Download the technology work program. Technology, work program

The work program on technology is compiled on the basis of the Model educational program, in accordance with the federal state educational standard for primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009. No. 373 and the author’s program on technology Tsirulik N.A. Selected author's program developed in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standards.
Academic subject "Technology" in primary school has powerful development potential. Thanks to the subject-practical orientation of the course in technology lessons, younger schoolchildren develop holistic process spiritual, moral and intellectual development(including abstract thinking).

general characteristics academic subject.
Development modern society requires implementation in all areas human activity modern high technology, contributing to a more complete disclosure and realization of a person’s potential and personal competencies. This trend requires the preparation of a new generation with high technological culture, ready and able to transform and improve, based on the necessary scientific knowledge. Technological culture is defined as transformative creative nature-conforming activity, including knowledge, skills, emotional and moral attitude towards this species activities and willingness to act taking into account responsibility for one’s actions. Cannot be considered a graduate at this time secondary school prepared for modern life without knowing the basics and concrete examples modern technological processes that permeate the infrastructure of society, without instilling the foundations of technological culture, which Russia’s labor resources lack. Important role in solving these problems belongs educational field"Technology".

Primary technological education should be aimed at ensuring the “entry” of students into technological culture, creating conditions for the development of the ability to transform based on knowledge cultural values and traditions, as well as modern scientific knowledge. The most important feature technology lessons in primary school is an activity-based approach, which contributes to the formation in students not only of ideas about the interaction between man and the world around him, about the role of people’s labor activity in the development of society, but also allows them to develop initial technological knowledge, the most important work skills. The appropriate content and methodological content of the subject “Technology” contributes to the formation of universal educational actions of younger schoolchildren. Technology lessons in a visual and accessible form allow you to develop the skills of goal setting, planning, setting and transforming tasks, proposing various solutions, evaluating results, and reflecting.

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Work program on technology 6th grade

The work program was developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education in technology and the Model program of basic general education in technology for the basic level.

The program is focused on teaching materials “Technology. Labor training» recommended by the Department of Basic General Education of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, M.: Education, 2013. Authors of the program: V.D. Simonenko, N.V. Tit.

For training, the textbook is used by Simonenko V.D., Pravdyuk V.N., Samorodsky P.S., Technology 6th grade. Venta-Graf, 2013.

The textbook is included in the federal list of textbooks and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The material is studied at a basic level.

The study of technology in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    development technological knowledge, the foundations of a culture of creative work, ideas about technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of work activities to create personally or socially significant products;

    mastery general labor and special skills necessary for searching and using technological information, designing and creating labor products, maintaining household, independent and conscious determination of one’s life and professional plans; safe work practices;

    development cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communication and organizational abilities;

    upbringing hard work, thrift, accuracy, dedication, enterprise, responsibility for the results of one’s activities; respectful attitude to people of various professions and the results of their work;

    receiving experience in applying polytechnic and technological knowledge and skills in independent practical activities.

To conduct classes in the educational field “Technology”, the Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions at the federal level in 6 grades allocates two hours of classes weekly for a school year of 34 weeks.

Requirements for learning outcomes in 6th grade

Students should know:

sanitary requirements for the kitchen and dining room; greatfor working with hot oils and fats, washing dishes;

general information about the importance of mineral salts and microelementscops in the life of the body, about the culinary significanceresearch, nutritional value and chemical composition of milk; spomethods for determining the quality of milk, ways to keep it freshmilk, technology for preparing milk soups and cereals;

methods of primary processing of fish, technology for preparing fish cutlets and fish semi-finished products,methods of cooking fish;

types of frying foods, their distinctive features, dishes and equipment for frying;

rules for cooking cereal porridges of various consistencies, features of preparing dishes from legumes and pastaly, the ratio of cereals, legumes and pasta andliquids when cooking porridges and side dishes;

methods of preparing dough, types of baking powderdough, technology for baking pancakes, pancakes, pancakes;

rules of sanitation, hygiene, safe work with stakepower and cutting tools, with electrical equipment, electric heating devices;

methods for obtaining natural animal fiberswalking, obtaining threads from these fibers under spinning conditionsin industrial production and at home, the properties of natural fibers of animal origin, threads and fabricstheir basis, twill and satin weaves;

the principle of operation of motion transformation mechanisms, their designations on kinematic diagrams; purpose, deviceand the principle of operation of sewing machine regulators;

composition, rhythm, ornament, rapport in embroidery, coldnew, warm, chromatic and achromatic colors, methodsenlarging and reducing the picture;

operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements; for a light women's dress, materials and finishes, approx.used in the manufacture of shirts, rules for taking measurements and their symbols, basicshirt modeling techniques, rulespreparing the pattern for cutting;

purpose, design, graphic symbolsresearch and technology for making the following seams: stitching with an open cut, stitching with one closed cut, butt seam, overlay with two closed cuts, basic technicalnological techniques for processing shirts;

rules for preparing fabric for cutting and technology for cutting fabric, technological sequence for processing a shirt;

Students must be able to:

work with household electrical appliances, detergents and cleaning products chemicals, wash dishes, apply modetergents and disinfectants for washing dishes;

determine the quality of milk, conduct its thermal evaluationBotka, prepare milk soups and porridges, evaluate the quality of foodcommercial dishes;

determine the quality of fish, thaw frozen and soakcook salted fish, carry out primary processing of fish, whenprepare fish cutlet mass using a meat grinder;

carry out primary processing of cereals, legumes and pastanal products; cook loose, viscous and liquid cerealsporridge, prepare casseroles, cereals, cutlets, cereal balls,cook beans and pasta;

prepare dough and bake pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,cook compotes and jelly;

determine the repeat of twill and satin weave,front and back sides and fabric defects;

adjust the quality of machine stitching, install the needleinto a sewing machine, select a needle and thread depending ontype of fabric, determine sewing machine problems caused bycaused by improper installation of the needle, clean and lubricate the seamstressesnew car;

select fabric and trim for making shirts, removeand write down measurements, read and draw drawings of a shirt, model a shirt,prepare skirt patterns for cutting;

use a sewing machine to perform an adjustment stitch with an open cut, an adjustment stitch with one closed cut, a butt seam,overlay seam with two closed cuts, processshirt;

prepare fabric for cutting, perform economical layoutpatterns on fabric, cutting out a shirt, preparing cut details for processing, processing detailscutting, fitting, identifying and correcting defects,perform final finishing and determine the quality of the finished productof the product.

Course content 6th grade

Aesthetics of the school site - 8 hours.

Cooking (14 hours).

Physiology of nutrition (2 hours).

Mineral salts and microelements,their content in food products . Role minerals in the life of the human body.

The importance of calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, iodine salts for the human body. Daily salt requirement.

Practical work

Working with tables of composition and quantitymineral salts and trace elementsV various products. Determination of the quantity and composition of products that meet the daily human need in mineral salts and microelements.

Variants of labor objects.

Tables, reference materials.

Cooking technology (10 hours).

Dishes made from milk and dairy products

Basic theoretical information

Culinary significance of milk and dairy products. Types of milk and dairy products. Nutritional value and chemical composition milk. Conditions and terms of its storage.

The importance of fermented milk products in human nutrition. Assortment of fermented milk products.Types of bacterial cultures for the preparation of fermented milk products.

Practical work

Primary processing of cereals. Determination of milk quality. Preparing milk soup or milk porridge. Making yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese at home. Preparing a dish from fermented milk products.

Options for labor objects

Milk soup, milk porridge, kefir, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole.

Dishes from fish and non-fish seafood

Basic theoretical information

The concept of the nutritional value of fish and non-fish seafood products. Possibilities of culinary use of fish of different breeds. Technology and sanitary conditions primary and thermal processing of fish.

Practical work

Selection of tools and equipment for cutting fish. Determination of fish freshness by organoleptic method. Primary processing of scaly fish. Boiling and frying fish whole, in links, in portions. Determining the readiness of fish dishes.

Variants of labor objects.

Dishes of boiled and fried fish.

Dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta

Basic theoretical information

Types of cereals and pasta. Rules for cooking loose cereals, viscous and liquid porridges, pasta. Technology for preparing dishes from legumes, ensuring the preservation of B vitamins in them. Reasons for the increase in weight and volume during cooking.

Practical work

Preparing for cooking cereals, legumes and pasta. Definition required quantity liquid when cooking porridges of various consistencies and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta.

Variants of labor objects.

Buckwheat porridge, side dishes of rice and pasta.

Preparing lunch on the go

Basic theoretical information

Ensuring the safety of products. Utensils for cooking in camp conditions. Natural springs water. Methods of water disinfection. Methods of heating and cooking food in camping conditions. Compliance with fire safety measures.

Practical work:

Calculation of the quantity, composition and cost of products for the trip.

Preparing food (2 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Processes occurring during salting and fermentation. Preservative role of lactic acid. Safety nutrients in salted and pickled vegetables.

Time for fermentation (fermentation) of pickled and salted vegetables until ready. Storage conditions and periods.

Practical work

Primary processing of vegetables before salting. Preparing containers. Determining the amount of salt and spices. Pickling cucumbers or tomatoes. Sauerkraut.

Variants of labor objects.

Pickled cucumber, sauerkraut.

Creation of products from textile and ornamental materials (40 hours).

Needlework. Artistic crafts (10 hours).


Basic theoretical information

Brief information from the history of creating products from scraps. Ornament in decorative and applied arts. Symmetry and asymmetry in composition. Geometric ornament. Possibilities patchwork, its connection with modern fashion trends.

Practical work

Making a sketch of a product using the patchwork technique. Selection of fabrics by color, pattern and texture, preparing them for work. Making templates from cardboard or thick paper for cutting out ornamental elements. Cut the fabric taking into account the direction of the grain thread. Technology for connecting parts to each other and to the lining. Use of cushioning materials.

Variants of labor objects.

Potholder, napkin, sofa cushion.

Free painting on fabric

Basic theoretical information

Stylization techniques real forms. Elements of decorative solutions for real-life forms. Artistic features of free painting of fabrics: composition, colorful design. Free painting techniques.

Practical work

Performing static, dynamic, symmetrical and asymmetrical compositions. Sketch natural motives from life and their stylization. Selection of fabrics and dyes. Tools and devices for free painting. Free painting using saline solution. Attaching the design to the fabric. Creating a composition depicting a landscape for a panel or scarf using the technique of “free painting” on fabric.

Variants of labor objects.

Decorative panel, scarf, tablecloth.

Elements of materials science (2 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Natural fibers of animal origin. Obtaining threads from these fibers in spinning production and at home. Properties of natural fibers of animal origin, as well as threads and fabrics based on them.

Twill and satin weaves of threads in fabrics. The concept of weave repeat. The influence of the type of weave on the drapability of the fabric.

Fabric defects. Comparative characteristics properties of cotton, linen, silk and wool fabrics.

Practical work

Recognition of fibers and threads from cotton, linen, silk, wool in fabrics. Determination of the front and back sides of twill and satin weave fabrics. Compiling a collection of twill and satin weave fabrics.

Variants of labor objects.

Samples of cotton, linen, silk and wool fabrics.

Elements of mechanical engineering (4 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Purpose, design and principle of operation of the regulators of a universal household sewing machine. Selection of needle and thread thickness depending on the type of fabric. Malfunctions in the operation of the sewing machine caused by defects in the machine needle or its incorrect installation.

Practical work

Adjusting the quality of the machine stitch for various types fabrics. Replacing a needle in a sewing machine. Sewing machine care, cleaning and lubrication.

Variants of labor objects.

Sewing machine.

Design and modeling of waist garments (6 hours).

Basic theoretical information

Operational, hygienic and aesthetic requirements for a lightweight women's dress. Fabrics and finishings used for making skirts. Skirt designs. Measurements necessary to construct the basis of the drawing of conical, wedge and straight skirts. Increases to measurements for looseness of fit.

Conventional graphic images of parts and products in drawings, sketches, drawings, diagrams. Methods for modeling conical, wedge and straight skirts. Shape, silhouette, style. Individual style in clothes.

Practical work

Taking measurements and recording measurement results. Constructing the basis of a drawing of a skirt on a scale of 1:4 and in full size according to your own standards. Choosing a skirt model depending on your body shape. Modeling a skirt of the selected style. Preparing the skirt pattern for cutting.

Variants of labor objects.

Drawing and pattern of a skirt.

Technology for manufacturing waist garments (18 hours)

Basic theoretical information

The purpose and design of stitching, stitching and overhead seams, their graphic symbols and execution technology. Features of pattern layout on checkered and striped fabric. Methods for processing the lower and upper sections of the skirt. Features of wet-heat treatment of wool and silk fabrics.

Practical work

Laying out the pattern, chalking and cutting the fabric. Laying contour and control lines and points on cut details. Processing of cut details. Peeling and basting of cut details. Preparing the skirt for fitting. Trying on a skirt, leveling the bottom of the product, identifying and correcting defects, adjusting the product to the figure. Sewing product parts. Final finishing and wet-heat treatment of the product. Decoration products. Control and assessment of the quality of the finished product.

Variants of labor objects.

The skirt is conical, wedge or straight.

Home management technologies (2 hours)

Care of clothes and shoes, hygiene and cosmetics (2 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Modern means care for linens, clothes and shoes. Moth protection products. Equipment and devices for dry and wet cleaning. Home hygiene. Personal hygiene and cosmetics.

Practical work:

Removing stains from clothes. Repair of clothing with decorative finishing patches by hand and machine. Bookmark for storing wool and fur products.Bookmark for summer storage of winter shoes. Wet cleaning of the house.

Variants of labor objects.

Product subject to repair, woolen products.

Electrical work (2 hours)

Electric installation work

Basic theoretical information

General concept of electric current. Kindscurrent sources and consumers of electrical energy. Rules for electrical safety and operation of household electrical appliances. Individual means protection when performing electrical work.

Types of connections of elements in electrical circuits. Conditional graphic image elements electrical circuits on electrical diagrams. Electrical installation products. Types of wires. Techniques for installing installation products.

Professions related to electrical installation work.

Practical work.

Organization of the workplace, use of tools and devices for electrical installation work. Perform mechanical termination, connection and branching of wires. Connecting wires to an electric lamp socket, switch, plug, socket. Assembling a model of an electric lighting device from electrical construction kit parts. Providing first aid in case of electric shock.

Educational and thematic plan.

Sections and topics



Physiology of nutrition

Cooking technology

Procurement of products


Needlework. Artistic crafts

Elements of materials science

Elements of mechanical engineering

Design and modeling of garments

Garment manufacturing technology


Composition in the interior. Features of the home.

Care of clothes and shoes. Hygiene and cosmetics.


Electric installation work



Resource support for the program.

-"Technology. 6th grade" V.D. Simonenko, V.N. Pravdyuk, P.S. Samorodsky M: Venta-Graf 2013.

-"Technologyfabric processing6th grade.” V.N. Chernyakova,M: "Enlightenment",2010

-“Methodology for teaching technology. Grades 5-9" A.K. Beshenkov, Moscow: Bustard, 2004.

Project method in technological education of schoolchildren. I.A. Sasova. Moscow: “Ventaga-Graf”, 2003.

V.M. Kazakevich. Assessment of the quality of training of secondary school graduates in technology. M.: Bustard, 2000

A.V.Marchenko. Final certification of graduates. Technology. M.: Education, 2002



WORK PROGRAM for 2015-2016 academic year

Item name technology

Class 8th grade

Teacher Volkova Natalya Alexandrovna

Total hours per subject according to the curriculum 35

Of these on:

I quarter _9

II quarter __7_

III quarter 10_

IV quarter _9

_1_ hour a week. Total school weeks 35

for practical work ____ hours

2 hours of independent work for students are provided

Compiled in accordance with the Technology program for grades 5-8. The authors of the program N.V. Sinitsa, P.S. Samorodsky Moscow “Ventana-Graf”, 2014.

Considered at the meeting methodological unification(protocol No. ____ dated ____________ 2015

Chairman of the NMS __________________ /Khvoshchevskaya L.M./

Explanatory note

to the work program on "Technology" 8th grade

1. The work program is developed on the basis of:

1.1. The federal component of the state standard of general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1089 of 03/09/2004.

1.3. Sample program for academic subjects. Technology. 5-9 grades. Moscow. 2010

1.4. Federal list textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education for use in educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs general education for the 2015-2016 academic year, approved by order of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014, reg. No. 253, on amendments dated June 8, order No. 576.

2. Goals and objectives of this training program in the field of developing a system of knowledge and skills:

At the school, “Technology” is an integrative educational field that synthesizes scientific knowledge from mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology and shows their use in industry, energy, communications, agriculture, transport and other areas of human activity. Therefore, studying the educational field of “Technology”, which provides for the creative development of students within the framework of a system of projects, will allow young people to acquire general labor knowledge and skills, and will also provide them with intellectual, physical, ethical and aesthetic development and adaptation to socio-economic conditions.

The main goals of studying the academic subject “Technology” in the system of basic general education are:

the formation of ideas about the components of the technosphere, modern production and the technologies common in it;

mastering the technological approach as a universal algorithm for transformative and creative activity;

the formation of ideas about the technological culture of production, the development of the work culture of younger generations based on the inclusion of students in various types of technological activities to create a social significant products labor;

mastering the necessary Everyday life basic (safe) techniques of manual and mechanized labor using common tools, mechanisms and machines, methods of controlling certain types of household appliances;

mastering general labor and special skills necessary for the design and creation of labor products and housekeeping;

development of students' cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communicative and organizational abilities;

developing students' experience of independent design and research activities;

fostering hard work, thrift, accuracy, determination, entrepreneurship, responsibility for the results of one’s activities, respect for people of various professions and the results of their work; nurturing civic and patriotic qualities of the individual;

professional self-determination of schoolchildren in the conditions of the labor market, the formation of a humanistically and pragmatically oriented worldview, socially justified value orientations.

Studying subject area“Technology” should provide:

development of innovative creative activity of students in the process of solving applied educational problems;

active use knowledge gained from studying other academic subjects and developed universal learning activities;

improving skills to carry out educational, research and project activities;

formation of ideas about the social and ethical aspects of scientific and technological progress;

developing the ability to impart an environmental orientation to any activity or project; demonstrate environmental thinking in different forms activities.

get acquainted

Withthe role of technology in the development of humanity, the mechanization of labor, the technological culture of production;

functional and cost characteristics of objects of labor and technologies, production costs, savings in raw materials and labor;

elements of the home economy, family budget, business activity, advertising, price, income, profit, tax;

environmental requirements for technologies, social consequences of the use of technologies;

labor productivity, product sales;

arrangement, management and maintenance of accessible and feasible technical and technological means of production (tools, mechanisms, fixtures, devices, apparatus, machines, machines);

consumer goods, material product or intangible service, design, project, construction;

methods of ensuring labor safety, technological discipline, work culture, ethics of communication in production;

information technology in production and services; promising technologies.

As a result of studying technology, students will master:

basic methods and means of transformation and use of materials, energy, information, social and natural environment, skills of constructive, transformative, creative activity;

the ability to recognize and evaluate the properties of structural, textile and ornamental materials;

the ability to choose tools, devices and equipment to perform work, find necessary information V various sources, including using a computer;

skills in reading and drawing up design and technological documentation, measuring the parameters of the technological process and the product of labor; selection, design, construction, modeling of the object of labor and technology using a computer;

skills in preparing, organizing and planning labor activities in the workplace, taking into account available resources and conditions, compliance with work culture;

skills in organizing a workplace in compliance with labor safety requirements and rules for using tools, devices, and equipment;

skills in performing technological operations using hand tools, devices, machines, equipment;

the ability to develop an educational creative project, manufacture products or obtain products using mastered technologies;

the ability to correlate personal needs with the requirements of various popular professions for a person’s personal qualities.

This program is combined, it combines two main areas of technology: “Industrial Technologies” and “House Management Technologies”, within the framework of which the subject is studied.

During the entire period of study “Technology”, each student completes four mini-projects, in the sections of the program “Household Technologies”, “Electrical Engineering”, “Family Economics”, “Modern Production and Professional Self-Determination”. Presents the project in the form of a portfolio and electronic presentation . A project is understood as a creative, completed work that corresponds to the age capabilities of students. Independent and practical tasks creative nature Students choose project topics based on their interests and inclinations.

Each section of the program includes issues of environmental and aesthetic education, introduction to professions in the field of labor associated either with the processing of structural and ornamental materials, or with production and processing food products, which helps to identify conscious professional self-determination by students.

As a result of students mastering various types of activities (individual, collective, independent, search, practical, project), it is expected to form and significantly develop vital competencies: social and labor, social and everyday life, self-service, communicative. In addition, familiarity with labor professions will allow one to develop competence in the field of professional self-determination.

Theoretical material presented in the form of conversations, search and independent work. According to the requirements of SanPiN, the duration of practical work in technology lessons for students does not exceed 70% of the class time. About 25% of the total integrative time during the academic year is allocated to creative projects.

In teaching material on “Technology” special role is devoted to modern multimedia teaching technologies (virtual excursions, sequence of work, master classes, video shows). Innovations are being introduced into work: the use of ICT in lessons, health-saving technologies, design technologies.

3. The work program for “Technology” has been developed for joint education of boys and girls in grade 8 for a secondary school.

This technology program is designed for 34 hours per year, at the rate of 1 hour per week. The school's basic curriculum for the 2015-2016 school year allocates 35 hours per year, at the rate of 1 hour per week.

Name of section, topic

Number of hours according to plan

Actual number of hours

Section 1.

Section 2. Household Technologies

Section 3. Section "Electrical engineering"

Section 4. "Family Economics"

Section 5."Modern production and professional self-determination"


The section “Technologies of creative and experimental activities” is implemented through cross-cutting topics in the sections: “Household Technologies”, “Electrical Engineering”, “Family Economics”, “Modern Production and Professional Self-Determination”.

Thus, the entire technology program is 35 hours per year.

4. Work program on “Technology” focused on the use of educational, methodological and additional aids:

Textbook: “Technology” 8th grade. Textbook for students of general education institutions. Edited by V.D. Simonenko. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Moscow, Ventana-Graf, 2012.

N.B. Golondareva “Technology” 7th grade. Lesson plans. Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2012

K.L. Derendyaev " Lesson-based developments in technology" 7th grade. Moscow. "WAKO" 2011.

S.E. Markutskaya “Technology: service labor. Tests. 5-7 grades." Recommended Russian Academy education. Moscow, publishing house "Exam", 2009.

"Technology" grades 5-8. Russian traditions in the manufacture of various products: lesson notes / author's compilation. I.G. Norenko. - Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2010.

"Technology" grades 5-11. Subject weeks at school / author - I.N. Volodina, V.Yu. Suslina. - Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2010

M.B. Pavlova, Pitt J., M.I. Gurevich, I.A. Sasova “Project method in technological education of schoolchildren”: a manual for teachers / Ed. I.A. Sasova. - Moscow. Ventana-Graf Publishing House, 2008.

Eremenko T.I. “The Magic Needle”: a book for students in grades 5-8. - Moscow. Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2010.

Sokolovskaya M.M. “Meet Macrame”: a book for students in grades 5-8. Moscow. Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2010.

"Decorations made from fruits and vegetables." Edited by T.Ya. Derevyanko. Moscow. Publishing house "AST_PRESS KNIGA", 2010.

“School and production” - scientific and methodological magazine. - Moscow. Publishing house "School - press", 2008-2012.

Electronic manuals:

"Home and Interior". Moscow. Publishing house "Soyuz-Press", 2008.

“1000 most important secrets. Latest encyclopedia for girls." Moscow. Literary agency " Science book", 2007.

"Encyclopedia of the modern housewife." Odyssey Company, 2007.

"3000 hairstyles" CJSC "New Disk", 2008.

“We eat at home all year round.” CJSC "New Disk", 2008.

"School repair". JSC "Idens", 2005.

“How to start your own business” (Entrepreneur Library). Dipol LLC, 2005.

"Knitting and needlework lessons." CJSC "New Disk", 2008.

5. Forms of organization educational process and their combination.

The main form of training is educational Practical activities students. The priority methods are exercises, laboratory-practical, educational-practical work. The leading structural model for organizing technology classes is a combined lesson.

Individual, group, pair work, collective, individual-group, frontal.

6. Shapes current control knowledge, abilities, skills, intermediate and final certification students.

Current, independent practical work, self-control, mutual control, observation, control of exercises and practical work, answering questions. Forms of control in the lesson are oral questioning, creative and practical work.

Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information, practical work. Assessment of knowledge, skills and level creative development students is carried out using a list theoretical issues, practical work and assignments throughout the year, as well as project defense.

7. General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity
The work program of the academic subject “Technology” provides for the development of general educational skills in students, universal methods activities and key competencies. At the same time, the priority species are generally educational activities for all areas of the educational field of Technology at the stage of basic general education are:

definition adequate ways solving an educational problem based on specified algorithms. Combination known algorithms activities in situations that do not involve the standard use of one of them;

creative solution educational and practical problems: ability to motivatedly refuse a sample, look for original solutions; independent performance of various creative works; participation in project activities;

giving examples, selecting arguments, formulating conclusions. Reflection in oral or writing results of its activities;

the ability to paraphrase a thought (explain in “other words”). Selection and use expressive means language and sign systems(text, table, diagram, drawing, routing etc.) in accordance with the communicative task, sphere and situation of communication;

use for solving cognitive and communication tasks various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases;

mastery of skills joint activities: coordination and coordination of activities with other participants; objective assessment of one’s contribution to the decision common tasks team;

evaluating one's activities from a moral point of view, legal norms, aesthetic values.

8. Learning outcomes.

As a result of the training, schoolchildrenwill master:

labor and technological knowledge and skills in the transformation and use of materials, energy, information necessary to create products of labor in accordance with their intended functional and aesthetic indicators;

skills to navigate the world of professions, evaluate their professional interests and propensity for the types of work activity being studied, to make up life and professional plans;

skills in using common hand tools and devices, household electrical appliances;

household budget planning skills; labor culture, respectful attitude towards work and the results of work.


family needs, hierarchy human needs; basics of business planning;

As a result of studying “Technology”, students should be able to:

select raw materials, materials, tools and equipment to perform the work;

design, model, manufacture products;

carry out visually, accessible measuring instruments quality control of the manufactured product (part or product);

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life in order to:

understanding of value material culture for human life and development; formation of an aesthetic environment;

development creativity and achieving high results of transformative creative activity;

obtaining technical and technological information from various sources of information;

organization of individual and collective labor activities;

creating and repairing products or obtaining a product using hand tools, devices, machines and equipment;

manufacturing of decorative and applied arts products for interior decoration;

quality control of work performed using measuring tools and devices;

implementation of safe labor practices and rules of electrical safety, sanitation, hygiene;

estimating the costs required to create an object of labor or provide a service;

building plans for professional self-determination and employment.

Map of software and methodological support for the subject “Technology”

in the Verkhnekazymsky secondary school for the 2015-2016 academic year

Statement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Volkova N.A.



Textbook for students of general education institutions.

N.V. Pavlova “Technology” 8th grade

Lesson plans.

Volgograd, “Teacher”,

System-activity basis of the calendar-thematic plan for “Technology”, grade 8

Section name

And thematic block course

Number of hours

Knowledge, abilities, skills

Types of educational activities

students in class

Forms of control

achieving goals

Material support

Section 1. Technologies of creative and experimental activities


basic technological concepts and characteristics;

concepts technical creativity, laws and patterns of the structure and development of technology, methods of technical creativity;

types, techniques and sequence of technological operations.

Be able to:

rationally organize the workplace;

find the necessary information in various sources;

carry out the development of a creative project for the manufacture of a product or obtaining a product using mastered technologies and available materials;

apply design and technological documentation;

draw up a sequence of technological operations for manufacturing a product or obtaining a product.

Working with a book;

Observation, creative practical activity of students.

Design work

Section 2. Household Technologies


basic technological concepts and characteristics;

purpose and technological properties of materials;

types and purposes of household appliances used to increase household productivity;

the impact of various technologies for processing materials and obtaining products on the environment and human health;

professions and specialties related to the processing of materials, the creation of products from them, and the production of products;

Be able to:

rationally organize the workplace;

find the necessary information in various sources;

comply with labor safety requirements and rules for using hand tools, devices, machines, and electrical equipment;

Working with a book;

Making crosswords. View slide presentations.

Work in groups, pairs, individually. Search work

Conversation, observation, survey, project defense.

BY. TsOR. Educational, reference and information literature.

Mobile class.

Section 3. Section Electrical Engineering


basic technological concepts and characteristics;

purpose and technological properties of materials;

types, techniques and sequence of technological operations;

types and purposes of household appliances used to increase household productivity;

Be able to:

rationally organize the workplace;

find the necessary information in various sources;

draw up a sequence of technological operations for manufacturing a product or obtaining a product;

carry out technological operations according to given criteria using hand tools and devices, machines, equipment, electrical appliances;

comply with labor safety requirements and rules for using hand tools, devices, machines, and electrical equipment;

find and eliminate defects;

plan work taking into account available resources and conditions.

Working with a book;

Making crosswords. View slide presentations.

Work in groups, pairs, individually. Workshop.

BY. TsOR. Educational, reference and information literature. Posters.

Section 4. Family economy


basics of business planning;

family needs, hierarchy of human needs.

Be able to:

find the necessary information in various sources;

plan work taking into account available resources and conditions;

distribute work during collective activities.

Working with a book;

Making crosswords. View slide presentations.

Work in groups, pairs, individually. Search work

Conversation, survey, project defense.

BY. TsOR. Educational, reference and information literature.

Section 5. Modern production and professional self-determination


professions and specialties related to the processing of materials, the creation of products from them, and the production of products;

the concept of professional activity, division and specifications of labor, spheres, industries, subjects of professional activity.

Be able to:

rationally organize the workplace;

find the necessary information in various sources;

plan work taking into account available resources and conditions;

distribute work during collective activities.

Working with a book;

Making crosswords. View slide presentations.

Work in groups, pairs, individually.

Conversation, survey, project defense, testing.

BY. TsOR. Educational, reference and information literature.

Calendar-thematic plan for "Technology" 8th grade

Work program on “Technology. Industrial Technologies" for students in grades 5-8 is compiled on the basis of the 2010 basic general education program (authors: Tishchenko A.T.; Sinitsa N.V.; Simonenko V.D.), complies with the Federal State Educational Standard recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal components of the educational standard, taking into account curricula(plans) educational institution MBOU "Secondary School No. 26 named after A.S. Pushkin" of the city of Smolensk and the textbook "Technology. Industrial technologies". Planning includes the name of sections and topics, type of student activity, planned results (subject, meta-subject, personal).

Work program on “Technology. Industrial Technologies" for students in grades 5-8 is compiled on the basis of the 2010 basic general education program (authors: Tishchenko A.T.; Sinitsa N.V.; Simonenko V.D.), complies with the Federal State Educational Standard recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal components of the educational standard, taking into account the educational programs (plans) of the educational institution MBOU “Secondary School No. 26 named after A.S. Pushkin" of the city of Smolensk and the textbook "Technology. Industrial technologies". Planning includes the name of sections and topics, type of student activity, planned results (subject, meta-subject, personal).

Work program on “Technology. Industrial Technologies" for students in grades 5-8 is compiled on the basis of the 2010 basic general education program (authors: Tishchenko A.T.; Sinitsa N.V.; Simonenko V.D.), complies with the Federal State Educational Standard recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the federal components of the educational standard, taking into account the educational programs (plans) of the educational institution MBOU “Secondary School No. 26 named after A.S. Pushkin" of the city of Smolensk and the textbook "Technology. Industrial technologies". Planning includes the name of sections and topics, type of student activity, planned results (subject, meta-subject, personal).

Target audience: for 7th grade

The work program of the subject “Technology” is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education (2009), the Model Program of Primary General Education in Fine Arts for educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction and the program for general educational institutions by authors N.I. . Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, I.P. Freytag, N.V. Dobromyslova, N.V. Shipilova “Technology. 1-4 grades" ( educational and methodological kit"School of Russia")
The academic subject “Technology” has a practice-oriented orientation. Its content not only gives the child an idea of ​​the technological process as a set of processes, rules, and requirements for technical documentation used in the manufacture of any product, but also shows how to use this knowledge in various areas of educational activity

Subject: Technology

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The decoupage club program is designed for 6th grade students. work is one of the components of the work on the artistic and aesthetic development of the child’s personality. Where students can get acquainted with the “Decoupage” technique. Do not execute complex options technology. Develops a great interest in work in children.

Target audience: for 6th grade

The work program is based on the program “Your professional career. 8-9 grades / ed. S.N. Chistyakova. - M.: Education, 2006.”
The subject “Your Professional Career” allows students to explore their capabilities and needs and correlate them with the requirements of the profession they are interested in, prepare for future professional activities and subsequently successfully build professional career, adapting to social conditions and labor market requirements.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The “Housewife” program for 5 grades was created in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The relevance of this program is justified by an analysis of the current socio-economic situation. New technologies are increasingly leading to the integration of household and production, expanding the range of non-productive activities at home, leading to the domestication of production and diverse human activities. The leading idea of ​​the program is to introduce middle-level students to a wide range of needlework knowledge in various techniques and traditions. Particularly significant is the problem of students acquiring adequate ideas about professional activities and their own capabilities.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The work program for the subject of professional self-determination of grade 9 is compiled on the basis of the Model program of basic general education, the program of V.D. Simonenko.
The program complies with the Federal component of the state standard of basic general education, the curriculum of the educational institution and provides for the study of the subject at a basic level.
Work program for professional self-determination in 9th grade it is designed for 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year.

Target audience: for 9th grade

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