Landsberg download 3 volumes. Elementary physics textbook

Name: Elementary textbook physics - Volume 3. 1985.

One of the best courses elementary physics, which has gained enormous popularity. The advantage of the course is the depth of presentation of the physical side of processes and phenomena in nature and technology. For high school students and teachers of general education and secondary specialized institutions, as well as individuals engaged in self-education and preparing to enter a university.

The book has been reprinted for more than half a century. Here the cover is taken from the 12th edition, 2000-2001, and the text is from the 1985 edition. They are identical until last letter and drawing, but comparing the options found on the Internet, the size of these files is 2 times smaller, and, from my point of view, there is no difference in quality.

Publishing house
Subject index.
Preface to the first edition.
Chapter I. Basic concepts. Mechanical vibrations.
§ 1. Periodic movements. Period.
§ 2. Oscillatory systems. Free vibrations.
§3. Pendulum; kinematics of its oscillations.
§ 4. Vibrations of a tuning fork.
§ 5. Harmonic oscillation. Frequency.
§ 6. Phase shift.
§ 7. Dynamics of pendulum oscillations.
§ 8. Formula for the period of a mathematical pendulum.
§9. Elastic vibrations.
§ 10. Torsional vibrations.
§ 11. The influence of friction. Attenuation.
§ 12. Forced vibrations.
§ 13. Resonance.
§ 14. The influence of friction on resonant phenomena.
§ 15. Examples of resonant phenomena.
§ 16. Resonance phenomena under the action of a non-harmonic periodic force.
§ 17. Form periodic oscillations and its connection with the harmonic composition of these vibrations.
Chapter II. Sound vibrations.
§ 18. Sound vibrations.
§ 19. Subject of acoustics.
§ 20. Musical tone. Volume and pitch.
§ 21. Timbre.
§ 22. Acoustic resonance.
§23. Record and playback sound.
§ 24. Analysis and synthesis of sound.
§ 25. Noises.
Chapter III. Electrical vibrations.
§ 26. Electrical vibrations. Methods for their observation.
§27. Oscillatory circuit.
§28. Analogy with mechanical vibrations. Thomson's formula.
§ 29. Electrical resonance.
§ 30. Undamped oscillations. Self-oscillating systems.
§31. Tube generator of electrical oscillations.
§32. The doctrine of oscillations.
Chapter IV. Wave phenomena.
§ 33. Wave phenomena.
§ 34. Wave propagation speed.
§ 35. Radar, hydroacoustic ranging and sound measurement.
§ 36. Transverse waves in a cord.
§ 37. Longitudinal waves in a column of air.
§ 38. Waves on the surface of a liquid.
§39. Energy transfer by waves.
§40. Wave reflection.
§41. Diffraction.
§ 42. Directed radiation.
Chapter V. Interference of waves.
§ 43. Superposition of waves.
§ 44. Interference of waves.
§ 45. Conditions for the formation of maxima and minima.
§ 46. Interference sound waves.
§ 47. Standing waves.
§48. Oscillations elastic bodies like standing waves.
§ 49. Free vibrations of a string.
§50. Standing waves in plates and other extended bodies.
§51. Resonance in the presence of many natural frequencies.
§ 52. Conditions good radiation sound.
§53. Binaural effect. Sound direction finding.
Chapter VI. Electromagnetic waves.
§ 54. Electromagnetic waves.
§ 55. Conditions for good radiation electromagnetic waves.
§ 56. Vibrator and antennas.
§ 57. Hertz's experiments in obtaining and studying electromagnetic waves. Lebedev's experiments.
§ 58. Electromagnetic theory of light. Electromagnetic wave scale.
§ 59. Experiments with electromagnetic waves.
§ 60. Invention of radio by Popov.
§ 61. Modern radio communications.
§ 62. Other uses of radio.
§ 63. Propagation of radio waves.
§ 64. Concluding remarks.
Chapter VII. General characteristics light phenomena.
§ 65. Various actions of light.
§66. Interference of light. Colors of thin films.
§67. Brief information from the history of optics.
Chapter VIII. Photometry and lighting technology.
§ 68. Radiation energy. Luminous flux.
§ 69. Point light sources.
§ 70. Luminous intensity and illumination.
§ 71. Laws of illumination.
§ 72. Units of light quantities.
§ 73. Brightness of sources.
§ 74. Problems of lighting engineering.
§ 75. Devices for concentration luminous flux.
§ 76. Reflecting and scattering bodies.
§ 77. Brightness of illuminated surfaces.
§ 78. Light measurements and measuring instruments.
Chapter IX. Basic laws of geometric optics.
§ 79. Straight-line propagation waves
§ 80. Rectilinear propagation of light and light rays.
§ 81. Laws of reflection and refraction of light.
§ 82. Reversibility of light rays.
§83. Refractive index.
§84. Complete internal reflection.
§ 85. Refraction in a plane-parallel plate.
§ 86. Refraction in a prism.
Chapter X. Application of reflection and refraction of light to obtain images.
§ 87. Light source and its image.
§ 88. Refraction in a lens. Lens focuses.
§ 89. Image in a lens of points lying on the main optical axis. Lens formula.
§ 90. Applications of the thin lens formula. Real and imaginary images.
§ 91. Image of a point source and an extended object in flat mirror. Image of a point source in spherical mirror.
§ 92. Focus and focal scattering of a spherical mirror.
§ 93. Relationship between the positions of the source and its image on main axis spherical mirror.
§ 94. Methods for making lenses and mirrors.
§ 95. Image of extended objects in a spherical mirror and lens.
§ 96. Magnification when imaging objects in a spherical mirror and lens.
§ 97. Construction of images in a spherical mirror and lens.
§ 98. Optical power lenses
Chapter XI. Optical systems and their errors.
§ 99. Optical system.
§ 100. Main planes and main points of the system.
§ 101. Constructing images in the system.
§ 102. Increasing the system.
§ 103. Disadvantages of optical systems.
§ 104. Spherical aberration.
§ 105. Astigmatism.
§ 106. Chromatic aberration.
§ 107. Limitation of beams in optical systems.
§ 108. Lens aperture.
§ 109. Image brightness.
Chapter XII. Optical instruments.
§ 110. Projection optical devices.
§ 111. Photographic apparatus.
§ 112. The eye as an optical system.
§ 113. Optical instruments that arm the eye.
§ 114. Magnifier.
§ 115. Microscope.
§ 116. Resolution of the microscope.
§ 117. Telescopes.
§ 118. Increase telescope.
§ 119. Telescopes.
§ 120. Image brightness for extended and point sources.
§ 121. “Nocturnal telescope” by Lomonosov.
§ 122. Vision with two eyes and perception of the depth of space. Stereoscope.
Chapter XIII. Interference of light.
§ 123. Geometric and physical optics.
§ 124. Experimental implementation of light interference.
§ 125. Explanation of the colors of thin films.
§ 126. Newton's rings.
§ 127. Determination of the wavelength of light using Newton's rings.
Chapter XIV. Diffraction of light.
§ 128. Beams of rays and shape wave surface.
§ 129. Huygens' principle.
§ 130. Laws of reflection and refraction of light based on Huygens’ principle.
§ 131. Huygens' principle in the interpretation of Fresnel.
§ 132. The simplest diffraction phenomena.
§ 133. Explanation of diffraction using the Fresnel method.
§ 134. Resolving power of optical instruments.
§ 135. Diffraction gratings.
§ 136. Diffraction grating as a spectral device.
§ 137. Manufacturing diffraction gratings.
§ 138. Diffraction when light is incident obliquely on a grating.
Chapter XV. Physical principles optical holography.
§ 139. Photography and holography.
§ 140. Recording a hologram using a plane reference wave.
§ 141. Obtaining optical images using the restoration method wave front.
§ 142. Holography using the method of colliding light beams.
§ 143. Use of holography in optical interferometry.
Chapter XVI. Polarization of light and transverseness of light waves.
§ 144. Passage of light through tourmaline.
§ 145. Hypotheses explaining observed phenomena. The concept of polarized light.
§146. Mechanical model polarization phenomena.
§ 147. Polaroids.
§ 148. Transverseness of light waves and electromagnetic theory Sveta.
Chapter XVII. Electromagnetic wave scale.
§ 149. Methods for studying electromagnetic waves of various lengths.
§ 150. Infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
§ 151. Discovery x-rays.
§ 152. Various effects of x-rays.
§ 153. Device x-ray tube.
§ 154. Origin and nature of x-rays.
§ 155. Scale of electromagnetic waves.
Chapter XVIII. Speed ​​of light.
§ 156. First attempts to determine the speed of light.
§ 157. Determination of the speed of light by Roemer.
§ 158. Determination of the speed of light using the rotating mirror method.
Chapter XIX. Dispersion of light and body color.
§ 159. The state of the question of the color of bodies before Newton’s research.
§ 160. Newton's main discovery in optics.
§ 161. Interpretation of Newton's observations.
§ 162. Dispersion of the refractive index various materials.
§ 163. Additional colors.
§ 164. Spectral composition Sveta various sources.
§ 165. Light and colors of bodies.
§ 166. Absorption, reflection and transmission coefficients.
§ 167. Colored bodies illuminated by white light.
§ 168. Colored bodies illuminated by colored light.
§ 169. Masking and unmasking.
§ 170. Color saturation.
§ 171. The color of the sky and dawn.
Chapter XX. Spectra and spectral patterns.
§ 172. Spectral devices.
§ 173. Types of emission spectra.
§ 174. Origin of spectra various types.
§ 175. Spectral patterns.
§ 176. Spectral analysis by emission spectra.
§ 177. Absorption spectra of liquid and solids.
§178. Absorption spectra of atoms. Fraunhofer lines.
§ 179. Radiation from incandescent bodies. Absolutely black body.
§ 180. Dependence of radiation from incandescent bodies on temperature. Incandescent lamps.
§ 181. Optical pyrometry.
Chapter XXI. Actions of light.
§ 182. Effects of light on matter. Photoelectric effect.
§ 183. Laws of the photoelectric effect.
§ 184. The concept of light quanta.
§ 185. Application of photoelectric phenomena.
§ 186. Photoluminescence. Stokes rule.
§ 187. Physical meaning Stokes rules.
§ 188. Luminescent analysis.
§ 189. Photochemical actions of light.
§ 190. The role of wavelength in photochemical processes.
§ 191. Photography.
§ 192. Photochemical theory of vision.
§ 193. Duration of visual sensation.
Chapter XXII. The structure of the atom.
§ 194. Concept of atoms.
§ 195. Avogadro's constant. Sizes and masses of atoms.
§ 196. Elementary electric charge.
§ 197. Units of charge, mass and energy in atomic physics.
§ 198. Measurement of the mass of charged particles. Mass spectrograph.
§ 199. Features of the movement of particles at high speeds. Theory of relativity.
§ 200. Einstein's law.
§ 201. Masses of atoms; isotopes.
§ 202. Separation of isotopes. Heavy water.
§ 203. Nuclear model atom.
§ 204. Energy levels atoms.
§ 205. Stimulated emission of light. Quantum generators.
§ 206. Hydrogen atom. The peculiarity of the laws of electron motion in an atom.
§ 207. Multielectron atoms. Origin of optical and x-ray spectra of atoms.
§ 208. Periodic table Mendeleev's elements.
§ 209. Quantum and wave properties of photons.
§ 210. The concept of quantum (wave) mechanics.
Chapter XXIII. Radioactivity.
§ 211. Discovery of radioactivity. Radioactive elements.
§ 212. radiation. Wilson chamber.
§213. Methods for detecting charged particles.
§ 214. Nature radioactive radiation.
§ 215. Radioactive decay and radioactive transformations.
§ 216. Applications of radioactivity.
§ 217. Accelerators.
Chapter XXIV. Atomic nuclei and nuclear energy.
§218. The concept of nuclear reactions.
§219. Nuclear reactions and transformation of elements.
§ 220. Properties of neutrons.
§221. Nuclear reactions under the influence of neutrons.
§ 222. Artificial radioactivity.
§ 223. Positron.
§ 224. Application of Einstein's law to the processes of annihilation and pair formation.
§ 225. Construction atomic nucleus.
§ 226. Nuclear energy. Source of star energy.
§ 227. Fission of uranium. Chain nuclear reaction.
§ 228. Applications of undamped chain reaction division. Nuclear and hydrogen bomb.
§ 229. Uranium reactors and their applications.
Chapter XXV. Elementary particles.
§ 230. General remarks.
§ 231. Neutrino.
§ 232. Nuclear forces. Mesons.
§ 233. Particles and antiparticles.
§ 234. Particles and interactions.
§ 235. Detectors elementary particles.
§ 236. The paradox of the clock.
§ 237. Cosmic radiation(cosmic rays).
Chapter XXVI. New achievements in elementary particle physics.
§ 238. Accelerators and experimental equipment.
§ 239. Hadrons and quarks.
§ 240. Quark structure of hadrons.
§ 241. Quark model and processes of formation and decay of hadrons.
§ 242. Leptons. Intermediate bosons. Unity of all interactions.
Answers and solutions to exercises.

Effect of friction. Attenuation.
Considering free vibrations pendulum, ball with springs, disk, etc., we have so far been distracted from the phenomenon that inevitably takes place in each of the experiments described above and as a result of which the oscillations are not strictly periodic, namely: the amplitude of the oscillations increases with each swing less and less, so that sooner or later the oscillations stop. This phenomenon is called vibration damping.

The reason for the attenuation is that in every oscillatory system, in addition to the restoring force, always act various kinds frictional forces, air resistance, etc., which slow down movement. With each swing part is complete vibrational energy(potential and kinetic) is spent on work against friction forces. Ultimately, this work consumes the entire supply of energy initially imparted to the oscillatory system (see Volume I, §§ 102-104).



Publishing house

Subject index.

From the publisher.

From the preface to the first edition.



Chapter I. Kinematics.

§1. Movement of bodies

§2. Kinematics. Relativity of motion and rest

§3. Trajectory of movement.

§4. Progressive and rotational movement bodies.

§5. Motion of a point.§6. Description of the point's movement.

§7. Length measurement.

§8. Measuring time intervals.

§9. Uniform rectilinear movement and its speed.

§10. Speed ​​sign for straight-line motion.

§11. Units of speed.

§12. Graphs of path versus time.

§13. Graphs of speed versus time.

§14. Uneven straight motion. Average speed.

§15. Instant speed.

§16. Acceleration during straight-line motion.

§17. Speed ​​of rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.

§18. Acceleration sign for linear motion.

§19. Velocity graphs for linear uniformly accelerated motion.

§20. Speed ​​graphs at arbitrary Not uniform motion.

§21. Finding the distance traveled during uneven motion using a speed graph.

§22. The path traveled during uniform motion.

§23. Vectors.

§24. Decomposition of a vector into components.

§25. Curvilinear movement.

§26. Curvilinear motion speed.

§27. Acceleration during curved motion.

§28. Movement relative different systems countdown.

§29. Kinematics of space motions.

Chapter II. Dynamics.

§30. Dynamics problems.

§31. Law of inertia.

§32. Inertial reference systems.

§33. Galileo's principle of relativity.

§34. Strength.

§35. Balancing forces. About the rest of a body and about motion by inertia.

§36. Strength is a vector. The standard of strength.

§37. Dynamometers.

§38. Dot application of force.

§39. Resultant force.

§40. Addition of forces directed along one straight line.

§41. The addition of forces directed at an angle to each other.

§42. Relationship between force and acceleration.

§43. Body weight.

§44. Newton's second law.

§45. Units of force and mass.

§46. Systems of units.

§47. Newton's third law.

§48. Examples of application of Newton's third law.

§49. Body impulse.

§50. Phone system Law of conservation of momentum.

§51. Applications of the law of conservation of momentum.

§52. Free fall of bodies.

§53. Acceleration of gravity.

§54. Body fall without initial speed and the movement of a body thrown vertically upward.

§55. Body weight.

§56. Mass and weight.

§57. Density of matter.

§58. The occurrence of deformations.

§59. Deformations in bodies at rest caused by the action of only forces arising upon contact.

§60. Deformations in bodies at rest caused by gravity.

§61. Deformations of a body experiencing acceleration.

§62. Disappearance of deformations when bodies fall.

§63. Destruction of moving bodies.

§64. Friction forces.

§65. Rolling friction.

§66. The role of friction forces.

§67. Environmental resistance.

§68. Falling bodies in the air.

Chapter III. Statics.

§69. Statics problems.

§70. Absolutely solid body.

§71. Transfer of the point of application of a force acting on a rigid body.

§72. Balance of a body under the influence of three forces.

§73. Decomposition of forces into components.

§74. Projections of forces. General conditions balance.

§75. Connections Bond reaction forces. A body fixed to an axis.

§76. Equilibrium of a body fixed on an axis.

§77. Moment of power.

§78. Measuring moment of force.

§79. A couple of forces.

§80. Addition parallel forces. Center of gravity.

§81. Determination of the center of gravity of bodies.

§82. Various cases of body equilibrium under the influence of gravity.

§83. Terms stable equilibrium under the influence of gravity.

§84. Simple machines.

§85. Wedge and screw.

Chapter IV. Work and energy.

§86. " Golden rule» mechanics.

§87. Application of the "golden rule".

§88. Work of force.

§89. Work when moving perpendicular to the direction of force.

§90. Work done by a force directed at any angle to displacement.

§91. Positive and negative work.

§92. Unit of work.

§93. On movement on a horizontal plane.

§94. Work done by gravity when moving along an inclined plane.

§95. The principle of job conservation.

§96. Energy.

§97. Potential energy.

§98. Potential energy of elastic deformation.

§99. Kinetic energy.

§100. Expression of kinetic energy through the mass and speed of a body.

§101. Total Energy bodies.

§102. Law of conservation of energy.

§103. Friction forces and conservation law mechanical energy.

§104. Conversion of mechanical energy into internal energy.

§105. The universal nature of the law of conservation of energy.

§106. Power.

§107. Calculation of the power of mechanisms.

§108. Power, speed and dimensions of the mechanism.

§109. Coefficient useful action mechanisms.

Chapter V. Curvilinear motion.

§110. The emergence of curvilinear movement.

§111. Acceleration during curved motion.

§112. The movement of a body thrown in a horizontal direction.

§113. The motion of a body thrown at an angle to the horizontal.

§114. Flight of bullets and shells.

§115. Angular velocity.

§116. Forces during uniform motion in a circle.

§117. The emergence of a force acting on a body moving in a circle.

§118. Flywheel rupture.

§119. Deformation of a body moving in a circle.

§120. "Roller coaster".

§121. Movement on curved paths.

§122. Movement of a suspended body in a circle.

§123. Movement of planets.

§124. The law of universal gravitation.

§125. Artificial satellites Earth.

Chapter VI. Motion in non-inertial frames of reference and inertial forces.

§126. The role of the reference system.

§127. Motion relative to different inertial reference systems.

§128. Motion relative to inertial and non-inertial reference systems.

§129. Translationally moving non-inertial systems.

§130. Inertia forces.

§131. Equivalence of inertial forces and gravitational forces.

§132. Weightlessness and overload.

§133. Is the Earth inertial system countdown?.

§134. Rotating frames of reference.

§135. Inertia forces when a body moves relative to a rotating reference frame.

§136. Proof of the Earth's rotation.

§137. Tides.

Chapter VII. Hydrostatics.

§138. Fluid mobility.

§139. Pressure forces.

§140. Measurement of liquid compressibility.

§141. "Incompressible" liquid.

§142. Pressure forces in the liquid are transmitted on all sides.

§144. Pressure.

§145. Diaphragm.pressure gauge.

§146. Independence of pressure from site orientation.

§147. Units of pressure.

§148. Determination of pressure forces by pressure.

§149. Pressure distribution inside a liquid.

§150. Pascal's law.

§151. Hydraulic press.

§152. Liquid under the influence of gravity.

§153. Communicating vessels.

§154. Liquid pressure gauge.

§155. Plumbing installation. Pressure pump.

§156. Siphon.

§157. The force of pressure on the bottom of the vessel.

§158. Water pressure in the deep sea.

§159. Submarine strength.

§160. Archimedes' law.

§161. Measuring the density of bodies based on Archimedes' law.

§162. Swimming tel.

§163. Swimming of discontinuous bodies.

§164. Stability of ships' navigation.

§165. Bubbles rising.

§166. Bodies lying at the bottom of the vessel.

Chapter VIII. Aerostatics.

§167. Mechanical properties gases

§168. Atmosphere.

§169. Atmospheric pressure.

§170. Other experiments showing the existence atmospheric pressure.

§171. Vacuum pumps.

§172. The influence of atmospheric pressure on the liquid level in the tube.

§173. Maximum height column of liquid.

§174. Torricelli's experience. Mercury barometer and aneroid barometer.

§175. Distribution of atmospheric pressure by height.

§176. Physiological effect of low air pressure.

§177. Archimedes' law for gases.

§178. Balloons and airships.

§179. The use of compressed air in technology.

Chapter IX. Hydrodynamics and aerodynamics.345

§180. Pressure in a moving fluid.

§181. Fluid flow through pipes. Fluid friction.

§182. Bernoulli's law.

§183. Fluid in non-inertial frames of reference.

§184. Reaction of a moving fluid and its use.

§185. Moving on the water.

§186. Rockets.

§187. Jet engines.

§188. Ballistic missiles.

§189. Rocket takeoff from Earth.

§190. Windage. Water resistance.

§191. Magnus effect and circulation.

§192. Wing lift and airplane flight.

§193. Turbulence in a flow of liquid or gas.

§194. Laminar flow.


Chapter X Thermal expansion solid and liquid bodies.

§195. Thermal expansion of solids and liquids.

§196. Thermometers.

§197. Linear expansion formula.

§198. Formula for volumetric expansion.

§199. Relationship between linear and volumetric expansion coefficients.

§200. Measurement of the coefficient of volumetric expansion of liquids.

§201. Features of water expansion.

Chapter XI. Job. Heat. Law of Conservation of Energy

§202. Changes in body condition.

§203. Heating of bodies when doing work.

§204. Change internal energy bodies during heat transfer.

§205. Units of heat quantity.

§206. Dependence of the internal energy of a body on its mass and substance.

§207. Heat capacity of the body.

§208. Specific heat.

§209. Calorimeter. Measurement of heat capacities.

§210. Law of conservation of energy.

§211. The impossibility of a “perpetual motion machine”.

§212. Various types processes in which heat transfer occurs.

Chapter XII. Molecular theory.

§213. Molecules and atoms.

§214. Sizes of atoms and molecules.

§215. Microworld.

§216. Internal energy from the point of view of molecular theory.

§217. Molecular movement.

§218. Molecular motion in gases, liquids and solids.

§219. Brownian motion.

§220. Molecular forces.

Chapter XIII. Properties of gases.

§221. Gas pressure.

§222. Dependence of gas pressure on temperature.

§223. Formula expressing Charles's law.

§224. Charles's law from the point of view of molecular theory.

§ 225. Change in gas temperature when its volume changes. Adiabatic and isothermal processes.

§226. Boyle-Mariotte law.

§227. Formula expressing the Boyle–Mariotte law.

§228. Graph expressing the Boyle-Mariotte law.

§229. The relationship between gas density and its pressure.

§230. Molecular interpretation Boyle-Mariotte law.

§231. Change in gas volume with temperature change.

§232. Gay-Lussac's law.

§233. Graphs expressing the laws of Charles and Gay-Lussac.

§234. Thermodynamic temperature.

§235. Gas thermometer.

§236. Gas volume and thermodynamic temperature.

§237. Dependence of gas density on temperature.

§238. Equation of gas state.

§239. Dalton's law.

§240. Density of gases.

§241. Avogadro's law.

§242. Mol. Avogadro's constant.

§243. Speeds of gas molecules.

§244. About one of the methods for measuring the speed of movement of gas molecules (Stern's experiment).

§245. Specific heat capacities gases

§246. Molar heat capacities.

§247. Dulong and Petit's law.

Chapter XIV. Properties of liquids. 457

§248. The structure of liquids.

§249. Surface energy.

§250. Surface tension.

§251. Liquid films.

§252. Addiction surface tension on temperature.

§253. Wetting and non-wetting.

§254. The arrangement of molecules at the surface of bodies.

§255. Curvature value free surface liquids.

§256. Capillary phenomena.

§257. The height of liquid rise in capillary tubes.

§258. Adsorption.

§259. Flotation.

§260. Dissolution of gases.

§261. Mutual dissolution of liquids.

§262. Dissolution of solids in liquids.

Chapter XV. Properties of solids. Transition of bodies from solid state into liquid.

§263. Introduction.

§264. Crystalline bodies.

§265. Amorphous bodies.

§266. Crystal lattice.

§267. Crystallization.

§268. Melting and solidification.

§269. Specific heat melting.

§270. Hypothermia.

§271. Change in the density of substances during melting.

§272. Polymers.

§273. Alloys.

§274. Solidification of solutions.

§275. Cooling mixtures.

§276. Changes in the properties of a solid.

Chapter XVI. Elasticity and strength.

§277. Introduction.

§278. Elastic and plastic deformations.

§279. Hooke's law.

§280. Tension and compression.

§ 281. Shift.

§282. Torsion.

§283. Bend.

§284. Strength.

§285. Hardness.

§286. What happens when bodies deform.

§287. Change in energy during deformation of bodies.

Chapter XVII. Properties of vapors.

§288. Introduction.

§289. Steam saturated and unsaturated.

§290. What happens when the volume of liquid changes and saturated steam.

§291. Dalton's law for steam.

§292. Molecular picture of evaporation.

§293. Dependence of saturated vapor pressure on temperature.

§294. Boiling.

§295. Specific heat of vaporization.

§296. Evaporative cooling.

§297. The change in internal energy during the transition of a substance from a liquid to a vapor state.

§298. Evaporation at curved liquid surfaces.

§299. Overheating of the liquid.

§300. Vapor supersaturation.

§301. Steam saturation during sublimation.

§302. Transformation of gas into liquid.

§303. Critical temperature.

§304. Liquefaction of gases in technology.

§305. Vacuum technology.

§306. Water vapor in the atmosphere.

Chapter XVIII. Atmospheric physics.

§307. Atmosphere.

§308. Thermal balance of the Earth.

§309. Adiabatic processes in the atmosphere.

§310. Clouds.

§311. Artificial precipitation.

§312. Wind.

§313. Weather prediction.

Chapter XIX. Thermal machines.

§314. Conditions necessary for the operation of heat engines.

§315. Steam power station.

§316. Steam boiler.

§317. Steam turbine.

§318. Piston steam engine.

§319. Capacitor.

§320. Heat engine efficiency.

§321. Efficiency of a steam power station.

§322. Gasoline internal combustion engine.

§323. Efficiency of an internal combustion engine.

§324. Diesel engine.

§325. Jet engines.

§326. Transfer of heat from a cold body to a hot one.

Answers and solutions to exercises.

) - Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (corresponding member since 1932), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1941). The collective work he edited - “Elementary Textbook of Physics” in 3 volumes - has been considered for many years one of the best textbooks physics for schoolchildren and was reprinted many times.


He began his studies at the Vologda gymnasium, but graduated from the gymnasium already in Nizhny Novgorod, in 1908 with a gold medal.

Discovery of Raman scattering

Beginning in 1926, Mandelstam and Landsberg launched an experimental study at Moscow State University molecular scattering light in crystals to confirm the splitting of the Rayleigh scattering line predicted earlier by Mandelstam. As a result of these studies, on February 21, 1928, Landsberg and Mandelstam discovered Raman effect. They reported their discovery at a colloquium on April 27, 1928 and published the corresponding scientific results in Soviet and two German magazines.

However, in the same 1928, Indian scientists C.V. Raman and K.S. Krishnan were looking for a certain Compton component of the scattered sunlight in liquids and vapors. Unexpectedly, they discovered the phenomenon of Raman scattering of light. In Raman's own words: "The spectral lines of the new radiation were first observed on February 28, 1928." Thus, Indian physicists first observed Raman scattering of light a week later than Landsberg and Mandelstam at Moscow State University. Nevertheless, Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 was awarded only to Raman, and Raman scattering V foreign literature since then it has been called "Raman effect".

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