Participles of the perfect and imperfect forms are their formation. Imperfect participles

The presentation contains tasks, the results of which are used to fill out a worksheet (available in the presentation). A cheerful smalik means the task was completed without errors, a thoughtful smalik means mistakes were made, and a sad smalik means the task was not completed. The presentation contains five tasks + theoretical material. Based on the results of the worksheet, the student independently forms a grade for the lesson. If there are more smiling emoticons - “5”, thinking ones - “4”, sad ones - “3”. "2" - gets a student who has not completed a single task. This worksheet can be used in any lesson, in any subject. The number of tasks may change. This presentation also suggests exchanging notebooks with a partner; at the end of the lesson, the partner first puts a mark, and then the child forms his own based on his mark.

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"Adverbials of the perfect and imperfect forms"

Let's repeat

  • 1. What is a gerund?
  • 2. Signs of which parts of speech does the gerund include?
  • 3. What features did the participle take from the adverb?
  • 4. What features did the gerund take from the verb?
  • 5. What is participial phrase?
  • 6. How to spell the gerund with negative particle NOT?

Let's formulate the topic of the lesson

Smiling Smiling

Perfect participles and imperfect form

The imperfect form denotes an unfinished additional action and answers the question “doing what?”

The perfect form indicates that the action has already been completed and answers the question “having done what?”


imperfect form

Suffix of imperfective participles

look yat


Imperfect participles

scream at

look I

smile ut Xia

scream A

smile I s

Perfect Verbs

Suffixes of perfect participles

jump out t

Perfect participles

-v, -lice


squint yat Xia

I'll swing t Xia

jump out V


jump out lice

baked shi

I'll swing lice s

squint I s


Task No.


Task No. 1 Selective - distributional dictation

Perfect participles

Imperfect participles

  • Reflected in the water, saddened, shaking its tops, running away from everyone, fixing its gaze, flying around, immersed in thought.
  • from the trees, feeling anxiety, listening to rustling sounds.

Key (exchange notebooks and check each other)

Perfect participles

Imperfect participles



running away



flying around




Task No. 2

Replace the verbs with imperfective participles if possible.

Make strokes with your right and left hands, push off from the wall of the pool, swim without noticeable fatigue, perform movements in the water, wait for the signal, stay horizontal, approach the finish line, appear above the water, pour water.

-What suffixes were used to form imperfective participles?

-Which verbs are not formed into gerunds?

Exchange notebooks.

Task No. 3 Quiz

Insert the missing participle with dependent words, name the author, work, determine the type of participle.

Storm of darkness the sky covers, _________________ …


Exchange notebooks

The storm covers the sky with darkness, swirling snow whirlwinds...

(A.S. Pushkin “Winter Evening”),

twisting – imperfective participle

Task No. 4

Find the participles, write them down, indicate their type.

Sobbing, she looked into their eyes, when the almighty sleep was already beginning to close them, and thought: “Perhaps, either Bulba, waking up, will delay her departure for two days.”

Key. Exchange notebooks

  • Sobbing - imperfect appearance
  • Waking up – perfect look

Task No. 5 Write down the imperfect and perfect participles. Select the suffix.

  • In the state of daisies, at the edge, where the stream, breathless, sings,

I would lie all night until the morning, throwing my face up to the sky.

  • Yakov paused, looked around and, taking a deep breath, began to sing.
  • I wandered along the path near this house, unable to feel my legs.
  • Here the wind, driving up the clouds, breathed and howled - and here comes the sorceress winter herself.
  • Kashtanka, scratching the door, leaned on it with her chest, opened it and

I immediately felt a strange smell.

Key. Exchange notebooks.

  • Gasping - imperfect view
  • Throwing back - perfect look
  • Sighing – perfect look
  • Not feeling - imperfect appearance
  • Scolding – imperfect view
  • Scratched - perfect look


First, your seatmate gives you a mark, then you, based on your self-assessment and your partner’s assessment, determine the final mark.

Let's sum it up

  • What did we talk about today?
  • What new did you learn?
  • What suffixes have perfect and imperfect gerunds?

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 7th grade.
Topic: " Participles of the perfect and imperfect form"
1) familiarize students with methods of education
gerunds of the perfect and imperfect forms;
2) develop the ability to form participles from verbs, maintaining the form;
3) continue the formation of high moral qualities, incl. a set of norms of behavior;
4) improve skills in working with a dictionary.

Screen entries:
Etiquette, behavior, morals, compliment.

Lesson epigraph: “Do unto others.”
the way you wanted them to act
with you".
(The golden rule of ethics.)
^ Progress of the lesson.
1.- Dear guys, hello! I am glad to welcome everyone. First, let's talk about what etiquette is.
Everything is very simple - these are rules of behavior. Of course, you shouldn’t completely forget about them. Should I give my grandmother an old soccer ball? Is it possible to draw a devil with ketchup on a tablecloth7 Admit it, you often have to answer questions like these. Just in order not to make mistakes and not look stupid, there are rules of good manners. As an epigraph to today's lesson, I offer you golden rule ethics: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Everything we talk about today in class will be based on material about ethics. We continue to study the topic “Communications”. The task of today's lesson: we must learn to form and distinguish between perfect and imperfect gerunds.
First we will split up. Let's play the game "Stand on your fingers."
(The teacher raises three fingers, which means: 3 students stand up and receive individual tasks.)
Individual tasks on cards.

^ 1st student. Place punctuation marks. Make full parsing offers.
Without learning to speak expressively, you should not agree to public speaking. (V. Mayakovsky.)

^ 2nd student. Copy proverbs, opening parentheses and placing missing commas; indicate gerunds and participial phrases.
(If you don’t) know the ford, (don’t) stick your nose into the water. (Not) after killing a bear, the skins (are not) sold. (Do not) look at the pie and say that you are full. (Not) bowing to the ground will (not) raise the fungus. (Without) working you will (not) be full.

^ 3rd student. Recover the missing spellings, open the brackets.
(Don’t) get used to miracles, -
Follow them, follow them!
(Don't) get used to heaven
Keep your eyes close to them.
Just look at the clouds,
Just listen to the birds,
Go to the springs, -
(No)thing will (not) happen again!
Moment by moment. step by step
Be amazed.
Everything will be like this - and everything will be wrong
In one moment!
(V. Shefner.)
And the rest of the class writes vocabulary dictation with commentary.
Without being late for school, without refusing assignments, hating lies, without giving hints in class, keeping up with your comrades, being indignant at rudeness, without putting it off until tomorrow. not offended by the refusal, unwell from fatigue.
- We will conduct a mutual check on the finished records and give each other an assessment. (The teacher hangs up correct option vocabulary dictation.)
(The teacher receives cards with individual tasks.)
- Well done, guys!

    ^ Studying a new topic.
    So, the topic of our lesson is “Adverbial participles of the perfect and imperfect forms.”
    Here is a table on the topic of the lesson.


Perfect look

Doing what?

What did you do?

A (I), -teach

V. – lice, -shi, -a (ya)

looking - looking

jump out - jump out

screaming - screaming

hear - having heard

smiling - smiling

blossom - blossom

(I explain new topic according to the table with the help of students.)
Let's draw conclusions.
- Let's turn to the textbook and read the material in the paragraph.
- Our conclusions coincide with the material in the textbook
- Well done!

    - Doing the exercise. Form perfect and imperfect gerunds from the verbs. (The exercise is performed orally.)
    Example: freeze – freeze – freeze, feel – feels – feeling, remain silent – ​​remain silent – ​​silent, enjoy – enjoy – enjoying.
    Form perfect participles.
    Example: build - having built - having built, hear - having heard - having heard, melt - melted - melted.
    Compose sentences orally with two gerunds.
    - Let’s turn to the text “Caution: word!” Read the text and tell me why it is called that, what task did the author set for himself?
    Caution: word!
    For some reason, people don’t like it when they are reprimanded for nothing. Or they teach you how to live.
    “Don’t you see something!”, “How many times should I repeat this!”, “You don’t understand the Russian language!”, “What did you do?” or “Why did you sit down?”, “What do you want?” etc.
    But you can say: “ Good morning”, “Please come in”, “Please sit down”, “Kindly pass it on”, “Thank you very much”, “Thank you”...
    I walked and thought what kind of nice words I could come up with when addressing a stranger. Suddenly a car stopped next to me. The owner, without saying hello, casually beckoned to me with his finger and shouted: “Hey! How about the square? Deaf? - he inquired. - Well, people! Your tongue will dry out, what should I say?!”
    I would have answered, but because of the unexpected shout I couldn’t immediately figure out how to go there. However, I didn’t want to answer. I don’t know how to speak this language and I don’t want to learn.
    (S. Lvov)
    - Think about what other words and pleasant words you can use when addressing a stranger.
    In your opinion, did the hero of the story do the right thing by not responding to the appeal to him? What would you do in such a situation? With what words instead of “Hey!” Can I contact a stranger?
    - Tell me how you understand the expression for no reason about anything choose a synonym for it.
    (Students answer all questions posed to the text.)
    ^ Group work.
    - Now we will complete tasks in groups.
    The 1st group completes the task using the 1st card, the 2nd group – using the 2nd card.

    1st card.
    Write it down, replacing the verbs in brackets with participles. Fill in the missing letters. (One card for each.)

    1st group. (Meet) with adults or (enter) a room, say hello first. (Say hello) to your elders, don’t extend your hand, wait until they do it themselves...i.e. (Remove) the fur...ku or hat, do not put it on until you shake...hand.

    2nd group. (Give) your hand, take off the glove, lean forward a little... . (Bow), just bend your head, and don’t bend in half and don’t wave your arms... . (Get on) a tram or bus, let your companion go first through the door.

(The completed exercise is checked first from the first group, then from the second group. The results are summed up.)
- Guys, you work very well. Well done! Now let’s rest a little and do some physical education.
- How are you living?
- Like this! (Raise thumb, pronounce words cheerfully, cheerfully.)
- How are you going?
- Like this! (Two fingers on the palm.)
- How are you running?
- Like this! (The elbows, pressed to the sides, moved, pretending to run, quickly, slightly out of breath.)
- Do you sleep at night?
- Like this! (Two palms are placed under the cheek, the voice is sweet, slightly drawn out, slow.)
- How do you give it?
- Like this! (Broad gesture of hands from oneself, pride.)
- How do you take it?
- Like this! (A wide gesture of hands towards oneself, the voice is slightly playful, playful.)
- How are you being naughty?
- Like this! (Silently puff out your cheeks and clap.)
- How are you threatening?
- Like this! (They are threatening index finger, accompanying the gesture with words with a teasing intonation.)
- My friends, now let's play. I will ask, and you will hold up cards with answers (answers are prepared in advance at home: time, appearance, face.

- Indicate what verb feature the gerund has:
a) time;
b) type;
c) face.

Indicate in which example the gerund is included in phraseological turn: (raise cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4; prepare at home in advance.)
putting the documents on the table;
placing your hand on the control panel;
putting your hand on your heart;
putting things in a suitcase.

Indicate from which verb the imperfective participle cannot be formed:
a) are in a hurry;
b) chew;
c) play around;
d) are waiting;
d) look;
e) shout.

Guys, today we talk a lot about how you need to behave, about morality, about behavior. Write down the meanings of these words in dictionaries (They are on the screen).
- Can we speak?
- How do we talk?
- The commandments are before you speech behavior, let's read them. (One student expressively reads the commandments presented on the screen)

Commandments of speech behavior.
Always know for what purpose and why you are speaking.
Know how to find common language with any interlocutor.
Remember that politeness is the basis of any behavior.
Avoid verbosity.
Speak simply, clearly, clearly.
Avoid speech monotony.
Master the culture of the language.
Follow high standards. Look for your ideal model.

Know how to not only speak, but also listen.
Creative dictation.
- Let's carry out creative dictation. You must supplement the commandment by first replacing the predicate verb with a gerund.
Sample: Always know for what purpose and why you are speaking. Always knowing for what purpose and why you are speaking, you will achieve the respect of others. (This exercise is performed orally.)
- So, guys, let's sum it up.
- How are imperfective participles formed?
- How are perfective participles formed?
(The teacher sums up the lesson: evaluates the students’ answers.)

- Write a miniature essay on the topic of our epigraph: “Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you,” using imperfect and perfect gerunds.

How difficult it can be for schoolchildren studying Russian morphology. Our language is so diverse and sometimes complex that not everyone can master it.

For example, the perfective participle is often confused with the participle. Let’s look at how to remember once and for all their features and differences.

Definition of gerunds

In order to correctly determine which part of speech is in front of us, we need to know the most basic information about each. First you need to find out what questions they answer. Participles, for example, on the one hand are very similar to verbs (from which they are formed), and therefore have questions similar to them: “what by doing,” “what by doing.” On the other hand, they are often confused with adverbs. Like them, gerunds can answer the question “how.”

For example: The athlete ran without looking back. You can ask two questions about this word at the same time: ran “how” and “what did you do.” This is explained by the origin of gerunds: they simultaneously took characteristics from an adverb and a verb.

If we talk about grammatical meaning, then everything is simple here. Being similar to verbs, they also denote the action of an object, but not the main one, but an additional one.

For example: Mom watered the flowers, singing a song.

The main thing my mother did was water the flowers. But at the same time she also sang. However, this is not the main, but a secondary action that she did.


All participles are in many ways similar to their brother - the participle. Both of them are similar to the verb. The first ones are usually divided into Let us remember that aspect is also a verbal feature.

The perfect form answers questions starting with the letter “C”: What should I do? “go away” (verb), What did He do? “arrived” (participle), what did you do? “having eaten” (gerund).

All of them have the meaning of an already completed action.

The imperfect appearance has opposite meaning- the action is still ongoing, processuality is reflected. For verbs - what does it do? “walking”, what was he doing? “drew”, with participles - what is the one doing? “decisive”, participle - what to do? "playing"

As you can see, all these three parts of speech have very similar questions.

Types of gerunds differ in meaning. But they are easy to remember, just ask a question and determine the presence of initial letter"WITH". If we have a perfect participle in front of us, you can easily distinguish it.


As you know, each part of speech has its own characteristics in word formation. A gerund, like an adverb, will never change, has no endings, but actively forms new words with the help of suffixes.

These, in turn, will depend on the species.

The perfect participle will be formed from:

  • Verbs that are in the past tense. The suffixes “v”, “shi”, “lice” are added to them. For example: Having gathered in a flock, the birds flew south.After writing the letter, I took it to the post office. Having brought me a stick, the dog waited for the game to continue.
  • Verbs in the future tense. Such forms are appended with the suffixes “a” or “ya”. For example: After reading the newspaper, the father left the room.

The imperfect form of participles has a slightly different form:

  • Verbs in the present tense plus the suffixes “a”, “ya”. For example: Walking in the park, we admired the beauty of nature. I walked around the city slowly.

It is worth remembering that perfect participles cannot be formed from verbs that end in “-whose”: stove, take care; “-nut”: jump, come running, smell, and also if the stem of the verb ends in a hissing word: I write, I wear, I knit.

Analysis of gerunds

Knowing all the signs of each part of speech, you can begin to analyze them.

Let's analyze it in the following sentence: Carrying out homework, be careful.

Performing - gerund.

1. The meaning is an additional action, since it answers the question “doing what?”

2. Initial form: what to do? Perform (the verb that forms it)

3. Permanent signs:

  • Immutability (it has no endings)
  • Type (determined by the verb that formed it) - imperfect

4. Syntax function- circumstance. Included in the participial phrase.

Using our tips, as well as an example of analysis, you can easily distinguish gerunds from other parts of speech. The main thing is to carefully understand the rules and strictly follow them.

Term "gerund" appeared in the 17th century. It consists of two parts: action (action) and participle. That is, this form “involved” in action. And the truth: participle denotes an additional element in a sentence verb action, combining grammatical features verbs and adverbs, therefore this form is sometimes called verbal adverb.

The formation of gerunds has its own characteristics that must be taken into account.

1. From the stem of the present tense of imperfective verbs are formed imperfective participles. Suffix used -a (-i). They start - starting, do - doing, play - playing.

Some imperfective verbs form participles using a suffix -uchi (-yuchi): walking, driving, being, playfully, regretting, sneaking.

But in literary language forms on -uchi (-yuchi) are not widely used. Most often these forms are used by us d To stylize folk and ancient speech and are perceived as outdated.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that how forms of gerunds are formed from some verbsV: sprinkle - rash(allowed - rash), swim - swimming, climb - climbing, suffer - suffering(V artistic style speeches can be found - suffering), listen - listening And listening(obsolete), waving - waving(allowed - Masha), pinching - pinching.

Some imperfective verbs cannot have a gerund form. As a rule, gerunds are not formed from verbs that do not have vowels at the base of the present tense (for example, drive - bend - bend). Form gnya- dissonant, therefore not used in modern Russian.

These verbs include: sew, beat, rub, twist, weave, lie, sleep, bend, send, eat, tear, reap b (hand), drink, reapь (rye), crush, wait, pour, burn, lie.

From verbs with alternating consonants h–f, s–sh in the stems of the present tense and infinitive it is impossible to form gerundial forms, or these forms are rarely used (for example, scratch - scratch - scratch). Form scratching is not grammatically correct.

This applies to verbs such as scratch, weigh, cut, knit, dance, appear, lick, mow.

From imperfect verbs to -no and on -whose forms of participles are not formed.

These are verbs pull, protect, sink, burn, smell, might, get wet, bake, freeze, whip, strengthen, guard, stall, cut, go out, flow, wither.

Also imperfective participles should not be formed from the following verbs: want, arrest, freeze, run, be born, stab, sing, climb, plow.

2. From the stem of the past tense or the infinitive of perfective verbs are formed perfect participles. The suffix usually used -V: sold - sold, made - done.

Suffixes can also be used -a(s) or - lice, - shi (divided - dividing, enter - entering; fall in love - having fallen in love, turn around - turning around).

In the vast majority of cases in literary language forms with the suffix are used -V because they are more concise and euphonious. M. Gorky spoke out against the excessively frequent use of forms with suffixes - lice, - shi, comparing these suffixes to “lice” that crawl across the page, and strongly advised to avoid such forms. However, it must be taken into account that reflexive verbs usually have only one shape - looking around, thinking. Suffix -shi used instead of a suffix -V when forming participles from many verbs with a consonant stem: grow up - grown up; graze - graze.

In the XIX–early XX in the suffix -a(s) used quite often for education perfect participles(noticing - noticing, tilting - tilting, putting - putting). In modern Russian, many of these forms have fallen out of use, but they can be found in literary texts of that era, for example, in M. Gorky.

3. When forming participles, one of the main mistakes is using one suffix instead of another.

Let's consider the proposal. Placing the forks on the table, she went to see if the hot food was ready. Form used putting with suffix -A instead of correct form putting with a suffix -V.

Quite often errors of this kind occur when using phraseological units. In some phraseological units we can find outdated forms gerunds ( headlong, hand on heart). And here it is often allowed irregular shape saying " outlining the heads y" or " putting your hand on your heart».

Also in colloquial speech One can regularly observe grammatically incorrect formation of gerunds from verbs, from which it is generally impossible to form gerund forms in a literary language ( While sleeping, the puppy seemed to be running somewhere).

4. And, of course, we cannot forget about the topic of using participial phrases in speech.

How much has already been written about the fact that gerund denotes an additional action, Means, the main and additional actions must be performed by the same object, but errors still occur with alarming regularity.

Read following examples. Each of them contains the same mistake: incorrect use of the participial phrase.

While reading, I was interested.(Who read? There is no pronoun “I” in the sentence, and the form “me” is not the active person)

Sitting by the window, a sparrow flew into the room.(Sparrow was sitting by the window?)

While studying with the teacher, he was very hungry(Who was doing? There is no pronoun “he” in the sentence, and the form “him” is not the active person)

While rushing home, he lost his mitten.(Mitten was in a hurry to go home?)

While working on the machine, he had a headache.(Did the head work on the machine?)

I hope you smiled after reading these sentences, and you yourself will not make mistakes when forming and using gerunds.

Good luck to you and the beautiful, rich, correct Russian language!

Still have questions? Don't know how to form participles correctly?
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website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

Additional action, combining the characteristics of a verb and an adverb.

Verb signs

Adverb features

1. Answers the question doing what? what did you do?

2. Indicates additional action;

3. Has grammatical categories, characteristic of the verb:

type (perfect and imperfect) running (non-sov. v.) - running away (sov. v.),

3. Doesn't change

4. Participles are adjacent to the predicate verb, i.e. the verb acts as a qualifying word for the gerund: run (how?), looking back

5. Syntactic role - circumstance

Formation of gerunds

Participles are formed from the stems of the verb using suffixes that are characteristic only of gerunds.

Imperfect participles, as a rule, are formed from present verb basics time(you can use any form of the present tense) using a suffix -A (-Z):

Sparkle → i reconciliation[ y] → reconciliation[ + A] = reconciliation,

Rattle → we thunder im → I'm thundering

Knock → they knocking at → knock.

IN in some cases(rarely! only from imperfective verbs with the suffix - va-) imperfective gerunds are formed from the stem of the infinitive:

By issuing th → issuing,

Giving → giving,

Lagging behind → lagging behind.

But not all imperfective verbs can form imperfective participles. They are not formed from verbs:

with a present tense stem consisting of only consonants: sew ut,l ut,click ut,tk ut etc. (exception: martyr atXia - martyr -A-s);

with the basis of the present tense on -G, -K: running ut, tech ut;

· with the base of the present tense on sibilant and with the base of the infinitive on -Z, -S, -ST, -X: maJ ut - MAZ ah, piSh ut - piS ah, lashing ut - whipST ah, paSh ut - groin at;

· with the suffix - NU -: Freeze, pull.

Participles from verbs are not common climb, run, go, want, tear, call, sing, rot. Participles from such verbs are replaced by corresponding meanings prefixed entities: calling, singing etc.

Perfect participles are formed from the infinitive stem perfective verbs using suffixes -V, -LICE, -SHI.

Walk t → walkV,

Get it th → getV.

The suffixes - B and - LICE are synonymous. When forming variants of forms with these suffixes, preference is given to the suffix - V. The suffix -ВШИ has a colloquial connotation and these forms can only be used in conversational style (truancy (book) - truancy (colloquial), receivedV (kN.) - receivedVSHI (colloquial). But the variant of the suffix - VSHI is mandatory for the formation of gerunds from reflexive verbs.

Return → returned,

strengthened → strengthened.

Suffix -SHI used when forming gerunds from verbs with the base of the infinitive on a consonant (in this case, the past tense form of the verb will help to form gerunds):

Expire → expired → expired

crush → istolk → istolkSHI,

save → save → saveSHI.


imperfect form

are formed

from the PRESENT verb stem

perfect form

are formed

from the infinitive stem

using the suffix - A (-Я)

using the suffixes - V, - LICE, - SHI

indicate additional actions that are performed at the moment main action

indicate additional actions that precede main action

Isolation of circumstances

expressed by gerunds and participial phrases

Participle + dependent words= PARTICIPIPIC PURPOSES (circumstance expressed by an adverbial phrase).

Circumstances, are isolated

Circumstances, expressed by gerunds and participial phrases,

Not are isolated

1. Single gerunds and participial phrases are SEPARATED, regardless of the position of the word being defined -

predicate verb

· Greeting the morning , pheasants called to each other from all sides.

· At times the river ran from light wind swell, sparkling in the sun.

· The Cossacks dispersed without agreeing.

1. Single participles adjacent to the predicate and close in function to adverbs (indicate a manner of action)

Why are four bulls dragging your heavy cart? jokingly? (replacement with homogeneous predicate impossible:

bulls dragging and joking?!)


2. Participial phrases, which are phraseological (stable) expressions: work rolling up my sleeves, run headlong, scream without taking a breath etc.

(see exceptions)

· If the participial phrase comes after the coordinating or subordinating conjunction(such a turnover can be torn off from this union and rearrange)

The feeling of dissatisfaction rarely appeared in him, but , being, never gripped him strongly or for long.

· if the participial phrase comes after the adversative conjunction, and tear off and rearrange it to another place without this union impossible without violating the structure of the sentence, then the conjunction does not separate comma from the participle phrase (adverbial participle)

He didn't agree with us and insisted on his own, I was convinced that I had made a mistake.

· two participial phrases connected by a single non-repeating conjunction and not separated from each other by a comma.

Two people dreamed bobbing in a boat on the water And looking around thoughtfully.

Exceptions: frozen expressions that act as introductory words and expressions: apparently, in all honesty etc.

· but if the conjunction AND connects other constructions (for example, homogeneous members sentences), then all commas are placed in accordance with the rules.

Levinson stood for a while, listening into the darkness, And, smiling to myself, walked even faster.

3. Participial phrases that are part of the predicate and form the semantic center of the statement:

This is an exercise do it standing on your toes.

4. Expressions with prepositions are not participial phrases and are not isolated starting from, based on, thanks to etc.

Starting from It's raining in the morning. Thanks to Because of the rain, classes were canceled.

(see exceptions)

Exception: expression with prepositions despite, excluding

Despite the rain , classes still took place.

Nobody, excluding his valet, I didn’t see the general without powder.

These expressions are called prepositional (as with prepositions)

Grammatical errors associated with the construction of participial phrases

In sentences with participial phrases, the sentence structure is always as follows:

The subject (subject) performs the main action (predicate) and additional action (adverbial expression expressed by a gerund or adverbial phrase). For example:

When I drove up to the station, I have flew off hat.

The second way is to preserve the participial phrase, while introducing another subject into the sentence so that it performs both the main and additional action. With such an adjustment of the sentence, its main part is reconstructed almost completely, only the meaning of the sentence is preserved. For example:

Approaching the station, I lost hat.

Spelling of gerunds

NOT written with gerunds separately:

without knowing, without guessing, without getting sick,

except for words with the prefix NEDO - in the meaning (to be in insufficient quantity)

FAILING to complete the plan, NOT looking after the child, LACKING money.

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