Sokolskoye is the pearl of Russia. Sokolsky district (Nizhny Novgorod region)

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Upon entering the area

Location of the area

Sokolsky district is located on the left bank of the Volga River in the Unzhenskaya lowland in the forest zone. The regional center is the village of Sokolskoye. The distance from the regional center is 160 kilometers. The region borders in the north with the Makaryevsky district of the Kostroma region, in the south with the Gorodets district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the east with Koverninsky, and in the west it is washed by the waters of the Gorky reservoir.

There are 243 settlements on the territory of the Sokolsky district. The largest settlement is Sokolskoye, which by its status is a working village.

The area of ​​the district is 2096 km².

History of the founding of the district

Before the transformation of the provinces into regions, Sokolskoye was part of the Kostroma province. In 1917, Sokolsky volost was transferred from Makaryevsky district to Koverninsky district, and in 1922 - to Yuryevetsky district. Since January 1929 (together with the province) Sokolskoye became part of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk region, renamed in March 1929 to the Ivanovo industrial region. Since April 1929 - as part of the Kostroma district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region. On January 25, 1935, the Sokolsky district was formed in the Ivanovo industrial region. Since 1936, the district has been part of the Ivanovo region. However, after the Gorky Reservoir was filled, communication with regional center has become difficult to access. In most cases, one had to travel to it by car through Gorodets. That's why local population sought to annex the region to the Nizhny Novgorod region.

  • Dmitrievsky village council, Letnebazovo village council, Pelegovsky village council, Pushkarevsky village council are united into Volzhsky village council.
  • Berezovsky village council, Garsky village council, Georgievsky village council, Dresvishchinsky village council, Zabolotnovsky village council are united into Loima village council.
  • Korenevsky village council, Kuznetsovsky village council, Murzinsky village council, Pudovsky village council are united into Mezhdurechensky village council.

In addition, the district as a separate municipality included working village of Sokolskoye.

Structure of the land fund

Soddy-podzolic soils predominate in the Sokolsky region. Soddy-podzolic soils have an acidic reaction environment, fairly high hydrolytic and exchange acidity, and low base saturation. To combat acidic reaction The addition of carbonated lime to the soil is widely used. Great value has the use of nitrogen and phosphorus, and in some places - potassium fertilizers.

No. Land name Total, ha In % to total area
1 Arable land 40 943 20
2 Perennial plantings 211 0,1
3 Haymaking 5842 2,8
4 pastures 5848 2,8
5 Total farmland 52 844 25,8
6 Collective and individual gardening and horticulture 108 0,1
7 Lands of private farms 4152 2,0
8 Forests 109147 53,2
9 Shrubs 196 0,1
10 Swamps 2516 1,2
11 Underwater 30 605 14,9
12 Lands under reclamation construction 19 0,01
13 Squares, streets, alleys, roads 2623 1,3
14 Under buildings 1976 1,0
15 Broken Lands - -
16 Others 1002 0,5
TOTAL 205 188 100,0


The population of the region as of January 1, 2003 is 16,600 people, density is 8 people per km². The district center is home to 41% of the total population (6.8 thousand people).

Resource potential

Carbonate rocks for lime flour, crushed stone.

The Babievskoe limestone deposit is located near the villages of Bolshoye and Maloye Babie on the right and left banks of the Loymina River. The average thickness of the useful thickness to the groundwater level is 3.10 meters, full power limestone reaches 47 meters. Periodically, the Babevskoye deposit was mined for its own needs. There are no prospects for identifying new deposits of carbonate rocks at the current level of subsurface exploration in the area.

Molding sands

There are two known deposits of molding sands (Sokolskoye-I and Sokolskoye-II) in the region. The approximate reserves of the Sokolskoye-1 deposit on an area of ​​30 hectares are 900,000 tons. The approximate reserves of the Sokolskoye-ll deposit on an area of ​​12.5 hectares are 1,048,000 tons.

Sand and gravel mixture

There are two known deposits of sand and gravel material in the region - Kudrinskoye and Yamnovskoye. The useful thickness is represented by different-grained quartz sands with a random content of gravel and boulders.

Construction sands

Sands suitable for use for various construction purposes are widely developed in the region. There are two assessed small deposits known - Safronova Pozhnya-l and Safronova Pozhnya-ll in the north of the region. The sands of these deposits are suitable for constructing foundations and pavements for highways, asphalt mixtures, plaster mortars, etc. In the area of ​​the Sokolsky district, production construction sands is carried out on unexplored, even unappreciated deposits.

Brick clays

Deposits of brick clays are known on the territory of the region: Korenevskoye and Chibisovskoye deposits, located 12-15 km northeast of the village of Sokolskoye. The first of them is almost exhausted, and the second with balance reserves of 166,000 cubic meters not in use due to low quality raw materials. The Afoninskoye field is located at a distance of 11.6 kilometers southeast of the village of Sokolskoye. Loams are suitable for the production of grade 75 and 100 bricks.


On the territory of the Sokolsky district, deposits of high-moor, low-lying and transitional types of peat are developed. Peatlands are usually small in size and characterized by high ash content. Developed by agricultural enterprises for application to fields as an organic fertilizer.

Plant and animal resources

The natural vegetation cover of the area consists of forests, meadows, swamps, and aquatic vegetation.

Forest is the main type of vegetation. Forests cover 52% of the total area of ​​the region. largest area occupied by pine and pine-deciduous forests. In the forests of the region there are a variety of berries: strawberries, raspberries, black currants, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, etc. medicinal plants in the region grow: St. John's wort, lily of the valley, valerian, male fern, snake knotweed, etc. In the forests of the region there are: common squirrel, common fox, pine marten, mountain hare, elk. Less common: bear, wolf, lynx. Birds in the area include: mallard, wigeon, sparrowhawk, black grouse, hazel grouse, cuckoo, jackdaw, tit, siskin. The main commercial fish species: bream, roach, pike, silver bream, pike perch. Bream and roach make up 70% of the total catch.

The total forest area of ​​the Sokolsky district is 109,400 hectares. The forest cover of the region (the ratio of the area of ​​forest land to the area of ​​the district) is 53%.

The distribution of forest areas is very uneven. Northern part The territory of the region is represented by continuous forests, southern part- small forest areas.

Forests of group I account for 19% of the area of ​​forest land, forests of group II - 76.8%.

The maximum share of the forested area is occupied by pine plantations.

The timber reserve in the forests of the Sokolsky district is estimated at 17,700,000 m³, of which 83.5% is coniferous.

The annual volume of use from all types of forest cuttings averages about 165,000 m³.

The importance of forests in the economy of the region is varied. They are playing main role in providing the area with wood, especially business, construction and woodworking enterprises located in the area, supply the local population with wood.

Wood harvesting and processing in the region is carried out by enterprises of all forms of ownership and entrepreneurs without education legal entity. The largest of them include: Taiga LLC, Leskhoz LLC, Volzhsky Experimental Forestry Enterprise, Vozrozhdenie LLC, Sokolsky logging station Surovatikhinsky LPK LLC.

The woodworking industry is mainly engaged in primary wood processing.


The region's industry is represented by 9 enterprises:

  • Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Sokolskaya Printing House" - production of the regional newspaper "Selskaya Nov", the newspaper "Sokolsky Express", letterhead products;
  • JSC "Sokolskaya Shipyard" - orders for the construction and re-equipment of ships, production of carpentry, lumber, metal structures;
  • OJSC "Sokolsky Dairy Plant" - whole milk products, animal butter, low-fat cottage cheese, fatty cheese, processed cheese;
  • Branch of the Sokolsky District Production Association “Khlebokombinat” - production of bread and bakery products;
  • LLC "Taiga" - construction of log houses using Norwegian and Canadian technologies;
  • LLC Sokolsky Industrial Plant - the main types of products are: bed linen, workwear, cotton blankets, bathrobes;
  • Vozrozhdenie LLC - timber harvesting;
  • LLC "Leskhoz" - production of lumber.


Agriculture in the region is carried out by 25 agricultural enterprises, peasant (farm) enterprises and households. Agricultural enterprises employ about 1,200 people. This is 25% total number employed in the region's economy.

Of the 24 agricultural enterprises, three enterprises:

  • SEC "Mayak"
  • SEC "Mir"

specialize in the production of crop products.


  • KSHP "Fateevskoe"
  • KSHP "Garskoe"
  • SEC "Pervomaisky"
  • SPK "Volga"
  • SEC "Trudovik"
  • SEC "The Right Way"
  • JSC "Druzhba"
  • JSC "Rus"
  • JSC "Kolos"
  • JSC "Zarya"
  • TV "Kuchin and K"
  • LLC "Vilezhskoe"
  • Pelegovskoe LLC
  • LLC "Niva"
  • SEC named after Chapaev
  • LLC "Georgievskoe"
  • SPK (collective farm) "Victory"
  • SEC "Korenevsky"
  • SEC "Zabolotnovsky"
  • SPK (collective farm) "Dresvishchensky"
  • CJSC "Agrofirm "Pushkarevo"
  • CJSC "Agrofirm "Dorofeevo"

Educational institutions

The general education complex of the Sokolsky district includes a system educational institutions: 11 primary schools, 6 - basic and 8 secondary, the number of students in which at the beginning of 2002/2003 academic year amounted to 2113 people; PU No. 29; institutions additional education: teen club, Children and youth sports school, house children's creativity. In 2001, a children's health camp “Chaika” was opened in the village of Dresvishchi. In Sokolskaya high school work specialized classes. On the basis of PU-29, the Nizhny Novgorod Evening Automotive Technical School provides training to 2 groups of students.

Culture and sports

There are 26 club establishments in the area (including 25 in rural areas), 25 libraries (23 in rural areas) with book fund 173 thousand copies of various printed publications, 10 stationary film installations (9 in rural areas). In the village of Sokolskoye, the cultural needs of the population are served by the Leisure and Cinema Center and the Sokol Local History Museum.

Sokolsky Museum of Local Lore was opened on May 19, 1975. Currently, the museum is located in the house of the merchant Tsvetkov on the street. Rabochaya, 15. In 2011, a sports and recreation complex was built in the village. It has an ice arena, a swimming pool, sports and gyms, tennis and billiards. There is also a cinema hall and a cafe for visitors to relax.

Medical institutions

The hospital complex of the district is represented by:

  • municipal institution "Central Regional Hospital of Sokolskoye" (located at the address: 606670, Sokolskoye, Dokuchaeva St. 52).
  • Linear hospital in Sokolskoye branch Government institution"Privolzhsky district medical center Ministry of Health of Russia" (located at: 606670, Sokolskoye village, Shkolnaya str., 31).

Transport routes

Sokolsky district is located in the northern part of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The area has an extensive network of roads local significance And waterway along the Volga River. Railways are missing.

Highways of the region public use With hard surface- 350 kilometers.

Famous natives

  • Sokolov Alexander Nikolaevich - Hero of the Soviet Union, born in the village of Korenevo, Sokolsky district


Urban settlement Sokolskoye- regional center in the north-west of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is located on the left bank of the Gorky Reservoir (on Volga). The village is located 137 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, and is connected to the regional center highways And river transport(there is a pier).


The name of the village was given by the toponym Sokoliki at the beginning of the 17th century during a campaign Nizhny Novgorod militia under the leadership of Prince Pozharsky on Yaroslavl. In the old days, these lands belonged to boyar family Sheremetevs, and also in Sokolskoye there was an estate of Counts Musin-Pushkin. Since the second half of the 19th century, the village has been known as the volost center of the Makaryevsky district of the Kostroma province. Sokolskoye was a trading settlement with convenient parking for river boats. Traditional crafts and crafts also developed in the village. Sokolskoye was famous for its carpenters and sawmills, so a small shipyard was installed in the village. IN Soviet era in the village (status received in 1938) an industrial plant, a dairy plant and a timber industry enterprise were opened.

After establishing Soviet power Sokolskoye was transferred to Koverninsky district, and then to Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. In 1929, the village was designated the center of the Sokolsky district in Ivanovo region. In 1957, when the Gorky Reservoir was finally filled, difficulties arose with transport links between Sokolsky and the regional center. This inconvenience was eliminated in 1994, when, as a result of a referendum, Sokolskoye and Sokolsky district transferred to the Nizhny Novgorod region.


The architectural monument of the village is the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” church, built in 1812. There is a small regional museum of local lore in Sokolsky.

Description of the surrounding area

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the village. Here are the most popular ones. In ancient times, Sokolskoye was a nomadic camp and surrounded oak groves. Local tribes built strong, fast, dugout oak ships - “falcons”, from which, it is believed, the name “Sokolskoe” came. In addition, on the left bank of the Volga (where Sokolskoye is located) in impassable forests there were a lot of beautiful birds- Sokolov. According to another version, numerous robber gangs ruled the local forests and attacked ships passing along the Volga. Those robbers were called "falcons". It is quite possible that each of these versions is true, and on Sokolsky’s coat of arms, meanwhile, there is a beautiful boat with a falcon’s head on the nose.

The first known archival mention of the village of Sokolskoye dates back to 1594. At the end of the 19th century, Sokolskoye was a trading village where fairs were regularly held. Opposite the village on the Volga there was an Island, which formed a convenient backwater for winter lay-up and repair of ships. In winter, 25-50 ships wintered here. In the backwater, a specialized enterprise "Sokolskaya Shipyard" arose for the production of landing stages, fire guards, boats, boats, metal ships and liquid bridges. Shipbuilding is still developed here! The Sokol Shipyard, which not only repairs but also builds ships, is known not only in Russia. Local craftsmen often receive orders from Finland to build cruising yachts made of wood.

The places here have always been beautiful. In the mid-19th century, Count Alexey Musin-Pushkin bought land in Sokolskoye, and founded his estate here. True, he did not come here often, and when he came, he devoted all his time to entertainment: he organized lavish balls, inviting neighbors, and loved hunting (there is plenty of game in these forests). In his absence, the manager looked after the affairs, but knowing the master’s frivolous attitude to saving, the servants took advantage of this, and things in the estate were not going very well. So this estate was plundered long before the revolution. In the fifties of the last century, when the Gorky Reservoir was created, the Musin-Pushkin house, or rather what was left of it by that time (the master's house was wooden), was demolished.

Now Sokolskoye has the status of an urban-type settlement and is district center, approximately 6.5 thousand people live in the village. There are 243 in the area settlements. Many of the villages, however, are gradually dying out; residents from both villages and settlements are trying to leave for nearest cities if not permanently, then at least temporarily to earn money. At the end of the nineties of the last century, the movement of passenger scheduled "meteor" ships along the Volga between Yaroslavl and Nizhny Novgorod. Traffic was restored for just a few months in 2006, but now it is missing again. In our opinion, the closure of this line only harmed the economy of the region.

But we don’t want you to have a negative impression of this place; on the contrary, we highly recommend visiting these places. You can come here at any time of the year: in summer the forests are full of mushrooms and berries, in winter there is good ice fishing fishing! The width of the Volga, thanks to the Gorky Reservoir, reaches 12 km here! As a result of a competition held by the International Environmental Fund, the area has been recognized more than once as the first environmentally friendly area in Russia! Of course! Sokolskoye is located at a distance from large industrial centers, railway stations and main highways. The main wealth of the area is pine and mixed forests, which occupy more than 50% of the total area of ​​the district. Only in the territory of the Sokolsky district in the Nizhny Novgorod region are bears still preserved. Their number, however, is for lately decreased significantly due to the lack of food supply, because local state farms stopped sowing fields with oats. But more often you can find lynx, full of all kinds of small game. In Sokolsky district on state security consists of 17 historical and cultural monuments of local significance. Among them, a number of churches of the 18th-19th centuries are of interest: the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the village of Vysokovo (1790), the Resurrection Church in the village of Shirmaksha (1794), the Assumption Church in the village of Dorofeevo (1812) and others. There are 20 natural monuments in the region that are under state protection. The most significant are Lake Tekun, Letnebazovsky resource reserve, colonies of gulls, massif pine forests with a colony of gray herons, only here the unique Sukacheva larch grows (near the village of Potakhino), the grove from which was allocated by Peter I, and now the seeds of this larch are sent to other regions.

When describing the cache, materials from the following sites were used:

But a lot of information is gleaned from the stories of local residents.

We express our deep gratitude to Vera Ilyinichna for most interesting story and the educational tour she gave us at the local local history museum. It was this information that became the basis for our description.

In addition, we thank our uncle Viktor Nikolaevich Ivanov, who was our guide on almost all trips around the Sokolsky region.

Description of the cache

Contents of the cache

At the time of loading, the container contains:

1. Stash notepad, pencils, sharpener, wet wipes to clean the container (do not take it away!).
2. Pliers.
3. Phillips screwdriver.
4. Magnet "Rostov the Great".
5. Raincoat.
6. Set of mechanical pencils.
7. Jewelry in a fabric bag.
8. Mosquito repellent cream.
9. Mini shoe sponge.

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