Which countries have the longest life expectancy? The oldest man on earth - why don't people live two hundred years? Outsiders: African countries

This is the name of the annual release issued by the Central intelligence agency USA book-almanac with statistical data on all countries of the world.

According to a study conducted in 2013, Russia is in 152nd place in terms of life expectancy. We tell you what the situation is in other countries.

1st place: Monaco

A gap of more than 5 years from its closest pursuer allows it to confidently lead the ranking of long-livers. Experts say the main reasons for the world's highest life expectancy (89.63 years) are the favorable Mediterranean climate, good environmental situation, an abundance of upscale medical centers and health salons.

A decent income (average salary is about 5.5 thousand euros per month) and proper nutrition are provided to residents low level stress and good health.

2nd place: Macau

Macau (or Macao) - autonomous territory within the Chinese People's Republic with an average life expectancy of 84.5 years. Macau is often called the capital of pleasure and entertainment Southeast Asia. The total turnover of local casinos is seven times greater than in Las Vegas. It is not surprising that almost the entire local population is employed in the service sector and receives high salaries.

The Macanese themselves claim that the secret of their longevity is abstinence from alcohol, a rice and vegetable diet, and a happy and long family life.

3rd place: Japan

As a rule, people live up to 84 years in Japan. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Japan until recently had the largest old man in the world. Jiroemon Kimura died at the age of 116 in 2013. Older Japanese people tend to be sociable and have an optimistic outlook on life. This is facilitated by the activities of special organizations for people over 75 years of age, supporting their creative endeavors.

Top 20 countries with the highest life expectancy



San Marino

Guernsey (Channel Islands, UK)




Jersey (Channel Islands, UK)


Anguilla (island, UK)

Outsiders: African countries

The country has held the top spot in the list of countries with the lowest life expectancy for many years. Last places in the third hundred of the ranking The World Factbook is occupied by Guinea-Bissau, South Africa and Chad. Locals Here people rarely cross the threshold of 50 full years.

According to analysts, the deterioration of the demographic situation in African countries is due to serious condition economy, unsanitary conditions and the spread of dangerous diseases. The proportion of HIV-infected people among the adult population here ranges from 10 to 25%.

Top 20 countries with the lowest life expectancy


Average life expectancy, years


Burkina Faso



Central African Republic




South Africa

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

Do you want to live to a ripe old age? One of the most important factors in life expectancy is wealth: the rich tend to eat healthy food, smoke and drink less. They also have better medical care. In addition, rich countries tend to have low rates of violent crime and civil unrest.

The following countries have the highest average life expectancy in the world. If you're wondering, in the US, average duration life is 77.85, and the US is in 48th place.

Find out: Where is it better and longer to live. List of countries with the highest life expectancy.

10. Guernsey: 80.42 years

The island of Guernsey, located in the English Channel, is under the jurisdiction of british crown, but is not part of the UK. The reason for the high life expectancy is simple: Guernsey is extremely rich. Very low taxes make Guernsey a popular destination for tax exiles who can afford the very best in food and health care. More than half of the island's income comes from financial services - which means well-paid jobs office workers and there are very few people employed in heavy industry here.

>9. Australia: 80.50 years

In Australia all the usual factors that have a direct bearing on long duration life. However, the life expectancy of Aboriginal Australians is 20 years less than that of white Australians, with each factor shortening life little by little, including smoking, obesity and poverty. Interestingly, research suggests that life expectancy may begin to decline in Australia as obesity in Australia has reached epidemic proportions. Video Australia

8. Switzerland: 80.51 years

In addition to a stable economy and the usual factors that increase life expectancy, such as a healthy diet and high level medical care, Switzerland can boast of its neutrality, so Swiss residents have very little chance of dying in an armed conflict.

7. Sweden: 80.51 years

Although the economic downturn in the late 1990s contributed poorly to life expectancy. Sweden - World renowned for its excellent social security and healthcare system, it is still one of the best in the world. Sweden also has the lowest smoking rate in developed countries, with just 17 percent of the population smoking and tobacco-related deaths half the European average.

6. Japan: 81.25 years

Japan has the lowest percentage of obese people in the world at just 3 percent. As in Hong Kong, this is mainly due to a healthy diet: vegetables, fish, rice and noodles. Many Japanese eat with feeling: they stop eating when they feel 80% full, rather than continuing to eat until they feel a heaviness in their stomach. The Japanese are much less dependent on cars than people in Western countries, preferring to walk whenever possible, and this is at least a small exercise.

5. Hong Kong: 81.59 years

People in Hong Kong usually eat a healthy and balanced diet based on foods such as rice, vegetables and tofu, but not large number meat. Obesity in Hong Kong is at a fairly low level, as are low rates of cancer and heart disease associated with poor diet.

4. Singapore: 81.71 years

Apart from the prosperity in Singapore, high duration life. In the early 1980s, the government recognized that middle age citizens are growing. The government has planned programs to increase medical institutions, and Singapore now has excellent medical facilities.

3. San Marino: 81.71 years

This enclave in central Italy is the third small state in Europe (after the Vatican and Monaco), as well as the oldest republic in the world. Life expectancy here has long been one of the highest, due to prosperity and the fact that the majority of the population are office workers, not workers in the heavy industry that shortens their lives.

2. Macau: 82.19 years

This island in the South China Sea is reaping the benefits of a booming economy. The money comes from visitors, mostly from China, looking to take advantage of Macau's newly liberalized gaming industry. Gambling profits now account for about 70 percent of the country's income, and the government is using this money to invest heavily in healthcare.

And finally number 1.

1. Andorra: 83.51 years

Andorra has the highest life expectancy in the world. Andorra is a small highland principality. Situated between France and Spain, Andorra was once one of Europe's poorest countries until it became a popular tourist destination after World War II. Andorra has only 71,000 inhabitants and all of them now enjoy all the benefits of a thriving economy, including excellent food and public health services.

The geographical position of Andorra predetermines practically zero level crime. Bandits who robbed a local bank would simply have nowhere to hide - in the mountains, escape routes are very limited and easily controlled.

Andorra's economy thrives not only thanks to tourism, but also thanks to its special tax policy.

More than 12 million tourists visit Andorra every year. It attracts numerous lovers of mountain nature and fans of alpine skiing. Thanks to the developed infrastructure for receiving guests (an established system travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops, ski stations, etc.), excellent ecology (effective environmental protection measures are carried out here, there are no hazardous industries, and, moreover, nuclear power plants), as well as reasonable prices, much more moderate than, for example, in the high mountain resorts of Switzerland and Austria, the Principality has gained a reputation as a first-class holiday destination. Yes, and for life.

Hello dear readers! Yesterday over dinner, my friend told me the story of a woman (whose homeland is China), but at the same time, at fifty-something years old, she does not look her age at all. It was as if time stood still when she was 27-30 years old. This is surprising, especially for a woman, but I wonder what the average life expectancy is in the world. Which countries have the most centenarians and what is their secret? eternal youth? You will learn about all this today...

Despite the fact that our planet has changed greatly over the centuries, people, from a physiological point of view, have remained the same. The same people lived centuries ago, but today we have several times more tools and information, if compared with our ancestors who lived on the planet half a century ago. It is thanks to the changed laws of life and the large information flow that the average age indicators have increased significantly. Few of you probably remember that before it was several times smaller.

Human life expectancy in the USA

For some reason, we all treat America as something supernatural and unattainable, but recently I read an article that the standard of living there has decreased for the first time in 20 years.

The reason remains unclear; people die mainly from diseases, but the only good thing is that the number of deaths from cancer has remained unchanged.

Highest life expectancy by country in the world.

Portugal: growth dynamics

If we pay special attention to the healthcare system, Portugal will become best example this area. According to WHO statistics, the country's healthcare combines such aspects as special insurance for representatives of a certain profession, voluntary health insurance, and is included in the ranking of the world's best systems.

Thanks to a coherent tax system, the government is ready to provide its citizens with free health insurance. In addition, according to statistics, people began to live longer. Men and women live 10 years longer (80 years) when compared with other countries in the world. In Portugal, life expectancy is 9 years longer than in other countries.


This country has very strict health standards, which is why Luxembourg is considered the most advanced country. Each person pays a tax on healthcare, which also comes from company income, thereby covering insurance for all residents of the country, regardless of age and social status. As a result, 98% of the population can visit a doctor for free. For those who can afford it, there is additional insurance, mostly purchased by non-profit organizations. Accordingly, the private sector practically does not exist. Just a few years ago, women lived to be 82 years old and men lived to be 77 years old. If you pay attention to the indicators, you can conclude that the system works perfectly.

South Korea (84 years old)

The country's advanced healthcare system is considered one of the top among all developed countries in the world.

A single-payer system operates here, in other words, all medical services are paid exclusively by one organization - the state, which significantly reduces administrative costs when compared with European and North American ones. As a result, residents will pay several times less for the fact that in the future they will be able to provide the most complex medical service, and this is done in the shortest possible time.

With such a healthcare system, it becomes clear why the country has the highest life expectancy. But health insurance does not include fee additional tests and procedures, which can be extremely important in the case of a chronic or complex disease such as oncology. Despite this positivism, many of my acquaintances who have been to Korea argued that the majority of the population complain that due to high speed, the quality of medical service suffers significantly, as doctors want to increase their salaries due to the fact that they serve many patients.

Australia (age 84)

In this country, women live 85 years, and men - 81 years. Considering that the country spends less than 10% of its profits on its health care system, compared with America's about 18%, it may seem like some kind of hoax. The budget has financed health care since 1984.

In parallel, a special private system. It is income taxation that provides medical services to all residents, which includes consultation with a therapist and specialist, all necessary tests and surgical operations. Regarding aged care, according to research by the Australian Economist, the country received the most high score for the availability of such services, their quality and public awareness.

France (84 years old)

This country is capable of spending several times more money for medicine than others European countries, and this may have a beneficial effect on the elderly population. WHO previously rated the French healthcare system as the most advanced in the world. And today key point Here they consider the culture of paying more and receiving more in the health care system.

Thirteen years ago, France set an absolute record, which reached 84 years for women and 77 years for men, which is considered the highest in the EU, reports comparison table Agence France Presse. The National Demographic Institute, which conducted the research, associates this with progress in the field of medical development. Besides this, I like the fact that the country spends a lot of money on the treatment of cancer and heart diseases.


Why Italy is included in the ranking of countries with the longest duration is a question for many, since the government spends only 9% of its income on health care. Surely popular all over the world national cuisine and the joyful, optimistic atmosphere has positive influence on the quality of life of the indigenous population. The national Italian health care system, once the best in the world after the French capital, provides affordable health care to all European residents.

Today Italians live long: men are 80 years old and women are 85.

Singapore (85 years old)

Singaporean men and women ranked 5th and 4th respectively in terms of longevity, despite the government spending just 3% of its income on healthcare. Here you need to look at the unique social public policy. Initially, you can purchase insurance policies from the government, the prices for which are set at the legislative level. They also provide subsidies for low-income citizens, special pension programs, as well as mandatory savings programs, thereby making social savings accessible.

Switzerland (85 years old)

For three months after birth or obtaining Swiss citizenship, people are provided with health insurance. The system successfully combines public, private-public and completely private healthcare companies that operate within the framework of the Law on State health insurance. All insurers are provided with basic medical services, regardless of age and health status.

Spain (85 years old)

When it comes to the life expectancy of Spaniards, many, just like in the case of Italy, cannot understand why people live so long, since the socio-economic factors of the two countries are similar. In this case, it is also necessary to mention the Mediterranean diet. Food is considered part of the culture of this country, where they probably don’t worry too much about nutritional standards. For example, in the West, people consume more calories. Here, national cuisine comes first and, surprisingly, there is no epidemic of obesity. Naturally, the universal health care system plays one of the leading roles, but Spanish culture itself has a positive influence on the fact that people have begun to live longer.

Japan (87 years old),

men and women live equally long.

A Japanese woman lost her husband at the age of 83. Today, at the age of 116, she is the oldest woman in the world according to the Guinness Book. What is her secret? Eat, rest and relax.

In addition, there is also a man living in Japan who was born on February 5, 03 of the last century - the oldest representative of the stronger sex in the world. And this is not surprising: the largest percentage of centenarians who are over 110 years old have Japanese citizenship.

One can only guess from the tea leaves what it is about Japanese culture that gives them the opportunity to be so long-lived. On the one hand, the healthcare system is less individualized than in the West. There are no family doctors here, no emphasis on medical ethics and no ability to speak with patients.

On the other hand, they have universal system, which uses world-class technology. But the main difference, despite everything, lies in culture. According to statistics, by following a diet, the Japanese are less likely to end up in hospitals with heart attacks.

A little history: how long did people live in the 19th century and in the 20th century?

You can imagine that at the beginning of the 19th century, the average life expectancy of many countries did not exceed 35 years. (Statistics: London 33 years, for the Belgian capital - 32 years, for the Dutch - 34 years, France 40 years, and in Russia generally 32).

Why were people dying so quickly? Most of them were infected with infectious diseases, diarrhea, pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. If in those years the inhabitants of the planet had not died from these and some other similar diseases, then the average life expectancy of representatives of the stronger half would have been 70 years, and not 40.5. It was at the moment when cures for acute diseases were found that life expectancy increased several times. By the middle of the 20th century, it had grown to 65 years, which is good news.

Indeed, just think how scary it is to realize that by the age of 32 your life could end. Today, a lot has changed, the pace of development and speed have become completely different. People like to live, they are constantly developing, and many residents of American countries are just starting to have children closer to 40 years old. It seems to me that there is no secret to longevity, the only thing is to love and be loved, to enjoy life.

As for not drinking, not smoking, I don’t even know, among long-livers there are also people who smoked their entire adult lives, so this is everyone’s choice. It also doesn’t matter whether you are vegan, eat steak, eat only fruit, or give up dairy products. Statistics show that even those people who were completely unaware of the concept lived as long as possible. healthy eating. To maintain a beautiful body and a beautiful spirit within it, it is important to value yourself, treat yourself and others with care, live in comfortable conditions and not be nervous. What secrets of longevity do you know?

I recently found out about - about which I wrote a separate article

Text— Agent Q.

“It’s better to be healthy and rich than to be poor and sick.” Perhaps this phrase will become the leitmotif of a series of articles on the topic: Which country is good to live in!

Who among us has not wished for a long and happy life? Therefore, in our opinion, one of the most clear signs quality of life is its duration.

How life expectancy is calculated by country

When calculating the average life expectancy of citizens of a particular country, WHO uses the following concept: “Life expectancy.” What does this indicator mean? It characterizes the average life expectancy of a group of people born in the same year, provided that the mortality rate remains unchanged for each age group in these countries. The indicator is calculated both separately for men and women, as well as the overall average.

What determines life expectancy by country?

The quality of healthcare, lifestyle, climatic conditions, and environmental indicators of the state are the main factors that influence the average life expectancy of citizens. Important factors influencing mortality and, as a consequence, life expectancy are also military actions carried out on the territories of the analyzed states. Another important factor One factor influencing increased mortality is the prevalence of HIV. It is this factor that becomes decisive in the countries of central Africa.

Results of the ranking of 15 countries with the highest life expectancy rates

15. Norway - On average, Norwegians live 81.8 years.

14. Netherlands - 81.8 years

13. Luxembourg - 82 years old

12. Canada - 82.2 years

11. Republic of Korea - 82.3 years

Top 10 countries in terms of life expectancy:

10. Sweden - 82.4 years

9. France - 82.4 years

8. Israel - 82.5 years

7-6. Iceland, Italy - 82.7 years

5-4. Spain, Australia - 82.8 years

WITH Countries with the highest life expectancy:

3. Singapore - 83 years old

2. Switzerland - 83.1 years

Absolute leader 1st place!
1. Japan - 83.7 years

Russia in this list does not occupy an honorable 110th place. The average life expectancy in our country is 70.5 years. People live longer than us even in countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala and even Honduras!

The secret of long-livers in heaven

Some 200 years ago, Japan could not boast of such high figures. The average lifespan of the Japanese in the 1800s was 37 years! But in Russia in those same years, the average life expectancy was 45-50 years, and this figure was one of the highest in the world!

Objective factors influencing the life expectancy of the Japanese:

  • One of the main secrets of Japanese longevity is considered to be proper nutrition. No wonder there are so many followers in the world Japanese diet.
  • A healthy lifestyle for the Japanese is not empty sound, daily walks and leisurely running is as necessary a daily ritual as washing and brushing your teeth.
  • The Japanese are an obedient nation, and this also applies to medical obedience. Following doctors' recommendations is an undeniable dogma for any Japanese.
  • Maintaining hygiene. It is almost impossible to see an unkempt or dirty Japanese person. And during epidemics, not a single Japanese will disdain a special protective mask. Rather, they will come up with a design for them. These measures protect the Japanese from the spread of infections.
  • Japanese culture promotes conservation beautiful body until old age. Therefore, you need to treat your body with care without harming it. The Japanese not only treat old age with respect, but in some way there is a cult of old age in Japan. The Japanese celebrate September 15th national holiday- old people's day.
  • The economic level of the state and significant contribution to medicine also contribute to the high life expectancy of the Japanese.

But there are also subjective factors that influenced the statistical data

Japan has a low birth rate and low infant mortality rate. All this leads to a low percentage of children in society. And this indicator, in turn, affects the estimated life expectancy indicators.

Life expectancy in different countries of the world is an indicator of a country’s development, its well-being and healthcare system.

Typically, states with high life expectancy are characterized by a well-established social security and insurance system, because, first of all, older people need financial assistance states, and developed countries are able to provide the older generation with the necessary pension payments and subsidies.

Average life expectancy is also influenced by people’s lifestyle, the quality of their diet and adherence to healthy image life.

  1. The lead in the ranking belongs to Hong Kong. Even though this one takes small area and many people are deficient in square meters. This country was able to increase life expectancy to 83.73 years. Many experts note that the country was able to achieve such results thanks to the Cantonese diet, which every second resident of Hong Kong adheres to. Also the population of this administrative district actively engage in tai chi (a set of exercises for developing physical health).
  2. Takes second place. This state has the most centenarians. According to statistics, per 100,000 people there are 35 people over 100 years old. This is very good indicator. Most of the centenarians live on the island of Okinawa, and the secret of their life expectancy lies in the daily consumption of seaweed, which contains all the micro and macroelements necessary for the body.

The average life expectancy in Japan is 83.3 years. This country is also popular because its residents very rarely get sick and most often use medicines for treatment. traditional medicine than pharmacological drugs.

  1. . For many experts, the longevity of Italians still remains a mystery. Despite the fact that the country is a member of the European Union, it does not have very good salaries and pensions compared to other European countries. Also, Italy cannot boast of a highly developed medical system, but this does not prevent its citizens from living to an average of 82.84 years.
  2. . The republic's citizens live on average 82.66 years. Their quality of life is affected by the temperate climate, clean air, calm and peaceful atmosphere in the republic. The healthcare sector also plays an important role, where Switzerland invests millions of euros annually.
  3. . This small island nation has a life expectancy of 82.64 years. Residents of Singapore are protected to the maximum from the destructive influence of cars. The country strictly regulates the number of cars to prevent environmental pollution. The government has also created an excellent healthcare system, which is aimed primarily at preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases in people, and not for their treatment.
  4. . Icelandic residents live an average of 82.3 years. This life expectancy is influenced by a large amount of fish in the diet containing omega. This microelement activates protective properties body, so Icelanders are less likely to be exposed to various diseases. Iceland also boasts a unique temperate climate. The use of geothermal energy plays an important role.

  5. Kingdom. In this state, men and women adhere to the Mediterranean diet, which includes a large amount of seafood. On average, Spaniards live 82.27 years. This kingdom is distinguished not only by good climatic conditions, but also excellent mental health their citizens. According to statistics, Spain has the lowest suicide rate in the world.
  6. differs in the life expectancy of its citizens at 82.09 years. This country with its high performance obesity. Australia also has the highest percentage of people suffering from skin cancer in the world. This situation occurs due to the hot climate. But despite this, Commonwealth of Australia not so long ago introduced a program to reduce smoking among citizens, which affected their life expectancy.
  7. . It is believed that the mixed population of God's Earth affects the life expectancy of Jews. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but in Israel people on average live to 82.07 years.
  8. . One of the most developed countries in the European Union with a life expectancy of 81.93 years. The state has devoted a lot of resources to clean up environment. Swedes also eat a lot of berries and seafood, which prevent heart disease.
  9. . Given European state boasts a life expectancy of 81.84 years. Main secret The longevity of the French lies in proper nutrition and good medical care.
  10. . This state is considered to be a country of immigrants. According to statistics, more than 30% of the Canadian population came here for permanent residence from different corners peace. But this did not affect the average life expectancy (81.78 years). Canada is characterized by one of the most developed healthcare systems; this state has one of the best and highest quality medical services.
  11. . The republic is known for its climate and outstanding nature. On average, New Zealanders live to 81.56 years.
  12. . This country has a very high level of urbanization (resettlement rural population to cities), but even this does not prevent Korea from maintaining one of the leading positions in terms of life expectancy, which is 81.43 years. Many experts note that Koreans live so long thanks to their incredible ability to work, which constantly keeps the human body in good shape.
  13. . Citizens of this state On average, they live 81.33 years.

Countries with low life expectancy

  1. The first place is occupied by the Central African Republic with an indicator of 45 years. The country has a low level of medicine, also most Residents of the state are exposed to diseases such as HIV infection and malaria.
  2. Lesotho. African country known in the world as the state with the highest percentage of HIV-infected people. According to statistics, half of the female population under 40 years of age is infected with this virus. Because of this situation, mortality increases, so people usually do not cross the threshold of 46 years.
  3. Sierra Leone (46 years old). This republic has experienced civil war, which took the lives of 50 thousand people.
  4. Zimbabwe. The indicator is 46 years. This republic has a high mortality rate due to ulcers and HIV infection.
  5. Zambia. One of the poorest republics in Africa. Today in Zambia, residents do not even live to be 50 years old, and the average life expectancy is 46 years.
  6. Afghanistan. Life expectancy in this state was affected by the war, which maimed more than 80 thousand Afghan citizens. Today this state is characterized by a life expectancy of 47 years.
  7. Swaziland is a country with 26% of the population infected with HIV. It is from this disease that most of the inhabitants of Swaziland die. The second deadly disease that has eradicated the population of Swaziland is tuberculosis, which claims the lives of 18% of the population every year. In this African republic, people usually live up to 47 years.
  8. Congo is the country with the second highest infant mortality rate in the world. Residents in Congo typically live to be 47 years old.
  9. Mozambique. This african republic survived a civil war that undermined the political order and destroyed medical system. In Mozambique, people live to 48 years of age due to lack of health care.
  10. Burundi completes the ranking of countries with an indicator of 48 years. Over the past two decades, the republic has experienced a civil war that has left Burundi in ruins.
    Top 5 oldest residents peace on video.

Statistics for the Russian Federation

Life expectancy in Russia is growing every year. This is evidenced by data provided by Rosstat.

Table of growth dynamics of life expectancy in Russia by year

YearGeneral indicatorIndicator for menIndicator for women
1995 64.5 58.1 71.5
2000 65.5 59 72.2
2002 64.9 58.6 71.9
2005 65.3 58.9 72.4
2007 67.6 61.4 74
2008 67.9 61.9 74.2
2009 68.7 62.8 74.7
2010 68.9 63 74.8
2011 69.8 64 75.6
2012 70.2 64.5 75.8
2013 70.8 65.1 76.3
2014 70.9 65.3 76.5
2015 71.4 65.9 76.7
2016 71.9 66.5 77

If we analyze the indicators of the Russian Federation during the existence of the USSR, we can conclude that the average life expectancy in the first 5 years after the collapse of the union decreased by 4.6 years.

Based on statistics, the highest life expectancy in Russia is observed in the Republic of Ingushetia (80 years). Second place is occupied by Moscow with an indicator of 76.77 years, and third place belongs to the Republic of Dagestan (76.40 years).

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