Primitive gatherers and hunters in brief. On the path of evolution

Modern schoolchildren begin studying history in the 5th grade. The first topic with which their acquaintance with amazing world of the past is “Primitive gatherers and hunters.” It's interesting and useful material allowing you to immerse yourself in the world primitive people and understand the features of life and everyday life.

The earliest people

The most ancient people - primitive gatherers and hunters - appeared on the planet a very long time ago. Researchers believe that this happened more than 2 million years ago. Hot Africa is considered to be the cradle of humanity; it was here that the first remains of Australopithecus and Pithecanthropus, the ancestors of Homo sapiens, were discovered. They looked rather rough: flattened nose, heavy lower jaw, large brow ridges.

Thanks to modern computer modeling managed to restore their approximate appearance based on the skull, so researchers claim that these people were very similar to monkeys. They did not yet have a completely straight gait and had long upper limbs. However, what distinguished them from monkeys was their ability to make and use tools. These ancient people lived in large groups, which are usually called ancestral communities, led a semi-sedentary lifestyle, wandering in search of food and stopping for long stops. The main food sources are hunting and gathering.

Hunting and gathering - what is it?

In history, primitive gatherers and hunters played vital role, although these methods of obtaining food still had little to distinguish them from representatives of the animal world. Thus, ancient people collected roots, fruits and seeds of trees, berries, snails, and bird eggs. Hunting helped them get meat. However, already at early stages development of mankind, our distant ancestors were able to subdue fire, which was carefully guarded by members of the tribe. They began to cook food on it, which turned out to be much tastier than raw food. The fire helped to keep warm and scared away wild animals and midges.

So, the first differences between primitive hunters and gatherers and animals were:

  • use of primitive tools;
  • mastery of fire.

And even if our distant ancestors did not yet know how to make fire on their own, its use still became the most important step towards the development of civilization.

On the path of evolution

Over time, primitive people - hunters and gatherers - developed, learned to make fire, mastered the skills of primitive speech, left the territory of sultry Africa and settled throughout Europe and Asia. New, more advanced tools appeared, people began to make clothes from the skins of killed animals, and build houses: dugouts or huts from branches and bones.

Tools have also improved. Thus, the wooden spear was replaced by a more powerful version - a weapon with a stone tip, which was tied to the shaft with the help of a vine or plant; this gave the ancient hunter a significant advantage over wild animals. Then people invented the bow and arrows, allowing them to kill animals with long distance, and the use of a harpoon made it possible to enjoy the taste of fish.

The following fauna representatives often became prey:

  • horses;
  • deer;
  • wild goats;
  • mammoths.

Hunting became collective; people realized that by working together it was easier and safer to get rich prey than by acting alone, so they began to drive animals into swamps or ravines and slaughter them.

First communities

In history lessons in 5th grade, primitive gatherers and hunters are studied in their development. Thus, teachers tell schoolchildren that people gradually became more and more similar to our contemporaries, and both appearance, and according to the characteristics of life and everyday life. Humanity is uniting, moving to the next level after the herd - the tribal community. She was distinguished by several features:

  • Presence of family ties.
  • Clear internal hierarchy.
  • Community of housing, food, supplies.
  • Communal hunting, gathering and caring for offspring.

Often clan communities came into conflict with each other. Scientists believe that blood feud could also have taken place, when the entire community took revenge for the murder of its member.

Distribution of roles

The primitive one was distinguished by the fact that each of its members was assigned certain responsibilities. At the head was an elder, the oldest and wise man, which was endowed with management functions. It was the elders who kept order and were the guardians of the customs and traditions of the community.

The main function of men was to hunt. Women prepared food, collected roots and fruits, raised children, sewed clothes and kept the fire going. They enjoyed honor and respect in the community. Often, a tribal community could have a totem - a certain animal from which, as ancient people believed, they descended. There was no hunting for the totem animal, although in some primitive modern tribes eating one’s “ancestor” is especially honorable. Most often, those animals that people observed constantly were used as a totem: wolves, foxes, bison, bears and others.

The Birth of Art

Primitive art also appears among hunter-gatherers. Thus, ancient people began to decorate the walls of caves with fantastically realistic images of animals; sometimes there are also anthropomorphic paintings. Sculptures were also made, primarily primitive sculptures of plump women, symbolizing motherhood.

Music is born, and ideas about life and death become more complex, evidence of which is the use of jewelry, tools and weapons at burial as a sign that the deceased was noble and respected.

Features of teaching the topic

A lesson about primitive gatherers and hunters can be interesting for fifth-graders and will remain in their memory for a long time. But for this the teacher needs to use various methods and working methods. It's best to start with a thoughtful opening remarks, in which the purpose and objectives of the lesson should be substantiated, and it should be explained why schoolchildren need to know the features of the life and way of life of primitive hunters and gatherers.

Graphic materials and illustrations, diagrams, maps will be a good help; this will help visualize the material and make it easier to perceive. Most suitable method learning - problem-search, giving schoolchildren the opportunity to independently find the answer to the question posed, show logic and train their memory. A good solution would be to offer to solve a crossword puzzle, draw up a diagram, or work in pairs or small groups. During the lesson there should be a variety of questions, answering which the children will not only retell what they heard or read, but also critically comprehend the material. You can build a lesson in the form have a fascinating trip to the country of primitive gatherers and hunters.

A good option would be to watch a video on the topic with schoolchildren on the big screen using a projector: this will allow you to immerse yourself in the world ancient culture and not just learn the material, but also get real pleasure. From boring traditional methods should be refused, otherwise there is a risk of permanently depriving students of interest in history.

Test work

So, the key topic that will open is “Primitive gatherers and hunters”. In 5th grade, it is mandatory to conduct testing, which will reveal how well students have learned the material. IN test work A number of questions should be included:

  • Which continent became the site of the discovery of the first remains of ancient people in human history?
  • What is the name of a scientist who is busy with excavations?
  • Mark a sign that is not related to the tribal community.

The optimal number of answer options is 4. The student needs to find the correct one and circle it.

In addition to the test, it is necessary to give students the opportunity to think. Thus, the test work may include questions the answer to which requires extensive reasoning:

  • How did ancient man differ from animals?
  • For what reason did primitive people begin to pay attention to religious beliefs?

An additional task will be to work with graphic material and contour maps.

This work will help the teacher understand how well the material has been learned.

Primitive gatherers and hunters played a role in the history of the formation of human civilization. It was these ancient people who first learned to make and use tools and weapons, to act together, and created tribal communities. Therefore, when teaching the topic, it is very important that schoolchildren understand the significance of this stage in the life of mankind.

Boranbaeva T. A.. History teacher

Secondary school No. 9, Uralsk West Kazakhstan region

Development of a lesson on the history of Kazakhstan in 6th grade.

Lesson summary:

“Life of the most ancient people. The most ancient gatherers and hunters"

Educational: test your knowledge of the material learned in the first section.

Developmental: through application various forms and methods, contribute to the formation of students logical thinking Having a good command of the educational material, students demonstrate the ability to analyze the text and choose the right statements. Completing tasks is developed cognitive activity, intellectual abilities students. By repeating the material covered, students reinforce the terminology and meaning historical concepts.

Educational: applied elements of methods critical thinking generate interest in ancient history Kazakhstan and world history. Contributes to the cultivation of a sense of Kazakhstani patriotism and forms respect for the history of ancient Kazakhstan.

Lesson type: generalization lesson, group work.

Form and methods: working with textbook text, game elements " brainstorming”, working with text on tasks “correct errors”, “collect your own”, “indicate the correct chronology”, “bring to chronological sequence", guess the crossword puzzle", work with the interactive board.

Lesson progress: the children are divided into groups. Each group corresponds to a specific historical period: 1. Ancient Paleolithic 2. Mousterian period of the Middle Paleolithic 3. Late Paleolithic 4. Mesolithic 5. Neolithic.

Teacher: Hello! Guys, we have completed the study of the section: “The Life of Ancient People” and today we will repeat, summarize and consolidate the material we have covered. Our work will consist of several stages. So the first stage:

I.Warm up! What and when?

The text of the question is displayed synchronously on the board

1.What is the name of the very first period in human history? (Stone Age)

2.What periods is it divided into? Stone Age? (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)

3.Name chronological framework Paleolithic (2.6 million years BC - 12 thousand BC)

4. Name the chronological framework of the Mesolithic (12-5 thousand years BC)

5. Name the chronological framework of the Neolithic (5-3 thousand years BC)

6. What periods is the Paleolithic divided into? (early: 2.6 million - 40 thousand years BC, late: 40-12 thousand years BC)

7.What do the words mean: oldovay, acheul, mousterian? These are the three periods into which the Early Paleolithic is divided.

8.What is their chronological framework? Oldovay: 2.6 million - 800 thousand years BC. Acheulian: 800-140 thousand years BC. Moustier: 140-40 thousand years BC.

II.Tell in more detail!

Each group is given questions on a sheet of separate period. Teams prepare answers for three minutes and then answer questions. The first team to answer is the one that prepared earlier than the others.

Questions from the “Ancient Paleolithic” team

1.Where and when did the very first person appear?

2. List the first tools of ancient man?

3.The main occupations of the ancient people (how did they do it?)

4.Describe the nature of ancient Kazakhstan in ancient times.

Questions from the team “Mousterian period of the Middle Paleolithic”

1.Give scientific explanation this period?

2. Characteristics of the climate of the Mousterian era.

3. What new appeared in the lives of people of this period, and what was the reason for this period?

4.Occupations of people of the Mousterian period

Questions from the Late Paleolithic team

1. Characteristics of climate and wildlife of this period.

2.What is the reason for the emergence of a wide variety of tools?

3.Art and religion.

4. Appearance and characteristics of a “reasonable” person.

Questions from the Mesolithic team

1.Features of the Mesolithic (innovations), activities.

2.Changes in public life.

3.List the sites of the Mesolithic era.

Questions from the Neolithic team about human life

1. Highlight the features of the Mesolithic.

2. Characteristics of Mesolithic monuments.

3.Producing economy and its importance in human life.

III. Where? Collect yours!

The names of the parking lots are attached to the board on pieces of paper. A representative from each team must pick up leaflets with the names of sites from the period that his team represents, and provide information about where this site was discovered.

Correct answers:

1. Early Paleolithic sites: Shabakty, Shakpakat, Tanirkazgan.

2.Sites of the Mousterian period of the Early Paleolithic: Kanai, Obalysay, Muzbel.

3. Late Paleolithic sites: Shulbinka, Semizbuga, Batpak.

4.Sites of the Mesolithic period: Michurinskaya, Ereymentau, Kyzylsu.

5. Neolithic sites: Sekseul, Green Balka, Penki.

IV. Guess: “Who is this?” and add...

(On interactive whiteboard a text is given, which students supplement with text, working as part of the studio)

A.They were not swift like a leopard, agile like a lion, strong like a bear. However, they could, with the help of tools, “increase” their dexterity and speed of action. Their first weapons were...

Correct answer: The most ancient man of the Early Paleolithic era. (digging stick, pointed stone, club).

B. His height was average, his build was thick, his body was slightly stooped, his forehead was steep, his eyebrows were slightly protruding. His neck was short, his head was slightly tilted forward, and his teeth were excessively... The arms were strong, but not possessive. Besides, he has ... ... ... speech.

Correct answer: Neanderthal. Addition - correct answer: (large, was not developed).

B. In order not to die from the cold, people had to provide themselves with reliable housing and warm clothing. The first dwellings of people were... They were usually occupied by animals. People, with the help of... drove out huge cave bears from there. To wild animals they did not come close to the cave, lit a fire in front of the entrance, and covered the cave with the skins of killed animals.

Correct answer: Man of the Mousterian period. Addition - correct answer: (cave, fire)

D. He was different from his ancestors. He walked upright, had… speech. The brain of “… …” was twice the size of a “skilled person.” He constantly increased his vocabulary, inventing new words to explain and understand the world around them. That is, “… …” already had developed thinking.

Correct answer: Cro-Magnon. Addition - correct answer: (articulate, “homo sapiens”, “reasonable man”)

D. They lived in the same settlement or in a cave. Each ... ... had its own territory. All members had equal rights. The common things were: land, housing, tools. Everyone had the right to hunt in the forest, fish, and graze livestock on a common pasture. All work inside... was done together. Property that belonged to an individual member..., for example, a spear, an ax, could be used by any relative. What team are we talking about?

Correct answer: Tribal community. Addition - correct answer:

(clan community, communities, communities)

V. Solve the crossword:


1. A primitive weapon, processed on both sides.

2. Throwing weapon with a serrated tip.

3.Large stones, processed on both sides.

4.Techniques for processing tools.

5.Small stone tool labor, 1-2 cm long.


6. One of the very first activities of people.

7. Smart, brave, the most dear people who were elected at the general meeting.

8. The place where the skeleton of a Neanderthal boy was found.


In the conditions of the formation of Ukrainian independent state V historical science continues complex search methodological foundations studying the history of Ukraine.

The author tried to approach the lighting and characteristics historical events without the ideological bias inherent in the recent past; at the same time, show these events without propaganda pathos, which is sometimes characteristic of today.

The manual also pays attention to state-forming processes. It is no secret that Ukraine still has not received clear signs of a modern civilized country. Almost the only one characteristic feature national development became a deep crisis that affected all spheres of life. The main sources of its origin are the lack state strategy, conceptual helplessness, vagueness of the state’s political tactics. .

In an effort to convey to students the history of his native people, the author also tried to instill in them a love for our history.

To secure educational material At the end of each topic there are tests that go beyond the information provided in the manual. This was done for the purpose of deeper independent study by students of additional literature.

Primitive gatherers, hunters and fishermen

The beginnings of human life in Ukraine

The territory of Ukraine has been inhabited since ancient times, but it, like Europe as a whole, was not part of the zone where the process of humanizing the highly developed ape took place. About a million years ago, ancient people penetrated the south of Europe, more than 300 thousand years ago they appeared in Transcarpathia and Transnistria, and subsequently in other regions of Ukraine. Natural conditions then they were significantly different from today - savannas with herds of elephants and rhinoceroses, herds of horses; broad-leaved forests (in the valleys large rivers), where deer, roe deer, and elk found shelter and food; hippopotamuses lived in reservoirs. Representatives of predators were saber-toothed tigers and lions, cave bears, wolves, and foxes.

Primitive people used tools that were made from the most available materials- wood and stone. However, wooden objects (pointed sticks, babas, wickerwork) do not last long in the ground, while stone is stored much better. Therefore, archaeologists identify the first stage in development human society like the stone age.

The Stone Age is divided into the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic), Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) and New Stone Age (Neolithic). Scientists based periodization on the degree of development of the productive forces and society. The Paleolithic dates back to the time between the advent of man and 11 thousand years ago. The Mesolithic lasted approximately 10 - 8 thousand years ago. Neolithic - 8 - 6 thousand years ago. The Paleolithic, in turn, is divided into early, or ancient, lower (ended about 150 thousand years ago), middle, or Mousterian (150 - 40 - 35 thousand years ago), late, or upper (35 - 11 thousand years ago) . Some archaeologists give other period boundaries, and some scholars include Mousterian to the Early Period.

The oldest sites on the territory of Ukraine: Layers in Crimea, Rokosovo, Korolevo in Transcarpathia, Luka-Vrublevetska in the Middle Dniester (Khmelnitsky region), Zhytomyr, Izyum (Kharkiv region), Amvrosievsk ( Donetsk region). More than 30 sites of the Early Paleolithic era are known.

The oldest tools for Ukraine were discovered at these sites. The most primitive tools were made in the following way: a person threw one stone at another that lay on the ground, and then selected those fragments that had sharp edges. At the same time, individual tools were made using a double-sided processing technique. These are almond-shaped hand axes that were a universal tool of that era. They served as an axe, pickaxe, throwing stone, etc.

The most ancient people collected plant food (they ate roots, young shoots of plants, berries and other fruits), snails, edible insects, bird eggs, and hunted small animals. In search of food they often moved from place to place. Due to the wandering lifestyle, groups of people were not permanent. Many scientists characterize this period in human history as the time of the existence of the primitive human herd.

Task No. 2. Fill in the missing words

The earliest people lived on Earth for more than two million years ago.

The earliest man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? Lower jaw? Forehead?) He had a rough face with a wide flattened nose, protruding jaws with a slanted chin, a receding forehead, and highly developed brow ridges.

The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to create tools.

The oldest tools were digging stick, club, scrapers, axes, stone axes, and later they began to make spear tips.

The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting

Task No. 3. Fill in contour map"The Oldest People on Earth"

1. Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people

2.Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home

3. Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors

Task No. 4. Answer the questions about the picture of our time

Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: a herd of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answer to these questions. Find this answer and explain your thought

These are the oldest people. In the foreground, an ancient man makes a tool by processing stone. The ability to make tools, the ability to create, and not just consume, is the main difference between humans and animals

Task No. 5. Based on a drawing from our time, compose a description of the hunt for a cave bear

Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? Describe the actions of the hunters. For what purpose did they seek to kill the bear?

The hunters lay in wait for the bear at the exit of the cave, where, most likely, the animal’s lair is located. It is very large and strong beast. Having climbed onto a rock ledge, hunters throw large stones at the bear, trying to kill or at least stun the animal, so that later they can confidently descend and finish off the bear with spears. Most likely, people hunt bears to get meat, or maybe they want to drive the beast out of the cave, because ancient people lived in caves

Task No. 6. Fill in the missing words

Approximately 40 thousand years ago, man became the same as people of our time. Scientists call it a reasonable man.

Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention bows and arrows with curved tips

Task No. 7. Based on the drawings of our time, compose a story about the hunt for mammoths

1. Here is the beginning of the story

"Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove a herd of mammoths..."

Guess where and why?

Ancient hunters drove large animals into pre-prepared traps - natural or holes dug by the hunters themselves.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like

To scare animals, because wild animals are afraid of fire. This is noticeable in mammoths, which run primarily from fire, and not from hunters

2. Guess where the mammoth fell through. Can you tell from the picture that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

The mammoth fell into a hole that was covered with branches. The animal will not be able to get out of it and the hunters will finish off the mammoth with stones and peaks. In the picture we see that one of the hunters is wounded, and we can assume that hunting was a very dangerous activity. But hunting mammoths brought a lot of meat. People made tools from animal bones, and made clothes from skins

Task No. 8. Answer the questions

1. You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

The community included several large families who were related to each other

2. What signs of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property did your relatives have in common?

People worked together to obtain food, build houses, make tools and clothing, and raise children. Food supplies, tools, and housing were shared

3. How can one explain that during excavations of primitive sites of “sapient people” archaeologists find figurines of women?

In tribal communities, the woman-mother enjoyed special respect

Task No. 9. Complete the task and answer the questions

Write the names of the tools shown. Which of these weapons was usually used for hunting animals, and which for catching large fish? Explain why you think so?

1. Spear. It is intended for hunting animals

2. Harpoon. Necessary for fishing. Piercing the prey, the teeth stuck in it, preventing the fish from slipping off the harpoon

Task No. 10. Answer the questions about the picture of our time “Primitive funeral rite”

Describe the drawing. What beliefs of primitive people can be learned from the ritual shown in the picture? Why was the deceased placed in a sleeping position? For what purpose did they put a necklace of bear teeth on him and put a spear in his grave?

A person is buried in a pit, in his usual clothes, with food placed in the grave. Ancient people believed that the soul of the deceased continues to lead the life that the living person led. They were buried in a sleeping position, probably because they believed it was possible for the soul to return to the body and “awaken” the dead. The bear necklace was a symbol of a courageous hunter who would need a spear to hunt in another world

Task No. 11. Find errors.

One student dozed off during class. He dreamed of Africa more than two million years ago... Here a group of monkey-like people is moving. Everyone is in a hurry to get away from the bad weather - the sky has turned black with clouds. Only two cheerful boys lag behind the rest, enthusiastically talking about something. “Stop talking!” - the leader shouts at them. Suddenly, heavy snow fell, everyone was chilled at once, even clothing made from animal skins could not protect people from the cold. Finally they hid in a cave. They immediately took them out from their bosoms and began to chew roots, nuts and even stale bread. Suddenly everyone froze in horror: a terrible predator was approaching the cave - a huge dinosaur. What will happen next?! It was not possible to find out: a call from class interrupted my sleep at the most interesting place.

What historical errors does the student’s dream contain?

2 million years ago: a) people did not know how to talk, b) snow could not fall in Africa, c) there were no clothes made from animal skins, d) they did not know bread, e) dinosaurs had become extinct by that time

Task No. 12. Solve the crossword puzzle "Primitive hunters and gatherers"

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the vertically highlighted cells you will read the name of the cave where the drawings of primitive people were first found

Horizontally: 1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, ancient people lived. 2. Weapons of primitive hunters, which can hit a target at long distance. 3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered. 4. The occupation of primitive people, which allowed them to mine meat food. 5. A supernatural being that primitive people believed in; as if it lives in every person. 6. The largest of the animals hunted by primitive people. 7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists. 8. A primitive tool, especially needed by fishermen. 9. Occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain mainly plant food


1. What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

Writings on cave walls, excavations

2. Do you think it is possible to compare primitive and contemporary art? Give reasons for your answer

No, because with the development of civilization, a lot of knowledge was accumulated on how to draw correctly

3*. Find out which territories modern countries ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information)

On the territory South Africa and South Asia from 5 million to 400 thousand years ago

1. Fill in the missing words and add additions to the picture.

City number 2 is located in the west of the country.
City number 3 is located in the east of the country.
The region is located in the southwest of the country.

2. Fill in the missing words.

The earliest people lived on Earth more than two million years ago. The most ancient man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? Lower jaw? Forehead?) He had rough face with a wide flat nose, protruding jaws with a sloping chin, receding forehead, highly developed brow ridges.
The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to create tools.
The oldest tools were digging stick, club, scrapers, axes, stone axes, later they began to make spear tips.
The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting.

3. Fill out the outline map “The Oldest People on Earth.”

1. Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people.
2. Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home.
3. Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors.

4. Answer the questions about the picture of our time.

Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: a herd of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answer to these questions. Find this answer and explain your thought.

These are the oldest people. In the foreground, an ancient man makes a tool by processing stone. The ability to make tools, the ability to create, and not just consume, is the main difference between humans and animals.

5. Based on a picture from our time, compose a description of the hunt for a cave bear.

Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? Describe the actions of the hunters. For what purpose did they seek to kill the bear?

The hunters waylaid the bear at the exit of the cave, where the beast’s lair was most likely located. This is a very large and strong animal. Having climbed onto a rock ledge, the hunters throw large stones at the bear, trying to kill, or at least stun the animal, so that later they can confidently descend and finish off the animal with spears. Most likely, people hunt bears to get meat, or maybe they want to drive the beast out of the cave, because ancient people lived in caves.

6. Based on the drawings of our time, compose a story about the hunt for mammoths.

1. Here is the beginning of the story:

Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove the herd of mammoths... Guess where and why.

Ancient hunters drove large animals into pre-prepared traps - natural holes or holes dug by the hunters themselves.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like.

To scare animals, because wild animals are afraid of fire. This is noticeable in mammoths, which run primarily from fire, and not from hunters.

2. Guess where the mammoth fell through. Can you tell from the picture that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

The mammoth fell into a hole that was covered with branches. The animal will not be able to get out of it and the hunters will finish off the mammoth with stones and peaks. In the picture we see that one of the hunters is wounded, and we can assume that hunting was a very dangerous activity. But hunting mammoths brought a lot of meat. People made tools from animal bones, and clothes were made from skins.

7. Fill in the missing words.

Approximately 40 thousand years ago man became the same as the people of our time. Scientists call it Cro-Magnon.
Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention bows and tips with curved teeth.

8. Answer the questions.

1. You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

The community included several large families who were related to each other.

2. What signs of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property did your relatives have in common?

People worked together to obtain food, build houses, make tools and clothing, and raise children. Food supplies, tools, and housing were shared.

3. How can one explain that during excavations of primitive sites of “sapient people” archaeologists find figurines of women?

In tribal communities, the mother woman was especially respected.

9. Complete the task and answer the questions.

Write the names of the tools shown. Which of these weapons was usually used for hunting animals, and which for catching large fish? Explain why you think so?

1. spear
2. harpoon

A spear is for hunting animals, and a harpoon is for catching fish. Piercing the prey, the teeth stuck in it, preventing the fish from slipping off the harpoon.

10. Answer the questions about the picture of our time “Primitive funeral rite.”

Describe the drawing. What beliefs of primitive people can be learned from the ritual shown in the picture? Why was the deceased placed in a sleeping position? For what purpose did they put a necklace of bear teeth on him and put a spear in his grave?

A person is buried in a pit, in his usual clothes, with food placed in the grave. Ancient people believed that the soul of the deceased continues to lead the life that the living person led. They were buried in a sleeping position, probably because they believed it was possible for the soul to return to the body and “awaken” the dead. The bear necklace was a symbol of a courageous hunter who would need a spear to hunt in another world.

11. Find errors.

One student dozed off during class. He dreamed of Africa more than two million years ago... Here a group of monkey-like people is moving. Everyone is in a hurry to get away from the bad weather - the sky has turned black with clouds. Only two cheerful boys lag behind the rest, enthusiastically talking about something. “Stop talking!” - the leader shouts at them. Suddenly, heavy snow fell, everyone was chilled at once, even clothing made from animal skins could not protect people from the cold. Finally they hid in a cave. They immediately took them out from their bosoms and began to chew roots, nuts and even stale bread. Suddenly everyone froze in horror: a terrible predator was approaching the cave - a huge dinosaur. What will happen next?! It was not possible to find out: a call from class interrupted my sleep at the most interesting place.

What historical errors does the student’s dream contain?

2 million years ago: a) people did not know how to talk, b) snow could not fall in Africa, c) there were no clothes made from animal skins, d) they did not know bread, e) dinosaurs had become extinct by that time.

12. Solve the crossword puzzle “Primitive hunters and gatherers.”

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the vertically highlighted cells you will read the name of the cave where the drawings of primitive people were first found.

Horizontally: 1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, ancient people lived. 2. Weapons of primitive hunters, which can hit a target at a great distance. 3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered. 4. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain meat food. 5. A supernatural being that primitive people believed in; as if dwells in every person (soul). 6. The largest of the animals hunted by primitive people. 7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists. 8. A primitive tool, especially needed by fishermen. 9. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain mainly plant food.

Vertical answer: Altamira

Test yourself

1. What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

Archaeological scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people during excavations; they find tools, clothing, jewelry, etc. Such research helps to study the way of life of primitive people, their ideas about the world.

2. Do you think it is possible to compare modern and primitive art? Justify your answer.

No, you can't compare. Primitive people had different ideas about the world from ours, the purpose of art was different than today. All works had a magical purpose.

3. Find out in which modern countries the most ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information).

The earliest people arose in the area East Africa(Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia). Then they spread to the Middle East (Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq) and throughout Eurasia (Türkiye, Iran, Russia, etc.).

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