School crests. "school emblem"


Rodion Danilov

The last bell rang on May 23, and in the coming months, future students are preparing for admission. We have selected 15 global universities associated with the creative industries, where you could enter only for their corporate identity.

Kendall College of Art
and Design

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

College founding date: 1928

About the logo: Left side of the generative logo are stylized scribbles, and the right one is a strict abbreviation. 10–12 squiggles represent various directions college. The first version of the logo was invented by graphic design professor Ron Ricksen in 1988, and the Gray Matter Group agency took on improving the logo in collaboration with Kendall students, professors and alumni.

Aalto University

Helsinki, Finland

Date of foundation of the university: 2010

About the logo: It's hard to believe, but the logo we see was chosen during an open competition in which students, institute staff and alumni could participate. The winner was the generative logo of a graduate of the University of Design and Art in Helsinki, Rasmus Snabb, in which question marks, commas, quotation marks and ampersands can be inserted. Snabb explained his decision this way: “What determines the image of an educational institution? Discussions, assessments, changes."

About the university: How will the public react if three universities decide to unite “for the same goal?” Most likely skeptical. This is what happened when the Helsinki School of Economics, the University of Design and Art in Helsinki and the University of Technology decided to turn into one institution called Aalto University. The main goal of the university was to “reinvent” education in Europe, and they seem to have succeeded.

THNK, The Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership

Amsterdam, Netherlands

School founded: 2012

About the logo: The Dutch agency Lava used the “missing” i from the name of the school THNK and based the entire identity on this letter. The letters of the logo are constructed from the element developed by the agency, the letter O is easily obtained from it, and illustrations are simply created for various printed materials and the Internet. Behind the element is the corporate philosophy of the brand, which states that nothing can be done alone today.

MUD Dance Center

L'Aquila, Italy

Date of foundation of the school: 2013

About the logo: An incredibly fashionable logo with two asynchronously flying upward dots, most likely depicting dancers, is complemented by a website and photographs that can be immediately printed on posters. The creators of the corporate identity are Giudita and Augusto, co-founders of the design bureau The Clocksmiths.

About the school: The abbreviation of the Italian dance school MUD stands for Making Upward Dance. Everything is the same as in others dance schools: belly dance, hip-hop, tango and much more. But in what shell?

Let's Move! Active Schools

Project founding date: 2013

About the logo: A very American and energetic corporate identity and generative logo, in which you can add anything sporty, fun and healthy to the motivating Let’s. Wolff Olins' goal was to create a logo for a project that doesn't teach children, but engages them.

About the project: Yes, none of the readers will be able to enroll here, but we will allow ourselves such an exception. Let's Move! Active Schools is not a school at all, but it is directly related to education. In 2010, Michelle Obama launched a campaign to increase activity in schools to encourage children and parents to think about healthy eating and sports activities that do not interfere with basic learning. Two years later, Nike joined the president’s wife, and in 2013 it all grew into a big deal. educational project about a new approach to health in schools.

University of the Arts London

London, UK

Date of foundation of the university: 1986

About the school: The second largest university in Hanover is divided into six faculties: electrical engineering and information Technology, Mechanical and Bioengineering, Media, Information and Design, Business and Computer Science, and Health and Social Work.

Design Academy Eindhoven

Eindhoven, Netherlands

Date of foundation of the academy: 1947

About the logo: The sign, created by The Stone Twins, features three stripes of the letter E (Eindhoven), which are endlessly complemented by phrases from three words. It could be the boring but obligatory Design Academy Eindhoven, or it could be any slogan that a student or professor comes up with: Kiss the Future, Dare to Dream, Nothing is True, there are a great many options. Probably one of the most successful university logos for a student who dreams of asserting himself in any possible way.

About the academy: One of the most prestigious Dutch educational institutions. Three important components of the academy: 1. All courses, workshops and departments are autonomous. This means that each part of the academy is represented by professionals with their own methods. 2. All professors work simultaneously in famous companies, so students learn real skills and things that represent the spirit of the times. 3. Education is centered on people, and design is a service for the whole society.

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science
and Art

New York, USA

College founded: 1859

About the logo: For its 150th anniversary in 2009, Cooper Union not only opened a new building, but also rebranded it under Doyle Partners. The previous logo was a Fibonacci spiral, the new one is cuboid with multi-colored edges.

About the college: In 1830, American industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper was inspired by the famous French Polytechnic school for the training of engineers, founded by scientists Gaspard Monge and Lazare Carnot in 1794, and transferred the experience to the American continent, opening private college Cooper Union. Today it is one of the most prestigious colleges in New York, and throughout the country where it came from large number famous designers.

OCAD University

Toronto, Canada

Date of foundation of the university: 1876

About the logo: Fast Company named OCAD University, created by Bruce Mau Design, one of the best brands of 2011. It’s not for nothing that OCAD University Design continues the tradition of the generative logos of Academy Eindhoven and Croydon School of Art, which we wrote about above, with original grace: you can fit a photograph, a painting, a letter, in general, anything into a square. The logo is changed every year by a group of alumni. In addition, the geometry of the logo rhymes with the texture of a futuristic university building.

About the university: The largest art and design institution in Canada until 2007 had the status of a college, but when the name was changed, the abbreviation OCAD was left. Alsop Architects are responsible for the university building (which looks like something out of a sci-fi blockbuster).

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Glasgow, Scotland

Date of foundation of the conservatory: 1968 (1847)

About the logo: Some will see the old Russian font in the stripes of the abbreviation RCS, others will see the logo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Studio Stand, which handles identity throughout England, explains the stripes this way: “We needed to find a constant, a visual link between the disciplines that are studied at the conservatory. The connection was found in programs such as Logic, Final Cut Pro and GarageBand, which use tracks to display information." So Stand united all the courses that are available at the conservatory, presenting a metaphor for the main instruments that musicians, filmmakers and designers use today. The logo is both an abbreviation and a full-fledged sign.

About the conservatory: National Center vocational education in the field of art - this is what the Scots call the Conservatory. Roots educational institution go back to 1847.

Council of high school students under the leadership of art teacher Shibaylo N.G.

Council of high school students under the leadership of art teacher N.G. Shibaylo developed a project to create a school emblem. Our school has already existed for more than 10 years, and it did not have its own “Face.” We developed stages of work and successfully implemented them. We got the “Face” of the school with its traditions and successes. We are proud of our school, its students and teachers.



Municipal Educational Institution "Shelabolikhinskaya Secondary secondary school No. 1"

Creative project

"School emblem"

Completed by: students of the “Senior School Council” under the guidance

teachers fine arts

Shibaylo Nina Gennadievna.

Relevance : creation of a democratic way of life school life, where the child learns to implement his initiatives, plan and predict results, and analyze the results. In progress social activities civic activity is formed, responsibility not only for oneself, but also for comrades, for one’s business, for school.

Tasks: In the process of developing symbols, enhance students' motivation and interest. Provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their initiative, cooperation, independence, and participate in forecasting, organizing, execution, and analysis. educational process in a school state.

Target: creating a school logo.

Project selection and justification:

We love our school and its traditions very much. Our school cultivates kind, compassionate respectful attitude To native nature, to your homeland, to your home, to your parents, teachers, to your children.

At our school, teachers create conditions for creative activity, implement innovative technologies, the high authority of our teachers in the village is among parents and students, and our teachers are proud of the success of each student.

Our school is “First” in the area, but our school does not have its “face”, so the Council of High School Students was given a goal - to create a school emblemCouncil of high school students Written permission to work on Unanimous decision

Project from the school director S.V. Shilina of the Pedagogical Council

“Owl of High School Students” was divided into groups: “Seekers”, “Journalists”, “Designers”

Each group determined its goal for working on the project.

“Journalists” developed a questionnaire for school students and “launched” it by class

The group of “Journalists” invited teachers of the humanities to write an essay at the middle and senior levels on the topic: “How do we see the face of our school?”

From the analysis of essays we chose the most interesting sayings about school, best essay The essay of 11th grade student Alexandra Boychuk was recognized.

A group of “Designers” invited art teacher N.G. Shibaylo to draw the school emblem during art lessons

“What would they like to see on our school logo?”

This is what we got!

From individual elements a group of “Designers” put together a single emblem for the school

The main images are placed against a blue Globe background:

An open book of yellow color (sun, light) is a source of knowledge, wisdom, the school has a rich history;

A spitting boat with the current towards knowledge, new discoveries;

At the head is the Russian flag.

The Seekers group suggested

history teacher O.G. Zyukova to introduce students to the heraldry of historical cities of Russia

The guys learned about the meaning of images and colors.

Rational solution:

When developing the logo, we strictly followed the rules:

  1. The fewer elements, the easier it will be for others to remember;
  2. The emblem must carry information, convey characteristic features individual images, display the unique essence to whom it belongs.


Requirements for the design of the emblem:

When using sawn blanks, we proceeded from the rules of compositional construction.

Composition - arrangement various objects in space in combinations to achieve harmonious unity. One of the main rules when composing three-dimensional compositions is correct selection form-details, their meaning. Special attention When designing the emblem, we attached a color scheme, because color is one of the most powerful means of influencing the human psyche, it gives rise to emotions and influences mood, and color is perceived not only by sight, but also by hearing and touch.

When composing the composition, we were guided by three rules of color harmony:

Any color against a contrasting background becomes more saturated, and a combination of contrasting colors enhances the overall saturation,

The combination of some colors leads to a decrease in the feeling of saturation, this effect is greater the closer the colors are located in the spectrum,

Contrast increases if exists big difference in lightness (brightness) and saturation (purity) of colors.

Blue color (globe - background)

Yellow color (an open book is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, rich history schools)

Brown (boat under sailboat Russian flag- floating only with the flow towards new knowledge, discoveries)

We took into account reliability, durability, versatility, lightness, simplicity, maximum weight and dimensions, harmony, color scheme, lability.

Securely secured with reverse side loops that will be strung on nails.

Manufacturing technology. Finishing methods.

The delegation of the Council of High School Students walked around the school premises with the goal of determining a place for displaying the emblem.

The place has been chosen!

The 1st floor foyer, where ceremonial and work meetings are held, is clearly visible from the entrance to the school building and draws the attention of all guests who come to the school.

Project evaluation

Positive aspects: A beautiful, easy-to-remember emblem, it will definitely become important element internal design of the school and a symbol around which both teachers and students will be able to feel like a single and indestructible whole. The goal has been achieved, the school has gained a “face”

Economic costs:

  1. Fiberboard sheet-
  2. Acrylic paint (blue, yellow, red) - 40 rubles each. per jar
  3. Primer 1 b. - 38 rub.
  4. Brushes 3 pcs. - 20 rubles each.
  5. Rollers 3 pcs. - 12 rubles each.

Total spent:_________________

Who helped:

O.M.Ziborova teacher of Russian language and literature, class teacher of grade 7 “A”;

A.M. Yaroslavtseva, teacher of Russian language and literature, class teacher of 11th grade;

S.L. Maslakova teacher physical culture, class teacher of grade 7 “B”;

S.N. Cherepanov biology teacher, 8th grade class teacher;

E.V. Kondratenko teacher of Russian language and literature, class teacher of 9th grade

Emphasizing the features and highlighting the main achievements is the desire of any modern school. Creating an emblem for a school can become a symbolic reflection of the image of the educational institution and increase its rating and recognition among city residents.

How to draw emblems for school, what school emblems are there

School logos are a combination of basic signs that symbolize the achievements of the educational institution. To draw such a coat of arms, you should first think about the combination of colors.

The background of the logo should be light to make it easier to apply the main image. As a rule, the basis here is white, symbolizing a bright beginning, purity, knowledge, or blue as a sign of the sky. By selecting yellow, you can add energy and brightness to the overall picture. If the school has an environmental focus, the ideal background color would be green, a symbol of all living things. Gray will reflect calm and tranquility. The coat of arms on a black background is more difficult to depict, but following the hard way, you can get an emblem full of aristocracy and clear lines.

The shape of the emblem can be round, oval, rhombic or in the form of a carved trapezoid. This is only a matter of the artist’s imagination and aesthetics.

The school emblems are similar to each other in their patriotic orientation. This is one of the main criteria, because any self-respecting educational institution prioritizes nurturing love for the homeland the most important task education. Therefore, after the background, it is worth thinking about the image of the flag Russian Federation, in front of which will be the main signs of the future coat of arms. The flag can be minimized, wrapped around the bottom of the emblem with a ribbon, or occupy a large part of the overall plan.

The number of the school or gymnasium is usually indicated on the coat of arms. If an educational institution is named after a cultural and scientific figure, a schematic representation of a scientist is also possible. For example, the Lomonosov gymnasium can safely reflect a portrait of Mikhail Vasilyevich on its emblem.

School emblem symbols

When thinking over a logo for a school, you should be based primarily on its specialization. Thus, a school with a mathematical bias can depict numbers, logarithmic signs, parabolas and coordinate systems on its coat of arms. Schools with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​depict latin letters, inkwells, dictionaries, globes.

Children are often depicted on school emblems, because it is for their benefit that the educational institution operates. Another main sign is the academic cap - a symbol of knowledge. You can also depict a house that reflects the unity of the school and family hearth, or tree, associated with nature and caring for it.

Some schools with developed self-government have the name of a “country” and “republics” - committees that organize extracurricular activities. This name of the school simply must be included on the coat of arms, especially if the institution cooperates with other similar institutions.

In the center of the logo there may be an abbreviation with full name schools. The school motto is usually placed around the perimeter of the coat of arms. This short slogan should remind students of their responsibilities towards their alma mater.

The connection with the native land can become the basis of the image. For example, the symbol of Samara is the white wild goat, so this animal dominates the emblems for the city's schools. You can also use animals that do not belong to the region, but symbolize character traits. For example, a bear is strong, a lion is brave, a parrot is talkative (especially suitable for schools with a focus on foreign languages).

School logos are an integral part of educational institutions that keep up with the times. They can be drawn based on the focus of the school, the desire for patriotic education, the main tasks set by the teaching staff for the future.

In the year of the 5th anniversary, the school flag was adopted. First, a competition was announced among students for best sketch flag, the best sketch was approved by the Small Council of the school, a conference of active teachers and students and adopted on the 5th anniversary of the school - October 29, 1994.
It was decided to make the flag triangular, as the school symbolizes the unity of teachers, students and parents. The flag depicts a rainbow, since the school should be bright, memorable and beautiful, like a rainbow, the life of children and adults. Each color of the rainbow on the flag has its own explanation and meaning.

7 colors of the rainbow means 7 types of children's activities at school.

RED in the rainbow of school life is devoted to the most important thing - the perception of love for a person, for everything living, dear and close. This bright color draws attention to the program of education of morality, respect for the history and traditions of their native people.

ORANGE- warm orange The rainbow of school life symbolizes the warm relationship between the student and the teacher, mutual understanding and goodwill.

YELLOW- is one of the favorite flowers of the people, so it symbolizes the work to revive folk customs, rituals and holidays.

GREEN– the program corresponds to this color labor education. She opens great opportunities to develop students’ skills and abilities, familiarize them with labor activity and choice of profession.

BLUE- these are music classes and the plastic development of theater, which should be bright, joyful and happy for children.

BLUE is the sky and sea ​​wave, first spring flowers, bright childish eyes. Blue color indicates the program of humanities education, teaching native and foreign languages, education high culture. The blue color symbolizes everything that is necessary, like air, and surrounds everyone in everyday life and in nature...

PURPLE COLOR – a calm, reasonable color symbolizes the process of learning at school, gaining solid knowledge. Purple is the last color of the rainbow. He brings it into it intelligent component, which will acquire great value for children in their future.

School emblem

Description of the elements of the school emblem.

The background of the emblem is blue. The blue color is symbolic, like the corporate color of Rosatom, the color of school ink, and on the school flag blue denotes a program of liberal arts education, teaching native and foreign languages, education of high culture.

Rainbow.The rainbow image matches the school flag and symbolizes joy.

Rocket.A rocket is flight, growth, success, achieving goals, the desire for new knowledge and unknown spaces. The rocket reflects the activities of our city, an integral part of which is the city-forming enterprise “Instrument-Making Plant”.

The inscription on the rocket “Rosatom School”. The inscription reminds that in 2011 the school won the competition for schools implementing innovative development programs within the framework of the Rosatom Schools project.

Torch - tricolor .In the center of the emblem flutters a torch in the colors of the flag of our homeland - Russia, as a symbol of prosperity, constancy, light and moral and patriotic education.

Human.The person symbolizes the image of teachers, students and parents of the school.

Globe . A man holds the globe above his head in the rays of the sun - as a symbol of studying and understanding the world around him. The globe looks like a ball. Sports and recreational activities have been and remain a priority at the school, which has implemented the development program “School Promoting Health.”

Puzzles on the globe. Puzzles symbolize children's ingenuity, the desire for knowledge, and the development of imagination. Each puzzle depicts symbols of the school’s activities: lyre - artistic and aesthetic education, book - intellectual development, emblem Olympic Games– sporty – health work, green sprout – environmental and labor education.

Rays of the sun in the amount of 25 pieces. The sun's rays resemble a clock dial and symbolize the countdown of the school's history: the 25th anniversary year of the city's youngest school, the year the school's emblem was adopted.

Orbits with electrons around the earth. Orbits, electrons are a symbol of life, movement, the mystery of matter.

Asterisks.Stars are a symbol of success and achievements of school graduates.

Inscriptions around the circumference of the emblem . The inscription “MBOU “Secondary School No. 110” is the name of our educational institution. The inscription "Mr. Trekhgorny" means that our school is located in the city of Trekhgorny. The inscription “From success in school to success in life!” - this is the school motto.

Our principles

  • Continuity and complexity of education;
  • Psychological comfort, openness and tolerance;
  • Commitment of students, teachers and parents to the corporate values ​​of the school;
  • Union of pedagogical innovations of the school with the priorities of Russian and regional education;
  • Combination universal education With individual programs development;
  • Formation modern thinking and worldview, creative life position;
  • Merger educational subjects and programs into a single conceptual field, communicative environment;
  • Priority of creative and activity forms of education and leisure.

Our traditions

  • Active participation of parents in the decision key issues school development;
  • Approval of corporate symbols (anthem, emblem, motto);
  • General school holidays, reflecting the way of the school and creating a creative atmosphere, singing the anthem;
  • Staging original performances by students;
  • Cycle school competitions, quizzes, intellectual tournaments “Young Intellectuals of the Urals”;
  • Cooperation with cultural institutions, creative unions, public organizations;
  • Creative exam;
  • Odyssey of the Mind Club;
  • Scientific society high school students “Start to Science”;
  • Almanac "Beehive".


  • The motto of the school teachers is: “All children are ours.”

We are ready to do a lot for the sake of truth.

The secrets of the universe to open and understand.

A young heart beats under the roof of the school -

The thirst for knowledge and the desire for good cannot be appeased!

  • Create and you will become strong!

Behavior should be elevated, but not bizarre.

Thoughts should be subtle, but not petty.

The character must be balanced, but not weak-willed.

Manners should be well-mannered, but not cutesy.

Development trends

The student must be able to:

  • formulate your thoughts simply and accurately;
  • highlight the main and secondary;
  • summarize information;
  • self-organize for learning;
  • solve problems;
  • be able to think logically and critically;
  • work with information;
  • work independently;
  • work in a team;
  • apply knowledge in new conditions and adapt to them;
  • develop imagination and creativity.

Pedagogical projects

  • Collective creative activity “Family Day”;
  • Pedagogical valeology;
  • Schoolchildren socialization program;
  • Career guidance program;
  • Program “Human Adaptive Capabilities”;
  • Social project"Odyssey of the Mind";
  • Program "Theater Lessons";
  • Child's adaptation at school;
  • School library How information center;
  • System of library and bibliographic knowledge of students.

A little history

The first of September 1967. First ceremonial lineup- opening new school. Everyone was looking forward to this day. Together with builders and teachers, schoolchildren took part in the construction of a new school.

And now the school is ready to accept its future pets. She is as smart as all the guys. This academic year was special for the entire school team.

The first teachers of the new school were: Chusovitina E.V., Antonova A.A., Enns I.P., Tukeeva G.V., Yudina N.S., Kasatkina I.P., Makarova V.I., Stennikova A. .D., Eyfeld V.I., Shatunov V.K., Mosina A.P.

This team was headed by the director - Saenko G.S.

The first graduating class of the new building was the class of 1968, class teacher which was Enns Ivan Petrovich. First lessons, first A's and D's. I had to work a lot to direct school life in a single direction. This year the school turned 40 years old.

School symbols

“And a flag with hope for good luck,

and the coat of arms, as a symbol of nobility..."

V. Sergeev

State symbols are part of the history and culture of the country. Pride in one’s homeland, understanding of uniqueness and wealth cultural traditions play a huge role in the development of a child’s personality. Cities and schools create their own symbols and attributes. Every city, every school, creating its own flag, coat of arms, emblem, tries to fit something very dear to itself into a limited space. This is what the city and the school are proud of, what they want to be different from, what is dear to them, what they would like to preserve in the memory of posterity. School is small state, in which it seethes interesting life. Here the guys spend most of their lives and shape the way of school life. The main components of the way of life include traditions and lawmaking. It is in tradition that a sense of respect and pride in belonging to the school where children study is formed. School symbols and attributes are a special way of school life, they strengthen school traditions, this is love and respect for your school - unique and only.

School coat of arms School flag School emblem

On the heraldic shield are the main colors of the school flag.

The school's coat of arms is marked with special symbols.

Three fields are a window to the world,

trinity: teacher, student, parents and three fundamental principles, which are symbolized by the following signs:

Bee - hard work, mobility, high efficiency, efficiency.

The triangle is located with its apex up as the infinity of human improvement, the infinity of knowledge, the manifestation of competence.

Ray, star - highlighting uniqueness, stardom, talent, creativity.

The school flag is a symbol of unity among parents, teachers, and students.

The combination of white, blue, red is the main color palette.

White is the color of harmony and beauty, our thoughts, purity.

Blue - it has a thirst for truth, a thirst for knowledge, a desire to comprehend the mysteries of the universe.

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