Polytechnic University of Lviv. National University "Lviv Polytechnic": description, specialties and reviews


G. Lvov, st. S. Bandera, 12.

“Here Sciences and Arts live.
And in the ranks of historical milestones
with us is the voice of the mute, the thoughts of those
who left and will not return.”
Poems about Lviv Polytechnic

Lviv Polytechnic University– the oldest technical educational institution of Eastern Europe and Ukraine, which has a rich and interesting story. The names of many famous scientists and public figures who have become famous throughout the world are associated with it. The building of the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic is located in the very center of Lviv on S.A. Street. Bandera and is of great interest to tourists.

Stepan Andreevich Bandera - leader of the movement for the independence of Ukraine, was one of the graduates and teachers of Lvov Polytechnic University, and today the main building of the educational institution stands on the street named after him. A beautiful building with a rich history immediately attracts attention, located on small area at a distance from other houses.

The main building of the Polytechnic was one of the first buildings in Lviv built in the historicist style. The author of the project according to which the main building of the educational institution was built was the architect Yulian Zakharevich, who presented the city with other beautiful buildings, for example, the Potocki Palace. For several years Zakharevich was the rector of the Polytechnic. Construction lasted 3 years - from 1874 to 1877, and eventually on Bandera Street, which at that time had a different name - New World, one of the main architectural dominants appeared.

The building has three floors, in the center of the front façade there is a risalit with six columns Corinthian order, at the end of which there is an attic with a sculptural composition created by the sculptor Leonard Marconi. The sculpture represents three figures that symbolize the three departments that were located in this building: engineering, architecture and mechanics. Under the attic you can see the inscription on Latin"Litteris et Artibus" (sciences and arts). This design of the front facade made the building bright and gave it solemnity, the idea of ​​which is continued by the interiors, richly decorated with paintings and sculptures.

Stucco molding, sculpture, painting - all this can be seen in the interiors of the main building Lviv Polytechnic. A special pride is the collection of 11 paintings placed in the Assembly Hall. These paintings were recreated by students (masters of the Krakow art school) by the outstanding Polish painter Jan Matejko, based on his sketches and under his leadership. The customer of the paintings was the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph, who, having visited the educational institution in 1880, wanted to give him paintings that would symbolize technical progress humanity. In 11 canvases, Jan Matejko was able to express the philosophical development of thought and science as the basis of technical and spiritual progress, which can lead humanity to a shameful death or happiness on Earth. The canvases are painted in oil and represent a huge spiritual, historical and artistic value, are considered the talisman and main treasure of Lviv Polytechnic University.

Emperor Franz Joseph, leader of the national liberation movement S. Bandera - these are just two names from a huge list associated with the activities of the Lviv Polytechnic famous people. Its graduates and teachers were famous scientists (S. Banach, J. Franke, V.P. Sigorsky, N.G. Maksimovich, K. Bartel, V.V. Sekretaryuk, etc.), public figures (L.Yu. Roketsky , Yu.V. Lutsenko, I.P. Kochevykh, S. Wiesenthal, R.I. Shukhevych) and many other famous people.

Lviv Polytechnic grew from what was founded in 1817. three-grade technical school and has very rich history. During its existence, it was called the Real Trading Academy, Technical Academy, Polytechnic School, State University"Lviv Polytechnic", and today it bears the proud name of the National University and is rightly considered one of best universities countries. In 1877, the first event on the territory of Austria-Hungary took place in the main building. phone conversation(between the Faculty of Chemistry of the Academy and the assembly hall). Another interesting fact: on the roof of the main building since 1877. there was one of the best in the country astronomical observatories(today a GPS station is installed there).

National University "Lviv Polytechnic" - the oldest higher technical educational institution in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, founded in Technical Academy.

1. History

Canvases in assembly hall main building, which symbolize technical progress. (In total, in the assembly hall there are 11 oil paintings, which were created in the 80s of the 19th century by the outstanding Polish artist Jan Matejko in small compositional sketches. In large sizes they were painted by masters of the Krakow Art School under the direction of the author. )

The predecessor of the "Lviv Polytechnic" was the Technical Academy, created in 2006. She was one of the first academic technical schools in Europe and the first in Ukraine. In 1877 new academic year under the leadership of the new rector Yulian Zaharievich, they began in the new building of the academy (currently Stepan Bandera Street). Project of this building and house chemical laboratory The academy was designed by the architect Yulian Zaharievich.

Interior of the main building

At the same time the academy was renamed Higher polytechnic school and included in academic schools Austro-Hungarian Empire.

2. Structure

Former house "Prosvita", Lviv

As part of the NU "Lviv Polytechnic":

Early 20th century photography

More than 33 thousand students, cadets and external students study at the university. Training of specialists is carried out in 56 areas and 106 specialties.

The educational process is provided by a teaching staff of more than 2000 people, of which more than 200 are doctors of science and more than 1000 are associate professors and candidates of science. TO educational process about 300 scientists from scientific institutions NAS of Ukraine, manufacturing enterprises and design institutes.

2.1. Scientific and educational institutes

Modern buildings of NU "LP"

  • Institute of Construction and Engineering environment
  • Institute of Geodesy
  • Institute of Energy and Control Systems

2.2. The science

  • Research part
  • Department of Graduate Studies
  • Council of Young Scientists
  • Terminology Committee
  • Laboratory of Higher Education Institution Management
  • Department of Standardization and Metrology
  • Scientific and technical library

2.3. International activity

  • International Relations Department
  • Industry laboratory for international scientific and technical cooperation
  • Preparatory department for foreign students "Compis"
  • Department for work with foreign students

3. Separate educational institutions at the university

  • Institute of Distance Learning
  • Institute of Postgraduate Education
  • Lvovsky state institute latest technologies and management of it. Vyacheslav Chornovil
  • International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
  • Technical and Economic College
  • Technical College
  • Automotive and Road College
  • Zolochiv College
  • Kolomiysky Polytechnic College

4. Main scientific directions

5. People associated with Lviv Polytechnic

5.1. Honorary Professors

Among the graduates is the politician Yaroslava Iosifovna Stetsko.

5.3. University managment

6. Departments

6.1. Department of Automated Control Systems

The department was created in December of the year to train engineers in the specialty " Automated systems management." Since the year, the department has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu. M. Rashkevich. Since the year, engineers have been trained in the specialty of automated control systems for foreign countries.

Over the period from year to year, more than 2,600 specialists were graduated; including 160 foreign engineers and masters.

Since the year, the department has been training specialists in the basic direction of “Computer Science” (bachelors) and in the specialties “Computerized information processing and management systems” and “Technology” automated processing text and graphic information" (specialist/master).

Since this year, the department has begun training bachelors in the basic field " Light industry", which in the city was renamed into "Publishing and Printing Business". Since the year, the department has been graduating specialists in the specialty "Information control systems and technologies" with the qualification of engineer-analyst of computer systems.

engines internal combustion, automobile mechatronics; technologies of automotive industry and car repair, car repair and service; car design, technical operation of cars, and electronic equipment of cars and a computer class.

The department is preparing specialists of the educational and qualification level "Bachelor" directions 6.070106 "Road transport", "Specialist" in the specialty 7.090258 (7.07010601) "Cars and Automobiles" and "Master" in the specialty 8.090258 (8.07010601) "Cars and automobile farm" for two specializations: "Mechatronics and Automotive Systems" and "Operation and Maintenance of Automotive".

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National University "Lviv Polytechnic"
original name

National University "Lviv Polytechnic"


Litteris et Artibus

Year of foundation

prof. Bobalo Yu.Ya.

Foreign students

Ukraine Ukraine, 79013 Lviv, st. Stepan Bandera, no. 12

K: Educational institutions founded in 1844

National University "Lviv Polytechnic"- (Ukrainian) National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Polish Uniwersytet Narodowy "Politechnika Lwowska" listen)) is a higher education institution located in the city of Lviv. Address of the main building: Bandera Street, 12. The oldest technical educational institution in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.



  • Institute of Applied Mathematics and Basic Sciences
  • Institute of Architecture
  • Institute of Geodesy
  • Institute of Construction and Environmental Engineering
  • Institute of Energy and Control Systems
  • Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies
  • Institute computer technology, automation and metrology
  • Institute of Economics and Management
  • Institute of Distance Learning
  • Military Institute
  • International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
  • Institute of Postgraduate Education

Notable alumni and faculty

  • Bandera, Stepan Andreevich - leader of the OUN, one of the leaders of the movement for the independence of Ukraine.
  • Shukhevych, Roman Iosifovich - one of the leaders of the movement for the independence of Ukraine.
  • Banach, Stefan - mathematician, one of the creators of modern functional analysis and the Lviv mathematical school.
  • Godlewski, Tadeusz - Polish radiochemist.
  • Dzieslewski, Roman - Polish electrical engineer. Pioneer of electrical engineering in Poland. Educator, professor, rector.
  • Kamsha, Vera Viktorovna - Russian writer.
  • Secretary, Vyacheslav Vasilievich - professor, doctor of economic sciences.
  • Simon Wiesenthal - public figure, "Nazism Hunter".
  • Casimir Bartel - mathematician, Prime Minister of Poland.
  • Kochevykh, Ivan Pavlovich - Soviet statesman and economic figure, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Lutsenko, Yuri Vitalievich - Ukrainian politician and statesman.
  • Maksimovich, Nikolai Grigorievich - scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Ukrainian SSR, rector of LPI and Leningrad State University.
  • Pebal, Leopold - chemist.
  • Rakhlina, Olga Leonidovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences.
  • Roketsky, Leonid Yulianovich - former governor Tyumen region.
  • Franke, Jan - mechanical scientist. Professor, Doctor Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic. Rector.
  • Glinin, Denis Vladimirovich - drummer of the rock band “Okean Elzy”.
  • Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj - President of Mongolia.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”

“Nothing,” answered Prince Andrei.
At that moment he remembered his recent clash with the doctor’s wife and the Furshtat officer.
-What is the commander-in-chief doing here? - he asked.
“I don’t understand anything,” said Nesvitsky.
“All I understand is that everything is disgusting, disgusting and disgusting,” said Prince Andrei and went to the house where the commander-in-chief stood.
Passing by Kutuzov's carriage, the tortured horses of the retinue and the Cossacks speaking loudly among themselves, Prince Andrei entered the entryway. Kutuzov himself, as Prince Andrei was told, was in the hut with Prince Bagration and Weyrother. Weyrother was an Austrian general who replaced the murdered Schmit. In the entryway little Kozlovsky was squatting in front of the clerk. The clerk on an inverted tub, turning up the cuffs of his uniform, hastily wrote. Kozlovsky’s face was exhausted - he, apparently, had not slept at night either. He looked at Prince Andrei and did not even nod his head to him.
– Second line... Wrote it? - he continued, dictating to the clerk, - Kiev Grenadier, Podolsk...
“You won’t have time, your honor,” the clerk answered disrespectfully and angrily, looking back at Kozlovsky.
At that time, Kutuzov’s animatedly dissatisfied voice was heard from behind the door, interrupted by another, unfamiliar voice. By the sound of these voices, by the inattention with which Kozlovsky looked at him, by the irreverence of the exhausted clerk, by the fact that the clerk and Kozlovsky were sitting so close to the commander-in-chief on the floor near the tub, and by the fact that the Cossacks holding the horses laughed loudly under window of the house - from all this, Prince Andrei felt that something important and unfortunate was about to happen.
Prince Andrei urgently turned to Kozlovsky with questions.
“Now, prince,” said Kozlovsky. – Disposition to Bagration.
-What about capitulation?
- There is none; orders for battle have been made.
Prince Andrei headed towards the door from behind which voices were heard. But just as he wanted to open the door, the voices in the room fell silent, the door opened of its own accord, and Kutuzov, with his aquiline nose on his plump face, appeared on the threshold.
Prince Andrei stood directly opposite Kutuzov; but from the expression of the commander-in-chief’s only seeing eye it was clear that thought and concern occupied him so much that it seemed to obscure his vision. He looked directly at the face of his adjutant and did not recognize him.
- Well, have you finished? – he turned to Kozlovsky.
- Right this second, Your Excellency.
Bagration, short, with oriental type hard and motionless face, dry, not yet an old man, went out to get the commander-in-chief.
“I have the honor to appear,” Prince Andrei repeated quite loudly, handing over the envelope.
- Oh, from Vienna? Fine. After, after!
Kutuzov went out with Bagration onto the porch.
“Well, prince, goodbye,” he said to Bagration. - Christ is with you. I bless you for this great feat.
Kutuzov's face suddenly softened, and tears appeared in his eyes. He pulled Bagration to him with his left hand, and with his right hand, on which there was a ring, apparently crossed him with a familiar gesture and offered him his plump cheek, instead of which Bagration kissed him on the neck.
- Christ is with you! – Kutuzov repeated and walked up to the carriage. “Sit down with me,” he said to Bolkonsky.
– Your Excellency, I would like to be useful here. Let me stay in the detachment of Prince Bagration.
“Sit down,” said Kutuzov and, noticing that Bolkonsky was hesitating, “I need good officers myself, I need them myself.”
They got into the carriage and drove in silence for several minutes.
“There is still a lot ahead, there will be a lot of things,” he said with an senile expression of insight, as if he understood everything that was happening in Bolkonsky’s soul. “If one tenth of his detachment comes tomorrow, I will thank God,” added Kutuzov, as if speaking to himself.
Prince Andrei looked at Kutuzov, and he involuntarily caught his eye, half an arshin away from him, the cleanly washed assemblies of the scar on Kutuzov’s temple, where the Izmail bullet pierced his head, and his leaking eye. “Yes, he has the right to talk so calmly about the death of these people!” thought Bolkonsky.
“That’s why I ask you to send me to this detachment,” he said.
Kutuzov did not answer. He seemed to have already forgotten what he had said and sat thoughtful. Five minutes later, smoothly rocking on the soft springs of the stroller, Kutuzov turned to Prince Andrei. There was no trace of excitement on his face. With subtle mockery, he asked Prince Andrei about the details of his meeting with the emperor, about the reviews he had heard at court about the Kremlin affair, and about some common women he knew.

Kutuzov, through his spy, received news on November 1 that put the army he commanded in an almost hopeless situation. The scout reported that the French in huge numbers, having crossed the Vienna bridge, headed towards Kutuzov’s route of communication with the troops coming from Russia. If Kutuzov had decided to stay in Krems, then Napoleon’s army of one and a half thousand would have cut him off from all communications, surrounded his exhausted army of forty thousand, and he would have been in Mack’s position near Ulm. If Kutuzov had decided to leave the road that led to communications with troops from Russia, then he would have had to enter without a road into the unknown lands of the Bohemian
mountains, defending themselves from superior enemy forces, and abandoning all hope of communication with Buxhoeveden. If Kutuzov had decided to retreat along the road from Krems to Olmutz to join forces with troops from Russia, then he risked being warned on this road by the French who had crossed the bridge in Vienna, and thus being forced to accept battle on the march, with all the burdens and convoys, and dealing with an enemy three times his size and surrounding him on both sides.
Kutuzov chose this last exit.
The French, as the spy reported, having crossed the bridge in Vienna, were marching in an intensified march towards Znaim, which lay on Kutuzov’s retreat route, more than a hundred miles ahead of him. To reach Znaim before the French meant to receive great hope to save the army; to allow the French to warn themselves in Znaim would probably mean exposing the entire army to a disgrace similar to that of Ulm, or to general destruction. But it was impossible to warn the French with their entire army. The French road from Vienna to Znaim was shorter and better than the Russian road from Krems to Znaim.

general information

National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (NU LP) - Additional Information about higher education institution

general information

National University "Lviv Polytechnic" is the oldest technical educational institution in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. During its existence, it has established itself as an intellectual center, a focal point national culture, freedom of thought and speech.

Today, about 30 thousand students study at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" in 41 areas of study:

Documentation and information activities restoration of works of art design philology sociology international relationships international economics enterprise economics marketing finance and credit accounting and audit management ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources applied physics applied mathematics computer science system analysis computer science computer engineering software engineering systems engineering automation and computer-integrated technologies engineering materials science applied mechanics engineering mechanics mechanical engineering welding thermal power engineering electrical engineering and electrotechnology electromechanics micro- and nanoelectronics electronic devices and systems radio engineering radio-electronic devices telecommunications metrology and information-measuring technologies metrology, standardization and certification instrument making Optotechnics chemical Technology chemical engineering biotechnology publishing and printing food technology and engineering construction architecture hydraulic engineering ( water resources) transport technologies (by mode of transport) road transport geodesy, cartography and land management pharmacy social work security of information and communication systems technical information security systems management information security Fire safety.

The National University "Lviv Polytechnic" trains specialists in 101 specialties.

The National University "Lviv Polytechnic" employs over 185 doctors of science, professors and about 1000 candidates of science, associate professors. It includes 16 institutes, 82 departments, a publishing house, and a library.

Lviv Polytechnic has introduced a multi-stage system for training specialists, which makes it possible to obtain three educational and qualification levels: bachelor (4 years of study), specialist and master (5-5.5 years of study). There are multi-stage learning programs, taking into account the experience of the best technical and technological universities. The level of knowledge is assessed using a modular control system, according to which the rating of each student is determined. At the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" new concepts of humanitarian and fundamental training are being implemented.

After obtaining specialist qualifications, graduates of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" can, in accordance with the state order and at the expense of individuals or legal entities continue your studies in a master's program, defend your master's thesis and obtain a master's qualification.

The Military Institute of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", which turned 100 years old in 2002, trains career officers and reserve officers in 7 areas of training (geodesy, cartography and land management; journalism; engineering mechanics, international relations; art; culture; physical education and sports ), using pedagogical potential leading educational institutions Lvov, military specialists and the material and technical base of the departments of Lviv Polytechnic. Integration of civil and military education makes it possible to train military specialists in unique specialties (geodesy; photogrammetry; journalism; cars and automotive industry; international information; musical art; radio communication, radio broadcasting and television equipment; physical education).

Material and technical base of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Lviv Polytechnic includes 27 educational and laboratory buildings, three gymnasiums (in Lviv, Drohobych and Sokal), three lyceums (in Novoyavorovsk, in the village of Uzlovoe, Radekhovsky district and Skole), a geodetic testing ground in Berezhany, an astronomical and geodetic observatory in Shatsk , 15 dormitories, a technology park, a sports complex of two buildings, sports and recreational camps on south coast Crimea, in the Nikolaev region and in the picturesque Carpathians, as well as a student clinic, hospital and sanatorium.

At the service of students and staff of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" are two educational sports buildings with nine specialized gyms, a swimming pool, a ski lodge, a summer sports area, shooting range. Department physical education And sports club Extracurricular activities are practiced in various forms: improving sports skills in sports improvement groups in 32 sports, classes in hobby clubs in 14 sports, competitions among institutions in 20 sports, sports evenings and health days.

The University of Ukraine has the following material and technical base: 27 educational and laboratory buildings, a technology park.

The university was founded in 1844.

Lviv Polytechnic is one of the oldest academic technical schools in Europe and the first Ukrainian land. As a Technical Academy it opened its doors on November 4, 1844 and its first director was Florian Schindler.

Lviv Polytechnic includes 27 educational and laboratory buildings, three gymnasiums (in Lviv, Drohobych and Sokal), three lyceums (in Novoyavorevsk, in the village of Uzlovoe, Radekhiv district and the city of Skolet), a geodetic testing ground in Berezhany, an astronomical and geodetic observatory in Shatsk , 15 dormitories, a technology park, a sports complex of two buildings, sports and recreation camps on the southern coast of Crimea, in the Nikolaev region and in the picturesque Carpathians, as well as a student clinic, a hospital and a sanatorium.

Students and staff have at their disposal two academic sports buildings with nine specialized gyms, a swimming pool, a ski lodge, a summer sports area, and a shooting range. The Department of Physical Education and the sports club practice extracurricular activities in various forms: improving sports skills in sports improvement groups in 32 sports, classes in hobby clubs in 14 sports, competitions among institutions in 20 sports, sports evenings and health days. In the state sports arena, the honor of the Lviv region is successfully defended by men's basketball teams in the Super League and the First League, women's and men's table tennis teams and women's team water polo in super leagues. The region's champions among higher educational institutions in 2000 were teams in basketball (men), table tennis (women and men), handball (women), volleyball (men), badminton (women), orienteering, kettlebell lifting, and sports aerobics.

Lviv Polytechnic has always been one of the most democratic higher educational institutions, and it was there that enslaved by various occupation regimes the Ukrainian population had a chance to get higher education. From its walls came outstanding politicians, guides and participants in national liberation competitions - Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych, Alexey Gasin, Ekaterina Zaritskaya, Petr Franko. After all, Lviv Polytechnic has always been a bright cell of education, science, and national dignity.

The university has wide foreign economic relations. Contracts have been concluded with a number of foreign companies to export the results of scientific and technical activities. Agreements on scientific and technical cooperation have been concluded with higher education institutions in the USA, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and other countries. This cooperation includes participation in international student exchange technical specialties and internship abroad for teachers and specialists. Every year dozens of our students go to Europe and America to study. Such mutual exchange of scientists and specialists helps international recognition both Lviv Polytechnic and Ukrainian scientific thought in general.

University scientists have also developed promising directions for development scientific research, which are based on schools that have been operating for many years. These areas take into account the needs National economy Ukraine and its western region, and neighboring states, with which Ukraine is developing mutually beneficial economic and scientific ties.

He does a lot of work regarding the promotion of Ukrainian culture, the organization of leisure time and the development of creatively gifted students and workers. People's House"Education". Nine amateur artistic groups improve their art there, five of them are folk. These are the symphony orchestra, the student choir "Gaudeamus", the dance ensemble "Fidelity", the male choir of teachers and workers "Orpheus", the song and music ensemble "Zapev".

Lviv Polytechnic, as one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Ukraine, has high rating among young people. Here, educational, scientific, cultural, artistic and sports traditions unique to this institution have developed. According to the results of the rating of the Canadian Association of Engineers, Lviv Polytechnic is among the twenty most authoritative universities in the world, and according to the results of the integrated rating of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, which was carried out in 2000 by the International Personnel Academy, Lviv Polytechnic is among the ten best educational institutions in Ukraine. The integrated rating was assessed based on the results of a survey of young people aged 16 to 25 years and a group of experts, which included rectors (vice-rectors) of universities of III-IV levels of accreditation, responsible employees of relevant ministries, employees of regional and city education departments and employees of regional and city centers employment centers.

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