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1. Economics at the profile level

Model high school provides for specialized training. Profile training is focused on creating opportunities to continue education in accordance with the interests of a high school student, his inclinations and the ability to decide on a future profession.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, specialized groups were organized in grades 10-11: physics, mathematics and socio-economics.

Information on the organization of specialized education in the 2014-2015 academic year in grades 10-11 is presented in Table 1.


Information about the organization of specialized training

in the 2014-2015 academic year

10th grade

Profile name

Share of total number 10th grade students


Physics and mathematics

11th grade

Profile name

Number of students covered by this profile

Share of the total number of 11th grade students


Physics and mathematics

Total for the school:

The subject "Economics" in the 2014-2015 academic year was taught according to curriculum for educational institutions: Fundamentals economic theory and a profile-level textbook by S.I. Ivanov “Economics” in 2 books in the amount of 2 hours 1 time per week for grades 10.11 of the socio-economic profile, 1 hour per week for students of grades 10-11 of the physics and mathematics profile. Elective courses“Main Issues of Economics” and “Main Sections of Economics” were taught for 1 hour per week for students in grades 10 and 11 with a socio-economic profile. The total number of hours for students in the socio-economic profile in 10th grade is 68 hours per year, in 11th grade -66 hours per year

To assess quality educational process in the subject of economics, the following indicators were used: average score in the subject, quality of training, academic performance, degree of training (DG). Monitoring the learning outcomes of students in the subject of economics shows that 100% of students master the subject, the quality of knowledge is characterized by a growth trend (from 92% to 100%),

Table 2

Average score


Academic performance


Physics and mathematics


Physics and mathematics

2. Economics section in the subject of social studies in preparation for the Unified State Exam as part of a specialized course in the 2014-2015 academic year

The Unified State Examination in social studies is a real integral exam: it includes five topics related to various sciences: economics, law, philosophy, sociology and political science. Each science has its own terminology, approaches to assessment and analysis.

The Unified State Examination in social studies is taken for many specialties - economics, law, public administration, architecture, customs, logistics and other humanitarian and socio-economic specialties.

To pass Unified State Exam in social studies you must have certain knowledge in the subject “economics”. In our school, teaching in this subject is carried out with the help of electronic textbook S.I. Ivanova. Fundamentals of economic theory, profile level, in 2 books, which the school acquired in the 2014 academic year. In the Economics section in the subject of social studies in the Unified State Exam, there are more and more questions relating to microeconomics: mechanisms of self-regulation of the market and competition, factors and costs of production, financial institutions. In addition, complex macroeconomic issues about government regulation of the economy, taxation, inflation and unemployment. All these and other topics are studied during the academic year in the 10th and 11th grades of the socio-economic profile. The subject of economics causes some difficulties for children school age when studying it. Therefore, the knowledge acquired during the learning process can be tested by passing electronic testing in the economics section in social studies in preparation for the Unified State Exam in grade 11, for example, selecting the section of interest on the topic covered on this website: . All school teachers working in specialized classes, use modern technologies training. Effective work of a teacher is impossible without modern Internet technologies, electronic textbooks, electronic testing and video lessons. It is modern Internet technologies that contribute to better assimilation of both theoretical and practical educational material in the classroom.

Information on the availability of training materials used in specialized training in the subject of economics.


Theoretical materials on economics. At the end of each document, tasks for consolidation from the collection "Typical exam options, social studies 2016". Author O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskova. When preparing the material, a social studies textbook was used, author Bogolyubov

"2.1 economics as a science"

2.1. Economics and economic science

Economy – 1) farming V in a broad sense this word, i.e. a set of natural and anthropogenic means, objects and processes used by people to ensure conditions of existence and meet their needs (an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of people and society by creating and using the necessary goods of life);

2) economic relations that arise between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual goods and services at a particular historical period of time;

3) science, which studies the economy and related human activities aimed at ensuring vital needs individual members and society as a whole.

    Economy as a management system (social production)

Economy - This is an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of the needs of people and society through the creation and use of necessary goods.

Economic activity:

1) Production(the process of creating economic goods and services), which is divided into

- material production (production of material goods and material services - transport, trade, utilities and consumer services)

- immaterial production(production of intangible goods and intangible services - education, healthcare, etc.)

Economic activity is necessary in order to transform resources into the necessary economic benefits - goods and services that satisfy one or another human need.

Product- a product of labor produced for sale on the market.

Service– economic activity that brings satisfaction personal needs population and society as a whole.

The production of tangible and intangible services is called service sector.

Spheres of the economy:

1) Production – the process of creating tangible and intangible goods (goods and services)

2) Distribution- division of a product or income between those involved in its production.

3) Exchange- a process in which money or another product is received instead of a product.

4) Consumption– stage of use (durable goods) or destruction (food) of the product.

The main problem of the economy – meeting the unlimited (constantly growing) needs of people through limited resources. Need– the need for something to maintain and develop the life of the individual and society as a whole.

Scarcity is the insufficiency of the volume of available resources of all types to produce the amount of goods that people would like to receive.

Economic benefits- means necessary to satisfy people's needs and available to society in limited quantities. Resources are needed to create economic benefits.

Free benefits in economic theory, these are goods that for consumption do not require the renunciation of other goods and can be consumed in unlimited quantities. For example: air, sea ​​water

Resources– a quantitative measure of the possibility of performing any activity; conditions that make it possible to obtain the desired result using certain transformations.

Resources that are involved in the production of goods and services are calledfactors of production .

Under economic activity imply a set of actions on various levels management, which are aimed at meeting the needs of the people of society. Such actions are carried out through constant production and exchange of services and goods between people

    Economics as a Science

Economics is a science about the economy, ways of running and managing it, relationships between people in the process of production and exchange of goods, patterns of economic processes.

Main stages in the development of economic science

The main tasks of economic science: finding ways to effectively manage the economy; search for optimal mechanisms for using resources in conditions of their limitation and limitless needs. Subject of research: economic relations, connections and interdependencies that arise in the process of economic development with the production of goods and services.

Levels of economics as a science:

    Microeconomics (small)– the science of consumers, firms and individual industries, examines the problems of limited resources, choice, opportunity cost, price, changes in demand and supply of individual goods in individual markets, etc.

    Macroeconomics (long, large)– the science of the economy as a whole, the economic health of the country and the world, examines the problems of unemployment and employment, increasing production volumes, economic growth, overcoming inflation, etc.

    International economics– the subject of her research may be international trade, international monetary relations, etc.

Hint words





studying models of stock market functioning

analysis of factors in the formation of money supply

identifying patterns of demand formation

research into network marketing principles


Opening a store (pharmacy)

provision of educational services to the population development of mobile communication networks

production of large quantities of passenger cars

provision of medical services to the population

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“2.10 types and causes of inflation”

2.10. Types, causes and consequences of inflation

Inflation – the process of depreciation of money, which manifests itself in the form of long-term increases in prices for goods and services. In other words, it occurs when the money supply increases significantly, but the quantity of goods and services does not increase

Causes of inflation: excessive growth in military spending; state budget deficit and growth of domestic public debt (covering the budget deficit through borrowing on the money market); credit expansion of the bank to the Russian government (providing loans); inflationary expectations of the population and producers (expressed in the fact that the purchase of goods occurs in excess of the necessary needs due to fear of rising prices).

Types of inflation

* Demand inflation: the balance of supply and demand is disrupted by the demand side. Occurs at full employment, when wages increase, excess aggregate demand appears, which pushes prices up. To overcome this, government intervention is necessary.

* Supply (cost) inflation: An increase in production costs (due to rising wages and due to rising prices for raw materials and energy) causes an increase in prices for goods and services. A decrease in supply leads to a reduction in production and employment, i.e., to a recession and further reduction in spending and a gradual recovery from the crisis. Factors in supply-side inflation can include high taxes, high interest rates on capital, and rising prices on world markets. In the latter case, imported raw materials and, accordingly, domestic products become more expensive.

* Stagflation: inflation, accompanied by stagnation of production, high unemployment and a simultaneous increase in the price level.

Classification of types of inflation

1. By the nature of the course: open (characterized by a prolonged increase in prices for goods and services); hidden (suppressed; occurs with constant retail prices for goods and services and a simultaneous increase in the monetary income of the population), characterized by a shortage of goods while restraining price increases, open, manifested when prices rise.

2. Depending on the rate of price growth:

Moderate (creeping; prices rise at a moderate pace and gradually, up to 10% per year);

Galloping (rapid price growth of approximately 50% per year);

Hyperinflation (extra-high price increases of up to 100% per year or more).

Consequences of inflation

* For the production sector: decline in employment, disruption of the entire system of economic regulation; depreciation of the entire accumulation fund; loan impairment

* When distributing income:

a) redistribution of income by increasing the income of those who pay fixed interest debts and reducing the income of their creditors (governments that have accumulated significant national debt, often pursue a policy of short-term inflation stimulation, which contributes to debt depreciation);

b) negative impact on the population with fixed incomes that are depreciating;

c) depreciation of household income, which leads to a reduction in current consumption; d) determining real income no longer by the amount of money a person receives as income, but by the number of goods and services that he can buy;

e) reduction in the purchasing power of the monetary unit. Thanks to inflation, “imaginary” income arises, which may not enter the financial system.

* For economic relations: business owners do not know what price to put on their products; consumers do not know what price is justified and what products are more profitable to buy first; suppliers of raw materials prefer to receive real goods rather than rapidly depreciating money, barter begins to flourish; Lenders avoid lending. Distorts all main economic indicators: GDP, profitability, interest, etc.; the rise in prices is accompanied by a fall in the exchange rate of the national currency.

* For the money supply: money loses its value and ceases to serve as a measure of value and a medium of exchange, which leads to financial collapse. All cash reserves (deposits, loans, account balances, etc.) depreciate. Securities also depreciate. The problems of issuing money are sharply aggravated;

Types of anti-inflationary policies

– adaptation measures (adjustment to inflation) – income indexation, control over price levels;

– liquidation (anti-inflation) measures – active reduction of inflation through economic recession and rising unemployment.

If these measures do not help, then the state will be forced to carry out monetary reform– a complete or partial change in the country’s monetary system.

Methods of monetary reform:

Deflation (reduction of the money supply by removing excess banknotes from circulation);

Denomination (enlargement of a monetary unit through exchange in a certain proportion old banknotes to new ones);

Devaluation (a decrease in the gold content of a monetary unit (under the gold standard) or a decrease in its exchange rate in relation to foreign currencies);

Revaluation (increase in the gold content or exchange rate of the state currency);

Nullification (declaring old depreciated banknotes invalid, or organizing their exchange at a very low rate).

Reinforcement of topic 2.10 “Inflation”

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“2.11 economic growth. concept of gdp"

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“2.12 the role of the state in the economy”

2.12. The role of the state in the economy (grade 11, paragraph 7)

Economic policy state is the process of implementing its economic functions through a variety of government measures to influence economic processes to achieve certain goals.

Goals of the state in a market economy:

    Will provide economic growth

    Create conditions for economic freedom (the right of economic entities to choose the form and scope of economic activity, methods of its implementation and use of income from it)

    Ensure economic security and economic efficiency (the ability of the entire economy to receive maximum result from the limited resources available

    Ensure full employment (everyone who can and wants to work should have a job)

    Provide assistance to those who cannot fully provide for themselves

Functions of the state

    Economic stabilization

    Protection of property rights (we will study in the law section)

    Regulation of money circulation

    Redistribution of income (separate topic)

    Regulation of relations between employers and employees (section of law)

    Control over foreign economic activity (separate topic)

    Production of public goods

    Compensation externalities

Let's take a closer look at the last function.

Public goods – These are goods and services provided by the government on an equal basis. For example: visiting parks, libraries, education, healthcare, etc. These benefits are equally available to everyone and there is no charge for using them.

The production of public goods is undertaken by the state; the state collects funds for production from citizens in the form of taxes (taxes are a separate topic)

The role of the state is also significant in those areas in which exclusively private enterprises operate. State intervention in these areas is caused by the problem external (side) effects.

External effects – costs and benefits associated with the production or consumption of goods for third parties.

There are negative and positive external effects.

Negative effects arise when costs arise for third parties who are not involved in production. Positive – if these individuals benefit.

For example:

Let’s imagine a wood processing plant on the bank of a river (the first person is the manufacturer, the second person is the one who buys their goods), which pollutes the river with waste. This is an example of a negative production externality for the population (third party) living along the river. Remember (Petrovskaya gas tower). Who will help the population cope with the negative consequences of production? The state is forced to incur additional costs for water purification, maintaining people's health, etc. It compensates for the side effects of the plant's activities.

An example of a positive externality is the activity of a military plant. In an effort to provide such a public service to the population as defense capability (for which the consumer pays taxes), manufacturers contribute to scientific and technological progress, the results of which we all benefit from.

Compensation for external effects – important function states in a market economy.

Now let's talk about such a function as “monetary regulation”

To ensure the stabilization of the economy, the state carries out fiscal (fiscal) and monetary policies (monetary).

Monetary policy

Monetary policy means control of the money supply in the economy. Its goal is to support stable economic development.

The conductor of the state's monetary policy is the Central Bank (repeat topic 2.6.).

The Central Bank lends funds to commercial banks, and they issue funds to their clients for a fee called “loan interest.”

Discount interest rate - the rate of interest at which the central bank lends to commercial banks. By raising or lowering the discount rate, the central bank makes credit expensive or cheap.

If loans become expensive (the Central Bank increased the discount rate), then the number of people willing to take them decreases. This results in less money in circulation and helps reduce inflation (inflation occurs when the money supply exceeds the amount of goods and services produced).

By raising the interest rate and making credit cheap, the state increases the number of borrowers, stimulating their economic activity, which contributes to an increase in production.

Budgetary and tax (fiscal) policy

The activities of the state in the field of taxation, regulation of public expenditures and the state budget are called fiscal policy.

We will study this topic separately (2.14)


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"2.13 taxes"

2.13 Taxes

Taxes – these are mandatory payments from individuals and legal entities to the state

Individuals – creating material and intangible benefits directly through their labor and receiving income

Legal entities – economic entities

Functions of taxes

    Fiscal – to ensure financing of government spending on

B) country defense

B) and the sphere that cannot provide for itself: education, healthcare ( public goods)

2. distributive - redistribution of income between different social strata in order to smooth out income inequality (pensions, subsidies, subsidies, etc.)

    Stimulating – a) stimulating the development of scientific and technological revolution,

B) an increase in the number of jobs

C) capital investments in expanding production through the use of preferential taxation

    Social and educational – curbing the consumption of unhealthy products by imposing increased taxes on them

    Specific accounting – recording the income of citizens, enterprises and organizations

Basic principles of taxation

    Uniformity means uniformity of rules and uniformity of approach to taxpayers

    Certainty – clarity and immutability of tax rules

    One-time use – each income should be taxed only once

Types of taxes

1.straight - mandatory payments levied by the state on the income or property of individuals and legal entities (explicitly)

A) income tax

B) corporate income tax

C) property tax, real estate, gift, inheritance

2.indirect – are established in the form of surcharges on the price of goods or services (paid unnoticed when performing certain actions, for example: purchasing goods, currency exchange)

A) excise taxes

B) sales tax

Customs duties

Export tax

Partial value added tax

Taxes paid by enterprises (grade 11, p. 50) tax from the company –income tax. In most cases, this tax is 35% of gross profits.

There are tax benefits, allowing the government to stimulate actions beneficial to society: part of the profit that is used for investment in the development of production is partially exempt from tax, scientific research etc..

Profit received from the production and sale of agricultural products is not subject to taxation

2.indirect tax from the company –value added tax (VAT).

Value added tax is levied on the increase in the value of a product, which is created at all stages of its production as the product moves to the final consumer.

3.payments to various extra-budgetary funds: pension, social insurance, compulsory health insurance

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"2.2. factors of production"

2.2. Factors of production and factor income (grade 11 p. 43)

Firm is a commercial organization that spends economic resources to produce goods and services sold on the market for the purpose of making a profit

Main goal firms: making a profit.

What does it depend on:

    Rational choice of the type and volume of goods produced

    Production technology

    Skillful combination and use of production resources

    Competent management of the production process and sales finished products on the market

Production process – transformation of economic resources (factors of production) into goods and services.

Factors of production – These are the main groups of resources that are used in the production process.

Main factors: labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial ability

Under earth as a factor production, refers to all natural resources. This factor includes the following elements of nature:
agricultural land;
waters of oceans and seas, lakes, rivers, as well as groundwater;
chemical elements earth's crust, called minerals;
atmosphere, atmospheric and natural-climatic phenomena and processes;
cosmic phenomena and processes;

Work - is a human activity aimed at transforming the substances of nature to satisfy their needs. Labor as a factor of production refers to any mental and physical effort exerted by people in the process economic activity.

Capital- a set of goods, property, assets used to make a profit.

Physical capital - means of production created by people to produce goods and services. For example: equipment

Under monetary or financial capital understand money

with the help of which physical capital is acquired.

The direction of material and monetary resources into the economy, into production, is also called capital investments or investments.

Entrepreneurial skills – these are the organizational and managerial efforts of the entrepreneur to ensure that in the best possible way use available production resources (factors of production)

Limited resources insufficient volume of available resources of all types to produce the amount of goods that people would like to receive.

Factors of production = economic resources: 1) work(the activity of people producing goods and services by using their physical and mental capabilities); 2) Earth(all types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of economic benefits); 3) capital(production building, machines, tools). No less important is another factor that connects all the others, 4) entrepreneurial skills.

Factor income – remuneration for factors of production.

1) labor - wages;

2) earth - rent(income of someone who owns land);

3) capital - percent(payment for using other people's money);

4) entrepreneurial abilities - profit.

Rent- income regularly received by the owner from the use of land, property, capital, which does not require the recipient of the income to carry out entrepreneurial activity, the cost of additional effort.

Loan capital– temporarily available funds provided as a loan on the terms of repayment and payment.

Percent 1) credit interest(loan interest) - the fee that the borrower must pay for using a loan, money or material assets; 2) deposit interest– payment to a bank depositor for providing the bank with money on a deposit for a certain period.

Economic and accounting costs and profits

Production costs – These are the costs of the manufacturer (firm owner) for the acquisition and use of production factors.

Production costs are divided into internal (or implicit) costs and external costs

Internal (implicit) costs – These are the costs of resources belonging to the owner of the company. For example, the premises in which the company is located are the property of its owner, which means that the owner will not pay rent.

External costs – This is payment for factors of production that are not the property of the owner of the company. These include costs of raw materials, energy, labor, etc. They are called Accounting or explicit costs, since they are reflected in accounting documents.

Economic costs – include external and internal costs

Economic profit – it is the difference between a firm's total revenue and economic costs.

Accounting profit – is the difference between total revenue and accounting costs

2.5. Fixed and variable costs (grade 11 p. 49)

Fixed costs- this is that part of total costs that does not depend on at the moment time from the volume of output.

For example: rent, building maintenance costs, public utilities.

Variable costs- this is that part of the total costs, the value of which for a given period of time is directly dependent on the volume of production and sales of products.

For example: costs of purchasing raw materials, wages, energy, fuel, transportation costs, packaging costs.

Variable costs increase as production volume increases and decrease as production volume decreases.

Consolidation “Factors of production”, “Fixed and variable costs”

way of regulating economic life, human activities both companies and type of property for economic resources

Criteria for identifying economic systems: form of ownership of the means of production (private, collective, state); the method of coordinating and managing economic activity is market, planned.

Elements of the economic system

    Production of goods and services with their subsequent distribution, exchange, consumption and redistribution.

    Solution of the main economic issues: what and how to produce, on what basis to distribute the created national product.

    Differences in their fundamentals: forms of ownership; economic mechanism.

    The existence of diverse models of economic development of individual countries and regions.

Types of economic systems and their characteristics

  1. Traditional economic - way of organizing economic life, in which land and capitalare in common ownership , and limited resourcesdistributed in accordance with long-standing traditions and customs

Traditional economic system based on joint (collective) communal ownership of the main resource for this system - land.

Characteristic features of traditional economies: poor development of technology and production technologies; large share manual labor in all sectors of the economy; an insignificant role in the traditional economy of entrepreneurship, including small ones, with a constant increase in the scale of activity of large divisions; the predominance of traditions and customs in all aspects of society.

Subsistence farming- This is a farm in which everything is produced not for sale, but for one’s own consumption. The exchange is random in nature. The conditions for exchange between subjects are economic isolation, i.e. each subject has the right to exchange only the product that belongs to it;

    Command (command-administrative, centralized, planned, directive, state) economic system is a way of organizing economic life in which capital and land are owned by the state, and distribution limited resources carried out according to the instructions (directives) of centralized authorities and in accordance with plans.

It is characterized by state ownership of almost all material resources and collective acceptance economic decisions through centralized economic (directive) planning.

At the same time most land and capital belong to the state, economic power is centralized, the main economic entity is the state, the market does not function as an economic regulator, prices for most goods are set by the government. Another characteristic: shortage of goods, low technology

    Market economy of free competition- this is an economy in which private property dominates, economic activity is carried out by economic entities at their own expense, and all major decisions are made by them at their own peril and risk.

Characterized by :

-private property on resources and the use of markets and prices to coordinate and manage economic activity;

-inequality in wealth distribution;

-decentralization of economic power;

The function of an economic regulator is performed by market system,

In the behavior of economic entities, personal interest dominates over general interest;

--freedom of entrepreneurial choice;

- competition;

-limited role of the state and others.

4. Mixed economic system

Most modern developed countries have a mixed economy, combining elements of all three types.

Mixed economy is an economy in which both government and private decisions determine the structure of resource distribution; in society, along with private property, there is state property; the economic system is managed and coordinated not only by the market system, but also by the state.

The state carries out antimonopoly, social, fiscal (tax) and other types of economic policies, which to one degree or another contributes to economic growth country and improving the living standards of the population.

Each system is characterized by its own national models of economic organization, since countries differ in their unique history, level of economic development, social and national characteristics.

Nationalization– transition of private property to state property

Privatization– transition of state property to private


Unified State Exam 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Economy. Sociology. Korolkova E.S., Rutkovskaya E.L.

M.: 2017. - 144 p.

The manual for preparing for the Unified State Exam contains typical exam assignments, comments on them and recommendations on topics related to two sections of social science - “Economics” and “Sociology”. Comments on assignments take into account numerous difficulties and typical mistakes made by students during the exam. There are a lot of tasks in the manual Unified State Exam levels for independent work. Answers and assessment criteria are provided for all tasks.

Format: pdf

Size: 2.4 MB

Watch, download:

Brief description of the sections of Codifier 6
Economics 6
Sociology 7
Tasks of the sections “Economics” and “Sociology” in the structure of the examination paper 9
Typical mistakes when doing exam work 14
Preparing for the exam: what to pay attention to 24
What to use when preparing for the exam 36
Content line “Economy” 39
Training tasks 39
Quests Unified State Exam format 51
Part 2 tasks 69
Content line “Sociology” 74
Training tasks 74
Unified State Exam 88 format tasks
Tasks part 2 113
Content line “Economy” 119
Training tasks 119
Unified State Exam 120 format tasks
Part 2 tasks 120
Content line “Sociology” 130
Training tasks 130
Unified State Exam 131 format tasks
Part 2 tasks 132

Here is a workshop on preparing for the Unified state exam in social studies.
Workshop materials include test tasks on two content lines of the social science course: economics and sociology. With their help, you will get acquainted with the content of the tested social science knowledge and subject skills, learn about typical mistakes made by graduates, the reasons for these mistakes, and find an analysis of tasks that cause problems when completing them.
The manual takes into account the typology of tasks that are included in the examination paper in social studies and reflects all their types. In addition, the manual contains tasks of such models and varieties that current model exams are not included. These are tasks with the choice of one correct answer and tasks for the analysis of two judgments. The purpose of these tasks in the book is educational and training. With their help, you will learn to understand from which elementary components the correct answer is built in a more difficult tasks submitted for examination. The correct answer in such tasks is, as a rule, an elementary component: one characteristic, one manifestation, one sign from the complex that forms the qualitative certainty social concept or phenomenon (process). And it is precisely tasks with one correct answer that help these elementary “first bricks” to be presented and learned.
The materials of the workshop are collected in two sections: “Economics” and “Sociology”. Each section contains large number assignments for independent work.
All tasks in the book have short or extended answers. They will teach you how to format your answers. Correct, competent formatting of answers minimizes the possibility of misinterpretation and facilitates the work of checking experts.

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Cultural studies

History of world culture

Edited by Professor A.N. Markova

Second edition, revised and expanded

higher educational institutions

Moscow 2000

BBK 63.3(0)-7ya73 K90

All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute

Rector Academician AN. Romanov Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council Prof. D.M. Dayitbegov


Department of Philosophy, Religion and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova and Dr. Philosopher. science prof. N.N. Nikitina

Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili

Culturology. History of world culture: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.N. Markova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY, 2000. - 600 p.; ill. color

ISBN 5-85178-043-6.

This is a revised and significantly expanded reissue of the famous textbook (1st ed. - UNITY, 1995). Culture is analyzed as a complex multi-level system,

including various areas - art, science, religion, material culture,

customs and morals of peoples. The culture of the leading regions of the world is considered (Europe,

East, America) and leading countries of different eras(primitive world. Ancient world,

Middle Ages, New And Modern times); trend analysis is provided cultural development regions and brief description features of the course of these processes in stages.

The edition is illustrated.

For university students, college and school students, as well as for all readers interested in the history of world culture.

BBK 63.3(0)-7я73

ISBN 5-85178-043-6

IN Higher schools in Russia require discipline for students of all specialties“Culturology” (“History of world culture”).

Cultural studies plays a huge role in the spiritual progress of society. The future specialist must understand and be able to explain the phenomenon of culture, its role in human life, know the forms and types of cultures, the main achievements in the development of culture in the leading countries of the world, know the history of Russian culture, its place in the system of world civilization, and be able to evaluate cultural achievements.

Textbook “Culturology. History of world culture" introduces students to the basics of cultural studies, key issues in the history of culture of various countries - from primitive society until today. The material is presented according to the main stages of cultural development (Primitive era and Ancient world, Middle Ages, Modern times, Contemporary times), which gives an idea of ​​the progressive movement of world civilization and the increasing level of material and spiritual culture of mankind.

IN The textbook covers the key issues of the history and theory of culture, its types and forms, reveals social functions cultures, the main cultural and historical centers and civilizations of the world, as well as the creativity of the largest representatives of various schools and trends in culture.

IN Unlike the previous edition, the textbook has been significantly expanded - the countries of the East and the civilizations of the New World are included, Arab East, Byzantium, cultural development analyzed XX century.

During its existence human society in the field of culture such colossal baggage has been accumulated, such huge number representatives of literature, music, architecture, and fine arts, that even despite the impressive volume of the textbook it was not possible to include all the names.

The textbook was prepared by the team of the Department of History of Economics, Politics and Culture of the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute (VZFEI).

Candidate of Economic Sciences F. O. Aisina - chapters 25, 28; Ch. 29 (section “Science and Education”).

Teacher I. A. Andreeva - chapters 10, 20, 21.

Candidate of Historical Sciences S.D. Borodina - chapters 2, 22, list of references.

Candidate of Historical Sciences N. O. Voskresenskaya- chapters 3, 4, 6, 16. Candidate of Historical Sciences. S. Kvasov - chapters 11, 12, 27. Senior teacher E. A. Kozlova - chapter 23.

Candidate of Historical Sciences N. S. Krivtsova - chapter 5. Doctor of Economic Sciences. N. Markova - chapters 15, 23. Senior Lecturer E. M. Murashova - chapters 7, 8. Doctor of PhilosophyL. A. Nikitich - chapter 27. Candidate of Historical SciencesV. E. Nosov - chapters 1,26, 29.

Candidate of Historical Sciences E. M. Skvortsova - chapters 9, 13, 17,18, 19. Candidate of Historical Sciences Yu. I. Topalova - chapters 14, 24. Candidate of Historical SciencesR. M. Chernykh - chapter 13.

Executive editor professor, laureate State Prize A. N. Markova





Chapter 2

2.1. Periodization of primitiveness

2.2. Features of primitive art

2.3. Early forms beliefs


3.1. Ancient Egypt

3.2. Hellenistic Egypt. Egypt-

roman province



4.1. Settlement of Mesopotamia

4.2. Sumerian-Akkadian culture

4.3. Culture of the Old Babylonian Kingdom

4.4. Culture of Assyria

4.5. Culture of Sasanian Iran


5.1. Ancient India

5.2. Magadho-Mauri era

5.3. Kushano-Gupta period


6.1. Philosophical and religious systems of China

6.2. Standards of everyday life

6.3. Development of science, literature and art


7.1. Preclassical period

7.2. Classical period

7.3. Hellenistic culture


8.1. Etruscan culture

8.2. Tsarist period

8.3. Republic period

8.4. Empire period


9.1. Veles's book

9.2. Cosmogonic ideas of the ancient Slavs

9.3. Rituals and customs of the ancient Slavs

9.4. Writing of the ancient Slavs


10.1 Tribal culture of North America

10.2. Worldview of North American Indians

10.3. Myths and Legends of North America




11.1. General characteristics Early Middle Ages

11.2. The influence of religion on cultural life



12.1. New worldview

12.2. Italian Renaissance

12.3. Northern Renaissance



15.1. Features of the historical development of Byzantium

15.2. State system of Byzantium

15.3. Early Middle Ages

15.4. Macedonian dynasty and dynasty period


15.5. Age of Palaiologos


19.1 Age of Yamato Kings

19.2. Heian era

19.3. The era of the shogunate


23.1. The main processes and directions of social

24.2. Formation of Russian national culture 444

27.1. Industrial civilization and problems


27.2. 20th century and new forms of art

27.3. Western European literature of the 20th century.

27.4. European theater in the 20th century

27.5. Architecture, music, cinema


28.1. Cultural transformations in the 20-30s.

28.2. Features of cultural processes in the 40s.

28.3. Culture in the 50-90s.


29.1. Philosophical and religious views

the formation and development of cultural interests and needs of people, their participation in the increase, preservation and transmission of cultural values.

Object of cultural studies are cultural aspects various areas public life, identification of features and achievements of the main cultural and historical types, analysis of trends and processes in the modern sociocultural environment.

IN the development of cultural theories contributes to different scientific directions: anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy and history. But highlighting the specifics of the subject and the object of study of cultural studies allows us to draw a line between them. Culturology emphasizes the content side joint activities and people's lives, and this distinguishes it from sociology. What distinguishes cultural studies from natural science is its attention to artificial objects and processes. And if social philosophy can be represented as a science about the meaning of individual and social existence, and history as a theory about event-activity content of social existence, then cultural studies is occupied with specific historical forms of this existence, which imply both the formative elements of a cultural-historical type, and the content of systems of values ​​and technologies of activity that regulate and organize these types.

IN the formation of cultural studies as a field scientific knowledge It is customary to distinguish the following periods:ethnographic (1800-1860),

evolutionist(1860-1895), historical (1895-1925). During these periods, knowledge was accumulated, ideas about the subject were formed, and initial foundations and key categories were identified. Research at this time was mainly academic in nature. But starting from the second half of the 20th century. the situation is changing. The pragmatic value of knowledge about the origins of the general and the special, the stable and the changing becomes obvious

V culture. This knowledge is beginning to be in demand and applied in a variety of areas - in practice mass communication, diplomacy, military affairs, etc.

The concept of culture is central to cultural studies. In his modern meaning it entered the circulation of European social thought from the second half of the XVIII c., although

the idea of ​​culture arose much earlier.

The word "culture" comes from the Latin meaning cultivation

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