Traffic jams now in Dmitrovskoye. Country transfer along the Dmitrovskoe highway from the Moscow Ring Road to the region

Traffic jams without exaggeration, it can be called “the scourge of our time.” This is especially true for Moscow and other megacities. Although they are being fought everywhere, today the result leaves much to be desired. In order not to waste precious hours standing idle in traffic jams, it is advisable to use the Yandex online map. Traffic jams in Moscow can now be tracked on the Moscow Ring Road, on the Volokolamsk and Riga highways and other directions.

The service demonstrates:

  • Fullness road directions in points (on at the moment time and average) in different colors.
  • Flow speed in km/h.
  • Incident points.
  • Dislocation of repair activities.
  • Video from Moscow cameras.

Viewing reminder

The congestion indicator of a road segment is demonstrated using different colors:

You can find out the speed by pointing the pointer at the desired section of the route.

Pay attention! In the absence of verified information, the road section is not highlighted using color.

The unit for measuring the presence of congestion is the “score”. Points are reflected in accordance with the intensity of the track.

Workload is measured using a 10-point scale. It looks something like this:

The road congestion forecast is given for 1 hour. It is viewed by dragging the slider onto the Now / In an hour scale to the required indicator.

Pay attention! The Today / Statistics toggle switch needs to be set to the Today indicator.

Events in the direction of interest are also viewed. There is a Traffic Events function for this. When you press this button, signs appear informing you about the situation:

To view the details, check the “Traffic Events” checkbox:

Traffic jam statistics are determined for different days of the week and time of day. To get acquainted with it:

  • The switch is set to the Statistics indicator.
  • The day of interest is pressed.
  • The engine is moved to the required position.

Using the Yandex Traffic jams service, the driver has the opportunity to determine how much time he will lose due to traffic jams. For example, when GPA is equal to 7, this means that the travel time will increase by about 2 times. It must be taken into account that for different cities the scale has different settings. Thus, 6 points in St. Petersburg corresponds to a 5-point situation in Moscow.

Just fifteen years ago Dmitrovskoe highway, or just Dmitrovka, was considered a quiet “sleepy” highway. By seven o'clock in the evening it was empty and quiet. Only rare cars illuminated the road with their headlights. There were no truck drivers at all. Dead End Highway poor quality they were not attracted. And driving along a winding narrow road in absolute darkness was unpleasant. The quality and width of the road surface, illuminated by rare lanterns, corresponded to the status of a provincial highway. This state of affairs had not only disadvantages, but also its advantages: the travel time along the Dmitrovskoye Highway could be calculated with an accuracy of several minutes.

Soon, ski resorts began to be built in this direction, which were appreciated not only by the sports public. The fields began to be built up cottage villages. Appeared large number warehouses Dmitrovka has changed. Fences appeared on the sides of the road, encroaching on the sacred - the side of the road. Motorists were indignant: “How can I change a tire now or jump into the forest?” Lanterns with powerful anti-fog “yellow” lighting were urgently installed, not only in populated areas, but even in deserted places. The road was widened and patched, then a new surface was laid. In several places she was allowed to bypass villages. Lined and updated road signs. The route acquired special status. They even began to sometimes block it while motorcades were passing through. All that remains of dear old Dmitrovka is its name. It attracted amateur motorists and truckers who had previously used other highways. Traffic jams appeared. Driving along Dmitrovskoe Highway has become difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Traffic police officers also contributed. They complicated the situation near their stationary points as best they could. For example, a constant traffic jam from the village Kapustino(sometimes from the beginning of the bridge) to Krasnaya Gorka- their brainchild. Of the two lanes, one remains, the left lane goes towards Lobnya. Move your house a little deeper or, for starters, remove all the temporary barriers that extend onto the highway - the highway will become wider. This will make it possible to leave two full lanes for cars that do not turn left onto Lobnya, but go straight. By the way, the alignment of the road opposite the traffic police post requires motorists traveling from Lobnya towards the region (Dmitrov) to unnaturally turn at a right angle. It’s inconvenient for everyone except the traffic cops themselves, who have the opportunity to record a forced violation. The situation is also complicated by a temporary sign often put up by traffic cops prohibiting turning from Rogachevskoye Highway towards the region under the traffic light arrow. How many people waste time on a detour (before turning around under the bridge at the reservoir and back to the traffic police station). This increases the flow of traffic in both directions.

Drivers have justified complaints about almost all traffic police stations on Dmitrovskoye Highway. Why are they sharply narrowing the highway? Why don't they force the cars they stop to pull over to the side of the road? Why don’t they recommend that road services properly line the road surface and fill up terrible potholes on the side of the road and on highways at highway exit points? Even near traffic police stations.

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Moscow- capital Russian Federation, city federal significance, administrative center Central federal district and the center of the Moscow region, which it is not part of.

The largest city in Russia and its subject by population - 12,377,205 people. (2017), the most populous of the cities located entirely in Europe, is among the top ten cities in the world by population. Center of the Moscow urban agglomeration.

The historical capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the Russian Kingdom, Russian Empire(in 1728-1730), Soviet Russia and the USSR. Hero city. Federal authorities are located in Moscow state power Russian Federation (with the exception of the Constitutional Court), embassies of foreign states, headquarters of most of the largest Russian commercial organizations and public associations.

It is located on the Moscow River in the center of the East European Plain, between the Oka and Volga rivers. As a federal subject, Moscow borders the Moscow and Kaluga regions.

Moscow is an important tourist center of Russia. The Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, Novodevichy Convent and the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. She is the most important transport hub. The city is served by 5 airports, 9 railway stations, 3 river ports (there is river communication with the seas of the Atlantic and North basins Arctic Oceans). The metro has been operating in Moscow since 1935. The busiest sections of roads are considered to be: Highway M7 from Vladimir and on the way out of Moscow.

How to use Yandex Traffic Maps online

The traffic map is interactive and shows the state of traffic in real time. All traffic events are shown online. The map has no limits in selecting areas to display and allows you to drag areas, as well as change the scale and measure distances.

- free movement on the road; - RTA (traffic accident);
- there are cars on the road; - renovation work on the road;
- traffic is difficult due to traffic jams; - speed camera;
- the traffic jam led to a stop in traffic. - other events on the road;

Main functions of Yandex Traffic:

Geolocation (allows you to determine your location on the map without going to other pages)

Map scaling (the map size is changed by pressing the “+” or “-” buttons). When you enlarge the map, information about traffic jams online is detailed.

Ruler (allows you to measure the distance from given point A to the designated point B on the Yandex map).

Traffic (Shows the traffic score for a given minute, and also shows the history of traffic in a given area of ​​the map). When you click on the settings button, it shows a traffic forecast for the future.

Scale (shows the map scale in the current view and changes as the scale increases or decreases)

The capacity of the busy highway has increased significantly. There will be no congestion at the intersection of Dmitrovka with Dolgoprudnenskoye Highway and 3rd Nizhnelikhoborsky Passage.

Yesterday, Acting Mayor of the capital S. Sobyanin took part in the opening of two interchanges on Dmitrovskoye Highway. One of them - within the Moscow Ring Road - is the intersection point of the highway with the future North-Western Expressway. The second is located behind the Ring Road, at the intersection with Dolgoprudnenskoye Highway. The first overpass was opened in the village of Severny (NEAD), where two highways intersect. Despite the bad weather, not only builders, but also residents of the area came to the opening. For them, constant traffic jams were a real headache. Now, apparently, they can be forgotten here.

Today we are not handing over the entire reconstruction, but we are accepting the first objects,” said the Acting Mayor upon arriving at the site. - The remaining facilities of the complex will be completed in 2014. I hope that our colleagues from the Ministry of Transport will finish their section, which is located in the Moscow region.

It is very important that if previously traffic on Dmitrovka was three lanes in one direction, now it will become five lanes,” noted the acting director. Deputy Mayor for Construction and Urban Development Policy Marat Khusnullin. - That is, three lanes go along the main route and two along the backup routes. And also as a backup - a dedicated lane for public transport, because we plan that residents of Dolgoprudny will travel by public transport to the Seligerskaya metro station, which we plan to launch at the end of 2014 or early 2015; or further to the Lianozovo platform, where the number of trains will now be increased.

In addition, the Acting Mayor told the townspeople that a tram line would be built from the village of Severny to the Lianozovo platform. This will significantly improve transport situation on the northern and northeastern outskirts of the capital.

And finally, the symbolic opening of the overpass. Two trios of heavy dump trucks drive along it, followed by four small tractor-loaders. A few minutes later, the rest of the cars followed them.

In the future, on this section of the Dmitrovskoye Highway it will be necessary to reconstruct the route to the borders of the Moscow region (beyond the Moscow border it will be handled by Rosavtodor) and the existing highway interchange with the Moscow Ring Road.

We will complete the interchange on the Moscow Ring Road by mid-2014, during the construction process,” said Marat Khusnullin. - We are meeting the regulatory deadlines for construction, although we experienced a delay due to the relocation of a very large main gas pipeline. For a long time it took the approval and clearing of the territory from gas stations. We lost a lot of time because of this. But I repeat: we are building within the contract deadlines, we just wanted to finish earlier. But it turns out that we pass only one part twice as fast.

The second interchange opened at the intersection of the highway and the 3rd Nizhnelikhoborsky passage. Dmitrovka goes underground here; cars from the 3rd Nizhnelikhoborsky, which will be part of North-Western Expressway. - The construction of a 700-meter long tunnel has now been completed. This tunnel allows us to complete the construction of a pedestrian crossing and create a comfortable urban situation here at the entrance to the houses,” a representative of the contractor organization told S. Sobyanin. - Construction took 16 months compared to 46 planned.

Well, okay, let's go! - the acting Mayor ordered.

And construction equipment moved through the tunnel, followed by ordinary cars.

Road congestion in Moscow, the Moscow region and other Russian cities online.
Traffic jams in Moscow now on the Yandex map, places of accidents and places of road work.

Traffic jams in real time on the Yandex map in cities

Convenient viewing of city routes using Yandex traffic maps, monitoring highway congestion in Moscow, the Moscow region and any other city in Russia.
A clear understanding of the situation on city roads gives the driver the opportunity to bypass traffic jams and get to his destination in the most convenient time. short term. Yandex provides unique opportunity monitoring traffic congestion online in any locality. Using a map on your computer or phone monitor, you can find out about the traffic situation in your city at any time and determine a convenient route.

The maximum saving of travel time is the quality of the Yandex traffic jam service.

Traffic jams often steal precious minutes of time from car owners. Residents of megacities can manage to get into them several times a day, because the number of cars on the roads is large and every motorist, after purchasing a car, is unlikely to use another type of transport. With the Yandex traffic jam service on the map, a lot of time is saved, and the trip turns into an interesting journey without interference.

The virtual map helps to see in time all the obstacles on the way, the intensity of traffic congestion in Moscow, suburban areas. The uniqueness of the service is that it works around the clock, providing its users necessary information at any moment. There are constant updates of information about the congestion of any highway, so the risk of being stuck in a traffic jam due to outdated news is completely eliminated.

Convenient service navigation maps provides drivers vehicles a necessary tool that serves aid in the fight against congestion. The quality of Yandex service has been verified by many grateful motorists. A simple way to check your route makes the road safer and makes it possible to get to your final destination much faster.

Reducing gasoline consumption, time and nerves on the road using the Yandex traffic jam network service is most important in winter, when the passage of vehicles can be difficult due to snow.

Megacities such as Moscow are characterized by a high pace of life and movement. Road routes can become congested with heavy traffic, especially during rush hours when people are traveling to work or returning home. Just look at the traffic jams in Moscow now on the Yandex map to be aware of everyone latest events on the streets of this city. In addition to Moscow, all other cities are displayed on the map settlements and their areas.

Online road navigation simplifies the route and makes it easier for the taxi driver to deliver his passenger to the place quickly and comfortably. It is easy to use, anyone can open a browser, find a site with a Yandex map, view all road surfaces, and mark convenient routes. Among the advantages of this method of bypassing interference, it is worth noting the reduction in gasoline consumption, which is noticeably and uselessly spent when you get stuck in a traffic jam.

Online road maps are a useful tool for motorists. They provide invaluable assistance to every car owner in moving along city central roads. It is the central parts of the city that are most often subject to a large influx of traffic during the day and evening hours. An easy search for a free path online helps save time and realize larger number tasks assigned that day.

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