Voropaev Vasily. Do you have unfulfilled ambitions? You have created a kind of virtual world as a freelancer

4 years ago in St. Petersburg, Anton (pictured on the left) and Vasya (pictured on the right) created a website with the help of which thousands of people from different cities Russians earn real money without leaving home, build a career and find performers for their projects. Free-lance.ru brings people together various reasons preferring a free work schedule and independence to the office. Many experts believe that in the near future it will be the remote labor market in Russia that will give white-collar workers a chance to maintain social stability. All those already laid off and the potential 3 million unemployed should immediately become aware of their new heroes - Anton Mazhirin and Vasily Voropaev!

What did you dream of becoming as a child?

Vasily: I didn’t dream, but I knew that I would be an athlete. Thank God it passed.

Anton: In kindergarten, I dreamed of dreaming about something, but I couldn’t. I pretended to take on different roles: pilot, astronaut, hockey player, but I didn’t like any of them. Therefore, when I was asked this question, I answered with a prepared template. Nothing has changed at school and college, just the template. It turns out that I never dreamed of becoming anyone. Now I understand that this is more good than bad.

Do you have any entries in your work books?

Vasily: Electrician of the 3rd category - this is the first entry. Then there were some uninteresting entries for professional growth, such as “financial director”. I hope they were the last.

Anton: Once, to get a passport, I had to do work book. I was very angry about this, because I had to first remember when I entered college, then when I graduated. Then – when Voropaev and I founded “Petrograph”, and then – when it closed. In short, there are two entries: both about the fact that I am a director.

Who came up with the project?

Vasily: Of course I am!

Anton: Of course I am!

Do you feel like pioneers?

Anton In RuNet - yes.

Vasily: Oh yes! To put it immodestly, in the Russian-speaking segment our company is “making” the market for remote work and freelancing.

Still, do you know the feeling of professional envy?

Anton: Yes. When I look at the Google or Apple interface, I feel sad and happy at the same time. In general, there are a lot of projects that I envy. Facebook, digg, flickr. Of the Russians, I envy leprosy. In addition to projects, there are people whom I envy: Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs... They give the impression of people who are so in love with their work that, in principle, it seems that they cannot do anything else, and therefore everything works out very well for them. Things are a little different for me. Besides the Internet, I have other interests, and I constantly have to switch. This is not always easy and quite energy-consuming.

Do you have unfulfilled ambitions?

Anton: At one time, we wanted to make the first social network in the world, we even came up with a name - 7ruk.ru - they say, all people on earth are connected through 6 handshakes, in which a total of seven hands are involved. When this idea was born, it almost blew my mind. I didn’t sleep at night, waking up Voropaev and trying to explain something with shaking hands and foam at the mouth. But when we completed it 99% and wrote a press release, Moikrug was ahead of us. It was sad. All seven hands dropped and did not want to rise for a week. But, having experienced this, we decided to focus on free-lance.ru. Although 7ruk was not abandoned, and now it is experiencing a rebirth. I also personally want to become enlightened. It's real?

Do you have nightmares about work?

Vasily: No, thank you.

Anton: I have nightmares that I smoke, drink and that I have a session and I’m not ready. In general, everything connected with the institute comes back to me at night especially often and especially nightmarishly.

Are you like-minded people?

Vasily: Yes. It seems to me that Mazhirin and I complement each other. And we have a clear division - he talks to God, I work on earth. Although there is so much talk around that friends cannot have the same business. Maybe someday we won’t be able to...

Anton: One of our friends said that if two people in business think the same way, one of them is redundant. I agree. Vasya and I are completely different people. We have different interests and we perceive the world differently. But when it comes to business, they are more like-minded. The further we go, the easier it is for us to guess each other’s thoughts.

What do you ultimately want to achieve from the project?

Anton: I would like people to change their attitude towards work. It seems to us that “working work” is not natural for people. This is not what we were born for.

Your minimum program and maximum program within the project.

Anton: We implemented the minimum program - to become the first in RuNet - after a year of the project’s existence...

Vasily: I would say the minimum is to create a market for remote work on the Russian-language Internet, and the maximum is to argue about the pie with elance.com.

Is there any justification for the position against an 8-hour working day in the office?

Vasily: We are rather against 8-hour, five-day slavery in the office. And we have nothing against 8 hours. Many freelancers work a day longer than 8 hours. And it’s true that a person should get enough sleep every day. Health comes first.

What do you replace your office with?

Vasily: In terms of work from 10 o’clock in the morning – nothing. In terms of “drinking coffee with colleagues” – “Coffeemania” on Kudrinskaya. And in terms of “playing with marbles,” I personally like to sleep more.

Anton: Is it really necessary to replace what you don’t like?

What time of day do you work?

Vasily: Day, evening, first half of the night. This is apparently left over from Peter. Everyone sleeps there until lunchtime, and we were no exception - it left its mark.

Favorite places in Moscow and St. Petersburg for work meetings.

Vasily: A cafe, a cozy living room in a beautiful house and “meetings” in a friendly company.

What do you think will change in the near future on the Russian labor market?

Anton: Due to financial problems, a lot will change. Many will be fired, but the tasks will remain. Therefore, there will be more freelancers and more orders. Someone needs to make New Year's cards.

Vasily: Many companies will outsource, for example, their IT departments to freelancers, after introducing the basic tools for working with them...

Do these trends mean anything to you?

Vasily: There will be many difficult and interesting moments in life.

Anton: Actually, this is a joyful event for us. We are one of the few who rejoice in the crisis.

By the way, why didn’t you sell to Draper Fisher Jurvetson? (the largest American venture capital company that invested in Hotmail and Skype - author's note)

Vasily: We don’t know English, but they all speak it there...

Anton: Seriously, we were offered little money, but tough conditions. We love simplicity and freedom. This was not offered to us.

How do you think you earned the trust of two hundred thousand users?

Vasily: Openness, honesty, careful work with all of them and each one in particular.

Anton: We answer all letters almost immediately. We don't leave any conflict situation without permission. We owe this to Irina Kotova, the project manager, who knows almost all the freelancers by sight and remembers their IP numbers by heart.

Do you feel responsible for these thousands, among whom, perhaps, there are people who overestimated themselves? There are people who are unable to motivate themselves and, without pressure from above, are not able to move at all. Not to mention the fact that few people know how to manage their time wisely...

Vasily: There is no such responsibility that is not backed up by anything. Business/contractual relationships – yes. And in this regard, both we and they are responsible for certain actions.

Anton: Feeling responsible for someone is generally from the evil one. We simply give tools, and people use them the way they want. Hammer manufacturers are unlikely to feel responsible for those who are left without fingers due to inept handling.

Is Russia a suitable country for implementing the idea of ​​remote work as the only source of income?

Anton: Perfect. There are many people and long distances.

Do you keep track of which freelance specialists are in high demand? Copywriters, project managers, bloggers?

Vasily: Designers of different directions - first of all. Next, you can look at the “Freelancer Directory” section. IN this moment We have taken the path of expanding the number of specialties represented in our catalogue. Just recently we added accountants and lawyers – we’ll see what happens.

Dispel some of the most common misconceptions about remote work.

Vasily: Everyone throws! - the most common misconception of the average person. What they “throw” – yes. But the percentage of “throws”, oddly enough, is much lower here than in our offline life. According to our statistics - less than 1% of total number orders.

Anton: 1. Remote work is a freebie. Left the office and life became easier. No, it's not easier or better. It's different. Here we need more awareness, more responsibility. You need to be able to manage time. Needed except professional qualities also be able to talk to people. You have to specifically set aside time for walks, to communicate with people (in the office this somehow happens by itself) so as not to dry out. But if you are ready for this and know how to do it, then you will really get more and work less. 2. Freelancers are freeloading students who do everything on their knees in 5 minutes. They constantly cheat and do everything very poorly. It must be said that the top of these “freeloaders” earn from $5,000 per month. Their works take prizes in numerous competitions. These are people who know what they need and why. They work as much as they want. They live as they see fit. I think that under certain conditions, they would have assembled the collider 5 years ahead of schedule, and in the remaining time they would have written a normal Windows version.

You have created a kind of freelance virtual world?

Anton: Virtual for me is something not alive. I always imagine “Lawnmower Man” when I hear this word. If in this sense, then our world is rather not virtual but very real. Here real people earn real money. In general, yes - we strive for all this to happen in a certain game form, it’s simpler - it’s less important.

Do you like computer games?

Vasily: No. Maybe because I never played and it was never interesting. Damn, suddenly I love you, but I don’t know about it. Thanks for the thought.

Anton: It’s more interesting to play in the world, not with drawn men.

Remember the most absurd or delusional projects for which performers have ever been sought through Freelance.

Vasily: Recently there was a project: “Pump out all of Yandex,” and the budget was not ridiculous, like “99 dollars,” but people actually sat down, did the math and offered 5-10 thousand dollars for this work. That is, the task is probably not an easy one: not only “pump it out,” but also then upload it to FTP.

Anton: Once an employer in projects was looking for a freelance boy to entertain his girlfriend on ICQ interesting stories. They were also looking for a killer for some guy who had offended his employer (more likely, someone was just making fun of him). There was also a project about a website for the US governor: http://www.free-lance.ru/blogs/view.php?tr=210947 It hasn’t been deleted yet, maybe it’s not banter.

What will be your next project?

Vasily: 7ruk.ru – welcome to hell!

This crisis has shattered the dreams of many Russians about peaceful life abroad, provided with easy freelancing. Not only in Western Europe and the USA (where, according to the results of our survey, freelancers were so eager in 2010) - life in Asia or Eastern Europe in terms of rubles, it is now also not cheap. Renting out a Moscow one-room apartment and doing odd jobs no longer guarantee a comfortable life somewhere in Bali or Goa.

Previously, it was enough to freelance, for example, for a small Moscow design studio in order to lead comfortable life V South-East Asia. Now I have to work a lot. At the same time, creative agencies are no longer throwing away their budgets. Increasingly, they are looking for performers who live in the same time zone as them, or at least just not very far away. The price includes composure and reliability. They try not to get involved with those who lead a relaxed life on the beach (here, perhaps, not only the negative experience of cooperation plays a role, but also, needless to say, banal envy).

Given the shortage of Russian projects, there remains, of course, hope in Western customers, but there are problems here too. If you need a programmer, and the choice is between an Indian and a Russian freelancer registered in Goa, it is a rare customer who will choose our compatriot. The Indian is more familiar, his accent is easier to understand. But most importantly, no one wants to trust a person with the psychology of a tourist.

IN last years The Russian IT meridian has sharply shifted towards Moscow. Not only freelancers who moved to the East in the well-fed 2000s and 1900s are returning home. Programmers who tried to find work at Google, but were unable to take root in the United States, are also returning. Aspiring businessmen who left for the West a few years ago are also returning - hoping to create a cool startup, find an investor and become famous in order to stay forever in sunny California. The hopes of the latter were dashed due to the fact that American investors and funds calculate risks more seriously than Russian ones. And, of course, not everyone was ready for real competition.

After several years of living in conditions of freedom and entrepreneurial spirit, Russians returning from the United States are often reluctant to take a job in Moscow offices - even if they are offered really good money. And, of course, this is not offered to everyone - many companies are now, on the contrary, reducing their personnel budgets. All that remains is to either try to start your own business, or start making money as a freelancer.

From what we observe, the Russian labor market is now experiencing the same boom in freelancing as during the 2008 crisis. Only the conditions of the game and the overall market culture have changed. Russian freelancers who received international experience, want and can work for Western customers. The devaluation of the ruble, of course, strengthens them in this desire. Many people are generally inclined to work “white” - now these are not “schoolchildren”, but fully established professionals who have principles and experience.

Are American and European clients ready to cooperate? Ready. Historically, on all international freelance exchanges, performers from the CIS were leaders in many categories. Having launched the Rubrain.com project in May 2015, we conducted a very modest PR campaign in the USA - and still saw interest from potential customers. We communicated closely with them these months, conducted a lot of interviews - and made next output. Main argument in favor of working with Russians is faith in our hard skills, that is, in the level of professional training and outlook.

Concerns arise, accordingly, about soft skills and, in general, the peculiarities of our cultural background. And here are the main complaints.

Optional. The IT market in Russia is still very young and spontaneous. A culture of fulfilling obligations has not really developed. Russian IT specialists, smart nugget boys from VMC or from MEPhI, are very different from Western geeks or nerds in that the latter (as, indeed, any specialists working under a contract) always strictly fulfill all agreements and meet deadlines.

Legal component. In the West, freelancers are more often called contractors. And it's not just another word. The content is also different. A formal contract is concluded with a freelancer who carries out even the smallest order and they work using the escrow or postpayment system. Russian specialists They are often not ready for such a scheme and, when faced with the first bureaucratic difficulties, simply refuse to cooperate.

Inappropriate familiarity. From the outside, many people think that English-speaking culture, especially American culture, is very informal: everyone is on first name terms and is always smiling. But it's not that simple. Not knowing the cultural code, Russians often, when communicating with customers, instead of getting closer, slip into familiarity.

“Let mi speak from may hart in English.” Finally, now in 2015, an obstacle to cooperation is often a lack of understanding terms of reference and contract details level of English proficiency.

Cover photo: Anatoly Strunin / TASS


What is really happening and what is causing these stricter rules?

Voropaev V.: Arrange them in the order that seems right to you:
A. We want a different (not the same as it was before October 2) Freelance market in the Russian-language segment of the Internet;
b. We want to make money in this market.

3. Third question. Does your statement in the pop-up modal window that “all messages will be moderated” somehow run counter to the constitutional articles on the right to private correspondence ()?

Voropaev V.: I'm not a lawyer. Not ready to comment on this question with the detail you seem to want. Since we did this, it means that our lawyers said that it does not go against the grain.

4. Next question. Was the introduction of such measures approved by the board of shareholders or were these the actions of Vasily Voropaev?

Voropaev V.: I will not comment on our internal kitchen; apparently, someone else can do this for me.

All shareholders knew and know what we are doing, how we are doing it and why we are doing it, and also why we are doing it now and not a year ago. Some details of this or that service, I admit, someone might have missed/not known/didn’t want to know/other, but globally everyone knew and supported general line and even tried to advise how to make it better or worse.

In response to my statement, if this does not suit you, work this way and not that way, they told me no, we will continue to work with you.

5. Another question following the previous one. In February 2012, at the initiative of A. Mazhirin, the board of shareholders of Free-lance.ru was convened, at which the initiator raised questions about a number of actions on the part of the current general director, with a request to reconsider his powers in view of a number of circumstances set out in the agenda of the meeting (). Today, there is an emerging belief that the tightening of the rules is caused by the desire of the current CEO to raise funds before quarterly payments to acquire a controlling stake in the company. Do such guesses have anything in common with reality? Or, as the other half of the audience thinks, are these actions directed by shareholders against the current CEO?

Voropaev V.: No, these guesses (I would call it a different, harsher word, but okay...) have nothing in common with reality.

If the second question sounds like that SD was aimed at removing me from the GD. My opinion is yes.

6. Such a question. In light of changes in the free-lance.ru policy, the IT community is actively discussing possible places to earn money outside of your company. On this moment competitors are already reacting (for example, Elance.com plans to Russify its interface to attract a Russian-speaking audience) and even startups are appearing (for example, the website www.freelansim.ru launched by the Thematic Media company). What does the project administration think about this and what will its actions be?

Voropaev V.: I am very glad that we have attracted so much attention to the Freelance market. If someone manages to do something better than us, it will only be a big plus for the market. I'm all for competition. If we do not survive in this competition, then we are worthless.

7. Seventh question. Based on the initial reaction of users and their actions (for last 24 hours many accounts have become unavailable) the Free-lance.ru administration can already predict some indicators of future conversions. How optimistic are these indicators according to your company’s calculations and will any adjustments be introduced to the stated policy based on this initial reaction?

Voropaev V.: I’m not ready to give any forecasts yet. We are constantly introducing adjustments to processes, including business processes, and will continue to do so. Everything you see is not the latest/final version of the product.

8. The question is of a somewhat technical and legal nature. Using simple utilities, you can ignore the pop-up window asking you to accept the new rules and continue using the site. At least for the moment. That is, from a legal point of view, the user did not consent to the moderation of his personal messages. IN in this case Is there any moderation of messages from users who do not agree with the new terms? If so, what is the rationale for these actions? And will more serious technical measures be introduced to restrict users from using the resource?

Voropaev V.: Yes, moderation is carried out on all content, but not on personal messages, but on the service that allows you to discuss the project. Justification - PS. About more serious methods... If you are talking about how to bypass the system - of course. If you are talking about the introduction of some new revolutionary ideas/services/something else, then this will not happen in the near future. Only the development of the SBR service and other services on Free-lance.ru.

9. Question. After information that CEO under the old version of the rules, he received 600 thousand wages per month (and by the way, rubles or dollars?), What will his wages be if new edition rules? Because in the eyes of freelancers, an amount of 600 thousand even rubles is a very substantial amount, which can employ 5-7 great programming specialists per month, who can contribute to the development of the project quite significantly. Hence the question, if the actions of the project administration are aimed at extracting greater benefits, what will it be redistributed into? To improve services or wages CEO?

Voropaev V.: Thanks for your question, but I'll leave it without comment. Since someone’s salary is not a public matter, in this company, we reinvest 100 percent of our profits into improving services.

10. Serious question. How the Free-lance.ru service, with its official right to read private correspondence, can guarantee users of the project that confidential data received by moderators, administrators and other personnel business correspondence will not be used for other purposes. For example, to create competitive offers to customers from studios or productions owned by the administration or shareholders of the company? For forceful regulation pricing policy(through manipulation of service percentages or price dumping)?

Voropaev V.: Guaranteed by the contract that each user signed with Free-lance.ru.

11. Another question. How can your company guarantee the integrity of all transactions taking place within your exchange? After all, the company’s arbitration operates within a commercial framework, not government structure. And according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, only the state judicial machine can make regulatory decisions in controversial situations. On what legal grounds, as pillars, will the company rely in rendering verdicts on disputes between the customer and the contractor, taking on the role of judges, and how well-reasoned and supported (by licenses) is this from a legal point of view?

Voropaev V.: We do not take on the role of judges.

12. And the last question: Does your company plan to tighten any other measures for working with your services and which ones?

Voropaev V.: In the near (yes, not in the near future) future, no.

UPD 10:14 3.10.12

After sending the application, letters are received from them and you can correspond.
I just sent them this message:

Thank you for accepting the application.
We, in turn, would like to receive answers to the above questions.
And we rightly believe that since you are interested in us as employers, it would be worthy of you to inform us.

UPD 16:04 3.10.12

Vasily Voropaev’s statement is not for us

Yesterday, October 2, we completely changed the freelancing market in Russia, making it stable and safe. Naturally, we expected a reaction from our users, including a negative one. Any dramatic changes always cause fear and mistrust.

However, even I was surprised close attention to updates both from the media, bloggers, social network users, and from former friends and partners. Yesterday the traffic to our site went through the roof, and it was subjected to a severe ddos ​​attack. Our account on habrahabr was hacked by someone, as a result of which a letter from Anton Mazhirin sent to Free-lance.ru shareholders in February of this year appeared on the network. I don’t want to discuss the motives that prompted Anton to write this letter then, and the fact and reasons for its appearance on the Internet now. It is not right to mix business and personal relationships, I learned this lesson a long time ago.

Despite all the difficulties we have faced and continue to face, new business model Free-lance.ru and new model relationship between freelancers and customers in Russia has already proven to be successful. New “Risk-Free Deals” are constantly being concluded on the site, and their number is growing. I am sincerely confident that many of the users who are now outraged by the innovations will return to the site within a month and will work conveniently, comfortably and safely.

Vasily Voropaev

From the answer given by V. Voropaev, we see several answers to the questions. But as usual, not for everything. And judging by the fact that the working day is nearing the end, it is unlikely that we will be honored with an answer.

For example, a question from one of the users:

1. Will “heavily paid” accounts for freelancers and employers be introduced? there were would the contacts be visible? If yes – when?

2. Will official offices open? Representative offices of Vaan LLC in the CIS countries, in particular in Ukraine? If yes – when?

Best regards, Larisa.

And Vasily's answer:
1. I am not ready to answer this question. We are discussing different development options.

2. We think about it. There are no deadlines.

3. This is possible and is moderated.

Bottom line. We won't get any specifics. In this topic there are questions akin to “will there be specifics.” Similar questions Vasily bypasses.

UPD 21:47 03.10.12

As expected, Voropaev did not answer any serious questions. He did not notice questions that were inconvenient for him. But he still gave answers to some questions, albeit extremely vague ones. But as it is now customary to say, “they kind of characterize.”

Dialogue between free-lance users and Voropaev V.

User: As already mentioned, it is not always possible to discuss everything with the customer writing to decide to cooperate, many of them are not used to expressing their thoughts in writing, especially when we're talking about about an area far from them. Then the decision on cooperation is made after telephone conversations. Now, in order to be able to fully and comprehensively discuss the transaction, both parties must pretend that they are already cooperating and the customer is obliged to pay the entire amount for this project. But often it is at the stage of telephone conversations that it turns out that the project is not worth taking on, but what to do with the new rules? What if later, when communicating on Skype, phone, or email, it turns out that the project is much more complicated or confusing than the customer stated at the beginning and he himself did not know about it at that time? Is the contractor now obliged to work or can he back up and after the arbitration decision the customer can finally get his money? Outraged by the resource, the performer, and in general?)
Voropaev V.: A. we make a deal for the minimum and exchange contacts; b. there will be video and audio in “Discussions”; V. we understand right now what else we can offer to resolve this issue; d. The Contractor can refuse the SBR at any step and the Customer will receive his money back;
P.: a. we make a deal for the minimum and exchange contacts;
Those. Have you now resolved gray work schemes with this message?
Well, it has a right to exist...

No answer...

P.: Personal messages are no longer personal at all, but a place to discuss projects. But at the same time, freelancer and freelancer continue to be friends outside of work, because they are not connected business relationship. And the time comes when you want to go with a new friend to Skype, soap and more. But now this is impossible. Is there any plan for this? by-effect liquidate and restore justice?
IN.: This effect was solved before us by Facebook and VKontakte;

P.: The new conditions of the RRF are a wonderful innovation, while the elimination of contacts caused a real storm of emotions. Customers coming from outside and far from our site, who, without delving into the details, looked for a contractor and left (and these were often the most expensive and serious clients), are now forced to study the rules, understand the interface, and experience a number of technical and inconveniences. pay 7% for this. Or, as an alternative, look for the artist you like through search engines, spending an extra 5 minutes, and making a deal with him the old fashioned way.
The contractors themselves, who have worked in free flight for many years, are also not mentally prepared for the changes, especially since they will clearly reduce the number of customers. But by leaving contacts alone and removing recommendations, it was possible to make the new SBR a hit of the season. Firstly, its ease of use would invariably serve all those who came after the elimination of reviews as an excellent promotion tool and would protect them from scammers. Starting with small orders, they would gradually gain solid ratings and recommendations, moving up the current TOP. And we, the inhabitants of the first pages, would have to follow them to take up the SBR in order not to give up our position. And the number of reviews is a gambling and competitive matter :)) Who would such a scheme interfere with their lives? We have thousands of offended users who are being deprived of their usual working rhythm, an established life, and who are once again shown that they are a dummy whose opinion is not taken into account. Once you come to the site, if you please, eat what they give)) Of course, paying a resource is sacred. But expecting that 10% of the profit from each transaction will go to the site’s treasury is ridiculous, because customers will quickly adapt, if desired, to SBR as an opportunity to establish contact with the contractor on a test project, and then they will prefer to conduct business outside the site. Why not listen to the voice of the people, which this time will definitely not subside as before?
IN.: We will not delete previously posted reviews. There was never such a thought. We discussed a lot of developments in the event, but settled on the experience of our English-speaking colleagues.

P.: How does text in a profile like “You can easily find me on the Internet by my name” violate the new site rules?
IN.: We prohibit this text. If this is not literally in the rules, then we will correct it.

P.: I sense that what is meant is our answers, not our questions and their answers. The administration continues to remain silent. Why then create another topic?
IN.: I will comment to you personally so that you have no doubts.

P.: Will “highly paid” accounts be introduced for freelancers and employers whose contacts will be visible? If yes – when?
IN.: I'm not ready to answer this question. We are discussing different development options.

That is, they seem to hint to us. The money squeeze won't end there.

P.: Will offices open? Representative offices of Vaan LLC in the CIS countries, in particular in Ukraine? If yes – when?
IN.: We think about it. There are no deadlines.

P.: How can a customer give me a link to a sample style, which requires an illustration or a website BEFORE SBR to understand. Will we work at all, since links are prohibited? Attachment is not always possible.
IN.: This is possible and is subject to moderation.

P.: Do you have the feeling that reading personal information on the site violates not only the laws of the Russian Federation, but also from a purely ethical point of view is simply ugly? Although, I understand, otherwise, according to your scheme of transfer to SBR, Vasily, another option is impossible.
IN.: Answered below.

P.: How do you explain the violation of the constitutions of the Russian Federation and Ukraine regarding the secrecy of correspondence?!!! And in fact, correspondence between the customer and the contractor is a trade secret!
IN.: We do not have personal correspondence, we have two tools so that you can discuss the project with the customer. One is inside the project, the other is in the Messages service.
P.: Doesn't business correspondence need confidentiality?

No answer

P.: To what extent is such a strict transfer of users to a white scheme due to this?
IN.: Marina, I don’t understand the question. What does “as far as conditioned” mean? Please reformulate.

I don't understand what's unclear here.

P.: when considering conflicts under the RRF, there is an arbitration commission, but, as one user was answered, the composition of the arbitration commission is not disclosed. In this case, isn’t it violating the transparency of your work that you advocate? Who confirms the qualifications of arbitration? Simply put, who will check the inspector?
IN.: Well, yes, I’m not ready to provide even my full name and passport details. In the same way, I am not ready to disclose any data of people who work with me.
P.: Passport data is not needed, but if you get access to the full name of the contractor and the customer, then don’t the parties have the right to know who is on the arbitration commission? Or, let’s put it this way, who can guarantee the professionalism and competence of the commission?

Again no answer

P.: Is it planned to reduce the percentage of SBR? 10% is a high percentage.
IN.: The percentage from the Employer is 7, the percentage from the Contractor is from 3, depending on the withdrawal method.

He pretended that he did not understand the question.

P.: Quote:
Naturally, I’m not ready to give answers somewhere, and, moreover, I’m not ready to give answers to anonymous people
Why natural? Are you only confused by the anonymity of users asking questions, or do you simply prefer to play only by your own rules and on your own territory?
IN.: Only for one reason. Here I see who I'm talking to. If I could see this in another territory – ok.

IMHO: Because here Vasya can ban you. Because here Vasya is sure that he is not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because here Vasya, if anything happens, will be able to correct his answers or even (!) questions.

P.: Freelancing has become a completely paid project.
The project “in the office” has become paid for publication
Contacts are hidden, it’s not convenient to communicate only as a freelancer! you do not have video and audio communication, everyone has Skype as well as mail with cell phone. You shouldn't have banned the publication of contact information. By doing this, you will give scammers even more chances!
not everyone will agree to work through SBR since you do not charge a small percentage, and everyone always wants it cheaper.
IN.: If you want to work with a scammer, yes, we won't be able to do that.
There will be video and audio. We are thinking about what to do with contacts. Right now you can exchange contacts by signing the SBR for a minimum

P.: Why, sorry about naive question, I can’t give a colleague a link to a useful resource that does not compete with this exchange?
How can a freelancer know whether to take on a particular project without discussing the details first? You know very well that many customers have the habit of showing a link and saying “I want it like here.”
And don’t you really care that the Freelance team has turned into a Zonder team???
IN.: Elena, if a link is required to discuss a project, it is moderated.

And again Vasya pretended that he did not understand the question.

P.: Vasily, why did you allow information about your salary to surface online? Just as I didn’t want to count other people’s money, I still don’t want to. And they impose it on me. Here.
But seriously, how will competitions be held now? If according to the SBR systems, then immediately after attaching the technical requirements for the competition, the customer must be required to RESERVE the entire prize fund on the website, and it turns out that this fund will at least partially go to someone. Guarantees are guarantees, not smearing snot on a plate.
IN.: Unfortunately, I don't control other people's heads, so this information surfaced.
Competitions will be held through SBR. We didn’t make it by October 2nd.


P.: Let's say... I organized the RRF. Everything was agreed upon, the funds were frozen, etc. The performer in the middle says: “I’m tired, I’m leaving. I can't do anything. I'll sign everything. Your truth. Sorry."
Two questions:
1. How can I quickly get my money back?
2. Has the commission already been lost?
Thank you!
IN.: 1. According to the contract, all deadlines are there. As far as I remember, this was the day after the performer signed the “waiver”.
2. We will take a percentage from the Employer in any case. This is payment for working with the SBR service. Including a guarantee that your money will be returned to you.

Vasily, have you been told that you are very greedy?

P.:“Vasily Voropaev, General Director of Free-lance.ru, is ready to answer all your questions personally.”
Why didn't you answer any of the questions? Why is Ira Kotova responsible for you, and not you personally?
Specifically the question: What can you answer about: “2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. Restriction of this right is permitted only on the basis court decision." I wrote this question to the support service yesterday, but no one answered me.
Dear Vasily Voropaev, I am waiting for an answer from you personally. Ignoring the question will mean how fake information provided by the administration and the inability to keep their own promises.
IN.: Mikhail, try changing your tone and not setting a condition. If Ira answers some questions, this means that it is easier and faster for her to do it. I sign every letter of it.
I am only for the right that you write. I don’t interfere in your correspondence and so on, we are discussing the terms of the projects. At U.S. not social network, but a professional resource.
P.: The contacts may contain any information related to my professional activities.
I don’t understand your example, comparison with social media. network, what was this all about?
You are openly violating Russian legislation, not only violating the “secrecy of correspondence”, but also considers yourself to have the right to moderate them.
P.: Vasily, the secrecy of business correspondence is also protected by law, which does not specify the nature of this correspondence. ANY correspondence is not subject to review by third parties without the consent of the parties. And some actions may be qualified as coercion of consent, after which the consent may be invalidated (as given under duress).
P.: I agree with Mikhail, “I don’t interfere in your correspondence”, you personally don’t, there are no questions, but the moderators interfere, I don’t want them to read my personal messages, because... there may be information that should not be shown to third parties; you are violating the law on correspondence.
Article 23 Constitution of the Russian Federation
1. Everyone has the right to integrity privacy, personal and family secret, protection of one's honor and good name.
2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations,
postal, telegraph and other messages. Limitation of this right
permitted only on the basis of a court decision.

No answer...

P.: Will there be a high-paying “white account” with contacts?
Provided that the user provides information about the state registration of an individual entrepreneur, or LLC for example?
IN.: We are just now understanding what to do with this moment. It’s just super-pro with contacts – I’m not sure. But we will do something. This is development. Nearest.

P.: What to do if it is impossible to estimate the cost of a project without personal contact with the customer? I can give a lot of examples. In some specializations, this is, in principle, not realistic (landscape design, for example, requires orientation to the area BEFORE evaluating the project in 100% of cases).
IN.: If the technical specification requires a link, you can provide it and it will undergo moderation. b. You can sign an SBR for a minimum amount and exchange contacts inside.

Money, money, money... Vasya’s attic was torn off because of money. Sorry for the metaphors.

P.: How do you intend to guarantee your customers the preservation of their trade secrets? How do you even explain to a customer (serious, large, you are focused on them) that he must place confidential information for viewing by unspecified persons. Are your moderators ready to enter into personal non-disclosure agreements with each client? And does the client need it?
IN.: The client does not need this, in my opinion. All moderators work for Free-lance.ru. Free-lance.ru, we have signed an agreement with you and each customer, which states that we do not disclose any data to third parties.

P.: And finally, explain to people (how long can you ignore the question) how stating the fact “Google has not been cancelled” and the like violate the clause of the rules about the prohibition of transmitting and requesting contacts? If you are uncomfortable with the existence of the Internet and search engines, then either add a clause to the rules with a ban on mentioning them, or behave within the framework of the rules and not fabrications.
IN.: If the Employer found your contacts not on our website - ok. Giving a link to a site where your contact is located at the moment when the situation requires it (except for the point above) is not ok

Uh-uh... And this is the answer?

There were many more questions there. And much more to the point. But no answers appeared.
spelling and punctuation have been preserved in their original form.

Thank you to everyone who commented on this post and took part in the discussions.

P.S.S. Thanks to the users.

: I was born in a very beautiful place in the mountains - in the city of Zlatoust on Southern Urals in 1981.

Neoguru: Did you dream of becoming an astronaut as a child?

Basil: No, I clearly, after some time, knew that I would be an athlete, and then a bandit. Glory to Allah, it didn’t come true;)
In general, astronauts are some kind of wiring Soviet people who supposedly dreamed of becoming them. I don't know a single person who would dream of becoming an astronaut.
Flying into space is another matter. I hope to fly there someday.

Neoguru: Where did you study after school? Has education helped you in your life?

Basil: I studied at the Zlatoust branch of the South Ural State University.
Education helped, but not in terms of knowledge on electric drives, but in terms of general development and dating. At university I also learned to “solve a problem rather than run from it.”

Neoguru: If you had not started creating the site free-lance.ru and its development, what else would you have done?

Basil: I don't have an answer to this question. When you start devoting 100 percent of your time to something or someone, like I do Free-lance.ru, then there is no thought left to think: would I like to plow the land? But in such frosts, I thank God that I am not a parking attendant, for example. However, I have no illusions and if necessary, I will be both a valet and a waiter.

Neoguru: Do you believe in God? Do you go to temple?

Basil: They say that when after death you come to the gates of Heaven and greet Saint Peter, then you will be credited with believing in God and going to temples and/or churches, and if you didn’t believe, then you will burn with a blue flame. That is, it is not rational NOT to believe in God, it is better to believe just in case.
I don't believe. I go to churches, but I don’t go.

Neoguru: Doing sports?

Basil: Yes. Three or four years ago I realized a childhood dream. I always wanted to practice boxing - and now I train regularly.
Also, when I leave Moscow, I run. I especially like to run on the beach, and especially in the evening, when the sun has set.

Neoguru: What is more in your life - personal life or business?

Basil: Business:(
But, I chose this myself and would not change anything at the moment. I hope that my vision of life will change soon.

Neoguru: How many hours a day did you work when you created the site free-lance.ru? Did you have any days off?

Basil: What then, what now - I always work. When circumstances require it, I can sit night and day and do something for the benefit of the company.

Neoguru: How much of your own money did you have to invest in the startup at the very beginning?

Basil: By by and large, Nothing. They invested their knowledge and skills and, most importantly, the desire to do something. But we had a programmer who coded the first version of the site. He received $200 a month. It looks like this money can be considered the first investment. This lasted for about one and a half/two years. That is, my partner and I invested around 5 thousand dollars into the site.

Neoguru: How quickly did you and your partner achieve self-sufficiency and profit?

Basil: The partner and I received a profit two years later when we sold 40% of the company to investors in 2007.
And the company’s payback has always been and is. The fact is that the company's development has always been within its means. We spent as much as we could earn - not a penny more. Accordingly, as soon as the paid service appeared (a year and a half later), we immediately began to pay off and further developed as much as possible.

Neoguru: Are you going to sell the site to some Elans?

Basil: Let's just say that I am ready to enter into negotiations on this issue.

Neoguru: Do you plan to spend your entire life working on freelance projects?

Basil: Oh, it's hard to say. On the one hand, I hope not. On the other hand, I have thoughts on how and what I want to do with the little knowledge in the field of freelancing that I have.

Neoguru: What book should someone who wants to create a startup read?

Basil: I can’t single out just one book that needs to be read and the startup will immediately take off. But I can recommend “The Financier” by Dreiser.

Neoguru: Give professional advice readers of my blog who want to launch their own startup?

Basil: I don’t want to give advice to anyone. It seems to me that I have not yet grown up to this.

IN Oropaev Vasily Nikolaevich - detachment commander of the 4th Guards Aviation Regiment of the 9th Guards Aviation Division of the 6th Long-Range Aviation Corps, guard captain.

Born on January 1, 1913 in the city of Sevastopol in a working-class family. Russian. Graduated from 6th grade.

In the Red Army since 1934. In 1936 he graduated from the Voroshilovgrad pilot school. He served in the 250th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment. Flew on TB-3. In 1939, he took part in the fighting on the Khalkhin Gol River. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1941.

On June 25, 1941, the aviation regiment in which V.N. Voropaev served began redeploying to the west of the country and by July 9 concentrated in the area of ​​Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk).

IN active army from August 3, 1941. Performed combat missions for the delivery of goods to surrounded units of the 6th and 12th armies Southwestern Front, and later - to bomb important targets behind enemy lines.

By July 1942, the commander of the ship of the 250th aviation regiment of the 62nd long-range aviation division, Lieutenant V.N. Voropaev, carried out 110 combat night sorties with a total flight time of 390 hours. In July 1942 alone, he carried out 28 combat missions, during which he destroyed crossings with effective bombing. railway stations, ammunition depots, accumulations of enemy manpower and equipment.

July 21, 1942 while performing combat mission V.N. Voropaev’s plane was hit by enemy anti-aircraft artillery fire. Skillfully maneuvering brave pilot managed to fly across the front line and make an emergency landing in the steppe, saving the plane and crew. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1942, for exemplary performance of combat missions, displaying courage and heroism, he was awarded the order Red Banner. On the same day by order People's Commissar The defense regiment was awarded the rank of Guards.

In September, the 250th Long-Range Aviation Regiment was re-equipped with Li-2 aircraft. From September 1942 to February 1943, V.N. Voropaev took part in combat missions to support the actions of the Stalingrad and Don fronts, supporting the actions ground troops destruction of advancing enemy reserves, command posts, crossings, warehouses, and railway junctions. He carried out responsible missions to drop landing forces and sabotage and reconnaissance groups behind enemy lines. The regiment's pilots showed massive heroism while carrying out combat missions, for which the regiment was given the honorary name "Stalingrad" in February 1943, and V.N. Voropaev, together with his comrades in arms, was awarded a medal"For the defense of Stalingrad."

By the beginning of 1944, Guard Captain V.N. Voropaev made 260 night combat missions to bomb important strategic targets behind enemy lines, concentrations of enemy equipment and manpower.

U Kazom of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR on March 13, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against German fascist invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, the guard captain Voropaev Vasily Nikolaevich awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and medal " Golden Star"(No. 3374).

He completed his combat journey with missions to bomb Berlin. In total, during the war years, V.N. Voropaev completed 295 combat missions.

After the war he continued to serve in the Air Force. Since 1953, Major V.N. Voropaev has been in reserve.

Lived in the city of Vinnitsa (Ukraine). Died December 16, 1981. He was buried at the Central Cemetery in Vinnitsa.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (03/13/1944), the Red Banner (08/18/1942), Patriotic War 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star (02/24/1942, ...), medals.

From award sheet on the guard of captain V.N. Voropaev:

“He has been participating in battles against the Nazi occupiers since August 1941. During this time, he made 260 night combat missions with a total combat flight time of 1003 hours. In the ADD system he completed 216 night combat missions. He dropped 330 tons of deadly metal on the heads of the Nazis. After the last award, he made 128 night combat missions, 100 of which were successfully completed. He flies on a combat mission as part of the crew: the navigator of the ship, Hero of the Soviet Union, Guards. Art. Lieutenant, air gunner, radio operator of the Guards. Petty Officer PICHUEV, aviation onboard mechanic of the Guards. Art. tech. Lieutenant ANOKHIN, air gunner radio operator of the Guards. Sergeant Major MUROMETS. Flew for bombing the most important objects enemy, railway junctions, crossings, airfields, due to the accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment, strongly protected by the air defense system in the areas: Bryansk, Orel, Kharkov, Kursk, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Unecha, Anapa, Temryuk, Kakhovka, Dzhankoy, Sevastopol, etc.

In addition, Comrade VOROPAEV made 5 night sorties to drop troops in Kyiv, Crimea, Dnepropetrovsk, throwing 60 people with full weapons behind enemy lines. He took an active part in the defense of Stalingrad. Comrade VOROPAEV made 5 successful combat missions against long-range targets on the territory of Finland, economic and political center Helsinki 3 times, port and industrial centre KOKA – 1 time, port and industrial center of TURKU – 1 time. For withered courage and bravery in battles against German invaders By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Star and the medal for the defense of Stalingrad. Characteristics in his combat work are: courage, perseverance, courage, resourcefulness in achieving the intended goal. Comrade VOROPAEV is fluent in piloting techniques in difficult night weather conditions, which gives him the opportunity to mercilessly destroy the hated enemy, regardless of bad weather and air defense systems. When performing combat missions, he does not know any obstacles and, under any conditions, perfectly fulfills the command’s assignment. He boldly guides the plane to the target, skillfully finds it and boldly hits it. During the period of hostilities, Comrade VOROPAEV and his crew caused serious damage to the enemy in the destruction of manpower and equipment, as well as military installations. The bombing caused 22 different explosions. Of these, 8 explosions great strength, 2 fuel warehouses, 4 ammunition warehouses were blown up, a direct hit was noted on three crossings and 6 direct hits on the railway. nodes, 24 searchlights, 8 fire points were destroyed and 68 different fires were caused.

Characteristic combat episodes: 7/21/42 during the bombardment of the KOROTOYAK point due to a concentration of troops, despite bad weather, reached the target and from a low altitude caused one explosion with two fires by bombing. When re-approaching the target, strong anti-aircraft fire disrupted the operation of the air defense system. While leaving the target, one engine was destroyed by a direct hit from a shell. Comrade VOROPAEV quickly changed his combat course and, using three engines, using a skillful maneuver, left the fire zone. The broken engine and torn off hood offered great resistance; it was necessary to save the car and crew. Comrade VOROPAEV courageously and persistently flew over the front line, found a site in the steppe and safely landed in50 kilometers from its airfield. On July 22, 1942, during the bombing of the Malyshevo point, 3 fires and one strong explosion were caused. On July 27, 1942, during the bombing of the crossing at the MALYSHEVO point, the crossing was destroyed by a direct hit. On 7/29/42, during the bombing of the VORONEZH point, 2 fires and one large explosion were caused. On August 4, 1942, during the bombardment of the SINYAVINO point at a concentration of troops, a strong explosion was caused, resulting in a fire. On August 20, 1942, during the bombing of the Trekhostrovsk point, a strong explosion and fire was caused. On August 21, 1942, the crossing was destroyed by bombing south of ZIMOVNIKA with a direct hit. 5.10.42 during the bombing of Stalingrad called big Bang in the ammunition depot. On November 10, 1942, during the bombing of the Tatsinskaya airfield, one fire and explosion was caused. On 12/28/42, during the bombing of the GUMRAK point, the canvas was destroyed by a direct hit railway. 16.1.43 during the daytime bombing of the PITOMNIK airfield, where the surrounded German troops, a direct hit on a cluster of vehicles caused 2 fires. Comrade's plane VOROPAYEV was attacked by an enemy fighter. Comrade VOROPAEV, with a skillful maneuver, repelled all attacks of the enemy fighter and returned safely to his airfield. On June 5, 1943, during the bombing of the port of TEMRYUK, one strong explosion was caused. 28.7.43 in front of the crew of comrade. VOROPAYEV was given the task of bombing the STALIN airfield. The weather was very bad. Despite this, the crew made their way to the target, noticing a working launch, despite strong anti-aircraft fire from a low altitude, they hit the target, caused one fire with explosions and, despite the presence of 5 holes, returned safely to their airfield. On November 5 and 6, 1943, during the bombardment of Nikopol, a direct hit destroyed 3 MZA points, 2 searchlights and caused a strong explosion with the formation of a fire. 7.2.44 during the bombing of the economic and political center of Finland, mountains. HELSINKI, overcoming strong anti-aircraft fire, dropped bombs on the target and caused a large fire. 11.2.44 during the bombing of the port city of KOTKA - bombs were dropped in the city center. On 2/27/44, during the bombing of Helsinki, overcoming strong anti-aircraft fire from air defense and searchlights, the first strike caused a large fire in the city center; during the second strike, a large explosion of ammunition was caused by bombing in the area of ​​warehouses. There are many such examples in Comrade VOROPAYEV’s combat work. Often flies as a target illuminator and weather scout. The crew of comrade VOROPAEV is well put together and imbued with respect for his commander. The equipment is always in full combat readiness. As a detachment commander, he prepared and released 8 young pilots into independent flight. Shows great care in educating personnel in the spirit of devotion to their homeland. During the entire period of hostilities, there was not a single case of failure to complete a combat mission, failure to reach the target, or loss of orientation.

He flies on a combat mission with a great desire to quickly defeat the hated enemy. He enjoys well-deserved business authority among the regiment's personnel. Disciplined. Selflessly devoted to the cause of the Lenin-Stalin party and the Socialist Motherland.

CONCLUSION: For heroism, courage and bravery shown in battles against the German occupiers, for the successful completion of combat missions that caused great damage enemy, worthy of the highest government award - the title “HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION.”

Commander of the 4th Guards Aviation Regiment
Guard Lieutenant Colonel GLUSHCHENKO

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