The connection between stress and depression. Mental disorders, depression, stress

You can get rid of the blues with the help professional psychologist or independently, at home.

Since pathological mechanisms affect not only the emotional state of a person, but also negatively affect the functioning of all internal organs and systems, persons with severe disorders often require a course of medical treatment.

What is stress

Stress is the human body's response to physical stress and negative emotional experiences.

After these negative factors arise, the endocrine glands begin to actively produce the hormone adrenaline. This allows a person to tune in to find an effective solution to a problem situation. Thus, there is a positive impact that allows conflicts to be easily resolved in a minimum amount of time.

If a person experiences constant stress, their useful feature is lost and the body suffers from psychological and physical fatigue. If you do not use the methods recommended by your doctor to calm your nerves, then the organs of the immune and nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal, and digestive systems may suffer.

IN national medicine such conditions are briefly characterized by the term VSD. Vegetative-vascular dystonia involves damage to internal organs due to disorders of nervous regulation.

Causes of stress

When classifying factors that cause severe stress, psychotherapists distinguish:

  1. internal determinants. Fertile soil for overstrain is a specific (overly strict, religious) upbringing, unusual values ​​and beliefs;
  2. external determinants. Circumstances arise regardless of a person’s will (discomfort before menstruation or due to the spring restructuring of the body, loss of a job, death of a relative, divorce, separation from a girlfriend or boyfriend, loneliness).

Symptoms of stress

The presence of disorders due to excessive stress can be determined by such behavioral manifestations as:

  • insomnia and drowsiness, restless sleep and frequent nightmares;
  • violations eating behavior, uncontrolled intake of junk food, sharp decline or weight gain;
  • a constant feeling of depression and irritation that occurs for no reason;
  • headache and chronic fatigue, apathy and general weakness;
  • speed reduction thought process and concentration, decreased performance;
  • distrust, lack of interest in others;
  • inability to relax, put aside routine tasks and problems;
  • melancholy and laziness, tearfulness and pessimism;
  • obsessive habits (frequent biting of lips, tearing off nails, desire to tear paper).

What is depression

Depression is a mental disorder that involves impaired thinking, decreased mood, and an inability to feel joy. Patients acquire a pessimistic outlook on life and make predominantly negative judgments.

There is severe inhibition and closedness in behavior. Self-esteem decreases, interest in ordinary things is lost everyday affairs, thoughts about committing suicide arise.

The condition is accompanied by a pronounced state of affect. A person who is in prolonged depression often tries to escape reality with the help of alcohol or large doses of psychotropic substances.

At-risk groups

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 5% of children under 10 years of age and 12-20% of adolescents are susceptible to pathological changes. People of both sexes suffer from depression. The number of patients with this diagnosis who came under medical supervision in adolescence, ranges from 15 to 40%.

Postpartum depression often affects women experiencing pregnancy for the first time in their lives. The overall prevalence of all types of psychotic disorder in men and women over 50 years is 34-55%.

Male and female depression occurs among the population with equal frequency. However, attacks of blues and apathy usually occur for various reasons. Greatest exposure pathological conditions psychics have individuals with a suspicious character and a depressive personality, prone to frequent and detailed introspection.

Etiology of depression

Depression occurs due to the influence of many unfavorable factors. The basis of the disease may be physiological and psychosocial factors. Doctors attribute the deterioration in human health to a deficiency of biogenic amines.

If in the body long time absent required quantity serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, then there are signs of severe irritability and apathy, bad mood and deep despondency, fear and anxiety.

Quantity required chemical compounds in the blood decreases as a result of certain external circumstances, for example, prolonged exposure to darkened rooms, characteristic of representatives of certain professions (miners, surveyors, ecologists). Lack of the hormone of joy is observed in residents northern regions with long winters. Thus, endogenous depression can be called not only organic, but also seasonal affective disorder, which worsens in autumn and winter.

Recently, depression has become common among young people, which is a result of the side effects of medications or narcotic substances. Iatrogenic, or pharmacogenic depression, is formed as a result of uncontrolled use of levodopa, corticosteroids, and benzodiazepines. A condition associated with constant strong nervous experiences can be completely cured after discontinuation of medications and a course of detoxification.

There is such a thing as depression due to abuse of sedatives or hypnotics. A depressed state occurs due to regular consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength (including “non-alcoholic”), cocaine, cannabinoids and heroin, psychostimulants and amphetamines. IN in this case the clinical picture of a depressive disorder will be a consequence of persistent physical and mental dependence on a prohibited substance.

Causes of depression

Causes of depression in women

Severe forms of psychogenic pathologies occur in female patients due to:

  • genetic causes (presence of signs of any mental disorders in relatives);
  • biochemical factors (the effect of hormonal drugs, the onset of menopause);
  • external circumstances (conflicts with loved ones, dissatisfaction with personal life, lack of material resources);
  • psychological determinants (low self-esteem, tendency to self-examination, dependence on the opinions of others, inability to adequately respond to stress and provocations).

Age factor

The causes of depression in women differ depending on the age of the patient. Girls going through puberty undergo dramatic hormonal changes. Teenagers aged 11-13 experience changes in appearance and personality problems. There is dissatisfaction with one's own weight, deviations in eating behavior (anorexia and bulimia). A separate reason for the onset of chronic depression is sexual violence from strangers, peers or relatives.

When young women reach reproductive age (18-40 years), they experience sudden mood swings. Their condition is often determined by the stage of the menstrual cycle. A girl may be worried about the lack of children due to instability personal life or infertility. Severe depression is observed after an abortion. Highest probability The development of neurotic pathologies exists among patients who are subject to increased psychological stress and are characterized by emotional lability.

In old age, women are concerned about deterioration in appearance and weakening health, loss of a spouse and alienation of children, lack of communication and loneliness.

Causes of postpartum depression

Postpartum depression occurs in approximately 15% of women who have had a pregnancy. The risk of depression increases under the influence of:

  • negative experience of a previous pregnancy associated with low qualifications of the maternity hospital medical staff, severe pain and long period recovery;
  • hereditary predisposition. If relatives have a history of psychological illnesses, women often suffer from nervousness and irritability;
  • hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body increases. After childbirth, plasma concentrations of substances drop sharply. After about 3 days, the content of hormonal compounds in the blood returns to normal. The described abrupt changes cause a decrease in mood and a feeling of weakness;
  • unrest. Experiences related to the fate of the child and problems in the family, a failed marriage, material or housing problems lead to sleep disturbances, a feeling of fatigue and physical fatigue;
  • premature birth. Women often feel guilty about their inability to carry a child to term for the required period and consider themselves the cause of all diseases of the newborn baby;
  • early discharge from the maternity hospital, lack of necessary knowledge and skills to care for infants;
  • lactation disorders and milk stagnation, inability to breastfeed a newborn;
  • negative changes in appearance associated with recruitment excess weight, the formation of stretch marks and decreased skin elasticity, deterioration in the quality of nails and teeth;
  • violations sexual relations. There is a temporary need to stop sexual intercourse, and the level of sexual desire decreases.

Causes of depression in men

Hidden prolonged neuroses are often observed due to:

  • social reasons, for example, after dismissal from work or loss of business, deterioration of financial situation, family quarrels and conflicts, divorce or retirement;
  • physiological abnormalities, including acute post-alcohol conditions (hangover);
  • hormonal imbalances and decreased potency due to a natural decrease in testosterone levels, which is observed after reaching 40 years of age or occurs earlier in people who regularly drink beer;
  • brain injuries, malignant and benign formations.

Symptoms of depression

Signs of the disease in women

Among the emotional manifestations are:

  • feeling of despair, loss of meaning in life;
  • depressed mood;
  • internal tension and premonition of trouble;
  • unreasonable fears, exacerbation of various phobias;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • guilt and self-blame;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Physiological symptoms of depression are often referred to as:

  • migraines;
  • drowsiness and insomnia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight gain associated with stress eating habits;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies, refusal to eat and constipation;
  • loss of sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • body discomfort, heart and muscle pain;
  • feeling of suffocation, coughing attacks.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Constant jumps in the level of hormones in the body of a young mother provoke emotional instability. Signs of a nerve disorder can be identified by:

  • depressed state. Exacerbation is often observed in the morning and evening hours;
  • increased emotional sensitivity and increasing irritability, causeless attacks of aggression;
  • feeling of guilt. A woman cannot live peacefully after childbirth because she has lost her former attractiveness or the child has been diagnosed with severe congenital defects;
  • memory loss, inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, slowness and lethargy;
  • excessive concern about the baby’s health, frequent visits to the pediatrician and other pediatric doctors;
  • inability to enjoy joyful moments, loss of sense of humor;
  • frequent complaints about one’s own health, obsessive search for signs of fatal diseases;
  • feeling of hostility towards the baby. Some mothers believe that the newborn was switched or mixed up in the hospital.

Symptoms of depression in men

Depression in men occurs with certain characteristics; patients often experience:

  • slow speech rate and detachment;
  • significant weight fluctuations;
  • the desire to escape reality by drinking or taking drugs;
  • neck and back pain;
  • lack of restraint towards people around you;
  • intimate problems (erectile dysfunction);
  • suicidal intentions.



When visiting the clinic, patients who want to cope with a protracted disorder are prescribed medication and psychotherapy sessions. A comprehensive introduction of:

  • antidepressants (minoamine oxidase inhibitors, lithium salt). Medicines are taken for 4-6 months;
  • neuroleptics (aminazine, Zyprex). Tablets are selected depending on contraindications and identified side effects;
  • nootropics (glycine, quatrex);
  • tranquilizers (phenibut, phenazepam). They have anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects;
  • sedatives (valemidine). Normalize the functioning of nerve centers and relieve excessive irritability, speed up the process of falling asleep;
  • vitamins B and D, calcium and magnesium.

Treating depression at home

How to quickly and easily get rid of the effects of stress and depression without medications? Before you begin treatment yourself using folk remedies, you need to undergo an examination in a clinic. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will recommend safe methods that can be used at home.

In books on folk medicine and on forums on the Internet you can find a lot positive feedback about such herbal remedies as:

  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • collection of chamomile root and hops;
  • lemon balm root and motherwort;
  • fireweed and peppermint;
  • valerian root;
  • ginseng and Chinese lemongrass;
  • myrtle and passionflower;
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Psychological assistance

Relatives and close people of the patient can help him cure depression on their own. Many psychologists (David Allen, Andrey Kurpatov, Sergey Perov, Nikolay Kozlov) talk about the beneficial effects of collective psychotherapy in their video lessons.

The ability to independently get rid of nervousness develops after a thorough analysis of the situation and a confidential conversation with loved ones. Relatives can help a person avoid bad thoughts and prevent suicide.

Experts note positive influence Orthodox religion. Prayers enable people to achieve internal balance and calm your nerves.

Sport helps improve physical fitness and increase the concentration of the joy hormone.

What should a woman on maternity leave do to overcome chronic depression forever? The advice of psychotherapists boils down to:

  • increasing self-esteem by working on appearance, intellectual improvement;
  • learning the rules of communication with a child;
  • receiving help from the husband, who must be a full participant in the educational process;

The information is provided for informational purposes only. The use of any method should be started after consultation with a doctor.

Is depression a disease or a condition of the body? Let's try to figure this out together. Medicine characterizes depression the following symptoms:

Depressed, depressed mood, loss of interest in loved ones, everyday activities, work;
- insomnia, early awakening in the morning or, on the contrary, excessively long sleep;
- irritability and anxiety, fatigue and loss of strength;
-lack of appetite and weight loss or sometimes, on the contrary, overeating and weight gain;
- inability to concentrate and make decisions;
-decreased libido;
-feelings of worthlessness and guilt, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness;
- frequent bouts of sobbing;
-thoughts about suicide.

On the other hand, depression can be seen as a response to stress. We encounter stress almost constantly when solving certain problems. For example, a bad grade on an exam or failure to pass a test causes stress (strong negative emotions) to a greater or lesser extent. We can experience stress when standing in a long line, because of difficulties at work or problems in the family, when there is a lack of mutual love, when we want to do a lot but don’t have time for it, when there are unrealized opportunities, when we watch TV every day crime stories and many other reasons, the list of which can be continued almost indefinitely.

And after stress, a response (protective) reaction of the body necessarily occurs - a state of depression. In response to every, even the smallest (insignificant) stress, the body responds with adequate depression. But a little stress is even beneficial for the body. They constantly train it, putting it into a state of activation or training. How more stress, the stronger (deeper) and longer the state of depression.

Depression of moderate severity lasts up to two weeks. In severe cases (during severe stress, for example, the death of loved ones), depression can last for several months or even several years. That is why the obligatory commemoration of the deceased after 3, 9 and especially 40 days (“farewell to the soul”) helps to first reduce stress and then get out of the depressed state of family members, relatives and friends.

During stress, the body mobilizes and uses its energy as much as possible and directs it to protect the body. After stress, the body is in a state of “low battery,” exhaustion, i.e., depression, after which a gradual accumulation of energy begins (“recharging” the body) until the moment of complete restoration of strength and energy. The process (duration) of depression or inhibition of the body in time is approximately three times longer than the time of exposure to a stressful situation (the process of excitation of the body) and this must be taken into account when eliminating the consequences of any stress, large or small.

The processes of excitation and inhibition of the body under different stressful situations - small (small amplitude and duration) stress that we encounter every day or severe stress - the body's reaction is different. In the negative phase, the body is most energetically weakened and against this background it can develop various diseases, especially during periods of prolonged depression. According to statistics, up to 70% of those who go to the clinic for somatic diseases have one form or another of depression. And so, “bombarding” the body with small stresses and protecting it with small and short-term depressions is a normal state of the body, accustomed to constant protection from the environment.

Severe stress takes a lot of energy from the body, causing deep and prolonged depression (severe lethargy of the body with a significant decrease in activity). The body gradually accumulates energy, trying to return to the state of dynamic equilibrium that it had before stress, i.e. self-healing. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the most difficult and dangerous time for the occurrence of other diseases for the body during depression does not come immediately after the end of the stress, but some time after the end of the stress. During this period of time, you need to especially monitor your health.

We can clearly conclude that the cause of all depression (depressive state) is stress. Depression is a nonspecific reaction of the body to stress. Minor depression, with mild stress, is a normal state of the body, which the body, as a rule, copes with on its own. Severe, deep depression is already a disease and cannot be avoided without the help of a doctor.

As a rule, melancholic Stress reactions are most often associated with constitutional arousal, such as anxiety or fear, phobia or neurotic anxiety. U choleric people- A typical stress reaction is anger. That is why they more often suffer from hypertension, stomach ulcers, and ulcerative colitis. U phlegmatic under the influence of stress, the activity of the thyroid gland decreases, metabolism slows down and blood sugar can increase, which leads to a pre-diabetic state. In stressful situations, they “press” on food, as a result of which they can become obese. Sanguines With their strong nervous system, they tolerate stress most easily.

Ideally, the body should not react to any stress at all or with a minimal reaction, but in practice this does not happen in life. To achieve this, persistent and long-term training of the body is necessary. People who do not have a culture of health, especially young people, try to solve problems associated with stress and depression with the help of drugs (the fastest, easiest and most accessible way to overcome stress or get out of depression, but also the most harmful to health).

Subsequently, they develop a dependence (constant craving) for such narcotic substances like tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and so on, from which it is no longer possible to free yourself without outside help. And these problems are gradually moving from personal ones to state ones (the state’s fight against the drug mafia, treatment of drug addicts, etc.).

Recommendations for stress
You can relieve or reduce stress and its consequences by using various techniques and methods:
Learn to remain calm and cool in a stressful situation. Breathe slowly and deeply and imagine that you are breathing your stress out. Try to relax. Do a full body self-massage with a small amount warm vegetable oil from the top of your head to your toes. For sanguine and choleric people, you should use sunflower oil, for melancholic people - sesame oil, for phlegmatic people - corn or mustard oil. After the massage, take a hot shower or bath.

It is good for a believer to read a prayer during and after a stressful situation. Analyze the causes of stress. If you can currently change the situation that led to stress, then do it without delay. If nothing can be done, come to terms with it, take it for granted and find peace. Watch your thoughts. Try to replace yours negative thoughts to positive.

Exercises with health-improving Chinese (Tibetan) balls help achieve balance and strengthen the entire body. During a stressful situation or immediately after it, you need to roll two (three) balls in your hands. Instead of Chinese balls, you can use ripe chestnut fruits. At night, rub a little Karavaev "Auron" balm into the scalp and Karavaev "Somaton" balm into the soles of your feet - this will relax and soothe.

Soothing bath
To relax and calm down, take a hot bath with 1/3 cup each of ginger and baking soda. Take baths with rosemary extract (especially for people with low blood pressure). After the bath, lie down and rest for 30 minutes.

Drink tea from chamomile, angelica and comfrey (in equal quantities). Place 20-30 drops of rosemary preparation on your tongue. Pour 5 g of thyme into 500 ml of boiling water, leave tightly closed for 40 minutes. The indicated portion is taken 3-4 times a day. The infusion can be consumed no more than 2-3 times a week. Leave two teaspoons of Astragalus fluffy-flowered herb in 200 ml of boiling water for an hour and drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-5 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed valerian officinalis roots into a thermos with 200 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. In case of increased excitability, drink the infusion in 3 doses of 70 ml. A tablespoon of crushed mixture: flowers of hawthorn, motherwort, cucumber, chamomile, in parts - 3:3:3:1, brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day an hour after meals.

A tablespoon of crushed mixture: hawthorn fruits, St. John's wort, yarrow, hawthorn flowers, valerian root, in parts - 3: 3: 3: 2: 2, brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 5-6 hours, strain. Take 50 ml 4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Beet juice, mixed in half with honey, take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for 10 days or long-term - 200 ml per day for 3-4 weeks.

If you are experiencing deep sadness or grief, allow yourself to cry. A good way to relieve stress is laughter. Start laughing, even if you have to make an effort at first. Watch a funny comedy movie.

Traditional medicine tips
Eat herring with plenty of water mineral water(suitable especially for melancholic people). Massage the whole body with a brush (with a needle roller, you can lie on the Kuznetsov iplicator), then rub the body with alcohol and pine extract (you can use Karavaev’s Somaton balm for rubbing).

Relieve severe stress before exams or sports competitions
A little stress before and during exams is definitely beneficial. It activates the body and mobilizes backup capabilities organism to solve the problem. And it’s not for nothing that people advise scolding a student before taking and during exams. You can activate the body by vigorous rubbing with hot palms (rub one palm against the other) ears until redness appears (so that the ears “burn”). But sometimes before exams or sports competitions the body becomes too excited (overexcited).

Students are very worried, their blood pressure and pulse rise, they forget material that they knew well before, etc. Athletes before an important competition develop strong “jitters”, small tremors in the arms or legs, strong excitement. You can relieve such stress (overexcitement, distress) with the help of a 5-minute massage of biologically active soothing points (II 4, heh-gu), located on the hands, in the interval between the large and index fingers, closer to the middle of the II metacarpal bone.

Holding the point between the index and thumb of the massaging hand, apply light rhythmic pressure (using the thumb). Press on the point until a slight sensation of fullness, aching, heaviness or slight pain appears. Perform a massage first on one hand and then on the other hand.

Adviсe traditional medicine for depression
Now let's talk in more detail about depression. For each type of temperament, depression occurs differently and the ways to overcome it are also different. Depression melancholic characterized by fear, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. In untreated cases, the following remedies help:

Take basil and salvia tea. Place warm sesame oil in your nose (3-5 drops in each nostril). Do this on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Rub warm sesame oil onto the top of your head and soles of your feet. Take regular baths with sea ​​salt. Water temperature 38 degrees C, bath duration - 15 minutes. Regularly visit the Russian (“wet”) bathhouse, especially in the fourth phase, including the new moon, of the lunar month. Wear glasses (such as sunglasses) with a yellow filter. Spend more time socializing.

Depression phlegmatic causes a state of “mental heaviness” and can be associated with oversleeping, weight gain, and lethargy. The following recommendations are useful: 3-4 day fasting on fresh apple juice. Get active in physical exercise. Regularly visit the Finnish ("dry") sauna, especially in the first quarter of the lunar month. Take ginger tea. Brew 0.5-1 teaspoon of ginger powder in a cup of hot water and drink twice a day. Wear glasses (such as sunglasses) with a pink or red filter.

Depression choleric people usually associated with anger, fear of failure and loss of control, and fear of making a mistake. At the same time, thoughts of suicide are not uncommon (this is already a serious disorder, where you should consult a doctor). Choleric people often become highly dependent on success and, in case of failure, easily become upset and experience depression, which does not last long or is not too deep. People with a choleric temperament are most susceptible to seasonal affective disorder, which usually occurs during the winter and is a fairly mild form of depression.

For all types of depression, try to use the following remedies:
Before going to bed, rub coconut or sunflower oil into your scalp and soles of your feet. It is good to rub Karavaev's "Auron" balm into the scalp. Prayers are good for believers.

For the rest - various types meditation, for example this:
It is my right to have what I need for life and my own development. Life is wonderful. She brings me everything I need. Every day I feel better and better in every way.

Every morning repeat this formula in a low voice, in a monotonous tone of prayer with eyes closed twenty times in a row, counting mechanically on a string (rosary) with twenty knots. Say this formula with confidence, with a firm conviction that you will achieve what you want. Wear glasses (such as sunglasses) with a green filter.

Traditional medicine tips

Fresh and dried Schisandra chinensis berries and seeds. At home, the tincture or decoction is prepared at a ratio of 1:10. I take a tablespoon of the decoction 2 times a day, and 20-40 drops of the tincture. The effect of the drugs occurs within 30-40 minutes and lasts 5-6 hours. It is best to take them in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening, 4 hours after meals. Their use is contraindicated when nervous excitement, insomnia, cardiac dysfunction and very high blood pressure.

Infuse three tablespoons of chopped oat straw in 400 ml of boiling water - the daily dose. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of aster chamomile flowers, cool and strain. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Infuse a tablespoon of the raw materials of rhizomes and roots of angelica in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Pour two teaspoons of crushed gentian pulmonary herb into 200 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Infuse 5 g of crushed roots and leaves of spring primrose in a thermos (500 ml) for 2-3 hours. Take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of peppermint leaves and cook for 10 minutes. Drink 100 ml morning and evening.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture (leaves of the tamarind, peppermint leaves, valerian root - in equal parts) and leave. Drink 200-400 ml of infusion in the evening.

Wipe yourself in the morning with water with the additive table salt(a teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of water)

Yu. V. Khmelevsky

Depression: don’t rush into diagnosis, don’t be late with treatment.

After the hostage-taking events by terrorists, all those who followed the development of this tragedy received a dose of information “irradiation.” We lived through every minute of their deadly captivity with these people. Of course, the extent of our pain and anxiety cannot be compared with what the hostages themselves and their relatives suffered, but we were still included in the events through television reports, radio and newspapers, which means we experienced extreme stress, and the consequences of this can be very different.

For some, the pain will subside on its own, while for others, the help of a doctor will be needed. How to distinguish a disease from a healthy reaction nervous system on stress, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Polishchuk.

When is it time to see a doctor? The “trigger” mechanism for a depressive state can be situations when a person has lost someone close, lost his job, learned that he is seriously ill, or experienced some other stress. In this case, psychogenic or reactive depression may occur. This is a serious mental disorder that has certain symptoms and requires treatment. There is no need to rush to diagnose yourself - this is a matter for doctors, but at the same time, do not hesitate to admit that there is a problem and, if necessary, seek help.

Doctors believe that if sadness and melancholy persist for more than 2-3 weeks and this is accompanied by the fact that a person does not find peace at work, or in the family, or in his favorite hobby, then depression has most likely set in, the most painful condition which affects 15% of women and 10% of men. In this case, adaptive behavior is disrupted, and it is very difficult to get out of this state on your own.

Depression is dangerous because heartache can become so strong and acute that it becomes impossible to tolerate. Such a condition is sometimes much more severe than physical pain. Suddenly, thoughts about the worthlessness of life, that “everything must be stopped at once” may “surface”, and a person really thinks about what is the easiest and most reliable way to part with the world, which, in his opinion, does not need him and which brings only suffering . Even if such thoughts appear, know: such a state is transitory and must be endured, experienced, overcome.

Depression is treatable
But not everything is so dramatic. Many depressions are fairly easily treatable mood disorders. Almost all those who seek help from a doctor in time make a full recovery. Choose a specialist yourself. This could be a psychologist, neuropsychiatrist, psychiatrist. Methods for lifting a person out of depression are well known.

Medicinal methods are used more often in cases of severe, deep, prolonged depression. There are many medications - these are mainly antidepressants and sleeping pills. Another way to cope with depression is the method of individual and group psychotherapy. There is therapy for distraction, switching, creating an optimistic, cheerful mood, there is play psychotherapy, where various physical exercise, body-oriented psychotherapy.

Acupuncture is used, and there is a method of dosed therapeutic fasting, which has proven itself well for minor depression.
There are also spiritually oriented, religious methods of patristic psychotherapy. If a person wants to heal the soul and not take pills, then today there are Orthodox doctors who talk about the need for prayer and observing all rituals that help believers.

If you are depressed, you shouldn’t lie around, you can go jogging, swimming, any physical work, since during exercise and movement, the body produces endorphins (hormones of joy) and other substances that help cope with the state of depression. And remember that " good man life will chew and chew and spit out.”

E. Pilikina.

Be wary if
- You have sleep disturbances. Trouble falling asleep and waking up early, or unnatural sleepiness, is one of the symptoms of depression.
- You lost your appetite and began to lose weight sharply.
- You have no desire to move, you feel lethargic and absent-minded.
- There were sensations of pain in the back, neck, chest pain and headaches that are difficult to describe in words. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.

The fact that depression is more common in women is due to biological, hormonal and psychosocial factors.

There are four types of depression, found only in women. These include premenstrual depressive syndrome (PMDS), depression during pregnancy, postpartum depression, and depression that occurs during perimenopause and menopause.

“Antidepressant therapy using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and venlafaxine has been shown to be effective in PMDS,” write G. McQueen and P. Ciocca from McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

Despite the reluctance of some women to undergo antidepressant treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is much evidence that antidepressants are safe and effective during these periods, while untreated depression can have negative consequences for both mother and baby.

Estrogen may potentiate the effects of antidepressants in peri- and postmenopausal women, but a pooled analysis of women over 50 years of age after treatment with venlafaxine shows that remission rates did not differ between estrogen and non-estrogen groups. "Treatment of depression in women with antidepressants and alternative interventions can be safe and effective throughout the lifespan," Canadian researchers say.


If you want to live - goodbye

Research by American scientists has shown that people who tend to hoard and not forgive their grievances, as a rule, develop big problems with health. They are characterized by depression, sleep problems, and many suffer from diseases of internal organs. However, this does not mean that a person should silently endure all grievances, psychologists from Michigan clarify. The main thing is to free yourself from the health-destroying “burden of rage and resentment.”

If you're sad:
Take a swim
Baths with essential oils: for depression - 5 drops of bergamot, 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of orange oil; invigorating bath - 5 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of pine, 2 drops of Leuzea. Water temperature - 35 - 38 degrees, lie down for 10 - 15 minutes.

Healing aroma in the room: add 3 - 5 drops of essential oil to a saucepan of water (about 1 liter). Place on low heat and gradually evaporate. Choose your own oil.

For insomnia: lemon balm, lavender, geranium, marjoram, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, chamomile, jasmine, bitter orange, bergamot, basil, rose, rosewood, incense.

During an attack of pessimism: ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine, bergamot, lemon, orange.

For stress: lavender, valerian, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, rose.
When tired: mint, rosemary, thyme, kayaput.
For fatigue: juniper, geranium, rosemary, thyme, basil, marjoram.

Mix equal parts by weight of light honey and walnuts and dried apricots minced through a meat grinder. Take this delicious treat twice a day before meals. Strongly strengthens and tones the body.
Add pears, bananas, chocolate to your diet - these foods contain the “joy hormone”.

Visiting old friends for punch and preference or chatting with a neighbor - it’s all the same.
A visit to the solarium once a week for 5 - 10 minutes will alleviate your suffering by exactly half.

Psychiatrist Andrew Lansward believes the following exercises will change your mood for the better in less than 90 seconds:
* stand up, stretch out full height, force yourself to smile, even if you don’t have the slightest desire to do so.
* 50 percent of your depression will evaporate when you straighten up and literally squeeze out a smile;
* spread your arms wide as if you want to hug someone. Then lower them along the body. Repeat these movements several times. The arm muscles will send a positive impulse to the brain;
* Rub your thighs with your fingertips. The resulting electric current will charge your body with joy

Autumn depression
It affects seven out of ten women, and 7 percent of patients require urgent assistance from a medical specialist.

Where and how does it appear?
All people live on “solar batteries” - they are charged with energy from the sun. Therefore, it is in the fall, when daylight hours are shortened, that our nerves are “on edge.” And, as you know, all diseases come from nerves. As a result, depression gives rise to a whole chain of diseases.

Psychologists say that people with a “thin” profile are especially susceptible to depression. mental organization"Well, it’s right about us, isn’t it? The onset of depression in most cases coincides with the end of October. The first signs appear: irritability, causeless anxiety, fatigue. As a result, constant drowsiness (or, on the contrary, insomnia), loss of strength, a feeling of complete hopelessness, and then not far from suicide.

D. Litvinova.

And those who are just nervous.
The sharp stratification of society is an additional stress factor, says Professor Elena Filatova. Autumn neuroses, perhaps, can be considered an occupational disease of the elite, and the Russian one too: politicians, businessmen... Examples are in plain sight for everyone. Those “who are simply nervous” do not sleep peacefully. And life is hard for them. We talked about this with Elena Filatova, a professor at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the Moscow Medical Academy.

Elena Glebovna, even to the average person, there are more and more people on the verge of a nervous breakdown, or even crossing this line.

Unlike mental illnesses, which are transmitted mainly genetically, and the percentage of which remains for a long time approximately the same, diseases arising under the influence of chronic stress can be associated with the situation in the country, in the family, at work. Now Russia is experiencing an era when everything has changed, the value system itself has changed. Very rich people appeared, while others, on the contrary, became poor. The sharp, quickly emerging stratification of society is an additional stress factor, not only for the poor, but to the same extent for the rich.

As for the poor (more precisely, the impoverished), everything is clear. What happens to the rich, why do they develop neuroses?

For many reasons. American researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Ray developed a stress scale that evaluates the risk of developing a nervous disorder. Most high risk- 100 points - death of a spouse. Divorce - 75 points. Nervous disorders Sometimes they also cause stress associated with pleasant events: a wedding or even outstanding personal achievements. People of all incomes experience such events. But business owners and businessmen are faced with stresses previously unknown in our country: for example, changes in their financial situation.

It turns out that the employee is in a more favorable position with regard to stress?

A well-paid employee of a company is probably less stressed than the owner of that company. Responsibility, material and moral, is, of course, an additional stress factor. I think it was Rabelais who said that illness is a drama in which there are three participants: the patient, the doctor and, finally, the illness itself. So, the relationship between the doctor, the patient and the disease is completely different for the poor and the rich.

A person with great income, who is able to pay for any medical care, makes completely different demands on a doctor than a person going to a district clinic. The doctor must have the appropriate appearance, work in a reputed or at least well-equipped medical facility. And, most importantly, the doctor must instill confidence in the patient. A wealthy patient usually turns to several doctors and eventually settles on the one who made the greatest impression on him.

In general, in the healing process, a certain shamanic element, so to speak, is of great importance. Our rich people love to get treatment abroad. But domestic medical education is not bad at all. It is not for nothing that Russian doctors work successfully in any Western clinics. Modern equipment, especially in well-organized medical centers, we have enough now. And yet, most rich people prefer to be treated not in Moscow, but abroad.

Why? Yes, precisely because foreign medicine is surrounded by an aura of mystery, a certain magic is felt in it, and perhaps that is why the treatment will be more effective. End result any treatment means health, and it doesn’t matter how it is achieved. The poor patient is more trusting.

Isn't there reverse side, are people with money, accustomed to the fact that high cost means high quality, becoming easy prey for fashion charlatans?

Maybe. But faith in the doctor has especially important in a situation of psychotherapeutic influence. Psychotherapy is a subtle thing and is expensive. Its high cost is an element of treatment. In order for the patient to open up to the psychotherapist and believe in his capabilities, he must pay for it. Money or some other way.

For example, one famous Western psychotherapist treated a very rich man. The effect could not be achieved; money did not matter to the patient. Then the doctor, knowing that his patient went to bed late and woke up late, scheduled psychotherapy sessions for him at seven in the morning. This was extremely difficult for the patient. But faith in the doctor, reinforced by the efforts of getting up early, which served as a kind of payment for treatment, brought success.

Some time ago I had to deal with this phenomenon. We treated patients suffering from obesity (this and neurotic problem). Patients were given a drug that made it easier to adhere to the diet, as it created a feeling of fullness. The company that produced this product provided the clinic with a quantity sufficient for a course of treatment for 20 patients. Patients, along with recommendations to follow a diet, physical activity received this medicine for free. After a month, three months, and six months, changes in the weight and volume of the patients were recorded.

The next 20 patients treated later were forced to buy the drug with their own money, and it was expensive. And unexpectedly it turned out that the treatment results of those who paid for the medicine were significantly better than those who received it for free. Apparently, patients who bought the drug for a lot of money followed their doctor’s recommendations more carefully. So, on the one hand, it’s good when medicines are cheap and treatment is free, but the other side cannot be ignored, especially in situations where the patient must actively participate in treatment.

I think this applies to all diseases, but especially those in which psychotherapy is used along with medicinal effects, primarily neurotic disorders. Currently the leading neurotic disorders are depressive states, so it is necessary to prescribe antidepressants. They all reduce depression. Some of them have an activating, stimulating effect, others, on the contrary, have a hypnotic effect. Recently, balanced antidepressants have appeared.

Who is more likely to suffer from neurotic disorders?

They really get headaches panic attacks, sleep disorders, problems with the menstrual cycle, with weight. But all this is purely psychogenic in nature. As a rule, there is no primary disease either in gynecology or in the central nervous system. Endless searches for a magic doctor and new medicines are useless.

Do people who have to make their way have a more natural psychological situation?

It probably has to do with each person’s system of priorities. To live in psychological comfort, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you need to set achievable goals and achieve them. Then the bar can be raised.

Scale of events causing stress:
Death of spouse 100
Divorce 73
Separation from spouse 65
Prison term 63
Death of a close relative 63
Personal injury or illness 53
Marriage 50
Dismissal from work 47
Reconciliation with your spouse 45
Resignation 45
Deterioration in the health of a family member 44
Pregnancy 40
Sexual problems 39
New addition to the family 39
Getting used to new job 39
Change in financial position 38
Death of a close friend 37
Transfer to a more difficult area of ​​work 36
Increased frequency of family quarrels 36
Mortgage or loan in excess of $10 thousand 31
Foreclosure 30
Increasing responsibility at work 29
Leaving home of a son or daughter 29
Problems with relatives on the husband's (wife's) side 29
Outstanding Personal Achievement 28
Spouse enters (or leaves) work 26
Entering (or graduating from) school 26
Changes in living conditions 25
Reconsidering personal habits 24
Relationship problems with superiors 23
Change of working conditions or duration 20
Change of residence 20
Moving from one school to another 20
Changing entertainment habits 19
Change in Church Activities 19
Change in social activity 18
Mortgage or loan for less than $10 thousand 17
If, over the past 12 months, there have been events in your life that scored 300 points or more on the stress scale, then, according to doctors, you are at risk of developing depression or another nervous disorder.

A. Gorbachev.

Emotional overload has become an integral part of our lives: every day, so many problems require our attention and immediate solutions that the nervous system simply cannot stand it. We are accustomed to explain the psychological discomfort that we experience under the yoke of overload as stress or depression.

Experts are worried that when we make such “diagnoses” for ourselves, we do not distinguish between these conditions at all. In fact, stress and depression may be interrelated, but they have very different symptoms and, most importantly, require different treatment approaches.

What is stress?

Stress is characterized by increased nervousness, short temper and irritability, which is often accompanied by unmotivated anxiety and difficulty concentrating. All this seriously reduces efficiency and significantly degrades quality.

life in general, therefore, a person who finds himself in a stressful situation needs mild sedatives that can restore him to lost peace of mind and at the same time allow him to lead his usual active lifestyle. It is precisely this mechanism of action that distinguishes the natural herbal preparation “Persen”. It contains extracts of peppermint, lemon balm and valerian - medicinal plants that have long established themselves as effective remedy in the fight against stress. Depression is also a very common disorder of the nervous system; moreover, sometimes it develops as a result of chronic stress, but it manifests itself with completely different symptoms.

What is depression?

Depression is characterized by loss of energy, loss of appetite, associated sudden fluctuations in weight and specific sleep disturbances: a person suffering from depression usually wakes up early in the morning and then cannot fall back to sleep. To overcome chronic fatigue, depression and emotional exhaustion that are characteristic of depression, it is better to use natural remedies that can improve the functional state of the nervous system.

Among medicinal herbs, St. John's wort, which is part of the drug "Deprim", has this mechanism of action.

And we also need to remember that very often in our nervous breakdowns It is not any specific events that are to blame, but our attitude towards them. Therefore, experts say, it is very important to learn to separate the important from the secondary in life and not to be nervous about those circumstances that cannot be changed.

The terms “stress” and “depression” are used very often. In fact, this has become an integral component for articles of a psychological, medical, and sociological nature.

However, when calling their condition stress or depression, people rarely think about the correct use of terminology. People know little about depression and associate this concept with low self-esteem, apathy, and loss of strength.

In general, few people can explain stress using the usual vocabulary. It’s an interesting situation, everyone understands what it is, they give examples from life, but they cannot give a reasonable explanation. In fact, people often confuse concepts such as stress, nervous tension, depression.

Let's understand these concepts.

Psycho-emotional (psychological) stress is a condition that is accompanied by strong negative emotions: fear, anxiety, melancholy, jealousy, anger, denial, irritability, arising in special situations perceived as threatening and difficult. Source psychological stress May be social interaction, own perceptions and assessments. The stress factor does not affect the human body, but its personality.

When assessing a situation, under the influence of accumulated experience, motivation, expectations, attitudes, and self-perception, either an adequate productive reaction or a stress disorder may occur. At psycho-emotional stress the impact occurs on an emotional level, changing the mood, the general background, positive attitude to the environment.

Nervous tension

The concept of nervous tension is often confused with depression due to the duration of its manifestation. Nervous tension occurs as a result of great emotional stress. Depending on the intensity and duration of stress, the strength of its influence on the human body depends. If tension is not recognized and not relieved, it will go into the stage of neurosis.

Mild nervous tension occurs under the influence of minor but unpleasant factors. It can be removed by switching to other thoughts or areas of activity, but if you try to concentrate on a separate negative thought, you can increase the negative impact.

Severe tension can occur when important issues, problems whose solution cannot be slowed down. Tension in these situations may be accompanied by weakness, discomfort, and headache. If such tension has become obsessive, it can lead to exhaustion of the body, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms can be the beginning of a depressive state.

You can work with voltage in different ways:


Stress is the body's defensive reaction to strong emotional, mental or physiological stimuli that are part of the body's adaptive response system.

Stress can appear as a reaction to stress: fatigue, overstrain, anxiety, worries, extreme experiences.

Adapting to new conditions, the body goes through several stages:

  • anxiety stage;
  • stage of resistance;
  • stage of exhaustion.

If the body's protective resources are not enough to withstand the influences, then the protective actions begin to harm the body itself.

Stress often refers to emotional unrest or strong feelings. Stress is physiological reaction, which, first of all, affects the body’s resistance and health, leading to serious diseases.

Positive stress, which is based on positive impressions and emotions, can lead to successful adaptation and mobilization of all the body’s forces. Negative stress manifests itself as an inability to adapt to new conditions, resulting in vulnerability and exhaustion.

If the defense reaction is not successful, then chemical emissions adrenaline levels become constant or regular. At the same time, the body’s adaptive resources are not enough for new challenges. But at the same time, the body continues to fight, which increases the exhaustion of the body. Stress causes a large number of diseases.

Stress can manifest itself in different ways:

  • external manifestations of stress: rash, skin irritation, hair loss;
  • disorders of internal organs: gastritis, peptic ulcers, colds, reduced immunity, allergic reactions, hypertension, convulsions, tics, menstrual cycle and sexual dysfunctions.

Such stress cannot be dealt with on an emotional level. Treatment of biological stress is aimed at the physiological state and health of the person.

A person faces stress very often, if not constantly, when solving various problems. Often a person does not even think about how stressful his life is.

Unfortunately, it must be stated that negative stress occur in humans much more often than positive ones. Strong negative emotions can appear after a failed exam, lack of the right product in the store, problems in the family or at work, or troubles in everyday life (for example, a burnt dinner, a ruined dress).

Unrealized opportunities, negative assessment of one's own activities, mistakes and failures, love disappointments, destruction of plans - all this is only a small part of everything that can cause stress in life. The layering of emotions causes the body's constant need for protection, which leads to depression.

But if small stresses can even be beneficial to the body, making it more resilient and strong, then major stresses have a destructive effect on both the body and the psyche. They are the ones that cause depression.

Depression can't be easy. It can occur in moderate to severe form. Moderate depression lasts for two weeks. IN severe forms depression may last for several months. Medicine knows of cases where people have had depression for several years.

Most often, depression is caused by the death of loved ones. The church ritual of remembering the dead on days 9 and 40 has a high therapeutic effect. “Farewell to the soul” reduces stress after a severe loss and helps to get out of depression. The general mentality dictates the rule of mourning for 40 days and then taking it off, which psychologically frees a person from worries.

After stress, the body is in a state of exhaustion. If a number of conditions are met, the body begins to accumulate energy until strength is restored.

Depression due to stress is common. As a rule, the body copes with this situation on its own. But severe depression is a serious illness that cannot be treated on your own. You need to see a doctor.

The manifestation of depression depends on the type of higher nervous activity. Depression in choleric people is usually associated with manifestations of anger, fear of failure, and fear of making a mistake. In this case, there may be thoughts of suicide. The reason for this condition is that choleric people are very dependent on success. Their weak type does not allow them to accept failure. However, their depression does not last long.

Why are some people more susceptible to depression than others? How is depression related to our childhood experiences and self-esteem? Is it possible to identify predisposition to depression by analyzing brain structures? Briefly about how and who gets depression - from the author of the best book on the treatment of this condition.

Depression is the result of current stress affecting a vulnerable individual. Stress is enough for a person to cross an invisible line and fall into a vicious circle of depression, formed from suppressed thoughts, self-destructive behavior, guilt and shame, and neurochemical changes. These elements both evoke and reinforce each other. If you do nothing, it will only get worse. The patient falls into a trap and cannot climb ashore without external help - medications, therapy and eliminating at least some of the sources of his stress.

Vulnerable person: who is it?

Here are some factors that appear to increase a person's vulnerability to depression.

Genetic predisposition. There is a certain hereditary element to depression: when one of the identical twins gets sick, in two cases out of three his brother or sister will also become depressed. One study found significant thinning of the cerebral cortex in families of people with depression, which scientists suggest may indicate an inherited genetic vulnerability.

Difficult relationships with parents at an early age. Every day we learn more about how experiences in early childhood affect brain development and thus lead to problems in adulthood. If the primary caregiver is not on the same emotional page as the child—perhaps due to their own depression—the child may never develop healthy self-esteem and a sense of being worthy of love. He may lose the ability to trust others or control his impulses.

Poor interpersonal skills. Shyness and social anxiety are highly associated with depression. Feeling awkward or embarrassed in social situations leads to the fact that a person begins to avoid them, this makes him withdraw into himself even more, and then negative thoughts can peck the patient to death.

Lack of social support. Many of my patients are isolated from the world not only by depression, but also by life circumstances. These are the only children in the family; people working in jobs with minimal social connections; divorced; family outcasts; living in the outback. Others are married, but without love, and the relationship alienates and hurts. If a person has no one to rely on in difficult times, he feels loneliness and danger.

Unstable self-esteem. If rejection greatly hurts you and undermines your self-image, and good things bring only temporary and weak pleasure, this is characteristic feature depression.

I like the analogy of a car's lubrication system. Engine oil reduces friction between moving parts, keeping your engine running smoothly and efficiently. The oil must be changed regularly because dirt accumulates in it, but in general the system does not require special care. However, if the oil pan is cracked or the gasket is burned out, the oil begins to leak or burn out, and you have to constantly top it up.

A person who is resistant to depression seems to have a good, impenetrable lubrication system: he knows how to adapt well in life and only occasionally needs the support of others, and is not confused by losses or failures. But for many patients with depression, something has “cracked” and the lubrication system has gone wrong. To live normally, they need more or less constant support, love or success, although the achievement of all this may be hindered by their own behavior.

Pessimistic thinking. There is solid evidence that when people are depressed, they think in a characteristically self-critical way that is quite different from the way other people think.

Early loss or traumatic experiences in childhood and adolescence. The death of a parent can be incredibly stressful for a child. The world he relied on collapsed, disappeared forever. Some children reject attempts to console them, believing that they should be brave, or, conversely, are afraid of the strength of their feelings. Surprisingly, many people feel guilty and responsible.

Other childhood traumas are alarmingly common. In one study, 22% of 17,000 mostly middle-class adult participants reported being sexually abused as children. More than a quarter said their parents drank or took drugs, problems that indicate child neglect.

Those who reported similar childhood experiences were much more likely to more likely became depressed, attempted suicide, abused alcohol and drugs, experienced anxiety, and had other health problems such as stroke or cardiovascular disease.

In my many years of experience working with patients, most people with major depression have experienced childhood abuse or neglect. Usually these are not horror stories of beatings and incest, although they are not uncommon, but emotional abuse.

One or both parents constantly undermine the child with harsh criticism or cruel, personal emotional castigation if the child has annoying or inconvenient needs and desires. Parents yell at their child simply because they are in a bad mood (or when they are drunk or hungover), and deprive him of attention and affection because he has displeased them in some way.

Stress that can trigger depression

There are acute stressful situations that can push a vulnerable person into the abyss of depression.

Disease. Some illnesses, such as migraines, multiple sclerosis, or heart attacks, cause depression much more severely than the associated pain, stress, and disability, suggesting that illnesses are also physically related to depression.

However, the depressive cycle itself can begin any serious illness, since a person is afraid of long-term consequences, experiences a loss of strength, and finds it difficult to concentrate. A qualitatively new stress appears associated with the need to obtain good medical care and, accordingly, costs.

Defeat. In our competitive society, status is determined by money, not by your contribution or love for you. In such conditions, the loss of a job or social status can be disastrous for a person. Most of us depend on our jobs to make us feel competent and useful, so realizing that losing one is just a result of the global economic crisis doesn't make us feel very good.

Ending an important relationship. A person experiences grief much like depression, and it can indeed lead to depression. Losing a relationship means losing an important source of love, affirmation, and comfort.

Loss of role status. We can lose our status when we stop being a real breadwinner, a sports star, a sex symbol, a mother. Some change is inevitable, but many build their self-esteem on the shaky foundation of a particular role and feel frustrated if they have to adjust to the loss of it.

Other blows to self-esteem. They are very individual: for example, an injury that means you can no longer run, or age problems with memory.

Social stress. Depression can be triggered, for example, by severe economic uncertainty or the threat of terrorism.

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Comment on the article "Depression after stress: how does it happen and who is at risk?"

Causes of depression Symptoms of depression. How to recognize a disease in yourself? Treatment of depression: how to get out of depression without Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy. In general, treatment for depression often follows a simple selection method...


If it’s still relevant, I can recommend my mother’s psychologist - Yana Levchuk, a psychologist from St. Petersburg. I hear only good things about her from my mother and she felt noticeably better in a month, she had severe panic attacks and her doctor insisted on psychological help, even helping her find this psychologist.

24.02. 2018 17:17:50, Dmitry1977. Imagine, in America everyone knows a psychotherapist and almost everyone goes to see him. Only they have depression, as if you are describing my condition, I lived with this for many years and no matter what they write to you, anyone who has not gone through it will never understand how hard it is ...


See a psychoanalyst urgently! Those. you need an absolutely stranger to whom you should express all your problems, not a friend, not a mother, but a professional who will listen and help you. I had similar situation, I solved the problem, a revaluation occurred. I couldn't handle it alone.

02/25/2018 18:36:53, Lllan

About depression. Survey. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. And once, about 5 years ago, I was on sick leave for 2 months specifically because of depression. How to get rid of anxiety?


As a person who works with stress, I can say that the statistics are even worse, many swamps are stress outlets. The truth is that statistics are no longer ours

Wow, the results are amazing. Firstly, how few people here take sick leave at all and, secondly, how many were taken due to depression.

In past years, I thought it was depression and lack of finances. Haha, then I found out that it can be worse, and suffer from depression. How to get rid of unnecessary things: 12 ways to say “no”. Depression of a mother of many children. NO ONE needs an employee with a 9 month old baby...


In past years, I thought it was depression and lack of finances. Haha, then I found out that it can be worse, and there is no time to suffer from depression, just “I’ll think about it tomorrow” (c)

I have three children, the oldest is 4 years old, the middle one is 3, the youngest is 1. The middle child has autism. Well, to say that I am depressed is an understatement. When the little one was half a year old, she was even afraid to open the windows, as she had a desire to throw herself out. Panic attacks developed from stress. Constant lack of sleep, chronic stress, constant lack of money, I even had to give up the pampas, it’s just tough, I have to clean and wash the house all the time (the shit breeds instantly), endless trips to the clinic. There is no place in the apartment where they won’t get you. Many thanks to the special kindergarten where my middle daughter was admitted; if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here anymore. So things could be much worse, don't be sad.

08/30/2017 15:06:56, Mosti

How to get rid of depression? ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Automobile. A woman driving, learning to drive, buying and selling a car, choosing a car, road accidents and others. There are many reasons for depression in the anamnesis. I have never been in such a state... Even if a wolf howls...


I took four different drugs according to the regimen for six months, everything returned to normal, many years have passed since then. The psychologist is not a specialist in psychopharmacology and in this case expresses not an expert opinion, but an everyday opinion at the level of “one woman said it.”

27.05.2008 20:28:27, 6

I took amitriptyline in small doses (1/4-1/4-1/2, i.e. 1 tablet per day) for about 1-2 years, I don’t remember exactly. There was no dependence or addiction. I gave it up myself when I felt that I didn’t need it. About 15 years have passed since then. So your psychologist is wrong, when correct selection of the drug and an adequate dose everything will be fine.

Last year, I observed an attack of depression in an employee of mine, so I immediately sent him to the doctor - in addition to his depressed state of mind, he had severe headaches and stuttering. Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy.


From a long-term? Tablets, IMHO.

there is, of course. Go to a psychiatrist, take pills, when it gets better, continue with a psychotherapist.
If you could pull yourself out of illness (and depression is a disease), doctors would not exist.

How to deal with depression? Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. And this was almost 2 years ago, and the current depression began slowly in the spring... Scientists: how to get rid of depression without drugs and psychotherapy.


this is not depression, the topic is written sensibly and energetically
invite guests, the apartment will have to be cleaned before they arrive
get back to your interesting projects
In the summer it’s always a little sad in the city, because... many people move away, the usual rhythm of communication is lost
relax about your personal life
it's quite difficult to be successful in everything

Something familiar, it seems to me...

Two, IMHO, ways:
1. Or, as the dachshund advises, lose to the end.
2. Or - this is what I would do - introduce strict self-discipline. My former boss, an Englishman, in excellent physical shape, over 60, received a big promotion, where the work involves an incredible workload (two or three business trips a week, long flights). The first thing he did was stop drinking (before that he drank half a glass, one glass of red), completely, completely. And the already healthy diet has become even stricter, or something. There are some sprouted grains there. I've lost weight, but I have energy.... dear mother.

Now I don’t drink at all in the middle of the week, unless something extraordinary and entertaining happens. Try not to feel sorry for yourself, IMHO. Load up. Get tired from physical activity - not because you want to, but because you have to. Healthy simple eating. Light dinner and kefir. Sports, such as running - and try to load your muscles, and not just grimace in front of the mirror. More water. Yes, you know everything yourself. Otherwise, IMHO, it’s a vicious circle - you feel sorry for yourself, you drink and eat, you’re swollen and tired in the morning, and you start all over again. Good luck. Sorry that I’m writing here and not on soap.

Depression. Emotional state moms. Pregnancy and childbirth. I have terrible depression. I don't understand what's going on. The pregnancy was desired, I really wanted a second child, I dreamed about how everything would be, I imagined that I would be proud of my position and...


only after the eldest. When everything was objectively very, very bad (continues to this day :))))
And with the rest - everything is cheerful and fun. There is no time to be bored, and you know what to count on. (even after the fourth, which I gave birth to earlier, after a scandal with my mother, when the eldest daughter and mother were in confrontation, there was no help - but everything was great)

No, it passed me by:) I feel happy, beautiful and finally :) Well, what contributes to a good/bad mood, in my case, in any case, is the relationship at home (with my husband), the weather (we were born in February and immediately it was spring, the sun and everything such), communication with friends (that is, it should not stop), mobility (not sitting within 4 walls):) So my dad and I try not to argue too much, walks and the weather in general mostly give me pleasure, and if we If we don’t go out and it’s raining, then I’ll happily sit at home, cook something more sophisticated than usual, clean up, or I want to start making a photo album, we continue to communicate with friends - every weekend we always have someone over, and now we ourselves have started going out , well, with the purchase of a kangaroo, there are no problems at all with going anywhere - to the store, to visit, and to barbecue. It’s just that you can’t go to a nightclub, but I was already there at one time, now I don’t feel like it, and if I want to, I can go once a year - someone will sit with the little one! :))))))

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