Belarusian State University named after. BSU - Belarusian State University


Nonresident students studying at BSU are provided with a place in the student dormitory on the basis of their submitted application and in accordance with the decision of the faculty committee for settlement in accordance with the criteria listed below.



in dormitories for BSU students for 2016–2017 academic year

1. The following have the right to be provided with dormitories OUT OF QUEUE:

1.1. Students are orphans and children left without parental care; persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (regardless of whether these persons have reached the age of 23), as well as students who have lost their last (only) parent while studying at BSU.

1.2. Students are disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children (who do not suffer from diseases that make it impossible to live together with them in the same living space).

1.3. Students included in the data bank of gifted youth and the data bank of talented youth.

1.4. Students who have benefits in accordance with Art. 18 (those who do not suffer from diseases for which living together with them in the same residential premises is impossible), Art. 19–23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 6

2009 N 9-з “On social protection of citizens affected by disasters in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other radiation accidents."

1.5. Students are members of the families of deceased (deceased) citizens specified in Art. 22 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Veterans”.

1.6. Students from families whose residential premises (including those owned by right of ownership) due to emergency situations natural and man-made nature, military operations and terrorist actions became uninhabitable.

1.7. Students who left the dormitory due to conscription military service and after being transferred to the reserve, they were reinstated at BSU.

1.8. Students who entered BSU under the conditions of targeted training of qualified specialists, if the mandatory provision of living quarters in a dormitory is provided for in the agreement on targeted training.

1.9. Foreign citizens students studying under a contract, if the mandatory provision of residential premises in a dormitory is provided for by the contract.

2. The following have the right to be provided with a hostel in the FIRST PRIORITY:

2.1. Disabled students Group III(who do not suffer from diseases that make it impossible to live together with them in a living room) with an average grade point average for the entire period of study (not including the spring examination session of the 2015–2016 academic year) of 6.0 or higher.

2.2. Students from large families(raising 3 or more minors (adopted, under guardianship) children or children studying in higher education institutions, USSO, UPTO on a full-time basis or children who are disabled, as a result of which the possibility of their education and classes labor activity absent) with an average grade point average for the entire period of study (not including the spring examination session of the 2015–2016 academic year) of 6.0 or higher.

2.3. Students whose parents (one or both) are disabled groups I, II with an average grade point average for the entire period of study (not including the spring examination session of the 2015–2016 academic year) of 6.0 or higher.

Location Belarus Belarus, Minsk Metro 1 Lenin Square Legal address 220030 Minsk,
Independence Avenue, 4 Website Awards
Object of the State List of Historical and Cultural Values ​​of the Republic of Belarus, code 1a1E400609

General information

The BSU complex includes: 20 faculties and educational institutions; 5 retraining and advanced training institutions; 4 research institutes; 13 scientific centers; 41 research laboratories; 38 student research laboratories; 180 departments; 11 unitary enterprises; 3 training and experimental stations; 4 museums. In 2008, the Institute of Journalism of BSU was created, which included the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining.

Students receive higher education at BSU in 81 first-level specialties (2017/18 academic year) higher education and 65 specialties - second. Since 2008, students have been trained within State program training for nuclear power for 2008-2020 Training of highly qualified personnel is carried out in postgraduate courses in 120 specialties. BSU coordinates the activities of the country's universities in developing scientific and methodological support for university education in the humanities and natural sciences.

To enter BSU, you must successfully pass centralized testing. For some specialties, applicants additionally take entrance exams. As of June 30, 2017, the university has 17,129 full-time students. In 2014 total number There were 28,928 students, 864 were in graduate school, 47 in doctoral studies. Every year, over 3 thousand people undergo retraining in 45 specialties [ ] and more than 17 thousand people improve their qualifications in 195 programs. The BSU complex employs 2,894 full-time teachers (of which 321 are doctors of science, 1,538 are candidates of science) and about 450 researchers. The total number of full-time employees in the BSU complex, excluding part-time workers, is 7,809 people. An additional 92 doctors of science and 338 candidates of science from other institutions were recruited to work as part-time teachers. Together with part-time workers, 12 academicians and 14 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 413 doctors of science, 1876 candidates of science work in the BSU complex.

The university is part of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


In 1930-31, BSU underwent a major reorganization. In August 1930, at the base Faculty of Medicine BSU was created. In 1931, the Political Education Institute was separated from the BSU. In the same year, on the basis of the Faculty of Economics and Law, the planning and economic and financial and economic institutes and the institute consumer cooperation(in 1933), based at the Faculty of Law and Soviet construction The Institute of Soviet Construction and Law was created. Based on two departments (socio-historical and literary-linguistic) Faculty of Education was created. In 1931, on the basis of the chemical department of the pedagogical department opened last year, the chemical faculty was opened. Opened the same year Faculty of Biology. At the end of 1931, 218 students studied at the BSU in the physics and mathematics department, 105 in the biology department, and 113 in the chemical department. In 1933, the physics and mathematics department was transformed into a separate faculty; in 1934, the historical and geographical departments were created ( original title- geological-soil-geographical) faculties.

Number of students at BSU in 1921-34:

Academic year 1921/22 1922/23 1923/24 1924/25 1925/26 1926/27 1927/28 1928/29 1929/30 1930/31 1931/32 1932/33 1933/34
Students 1126 2092 2328 2298 2530 2550 2672 2552 2332 1579 437 528 635

In 1936/37, 925 students studied at the university: 187 in the Faculty of Chemistry, 178 in Biology, 259 in Physics and Mathematics, 140 in History, 161 in Geography. At this time, BSU consisted of 5 faculties and a workers' faculty with 23 departments: organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry(Faculty of Chemistry), plant physiology, plant taxonomy, vertebrate zoology, human physiology and anatomy (Faculty of Biology), history of the USSR and BSSR, new history, stories ancient world and the Middle Ages, dialectical materialism and Leninism (history department), soil science, general geology, mineralogy and petrography, physical geography(Faculty of Geography), Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics (Physics Faculty of Mathematics), foreign languages, physical education and sports (university). In 1937-40, departments were opened at BSU mathematical analysis, higher algebra, theoretical mechanics, Marxism-Leninism and political economy. In 1939, the Faculty of Philology was opened with departments Belarusian language and literature and Russian language and literature, and the working faculty was closed. In the 1940/1941 academic year, 17 professors, 40 associate professors and 42 senior teachers worked at BSU. Six of the seven first rectors of BSU were repressed in the 1930s.

In 1962, 8 thousand students were already studying at BSU, in 1970 - 15 thousand students in 15 faculties and 91 departments in 40 specialties; the number of teachers increased to 1109. In 1958-62, construction of a new academic building was carried out on Lenin Square (modern Independence Square), in 1966 the building of the Faculty of Physics on Bobruiskaya Street was commissioned, and in 1969 the building of the Faculty of Chemistry on Leningradskaya Street.

In 1967, on the basis of the journalism department Faculty of Philology The Faculty of Journalism was created, and in 1970 the Faculty of Applied Mathematics was created on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics. In 1975, the Faculty of Mathematics was transformed into Mechanics and Mathematics, and the Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics was separated from the Faculty of Physics. In 1979-80, plans were announced for the construction of a new educational and scientific base of the BSU near the planned Vostok metro station, which were not implemented, and in 1980, a building of natural history faculties was opened near the village of Shchemyslitsa near Minsk.

During the years of perestroika, the system of humanities education at BSU changed significantly. In particular, in 1989, a department of sociology was opened, and in the same year, on the basis of it, as well as the departments of political economy and philosophy, the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was created. In addition, in 1989-90, the Department of History of the CPSU was renamed the Department political history, Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy humanities faculties became the department of philosophy, the department of Marxist-Leninist philosophy of natural history faculties - the department of philosophy and methods of science, and the department of scientific communism - the department of socio-political theories and political science.

Current state

BSU in ratings

Since 2008, BSU has been participating in one of the most famous webometric rankings - Webometrics Ranking of World Universities. Over the past three years, BSU's rating has been constantly growing. In August 2015, the university ranked 609th, and in March 2018, 487th.

Among universities in the CIS countries, BSU is in fourth place, behind only 3 Russian universities: Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg and Tomsk universities. It ranks 2nd in the 2013 Interfax ranking of universities in post-Soviet countries.

According to the ranking of the authoritative British agency QS WUR (QS World University Rankings), conducted since 2004, as of 2018 BSU is in the TOP 500 best universities in the world, being in 334th position. Among universities developing countries Europe and Central Europe BSU occupies 21st position in this ranking.

In the rating " World University Rankings» from Times Higher Education for 2018, BSU divided positions from 801 to 1000. The most best indicator The university's international reputation was ranked (54.8 points), and the two worst were research (9.9) and citation of university staff (11.9 points).

International activities

BSU is a member of the Eurasian and European University Associations, has 324 international agreements on cooperation with educational and scientific institutions from 50 countries of the world. They work on the basis of BSU Information Center European Union, Council of Europe Information Point, Confucius Republican Institute of Chinese Studies, Center international studies. The university implements more than 40 international projects through programs such as TEMPUS, INTAS, EU Cross-Border Cooperation, 7th EU Framework Programme, ISTC. International cooperation complicated by the fact that the Republic of Belarus does not participate in the Bologna process.



9 dormitories of the Belarusian State University provide housing nonresident students, undergraduates, graduate students and university staff. The total number of residents is more than 8,000 people. About 60-70% of nonresident first-year students live in the dormitory. Four dormitories are located on Oktyabrskaya Street, two in the BSU branch in the Shchomyslitsa area, two in the “student village”, one each on Sverdlov Street and on Kropotkin Street.

See also



  1. The President appointed a new rector of BSU and three heads of universities, TUT.BY (09/28/2017).
  2. BSU in numbers. About the activities of the Belarusian State University complex in 2014 (undefined) . Archived from the original on March 4, 2016.
  3. Results of the work of BSU in the 2016–2017 academic year. and tasks for the 2017–2018 academic year. (undefined) . Retrieved February 21, 2018.

Ave. Independence, 4

The campus complex is located in the block between and. This complex includes the main building of the university, the rector's office building, several administrative and utility buildings, as well as buildings of several faculties (physics, mechanics and mathematics, geography, chemistry). In the future, there will be a library, a law faculty, and a McDonald's restaurant will soon be located here. high rise building faculty international relations. In addition, BSU has a branch - this is an entire campus, which is located outside the ring road in the Schemyslitsa area, as well as several faculties in the city center, located outside the university campus.

Opposite the site allocated for construction, work began on the construction of the Belarusian State University according to the design of the architect I.K. Zaporozhets and G.L. Lavrova (1928-1931). The composition of the campus complex was based on a pavilion arrangement of buildings with a simplified architecture, common in the construction of higher educational institutions in those years. The University campus houses academic buildings, student dormitories, well-equipped laboratories, historical-archaeological, zoological and geological-mineralogical museums, and a fundamental library with over 200 thousand volumes.

Delivery of bricks for the construction of a student campus. RGAKFD. Rodina No. 1, 2008

On July 11, 1921, the opening of the first higher education institution took place. educational institution in the republic. Preparations for its creation from the first day (February 25, 1919, the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR on the opening of the university was adopted) was under special attention parties and governments. In Moscow, under the leadership of People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky, a commission was formed to promote the organization of BSU. (And in the future, Lunacharsky provided support and assistance to the university. In 1925, he came to Minsk and gave a speech at a citywide meeting of scientists; in 1928, he got acquainted with the construction of the university campus).

However, due to the temporary occupation of Minsk Polish troops This was accomplished only on October 30, 1921. This date is considered the birthday of BSU. The university was created almost empty space, in the year of the liberation of Minsk from the Poles, when the economy of the republic was completely destroyed by the war. U young university had neither their own buildings nor material base, no own personnel. Many of the Belarusians who worked in other scientific organizations, refused to work at the university, not believing that it could exist for a long time. This prompted the government to look for specialists outside of Belarus. In selection teaching staff for this university accepted great participation commission for promoting the organization of BSU and world-famous scientist K.A. Timiryazev. The teaching staff was mainly staffed by personnel from Moscow, Kazan and Kyiv universities.

One of the buildings of BSU is a former commercial school on Vasilyevsky (later Zemlemerny) Lane. Since the summer of 1930, the newly created Belarusian State University was located here polytechnic institute. Photo 1928 - Kurkov Ilya "Minsk unknown. 1920-1940." Minsk."Harvest", 2002

Initially, 3 faculties were organized: social sciences, medical and workers' faculty, and the first rector of the Belarusian State University (from 1921 to 1929) was the outstanding scientist, historian and Slavist Vladimir Ivanovich Picheta (graduated from the Poltava Gymnasium in 1908, and later from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University). On November 1, 1,390 students began classes at these faculties; the teaching staff then consisted of 49 people. The first graduation of young specialists took place in 1925.

The 1920s are one of the most dynamic periods in the history of the university. At this time, everything was for the first time: the first students, the first faculties, the first departments, the first scientific expeditions, the first graduates of the first Belarusian specialists with higher education. In the second half of the 1920s, graduate school was opened, a university campus was built, and fruitful connections were established with scientists from Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia and other countries.

In 1922 The Faculty of Education was separated from the Faculty of Social Sciences.

In 1929, on the basis of the departments providing the teaching of chemistry in the natural sciences department of the pedagogical and medical faculties, a chemical faculty was opened, headed by prof. Emil Vikentievich Zmachinsky. In the same year, the Faculty of Economics was opened, and in 1933, the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Pedagogy was transformed into the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; in 1934, the Faculty of History was opened, the first dean of which was Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR V. K. Shcherbakov, and the Faculty of Geography faculty, and in 1939 - the philological faculty.

In front of the BSU building in 1925, the first monument to V.I. in Minsk was erected. Lenin by sculptor Alexander Grube.

I'm looking for a photo of the monument.

University town, 1933 - Kurkov Ilya "Minsk unknown. 1920-1940." Minsk."Harvest", 2002

The university gradually turned into a large scientific, educational and cultural center. Already by 1930. 25 issues of “Proceedings of the Belarusian State University” and a number of monographs were published. Belarusian scientists established contacts with colleagues from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, and Germany. Student groups were active at the faculties scientific societies, newspapers were published. In October 1927 Graduate school opened. At the same time, construction of the campus began, which accepted the first students in 1930.

In the 1930s BSU played a significant role in the development of the republic's higher education system. On the basis of a number of its faculties, Minsk medical school(MSMU), Minsk pedagogical institute(BSPU named after Maxim Tank), Belarusian Institute national economy(BSEU), Minsk law school, as well as a number of research institutes National Academy sciences of the republic, etc.

At the university in those years there were 6 faculties: chemistry, physics and mathematics, biology, history, geography and philology; 33 departments, where 17 professors, 41 associate professors, 90 teachers and assistants worked. In addition, there were a working faculty and an evening department with special sections: Polish and Jewish. There were 60 people in graduate school; 1,337 students studied at all faculties. Various educational and support units operated: museums, biological stations, laboratories, a fundamental library, a greenhouse, etc. During this time, the university gave the republic 5,240 historians, lawyers, economists, philologists, mathematicians, chemists, biologists, and geographers.

View of the University campus, 1936 - Kurkov Ilya "Minsk unknown. 1920-1940." Minsk."Harvest", 2002

Over the first 20 years of operation, BSU graduated 5,240 historians, lawyers, mathematicians, chemists, biologists and other highly qualified specialists. In his classrooms a whole galaxy of famous national poets and writers, including Kondrat Krapiva, Pavlyuk Trus, Ales Dudar, Petrus Brovka, Petro Glebka, Maxim Luzhanin and many others. Activities associated with the university during this period people's writer Belarus Yakub Kolas, Marshal of the Soviet Union, outstanding commander G.K. Zhukova. The students of the university were the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR A.A. Gromyko and other prominent government figures.

The first professors of BSU. Photo from the magazine “Archives and Records Management”, 2006, No. 5. Sign at the entrance to the university. Belorussian state university on two official languages: Belarusian and Yiddish.

In 1921, the Belarusian language, along with Polish and Yiddish, was declared the state language. And in 1933, a reform of the Belarusian language was carried out with the aim of bringing it closer to Russian. Since that time, the spelling adopted by the People's Commissariat has been called “narkomovka”.

Fountain in the park of the University Town, 1939 - Kurkov Ilya "Minsk unknown. 1920-1940." Minsk."Harvest", 2002

1941 was the year of the university’s 20th anniversary and, at the same time, the beginning of the most severe test in its entire history. On June 21, 1941, the anniversary scientific session began at BSU, and a festive exhibition dedicated to the achievements of the faculties was launched. And the next day, June 22, it began. More than 450 university teachers and students went to active army, became partisans, underground fighters. In memory of the students and employees of BSU who fell in the fight against fascism and on the 30th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, an obelisk was erected on the campus in 1975.

Monument in memory of students and staff of BSU who died in the fight against fascism and on the 30th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War

This concrete obelisk was installed here in place of the same wooden one. It is evidence that many generations of teachers, graduate students and students of BSU remember and will remember those from university classrooms and scientific laboratories went into immortality, giving his life in the fight against fascism.

The war caused enormous damage to the university. The university campus was almost completely destroyed, library collections and archives were looted, and laboratories were destroyed.

During the Great Patriotic War The SD was located in one of the buildings of the BSU on Zemledelchesky Lane. During the war, underground fighters blew up the SD building, after which the Nazis held their first mass repression in the city.

Back in 1943, near Moscow, at the Skhodnya station, the Belarusian State University resumed its work, where classes began in five faculties in the fall of 1943. In the 1944/45 academic year the university returned to Minsk.

The restoration of the university's pre-war educational and production base continued until 1950. By this time, more than 2,000 students were already studying at BSU. The history of the Belarusian State University began new period rapid development. Almost everything you see around was built in post-war years.

1950s. Photo from the archive of I.G. Chaiko

“By mid-December 1958, the construction of the basement floor of the main academic building of BSU had already been completed. Some architectural ideas were very unusual and non-standard, but were abandoned during the course of this construction. So, the designers proposed to arrange over central part of the main building, on the volumes rising to the left and right (they are visible in the photo), there are two towers with semicircular domes crowning them. The towers were intended to hold practical classes in astronomy, for regular astronomical observations. One of them - telescopic - had to move apart and rotate if necessary. The other was conceived as a fixed tower for an educational planetarium.

With the beginning of development Soviet Union outer space The Minsk Visual-Optical Station was specially created, which was a research laboratory at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of BSU. On the roof of the building of the Pedagogical Institute. M. Gorky was created for these purposes astronomical site. Already an hour before the start of observations, the station employees took their places. At their disposal were atlases, reference books, receivers, tape recorders, binoculars, and astronomical tubes. Sometimes optics were not required. Sometimes a satellite or rocket was clearly visible to the naked eye. The duration of their passage over the city varied - from approximately 90 to 150 seconds. Based on the results of observations, the necessary calculations were made, which were then transmitted to Moscow."

The main building of BSU, early 1960s.
University town. Late 1960s. Photo - "Minsk." Album. Text i warehouse U. Karnav, Mn. Belarus, 1965

Some of the BSU buildings were rebuilt in the 1970s under the Minsk City Executive Committee and the Metro Construction Department. Today, several buildings on the former university campus are being restored.

Rectors of BSU in different years were: N.M.Bladyko (1937), V.S.Bobrovnitsky (1938), P.P.Savitsky (1938 - 1946), V.A.Tomashevich (1946 - 1949), I.S. Chimburg (1949 - 1952), K.I. Lukashov (1952 - 1957), A.N. Sevchenko (1957 - 1972), V.M. Sikorsky (1972 - 1978), V.A. Bely (1978 - 1983), L.I. .Kiselevsky (1983 - 1990), F.N.Kaputsky (1990 - 1995), A.V.Kozulin (1996 - 2003), V.I.Strazhev (2003 - 2008).

Since October 2008, the Belarusian State University has been headed by Academician S.V. Ablameiko.

Currently, BSU is the largest center of higher education, science and culture in the Republic of Belarus.

The structure of BSU includes: 21 faculties:

Department of Physics (1958)

Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics (1976)

Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (1970)

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (1958)

Department of Chemistry (1929)

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Geography (1934)

Faculty of Journalism (1944)

Faculty of Philology

Faculty of Philosophy and social sciences(1999)

Faculty of Economics (1999)

Faculty of History (1934)

Faculty of Law

Faculty of International Relations (1995)

Faculty of Pre-University Education for Belarusian and Foreign Citizens

Preparatory Faculty for Education of Foreign Citizens

Faculty of Retraining for Technology Management

Faculty of Advanced Training in Applied Mathematics and Computers

Faculty of Business and Information Technology

Faculty of Humanities

Military Faculty

3 large research institutes

Research Institute of Applied physical problems(1971)

Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems (1976)

research institute nuclear problems(1986)

and 2 institutes for further training,

4 national research centers

NNRC of Particle Physics and high energies (1993)

National Scientific Research Center for Ozonosphere Monitoring (1997)

NNIC applied problems mathematics and computer science (2000)

Republican Center for Human Problems (2000)

20 scientific centers, 172 departments, 114 research laboratories, 11 educational institutions, 9 manufacturing enterprises.

The university has over 23,000 students (of which about 4,000 are part-time), 1,200 graduate students, 30 doctoral students, 1,837 students of the advanced training and retraining system, and about 1,000 students. BSU employs 8,700 employees, including 2,750 teachers, of which 400 are Doctors of Science, 1,600 Candidates of Science, among whom are famous scientists and laureates state awards in the field of science and education.

The university has its own symbols - the coat of arms and flag, its own law - the Charter, as well as an administrative apparatus - the rectorate, headed by the rector, who manages the complex university system.

Buildings of the BSU administration. 2005 Photo by Volozhinsky V.G.

This is one of the oldest buildings on campus and survived World War II. Thanks to its interesting color scheme, the rector's office building dominates the surrounding space. And this is justified, because the rector’s office is an official business and administrative center university.

The courtyard of the Belarusian State University is the aesthetic center of the Belarusian State University. In the post-war years, when the university campus was being rebuilt, it was decided to create an analogue in the courtyard botanical garden, which would represent the vegetation of the Eurasian continent. This idea was realized, and now all tiers of the Eurasian flora can be seen here.

In the recent past, the courtyard began to transform even more and, thanks to the efforts former rector, Professor A.V. Kozulin, as well as sculptors Igor Golubev, Sergei Adashkevich and Vladimir Panteleev, it turned into a museum of educational thought in Belarus. IN given time There are five sculptural compositions dedicated to the most prominent representatives of the Belarusian education.

The tradition of such honoring of national figures of culture, science and politics goes back to the Middle Ages. All the largest universities in Europe erected monuments to outstanding compatriots: Krakow (Jagiellonian) - Nicolaus Copernicus, Prague (Karlovsky) Jan Hus, Berlin - the Humboldt brothers, Moscow - Lomonosov. In the courtyard of the university campus there are sculptures of the great thinkers and philosophers of Belarus: , .

On November 29, 2002, the official coat of arms of the Belarusian State University was installed on the facade of the main building of the Belarusian State University.

Image of the BSU coat of arms

The image of the coat of arms was approved on May 25, 2000 by the joint council of the Belarusian State University. It is an image of a fern branch against the backdrop of the radiance of its mysterious flower. Which reflects the Belarusian origin and the deep essence of the activities of BSU. Since ancient times, the search for a fern flower has personified a person’s desire for happiness, knowledge of the surrounding world and earthly secrets. Whoever finds it must become wise, virtuous and enlightened.

Another remarkable event - in the 1990s, astronomers discovered new star in the constellation Andromeda and named it in honor of the university “Star of BSU”.

University campus today. 2006 Photo by G.Z. Stasevich
Apr. 2008 Photo by Volozhinskaya L.V.
Construction of a new university building. Taken from Station Square. Sep. 2007 Photo by Volozhinsky V.G.

The page was created using materials sent by G.Z. Stasevich, P. Rostovtsev, I.G. Chaiko.

Location Belarus Belarus, Minsk Metro 1 Lenin Square Legal address 220030 Minsk,
Independence Avenue, 4 Website Awards
Object of the State List of Historical and Cultural Values ​​of the Republic of Belarus, code 1a1E400609

General information

The BSU complex includes: 20 faculties and educational institutes; 5 retraining and advanced training institutions; 4 research institutes; 13 scientific centers; 41 research laboratories; 38 student research laboratories; 180 departments; 11 unitary enterprises; 3 training and experimental stations; 4 museums. In 2008, the Institute of Journalism of BSU was created, which included the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining.

Students receive higher education at BSU in 81 first-stage specialties (2017/18 academic year) of higher education and 65 second-level specialties. Since 2008, students have been trained within the framework of the State Program for Training Personnel for Nuclear Energy for 2008-2020. Training of highly qualified personnel is carried out in postgraduate courses in 120 specialties. BSU coordinates the activities of the country's universities in developing scientific and methodological support for university education in the humanities and natural sciences.

To enter BSU, you must successfully pass centralized testing. For some specialties, applicants additionally take entrance exams. As of June 30, 2017, the university has 17,129 full-time students. In 2014, the total number of students was 28,928, 864 were in graduate school, 47 in doctoral studies. Every year, over 3 thousand people undergo retraining in 45 specialties [ ] and more than 17 thousand people improve their qualifications in 195 programs. The BSU complex employs 2,894 full-time teachers (of which 321 are doctors of science, 1,538 are candidates of science) and about 450 researchers. The total number of full-time employees in the BSU complex, excluding part-time workers, is 7,809 people. An additional 92 doctors of science and 338 candidates of science from other institutions were recruited to work as part-time teachers. Together with part-time workers, 12 academicians and 14 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 413 doctors of science, 1876 candidates of science work in the BSU complex.

The university is part of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


In 1930-31, BSU underwent a major reorganization. In August 1930, on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine of BSU, it was created. In 1931, the Political Education Institute was separated from the BSU. On the basis of the Faculty of Economics and Law, in the same year, the Planning-Economic and Financial-Economic Institutes and the Institute of Consumer Cooperation were created (in 1933); on the basis of the Faculty of Law and Soviet Construction, the Institute of Soviet Construction and Law was created. The Faculty of Education was created on the basis of two departments (socio-historical and literary-linguistic). In 1931, the Faculty of Chemistry was opened on the basis of the chemical department of the pedagogical faculty opened last year. The Faculty of Biology was opened in the same year. At the end of 1931, 218 students studied at the BSU in the physics and mathematics department, 105 in the biology department, and 113 in the chemical department. In 1933, the physics and mathematics department was transformed into a separate faculty; in 1934, the historical and geographical (the original name was geological-soil-geographical) faculties were created.

Number of students at BSU in 1921-34:

Academic year 1921/22 1922/23 1923/24 1924/25 1925/26 1926/27 1927/28 1928/29 1929/30 1930/31 1931/32 1932/33 1933/34
Students 1126 2092 2328 2298 2530 2550 2672 2552 2332 1579 437 528 635

In 1936/37, 925 students studied at the university: 187 in the Faculty of Chemistry, 178 in Biology, 259 in Physics and Mathematics, 140 in History, 161 in Geography. At this time, BSU consisted of 5 faculties and a workers' faculty with 23 departments: organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry (chemical department), plant physiology, plant taxonomy, vertebrate zoology, human physiology and anatomy (biological department), history of the USSR and BSSR, modern history, history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, dialectical materialism and Leninism (history department), soil science, general geology, mineralogy and petrography, physical geography (geography department), mathematics, mechanics, physics (physics and mathematics department), foreign languages, physical education and sports (university courses). In 1937-40, departments of mathematical analysis, higher algebra, theoretical mechanics, Marxism-Leninism and political economy were opened at BSU. In 1939, a philological faculty was opened with departments of Belarusian language and literature and Russian language and literature, and the workers' faculty was closed. In the 1940/1941 academic year, 17 professors, 40 associate professors and 42 senior teachers worked at BSU. Six of the seven first rectors of BSU were repressed in the 1930s.

In 1962, 8 thousand students were already studying at BSU, in 1970 - 15 thousand students in 15 faculties and 91 departments in 40 specialties; the number of teachers increased to 1109. In 1958-62, construction of a new academic building was carried out on Lenin Square (modern Independence Square), in 1966 the building of the Faculty of Physics on Bobruiskaya Street was commissioned, and in 1969 the building of the Faculty of Chemistry on Leningradskaya Street.

In 1967, on the basis of the journalism department of the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of Journalism was created, in 1970, on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics was created. In 1975, the Faculty of Mathematics was transformed into Mechanics and Mathematics, and the Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics was separated from the Faculty of Physics. In 1979-80, plans were announced for the construction of a new educational and scientific base of the BSU near the planned Vostok metro station, which were not implemented, and in 1980, a building of natural history faculties was opened near the village of Shchemyslitsa near Minsk.

During the years of perestroika, the system of humanities education at BSU changed significantly. In particular, in 1989, a department of sociology was opened, and in the same year, on the basis of it, as well as the departments of political economy and philosophy, the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was created. In addition, in 1989-90, the department of history of the CPSU was renamed the department of political history, the department of Marxist-Leninist philosophy of humanities faculties became the department of philosophy, the department of Marxist-Leninist philosophy of natural history faculties became the department of philosophy and methods of science, and the department of scientific communism became the department of social science. -political theories and political science.

Current state

BSU in ratings

Since 2008, BSU has been participating in one of the most famous webometric rankings - Webometrics Ranking of World Universities. Over the past three years, BSU's rating has been constantly growing. In August 2015, the university ranked 609th, and in March 2018, 487th.

Among universities in the CIS countries, BSU is in fourth place, behind only 3 Russian universities: Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg and Tomsk universities. It ranks 2nd in the 2013 Interfax ranking of universities in post-Soviet countries.

According to the ranking of the authoritative British agency QS WUR (QS World University Rankings), conducted since 2004, as of 2018, BSU is in the TOP 500 best universities in the world, being in 334th position. Among universities in developing countries in Europe and Central Europe, BSU occupies 21st position in this ranking.

In the rating " World University Rankings» from Times Higher Education for 2018, BSU shared positions from 801 to 1000. The best indicator of the university was its international reputation (54.8 points), and the two worst were research (9.9) and citation of works by university employees (11.9 points).

International activities

BSU is a member of the Eurasian and European University Associations and has 324 international cooperation agreements with educational and scientific institutions from 50 countries. The Information Center of the European Union, the Information Point of the Council of Europe, the Confucius Republican Institute of Chinese Studies, and the Center for International Studies operate on the basis of BSU. The university annually implements more than 40 international projects through programs such as TEMPUS, INTAS, EU Cross-Border Cooperation, EU 7th Framework Programme, ISTC. International cooperation is complicated by the fact that the Republic of Belarus does not participate in the Bologna Process.



9 dormitories of the Belarusian State University provide housing for nonresident students, undergraduates, graduate students and university staff. The total number of residents is more than 8,000 people. About 60-70% of nonresident first-year students live in the dormitory. Four dormitories are located on Oktyabrskaya Street, two in the BSU branch in the Shchomyslitsa area, two in the “student village”, one each on Sverdlov Street and on Kropotkin Street.

See also



  1. The President appointed a new rector of BSU and three heads of universities, TUT.BY (09/28/2017).
  2. BSU in numbers. About the activities of the Belarusian State University complex in 2014 (undefined) . Archived from the original on March 4, 2016.
  3. Results of the work of BSU in the 2016–2017 academic year. and tasks for the 2017–2018 academic year. (undefined) . Retrieved February 21, 2018.
International students 2 320 Doctors 298 Professors 225 Teachers 2596 Location Belarus Belarus, Minsk Metro Lenin Square Legal address 220030 Minsk,
Independence Ave., 4 Website Awards Related images on Wikimedia Commons

Belarusian State University (BSU) (Belor. Belarusian State University) is a leading higher education institution in the Republic of Belarus, located in Minsk. Opened on October 30, 1921.

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    The BSU complex includes: 20 faculties and educational institutes; 5 retraining and advanced training institutions; 4 research institutes; 13 scientific centers; 41 research laboratories; 38 student research laboratories; 180 departments; 11 unitary enterprises; 3 training and experimental stations; 4 museums. In 2008, the Institute of Journalism of BSU was created, which included the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining.

    Students receive higher education at BSU in 61 specialties of the first stage of higher education and 65 specialties of the second. Since 2008, students have been trained within the framework of the State Program for Training Personnel for Nuclear Energy for 2008-2020. Training of highly qualified personnel is carried out in postgraduate courses in 120 specialties. BSU coordinates the activities of the country's universities in developing scientific and methodological support for university education in the humanities and natural sciences.

    To enter BSU, you must successfully pass centralized testing. For some specialties, applicants additionally take entrance exams. There are 30,695 students studying at the university, of which 20,855 are full-time and 9,840 are part-time, 824 graduate students, 20 doctoral students (2012-2013 academic year). Every year, over 3 thousand people undergo retraining in 45 specialties and about 6 thousand people improve their qualifications in 152 programs. The BSU complex employs 2,559 full-time teachers (225 of them are doctors of science, 1,090 are candidates of science) and about 600 researchers. The total number of full-time employees in the BSU complex, excluding part-time workers, is 7,864 people. An additional 640 people from other institutions were recruited to work as part-time teachers (of which 99 are doctors of science, 352 are candidates of science). Together with part-time workers, 15 academicians and 16 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 400 doctors of science, 1744 candidates of science work in the BSU complex.

    The university is part of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


    In 1930–31, BSU underwent a major reorganization. In August 1930, it was created on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine of BSU. In 1931, the Political Education Institute was separated from the BSU. On the basis of the Faculty of Economics and Law, in the same year, the Planning-Economic and Financial-Economic Institutes and the Institute of Consumer Cooperation were created (in 1933); on the basis of the Faculty of Law and Soviet Construction, the Institute of Soviet Construction and Law was created. The Faculty of Education was created on the basis of two departments (socio-historical and literary-linguistic). In 1931, on the basis of the chemical department of the pedagogical department opened last year, the chemical faculty was opened. The Faculty of Biology was opened in the same year. At the end of 1931, 218 students studied at the BSU in the physics and mathematics department, 105 in the biology department, and 113 in the chemical department. In 1933, the physics and mathematics department was transformed into a separate faculty; in 1934, the historical and geographical (the original name was geological-soil-geographical) faculties were created.

    Number of students at BSU in 1921–34:

    Academic year 1921/22 1922/23 1923/24 1924/25 1925/26 1926/27 1927/28 1928/29 1929/30 1930/31 1931/32 1932/33 1933/34
    Students 1126 2092 2328 2298 2530 2550 2672 2552 2332 1579 437 528 635

    In 1936/37, 925 students studied at the university: 187 in the Faculty of Chemistry, 178 in Biology, 259 in Physics and Mathematics, 140 in History, 161 in Geography. At this time, BSU consisted of 5 faculties and a workers' faculty with 23 departments: organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry (chemical department), plant physiology, plant taxonomy, vertebrate zoology, human physiology and anatomy (biological department), history of the USSR and BSSR, modern history, history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, dialectical materialism and Leninism (history department), soil science, general geology, mineralogy and petrography, physical geography (geography department), mathematics, mechanics, physics (physics and mathematics department), foreign languages, physical education and sports (university courses). In 1937–40, departments of mathematical analysis, higher algebra, theoretical mechanics, Marxism-Leninism and political economy were opened at BSU. In 1939, a philological faculty was opened with departments of Belarusian language and literature and Russian language and literature, and the workers' faculty was closed. In the 1940/1941 academic year, 17 professors, 40 associate professors and 42 senior teachers worked at BSU. Six of the seven first rectors of BSU were repressed in the 1930s.

    In 1962, 8 thousand students were already studying at BSU, in 1970 - 15 thousand students in 15 faculties and 91 departments in 40 specialties; the number of teachers increased to 1109. In 1958–62, construction of a new academic building was carried out on Lenin Square (modern Independence Square), in 1966 the building of the Faculty of Physics on Bobruiskaya Street was commissioned, and in 1969 the building of the Faculty of Chemistry on Leningradskaya Street.

    In 1967, on the basis of the journalism department of the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of Journalism was created, in 1970, on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics was created. In 1975, the Faculty of Mathematics was transformed into Mechanics and Mathematics, and the Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics was separated from the Faculty of Physics. In 1979–80, plans were announced for the construction of a new educational and scientific base of the BSU near the planned Vostok metro station, which were not implemented, and in 1980, a building of natural history faculties was opened near the village of Shchemyslitsa near Minsk.

    During the years of perestroika, the system of humanities education at BSU changed significantly. In particular, in 1989, a department of sociology was opened, and in the same year, on the basis of it, as well as the departments of political economy and philosophy, the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was created. In addition, in 1989–90, the Department of History of the CPSU was renamed the Department of Political History, the Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy of the Humanities faculties became the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy of the Natural Science Faculties became the Department of Philosophy and Methods of Science, and the Department of Scientific Communism became the Department of Social Sciences. -political theories and political science.

    Among universities in the CIS countries, BSU is in fourth place, behind only 3 Russian universities: Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg and Tomsk universities. In the Interfax ranking of universities in post-Soviet countries for 2013, it ranks 2nd.

    According to the ranking of the authoritative British agency QS WUR (QS World University Rankings), conducted since 2004, as of 2016 BSU is in the TOP 500 best universities in the world, being in 354th position. Among CIS universities, BSU occupies 9th position in this ranking.

    In the rating " World University Rankings» from Times Higher Education for the 2015/16 academic year, BSU shared positions from 601 to 800. The best indicator of the university was named international reputation (48.2 points), and the two worst were citation of works by university employees (6 points) and research (8.7).

    International activities

    BSU is a member of the Eurasian and European University Associations and has 324 international cooperation agreements with educational and scientific institutions from 50 countries. The Information Center of the European Union, the Information Point of the Council of Europe, the Confucius Republican Institute of Chinese Studies, and the Center for International Studies operate on the basis of BSU. The university annually implements more than 40 international projects through programs such as TEMPUS, INTAS, EU Cross-Border Cooperation, EU 7th Framework Programme, ISTC. International cooperation is complicated by the fact that the Republic of Belarus does not participate in the Bologna process.


    Faculties and educational institutes:

    1. Radiophysics and computer technologies (until November 8, 2010 - Faculty of Radiophysics and Electronics)
    2. Mechanics and mathematics
    3. Chemical
    4. Biological
    5. Institute of Journalism
    6. Philosophy and Social Sciences
    7. Economic
    8. Faculty of Sociocultural Communications
    9. Military Faculty
    10. Faculty of Pre-University Education for Belarusian and Foreign Citizens
    11. Preparatory Faculty for Education of Foreign Citizens
    12. Retraining of personnel in technology management
    13. Advanced training in applied mathematics and computers
    14. State Institute of Management and Social Technologies BSU
    15. Institute of Theology
    16. International State Ecological Institute named after A.D. Sakharov BSU

    Other divisions:


    The campus is a division of the Belarusian State University, aimed at providing housing for nonresident students, undergraduates, graduate students and university staff. The structure of the Student Town includes 10 dormitories with a total number of residents of more than 10,000 people, although there are several times more students in need of housing. List of hostels:

    See also

    • List of Rectors of the Belarusian State University
    • BSU teachers
    • BSU - KVN team


    1. BSU in numbers
    2. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus - Mathnet.
    3. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 23, 2008 No. 420-З “About Rules of Belarusian arphagraphy i punctuation” (§ 14), given word in the position after vowels should be written using the letter “”; The text of the rules uses the example “ at the University»

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