The purpose of consultation with a speech therapist is to use didactic syncwine. Work experience: “Innovative technologies in the work of a teacher-speech therapist

The script is one of the most important organizational parts of such an event. Usually the Spartakiad is the largest event for athletes. These may be representatives labor collectives factories and factories, high school classes, or competitions are organized for the elderly or for preschoolers. Without a script it is impossible to hold an event on top level. That is why Style Project pays special attention and requirements to writing a sports competition script and developing a program.

The general plan is a sequence of activities included in.

Plan of events included in the Spartakiad:

  • Time, place;
  • Competition schedule for all sports;
  • Technical support scenario;
  • A similar creative scenario for the opening and closing ceremonies, within the framework of which there are performances by artists, a parade of the participants’ club, original numbers of workers from among the declared sports teams, as well as a ceremonial award ceremony for the winners from among the competition participants.

Components of the script:

  1. Prologue. A story is being invented key idea, based on work of art or some events from the history of the world or sports. Very often, authors use the heroes of Olympus as the main characters. In artistic and literary, and often poetic form, they attract the attention of viewers, both preschoolers and schoolchildren, or corporate athletes to main goal events: opportunities to express yourself, achieve new goals, improve your sports performance, win prizes and awards, but the main thing is to just play sports.
  2. The main part of developing the IDEAS of the script. Performances by artists of the original genre. They can show those sports that will be on the Spartakiad program.
  3. Ceremonial parade of participants. To the cheerful sounds of a sports march, all participants in full dress uniform are held in front of spectators, with signs identifying their affiliation with a particular school, if this is a sports competition for schoolchildren, or with the name of the international sport support club, if this is an event for the disabled, or with the name of a subsidiary, if this is a corporate sports competition format. Even in kindergarten, you can organize a ceremonial formation and invite the children to come up with team names in advance and then beat them in funny skits.
  4. Then follows the ceremonial part with a speech by the city administration, company, representatives of sponsors and partners. At its end, the anthem of Russia or the corporation is usually played and the Spartakiad flag is raised. The presenter announces its opening, and the athletes disperse to the sites to participate in competitions.
  5. Program for spectators. How can we arrange it so that not only athletes are interested in the Spartakiad? Under development separate part, in which the audience takes an active part. These could be competitions, family competitions, entertainment stations for people of any age.
  6. End of the event. Summing up the results of the competition, determining the winners and nominees. Presentation of awards and prizes.
  7. The final part is after the award ceremony for maximum effect If the event is large-scale, you can organize a fireworks display, or a large cake in the company’s colors with fountains of cold fire. Then bright emotions They will forever leave the Spartakiad in everyone’s memory, and will even soften the bitterness of defeat.

Danilova Evgenia

Sports project manager at STYLE PROJECT

Natalya Dolzhanskaya
Scenario for holding the Spartakiad for older children preschool age


Protect and promote health children through improving body functions;

Cultivate interest in the various types of physical activity available to the child.


Continue to develop motor skills and skills: running, jumping on two legs, throwing, crawling under obstacles;

Form correct posture;

Strengthen the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, deftly, beautifully;

Cultivate positive moral and volitional traits personalities: endurance, perseverance, camaraderie, collectivism;

Cultivate interest in physical exercise, physical education and healthy image life;

Create a joyful mood, a desire to compete and win.

EQUIPMENT: relay sticks, large cones, throwing baskets, throwing bags, flat hoops, plastic balls, jumping bars, tunnels, easels with trees painted on them, painted apples with Velcro by number children.


The ceremonial part.

1. Parade of competition participants.

2. Team greetings.

3. Presentation to the jury.

4. Anthem of the Russian Federation.

5. General warm-up.


1. Relay race "Passing the baton"

2. Relay race "The most accurate"

3. Relay "Classics"

4. Sports dance of the team "Romashka"

5. Captains' competition "Shuttle Run"

6. Sports dance of the team "Carouselka"

7. Relay "Obstacle Course"


1. Summing up.

2. Rewarding participants.

3. Participants' lap of honor Spartakiads.

4. Photo for memory.


LEADING: Banners are flying over the stadium,

Joyful songs are ringing everywhere.

Walking in step, in a slender column

We are going to the sports parade!

To the sounds of the march, the competing teams enter the hall and walk around the hall.

LEADING: Hello, dear guests and competition participants! We are pleased to welcome you to our gym.

The two teams came out together

So that we can start the holiday.

And that's why everyone needs

Take part in it.

Everyone needs their strength,

Show off your dexterity

Be healthy and cheerful

And, of course, don’t be bored!

Today at Spartakiad two teams participate. Team of kindergarten "Romashka" (representation of the team - name, motto) and the team of the kindergarten "Karuselka" (team introduction - name, motto).

The jury will evaluate your success composition:(jury presentation)

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be stronger

He will win today!

Teams to attention! Comparison with the Russian flag (Russian anthem plays)

LEADING: We invite you to the sports ground now.

The holiday of sports and health begins with us!

Everyone has gathered (children together) YES!

Is everyone healthy? - YES!

Are you ready to run and play? - YES!

Well, then pull yourself up, don’t yawn and don’t be lazy!

Get ready to warm up!

Warm-up in progress.

LEADING: The sun is shining in the morning, and we prepared in advance.

Guys, it's time for sports competitions to begin!

Teams take their places on start. (On starting line, each team is built in a column one at a time.


Fast running is the key to success, let's start the relay race!

Let's run after each other and pass the wand.

(At the signal, the first team member runs with a stick to the cone, runs around it, runs back to his teams and, passing the stick to the next participant, stands at the end of the column. The next participants perform the same actions.)


The throwing exercise is a very difficult task!

To get the bag into the basket, you need to throw it deftly and accurately!

(In front of each team there is a box with bags. A horizontal target is installed at a distance of 2.5 meters. The players, having taken aim, throw the bag at the horizontal target from below right hand. Having completed the throwing, they give way to the next participant.)


For classes, as you know, we need a hoop.

It’s both beautiful and useful to do exercises with it.

We will jump through the hoop along the path far away.

Not even a ball could jump that high!

(In front of each team, hoops are laid out in the form of hopscotch. Participants jumping: in the first hoop the legs are together, in the next two hoops the legs are apart. In the last hoops there is a jump turn. They return back with the same jumps)

Captains' competition "Shuttle RUN"

Their captains will show their skills,

Persistence, will, great patience!

(At a distance of 3 meters from the line start There is a common basket with three blue balls and a stirrup of red balls. In place of the turning cones there are small baskets. At the signal, the captains run to the common basket, take one ball of their color, and carry it to their small basket. They return to the common basket and carry the next ball. After the third ball is moved, return to the line start.)


Who among you does not know boredom? Who's the jack of all trades here?

We need to overcome the obstacle and get back to the team.

(Each participant crawls into the tunnel, jumps over two jumping bars, runs to the easel, takes a drawn apple with Velcro from the shelf, sticks it on a tree drawn on the easel, runs back to the team)

LEADING: Our holiday is ending, but we will not be sad.

May the sky be peaceful for the joy of good people!

Let the children on the planet. live without knowing any worries

To the delight of dads, moms are growing up soon!

CHILDREN (in unison) To grow and harden by leaps and bounds

We need to do physical education!

And we are already stronger today than yesterday!

Physical training! Physical training! Physical training!

LEADING: Teams line up for the awards ceremony. The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.

(the jury sums up the results of the competition and conducts rewarding participants)

A march sounds. The teams take a lap of honor.

Publications on the topic:

"Gym equipment." Summary of a lesson in the “Health” club with parents of children of senior preschool age 1. Theoretical part. The first simulators for the formation of motor skills appeared in ancient times. Even then people were trying to speed things up.

New Year's scenario for children of senior preschool age Presenter: Coming New Year- Time for joyful worries, Time for good news, Time for fabulous guests! The music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Scenario for holding a sports day in the middle group “Magic Moths” Goal: increasing interest in physical culture and healthy lifestyle of children. Bring up strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win.

Scenario of the III regional sports day for pre-school employees, dedicated to Pre-school Worker's Day SCENARIO of the III regional sports competition for preschool educational institutions employees, dedicated to the Day preschool worker September 25, 2013 Swimming pool “Vityaz” - 13.30.

Holiday script for senior preschool children “Hurray! Holidays!" PROCEDURE Educator: Hello our dear mothers and fathers. We are glad to see you. Our meeting is dedicated to the end academic year. We hope,.

Holiday scenario for March 8th for children of senior preschool age Musical director: May this day, like a bright holiday, flow with joy into your home, And hope will forever decorate your life. Faith.

The use of didactic syncwine in speech development

preschool children

master class for preschool teachers

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.
Ancient saying

Federal State educational standard preschool education determines the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program preschool education in the form targets, which represent social-normative age characteristics the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education.

In the Standard of Preschool Education it is highlighted as an independent educational field“Speech development”, including enrichment active dictionary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech preschoolers. Speech is included as important component, as a means of communication, knowledge, creativity.

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:

The child speaks quite well orally, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build speech utterance in a communication situation, can identify sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

The child’s creative abilities are manifested in inventing fairy tales; he can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words;

Child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games;

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

The child shows curiosity, asks questions (why? why? how?) to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions;

The child is capable of making his own decisions.

Achieving the targets of preschool education cannot be achieved without mastering speech culture.

Speech development is hot topic in preschool age. Children of senior preschool age often have speech disorders, poor vocabulary, difficulties arise in composing a story based on a picture, retelling what you read, or learning a poem by heart. That's why pedagogical impact on the development of speech in preschoolers is painstaking, daily and necessary work.

Today, there are many techniques that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children.

Compiling a syncwine is one of the effective interesting techniques that helps improve mental and cognitive abilities, development of lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech of preschool children. Reliance on personality-oriented, system-activity, complex and differentiated approaches meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the demands of modern society.

Cinquain is a French word that means “poem of five lines.”

Cinquain is an unrhymed poem, which today is an effective technique for developing speech. The simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results.

Cinquain is a five-line poetic form.

Traditional (classic) cinquain as a genre of poetry based on counting syllables in each verse was invented at the beginning of the 20th century American poet Adelaide Crapsey thanks to Japanese poetry.

Didactic rule for compiling syncwine in pedagogical and educational purposes, as an effective method for developing speech, intellectual and analytical skills, syncwine has been used in many countries around the world, since the late 90s and in Russia. Didactic syncwine composed mainly for its meaning.

Cinquain is a means of creative self-expression.

Cinquain is a short poetic form used to capture emotional assessments, descriptions of your current impressions, sensations, associations.

Sinkwine - short literary work, characterizing the subject (topic), consisting of five lines, which is written according to a certain plan.

Cinquains can be composed in different topics.

Sinkwine for a kindergarten teacher is:

A tool for synthesizing and summarizing information,

A means of creative self-expression for a child,

A way to enrich vocabulary,

Preparing for a short retelling,

And just a fun activity, thanks to which every preschooler can feel like a creative genius.

Sinkwine – effective technique development technologies critical thinking at the stage of reflection.

What is its effectiveness and significance?

Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.

Sinkwine is a gaming technique.

Sinkwine as an exciting game, as an opportunity to express your opinion, agree or disagree with the opinions of others, and come to an agreement.

Compiling syncwine is used as final task based on the material covered.

Compilation of syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received

One of the goals when composing a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight main idea text, as well as briefly express your thoughts. “The meaning of a word is a phenomenon of thinking,” wrote famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky in his work “Thinking and Speech”.

Cinquain is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:

Sinkwine consists of 5 lines. Its shape resembles"Christmas tree"

1st line – one keyword– title, heading, topic, usually a noun, defining the content(name of the item, work, name of the hero, etc.);

2nd line – two words (adjectives),words describing the characteristics of an object or its properties can be connected by conjunctions and prepositions;

3rd line – three words (verbs), dactions of the subject related to the topic;

4th line – four words – a sentence, a phrase that shows the author’s attitude syncwine to the topic (aphorism, catchphrase, quote, proverb);

5th line – one word - a summary word, association, synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, generalization, expresses personal attitude of the syncwine author to the topic in the first line, usually a noun.

For preschoolers, strict and strict adherence to the rules for compiling a syncwine is not necessary. In the fourth line of the syncwine, the sentence can consist of three or five words (you can recall with your children a proverb, a catchphrase or an aphorism on a given topic). And the fifth line may have two or three words. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

What is written on each line?

In the first line syncwine, a topic is set that contains one word - a noun (pronoun, denotes the subject of description), answers the questions who? or what?(It is suggested to choose a theme for the syncwine and compose it).

Second line – two words – adjectives(or participles) - they indicate the characteristics of the selected item and answer the questions: which one? which? which? which?

Third line - three verbs (or gerunds)describe characteristic actions that occur with objects and answer the questions: what does it do? what are they doing?

Fourth line is a phrase (sentence) ) of four words, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the cinquain to the subject being described (aphorism or proverb).

Fifth line – summary, summary, conclusion. This is one word to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, the author’s personal expression on the topic or a synonym.

Stages of work on teaching preschoolers how to compose syncwine:

Stage I – preparatory(September – December of the first year of study).

Synquains will help quickly and effectively teach a child synthesis, generalization and analysis. various concepts. In order to correctly, fully, and competently express his thoughts, a child must have a sufficient vocabulary. The richer the child’s vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to construct not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

The purpose of the first stage: clarification, expansion and improvement of children's vocabulary; introducing and enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers with words-concepts: “word-object”, “word-definition”, “word-action”, “word-association”, “sentence”, introducing the symbols of these words.

We introduce children to the concept of “word” denoting an object (living, inanimate) and “word” denoting the action of an object, preparing a platform for subsequent work on uncommon proposal and its diagram. Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate spellings.

We introduce children to a word that denotes an attribute of an object, we teach preschoolers to form a common sentence. The work of the ability to construct common and common sentences of different structures is completed, based on story pictures, questions, diagrams, etc.

We introduce children to association words that are related in meaning to the object being described (sometimes this word is a synonym).

Work for preparatory stage ends with children becoming familiar with symbols:"words-objects", "definition words", “words-actions”, "association words", proposal scheme. We introduce children to the symbols of words, which at the second stage will form the didactic syncwine algorithm.

Forms of organization educational activities preschoolers, through whom the vocabulary is enriched and activated:

1. Educational activities(frontal, subgroup, individual).

2. Word games and exercises ("Who is this? What is this?", "Guess the riddles", "Find out by description", “Tell me which one? which? which? which?", "Pick up the signs", "Who's doing what?" and others).

3. Didactic games ("Find a Pair" "Who's doing what?", "Words from opposite meaning» etc.), desktop printed materials from the workbook“30 lessons in speech development”.

4. Speech trainings(card file of material for speech training).

5. Games low mobility ("At Malanya's, at the old lady's", “We won’t say what we are doing”, “Living Words” and others).

6. Viewing multimedia presentations (site “Planet of Childhood”).

Stage II - main(January - May of the first year of study).

The purpose of the second stage: familiarization with the algorithm for composing a syncwine, developing the initial ability to compose a syncwinesymbols (with the help of a teacher).

The syncwine algorithm for children who cannot yet read:


words-objects (nouns);

words-signs (adjectives);

action words (verbs);

words-objects (nouns).

When compiling a syncwine with preschoolers, you need to remember that it is necessary to compose a syncwine only on topics that are well known to children and be sure to show a sample. With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions, and use an algorithm to create their own unrhymed poems.

You need to be prepared for the fact that not all children may like composing a syncwine, because working on it requires a certain understanding, vocabulary and the ability to express their thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to help and encourage children’s desire to compose a syncwine or answer questions. Gradually, children will get used to the rules of writing unrhymed poems, and composing them will turn into a game. And unnoticed by the children themselves, playing cinquain will become fun and entertaining activity. "Even instant insight may become the first spark from which sooner or later the flame will ignite creative search"- wrote V. Shatalov. Children will be proud of their achievements!

Stage III – practical(until the end of the second year of study).

Goal of the stage: Formation of skills and improvement of the skill of composing didactic syncwine on various topics: about nature, about paintings and literary hero, about mom and dad, about mood and much more.

To correctly compose a syncwine, it is important:

Have sufficient vocabulary within the topic;

Proficient in: analysis, generalization; concepts (word-object, word-action, word-attribute);

Be able to select synonyms;

Learn to correctly understand and ask questions;

Coordinate words in a sentence;

Correctly formulate your thought in the form of a sentence.

Practical part (Each teacher is invited to choose a topic for syncwine And compose it yourself, 3-5 minutes are allotted).

Conclusion . The simplicity of syncwine makes it possible for every child to compose it. This is a fun activity that encourages children to express themselves. This is a form of free mini-creativity, a flight of thought, which is aimed at developing the ability to find big flow the most important information and essential features, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine, draw conclusions and conclusions, and briefly state your opinion.

Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy!

Sinkwine can be used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. Non-rhyming poems created by children are an original product - the result of a child's creative activity"A piggy bank of syncwines." You can collect syncwines from learned poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, real-life situations, etc. into a piggy bank.

Cinquain is a French five-line poem similar to Japanese poems.

Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.

Sinkwine teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Everyone can make a syncwine.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

Thus, the technique of composing a syncwine has a complex impact; it not only develops speech, but also contributes to the development of thinking, attention, memory, imagination, and perception. Promotes the development of communication skills, ensures full inclusion in communication, and also develops creativity children, promotes the expression of feelings, the manifestation of individuality and initiative of children. Activates cognitive activity children: teaches them to analyze, draw conclusions, find the most important and significant signs in a large flow of information, promotes the development of critical thinking, which is important in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Reflection . Let's make a syncwine about syncwine.

I would like to end with the words of the innovative teacher Igor Pavlovich Volkov: “The creativity of a preschooler is the creation of an original product, a product, in the process of working on which, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are independently applied.”

I wish you creative success!

Literature used:

Akimenko, V.M. New educational technologies: Textbook - method. allowance. Rostov n/d., 2008.

Akimenko, V.M. Developmental technologies in speech therapy. – Rostov N/A; ed. Phoenix, 2011.

Dushka, N.D. Sinkwine in work on the development of speech in preschool children. Magazine "Speech therapist" No. 5 - 2005.

Konovalenko, V.V. Related words. Lexico-grammatical exercises and dictionary for children 6 – 8 years old. – GNOMiD – Moscow, 2009. Slide 1

Municipal government preschool educational institution"Yaysky kindergarten“The Seagull” The use of didactic syncwine in the speech development of preschool children master class for preschool teachers Kozik M.V., senior teacher

He who thinks clearly speaks clearly Ancient proverb

Targets speech development preschoolers (according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education): - the child has a fairly good command of oral speech and can express his thoughts and desires; - the child develops the prerequisites for literacy; - the child’s creative abilities are manifested in inventing fairy tales; - the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; - able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, try to resolve conflicts; - the child shows curiosity, asks questions (why? why? how?) to adults and peers; - the child is capable of making his own decisions.

Speech development is a hot topic in preschool age. Children of older preschool age often have speech disorders, a poor vocabulary, and have difficulty composing a story from a picture, retelling what they read, or learning a poem by heart. Therefore, pedagogical influence on the development of speech of preschoolers is painstaking, daily and necessary work.

What is syncwine? The word "syncwine" comes from French word“five” and translated means “a poem of five lines.” Cinquain is a five-line poetic form. Cinquain is an unrhymed poem, which today is an effective technique for developing speech. The simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results.

What is syncwine? Cinquain is a means of creative self-expression. Cinquain is a short poetic form used to record emotional assessments, describe one’s current impressions, sensations, and associations. Cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules. Cinquains can be composed on different topics.

“The meaning of a word is a phenomenon of thinking” L.S. Vygotsky in his work “Thinking and Speech”

1 word - subject 2 words - definition 3 words - action 4 words - sentence 1 word - association Rules for writing a syncwine: A syncwine consists of 5 lines. Its shape resembles a Christmas tree.

What is its effectiveness and significance? Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain. Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities. Cinquain is gaming technique. Sinkwine is an effective technology for developing critical thinking.

What is written on each line? 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 line 1 word – title. It is a noun or pronoun. (Who? What?) 2 words These are adjectives. (Which one? Which one? Which one? Which ones?) 3 words These are verbs. (What is he doing? What are they doing?) 4 words This is a phrase that expresses a personal opinion on the subject of conversation. 1 word Conclusion, summary. It's a noun. (Who? What?)

Stage I – preparatory Purpose: clarification, expansion and improvement of children's vocabulary; introducing and enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers with words-concepts: “word-object”, “word-definition”, “word-action”, “word-association”, “sentence”, introducing the symbols of these words.

Forms of organization: Verbal games and exercises (“Who is this? What is this?”, “Guess the riddles”, “Find out by description”, “Tell which one? which one? which one? which ones?”, “Pick up the signs”, “Who does what?” ? and others). Didactic games (board and printed materials). Games of low mobility (“At Malanya’s, at the old lady’s”, “We won’t say what we do”, “Living words” and others). Multimedia presentations (site "Planet of Childhood")

Conventional designations of words for composing a syncwine: Word - a living object (who?) Word - an inanimate object (what?) Word - definition (which? which? which? which?) Word - action (what does it do? what do they do?) Sentence Word - association

Stage II – main goal: familiarization with the algorithm for composing a syncwine, developing the initial ability to compose a syncwine (with the help of a teacher). Algorithm for compiling syncwine for preschoolers:

“The creativity of a preschooler is the creation by him of an original product, a product, in the process of working on which he independently applies the acquired knowledge, skills, skills” I.P. Volkov

Stage III – practical purpose: Formation of skills and improvement of the skill of composing didactic syncwine on various topics: about nature, about a picture and a literary character, about mom and dad, about mood and much more. Autumn Cheerful, colorful. Decorates, delights, dances. Beautiful time year. Gorgeous!

Syncwine model Word-subject (topic) Words-signs on the topic. Action words on the topic. Topic proposal. Association

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