Language school in Canada. Language courses in Canada for adults and youth

It's no secret that learning English from textbooks in most cases gives a very weak effect when it comes to practice. It is often difficult for a person to maintain even a basic dialogue with a native speaker, even with great lexicon and excellent knowledge of grammar rules.

The thing is that the colloquial speech of native speakers in English Difficult to hear in the absence of communication skills. And that's why The best way learning English is about complete immersion in language environment. To do this you need to select language school in an English speaking country.

English language courses in Canada are very popular among Russian-speaking students. This is one of the fastest and effective ways master the English language and gain practical communication skills. English is one of the official languages ​​in this country and is taught in high level. And thanks to the multicultural policy, Canadians are friendly towards foreigners.

Teaching English at language schools in Canada will be useful for everyone who:

  • plans to enter a university with English as the language of instruction;
  • wants to make a career in a foreign company or abroad;
  • regularly communicates with foreign partners;
  • is going to emigrate to an English-speaking country;
  • wishes to improve his command of the English language.

English courses in Canada: main advantages

  • High standards of international language educational institutions and a large selection of programs. You can choose an accredited language school in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal.
  • Learning English in Canada is carried out using advanced techniques that are aimed at developing all four language skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening. Well organized educational process gives quick result even with minimal initial preparation.
  • The cost of language training programs in Canada is 20-30% cheaper than in the UK and USA.
  • Canadian English is close to classic British English and has few dialectal expressions. Therefore, it is easily perceived by Russian speakers.
  • English language courses in Canada are a great opportunity to see this amazing country and discover her hospitality. You can visit picturesque nature reserves, museums, galleries and other attractions.
  • Studying at a language school in Canada gives you the opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances from the most different corners peace.

Learning English in Canada: language programs for children and adults

For children and teenagers We offer a variety of summer and winter language camps. During the holidays, children can not only take an intensive English course, but also relax. Programs include a variety of excursions, recreational activities, sports and creativity.

For adult students, English language schools in Canada offer great amount educational programs designed for different goals language learning. Among the most popular are short-term intensive courses, English for business, exam preparation courses, academic courses for university admission. The duration of the programs varies from 1-3 weeks to 12 months or more.

Short-term English courses in Canada are popular among those students who want to improve their level spoken language. You will master colloquial speech and expand your vocabulary, learn to communicate with native speakers.

If you need English for work, then you should choose one of the specialized programs for professionals. Upon completion of this course you will be proficient English terminology in your chosen specialization, you will be able to engage in scientific or entrepreneurial activities.

Are you planning to study at an English-speaking university? Then preparation courses for taking international exams are suitable for you. IELTS exams or TOEFL, or one of the programs for future applicants to English-language universities.

English language instruction in Canada is available throughout the year, so you can start learning the language when it is most convenient for you. Depending on the program and length of stay, various accommodation options are possible - in residence educational institution, in an apartment, with a host family. You can also combine learning English with sports and cultural and entertainment programs.

Any English teaching program in Canada involves complete immersion in the language environment. In their free time from classes, students communicate with each other and with native speakers, which guarantees maximum knowledge and communication skills.

How to choose a language school in Canada?

Understanding on your own the variety of language schools in Canada and the nuances of educational programs is not easy. You will have to analyze a huge amount of information, comparing course content, cost, accommodation options and other parameters. After this, you will need to contact representatives of the selected educational institution to agree on details, transfer documents and pay for tuition.

Another difficulty is collecting documents to obtain a visa. The package of documents is quite voluminous; if you do not have the necessary certificate or fill out the documents incorrectly, you risk being denied a visa.

Experts from Insight-Lingua will help you get rid of all the hassle associated with choosing a language school and organizing a trip. We work directly with the best English language schools in Canada and will select the best option for you in accordance with your goals and financial capabilities. Our employees will also take care of collecting documents, obtaining visas, and medical assistance. insurance, purchasing air tickets.

A countryCitySchool/programAge, yearsEnglish coursesPrice,
2 weeks,
CanadaToronto, VancouverInternational Language Academy of Canada (ILAC) from 17
in summer - from 14
  • intensive (30 English lessons/week)
  • super intensive (38 lessons/week)
  • preparing for the TOEFL exam
  • summer youth
  • Pre-Degree Certificate (8-16 weeks)
  • Program High School Yea (40 weeks)
from 1110€
CanadaToronto, Vancouver, MontrealInternational Language Schools of Canada (ILSC) from 16
  • basic (24 English lessons/week)
  • intensive (30 lessons/week)
  • Executive Business Program (English / French)
  • UPath course - preparation for entering a Canadian university/college
  • medical English
from 1140€
CanadaToronto, Vancouver, Montreal 9-15 summer language campfrom 3190€/3 weeks.

Ideal place to study

On this moment in Canada there are two state languages– English and French, each of which is taught at a professionally high level in language schools. In most cases, it is this factor that determines increased interest foreign citizens To courses in Canada, in which you can quickly learn English and discover new opportunities in this country.

If you set out to pass language courses in Canada, then this will be the right decision.

In parallel with your studies, you will be able to experience Canada in all its glory. Landscapes of amazing beauty will appear before you. By the way, Canadians manage to preserve their nature even in large industrial cities. All the riot of colors of nature is not limited to landscapes alone.

You have a direct opportunity to go to national park and go canoeing. Extreme lovers can go to the mountains and ski. Admire the famous Niagara Falls, Pacific Ocean, caressing the eye with their beauty. Getting to know all of Canada will help you learn English faster and easier.

To learn English and strengthen its skills, you can choose any of the private or public schools Canada, which are located in the most famous cities countries.

But why language courses in Canada will give the best result?

Make yourself at home!

For many years now, Canada has been accepting enough a large number of talented people– coming with the status of immigrants, they manage to become part of this country. Therefore, language learning is given great attention– this will help you adapt, get acquainted with cultural, political and social life.

In connection with this factor there is another positive point- it concerns prices for courses in Canada, which pleasantly please students and their parents - they are much cheaper than in many other English-speaking countries.

On language courses in Canada You can choose the most interesting direction:

  • general or business English
  • business English
  • professional programs
  • specialized programs that are created to meet specific student requirements

It is worth noting that language schools have extensive experience in teaching the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.

Make a choice - get results

Another amazing opportunity is to go courses in Canada on studying foreign language at a certain university, because upon graduation you will be able to become a student of this university.

Each university or college has its own individual public program. Private schools accept applications for courses at any time of the year convenient for you.

If you want to improve your knowledge French as a foreign language (French as a Second Language, FSL), then it is better to take the courses in Quebec.

New prospects are already waiting for you

As you have already noticed, Canadian higher education institutions are extremely interested in quality education, as well as a comfortable stay for foreign students in the country during their studies. That is why it is provided for them not only high quality education, but also decent living conditions that will maximally help a visiting student adapt to new conditions.

All language courses in Canada can be called an example of highly professional training - they are known for their modern educational programs. It is important that in each school the interests of even one student are taken into account. So, educational course can be adapted to the requirements and capabilities of an individual.

After completing the courses, those interested can continue their studies or begin building their professional career.

Good day, dear readers! Learn English naturally better method total immersion into the language environment. Perfect option- learning English abroad, where you can spend some time in the country, language, dialect, variant of the language that you want to learn. You can go to work, study, or simply take language courses in an English-speaking country.

Studying English in Canada can be done not only by those who intend to live there permanently or live there for some time, but also by those who simply want to learn the language, since studying in Canada has a number of advantages. Today we will find out exactly what language courses are available in Canada.

Canada is a very friendly country to all visitors, because the residents of this state come from all over the world. Therefore, do not be surprised when you are studying in one of the Canadian cities if completely unfamiliar people start talking to you. public transport. Even in the most large cities Very friendly and welcoming people live there.

Teaching English in Canadian language courses gives students the opportunity to see this country from the inside with their own eyes. Students can admire wildlife, amazing scenery, skiing, hiking, visiting a national park. Some students even said that they learned to sail a canoe there, and some simply loved watching the huge flows of people in big cities.

It’s not uncommon in these parts to see wild elk grazing in plain sight. And listening close to the sounds of Niagara Falls of indescribable beauty, you can get wet through with water dust. Canada is an amazing country North America, in which you can find the mass interesting adventures. But this is not all the advantages of studying in this country.

Benefits of learning English in Canada


Studying in Canada is not easy good way immerse yourself in the culture of the country and the English language, but also the opportunity to master speech patterns in their natural situations of use. Why you should choose English courses in this country:

  • Studying and living in Canada itself is cheaper than in England or the USA
  • The education received at Canadian courses is recognized as very high quality and prestigious in all countries of the world
  • A student visa allows students to legally work part-time after studying
  • Wide selection of language schools and English courses
  • The kindness and friendliness of the local people
  • Highly qualified teachers with extensive experience
  • If you wish, you can obtain citizenship relatively easily
  • Magnificent landscapes and nature
  • Endless opportunities for healthy leisure activities

If you decide to study in Toronto or Vancouver, you will never regret your choice. But you must choose the right courses or school yourself, depending on your preferences and financial capabilities.

English courses and schools in Canada

In Canada there are many schools and courses for teaching English of different locations, quality and price categories. I will tell you about the most popular ones, and you choose the option that you like or suits.

Choose any of the options or suggest your own!

The main thing is that when you spend money on a trip, try to make the most of your time. Study actively, complete all homework, attend all lectures and be active in class - ask questions, look for answers, use your brain at full capacity.

IN free time go on excursions, walk around the city, visit museums, communicate with native speakers and foreigners. Make the most of yourself and all the opportunities and chances that come your way. And you will rest and rest at home.

Good luck and have a great trip!


All General Academic Exams Business Corporate Conversational Homestay Hobbies+ Teachers Pre-university Internship


All Periodically Part-time ~15 hours Full-time ~20 hours Intensive ~25 hours Super-intensive

Weeks - 1 Weeks - 2 Weeks - 3 Weeks - 4 / Months - 1 Weeks - 6 / Months - 1.5 Weeks - 8 / Months - 2 Weeks - 12 / Months - 3 Weeks - 16 / Months - 4 Weeks - 24 / Months - 6 Weeks - 32 / Months - 9 Weeks - 48 / Months - 12

No School - Minimal School - In the family School - Place of residence City - Number City - Housing City - Minimal All - Minimal

SchoolProgram Price
CanadaTorontoSSLC Toronto4.5 94 + 240USD
CanadaVancouverSSLC VancouverESL Weekly Tuition (5 hrs p/w)4.3 95 + 240USD
CanadaVictoriaSSLC VictoriaESL Weekly Tuition (5 hrs p/w)4.6 74 + 240USD
CanadaVictoriaSSLC SurreyESL Weekly Tuition (5 hrs p/w)4.2 71 + 240USD
CanadaTorontoILSC TorontoSingle Evening Course (9.5 lessons/wk)4.4 178 + 283USD
CanadaMontrealILSC MontrealPart-Time PM (13 lessons/wk)4.7 79 + 353USD
CanadaTorontoSSLC Toronto4.5 94 + 364USD
CanadaVancouverSSLC VancouverESL Weekly Tuition (10 hrs p/w)4.3 95 + 364USD
CanadaVictoriaSSLC VictoriaESL Weekly Tuition (10 hrs p/w)4.6 74 + 364USD
CanadaVictoriaSSLC SurreyESL Weekly Tuition (10 hrs p/w)4.2 71 + 366USD

Showing entries 1-10 from 413 .

Pros and cons of language courses in Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world by area and fourth by the Human Development Index. Every year, millions of foreign students flock here to study English, and the reason for this is a number of reasons: benefits such as:
  • wide choose language centers in different cities of Canada, which allows us to find good school both in one of the large cities and in a small provincial town with picturesque nature;
  • high-quality training, which will cost 20% less than in the UK or USA;
  • Canada is a bilingual country, so you can practice not only English, but also French;
  • Canada is known for its multicultural policy: about 60% of the population consider themselves immigrants or descendants of immigrants; they treat foreigners kindly here, calling new arrivals with the warm name “new Canadians”;
  • To apply for a visa to Canada, it is not necessary to submit documents in person; you can submit an application online and use the services of a courier service.
When planning a trip to Canada for language courses, there are a number of things to consider: features, which are typical for this country:
  • long and difficult process obtaining a visa to Canada;
  • the need to choose schools in certain parts countries for studying and practicing English (for example, in the province of Quebec the French-speaking population predominates);
  • very long and expensive air travel, lack of direct flights from Russia to Canada;
  • harsh climate: although average temperature in winter the country is -15 C°, the thermometer may well drop to a record -45 C°; As for the summer season, there are also quite extreme indicators - up to +40 C°; This climate is due to high humidity and geographical location countries.
Types of programsIntensityGroupLanguage requirementsCost per week
General English20 10-15 Beginner310 USD +
Semi-Intensive English24 10-13 Beginner340 USD +
Intensive English25-30 10-13 Beginner350 USD +
Academic English25-30 10-13 Beginner370 USD +
English for Business25-30 10-13 Intermediate380 USD +
English for Work30 10-13 Intermediate380 USD +
Cambridge Exam Preparation20-30 10-13 Intermediate310 USD +
IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC Preparation20-30 10-13 Intermediate310 USD +
One-to-One Lessonsindividually1 Starter85 USD +/lesson
Club 40+20+ 8-10 Starter565 USD +
English Plus20+ 8-10 Starter450 USD +
Academic Semester/Year20-25 10-15 Beginner285 USD +

Read more about the types of language courses in this article.

Features of admission and study at language schools in Canada

Admission to a language school in Canada, as a rule, begins with collecting a package of documents, which includes an application form, copies of documents confirming the identity of the future student, receipts for paying for the language course and the school registration fee. After paying all the necessary fees and providing a complete package of documents, the language center sends its student a letter of invitation, which confirms the fact of the foreigner’s enrollment in Canadian school. In addition, this document will be needed in the future to obtain a visa to Canada; it is the basis for entering the country.
Language schools in Canada offer courses of varying duration, intensity, focus and level of difficulty. The principle of distributing students into groups remains the same for all language programs: newly arrived students are tested to determine their level of English, and in some schools interviews are additionally conducted. Usually, most of language centers in Canada practice a communicative approach to teaching students, allowing them to learn language in the context of real life situations. Course participants develop all four language skills (writing, reading, speaking and listening) in a relaxed environment.
Particularly popular among foreign students are combined courses that allow you to study English in Canada while doing what you love, for example, visiting National parks, excursions or honing your speaking skills in discussion groups, book clubs and theater clubs. Carrying out thematic classes- another one distinctive feature Canadian language schools. These lessons discuss various topics- from everyday life to politics, the vocabulary and topics of classes are selected taking into account the current level of students, their interests and the focus of the main course.

Best Language Schools in Canada

Accommodation options while studying in Canada

Read more about available accommodation options abroad in this article.
For admission to a Canadian language school foreign student you need to apply for a visa. The type of visa directly depends on the purpose of the trip and the length of stay of the applicant in Canada. Students of short-term programs only need to apply for a temporary resident tourist visa, which gives the right to stay in Canada for up to 6 months. The processing time for a tourist visa application will take about 15 days. Applicants who decide to study language courses in Canada for several semesters, an entire academic year or more should take care of obtaining a temporary resident study visa. It is noteworthy that along with a student visa, the applicant must also obtain a study permit, without which a Canadian visa will not be issued. A stamp confirming receipt of a permit to study in Canada is placed in the foreign passport when passing through Canadian customs, and the visa itself is issued before departure. The processing time for documents for a study visa is about 4 weeks.

Requirements for applicants to obtain a visa to Canada:

  • have a valid foreign passport;
  • do not have serious diseases that can be transmitted from person to person (for example, tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.);
  • have no criminal record and have not been deported from any country;
  • have close relations with their homeland and a firm intention to return to their country after completing language courses in Canada;
  • have sufficient financial resources to ensure travel for the entire duration of your stay in Canada.
Documents required for a visa to Canada:

You can apply for a temporary resident tourist visa online. To do this, you need to complete a survey on the website by clicking on the Apply Online button. Next, the applicant will be asked to perform a certain series of actions, during which it will be necessary to support a package of documents in electronic format. In this case, the applicant will need special scanning or photography equipment.
Read more about applying for a visa to Canada in this article.

Additional costs for studying and living in Canada

ExpensesMin., CADAverage, CAD
Consular fee of the embassy100 USD 150 USD
Flight (Moscow - Ottawa - Moscow) 1,170 USD 1,295 USD
Medical insurance15 USD /week25 USD /week
Educational materials 10 USD /week15 USD /week
Delivery of invitations by express mail80 USD100 USD
Meeting/seeing off at the airport 110 USD115 USD
Supplement for accommodation per week, during the summer season15 USD20 USD
Additional tuition fee per week, during the summer season20 USD25 USD
Special menu 35 USD40 USD
Unipage student visa services150 USD 250 USD
Full support for enrolling in language courses from Unipage200 USD 200 USD

Work while studying at language courses in Canada

A foreigner can find a job on the campus of his educational institution or outside it. This opportunity is provided to students of academic programs whose duration exceeds 6 months (as a rule, these are students of Canadian universities). Canadian law allows foreigners to work part-time - up to 20 hours a week, and full-time during the holidays. Canadian university students do not need a work permit, but will need one after completing their studies to remain in the country to look for work. Students of language courses (programs up to 6 months) must obtain a work permit in Canada. This can be done online through the embassy website or by submitting a paper application. The processing time for citizens applying directly in Canada is about two weeks.

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