The rank of foreman in the Russian army. Terms and procedure for assigning regular military ranks

    Both on land and on water there are military ranks, some of them are similar, but still there is a difference.

    So, on land, military ranks are in the following order:

    On the water, that is, in the navy, ranks are structured like this:

    Sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, petty officer of the first class, chief ship's officer, midshipman, senior midshipman, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain, captain of the third rank, captain of the second rank, captain of the first rank, rear admiral, vice admiral , admiral.

    Private, in the navy this rank corresponds to a sailor, then corporal, in the navy - senior sailor; junior sergeant, in the navy, foreman of the second class; sergeant-sergeant major of the first class, senior sergeant-sergeant major; petty officer - chief naval foreman; next come warrant officer, in the navy midshipman, senior warrant officers, senior midshipman. Officers: junior lieutenant - same in the navy; lieutenant - the same in the navy; senior lieutenant - the same in the navy; captain, in the navy - captain lieutenant; then follows the senior officers: major - in the navy, captain of the third rank; lieutenant colonel - in the navy, captain of the second rank; colonel - in the navy, captain of the first rank. Next comes the senior officers: major general - rear admiral in the navy; lieutenant general, vice in the navy -admiral; colonel general- admiral, and the final rank of army general. There were marshals in the USSR, but now, in my opinion, they have been abolished. Only two people had the highest rank of generallisimo: Suvorov and Stalin.

    To begin with, I will say that in different countries very different ranks, it is also worth noting that the Military navy and ordinary ground forces oh, also different ranks, for example the Navy:

    And now a few countries to compare ranks. The first will be military ranks of Russia

    Military ranks of France

    Military ranks of China

    Military ranks of Germany

    Military ranks of Turkey

    The Army and Navy each have their own military ranks. Of course, they have a number of similarities, but they differ both in name and in the number of stars and stripes. One more difference that should be added is the guards regiments.

    Private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

    Military ranks should be separated for navy and land.

    So, as for the ground forces, military ranks are arranged in exactly this order:

    As for the distribution of ranks in order in the navy, it looks like this, from lowest to lowest:

    As for the Russian Federation. Ranks are military and naval.

    Warrant officers and midshipmen:

    Junior officers:

    Senior officers;

    Marshal of the Russian Federation is the highest military rank.

    A specialty is added to military ranks, if available;

    Who is studying at a military institution:

    In the Russian Armed Forces, military ranks are divided into military and naval. For military personnel of guards units, the prefix “guard” is added to the military rank...

    Soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen...

    Junior, middle, senior officers. Marshal of the Russian Federation...

    In the Navy, in addition to ship military ranks, there may also be military military ranks, for example in Marine Corps, naval aviation, coastal fleet forces. Ship military ranks are expressed by a white or yellow stripe on a black shoulder strap (clearance) or black gaps on a white shoulder strap, on shoulder straps with military military ranks - the gaps will be red and blue. By the way, in the Marine Corps the ship ranks are sailor and senior sailor, then military...

    There are military ranks and ranks of those who serve in navy, the ranks in order in the Russian army are as follows:

    Rank and file:

    Military ranks: private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major.

    Ship ranks: sailor, senior sailor, 2nd class petty officer, 1st class petty officer, chief petty officer, chief ship sergeant major.

    Warrant officers and midshipmen:

    Military ranks: warrant officer, senior warrant officer

    Ship ranks: midshipman, senior midshipman


    Junior officers:

    Military ranks: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain;

    Ship ranks: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain.

    Senior officers:

    Military ranks: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;

    Ship ranks: captain 3rd rank, captain 2nd rank, captain 1st rank.

    Senior officers:

    Military ranks: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general; Ship ranks: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, fleet admiral.

    And of course, Marshal of the Russian Federation.

    In the Army and Navy there are military ranks that are similar, but it seems to me that the ranks in the Navy are still more difficult to remember and pronounce. Military ranks on land.

    Military ranks in the navy.

    It should be noted that in addition to rank in the Army and Navy, position plays a big role. It happens that an officer with a higher rank is subordinate to an officer with a lower rank.

    Military ranks are as follows, starting from small:

    On land: private, corporal, junior sergeant, senior sergeant, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

    In the navy: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, foreman of the first class, chief ship's officer, midshipman, senior midshipman, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain, captain of the third rank, captain of the second rank, captain of the first rank, rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral.

    In the old days there was also the title of Marshal, but it was abolished.

Who is higher - major general or lieutenant general? People who have not served in the army cannot answer this apparent simple question. Many argue that the issue is the number of stars on officers' uniforms. Whoever has more of them is, accordingly, senior in military rank. A lieutenant general and a lieutenant in the Russian army wear two stars, and a major general and a major wear one. It turns out that the lieutenant general is older?

Others talk about how the highest ranks are given in reverse order, from Colonel General to Lieutenant General. Still others believe that since an ordinary major older than lieutenant, then the highest officer ranks follow in the same order. In fact, all these versions have nothing to do with reality. How to figure out who is higher - a major general or a lieutenant general? To do this, it is necessary to turn to the history of the emergence of the highest military ranks.

So who is higher: major general or lieutenant general?

In the modern Russian army, major general is the first highest rank for an officer. It is received after the colonel. He is followed by a lieutenant general. Next two higher ranks for an officer - colonel general and army general.

Higher officer ranks in the Russian army

These ranks appeared in the Russian army in late XVII century and existed for more than two centuries, until 1917. After the revolution, the decree “On the equalization of rights of military personnel” came into force. Service categories were introduced instead of ranks. At this time, there was no question of who was higher - a major general or a lieutenant general.

All military ranks were abolished, and on uniform Soviet soldiers there were no shoulder straps, orders or other traditional insignia. To the previous system officer ranks They returned only in 1935. And a few years later, the highest military ranks were returned.

What does the general command?

Why is a lieutenant general higher than a major general? A major general commands large military formations: a division, a corps. He may also be the deputy district commander. On his shoulder straps one at a time big star. A lieutenant general can command a military district or a separate army. You rarely see such officers in ordinary units; they serve at headquarters. On the shoulder straps of a lieutenant general there are two big stars.

The history of military ranks

By the way, all officers appeared in France in the 14th century. Therefore, the names of most military ranks have French roots. At first, the word "general" was used only as a prefix to the rank in the meaning of "chief". But then they began to designate a special highest military rank.

Also called generals were the heads knightly orders. And in the 18th century, lieutenant generals were already called the king’s governors in the French provinces. In the Guards troops, the word “guards” is added to the name of the rank.

Currently, general ranks exist in most armies of the world. At the same time, the system of army ranks is constantly undergoing changes. It may differ depending on belonging to a particular branch of the military, police and other services. In different countries, the same name denotes different titles and positions.

Military reform of Peter the Great

Generals appeared in the Russian army under Emperor Peter the Great, when military reform was carried out and the “Table of Ranks” was introduced. This document made it possible to compare military ranks in ordinary and guards units with civilian ones. The state has regular army. A general conscription and compulsory military service for noble class. It was there that they received officer ranks.

Before the reform, mercenaries from other states were called into service. AND for a long time The rank of lieutenant general was used only in the navy. I wonder what's up military reform commanders were named according to the number of soldiers subordinate to him (for example, a thousand-man). This system was used for a long time in parallel with the new one.

Each subsequent emperor made his own changes to the Table of Ranks. By the way, in many European armies at that time there was no rank of “lieutenant”; instead, the rank of “lieutenant” was used. There was also the rank of “full general” (in the modern Russian army it corresponds to the rank of army general). And the word “lieutenant” was used to mean deputy commander.

To finally understand why a lieutenant general is older than a major general, it should be noted that ranks in the army determine the rights and responsibilities of a serviceman. They correspond to a specific position. There is even a special term “service compliance”. Why is a major general younger than a lieutenant general? Initially, ranks designated only the duties assigned to a soldier or officer. That is, receiving a rank meant that a military man was ready for the appropriate service, and that he had certain knowledge and skills. The one who led the fleet received the rank of admiral general. The regiment commander was called a colonel, the one in charge of the battalion was called a major, and the one in charge of a company was called a captain. The lieutenant was his assistant (this is the rank corresponding to the modern lieutenant). The commander-in-chief was a field marshal general, his assistant was called a lieutenant general.

Titles and positions

Over time, the title began to be separated from the position. This process was long and complex. Only in mid-19th centuries, insignia appeared: epaulettes, shoulder straps and stars on them.

Gradually, ranks began to be received for length of service, solving complex combat missions and other merits. Commander, commander large connections, received the rank of major general. And the lieutenant general was only one step lower than the “full general.” Therefore, the question did not arise who was more important - the major general or the lieutenant general.

In the army Russian Federation Military ranks are assigned to all military personnel regardless of their position. The rank determines the scope of the rights and responsibilities of soldiers and sailors, warrant officers and midshipmen, officers, and also ensures subordination between members of the personnel.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is customary to distinguish between naval and combined arms ranks. If a person liable for military service serves on a guard ship or in a military unit, the prefix “guard” is added to his rank (guard captain, guard colonel). It is also assigned for life a certain person. For example, if a serviceman retired as a lieutenant colonel, he is referred to as a “retired lieutenant colonel.”

The terms and procedure for assigning, as well as deprivation of military ranks are regulated Federal law RF and Regulations on service in the Armed Forces. It is generally accepted that the corresponding naval and combined arms ranks are equivalent in relation to each other. They are assigned personally to each serviceman.

Deadlines for conferring the next military ranks

There are several groups of military personnel who make up current staff Armed forces of the Russian Federation. These should include soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen, and officers. The last group is divided into junior, senior and senior command staff.

To receive the next military rank, soldiers, warrant officers and officers must serve for a certain period of time. For diligent service, sailors and soldiers can be promoted to the next rank (senior soldier or sailor) 5 months after its start.

To receive the rank of junior sergeant, soldiers and senior soldiers are required to serve for at least 1 year, sergeant - for at least 2 years, senior sergeant and warrant officer - for at least 3 years. For an officer to be awarded another title, it is necessary to serve:

  • 2 years junior lieutenant;
  • 3 years for lieutenant and senior lieutenant;
  • 4 years for captain (lieutenant captain) and major (3rd rank captain);
  • 5 years for a lieutenant colonel (2nd rank captain).

To receive another rank, graduates of military higher educational institutions must hold the rank of lieutenant for 2 years. Senior officers can be promoted if they have served in the previous rank for at least 2 years and have held a position for at least 1 year that is subject to being filled by senior military personnel officers.

For generals and admirals of the Russian Armed Forces, including generals of the army or admirals of the fleet, the terms of service in their position and in a specific rank are not established.

The calculation of the period of stay in a military rank begins from the day of its assignment. The period of military service in a certain rank includes the time:

  • interruption of service due to unfounded prosecution;
  • termination of service due to illegal dismissal;
  • stay in reserve.

Important: Some changes were made to the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2016, which affected the timing of assigning regular military ranks to military personnel. So, for example, to receive the rank of captain, a senior lieutenant had to serve for 3 years. Currently, the Armed Forces operate personnel certification. This means that military personnel must prove their professional suitability to receive the next rank. An important role is played by discipline, knowledge of the specialty, behavior and absence of official misconduct.

The procedure for assigning military ranks

There are a number of grounds for conferring a military rank. First of all, this should include entering service in the Armed Forces on a voluntary basis, by conscription, as well as entering specialized military educational establishments and their ending.

The expiration of a certain period of service in the previous rank is also grounds for promotion. Military personnel may be awarded a military rank by decision of officials within the framework of their powers.

Also, military personnel can be transferred to a position when a certain military rank is provided for it in the staffing table. It can be either equal or higher in comparison with the existing rank.

Please note that a new military rank is assigned simultaneously with appointment to a new position. As for persons liable for military service for whom sergeant (senior) positions are provided, the basis for their promotion to rank may be successful completion tests according to the service program.

The President of the Russian Federation can assign military ranks to senior officers. To do this, they must be presented by the head of the federal executive body in whose department they are held military service. This official also has the right to confer the rank of captain 1st rank or colonel.

Upon admission to conscript service In the Armed Forces in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the military commissar has the right to assign the rank of private to conscripts. If military personnel are directly subordinate to officials, the latter have the right to assign them regular military ranks.

It is important to understand that military personnel can be awarded their first and subsequent military ranks. Thus, officers receive the first military rank of “junior lieutenant” and “lieutenant”, warrant officers (midshipmen) - “warrant officer” (midshipman), and soldiers - “private” or “sailor”, respectively.

For personal merits of a military man, he may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule, but not higher than the rank that is provided for staffing table for the position held.

The procedure for assigning military ranks also provides for rewarding military personnel for special personal merit if their term in the assigned rank has expired. Thus, an officer can be promoted by one step in rank in accordance with his position, but not higher than “captain 3rd rank” or “major”.

If a soldier has academic degree, holds a teaching position in military educational or research organizations, he may be awarded another rank, but not higher than “captain 1st rank” or “colonel”.

Warrant officers (midshipmen) and sergeants (ship foremen) can also be nominated for the next military rank. For warrant officers (midshipmen), this is “senior warrant officer” (“senior warrant officer”), and sergeants (ship foremen) receive a rank no higher than “sergeant major” (“chief ship’s foreman”).

Can they be deprived of their military rank?

The Russian Armed Forces practice a system of reward and punishment for military personnel, so they can not only be promoted in position and rank, but also be deprived of such privileges. This can happen if a person liable for military service has committed a serious or especially serious offense.

Only a court can accuse a person of an offense. After a verdict is passed, a military man may be demoted in rank, as well as deprived of social benefits and privileges.

Important: in law judiciary have the right to deprive a serviceman of his position and rank. It does not take into account who awarded the title. It can be restored only after the criminal record has been expunged. Its removal alone is not enough to restore one's rank. This will require positive feedback from the military commissar, as well as the consent of the relevant authorities.

To be reinstated in position and rank, after a criminal record has been cleared, a serviceman must contact the military registration and enlistment office and submit the appropriate application. According to the law, it may take 30 calendar days. If the military commissar has every reason to restore a person to his rank, a representation and the necessary order will be issued to him.

Please note that if a serviceman was convicted unfairly, he will be rehabilitated, that is, automatically restored to rank. More detailed information can provide, whose services it is recommended to use.

When is an extraordinary military rank given?

Military personnel can receive a new rank ahead of schedule for special personal merit. Often, individuals who have proven their professionalism are rewarded by the unit’s leadership in the form of promotion in rank and position, which allows the person to quickly rise through the ranks. career ladder. If it is not possible to make a personnel change, they can only assign the next rank.

To receive an extraordinary rank, an officer may, for example, take an active part in special operations or express yourself in emergency situations. If the serviceman's subordinates showed excellent results in exercises and combat training, there is a high probability that he can be quickly promoted ahead of schedule.

In practice, obtaining an extraordinary military rank can be quite difficult, since the leadership of the unit can carry out this procedure at their discretion. It's no secret that officers who have a relationship with the command are promoted faster than others. family ties. However, if the serviceman’s merits are noticed by higher-ranking officers, then the new appointment will not take long to arrive.

To understand what ranks there are, what they are awarded for, or at least what they look like, you need to serve in the army. At school, boys are forced to learn them by heart, but it’s so easy to get confused in them that it’s better not to even bother. In this article we will try to explain it in a simple way and help you understand all the ranks, what they look like and what they give.

All ranks in the Russian army - from junior to senior

Knowing all the ranks in ascending order, you can easily understand who you are addressing or who is addressing you. In Russia there are only two types of military ranks, military and naval. TO ship ranks sailors usually include:

  • Coast security;
  • naval military units;
  • surface and submarine forces.

Military titles include all other people serving in military units:

  • Armed forces;
  • other military units and bodies.

Now let's decide what titles there are - from least to greatest. There are only a few subtypes of titles:

  1. Non-officer title.
  2. Officer's title.

Non-officer titles include privates, corporals, junior sergeants, “middle” sergeants, senior sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, as well as senior warrant officers. In the ship type: sailors, senior sailors, foremen in the second and first classes, chief foremen, chief ship foremen, midshipmen and senior midshipmen.

Military ranks Ship ranks
junior officers Ensign Ensign
lieutenant lieutenant
senior lieutenant senior lieutenant
captain captain
senior officers major third level captain
lieutenant colonels second level captain
colonels first level captain
senior officers major generals rear admirals
lieutenant generals vice admirals
colonel generals admirals
army generals fleet admirals
Marshal of Russia there is no analogue

All these titles are distinguished not only by their names, but also by the presence of shoulder straps. Each title has its own shoulder strap. Soldiers and sailors have no identifying marks. The sergeant and sergeant major have so-called stripes - these are fabric braids. In the army they were nicknamed “snots.” The ensign and midshipman wear vertical stars on their shoulder straps with edgings, but without gaps. The officer corps differs in the number and size of stars.

In the first officer corps (junior) there is one strip, the so-called lumen, the stars must be made of metal and have a diameter of 13 mm. Senior officers have two stripes and stars 20 mm wide. The third officers, that is, the highest ones, have embroidered stars on their shoulder straps. large size(22 mm), they have no stripes. Army generals and navy admirals have one large embroidered star 40 mm wide on their shoulder straps. The Marshal of the Russian Federation has one large embroidered star, like army generals with a diameter of 40 mm, but diverging ones are also added to it different sides silver rays that form a kind of pentagon. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation must be present in the background.

Now let's look at the persons of all titles, that is, the people in charge Russian army. It is worth noting that Supreme Commander is the current President of the Russian Federation. It is generally accepted that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is not a rank, but a position. It is this position that gives the right to be higher than the Marshal of the Russian Federation. The Minister of Defense has the right to simultaneously be the commander-in-chief of the ground and naval forces.

Interesting facts about ranks in the army of the Russian Federation

Military ranks assigned to military personnel guards units, have the prefix “guard”, that is, “guard lieutenant colonel”.

  1. Depending on what service the soldier belongs to (this may be legal or medical service), either the word “justice” or “medical service” is added to the title in the required case.
  2. For military personnel who are retired or in reserve, the word “reserve” or “retired” is added to their rank, depending on the situation.
  3. People enrolled in military service, and who are studying at a military school, are divided into two groups: those who do not have a military title - cadets, as well as listeners.
  4. Citizens who did not have a military title before joining military school, or who held the title of sailor or soldier when entering an educational institution, have the rank of cadet. In other cases, all ranks assigned upon admission are retained.
  5. People who serve in the military receive ranks only for good services to the state. Also, based on the statute on service in military units, a specific period of time is determined, that is, the title can be received by:
  • sailors, soldiers - six months;
  • junior sergeants, senior sergeants of the second article - 365 days;
  • sergeants and foremen of the first article, junior lieutenants - 2 years;
  • senior sergeants, chief petty officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, lieutenants and senior lieutenants - 3 years;
  • captains, captain-lieutenants, majors and captains of the third level - 4 years;
  • lieutenant colonels, second-level captains and remaining military personnel - 5 years.

Very worth remembering important detail, a serviceman has the right to receive the title if his unit has a corresponding position.

  1. Based on new laws adopted in 2012, the titles petty officer and chief petty officer are no longer awarded. However, they still remain documented.
  2. All titles assigned to military personnel must be written in small letters.
  3. The title of major is considered higher than the title of lieutenant, but major generals are lower in rank than lieutenant generals.
  4. IN this moment within 365 days, a serviceman has the right to receive highest title- Sergeant.

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