Favorable days in July. Be careful: there are several unfavorable lunar days in July

July 2018 is considered a very difficult month from the point of view of astrology, because it is during this period that Mercury will be in opposition to Mars, in the Sun to Pluto. This means that people's lives will begin to be affected by negative energy flows, which will provoke conflicts, push them to take thoughtless risks and make adjustments to the measured everyday life. Today we will look at the most dangerous days in July 2018, and we will also tell you how to avoid troubles in the midst of summer.

July 5, 2018 - Mercury in opposition to Mars

One of the most unfavorable days in July 2018 will be the 5th. On this day there will be increased tension between acquaintances and strangers, which will provoke conflicts and quarrels in empty space. Due to the energetic fluctuations of Mars, susceptibility to infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic ailments, which can become inflammatory in nature, increases. Follows with special attention take care of your health, because on July 5, 2018, the risk of bodily injury due to a fight or accident reaches its maximum.

Astrologers advise postponing important matters and negotiations for several days, and also resort to the skills of restrained diplomacy. Even if you are provoked, do not give in and remain calm. Despite the fact that the moon will be in its waning phase, try to postpone planned operations.

July 12, 2018 - Sun in opposition to Pluto

Considering the calendar of the most dangerous days in July 2018, the 12th should be noted. This period is considered critical, so the optimal solution would be to abstract from everyday problems and social events. There is a high probability of love quarrels, which can provoke a break in the relationship. As a result, try to be more attentive to the wishes of your significant other if you want to save your family or your union.

Owners of their own companies are advised to postpone any financial manipulations for a couple of days, be it signing important contracts or distribution wages between employees. Travel that begins on July 12 will be unfavorable. You should also avoid places mass gathering people.

July 13, 2018 - Partial solar eclipse

July 13 is one of the most unfavorable days, because the solar eclipse will occur at the twentieth degree of the zodiac constellation Cancer. Well-known astrologers assure that it is during this period that the planets will line up in an unusual way, which will have an impact on powerful influence to all spheres of people's life. July 13, 2018 cannot be called a complete failure. On this day, there is a high probability of controversial situations and conflicts of interest, so you will need to make every effort and endurance to maintain good relationship within the family and team.

Try not to overwork and neglect the signals that your body will send you. Solar eclipse affect many people. It manifests itself as severe headaches, attacks of nausea and sudden mood swings. Try to spend this day calmly, have a good rest and put off all important matters for a couple of days.

July 25, 2018 - Sun square Uranus

During the period of solar transit, there will be a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state of people, there is a high probability of developing depressive states and bouts of inexplicable irritability. Tension in communication between close people can provoke a serious quarrel, and misunderstanding between colleagues can lead to the fact that the team splits into two opposing camps.

Try to delay plane travel, as well as business trips and car trips. On this day, serious accidents are possible and natural disasters threatening your health. Businessmen are advised not to start serious projects on July 25, because they will all be doomed to failure.

July 27, 2018 - Lunar eclipse in the constellation Aquarius

Absolutely all people will feel that the day is flying by too quickly. During this period, you will have to rely solely on your own strength if you want the most dangerous days of July 2018 to end successfully for you. Do not plan to hold important meetings and negotiations, because you will come to general decision it will be very difficult. Try to focus exclusively on your own affairs, allowing your selfishness to take precedence over the requests of others.

This day is also unfavorable for fundamental change life. Don't attend interviews, try not to enter into sales contracts, and also avoid buying tickets. The optimal solution would be to do household chores, relax after work, or meditate.

The second month of summer is the time for vacations and trips. A detailed calendar of favorable days of the month will help you plan important events at a favorable time.

July is considered the best time to communicate with loved ones, gain new experiences, travel long distances and explore the beauty of the world around us. The whole month will be filled with energy of action and vivid impressions, so by the end of July you can easily solve long-standing problems, improve relationships with family and achieve what you want. Some days of the month are best for active actions: Lunar energy will be especially strong at this time.

Wednesday 4th July: day for creativity

On the 4th, the Moon will go through a waning phase in the constellation Pisces. This day can be devoted to self-improvement in your favorite hobby. Particular success can be achieved in activities that do not require great concentration. Drawing, embroidery or will help you find solutions to subconscious problems. Site specialists advise not to overload yourself with routine work and not to be afraid creative approach in solving everyday issues. By finding an opportunity to look at routine tasks from a different perspective, you can save a lot of effort and time.

On July 4th, it is better to be careful in any business that requires financial investments. The soft energy of Pisces, combined with the waning Moon, can contribute to the peaceful resolution of financial conflicts, repayment of debts and successful real estate transactions. However, astrologers do not recommend creating debts, immersing yourself in complex calculations or starting new projects: a lack of concentration can play a cruel joke on you.

July 10, Tuesday: dating and new experiences

On this day, the Moon will be in union with the sidereal Gemini. The bright energy of this Sign will help you easily make the necessary contacts and make pleasant impression on others. Inspiration can lead to spontaneous emotional decisions, and dormant adventurism - to direct familiar situations in a new direction.

Having properly tuned in to the active, sparkling energy of the union of the waning Moon and Gemini, you can easily achieve what you want in any area of ​​life. Close person may reveal itself to you from an unexpected side, causing a mass positive emotions, and in work matters, the “second wind” that opens will contribute to the achievement of authority and success. Your lungs will help you avoid losing the right mood on Tuesday in July physical activity and powerful affirmations.

July 24, Tuesday: a day to communicate with loved ones

On these lunar days, the waxing Moon will be in the constellation Sagittarius. His fiery energy can in the best possible way influence the achievement of understanding and unity in your family or circle of friends. On the 24th it will be easier to achieve reconciliation after a quarrel, resolve a long-standing dispute or find a compromise solution. A joint trip with your family or an evening in common company will go perfectly if you take charge of organizing your leisure time.

In financial matters on these lunar days, it is best to rely on intuition. Listening to your inner voice, you can avoid thoughtless spending, not lose money in vain and maintain your wealth. The practice of expanding the money corridor can help increase finances and achieve material stability.

The opportunity to improve your affairs and achieve the desired success in July 2018 will be much higher on the listed favorable days. Conspiracies for a successful outcome of any business will help you gain self-confidence and easily find your path to happiness. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click on the buttons and

25.06.2018 03:33

People often try to become luckier at the expense of others. They spend a lot of effort on rituals, acquire...

Lunar calendar for July 2018 will allow you to always be aware of what at the moment The Moon, and what phase of the Moon will be able to help you plan your affairs in May 2018 with maximum efficiency.

The second month of summer promises to be very changeable. Both in personal life and in professional field favorable periods will be replaced by a series of failures. Find out from the lunar calendar for July 2018 which days this month will be especially successful, and for which it is better not to plan anything. Read the lunar calendar for July 2018 and determine your lucky days.

The lunar calendar for July 2018 has 30 days. New moon and full moon coincide with eclipses; one of them will be extremely favorable, the second - fatal.

Moon phases in July 2018

(time indicated Moscow)

Favorable and unfavorable days in July 2018

IN lunar cycle In July 2018, favorable days, as in the previous month, will constantly alternate with unfavorable ones, which can significantly affect your affairs and endeavors. The main thing is to remain determined and under no circumstances lower your head. After all, despite the Moon, if you cope with your emotions, you can achieve success in any month!

The 13th and 27th will bethe most difficult days in July. Be careful about any warning signs on the health side. Do not plan long trips or important meetings. But the main thingtry not to resolve any important issues these days.

July 3 and 17,on the contrary, they promise to be successful in all endeavors. Be purposeful, show character, intelligence and other skills strengths. Spend these days profitably, because completely new horizons will open up before you, and tasks that seemed impossible will be accomplished with unexpected ease with some effort!

Favorable days: 3, 8, 17, 22

Unfavorable days: 6, 13, 19, 27

Favorable days for haircuts in July 2018

The quality of hair cutting and coloring can depend not only on the skill of the hairdresser, but also on the lunar calendar

Thanks to the fact that scientists have noticed the influence of the Moon, one might even say a magical effect on the organisms living on our planet, according to the phase in which the night celestial body is located, such calendars are made.

Even our great-grandmothers knew that when the moon grows, hair grows faster, does not split, and becomes strong and healthy. But during the period of the Moon that comes, everything happens the other way around: the curls grow slowly, break, split, and become dull.

Favorable days for a haircut in July 2018: July 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Gardener's lunar calendar for July 2018

  • July 1–3 – waning moon. It is not recommended to carry out sowing and planting. It is better to collect grains and root crops, mow, and spray. You can also trim bushes and trees and weed. Plant celery, radishes, bulbs, graft trees and berry bushes.
  • July 4–6 – it is recommended to prepare jams and pickles. A good period for cultivation, watering and fertilizing. A favorable time to harvest root crops, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops, and dry vegetables and fruits.
  • July 7–9 – during the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops. Start trimming bushes and trees.
  • July 10–12 – it is not advisable to plant and replant herbaceous crops. At this time, it is useful to remove excess shoots, trim and weed. Prepare your greens and medicinal herbs. Now we need to collect everything that cannot be stored for long.
  • July 13–15 – it is advisable not to plant and sow garden crops. Good timing to control pests, as well as to collect sunflower seeds.
  • July 16–18 – Do not transplant or plant fruit trees and vegetables. At this time, climbing plants will take root well.
  • July 19-21 – Plant stone fruit trees, they will take root well. Propagate plants by roots, collect herbs. Plant cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. Take care of grafting, fertilizing, watering and pest control.
  • July 22–24 is a favorable period to plant greens, onions, garlic, peppers, and medicinal herbs. At this time it is good to plant home flowers, they bloom faster. Collect vegetables, berries, fruits and seeds.
  • July 25–27 – it is very good to plant and replant pear and plum trees. A favorable time for loosening, fertilizing, grafting trees and mowing. It is better not to plant anything during the full moon.
  • July 28-30 – Harvest grains and root vegetables. It is useful to plant celery, onions, and radishes. A good time to prepare pickles and jam.

July 1, 2018 (Sunday)
19th lunar day from 23:01 // 06:56 Moon in Aquarius

July 2, 2018 (Monday)
20th lunar day from 23:24 // 08:02 Moon in Pisces from 20:31

July 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
21 lunar days from 23:44 // 09:10 Moon in Pisces

July 5, 2018 (Thursday)
22nd lunar day from 00:02 // 11:31 Moon in Aries from 07:50

July 6, 2018 (Friday)
23rd lunar day from 00:19 // 12:44 Moon in Aries 3rd quarter 10:50

July 7, 2018 (Saturday)
24th lunar day from 00:37 // 14:00 Moon in Taurus from 15:51

July 8, 2018 (Sunday)
25th lunar day from 00:56 // 15:19 Moon in Taurus

July 9, 2018 (Monday) 26 lunar day 01:19 // 16:40 Moon in Gemini from 19:59

July 10, 2018 (Tuesday)
27th lunar day from 01:47 // 18:01 Moon in Gemini

July 12, 2018 (Thursday)
29th lunar day from 03:14 // 20:26 Moon in Cancer

Lunar calendar: new moon

July 13, 2018 (Friday)
30 lunar day from 04:18 / 1 lunar day from 05:48 // 21:20

New Moon 05:47 Moon in Leo from 20:31

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

July 14, 2018 (Saturday)
2nd lunar day from 05:35 // 22:00 Moon in Leo

July 15, 2018 (Sunday)
3rd lunar day from 06:59 // 22:32 Moon in Virgo from 20:31

July 16, 2018 (Monday)
4th lunar day from 08:25 // 22:57 Moon in Virgo

July 17, 2018 (Tuesday)
5th lunar day from 09:50 // 23:18 Moon in Libra 22:42

July 19, 2018 (Thursday)
7th lunar day from 12:30 // 23:55 Moon in Libra 1st quarter from 22:52

July 20, 2018 (Friday)
8th lunar day from 13:45 // -:- Moon in Scorpio from 04:13

July 21, 2018 (Saturday)
9th lunar day from 14:58 // 00:15 Moon in Scorpio

July 22, 2018 (Sunday)
10th lunar day from 16:09 // 00:36 Moon in Sagittarius from 13:12

July 23, 2018 (Monday)
11th lunar day from 17:16 // 01:02 Moon in Sagittarius

July 24, 2018 (Tuesday)
12th lunar day from 18:17 // 01:32 Moon in Sagittarius

July 25, 2018 (Wednesday)
13th lunar day from 19:11 // 02:09 Moon in Capricorn from 00:49

July 26, 2018 (Thursday)
14th lunar day from 19:57 // 02:55 Moon in Capricorn

Lunar calendar: full moon

July 27, 2018 (Friday)
15th lunar day from 20:34 // 03:48 Moon in Aquarius from 13:41
Full moon at 23:20

Lunar calendar: waning moon

July 28, 2018 (Saturday)
16th lunar day from 21:05 // 04:48 Moon in Aquarius

July 29, 2018 (Sunday)
17th lunar day from 21:29 // 05:53 Moon in Aquarius

July 30, 2018 (Monday)
18th lunar day from 21:50 // 07:01 Moon in Pisces from 02:28

July 31, 2018 (Tuesday)
19th lunar day from 22:09 // 08:10 Moon in Pisces

Some people sense all changes in nature quite subtly. Therefore, feeling unwell and headache may be the result of the body's reaction to a magnetic storm.

It is worth noting that not all people suffer from weather dependence. According to the latest statistics, every third resident middle zone notes symptoms of increased meteosensitivity.

Unfavorable days in July 2018

To help people dependent on weather changes, experts are specially developing a calendar with detailed description for every day. Thanks to it, you can not only prepare for a magnetic storm, but also plan your work and rest schedule.

A geomagnetic storm is the result of an interaction solar wind And magnetic field Earth. After conducting a series of studies, experts concluded that magnetic storms affect navigation systems, transformers and pipelines, but extremely negatively - on the human body. As a result, a sharp deterioration in health leads to an increase in the number of road accidents, work-related injuries and other accidents.

The condition of weather-dependent people worsens several days before the onset of a magnetic storm.

First geomagnetic storm will happen on July 7th, it will be medium strength. This day will be especially difficult for people who suffer from extremes. blood pressure, as well as those who suffer from chronic diseases.

On July 15 there will be a strong magnetic storm. Its onset can be felt by almost all Russians, starting from July 13-14. The magnetic storm on July 20 will be of the same strength as the previous one.

July 29-30 – magnetic storm of medium strength. It may not affect all weather-dependent people and will manifest itself in a deterioration in well-being, as well as insomnia.

Despite such small list geomagnetic disturbances, it is worth remembering that the situation may change. Experts will predict the appearance of a magnetic storm 2 days in advance. Therefore, weather-sensitive people should monitor the forecast in order to prepare and conduct unfavorable days in a favorable environment.

Doctors say that in the Russian Federation large number weather-dependent people – about 50-70% of the population. Of course, each organism reacts to a magnetic storm differently. It is not recommended for such people to travel by air or underground transport these days.

Especially on unfavorable days and during magnetic storms are exposed negative influence nervous system, respiratory organs, vision and cardiovascular system.

It is very important to survive these unfavorable days in July with least losses for health, so you should carefully monitor your health.

Since medications cannot always help and relieve a person from pain and discomfort, it is important to create special conditions:

  • maintain a daily routine;
  • do not overwork;
  • walk in the fresh air more often;
  • do not overeat;
  • eat fresh foods;
  • Avoid fried and smoked foods, as well as alcoholic beverages during magnetic storms;
  • avoid places with large crowds of people;
  • carry out relaxation procedures.

People who have chronic diseases, hypertensive patients and heart patients should not forget to carry the necessary equipment during magnetic storms. medicines. To avoid fainting, they should not make sudden movements. It is also especially important in hot weather not to forget about the amount of water you drink, which should not be less than 2 liters.

Moon phases in July 2018

The most important periods of the month

As many people know, the main influence of the night star on the human body is when it is in critical points of your cycle. On the dates when the Earth's satellite passes through these phases, people most strongly feel changes in their health. According to the lunar calendar for July, the following numbers will be the most significant.

July 1, 2018. The main zodiac sign is Aquarius. The moon is in its waning phase. Very good time to acquire new knowledge and self-improvement. This phase celestial body is responsible for pacification when everything biological systems accumulate energy before the next surge. At such a time, it is recommended to calm down, settle all unfinished matters and pay maximum attention to yourself and your health.

July 13, 2018. The main zodiac sign is Cancer. New moon. With the birth of a new month comes a time of activity in all areas of life. During such a period, you can safely make important decisions, enter into business contracts and arrange personal life. All endeavors founded these days will definitely bring positive results. The focus should be shifted financial sector: the new moon under the influence of the constellation Cancer will provide an opportunity to improve your financial situation and acquire new sources of income.

July 19, 2018. The main zodiac sign is Libra. First quarter. The growth of the moon continues, increasing its energetic impact on people. This period is characterized increased activity life processes V human body. This is a time of maximum physical and intellectual tone, which is easy to take advantage of to achieve your goals.

July 27, 2018. The main zodiac sign is Capricorn. Full moon period. During a full lunar disk there is always an increased impact heavenly body on people. This is especially noticeable in the changes in the health status of individuals with high sensitivity. At such times, irritability can often be observed, emotional excitement and even aggression. Best recommendation These days there will be peace and maximum ignoring of negative situations.

  • New moon - July 13, 2018 at 05 hours 47 minutes 56 seconds.
  • Full moon - July 27, 2018 at 23 hours 20 minutes 34 seconds.
  • First quarter July 19, 2018 at 22 hours 52 minutes 25 seconds.
  • Last quarter - July 6, 2018 at 10 hours 50 minutes 50 seconds.
  • Waxing Moon - from July 14 to July 26, 2018.
  • Waning Moon - from July 1 to July 12 and from July 28 to July 31, 2018.
  • Moon at apogee: July 27 at 05:45.
  • Moon at perigee: July 13 at 08:30.
  • Solar eclipse: July 13, 2018 at 06:02 am
  • Lunar eclipse: July 27, 2018 at 11:22 pm.
  • Favorable days: July 1, 14, 19, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days: July 5, 7, 9, 13, 18, 22.

July 1, 2018


18th lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Aquarius

Show courage and resourcefulness, this is the only way you will achieve results. The day is intended for a flurry of activity, and any delay or doubt can ruin plans.

July 2, 2018


19th lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Aquarius

Hold your tongue, otherwise you might accidentally spill the beans important information. Plan your shopping today - it's time for successful shopping!

July 3, 2018


20 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Pisces

A great time for romance and reciprocal steps. Cast aside all doubts, otherwise how else will you understand whether this is your person or not. But alcohol should be avoided like fire.

July 4, 2018


21 lunar days

Waning Moon

Moon in Pisces

Be hospitable: people are in a hurry to visit you. This is a chance to show off your culinary skills, but avoid overeating and eat and drink in moderation.

July 5, 2018


21st and 22nd lunar days

Waning Moon

Moon in Aries

Criticality and pickiness increases. You tend to see imperfections around you and get irritated over trifles. Spend this day at home. Go to bed earlier than usual.

July 6, 2018


22 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Aries

The right moment for reconciliation, meditation, prayer. Listen to your intuition and learn to decipher the signs of fate.

July 7, 2018


23 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Aries

Today you should not start a business, enter into agreements, borrow or lend. But there is a chance to find main reason all problems.

July 8, 2018


24 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Taurus

Decisive on this day will be the ability to think outside the box and move away from templates. But it’s better not to have anything to do with money, since there is every chance of throwing it away.

July 9, 2018


25 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Taurus

Don’t give in to provocations, avoid taking rash risks and don’t be upset if something doesn’t go according to plan.

July 10, 2018


26 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Gemini

Avoid arguments and don't make promises - today you are prone to exaggeration. Spontaneity is encouraged; the day is favorable for short trips and new acquaintances.

July 11, 2018


27 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Gemini

You will tend to have your head in the clouds. Dreams are good in moderation - make concrete plans. Check the information and do not believe eloquent promises: you may be deceived.

July 12, 2018


28 lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Cancer

The day tends toward excess. Planning important meetings, negotiations, keep in mind - inflated conceit and too bright external image may alienate your interlocutor.

July 13, 2018


29, 30 and 1 lunar day

New Moon

Moon in Cancer

Action precedes reason. Don't rush to make a decision - you might miss it important details or follow feelings. Be especially careful on the road.

July 14, 2018


1 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Leo

Do not spend this day within four walls and do not plan household chores. Road trips and hiking today is only good. Wait for good news.

July 15, 2018


2 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Leo

It's time to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. Don’t try to evade responsibility, otherwise you will have to run in a vicious circle for a long time.

July 16, 2018


3 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Virgo

There is a risk of being captured by illusions, becoming a victim of intrigue and deception. So it is advisable to postpone all matters and reduce communication to a minimum.

July 17, 2018


4 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Virgo

Very difficult to find common language with others, since everyone hears only themselves. Don't try to get into arguments.

July 18, 2018


5 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Libra

Low energy day. Limit activity today, including physical activity. The time is good for a relaxing holiday. After lunch, visit cultural institutions.

July 19, 2018


6 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Libra

If you are energetic and confident, seize the moment! There is a chance to get promoted. You can enter into real estate transactions.

July 20, 2018


7 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Scorpio

July 21, 2018


8 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Scorpio

July 22, 2018


9 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Scorpio

It is very difficult to fight dark thoughts and bad mood, but try anyway. Avoid communicating with unpleasant people.

July 23, 2018


10 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Sagittarius

Motto of the day: if you're not sure, don't overtake. Before you say or do anything, think about the consequences. You can't give in to emotions.

July 24, 2018


11th lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Sagittarius

It's time to take the first and most important step towards your goal. Do not be afraid of anything, cast aside doubts, concentrate on your intention.

July 25, 2018


12 lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Capricorn

Listen to the advice of others - there is some truth in them. Intuition can let you down - don't rely on it when making decisions.

July 26, 2018


13th lunar day

Waxing Moon

Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for study, research and search new job. Friendly communication will give you many pleasant moments.

July 27, 2018


14th lunar day

Full Moon

Moon in Capricorn

Time to find peace and spiritual harmony. Try to get rid of all worries; if you feel guilty, ask for forgiveness. Tune in to a positive wave in the morning. Good time to start creative projects, romantic acquaintances and dates.

July 28, 2018


15th lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Aquarius

A great day for a family holiday. Don't try to be cunning and manipulate your loved ones. It is important to be honest and show sincere love.

July 29, 2018


16th lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Aquarius

The day is favorable for beginnings. It is good to plan partnership-related matters and enter into agreements. Physical work should be limited.

July 30, 2018


17th lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Pisces

Day creative activity, revealing talents, finding oneself best place under the sun. The main thing is not to doubt yourself.

July 31, 2018


18th lunar day

Waning Moon

Moon in Pisces

Any business stalls, so it’s better to take a break. If you have difficult relationships with someone close to you, it’s time to dot all the i’s.

Pay attention! Lunar calendar for July 2018, moon phases, lunar days are calculated according to Moscow time.

Moon without a course (idle Moon)

  • From July 2 1:56 to July 2 20:31
  • From July 4 12:47 to July 5 7:49
  • From July 7 10:09 to July 7 15:51
  • From July 9 19:09 to July 9 19:58
  • From July 10 23:00 to July 11 20:58
  • From July 13 5:48 to July 13 20:31
  • From July 15 2:11 to July 15 20:31
  • From July 17 13:49 to July 17 22:42
  • From July 19 22:52 to July 20 4:13
  • From July 22 12:18 to July 22 13:12
  • From July 24 11:22 to July 25 0:48
  • From July 26 16:41 to July 27 13:41
  • From July 29 12:25 to July 30 2:28

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