The differences between participle and gerund are brief. Participle and gerund

Participles and gerunds

Rule: If the participial phrase comes after the word being defined, then it is separated by commas on both sides: Goluboe southern sky, darkened with dust, cloudy. Rule: In the suffix -enn- after the hissing ones, under stress, e (ё) is written, although it is pronounced [o]: burned, decided. Rule: In short passive participles, one letter n is written: read, told. Rule: If the participle is formed from verbs ending in -at, -yat, then the letters a or i are written before -nn- and -n-: plow - plowed - plowed; oblige - obligated - obligated. If the participle is formed from any other verbs (not -at or -yat), then the letter e is written before -nn- and -n-: study - studied - studied. Rule: In full passive participles with the suffixes -enn- and -nn- two letters n (nn) are written if:

1) the participle has a prefix (except not): boiled fish, plowed field;

2) the participle has words dependent on it: fish fried in oil;
3) perfect participle: solved example;
4) the participle is formed from verbs with the suffixes -ova-, -eva-, (-irova-): pickled mushrooms, asphalt highway. If a word has none of listed signs, it is written with one n: boiled fish, fried fish.
(page 146)
Rule: Not with full participles it is written separately:
1) if the participle has dependent words, i.e. forms a participle phrase: On the table lay a letter that I had not sent. — There was an unsent letter on the table;
2) if the sentence contains a contrast with the conjunction a: The vase contained not withered, but fresh flowers. Not written together with full participles:
1) if it does not have dependent words: incessant rain;
2) if the participle without is not used: a hateful look. With short participles the particle is not written separately: The letter was not sent. The book has not been read. (page 146)

Rule: Particle Not written separately with gerunds: Answered without hesitation.
The participial phrase is always separated by commas: Howling angrily, blowing cold autumn wind. A cold autumn wind is blowing, howling angrily. The cold autumn wind blows, howling angrily.

Participles have a number of correspondences among adjectives, partly in origin going back to participles. These include:

1) Active present participles and adjectives with the same root:
Blushing - red;
bluish - blue;
whitening - white.

2) Present participles active voice(as well as reflexive) and adjectives with the suffix -uchy, -yuchy, -achy, yachy, which are Old Russian participles in origin:
Flowing - free-flowing;
sitting - sedentary;
prickly - prickly.

3) An active present participle (usually with a negation) and an adjective coinciding with the passive present participle with negative prefix non-: Not burning - fireproof;
not fading - unfading;
not getting wet - waterproof.

4) Passive participles of the present tense (usually with negation) and adjectives with the prefix un- and the suffix -im:
Inadmissible - unacceptable;
not defeated - invincible;
untamed - indomitable.

5) Active past participles and adjectives formed from participles with the suffix -ly:
Tanned - tanned;
burnt - burnt;
blue - blue.

6) Next in meaning from the participles are the unprefixed adjectives na-ly, which do not have fully corresponding participles; for them there are only more distant participles with prefixes:
Ripened - ripe;
ripe - mature;
withered - lethargic.

7) Passive past participles and adjectives that were formed from these participles; usually the first with prefixes, and the second without prefixes:
Boiled - boiled;
grated - grated;
broken - beaten.

8) Valid and passive participles and homonymous adjectives formed from these participles:
A) A stone shining in the sun is a brilliant report.
Cape protruding into the sea - outstanding figure.
Jackals wandering in the forest - a wandering smile. The director calling the technician - a defiant tone.
b) A person respected by all, a respected comrade.
A driver-controlled car is a controlled balloon.

Participle and gerund

Communion and gerunds in Russian- that's two special forms verbs that differ in meaning, grammatical and syntactic features. Participles denote a sign by action and answer questions Which? Which? What do you do? What did he do? What did he do? Participles denote an additional action and answer questions Doing what? What did you do?

Rules regarding the use and spelling of participles and gerunds with examples are given in the table.

· availability of full and short forms;

-ush-/-yush-/-ash-/-box-(actual participles NV);

-vsh-/-sh-(actual participles PV);

-eat-/-om-/-im-(passive participles NV);

-nn-/-enn-/-t-(passive participles PV).

The syntactic role is adverbial.

The girl was walking down the street smiling.

Syntactic role - definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

Features of participial and participial phrases

Participial and participial phrases- This syntactic constructions, which differ general meaning and a function in a sentence:

Participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. In a sentence, like a single gerund, they play a syntactic role isolated circumstance(set off with commas on both sides) and indicate an additional action.

Test on the topic

Didn't like it? — Write in the comments what is missing.

  • 1. Natalya Starostina - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Nikolay Z - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 3. Mikhail Voronin - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • The cards are electronic (code), they will be sent in the coming days via VKontakte message or email.

    Material on the Russian language (grade 6) on the topic:
    Table “Difference between participle and gerund”

    The table will help you understand the differences between participles and gerunds


    Table1. Differences between participle and gerund

    What are you doing? What did the lice do? What did you do? What are you doing eating?

    HOW? HOW?

    What am I doing? What did you do? What did the lice do?

    Developing, remembering, written, moving

    Having developed, remember, I wrote lice

    Refers to a noun (pronoun)

    Refers to a verb (predicate)

    Present tense: -ushch-(yushch), - ashch-(yushch) - valid.

    I eat-, -im- – passive

    Vsh-, -sh- – valid

    Nn-, -enn-, -t- – passive

    Imperfect form (present time):

    Perfect form (past tense):

    Participial phrase- this is a participle with words dependent on it

    Software is a separate definition

    An adverbial phrase is a gerund with dependent words

    DO is a separate circumstance

    üOn the porch stood a man who was arming people.

    ü Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time, thinking about what had happened.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    A lesson in repeating and summarizing the studied material on the topics “Communion” and “Partition”. Students are offered multi-level tasks. The lesson is built using modular technology. Attached is the pre.

    Summary of a lesson in the Russian language on summarizing what has been learned in the form of the game “Starry Hour”.

    I taught this lesson while participating in the “Teacher of the Year” competition. The class to whom I was giving a lesson was unfamiliar to me (this was the condition of the test). But thanks to the skit at the beginning of the lesson, guys a.

    Summary of a general lesson in 6th grade according to the program of M.M. Razumovskaya.

    Selected material test work allows you to test your knowledge on the topics: “Partipulations” and “Gerundial Participles” most fully.

    The lesson reinforces the skills of forming participles and gerunds and spelling their suffixes.

    The collection represents control tests, testing work, allowing you to practice a difficult topic for sixth-graders: “Communion and gerunds.” Tasks are worked out by Or.

    2.7. Participle and gerund

    Difficulties associated with the use of a special form of the verb - the participle - in speech can be divided into two groups: in the formation of participle forms and in the use of participles.

    Errors in the formation of participles usually consist of incorrect construction formative basis(cf.: using the wrong form galloping instead of normative - galloping) and in the wrong choice formative suffix. Since the choice of a form-building basis is common for conjugated and non-conjugated forms, if there is difficulty, you should use the recommendations given in paragraph 2.6.

    When choosing a formative suffix in the formation of a participle form special attention Please note the following cases.

    1. Most active participles The past tense is formed using the suffixes -вш- from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) ending in a vowel:

    write - wrote, decide - decided.

    The suffix -ш- is used if the stem of the infinitive ends in a consonant:

    carry - carried, carry - carried.

    2. Passive past participles use the suffixes -nn- (-n-), -enn- (-en-) and -t- ( cleaned, made, finished). In speech, quite often there is an error associated with the use of one suffix instead of another.

    For example, in the sentence: The room has been cleaned– instead of the normative form removed with the suffix -n- the suffix -t- was mistakenly used.

    3. It should be remembered that when forming a participle, all word-forming prefixes and suffixes of the verb must be preserved. The most common mistake is dropping the suffix -sya when forming participles from reflexive verbs.

    For example, in the sentence: The wind tore off the leaves left on the trees– the suffix -sya was illegally omitted. The following sentence would be grammatically correct: The wind tore off the remaining leaves on the trees.

    4. It should be taken into account that some verbs are characterized by the absence or infrequency of certain forms of participles. Thus, according to the rules of Russian grammar, passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs:

    Passive participles cannot be formed from verbs like get up, lie down etc., since these verbs cannot be combined with accusative case without pretext.

    At the same time, the absence of certain forms of participles may be due not to grammatical laws, but to tradition.

    arrest, protect, beat, take, wake up, carry, twirl, twist, transport, knit, iron, look, cook, warm, smash, load, gnaw, crush, hold, regret, fry, reap, wait, burn, call, know, have, boil, put, glue, prick, feed, paint, sculpt, treat, pour, revenge, grind, wash, find, plow, sing, bake, write, saw, drink, weed, spoil, hide, tear, cut, chop, salt, set, guard, dry, sprinkle, weave, stew, pull, teach, bury, clean, whisper, sew etc.

    2) There are no forms of passive past participles for transitive verbs:

    When using participles in speech, special attention should be paid to the following points.

    1. The contrast between active and passive participles is related to the meaning they express.

    Active participles (suffixes -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash-, -vsh-, -sh-) denote the attribute of who (what) directly performs the action:

    a singing girl, a boy drawing.

    Passive participles (suffixes -om-, -em-, -im-; -nn- (-n-), -enn- (-en-), -t-) indicate a sign of who (what) is experiencing an action:

    a book you read, a magazine you bought.

    In speech, a fairly common mistake is to use active participles instead of passive ones, and vice versa.

    For example, in the sentence: I had one ticket won– the passive participle is used incorrectly, since in this case this construction means: I won a ticket, and not a specific prize, amount of money, etc. with a lucky ticket. It is grammatically correct to use the active participle ( winning ticket), since the defined noun does not experience, but produces an action.

    2. In Russian, the passive meaning can be expressed both by passive participles and by active participles from reflexive verbs with the suffix -sya.

    In some cases, both possible forms are used in literary language:

    project approved by everyone - project approved by everyone.

    In other cases, either only the passive participle or only the active participle of the reflexive verb is used.

    Wed: a built house is a house under construction.

    It should be remembered that the main expresser of the meaning of passivity is precisely the passive participle, and where it is present, the reflexive participle is usually unacceptable.

    Thus, the following phrases will be grammatically incorrect: a child dressing up as a nanny; carpenter's box. IN in this case It is mandatory to use passive participles: a child dressed by a nanny; a box made by a carpenter.

    The reflexive participle is usually used when the corresponding passive participle is not available in the language or is rarely used. For example, forms of passive past participles from verbs are not formed or are rarely used imperfect form.

    Wed: a paper written by a student last year; a report written by a student over the course of a year.

    3. It should also be remembered that in Russian there are no and cannot be future participles. You cannot use participles in relation to the future! Therefore, constructions like:

    In just a few years we will have a whole complex of enterprises that could cause an environmental disaster.

    When forming forms of gerunds, the following points must be taken into account.

    1. Imperfective participles are formed from the stem of the present tense of imperfective verbs using the suffixes -а/-я:

    take – take – taking; cry - cry - crying.

    A number of imperfective verbs also form participles using the suffix -uchi/-yuchi:

    being, driving, regretting, playing, walking, sneaking.

    However, they did not receive any widespread use in the literary language. Typically, the forms in -uchi/-yuchi are perceived either as outdated or as a means of stylizing folk and ancient speech.

    In addition, not all imperfective verbs are capable of forming gerunds. As a rule, verbs that do not have vowels in the present tense do not form participles (cf.: weave - weave):

    beat, twist, lie, bend, eat, reap(hand) reap(rye), wait, burn, lie, pour, crush, drink, tear, send, sleep, weave, rub, sew.

    There are no or no participles from verbs with alternating consonants z–zh, s–sh in the stems of the infinitive and present tense (cf.: knit - knit, dance - dance):

    weigh, knit, seem, mow, lick, dance, cut, scratch.

    Imperfective verbs with -ch, na-nut do not form participles:

    protect, burn, might, oven, flog, guard, cut, flow, wither, go out, stall, grow stronger, freeze, get wet, smell, drown, pull.

    Imperfect participles from verbs are not used:

    arrest, run, stab, climb, plow, sing, be born, freeze, want.

    2. Perfective participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) of perfective verbs, mainly using the suffix -в:

    buy - having bought, decide - having decided.

    From a number of verbs of the perfect form, gerunds are formed using the suffix -а/-я ( enter - entering, subtract - subtract etc.) or suffixes -louse, -shi ( offended, upset etc.).

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, forms with the suffix -в are used: they are shorter and more euphonious. The cacophony of forms like having written M. Gorky especially emphasized. But it should be borne in mind that reflexive verbs usually have only one form - laughing, wrapped up. The use of the suffix -shi instead of the suffix -v is also typical for many verbs with a consonant as a stem: grow up - grown up; save - having saved.

    The use of the suffix -а/-я in the formation of perfect participles (cf.: putting - putting, hearing - hearing, noticing - noticing) was a fairly common phenomenon in the 19th – early 20th centuries. For example, such forms were widely used by M. Gorky: leaning, approaching, getting off etc. Currently, many of these forms are out of use.

    3. The main mistake when forming participles is the use of one suffix instead of another.

    For example, in the sentence: I dialed the number after hanging up– the form of the gerund with the suffix -a was mistakenly used. From verbs with a sibilant stem, perfective participles are usually formed using the suffix -a, but the normative version will be the form with the suffix -v (putting phone).

    Errors of this kind are quite common when using phraseological units. In many of them there are outdated forms gerunds ( hand on heart, damn my head). Arbitrary replacement of such forms with modern forms in some idiomatic expressions ( rushed headlong) is an error!

    Quite regularly in speech, the so-called filling of “empty cells” is also observed, that is, the erroneous formation of gerunds from verbs that in a literary language cannot have gerund forms at all (for example: While sleeping, he shuddered).

    Correct spelling: what are participles and gerunds, rules with examples

    In the Russian language there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or verb. Some linguists consider them to be special verbal forms and explain this by the presence of similar features.

    Morphological features

    Let's consider in detail, what are participles and gerunds. Even ancient grammarians noted their duality, so they gave them a name meaning “participation” in a noun, adjective or verb.

    Declined, that is, it changes according to gender, number, case, has a short and full form. At the same time, it has the properties of a verb. For example, having the form:

  • checking notebooks (imperfect form) – the one who checks (what is he doing?);
  • checker (perfect form) – the one who checked (what did he do?).
  • Besides , time matters. This constant sign data parts of speech having the form either present time(creating) or past(built). There is also the presence of a return form (recognized Xia).

    It is characterized by the presence of two voices - passive and active. Passive participles denote a sign of an object experiencing an action (parcel received - parcel received). Real ones reflect the attribute of an object that independently produces an action (a running person is one who runs himself).

    From all of the above the following conclusion follows: this part speech denotes an attribute of an object by action, manifested in time.


    The term originated in the 18th century and means " attitude to action”, as indicated by the first part of the word “dee-” (doer, action). In modern grammar, this name has a part of speech that denotes additive action in relation to the main thing expressed by the verb. Therefore, this form has verbal characteristics:

  • view perfect(opening), imperfect (closing);
  • repayment(pretending s).
  • Perhaps this is where the similarity of the parts of speech under consideration is limited, but there are numerous differences.

    How are they different?

    First of all, it should be noted that participle does not change, that is, does not decline or conjugate. Therefore, in his morphemic composition no inflection. On the contrary, the endings of participles are their distinguishing feature.

    The questions they answer will help you distinguish between these verb forms:

  1. Full Communion(which (-th; -oe, -ies) ?); short (what (-a; -o, -s)?).
  2. Participle(what by doing? what by doing? how? in what way?).
  3. Another difference is the different syntactic role. The participle performs the function of an adverbial circumstance (Bending, winding, the river into the distance.). Short Communion is only a predicate (The doors to the world of beautiful dreams are open.). The complete one could be:

  4. definition (Foaming waves crashed against high, inaccessible rocks.);
  5. part of a compound nominal predicate (The bread was moldy).
  6. The formation of participles and gerunds occurs in a suffixal way.

    Participles are formed from verbs of the corresponding type. Table 1.

In the Russian language, speech structures can be enriched with participial and participial phrases. This article discusses the features and rules for using each type of phrase, and provides examples of their proper use in speech.

Communion and gerunds in Russian- these are special forms of the verb (some authors have independent parts of speech), which, together with dependent words, form special syntactic constructions: participial and participial phrases.

  • Participial phrase, like a single participle, denotes a sign of action, answers questions Which? What? What do you do? What did he do? and in a sentence refers to the word being defined. Syntactic role – a separate or non-separate definition.

    Examples of sentences with participial phrases: Sitting by the window the boy put the book aside and looked at his mother (the boy (which one? what was he doing?) sitting by the window). Furniture, brought from the dacha, we placed in the corridor (furniture (what?) brought from the dacha).

  • Participial phrase indicates an additional action, answers questions Doing what? What did you do? and in a sentence refers to the predicate verb. Performs the syntactic role of a separate adverbial adverb.

    Examples of using participial phrases: While doing the exercise, the student noticed a typo in the textbook (noticed (doing what?) doing the exercise). Having cooked dinner, Katya decided to rest a little (decided to rest (having done what?) by preparing dinner).

Pay attention! When forming a participial phrase, the main word of the construction can only be a participle, and a participial phrase can only be a gerund.

Isolation of participial phrases

In a sentence, the isolation (set off with commas) of the participial phrase in the sentence depends on its position in relation to the word being defined:

  • Before the word being defined, the participial phrase is not isolated.

    Examples: Dima raised fallen from a hanger hat. The student redrawn given in the textbook diagram.

  • After the word being defined, the participial phrase is highlighted with commas on both sides.

    Examples: Janitor, swept away the leaves all morning, left for lunch. Painting, drawn in Art Nouveau style, hung over the sofa.

Also, the participial phrase is isolated if it refers to a personal pronoun or expresses an adverbial meaning.

Examples: Transferred to another group, they haven’t had time to meet each other yet. Worried about a friend, the man called the hospital every hour (he called (why? what was he doing?) worried about his friend).

Isolation of adverbial phrases

In adverbial phrases, the rule of isolation in sentences is the same - the participial phrase is always separated by commas, regardless of its position in relation to the predicate verb.

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Examples: Frightened by the roar, the kitten hid under the sofa. Grandma prepared tea for us, asking about what happened.

The participial phrase is not separated by commas:

  • If included in phraseological expression L(people listened to the guest ears hanging down) ;
  • If a gerund has turned into an adverb and can be replaced with a synonymous adverb (They walked leisurely (slowly)).
  • If the adverbial phrase includes a dependent word which or derivatives (We attended a lecture, after listening to which we began to better understand the subject).

Participle and gerund are special parts of speech that combine morphological characteristics several parts of speech. This is how they differ from the rest. By the way, many linguists classify participles and gerunds as verb forms, and do not distinguish them as separate part speech. In this article we will talk about them as independent.

Communion concept

The participle and the gerund in the Russian language are united by the fact that both of these parts of speech contain some morphological features of the verb: the categories of aspect, reflexivity and tense.

However, the participle gravitates towards adjectives and expresses the attribute of an object or phenomenon by its action: reading, listening, being built, being read. This part of speech answers the questions: what is he doing? what did he do? From the adjective, the participle “inherited” gender, number and case - thus they agree with the noun, which refers to: written book - written books (plural) - about a written book ( prepositional) - a written novel (masculine gender).

Also, the participle can be used in full and short forms. Diploma awarded - certificate awarded. Unlike adjectives, short participles contain only one letter n. Foggy lowland - foggy lowland ( short adjective); sown field - the field is sown (short participle).

Depending on the meaning, participles can be active (denote a sign created directly by an action - constructing) or passive (denote a sign of an action experienced from the outside - constructing).

The concept of gerunds

The participle gravitates towards grammatical features to the adverb: from it the part of speech adopted immutability, but from the verb the gerund remained in form (listening - having listened) and reflexivity (washing - washing).

The gerund denotes an additional, additional action; it can easily be replaced by a homogeneous predicate.

  • I walked down the street, enjoying the spring sun. - I walked down the street and rejoiced in the spring sun.

The complementary action indicates how the main verb acts. She walked, rejoicing - the gerund “rejoicing” means an additional sign, an emotion with which the main action “walked” is performed.

Active participles: formation, suffixes

Participles and gerunds are formed from verbs using specific suffixes. As for the active participles of the present tense, their productive stem is the verb of the same tense. For the latter, the ending is simply discarded and a characteristic participle suffix is ​​added: - ush-/-yush- And - ash-/-box-.

It should be remembered here that the first suffixes are characteristic of participles formed from verbs of the first conjugation - ash-/-box- used for participles of verbs of the second conjugation.

  • Sunbathing - sunbathing (present tense verb, I conjugation) - sunbathing (present active participle).
  • Glue - glue (present tense verb, II conjugation) - gluing (present active participle).

These same past participles are formed from the stem of the verb of the same tense using suffixes -vsh-, -sh-.

  • Carry - carried - carried, crawl - crawled - crawled.

The unstressed vowel before the suffix (the word is placed in the past tense) is also checked: winnow - winnow - winnow.

Passive participles: formation, suffixes

Passive present participles must be formed from the stem of the verb I or II conjugation using suffixes -eat-/-im- respectively.

  • Decide - decide - solved; wear - wear - wearable.

Suffixes - enn-, -nn-, -t- are used to form passive past participles. The productive base is the infinitive verb: decide - decided; wash - washed; read - read. It should be remembered that in the suffix - enne- only the letter e is always written after hissing words. For example, burned, resolved.

In addition, two letters are always written in the same suffix n. This is how participles differ from verbal adjectives. The latter do not have prefixes or dependent words - they are written with one letter n. Sauerkraut (verbal adjective) - sauerkraut by mother (participle, there is a dependent word) - sauerkraut (participle, there is a prefix)

Participles: formation, suffixes

Participle and gerund are similar in that both have a verb as their derivative base.

If we talk about imperfective participles, then the stem of the present tense verb is taken and the suffix is ​​added to it - A- or - I-.

  • Watch - watchmen; shine - shining; move - moving; breathing - breathing.

There are a number of verbs from which the formation of gerunds is not possible: plow, bake, sew, dance.

If we talk about perfect participles, they should be formed from the stem of the infinitive. This involves suffixes -in-, -lice-, -shi-. For example, write - having written, having written; bring - having brought.

Thus, the spelling of suffixes of participles and gerunds depends on the type of verb of the generating stem and its conjugation. Also, sometimes you should take into account the type (this is especially true for gerunds). Suffixes of participles and gerunds different meaning you should know them by heart, then writing them correctly will not cause any difficulties.

Spelling not with participles and gerunds

It should be said about one more spelling that often causes difficulties. How to write a particle Not, participle and participle. The rules regarding the latter are quite simple: with the gerund, this particle is written separately, except for words that are not used without it. For example: without doing, without thinking, without grabbing, without bringing, but indignant, hating.

The participle will be written with and not separately in the following cases:

  1. It has dependent words. In other words, if there is not a single participle, but a participle phrase (Flowers that were not picked yesterday bloomed in all their glory).
  2. The sentence contains a contrast built with the help of a conjunction A ( These were not withered, but quite fresh flowers).

Together Not with participles will be written outside the participle phrases: incessant rain, unplowed field, unread book.

Also written together with Not participles that are not used without this particle: indignant, hating.

Participle is a hybrid verbal-adjective form, which in tradition is considered as a special verb form. Participles connect the attributes of a verb and an adjective, expressing the meaning of a procedural attribute of an object. Verbal features of participles: 1) the nature of verbal control is preserved (for example: dreaming of freedom - dreaming of freedom);

  • 2) the form of the corresponding verb is preserved;
  • 3) the participle has two voice forms (in accordance with the two-voice concept) - active and passive voice(for example: permitted - active voice, permitted - passive voice);
  • 4) the participle has two tense forms - present (loving, beloved) and past (loved) tense.

All verbal features of participles are constant, variable features are the features of an adjective: gender, number, case, full or short (for passive participles) form and the corresponding inflection in the sentence - predicate or attribute. Present participles are formed from the verbal stem of the present tense using the suffixes -уш-/-ушь, -аш/-яж- - active participles, suffixes -ем-, -ом-, -им- - passive participles. Past participles are formed from a stem with an infinitive stem. In this case, to form active participles, the suffixes -vsh- are used if the stem ends in a vowel (for example: hear-t - heard) or -sh- if the stem ends in a consonant (for example: brought-ti - brought-shiy). When forming passive past participles, the suffixes -nn- are added to the verb stem if the stem ends in a vowel, except for /i/ (for example: hang-t - hanged), -enn if the stem ends in a consonant or /i/, and in the latter case/and/ drops out (for example: shoot-t - shot, brought-ti - brought), -t- - to form participles from some verbs of unproductive classes with stems on i-, y-, o-, and also from verbs of the IV productive class (for example: sew-t - sewn, promy-t - washed, stabbed - stabbed, turn - turned). Initial form a participle, like an adjective, is nominative singular masculine.

A common feature of the use of participles is that they constitute accessory book speech. This is explained by the history of participles.

The main categories of participles relate to the elements literary language, borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, which affects a number of them phonetic features, for example, in the presence of ь in the present participles: current, burning, which correspond to the adjectives flowing, hot, which are Old Russian participles in origin, as well as in the presence of a number of participles before a hard consonant under the stress e, whereas in the verbs from which they formed, under the same conditions there is e (o): who came, but came, who invented, but invented, blossomed, but blossomed. The connection of participles with the Old Church Slavonic language in the 18th century. noted by Lomonosov, who in his “Russian Grammar” explains about several categories of participles that they are used only from Slavic verbs and are unacceptable from Russians. Thus, he writes: “The active voice of the tense of the present participle ending in -schy is derived from verbs Slavic origin: crowning, writing, nourishing; but very indecent from ordinary Russians, who are unknown among the Slavs: speaking, slurping.”

He notes the same regarding the passive participles of the present tense “From Russian verbs, which were not in use among the Slavs, produced, for example: touched, rocked, soiled, are very wild and unbearable to the ear,” and regarding the past participles of the active voice: “... for example, blurted out, blurted out, dived, dived, very disgusting.” At the same time, Lomonosov notes the great relevance of participles for high styles speeches, indicating that they “are more decently relied on in rhetorical and poetic works than in simple calm, or in common speech.”

At present, more than two centuries after Lomonosov, there are restrictions in the formation of participles from purely Russian verbs, alien Old Slavonic language, not preserved. And the examples of unacceptable participles demonstrated by Lomonosov do not create the impression of an insult to the linguistic sense, which he speaks about with such categoricalness, and are quite acceptable. The main categories of full participles are productive and are easily formed from any verbs, including new formations (vernalized, vernalized, vernalized). The least common passive participles of the present tense, but in some types of verbs they are also productive (clogged, formed, stored) and unproductive only with the suffix -om- (carried, driven, sought).

But even now, firstly, participles are part of the literary language (they are practically absent in dialects); secondly, they are almost never found in colloquial speech.

Standing apart are the short participles of the past tense of the passive voice (written, brought, poured), which are widely used in everyday speech and are used in dialects. On the contrary, for different styles In book speech, full participles are one of the most necessary means, which is used extremely widely. This is due to the fact that participles contribute to the conciseness of speech, making it possible to replace subordinate clauses.

Similar to participles, gerunds are traditionally considered as a special verbal form that combines the characteristics of a verb and an adverb, i.e. denoting a procedural feature of an action, characterized by immutability, preserving verbal control, verbal aspect, collateral properties of the verb, adjacent to the verb or participle and acting in the sentence as a circumstance.

It was from two categories of participles - short active present and past tenses - that Russian gerunds developed and took shape. The point here is that short participles in the Old Russian language could be used initially both as a nominal part of the predicate and as definitions. However, it is not difficult to understand that participles were more closely associated with the verb, and therefore their use as modifiers was lost. Conditions have appeared for the extinction of forms indirect cases. Thus, in the Russian language there remains only one form of the former short participles- old im. pad. units h.m. and wed. kind in the present tense on ["а] (-я), in the past - on [ъ], [въ] (or after the fall of the reduced ones - a form equal to the pure base, or a form on [в], like after reading).

This participial form lost all those features that brought it closer to an adjective, and above all lost the ability to agree with the subject in number and gender. Exactly what is in the monuments Old Russian language facts of violation of the agreement of participles with the subject begin to appear (for example, in the afterword to the Suzdal Chronicle of 1377, you read corrective instead of corrective, i.e. singular instead of the ancient plural), this is precisely what indicates the transformation of the former participle into a gerund -- an unchangeable verb form that acts as a secondary predicate.

The specific properties of gerunds are obtained morphological expression in participial suffixes. Imperfect participles are formed from the stem of the present tense using the suffix -a, -ya, for example: to ring - ring" -ya, to think - duma" -ya. Perfect participles are formed from the infinitive stem of perfective verbs using the suffixes -v, -louse, -shi, for example: send - send-in, bring - brought-shi, smile - smile-louse-s. In modern Russian, the process of differentiation of participle suffixes depending on the verb aspect has not yet been completed, therefore forms of perfect participles are possible, formed according to the model of imperfect participles, i.e. from the base of the future simple tense using the suffix -я (to leave - having left, to bring - having brought, etc.). Imperfect participles are not formed from verbs with a stem:

  • 1. On the back tongue (oven - bake, impossible: *baking);
  • 2. From only consonants (gn-ut, impossible: *gnya);
  • 3. The present tense is a sibilant, alternating at the base of the infinitive with a sibilant (pis-ut - pisa, impossible: *pisha);
  • 4. With the base of the infinitive on - well- in verbs of the unproductive class (perish, impossible: * perish);

Like the participle, the gerund is common in book speech and is not typical for everyday colloquial speech. The participle, denoting an additional action that characterizes another action, is primarily used to relegate one of the actions to the background compared to the other. In this respect, a verb with its associated gerund is opposed to two verbs. So: Stood at the window, reading the letter indicates that the main thing is standing, and reading details this state by indicating the activity that accompanies it, while Stood at the window and read the letter represents both verbs as equal and independent. The use of the gerund makes it possible to establish another relationship between these verbs: Standing at the window, I read the letter, where in the foreground it turns out to be reading, and by the addition, indicating the position in which the reading took place, standing. This ability to give a combination of equal verbs, on the one hand, and establish a perspective between them, highlighting the main and secondary, on the other hand, serves as a convenient means for expressing various relationships between several actions and states. Let's compare: He told and laughed - He told, laughing - While telling, he laughed; They ran across and shot - They ran across, shooting - They ran across and shot. In many cases, gerunds cannot be replaced by a verb at all. This happens when they acquire adverbial meaning, for example: Grandma leans gloomily against the lintel and sighs, lowering her eyes to the floor (= with downcast eyes); He [the grandfather] stands with his head raised (= with his head up); I, too, was ready to cry, feeling sorry for my garden, hut (= out of pity).

The relationships expressed by gerunds are very diverse. When using gerunds, one should not lose sight of which person owns the actions denoted by the gerund and the verb. There are significant limitations in this regard. It is precisely the condition for the generally accepted use of gerunds in the Russian language that the actions denoted by the gerund be performed by the same person who owns the action denoted by the predicate verb. This finds its place in personal sentences, in which the gerund and verb indicate the action of the subject: Talking about it , I would like to remind you. Such turns occur in works of art and in scientific speech.

A gerund may be subordinated to an infinitive, provided that the actions denoted by the gerund and the infinitive belong to the same person.

Errors in the use of gerunds are their use depending on the verb when the gerund and verb represent the actions of different persons, for example: Entering the room , mother stood at the window. Here entering is the action of the speaker (= when I entered the room), and the mother was standing. The inadmissibility of such phrases, in addition to the fact that they are not accepted in the Russian language, is also explained by the fact that they lead to ambiguity due to the possibility of attributing the action denoted by the gerund to the person who is the subject of the sentence: for example, if we were to phrase: When I returned home, my grandmother fed me lunch. replaced by a construction with a gerund: Back home , grandma fed me lunch, it would give the impression that grandma had returned home.

Errors of this kind are quite common in student works, for example: One evening while sitting at home, a man came into our room. stranger; After working for three months, my father was transferred to Penza; After studying at school for four years, I had a desire to study further; The doors were closed tightly, fearing that sounds from the street would not reach the lady’s ears.

Finally, there are cases when a gerund after a verb denotes a subsequent action; In this case, two groups of examples can be outlined:

  • a) the gerund denotes the consequence of the action expressed by the verb: The harpsichord rang slowly,filling the air with sad trembling bliss (= rang and filled); This small, skinny chick from last bit of strength dragged himtorn between him and Kolesnikov ... (= dragged him and as a result was torn between them). They literally pierced my leg right through,leaving a sieve of bloody mess (= flashed and left).
  • b) a gerund denotes an action that does not necessarily follow from the action of the verb, but usually quickly follows it: and then it rustled,lovingly lashing calves , resigned living grass (= rustled and whipped); He threw the cigarette on the groundtrampling her with two kicks (= threw it and then trampled it). Such shades of tense in gerunds have been developing in the Russian language relatively recently and, in all likelihood, this occurs under the influence of word order, since perfective verbs denote actions occurring at different times, following one after another in the order in which the verbs are arranged ( He took out a book, read it, passed it on to his neighbor).

A number of gerunds are close in meaning to adverbs formed from participles: begging - beseechingly; threatening - threateningly; exciting - exciting.

Adverbs such as exciting, blinding, in combination with adjectives express qualitative characteristics and point to high degree qualities: Tchaikovsky's melodies are excitingly beautiful; The fountains filled with lights are blindingly bright and multicolored.

The difference between an additional action and a circumstance is also observed in cases where a gerund participle turns into an adverb, and as a result, along with the gerund participle, there is an adverb formed from the gerund participle. This includes several different categories. Firstly, individual cases, when used without explanatory words the gerund turns into an adverb: The artist painted while standing, here standing does not denote the second action, but only details the meaning of the verb painted, indicating the position in which the drawing took place; on the contrary, in the phrase: The artist painted while standing at the easel: standing denotes the second action, subordinate to the first. Also: The boy writes while sitting and the Boy writes while sitting at his desk. Secondly, this includes a number idiomatic expressions: with folded arms, sticking out tongue, carelessly, a little later, headlong, headlong . Don't sit back means only: “Don’t sit idle”, nothing is said here about the position of the hands, but don't sit with your hands folded already indicates that the hands are indeed folded and that this position of the hands should be changed. Also: run with your tongue out (quickly) and run with your tongue out (with tongue hanging out); work carelessly (casually) and work, Sleeves down (with sleeves down). Idioms of this kind have a colloquial tone. Thirdly, along with gerunds there are adverbs in -yuchi, -uchi: playfully, happily, skillfully, sneaking: he effortlessly carried heavy bales(easy, effortless); lives happily ever after(no worries) and dancedhumming some tune in a low voice . Such adverbs are colloquial and folklore in nature. Single gerunds should be distinguished from such adverbs in -uchi: the common literary being and the colloquial iduchi, going.

Finally, it should be mentioned that some groups of gerunds have two morphological formations with the same meaning.

So, firstly, perfective participles with a base on a vowel sound can have the suffix -v and -lice. They are shorter and more euphonious. But it should be borne in mind that verbs with a consonant as a base have one form: having brought, brought, entered; the same for all reflexive verbs: bending over, laughing, wrapping up. Secondly, along with forms that have the suffixes -v, - lice, a number of perfective verbs have gerunds with the suffix -a, -ya.

    A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. A participle is a part of speech that combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective. It can be found using schematic clue words: doing-done (for active participles), done-done (for passive participles).

    If the participial phrase is before the main word, it is not highlighted in the text with commas; if after it, it is highlighted:

    Waiting for luggage passengers crowded around the transporter.

    Passengers, waiting for luggage, crowded around the conveyor.

    Both the participle and the participle phrase as a whole in a sentence always serve as a definition.

    The participle answers the questions: What are you doing? or Having done what? AND single gerund, and participial phrases are separated in writing by commas, are circumstances.

    Exceptions are cases when the gerund becomes an adverb, then in the syntactic structure it is considered precisely as an adverb.

    In Russian syntax participle phrase is a participle with dependent words. In a sentence, it is usually integral syntactic structure, that is, it is not divided into parts, and serves as a definition.

    Wolves avoid roads laid by man.

    Participial phrase standing after the word being defined is always isolated.

    But there are cases of highlighting this phrase even when it is far from the word being defined, for example:

    Across the sky driven by the wind, ran ragged, gloomy clouds.

    If the participial phrase has adverbial meaning reasons or concessions, even if it is before the noun being defined, it is separated by commas, for example:

    Frightened by the crackle of firecrackers, the puppy hid under the bench.

    Tired of exam anxiety, the boy quickly fell asleep.

    Participial phrase constitutes the gerund itself surrounded by dependent words.

    Noisy and playing on the rifts, the river carried its waters.

    This phrase always stands out in a sentence, except for some special occasions, for example, if the participial phrase is homogeneous circumstance Along with the adverb and between them there is a conjunction And:

    He spoke lazy And slightly stretching out the words.

    In order to understand phrases, you need to remember what a participle and a gerund are.

    The participle denotes the attribute of an object, and participle is a sign verb.

    The participle answers the question: Which? which?, and the gerund: what to do, what to do?

    A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words.

    Accordingly, a participle with dependent words is called a participle phrase.

    The participial phrase in a sentence in most cases appears in the form of a definition.

    Examples of participles: looking, considering, thinking, dreaming, etc.

    Example of a participial phrase: Young woman, sitting by the fire, looked attractive.

    Sitting by the fire - this is a participial phrase.

    Since it is in the middle of a sentence, it must be separated by commas on both sides.

    If the participial phrase is at the beginning of the sentence, then there is no need to separate it with a comma.

    If at the end, then a comma is placed before the turn.

    For example: The girl wearing a red coat looked stunning.

    The girl looked stunning wearing a red coat.

    Examples of participles: learning, reading, unlocking, reading.

    The participial phrase is always separated by a comma.

    Yes, from a point of view parsing sentences, the participial phrase always performs the function of definition (because it answers the question Which/which/which/which? and is a sign).

    For example:

    1. child playing in the garden - child (what?) playing
    2. strong wind dispersing clouds - wind (what?) dispersing

    While the participial phrase will appear in a sentence in syntactic role circumstances and answer the question how?:

    1. the wind intensified, dispersing the clouds - intensified (how?) dispersing = circumstance of the course of action
    2. playing calmly in the garden, the child was left without the attention of adults
  • A participle phrase is a participle with dependent words and a participle phrase is a participle with dependent words!

    Participial phrase: I saw a cat lapping from a bowl.

    He listened to the music coming from the receiver.

    Participial phrase: I looked at rising sun without taking his eyes off.

    The goose, seeing the children, flew away.

    A participle phrase is nothing more than a participle with dependent words. In a sentence it acts as a modifier because it defines a noun. It is separated by commas if it comes after the noun being defined.

    A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. In a sentence it acts as a circumstance and is always separated by commas.

    In Russian, a participial phrase is usually called a participle with dependent word.

    The participial phrase is separated by commas if it appears in the sentence after the noun, the attribute of which it denotes. If it comes before a noun, it is not separated by commas.

    Grandfather, who came to us, was very ill.

    Grandfather came to us and went to rest.

    We call a participle a sign of a verb, and a participial phrase is a participle combined with a word dependent on it. In sentences, the participial phrase is always separated by commas, no matter where it is found.

    Having described a circle, the paper airplane crashed behind a woodpile..

    Mother walked through the door, taking off her gloves as she walked..

    The participle phrase is a participle with dependent words and answers the questions: how? When? Why? for what purpose? how?. For example: Bees flying out of the hive hover over the flowering willows, collecting golden pollen. In this sentence, the adverbial phrase is separated by commas. And the participial phrase is a participle with dependent words, that is, verb + adjective. The participle answers the questions: which one? which? which? which? what is he doing? what did he do? For example: flying, crazy.

    A participial phrase is a participle together with dependent words. The participial phrase is always a definition in a sentence, since it determines the noun that comes before or after it. The participial phrase is set off with commas only if it comes after the noun being defined; if before, it is not set off with commas.

    For example:

    There was a boy standing on the shore waiting for the ship.

    An adverbial phrase is a participle together with dependent words. The participial phrase in the sentence acts as an adverbial circumstance. Always separated by commas.

    For example:

    Masha walked home, singing the song.

    To remember the rules and practice identifying one from the other, there are many tests for both home use, and online. I bring to your attention a few:

    Russian language test by Zakharyina

    Questions may arise

    And on this portal you can read in more detail about syntactic traps, in which cases the participial phrase cannot be used at all and why.

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