Civil Aviation School in Belarus. How to enter the Belarusian State Aviation Academy

Belarusian state academy aviation is a large educational institution of the highest level on a republican scale. For my rich history Leading experts in this field were educated within its walls. The Academy is widely known and prestigious not only in Belarus, but also abroad. To date, the number of graduates educational organization reached 12 thousand.

At the beginning of its activity, the educational institution had the status of a college. The year of its foundation is 1974, and in 1975 the first intake of cadets in the available specialties was already made. At that time there were two of them, and both of them were associated with technical maintenance aircraft. Eleven years later, the list of areas was expanded to include the operation of ground vehicles and equipment. IN next years In addition to technicians, the college began to train future specialists in electronics and mechanics of both ships and ground equipment, and managers in the field of air transport.

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the college changed its name, becoming the Minsk Aviation Technical College civil aviation, and a year later it was transferred under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. In 1995 flight school civil aviation in Minsk receives the highest status, and retraining courses for professional personnel are also opened here. In tandem with the leaders technical universities Belarus college trains them best students according to a shortened program.

During this period there is active development and formation educational institution. Departments are opening in specialized areas of study, and the list of specialties is being updated with new options. Thus, such specializations as repair and operation of ships, equipment, instruments, etc. appear. In addition full-time department, starts and correspondence form getting an education.

As we move into the 21st century, college continues to evolve rapidly. Modern directions, departments in the structure of the educational institution constantly replenished the composition of the educational institution. In 2015, the college naturally took the next step in its development, becoming an academy. New laboratories are opening, and it becomes possible to obtain a master’s degree at an educational institution. Today it is subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus.

The banner group carries out the Banner of the educational institution "Belarusian State Aviation Academy"

Training at the Belarusian State Aviation Academy

The Belarusian Aviation Academy is a modern large-scale educational institution. Here you can get education in a variety of areas on different basis. Let's look at the main departments of the university.

Department of Secondary Special Education

You can study at the secondary level of education at the academy full-time or part-time. In total, this division offers 15 specialties. The main directions of education are:

  1. Work with lifting and transport, road, and construction machines.
  2. Mechanization of transport and airfields.
  3. Operation of vessels and equipment of various types.
  4. Aviation instrument systems of various types.
  5. Computer technology for flight support.
  6. Aircraft traffic control.

Specialties vary according to narrow types of activities, since each of them requires intensive study curriculum. Teaching is conducted by 60 qualified specialists. Departments of the department - cycle commissions monitor the assimilation of knowledge. For training cadets there are laboratories and classrooms. Upon completion of training, graduates can continue their training as engineers in the department higher education, and the study period will be shortened. Former students of the academy unit are successful managers enterprises, management structures and specialists in demand in their field.

Simulator training

Faculty of Civil Aviation

The Aviation Academy in Minsk includes a large structural unit, within which the training of future personnel in the field of civil aviation takes place. The activities of the faculty began in 2007. The department has seven departments, and the department is managed by the dean.

The faculty has about 1000 students, 150 teachers who are highly qualified and experienced. Not only citizens of Belarus and the CIS study here, but also students from far abroad. Future graduates of the faculty will be able to build a career at the largest domestic enterprises, factories, border committees, airlines and airports.

The faculty has three main specialties, each of which involves a wide range of acquired skills and abilities of cadets. Depending on the chosen direction, specialists in each field must:

  • work with aircraft and their components;
  • understand all processes life cycle aviation equipment and be able to participate in them;
  • know the instruments in the cockpit and their operation;
  • lighting systems at airfields;
  • understand radio technology in aviation and a set of measures for its uninterrupted functioning;
  • know the documents and regulations for ensuring the repair and maintenance of equipment in aviation.

Places of work for graduates can be factories for the production of aircraft and its components, entities of the Ministry of Transport, airports in Minsk and other cities of the republic, and airlines. The faculty actively cooperates with large enterprises that provide internships for students as part of their internship.

Day open doors at the academy

Military Faculty

This division has existed in the academy since its founding as a college. Today, the faculty provides versatile training for future specialists who can subsequently build a brilliant military or civilian career.

The first direction of training is the specialty of an engineer and management specialist. Within this qualification, there are several specializations: ground support for flights, technical and technological support for the activities of unmanned systems and complexes. The training lasts five years.

The second direction includes the training of future technical officers. Among the specialties there are those related to the maintenance and use of ships and engines, landing transport and radio equipment, as well as automated electronic devices for the flight. At the faculty you can receive both secondary and higher education, or both in turn. IN the latter case Cadets receive higher education in a shorter period of time.

The last area of ​​study at the military faculty is the training of reserve officers and junior military positions V military aviation. To ensure a full-fledged learning process, the faculty houses classrooms, training complexes, mock-ups of aircraft and its real samples, as well as specialized computer programs.

Courses and retraining

The academy runs courses English language, designed for both aviation workers and ordinary listeners. Students are divided into groups depending on preferences and level of language proficiency. In addition, one of structural elements educational institution is an institute for retraining and advanced training, where students can receive a comprehensive set of knowledge in accordance with the latest system ICAO approved training.

The course of lectures includes training on simulators, technical English, safety classes and much more. This institute is the only one of its kind in Belarus.

The academy trains personnel for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

How to enter the Belarusian State Aviation Academy

Entrance exams are determined by the department of the academy to which the applicant plans to apply and the type of specialty.

Secondary Education Department

For secondary specialized education you need to complete 11 grades of school. When enrolling, you must have your certificate with you. In some specialties, only this is enough, and the mark in mathematics must be at least 4 points. In Belarus ten-point system grades, so “four” - the minimum satisfactory score - is equivalent to a grade of “three plus”.

Most specializations require not only a certificate, but also certificates of completion of CT - centralized testing. This is an analogue of the Russian Unified State Exam; testing is carried out after graduation. In total, graduates can take three or four CTs in selected subjects. At the Aviation Academy, as part of secondary education, you will need a certificate in Russian or Belarusian language and mathematics. In 2016, the passing scores were quite high, and the competition in the vast majority of cases reached from 1.2 to 3.6 people per place, including paid training.

Admission to the Faculty of Civil Aviation

As mentioned earlier, this is where learning takes place as part of higher education. To enter the faculty, in addition to an application for admission, a photo and a medical certificate (certain specialties require passing the VLEK), you need to pass three CTs: Russian or Belarusian language, mathematics and physics. VLEK in Belarus are free of charge in Medical service civil aviation, which is located in the city of Minsk. For distance learning applicants take exams at the academy specialized subjects. Cadets who do not live in Minsk can apply for accommodation in a dormitory, which has enough places for all students.

How to get to the military faculty of the academy

Only boys have the right to study at this faculty. In addition to centralized testing in language, mathematics and physics, applicants will have to undergo selection according to their level physical training, and also be fit to study due to health reasons. The passing scores for the budget for the current year are quite high, but not exorbitant. It is usually even easier to get into a paid form of training.

Admission for foreigners

The Academy of Civil Aviation in Minsk trains not only citizens of Belarus, but also foreign guests. In this case, foreign citizens can study either for a fee or for free, it depends on the state and the agreement between it and the educational institution.

Applicants provide necessary documents about education with their translation if necessary, as well as a certificate of health, which is issued to them already on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. In addition, it is mandatory to provide a certificate confirming that the applicant does not have HIV, as well as a birth certificate.

The Academy provides training for foreign citizens

Cost of training at the Aviation Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Tuition prices vary depending on the department and form of education. Full-time secondary education will cost 157 Belarusian rubles per month of study, which is equal to 4569 Russian rubles. Correspondence education costs less, only 70 rubles, or 2077 Russian rubles. Higher education will cost 192 and 90 Belarusian rubles per month for full-time and part-time studies, respectively. Foreign citizens Tuition is paid in US dollars. Amounts are 230 and 115 dollars on average special unit and 295 and 190 - at the highest. These numbers are equal to the monthly cost of studying at the academy.

Master's degree at the academy

After completing their higher education studies, many graduates want to continue scientific activity and study the material in more depth and, perhaps, take up teaching activities. For this purpose, the academy has a master's degree program. To get into it, you need to pass an exam under common name"Transportation", which includes an extensive list of topics from different subjects.

History of the creation and development of Minsk State Higher Aviation College

It was previously noted that the 60-70s were years of rapid development of civil aviation in Russia and the Republic of Belarus.

Taking into account the ever-increasing needs of civil aviation for specialists, by order of the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR No. 154 of 08/09/74. On October 1, 1974, the Minsk Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation (MATUGA) was established. September 1, 1975 250 young men who arrived from all over USSR, began training in two specialties:

Technical operation of aircraft radio equipment;

Technical operation of aircraft instruments and electrical equipment.

By order of the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR first was appointed head of the school Klimenko Petr Pavlovich, Ph.D., who worked as the head of the Management Department of KIIGA. Deputy chiefs: Zigun Anatoly Andreevich, Parkhimovich Viktor Antonovich. The following were invited to organize the educational process:

For the radio department - Ivan Antonovich Maslov;

For electrical appliances – Alexey Grigorievich Rebrey.

In 1976 introduced into educational process training and production workshops; at the beginning of 1977 - a training airfield at the Minsk-1 airport. In 1979 The construction of a 12-story dormitory is being completed.

From 1983 to 1999 school - college - higher college headed Sidorovich Nikolai Andreevich.

Active development began in 1984 material base and increasing the number of students. Admission to the first year in 1985 amounted to 480 people.

Organization of a training airfield on the territory of the school (3 hectares). A unique operation to transport training aircraft from the M-1 airport to the school’s training airfield. Construction of a stadium and gymnastics grounds.

The construction of the bathhouse and storage facilities has been completed.

Opening at the school (after 12 years) of the third specialty “Technical operation of ground-based complexes and electronic communications.” The ERTOS training base was built. An aviation technical base was built at the training airfield. A hangar was built for a military training airfield.

A fourth specialty is being opened - “Technical operation of electronic computer systems and information systems.”

By order of the Minister of Civil Aviation No. 18 of January 22, 1991, the Minsk Aviation School was transformed into the “Minsk aviation college", with the aim of organizing stepwise continuous training of aviation specialists at the college: technicians; complex technicians.

In 1991, the educational, scientific and methodological association "Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers - Minsk Aviation technical college". The result of the work of this UNMO were new curriculum. College graduates who completed training under these plans, on the recommendation of the College Council, were required to continue their studies separate group in the 3rd year of the institute for further higher education.

In connection with the liquidation of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the college transferred to the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus and renamed to "Minsk State Aviation College" (MSAC). In the same year, 1992, it opened new specialty- "Technical operation of aircraft and aircraft engines."

In connection with the termination of ties with the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, the college began to cooperate with the Belarusian state university Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) and the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy (BSPA).

By orders of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus:

- No. 197 dated June 25, 1993, the educational, scientific and methodological association “BSUIR-MGAC” was organized in the specialties: “Technical operation of aviation radio equipment”, “ Computers, systems and networks".

- No. 68 dated March 5, 1994, the educational and scientific association "BGPA-MGAC" was organized in the specialty "Technical operation of aviation instruments, electrical systems and complexes."

A hangar laboratory was built for the specialty “Technical Operation of Aircraft and Engines”, and a 9-story dormitory for cadets was built.

Over 25 college employees were moved out of a dilapidated residential building and given comfortable apartments.

Preparations have been made for the opening of the 6th specialty - "Traffic Control air transport". Advanced training courses have been opened. A unique dispatch training center (UDTC) has been created together with the scientific association "AGAT".

25 college graduates were sent to BSUIR for each of the two specialties, and 30 graduates were sent to BSPA to continue their studies in senior years.

On the basis of the college, branches of departments from BSUIR and BGPA were organized, which included employees of universities and colleges.

By joint order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the State Aviation Committee No. 19/340 of August 25, 1995. The college is being reorganized into the "Minsk State Higher Flight Technical College" to organize the training of engineers in the specialty "Organization of traffic and control in transport", for which this (1995) for the first time in the history of the college the Department of Air Traffic Control was organized. The first head of the department was appointed candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Georgy Ivanovich Oliferenko. The college is transferred to the category of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. The first rector was appointed Sidorovich Nikolai Andreevich.

Truly historic in college life. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the organization of the college. Large group workers were awarded honorary diplomas of the State Aviation Committee, the Factory Regional Executive Committee, and badges “Excellence in Transport of the Republic of Belarus.”

The department "Technical operation and repair of aircraft and engines" was created.

Based on the results of the rating selection and the decision of the College Council for the first time in the history of the college, 37 of its graduates were enrolled as students for obtaining higher education directly at college according to the “college – higher college” system:

17 people – qualified as “air traffic control engineer”;

20 people qualified as “mechanical engineer for aircraft and engines.”

Organization of the departments in the college: “Technical operation of aviation equipment”, “Social and humanitarian disciplines”.

The first dissertation was defended (Sidorovich N.A.), 14 college employees were enrolled as applicants in universities of the Republic of Belarus, 5 people successfully passed the candidate minimum in philosophy and a foreign language.

Two published teaching aids(Shcherbakov N.N., Sidorovich N.A.). A monograph has been published (Sidorovich N.A.).

College staff: Sidorovich N.A., Laptsevich A.A. Lepskoy L.N., Kirilenko A.I., Valkovich T.V. – Higher Certification Commission assigned academic titles"Associate Professor".

The following departments were organized: “Technical operation of aviation radio equipment” (TEARO); "General technical disciplines"; "Physical education".

Reception first students (24 people) for the specialty “Technical operation and repair of radio equipment”, to obtain the qualification “radio engineer”.

So, Since 1999, a continuous two-level system of training aviation specialists in 4 specialties and specializations (except for computers) has been carried out directly at the college. Qualifications: "technician", "engineer".

For the first time the college organizes correspondence courses in three specialties in secondary special education(qualification "technician").

In 1999 admissions committee Ulyanovsk Higher aviation school On the basis of MGVLTK, for the first time, nine citizens of the Republic of Belarus were accepted for training in the specialty “pilot engineer” and “engineer navigator” to study in educational institutions of Russia on a compensatory basis.

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Civil Aviation and the Minister of Defense of the USSR dated July 17, 1975 No. 144 for MATUGA cadets from 1975-1976 academic year military training was introduced.

All these years, the school, and then the college, has been training reserve officers for the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus at military department(cycle) in six military specialties.

Since November 1999, Alexander Ivanovich Naumenko was appointed head (rector) of the Minsk State Higher Flight Technical College.

On September 1, 2000, admission of cadets to the seventh specialization was opened: “Technical operation of electrical lighting equipment at airports.”

In 2001, the college was renamed “Minsk State Aviation College”.

In 2001, the first admission of applicants to correspondence department for the training of aviation engineers.

In 2002, admission of cadets to the eighth specialization (in MTR): “Technical operation of airport mechanization equipment” was opened.

In 2004, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded academic degree"candidate economic sciences» Naumenko A.I..

As of September 1, 2006, the college employs over 270 teaching staff, incl. in eight departments: 7 doctors and 28 candidates of science.

More details about the history of the formation and development of our educational institution and its graduates can be found in the college museum.

Admissions Committee of the Belarusian State Aviation Academy:

375 17 345-32-81

Documents for download:

Rules for admission to the Academy of persons for higher education of the first stage
The procedure for admission to the Faculty of Civil Aviation at the Belarusian State Aviation Academy in 2016
The procedure for admission to the Faculty of Military Aviation at the Belarusian State Aviation Academy in 2016
Admission plan (admission target numbers) in 2015
Competition and passing scores in 2015
Marks equivalent to positive according to the results of centralized testing in 2015
Scale for converting the average score of educational documents
Tuition fee information:
The cost of paid training at the Belarusian State Aviation Academy in the 2015/2016 academic year

Nonresident cadets studying at an educational institution are provided with a dormitory. The academy has two dormitories. Dormitory No. 1: total area- 6078 m2, living area - 2137.1 m2; number of beds - 345, number of rooms - 132, number of floors - 12. Dormitory No. 2: total area - 8723 m2, living area - 3258 m2; number of beds - 600, number of rooms - 240, number of floors - 9.
There are rooms for self-training and relaxation, kitchens, and an ironing room in the dormitories are equipped with appropriate furniture and equipment. On the territory of the academy there is a laundry and clothing and shoe repair shops. The dorm rooms are arranged in a block system, consisting of two living rooms and rooms public use. Each block is equipped with a shower and toilet.

Please check the rules for checking into dormitories by phone. +375 17 340-62-57

Students at the academy have Cadet status.
Civil aviation and Armed Forces cadets are trained as part of mixed study groups in their chosen specialty, they live on the territory of the academy in a block-type dormitory. The cadets have at their disposal leisure and information rooms, household rooms, a library, a club, assembly hall, music and sports corners.
Cadets who have completed training under the junior commanders program upon conscription for military service military service enjoy benefits established by law Republic of Belarus. During the training process, they can undergo military training at the military faculty of the academy in accordance with the application of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus for the programs of junior commanders and reserve officers. Civil aviation cadets who have fully completed the program military training according to reserve officer programs, upon graduation from the academy they are certified as officers.
Successfully studying cadets, according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, are given the opportunity to switch from a paid form of education to a budget one.

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