Bishkek is the capital. Bishkek is the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic

Useful information for tourists about Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan and largest city countries. The city is located in the north of the Kyrgyz Republic, in the Chu Valley, at the foothills of the Tien Shan, 40 km north of the Kyrgyz ridge, 25 km from the border with Kazakhstan.

The city of Bishkek has been known since the 7th century as the ancient settlement of Dzhul (Forge Fortress). In 1825, the Kokand fortress Pishpek was founded, housing the largest garrison in the Chui Valley. In November 1862, the fortress was destroyed by Russian troops, and two years later a Cossack picket was established in its place, then a bazaar began to gather here. In 1868, the village of Pishpek was founded. On April 29, 1878, in connection with the transfer of the county center to Pishpek, it received the status of a city. In 1926, it was renamed Frunze in honor of a native of the city, Soviet military leader Mikhail Frunze. In 1991, after the declaration of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic, the city was renamed Bishkek.

Bishkek is a modern city with wide streets and beautiful buildings. There are no historical buildings in the city at all, due to its relatively young age. In the very center of the city there are the Government House, the Opera and Ballet Theater, the Russian Drama Theater, the Kyrgyz Drama Theater, National Library. The buildings are lined with white Kyrgyz marble, which gives them a special solemnity.

The Historical Museum, founded in 1927, exhibits archaeological finds from burial mounds, settlements of the 6th-12th centuries. in the Chui, Talas, Issyk-Kul valleys, rare collections of Stone Age tools, ceramics and metal, bronze, weapons and household items, women's jewelry. The museum displays objects of applied art - beautiful mats, pile carpets, stone and wooden dishes, horse harnesses.

Zoological Museum, founded in 1926, has a rich collection of various exhibits that give a visual idea of ​​the extremely diverse animal world of the republic. A very rich collection of birds, a bright fantastic collection of butterflies.

The Museum of Fine Arts was founded in 1974. It displays collections of decorative and applied arts, a richly decorated yurt, mosaics, appliques, artistic embroidery, weaving, leather stamping, wood carving and painting, inlay, jewelry, and dishes. In other halls, works of art are exhibited, including paintings by the artist S. Chuikov, sculptural works by T. Sadykov.

Bishkek was founded in 1825 on the ruins of the ancient Pishpek settlement and the Kokand fortress of Pishpek, which were district towns from the 7th to the 13th centuries trading cities on the caravan route. After the 13th century, settlements of nomadic Kyrgyz tribes appeared on the sites of the fortress and ancient settlement, which existed until 1825, when it was revived ancient city- Pishpek. At this time, taking advantage of civil strife among the Kyrgyz, Pishpek was conquered by the Kokand military leader. The city became the place where Kokand tax collectors, traders and artisans were located. In 1862, during clashes between Russia and Kokand, the city was conquered by Russian troops. After the defeat Kokand Khanate, the population of Pishpek and the Chui Valley voluntarily became part of Russia. Peasants from various Russian provinces. They shared with local residents experience in farming, built European-style houses.

The rapid development of the city began after 1917. In 1926, in honor of the revolutionary and statesman Pishpek was renamed Frunze. IN Soviet period Frunze developed according to trends common to all union capitals. Architects and engineers from Moscow and Leningrad took part in the planning of the city. During this time, a significant amount educational institutions, theaters, museums, a philharmonic society, a Central Department Store, and a central city registry office were built.

After Kyrgyzstan became a sovereign country in 1991, the capital was renamed Bishkek. Despite the fact that the decision to change the name of the capital was made relatively recently, no one knows a clear interpretation of the name Bishkek. Some sources claim that the city is named after a special wooden spoon for preparing kumys in the ancient way - a symbol of the ancient nomadic Kyrgyz, other sources say that the capital is named after one of the forty bravest and bravest warriors of Manas.

Modern Bishkek

Bishkek is located in the north of Kyrgyzstan in the Chui region, at the foot of the Kyrgyz ridge, which is part of the great mountain range Tien Shan. Two rivers flow through Bishkek - Alamedin and Ala-Archa, which flow from southern mountains. Throughout the entire territory of the Chui region, from east to west, the “Big Chui Canal” has been laid. It goes through northern part cities.

The population of Bishkek is more than 1 million people. About 90 nations live in the city. The interethnic language of communication is Russian.

The city has an orthogonal structure. This ensures that the streets are well ventilated with clean mountain air. In total, there are 938 streets in Bishkek, many of them are named after prominent Kyrgyz and Russian figures of culture, art, science and politics. The main business streets of the city are Manas Avenue, Chui Avenue, Abdrakhmanova Street, Baytik Batyra Street and Moskovskaya Street. The Erkindik and Young Guard boulevards, where children's playgrounds and outdoor cafes are located, are considered a city landmark.

The main residential complexes are concentrated in the southern part of Bishkek. These are microdistricts 3 to 12 and the Asanbay microdistrict. In addition, large residential neighborhoods are located in the east - “Alamedin”, “Vostok-5” and “Vostok-6”, in the south-eastern part - “Kok-Zhar” and “Ulan”, in the central part of the city - “Yug- 2".

Industrial enterprises located mainly in the western and eastern parts of Bishkek. In the west there are such enterprises as the Akun Flour Mill, the Kyrgyz Konyagy Cognac Factory, and Kyrgyzmebel JSC; in the eastern part there are the Shoro National Beverage Production Company, Severelektoro, and a thermal power plant.

The center of Bishkek from north to south is considered to be the section from Zhibek-Zholu Street to the bridge, from east to west - from Almatinskaya Street to Belinsky Street. In the center of Bishkek there are large public and private companies, embassies and diplomatic missions, and jewelry stores. In addition, banks, shopping centers, shops and restaurants are concentrated in the central part of the city.

There are more than ten theaters in the capital, among them those that have long won the love of their audience. This is the State Opera and Ballet Theater,
Russian National Theater of Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyz National academic theater. The Kyrgyz State Circus is located in the city center, next to Victory Square. Near the Kyrgyz State National Philharmonic there is the “Alley of Youth” and the Kyrgyz National University. In total, more than 25 higher education institutions operate in Bishkek educational institutions. Most prestigious universities giving quality education, considered the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, the Kyrgyz National University, the American University of Central Asia, the Kyrgyz Technical University. I. Razzakova, Bishkek Humanitarian University and International University of Kyrgyzstan.

There are more than 10 museums in Bishkek. The main museum of the country is considered to be the Kyrgyz State Historical Museum, located on main square Bishkek - Ala-Too, not far from the government building of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The city has a monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the “Oak Park”, the monument “Erkindik”, translated into Russian as “Freedom”, on Ala-Too Square, the monument to Manas, located opposite the Philharmonic. Bishkek is the only capital city, among the CIS countries, in which the monument to V.I. Lenin has been preserved.

The diversity of nations in Bishkek determined the presence of different religious buildings. Orthodox Bishkek residents visit the Orthodox Christian Church and the Temple of St. Equal Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. Muslims go to the city's central Mosque on Fridays. In addition, the city has a Catholic Prayer House, an Evangelical Lutheran Church and a Synagogue.

Bishkek is considered one of the greenest cities in the CIS. It is believed that there is one tree for every resident here. There are many park areas with attractions in Bishkek. Popular parks are the Flamingo World entertainment complex, located on the territory of VDNKh, Panfilov Park, and Druzhba Park. There are more than 10 swimming pools in the city. The most well-equipped swimming pools are “Karven”, “Kalipso”, “White Sail”, “Eldorado” and “Monte Carlo”.

Among the large sports complexes in Bishkek one can highlight the Sports Palace named after. Kozhomkula", "Spartak" stadium, "National Hippodrome" and sports school equestrian sport. There are about 30 fitness clubs and gyms in the city.

About 20 shopping centers have been built in Bishkek, the largest of which are Vefa, TSUM, Dordoi Plaza, Karavan, Taatan and Beta Stores. Bookstores with the richest assortment are “Rarity” and “Odyssey”. Souvenir shops"Asahi" "Iman" and "Cleo" offer Kyrgyz ethnographic products made of fiber, leather and metal.

As in any eastern country, in Kyrgyzstan there is large number markets, which are an integral part of retail trade in Kyrgyzstan. In Bishkek, “Oshsky”, “Alamedinsky” and “Orto-Saisky” markets are visited by thousands of people every day. Here you can buy food, clothing, household appliances and household goods.

The capital has a large number restaurants and cafes. Among them are the restaurants “Aristocrat”, “Golden Dragon”, “Consul”, “Continental”, “Monarch” and “Monte Carlo”. The most popular bars among residents of Bishkek are “Old Edgar”, “Metro-bar” and “Bar@191. Here visitors have the opportunity to relax beautifully to the sounds of live music.

Over the past few years, modern hotels that meet all international standards, with swimming pools, beauty salons and saunas, have begun to appear in Bishkek. For guests of the capital, Bishkek offers 5-star hotels “Hyatt Regency Bishkek”, “Golden Dragon”, and 4-star hotel “Ak Keme”.

The capital has a well-developed urban transport system. More than 20 taxi services in Bishkek operate around the clock. The main means of transportation in the city is minibus. In addition, buses and trolleybuses are used as urban transport.

Since Kyrgyzstan gained independence, Bishkek has undergone many changes. Every year appearance the city is changing. More and more modern buildings and large shopping centers are appearing. Old buildings are reconstructed or demolished, and new ones appear in their place: with modern facades and beautiful interior. Bishkek is getting younger, while maintaining the Soviet-era features remaining in the urban architecture built during the existence of the USSR.

I visited a lot of cities that are in Central Asia. I also visited Bishkek. This city is undeniably beautiful, many buildings of “that” era have been preserved here (I’m talking about the times of the USSR), and there are also many interesting sights.

Bishkek is located in Central Asia

Don't expect it to be modern metropolis, crammed with skyscrapers and shopping centers. This story is not about the capital of Kyrgyzstan, and in addition this city is located in a mountainous area, so it’s especially tall buildings In principle, it is impossible to build here. Not far from Bishkek there are:

  • Lake Issyk-Kul;
  • Tien Shan mountains;
  • Lake Son-kul.

The territory of Bishkek itself is quite small, only one hundred twenty-seven square kilometers. This is about fifteen times smaller than Moscow. So, if you wish, you can easily walk around the capital of Kyrgyzstan up and down. But despite such small size, almost one million people live in this city. Nearest major locality to Bishkek - this is Almaty. It is only two hundred thirty-five kilometers away.

Climate in the capital of Kyrgyzstan

It is worth saying that this city is located in the Chui Valley, and around it is the Ala-Too ridge (it stretches all the way to the Moyynkun desert). Bishkek itself is located at an altitude of seven hundred and sixty meters above sea level. The climate in these places is sharply continental.

The coldest month here is January. At this time, the temperature here can drop to minus ten degrees, and there is also snow. Well, the warmest month in Bishkek is July. Average temperature this month - thirty-two degrees with a plus sign.

Where to eat in Bishkek

There are quite a lot of establishments in this city where you can try local cuisine. I really liked the restaurant "Supara". The place is very authentic, the establishment is located in a Kyrgyz yurt. For drinks, I recommend trying bozo, and you can also eat lagman and manti. I also recommend visiting the Faiza cafe. The interior here is very simple, without any frills. But the dishes here are quite tasty and reasonable prices. Here I tasted the famous chuchvara for the first time.

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Probably the most delicious chebureks are prepared in Bishkek. It was from there that I brought the secret recipe thin dough and juicy filling. I won’t reveal the secret of the recipe, but I’ll be happy to tell you about the city itself. :)

What kind of city is Bishkek and where is it located?

Bishkek is a green and young-in-spirit city in Kyrgyzstan. It is also its capital. The boulevards of Bishkek are planted with centuries-old oaks and poplars.

The city's population looks very different. Half-naked girls walk next to old men in colored robes and skullcaps. This mixing of styles has not been surprising for a long time. :)

Closest neighbors Bishkek are:

  • Kazakhstan (at a distance of 25 km);
  • foothills of the Tien Shan;
  • Kyrgyz ridge.

The city is located in the mysterious Chui Valley in the north of the country.

Bishkek cannot be called very modern city, however, it is beautiful with its pre-revolutionary architecture. The city is just beginning to be built up with now fashionable shopping centers and various entertainment venues.

Is Bishkek interesting for tourists?

Definitely yes. In addition to architecture, Bishkek amazes with the beauty of its mountain nature.

And the Ala-Archa National Park is proof of this. Here you can find a transparent waterfall, glacier and huge amount beautiful plants: shrubs, flowers and trees.

Many plants in the park are ornamental, melliferous and medicinal.

Entrance to the park is paid. Ala-Archa has been open to tourists since 1951. There are special convenient paths through the park, which offer the best views of the mountain landscapes.

In the park you can try yourself as a climber - there is a whole climbing base open for this purpose.

Shopping in Bishkek

There are a lot of markets and shops in Bishkek where unique crafts and souvenirs with purely Kyrgyz symbols are sold. The most famous among tourists retail space are:

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This summer I had one very interesting and exotic trip. I had never been to Bishkek before, but I perceived the opportunity to fill this gap with great enthusiasm. To my shame, I knew little about Bishkek, and where Bishkek was located, I only knew approximately, well, except that it is located in Kyrgyzstan and is the capital of this country.

Where is Bishkek located?

Bishkek is located in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan, near the border with Kazakhstan. Thanks to the Chui Valley, in which the city is located, there is a very favorable climate. There is no such unbearable heat as in other regions. Here warm winters and hot summers, and the air is quite humid.

Two rivers flow through the city: Ala-Archa and Alamedin. Bishkek also completely crosses the Big Chui Canal.

Bishkek is relatively close to two major cities Kazakhstan - Almaty and Taraz.

Bishkek is also located at the foot of the Tien Shan, about forty kilometers from the Kyrgyz ridge. The city is located at an altitude of about seven hundred meters above sea level.

Useful information about Bishkek

I really liked it in Bishkek. It's nice to have a nice guide accompany you all the time. Yes, I am lucky that my old friend lives in this city, whom I saw for the first time in several years.

According to local legends, the name of this beautiful city came from the local hero Bishkek-Batyr, about whose exploits there are many stories. But there is another legend, according to which the name of the city of Bishkek comes from the term “bishkek”, which in the local dialect means a club or stick for mixing kumis.

If we talk about the city itself, its population is approximately one million inhabitants. The city is divided into four districts:

  • Oktyabrsky district;
  • Pervomaisky district;
  • Sverdlovsk region;
  • Leninsky district.

In Bishkek you can travel by trolleybuses, buses, minibuses or taxis. My companion told me that the city will soon begin construction of a subway, which should put an end to transport problem.

The city is very clean, beautiful and green. No wonder it has nine large parks and gardens.

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The city of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, is located in the Chui Valley near the northern foot of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too at an altitude of 700-900 meters above sea level. The ancestor of Bishkek was the Pishpek fortress, built in 1825. This fortification guarded the caravan routes that stretched from Tashkent through the Chu Valley to Lake Issyk-Kul.

This fortification was destroyed after the battle with Russian troops and Kokand invaders and became the property of Russian Empire. In 1897, Pishpek had only 6.5 thousand inhabitants. Pre-revolutionary Pishpek looked like an ordinary village with adobe houses and only with the arrival Soviet power the city began to develop.

In 1926, the city was renamed in honor of the revolutionary Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, who was born here. In 1991 after the breakup Soviet Union returned to the city former name in a new interpretation - Bishkek. As experts say, “bishkek” means a stick for whipping kumiss. Kumis is a national drink made from mare's milk.

Bishkek is the largest city in Kyrgyzstan, with a population of more than 1 million people. More than 80 nationalities and nationalities live here. Main language interethnic communication is Russian.

There are many in the city interesting places for visiting. Bishkek is home to several large museums. These are museums such as the Historical Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum named after M.V. Frunze. In the center of the city there are the Opera and Ballet Theater, the Russian Drama Theater. Ch. Aitmatov, Kyrgyz Drama Theatre, Bishkek City Drama Theatre, State Philharmonic named after. T. Satylganova.

There are many places preserved here that remind you of the history of the city. Bishkek remembers history, and will be happy to tell it to those who visit the small but cozy and hospitable capital of Kyrgyzstan.

The northern capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, is located in the heart of the Republic, on the northernmost edge of the Kyrgyz ridge. The first mentions of the city date back to the 7th century, but today Bishkek is the largest city of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, a large industrial and cultural center countries. Being the center international tourism, the city can offer its guests large number architectural as well as natural attractions - these are picturesque parks and gardens, as well as historical important buildings, monuments of the Soviet period.

How to get there

Flights from Russian capital to Bishkek are operated daily by Aeroflot, as well as by many Kyrgyz companies, each of which organizes 2-3 flights per week. In addition, you can get to Bishkek by Ural Airlines, which operate with a landing in Tajikistan, for example, the Ekaterinburg-Khujand route, from where you can get to Bishkek by car, for example, from, and there is also the Ekaterinburg-Tashkent route. The journey will take about four hours.

If you prefer to travel by land transport, it is worth considering train routes from Moscow to Bishkek. Trains from the Russian capital depart 3 times a week, the time spent on the journey will average about 78 hours. You can use the route with a transfer in Kazakhstan.

An alternative to the train will be bus routes. Bishkek has excellent bus connections with Almaty. Buses, as well as minibuses and private buses will be waiting for you at the Sayran bus station in Almaty. Departure occurs when full vehicle. The cost of a trip on a bus is about $4, a minibus is $8, and a seat in a regular passenger car is $12-15. Travel time - no more than 3 hours.

Climate in Bishkek

Bishkek, however, like the entire territory of the state, is located in the zone of influence of a sharply continental climate. All four seasons of the year are clearly defined here. However, climate formation is influenced by strong influence remoteness from the oceans and location in the depths of Eurasia, surrounded by deserts and mountains. The warmest time of the year is summer. Average temperature himself warm month, i.e. July, reaches +24.5C. In winter, temperatures tend to drop significantly. In January, the thermometer drops to about -4.6C. The most comfortable time to visit Bishkek is considered to be spring, as well as autumn. Pace. during this period it fluctuates between +19C and +24C. If the purpose of your trip is to visit mountainous areas, the optimal period is June-September, and the period December-April is favorable for the ski season.

Prices in local stores and hotels

Bishkek has several 5-star hotels, the price for accommodation in them starts from $150 per day for a double room. Perhaps the most luxurious hotel in the city is the Hyatt Regency Bishkek. For $415 you get a double room, as well as a swimming pool, fitness room and, of course, a sauna. Cheaper rooms are available in 2-3 star hotels starting from $50 per night. Best options The following hotels are considered: Baikhan Hotel ($85), Rich Hotel ($70) and Boutique Hotel ($120). Those who want to save money on accommodation can also choose to stay in hostels. The cost of living here is from $12 per night in a 4-bed dormitory room.

Prices in stores in Bishkek are on average lower than in many countries Central Asia and this is primarily due to low level life in the state. If you decide to purchase food products, be prepared for the fact that 1 kg of potatoes will cost you 11-14 soms ($0.2), kg of vegetables - 140-145 soms ($2.6), kg of fruits - 34-45 soms ($0.6).

What interesting sights to see in Bishkek

Not here. However, a walk around the city can be quite exciting if you know how many wonderful corners, as well as historical monuments, iconic places scattered throughout Bishkek. The main starting point of many excursion routes is central square Ala Too, as well as the Parliament building, the State flagpole (the changing of the guard occurs every hour), a bronze monument to the legendary local hero Manas. Not far from the square there is a favorite resting place for citizens and guests of the city - Oak Park with the Friendship of Peoples Monument. Here you can take a walk and also contemplate amazing sculptures made on stone, metal and wood.

Among the museums, it would be worth noting the Frunze Memorial House-Museum, as well as the Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum. Historical Museum (previously it was named after Lenin). Since they are all centrally located, you can visit each one in turn. In the museum fine arts can be found folk art Kyrgyzstan, and in historical museum- get acquainted with the history of the region and the entire state, as well as traditional clothing and art.

Lovers ancient architecture you should definitely go to the historical and cultural zone called Burana, 80 km from Bishkek. Here you can see the Burana tower at 21m, bilbals ( stone idols) VI-X centuries, petroglyphs (1 thousand years BC). 6 km from this place is the ancient settlement of Ak-Beshimskoye - this was the cultural and also economic center of the Chui Valley in the period of the 6th - 7th centuries.

Leisure and entertainment in Bishkek

The city of Bishkek will certainly appeal to fans various types recreation, and one of the main riches of the region, of course, is its unique nature. The city has a Botanical Garden, where you can contemplate rare species of flora. One of most attractive places In Kyrgyzstan, the Ala-Archa gorge is located just 30 km from the capital. This natural park includes all kinds of natural areas states - from subalpine, expressed by the beauty of juniper, spruce, and birch forests, to alpine, covered with snow and glaciers. Worth a visit balneological resort called Issyk-Ata, 40 km from Bishkek. Hiking trails and springs will be interesting mineral waters for drinking and also for bathing.

For shopping, it is best to go to local markets. The most famous place for shopping is the Dordoi market. Here you can buy fine shoes, outerwear, valuable furs, bags, jewelry and household appliances. If you want to buy a souvenir to remember your vacation in Bishkek, visit the Kiyal market. Suitable for shopping local shops, for example, TSUM Aichurek. Here you can buy antiques, as well as items for everyday use. Jewelry can be bought in Keldik.

Bishkek, among other things, is famous for its restaurants and cafes different levels. Here you can have an inexpensive meal at fast food establishments, where guests are offered the Kyrgyz equivalent of a hamburger: a sandwich with a cutlet, vegetables and sauce. Other options for so-called fast food are samsa, as well as kebabs and kebabs. To enjoy the dishes national cuisine, go to the Labyrinth cafe, as well as the Mazai, Astana and Fayza cafes. The Four seasons restaurant offers exquisite dishes of European and Asian cuisine. Here you can have a great evening listening to live music.

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