification Assurance System, the accreditation of laboratories and the assessment of quality assurance systems were published, and a decision was made to expand the activities of CERTICO and quality . Summarizing the national experience of many countries, ISO TC 176 prepared the well-known ISO 9000 series standards, published in 1987.

Published in 1985 “ White paper UES”, containing a schedule of activities necessary to ensure free movement products, capital, services and human resources. Since 1984, under the auspices of the IEC, the certification system for electrical products (IECSE), which previously operated within the framework of the SEC ( International Commission by certification). This system is aimed at confirming the safety of household electrical appliances, medical equipment, cables and some other products - in accordance with IEC standards.

In order to ensure mutual recognition of test results, the Nordic Laboratory Accreditation Body (NORDA) was created in 1986.

In 1991, the General Assembly of the European Standards Committee (CEN) - International organization on standardization of the member countries of the Common Market - approved the “Rules for the implementation and use of CEN SER systems” and the general provisions of certification systems and mutual recognition by the EEC countries of the results of testing reserves in the EEC countries by 1992, provided for the implementation of a program to eliminate differences between national standards and technical regulations through the development of EEC directives and European standards. At the same time, it was assumed that any product manufactured and sold legally in one country that is a member of the EEC must be allowed on the market in other countries of the community.

Unlike the previous order, European standards are adopted by a decision of the majority of EEC member countries - and after adoption they gain legal force in all countries of the community.

Joint Institute CEN/CENELEC for EEC and European Association countries free trade(EFTA) European standards EN 45000 series have been developed. These are organizational and methodological documents relating to the activities of testing laboratories, product certification bodies, quality systems and personnel certification, as well as determining the actions of the manufacturer who decides to declare the compliance of his products with the requirements of the standards.

Stage name

Contents of the stage


End of stage

1. Receipt by the certification body of the declaration of the application for product certification

Analysis of the declaration-application

Organization (applicant)

Appointment of an expert for examination of source materials

2. Examination of source materials

Examination of source materials, collection and analysis of information on the quality of products sold, assessment of the feasibility of carrying out subsequent stages of production certification

Drawing up a conclusion on the feasibility of conducting production certification, concluding an agreement for conducting production certification

3. Formation of a commission to verify production

Appointment of the chief expert and approval of the composition of the commission

Certification body (authorized expert)

Drawing up an order on the composition of the commission

4. Compilation work program verification (or adoption of a standard program)

Regulation of objects and procedures for production verification and decision-making rules

Certification body (authorized expert)

Adoption of a production inspection program

5. Production check

Formation of a commission, drawing up an inspection plan, checking production, making a decision on the possibility of certification of production

Certification body (authorized expert)

Drawing up a report on the results of production inspection

6. Making a decision on recommending production for certification and preparing documents based on the results of production inspection

Registration of the draft certificate

Certification body (authorized expert)

Sending a report on the results of production inspection, a draft certificate to the Register Technical Center

7. Making a decision on production certification

Making a decision to register a certificate in the Registry Register

Register Technical Center

Sending the certificate to the applicant

8. Inspection control of certified production

Carrying out procedures for checking the stability of product manufacturing quality in accordance with the verification program

Certification body (authorized expert)

Register Technical Center

Registration of inspection reports

In 1990, a special body was created to implement certification rules, review declarations of conformity, and establish criteria for mutual recognition - the European Organization for Testing and Certification (EOTI). The purpose of the UIPO is to streamline the activities of conformity assessment bodies in Europe, facilitating the free flow of goods and services. This is possible by creating conditions that guarantee all interested parties that products, services and technological processes that have passed testing do not need to be retested and certified.

There are currently more than 700 certification bodies operating in Europe. Certification systems are interconnected and act in concert. In total, more than 5,000 products are certified in the EEC and EFTA countries, more than 300 certification systems are in operation, etc. in almost all foreign countries.

The states that signed the Agreement agreed on mutual recognition of certification bodies, testing laboratories, test and certification results, certificates and marks of conformity for mutually supplied products. Accreditation conditions for subsequent mutual recognition have also been adopted: accreditation of bodies and laboratories in the national certification system and the presence of testing laboratories practical experience on conducting tests based on interstate standards; accreditation in international certification systems, to which the CIS state has joined, decisive question about recognition.

The parties participate in international certification systems independently, and the Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the rules of international certification systems.

The regulatory basis for certification is recognized as international, interstate or national standards recognized in the member states of the Agreement.

The countries that signed the Agreement agreed to agree on the procedure for the phased introduction of mandatory certification of mutually supplied products, to ensure the objectivity of test results and the reliability of product certification results.

If violations of certification requirements are established in the importing country, the national certification body may suspend the recognition of certificates in its country and must report this to the national body of the exporting country and the Technical Secretariat of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

Further development of a harmonized certification policy is reflected in the 1994 Agreement, which established the conditions and procedures for recognition in the field of certification.

The main provisions of this Agreement stipulate:

  • mutual recognition of test reports, certificates and marks of conformity for products and services that comply with the approved list and are subject to mandatory certification; mutual recognition of national certification systems and certificates issued by them, subject to compliance with established procedures;

  • accreditation of certification bodies by national bodies for standardization, metrology and certification, taking into account the opinions of experts from the states parties to the Agreement;

  • the right of the states parties to the Agreement to carry out inspection control over certified products.
Since not all CIS member countries are to the same degree ready to conclude a multilateral agreement on mutual recognition, it was decided to start with bilateral agreements. Such agreements are concluded at the level of national certification bodies. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation signed bilateral agreements with Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, and from countries not participating in the CIS - with Lithuania, whose representatives attended the meeting of the Interstate Council as an observer.

Mutual recognition agreements in the field of certification determine:

  • specific deadlines, conditions and procedures for mutual recognition from certification bodies and testing laboratories that are accredited in national systems certification;

  • the procedure for confirming the safety of products supplied under the Mutual Recognition Agreement; responsibility of the manufacturer for the safety of exported products and the body that issued the certificate; the certificate of the exporting state is recognized by the receiving country in the manner prescribed for the recognition of foreign certificates.

Question 3. The procedure for certification of eggs and their processed products.

Certification of food raw materials and food products of animal origin is carried out after a veterinary and sanitary examination (vetsanitary assessment), carried out in accordance with the current veterinary - sanitary rules and with the obligatory presence of veterinary accompanying documents (veterinary certificates, veterinary certificates) issued in the prescribed manner.

Voluntary certification in the Certification System of Food Products and Food Raw Materials in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services" is carried out by certification bodies accredited in the GOST R system at the initiative of applicants (manufacturers, sellers, performers) in order to confirm compliance with the requirements of documents determined by the applicant. Certificates of conformity for voluntary certification are issued on a special form of the GOST R Certification System. Voluntary certification of food products and food raw materials is carried out according to the same rules and procedures as mandatory certification. Just as in the case of mandatory certification, with voluntary certification of food products and food raw materials, the necessary initial stage of work is the identification of the products being certified.

Voluntary certification is carried out for compliance with the indicators of regulatory, technical or other documents submitted by the applicant (standards, technical specifications, sanitary rules and norms, hygienic standards, hygienic conclusions, technical specifications, contract requirements, etc.).

When certifying food products, certification bodies must use test results obtained in accredited testing laboratories using certified methods that allow for complete and reliable identification of products and confirmation of compliance of food products with the requirements established in regulatory documents.

In the absence of certified methods (in the absence of error characteristics of measurement results, algorithms and standards for them in the methods) operational control) measurements of indicators subject to confirmation during certification, the results obtained by the testing laboratory can be recognized as valid provided that this testing laboratory implements techniques and procedures for monitoring the accuracy of the results obtained and provided that the non-certified methods used are approved in the prescribed manner.

By decision of the certification body, tests can be carried out using a reduced range of indicators, provided that the remaining indicators are confirmed by documents of the relevant supervision and control services: sanitary and hygienic, veterinary, as well as documents on the state of soils, water, feed, raw materials, etc. in a particular region.

Food products can be certified according to one of the schemes, “Procedure for Certification of Products in the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated July 25, 1996 No. 15 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 1, 1996, registration No. 1139 (Russian News, 1996, No. 147; Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, 1996, No. 5). The main criterion for choosing a scheme is to ensure evidence of certification while minimizing the costs of its implementation.

Certification of eggs and their processed products (hereinafter referred to as products) is carried out after a veterinary and sanitary examination, branding (of meat) by the state veterinary service and labeling in the prescribed manner.

A necessary condition for issuing a certificate of conformity for a batch of products is a veterinary certificate, and for serially produced products - the presence of a veterinary conclusion (an act or a registration veterinary certificate) issued by the state veterinary service in the prescribed manner.

The list of indicators subject to confirmation during product certification, regulatory documents establishing safety indicators and test methods are given in Table 1.
Table 1. List of indicators to be confirmed during certification of eggs and egg products

Product name





NMD-determining test methods

Egg products including eggs

GOST 27583-88 “Chicken eggs for food. Technical specifications"

GOST 30364-96 “Egg products. Methods of sampling and organoleptic analysis"


And other regulatory documents that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, establish requirements for products

Toxic elements:


GOST 30178-96

(for lead, cadmium, copper, zinc)

GOST 26932-86


GOST 26933-86


GOST 26932-86


GOST 26931-86


GOST 26934-86


GOST 26930-86

GOST 26927-86


teracycline group

MUK 4.2.026-95

MU 3049-84


MP 4.18/1890-91


MU. By determining trace amounts of pesticides in food, feed and external environment. Collections No. 5 - 25, 1976 - 1997.

Methods for determining microquantities of pesticides in food, feed and the external environment / Ed. M.A. Klisenko, vol. 1, 2. M., 1992.

Egg products including eggs



"Radiation monitoring. Sr 90 and Cs 137. Food products. Sampling, analysis and hygienic assessment. Guidelines". Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko on 10/08/98 (put into effect on 12/08/98)

The certification form is filled out in accordance with Appendix 13 of the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1999 No. 21 “On the rules for certification of food products and food raw materials” (as amended on June 18, 2002)


  1. State system standardization. –M.: State Committee Russian Federation according to standards. 1992 –238 p.

  2. Krylova G.D. Fundamentals of standardization, certification, metrology. –M.: Publishing Association "UNTI". 1998. –464 p.

  3. Krylova G.D. Fundamentals of standardization, certification, metrology: Textbook for universities - 2nd revision. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA. 1999 – 711 p.

  4. Kupriyanov E.M. Standardization and quality of industrial products: Textbook for universities. – M.: Higher. school 1985. – 288 p.

  5. Ryapolov A.F. Certification. Methodology and practice. –M.: Publishing House of Standards, 1987 –232 p.

  6. GOST R certification system. Collection of documents. – M.: Ed. standards, 1993. –77 p.

  7. Product certification. Basic provisions. Standards. Organization. Methodology and practice. In three parts. – M.: Publishing house of standards. 1990. – Part 1. International standards and ISO/IEP guidelines in the field of certification and quality management. –213 s.

  8. Sulpovar L.B., Rozanova T.V. Certification of goods and services: Tutorial. – M.: Gasbu. – 1993 – 43 p.

  9. Sergeev A.G. Latyshev M.V. Certification: Textbook for universities. M.: Publishing house. Corporation “Logos” 2000. – 248 p.

  10. Tanygin V.A. Fundamentals of standardization and product quality management: Textbook. manual – 2nd ed. reworked – M.: Standards Publishing House. 1989. – 208 p.

  11. Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1999 No. 21 “On the rules for certification of food products and food raw materials” (as amended on June 18, 2002)

  12. materials from the site were used http://www.cfin.ru/

Who is involved in the mandatory certification procedure?

Certification participants are product manufacturers and service providers (the first party, participants representing the first party, with mandatory confirmation of compliance, are “applicants”). customers - sellers (the first or second party, the seller as the recipient of the product represents the second party, and when selling goods to the buyer - the first party, as well as organizations representing the third party - certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), the federal executive body for technical regulation - the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia and its subordinate Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rostekhregulirovanie.

The main participants are applicants, certification bodies (CBs) and testing laboratories (TL). They are the ones who participate in the certification procedure for each specific object at all stages.

What are the rights and obligations of the applicant?

According to Art. 28 Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” the applicant has the right:

- choose the form and scheme for confirming conformity provided for certain types of products by the relevant rules (in the future - technical regulations);

Apply for mandatory certification to any OS whose scope of accreditation covers the products that the applicant intends to certify;

Contact the accreditation body with complaints about unlawful actions of the OS and accredited testing laboratories.

The applicant is obliged:

- ensure product compliance with established requirements;

Release into circulation products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity only after such confirmation of conformity has been carried out;

Indicate in the accompanying technical documentation and when labeling products information about the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity;

Submit to state control (supervision) bodies, as well as interested parties, documents indicating confirmation of compliance;

Suspend or terminate the sale of products if the validity of the document (certificate or declaration) has expired or their validity has been suspended or terminated;

Notify the OS of changes made to technical documentation or technological processes for the production of certified products;

Suspend production of products that have been confirmed as conforming and do not meet established requirements based on decisions of state control bodies.

What functions does the certification body perform?

Certification bodies perform the following functions:

Involve testing laboratories (centers) on a contractual basis for testing in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Carry out control over the objects of certification, if such control is provided for by the relevant mandatory certification scheme and agreement;

Maintain a register of certificates of conformity issued by them;

Inform the relevant state control (supervision) authorities about products submitted for certification, but not passed it;

Suspend or terminate the validity of the certificate of conformity issued by them;

Ensure that applicants are provided with information on the procedure for mandatory certification;

The cost of certification work is established on the basis of the methodology for determining the cost of such work approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The OS is responsible for the validity and correctness of the issuance of the certificate of conformity and for compliance with the certification rules.

An important innovation (in relation to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Certification of Products and Services”) is the prohibition of providing laboratories with information about the applicant. This rule implies anonymity of the products being tested and is aimed at ensuring the objectivity of the tests. Thus, if the right to select a certification body from several bodies accredited for a given product belongs to the applicant, then the choice of the testing laboratory is carried out by the certification body.

What is the role of testing laboratories in the PS process?

Accredited testing laboratories (TL) carry out tests of specific products or specific types of tests and issue test reports for certification purposes. There are more than 2,500 ILs operating in the country. The laboratory is responsible for the compliance of the certification tests carried out by it with the requirements of ND, as well as for the reliability and objectivity of the results. If the certification body is accredited as an IL, then it is called a certification center. Thus, the activities of the Russian testing and certification center “Rostest - Moscow” are widely known in the country. The OS does not have the right to provide accredited testing laboratories with information about the applicant.

Who can be an expert of a certification body?

An OS expert (a person certified to carry out one or more types of work in the field of certification) is the main participant in certification work. From his knowledge, experience, personal qualities, i.e. competence depend on the objectivity and reliability of the decision on the possibility of issuing a certificate.

Who is a participant in voluntary certification?

As noted above, the voluntary certification system (VCS) is a set of certification participants operating in a certain area according to the rules established in the system. In the vast majority of cases, the organizers of SDS are legal entities: research institutes, commercial enterprises, associations and unions of entrepreneurs, universities, federal executive authorities. Very often, the OS that carries out mandatory certification is a participant in the VTS. And this is natural, since the personnel and technical base of the OS are used, which provide significant starting positions for the deployment of VTS.

The creators of the VTS determine its infrastructure, i.e. participants, their functions and conditions of interaction between them. The Federal Law on Technical Regulation regulates only the functions of the voluntary certification body, in particular, the OS carries out confirmation of conformity; issues certificates of conformity; grants the applicant the right to use a mark of conformity (if such a mark is provided in the system); suspends or terminates issued certificates.

The person or persons who created the VTS establish:

a) list of objects subject to certification;

b) a list of characteristics for compliance with which voluntary certification is carried out;

c) rules for performing certification work;

d) participants of this system.

Not only legal entities, but also individuals can act as participants in the VTS. For example, there is a VDS of personnel, where the applicants are specialists seeking to obtain a certificate of competence as an OS expert.

According to the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” (clause 3 of Article 21), the VDS can be registered by the executive body for technical regulation. However, this norm is rightly criticized /7/, since the non-obligatory registration means that the SDS does not undergo the examination that accompanies the registration procedure. The current examination procedure provides for checking only two parameters: the patent purity of the mark of conformity and the name of the system. Since even with possible registration, the Law does not provide for the examination of VTS documents, 10-20 similar certification systems may appear in one market segment, misleading purchasers.

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