What is a discussion in simple words? Discussion is one of the methods of collective problem solving

The word "discussion" translated from Latin language means examination, investigation. Discussion usually means a public discussion of any problems or controversial issues. Discussion is also considered as a method that activates the group process of solving scientific, industrial, educational and other problems.

Discussion as a form business communication characterized the following features:

The discussion is one of active forms joint (group) communicative activities specialists.

Participants in the discussion act not as opponents, but as partners, co-authors in a group discussion of a controversial situation.

The purpose of the discussion is not to refute the opponent’s thesis, but to establish the measure of truth of each thesis.

Discussion of a controversial situation involves analysis, group activity, and the formation of a common opinion.

Procedurally, the discussion is organized and regulated.

A discussion on any issue arises only when different approaches, points of view, demonstrates an alternative vision of problems and ways to solve them. Alternative Approach to problem solving creates the precondition for a conflict of opinions between the participants in the discussion. True freedom opinions implies high culture conducting a discussion. To do this it is necessary to show respectful attitude to the alternative performance and personality of the opponent. When criticizing his point of view, it is necessary to express your constructive proposals, new ways to solve the problem. During the discussion, it is very important to master not only the art of speaking, but also the ability to listen to your opponent.

For a discussion or argument with a strong opponent, you need to carefully prepare: define main goal discussions, come up with a strategy and tactics for conducting a dispute, the most probable options arguments from both sides; evaluate the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, his level of education, culture and qualifications.

There is a need to be more tolerant of dissent; In a discussion, each side has its own opinion. The more respect shown to the opponent, the more chances move the dispute into a constructive direction. There is no need to try to impose your point view of others, without listening to all the arguments and arguments of your opponents. Have the wisdom to agree with your opponent if you are convinced that he is right.

Any problem usually has several possible solutions. When putting forward your own solution - an alternative, it is necessary to: reveal its essence, idea, divide the alternative into its component parts, stages; analyze its weak and strong links.

One of the principles of discussion is that the more correct your judgments are, the greater your chances of a decent victory over your opponent. Even if your opponent makes a clearly incorrect attack, you don’t need to stoop to his level and use it against him. offensive phrases. When denying something, you must give reasons for your denials; Do not try to outshout your opponent, but to convince him with reason. The dispute is won by the one who, as if observing the discussion from the outside, sees everything that is happening as a whole and is able to adjust his actions and judgments along the way. It is useful to take into account how the mood and attitude of opponents change during the course of a dispute; learn to think and act riskily and unexpectedly for opponents, to rise above personal interests that prevent you from getting closer to the truth.

There is a whole series of false internal attitudes, states, without overcoming which the effectiveness of argumentation decreases. In order to overcome such psychological barriers, it is advisable to: follow the thoughts, and not the gestures, the voice of your opponent; do not be afraid of him and do not think that he is stronger than you; search and find weak points and the opponent's arguments; remember that fear of your opponent's response means defeat.

Mastering the art of discussion and argument is impossible without developing the ability to pose questions, make remarks, and comments. A constructive approach to posing a question, as a rule, pursues positive goals, for example: clarify the position of the interlocutor or opponent; intensify the discussion; seize the initiative and take it in the direction you need; show your personal interest in the issue under discussion; help the opponent to reveal more deeply the process of searching for truth in order to come to an agreement.

Distinguish following types questions:

rhetorical question– this is a thought-provoking question; it is presented as if to everyone present;

provoking question; its goal is to provoke the opponent into confrontation (to turn on the opponent);

counter-question (the second side answers the question from the first side with a question);

clarifying question (“Did I understand you so…”);

a question that requires an unambiguous, specific answer. It allows you to more clearly imagine the interlocutor’s position and obtain specific information.

The effectiveness of a discussion depends on the communication culture of its participants, on the preparation and organization of the process of discussion and problem solving.

Organizing and conducting a group discussion includes a number of stages:

Introductory speech by the presenter. The moderator who organizes the discussion informs the participants about the problem, reveals the goals and main idea of ​​the discussion, and the conditions for its effective conduct.

Speeches by the main speaker - the most authoritative and competent specialist in this problem.

Speech by co-rapporteurs. They can reveal their vision of the problem and their ways of solving it, criticize the approach and concept of the main speaker.

Debate on the report and co-reports. Each side, having its own point of view on solving the problem, expresses and defends its position with reason.

Developing a solution to the problem. At this stage of discussion of problems there is active search, examination possible options solutions to the problem, active confrontation between parties and concepts, are established general trends and approaches to solving the problem.

Concluding the discussion and summarizing the results. On final stage the results of the discussion are summed up, the results are summarized, and, in the opinion of the majority of participants, the optimal decision is made.

Summarizing the requirements for preparing and conducting a discussion, we can formulate the following recommendations:

During the discussion, it is necessary to clearly outline the range of issues discussed, the list and sequence of problems to be solved.

Listen to all the arguments and counter-arguments of your opponents. Do not rush to generalize or draw conclusions.

To understand your opponent, you need to at least temporarily mentally take his side, analyze the problem and ways to solve it from his point of view.

When refuting your opponent’s opinion, do not resort to personal accusation; remember, in a discussion the more people win cold-blooded man the strength of your arguments, not your emotions.

Don't be afraid to question what's right own point vision.

When discussing issues, look for the truth, and do not impose your point of view and do not lecture others, rely on facts.


1. Concept and types of groups

2. Small group as a socio-psychological phenomenon

3. Dynamic processes in small group

4. Social and psychological characteristics of the team

5. Social and psychological climate labor collective

6. Conflicts in the team and ways to resolve them


(lat. discussio - research, discussion) - oral (less often written) form of organization public speech, in the process of which various, usually opposing, points of view collide.

D. can be understood both as a process and as a result, a speech work.

There are several types of D., differing in their goals:

1) imperative type of D., during which the leader brings the participants to a common agreement;

2) confrontational type of D. - involves a clear formulation of opposing points of view;

3) information type of debate, during which the participants of the debate receive material that allows them to penetrate into the essence of the controversial issue.

By the final result D. they can be divided into:

1) effective debates (when one point of view is accepted as proven or convincing for almost all participants in the debate);

2) “no man’s” D. (when the participants of the D. remain with their opinions);

3) indefinite D. (when controversial issue remained unresolved, and sometimes even more complex than before D :).

D.'s success is largely determined by:

1) the formulation of the topic, its specificity, the expression of the controversial point in it, that “ energy charge”, which is capable of causing a desire to speak (not remain silent);

2) the ability of the presenter to lead the discussion, create and maintain a discussion atmosphere;

3) the ability of the discussion participants to argue the points made.

In the speech of the presenter D. one can highlight:

a) an introductory speech, in which the discussion topic, thesis and antithesis are clearly formulated, and the formulation of the topic is motivated; goals and objectives of D. are determined; according to the communicative intention, the tone of communication is outlined;

b) remarks that correct and stimulate the discussion conversation. In an effort to involve as many participants as possible in an active dispute, the moderator makes sure that the participants of the D. do not violate its rules; contributes to the discharge of emerging and possible conflict situations; supports the planned opening remarks tone of communication. Integration power speech behavior the facilitator contributes to the integrity of the created discussion text; V) final word, in which, based on the tasks of the discussion, its results are briefly summarized, the result of the presentation is noted. The presenter evaluates the performances of the participants in the presentation in accordance with their contribution to the progress of the presentation, and notes the most reasoned statements.

The goal of the participants in the dialogue is achieved if the communicants know how to use various arguments and make obvious the mistakes and tricks of the enemy. The basis language structure D. as a speech work constitutes a peculiar interweaving of monologue and dialogical speech(“monologue in dialogue” and “dialogue in monologue”) (see discussion speech).

Lit.: Bykov G.V. Typology of scientific discussions // Questions of philosophy. - 1978. - No. 3; Ursul A.D. Epistemological features of scientific discussion // Ibid.; Fedosyuk M.Yu., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Mikhailova O.M., Nikolsha N.A. Russian language for non-philological students. - M., 1997.

N. I. Makhnovskaya

Pedagogical terminological dictionary


(from lat. discussio - consideration, research)

1. dispute, discussion question in a conversation, at a meeting, in the press, etc.

2. Method of organization joint activities, helping to develop general solution problems.

3. Training method that improves efficiency educational process by including students in a collective search for truth.

D. as a method psychological research developed in the 30s. 20th century J. Piaget. The most common areas of application of D.: active methods training, socio-psychological training, methods of identifying a leader and assessing the competence of a leader, methods of conflict resolution; borderline therapy mental states etc. Specific forms and techniques of analysis are determined by the objectives of group activity and are usually divided into methods of analysis specific situations and methods of group self-analysis (from various meetings and meetings to specially prepared D. type brainstorming).

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 2002. P. 72)

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(lat. discussio study) Discussion of an issue, problem at a meeting, in the press, in private conversation, dispute.

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)




An exchange of contradictory arguments between two or more interlocutors. Participation in a discussion presupposes the presence of a common way of thinking, thanks to which an argument is possible. In this way, the discussion resembles a dialogue; Moreover, both of these concepts are often used as synonyms. If we do try to distinguish between them, I think it is reasonable to rely on the etymology, which in the word “discussion” emphasizes the idea of ​​​​collision (discutere in Latin means “to break apart”). So dialogue is the exchange of ideas or arguments; discussion - a clash of ideas or arguments. Dialogue strives to achieve a common truth that none of the participants previously possesses. A discussion is a kind of contradictory dialogue, each of the participants in which considers himself right, at least on one specific point or another, and tries to convince the others that he is right. Both dialogue and discussion imply universality. Therefore, one can talk about the ethics of discussion (for example, Habermas (***) or Appel (***)), but also about the ethics of dialogue (for example, Marcel Conches). A discussion or dialogue only makes sense if its participants equally are able to admit that the truth exists or is at least probable, in other words, if all participants are in an equal, at least theoretical, position in relation to the truth. However, it is one thing to search for the universal together (through dialogue), and quite another in confrontation with others (in discussion). In this in the narrow sense words, discussion is not so much a search for the universal together with others, but rather an attempt to convince the rest of its participants that you personally already possess this truth. This is a particular paradox of the discussion.

IN modern world is a discussion that can vary by genre depending on the purpose, content and method of presentation. It can be panel, group, scientific.

In the generally accepted sense, a discussion is a discussion of an issue in a group. It contributes to the development of a common opinion. Discussion should not be confused with dispute, since the goal of any dispute is to search for the only the right decision, and not a general judgment.

Discussion is one of the most ancient genres of communication, since a person is initially more inclined to dialogue than to monologue. The boundaries of this type of information exchange may be clearly defined in time, or may be completely absent. Issues can be resolved quickly (for example, on household level), and may not have a single solution at all (the question of the creation of life on Earth).

The theory of discussion has been interesting to humanity since ancient times. Even in ancient China, Greece and India, treatises were written on the psychological and logical problems of argument and communication. Interest in this issue is especially increasing among the masses, in which contradictions, especially class and social ones, have become acute.

Main objectives of the discussion

A discussion is a dialogue during which its participants try to come to a common opinion, reach agreement and agreement on any issue. The goals of the discussion could be:

Determination of credibility or truth different opinions on the same issue;

Finding the most optimal solution to the issue;

Search for compromises;

Development of new ideas;

Search for an adequate formulation of the problem.

Sometimes, during a discussion of a problem, a dispute may arise, but the purpose of the discussion is not to defeat the enemy and impose one’s opinion, but to find a common solution.

What is a panel discussion?

Panel discussion is open type discussions between invited experts and forum participants, “ round table", conferences. An exchange of views on a given topic is expected, with discussion participants asking questions to experts and listening to their opinions, as well as recommendations for solutions controversial issues. The curator (leader) of the meeting must be present, since otherwise the most active participant will take the initiative and one specific opinion will be imposed on all other participants in the discussion.

What is group discussion?

Group discussion is one of the methods of discussing a problem in a group, allowing you to determine full list opinions of all participants, as well as possible ways and means to achieve the goal, search for common collective decision the issue being discussed.

Each member of the group discussion has the opportunity to express his personal opinion, find different approaches to resolve the issue and provide a diverse vision of the subject. Plus, a group discussion awakens creative thinking abilities, arouses interest in discussion, and can also be an excellent method for uniting a group or an entire team.

What is scientific discussion?

A scientific discussion is a discussion of some controversial scientific question. It has its own specifics, since the participants express all thoughts accurately, in clear words, terms. Each thesis should cover only one question and evidence.

Exact definition main problem- this is the task of any scientific discussion. The speaker must provide the audience with the information necessary to correct perception, understanding and evaluating the proposed means of solving the problem posed. A mandatory point is to present arguments that will prove the appropriateness of the chosen methods for resolving the issue. The height of discussion skill is the assumption of possible counterarguments and their refutation during the report.

People of science value their time very much, so all speakers should be as brief as possible, speak only to the point, without prefaces, details, or free deviations from the topic of the report.

It must be remembered that any discussion is, first of all, a way to organize joint activities, training, exchange of experience and knowledge, a quick and effective method of finding solutions to assigned problems.

Ushakov's Dictionary


disk ssia, discussions, wives (lat. discussio) ( books). Discussion of some controversial issue to clarify different points vision; debate. Discussion on literary policy issues.

Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book


(from lat. discussio consideration, research)

discussion of any controversial issue or problem at a meeting, in the press, in conversation.

Pedagogical speech science. Dictionary-Directory


(lat. discussio - research, discussion) is an oral (less often written) form of organizing public speech, during which various, usually opposing, points of view collide.

D. can be understood both as a process and as a result, a speech work.

There are several types of D., differing in their goals:

1) imperative type of D., during which the leader brings the participants to a common agreement;

2) confrontational type of D. - involves a clear formulation of opposing points of view;

3) information type of debate, during which the participants of the debate receive material that allows them to penetrate into the essence of the controversial issue.

According to the final result of D. they can be divided into:

1) effective debates (when one point of view is accepted as proven or convincing for almost all participants in the debate);

2) “no man’s” D. (when the participants of the D. remain with their opinions);

3) uncertain D. (when a controversial issue remains unresolved, and sometimes even more complex than before D:).

D.'s success is largely determined by:

1) the formulation of the topic, its specificity, the expression of the controversial point in it, that “energy charge” that can evoke the desire to speak (not remain silent);

2) the ability of the presenter to lead the discussion, create and maintain a discussion atmosphere;

3) the ability of the discussion participants to argue the points made.

In the speech of the presenter D. one can highlight:

a) an introductory speech, in which the discussion topic, thesis and antithesis are clearly formulated, and the formulation of the topic is motivated; goals and objectives of D. are determined; according to the communicative intention, the tone of communication is outlined;

b) remarks that correct and stimulate the discussion conversation. In an effort to involve as many participants as possible in an active dispute, the moderator makes sure that the participants of the D. do not violate its rules; contributes to defusing emerging and possible conflict situations; maintains the tone of communication outlined in the opening statement. The integrative power of the presenter’s speech behavior contributes to the integrity of the created discussion text; c) the final word, in which, based on the tasks of the discussion, its results are briefly summed up, the result of the presentation is noted. The presenter evaluates the performances of the participants in the presentation in accordance with their contribution to the course of the presentation, and notes the most reasoned statements.

The goal of the participants in the dialogue is achieved if the communicants know how to use various arguments and make obvious the mistakes and tricks of the enemy. The basis of the linguistic structure of dialogue as a speech work is a peculiar interweaving of monologue and dialogic speech (“monologue in dialogue” and “dialogue in monologue”) (see discussion speech).

Lit.: Bykov G.V. Typology of scientific discussions // Questions of philosophy. - 1978. - No. 3; Ursul A.D. Epistemological features of scientific discussion // Ibid.; Fedosyuk M.Yu., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Mikhailova O.M., Nikolsha N.A. Russian language for non-philological students. - M., 1997.

N. I. Makhnovskaya

Pedagogical terminological dictionary


(from lat. discussio - consideration, research)

1. dispute, discussion question in a conversation, at a meeting, in the press, etc.

2. A way of organizing joint activities that helps to develop a common solution to a problem.

3. A teaching method that increases the efficiency of the educational process by including students in a collective search for truth.

D. as a method of psychological research was developed in the 30s. 20th century J. Piaget. The most common areas of application of training are: active learning methods, socio-psychological training, methods for identifying a leader and assessing the competence of a leader, methods for resolving conflicts; therapy for borderline mental states, etc. Specific forms and techniques of D. are determined by the tasks group activities and are usually divided into methods of analyzing specific situations and methods of group self-analysis (from various meetings and meetings to specially prepared D. such as brainstorming).

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 2002. P. 72)

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(lat. discussio study) Discussion of an issue, problem at a meeting, in the press, in private conversation, dispute.

Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926)


comprehensive discussion of any issue.

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)




An exchange of contradictory arguments between two or more interlocutors. Participation in a discussion presupposes the presence of a common way of thinking, thanks to which an argument is possible. In this way, the discussion resembles a dialogue; Moreover, both of these concepts are often used as synonyms. If we do try to distinguish between them, I think it is reasonable to rely on the etymology, which in the word “discussion” emphasizes the idea of ​​​​collision (discutere in Latin means “to break apart”). So dialogue is the exchange of ideas or arguments; discussion - a clash of ideas or arguments. Dialogue strives to achieve a common truth that none of the participants previously possesses. A discussion is a kind of contradictory dialogue, each of the participants in which considers himself right, at least on one particular point or another, and tries to convince others that he is right. Both dialogue and discussion imply universality. Therefore, one can talk about the ethics of discussion (for example, Habermas (***) or Appel (***)), but also about the ethics of dialogue (for example, Marcel Conches). A discussion or dialogue makes sense only if its participants are equally capable of recognizing that the truth exists or is at least probable, in other words, if all participants are in an equal, at least theoretical, position with respect to the truth. However, it is one thing to search for the universal together (through dialogue), and quite another in confrontation with others (in discussion). In this narrow sense of the word, discussion is not so much a joint search for the universal with others, but an attempt to convince the rest of its participants that you personally already possess this truth. This is a particular paradox of the discussion.

Jurgen Habermas (born 1929) is a German sociologist, a follower of the Frankfurt School. He headed the M. Planck Institute for the study of living conditions of representatives of the scientific and technical world.

What is a discussion?

Discussion is a method that allows you to explore certain topics through group discussion. The discussion is effective method to organize the exchange of opinions and ideas. Discussion allows you to: imagine and explore personal experience participants; find out everyone’s attitude to the topic under discussion; discuss how the results of the discussion can be applied in work; explore thoroughly real problems and them possible solutions; discuss possible consequences certain actions; learn something useful from other people's experiences; consider the problem with different angles vision; find a way to reach consensus in the future.

How to prepare and conduct a discussion?

The process of organizing and conducting a discussion requires knowledge and skills in the following areas: planning and preparation, instructing, directing and controlling, summarizing and, where necessary, obtaining feedback.

When planning and preparing a discussion, you must:

  • · determine the topic of the discussion and its participants;
  • · accurately determine the boundaries and parameters of the discussion (main blocks of discussion, rules for participants, rules of discussion);
  • · line up main line discussions on certain issues relevant to the topic of discussion, in in a certain order;
  • Decide how to start the discussion process (with a provocative speech or question, a short exercise, a reference to a previous exercise or topics already raised);
  • · identify several additional questions or speeches needed if the discussion begins to lose momentum or go in an undesirable direction, and with which the group can be focused on the next aspect of the discussion topic;
  • · determine the time required for each block of discussion;
  • · determine what kind of room is needed and think about how to accommodate participants in it;
  • · decide what your role will be in the discussion process, and whether you will participate in the discussion of the topic (as a rule, the moderator is neutral in relation to all statements of the discussion participants and only monitors the process of its implementation);
  • · identify possible clashes of opinions and views of participants (opposite points of view, the practice of discussing in “raised tones”), and think through their actions in this situation (which of the participants has the most harsh and extreme views; what they can say; what words and actions they can express their views; how you can resist them; how you can use the group to prevent and prevent a “scandal” from developing; what you will say in this case).

Briefing participants

To conduct instructions, it is necessary that all participants in the discussion are ready to listen to you and have already taken their places.

  • · Introduce the topic of discussion, announce its program and regulations.
  • · Explain your role and how actively you will participate in the discussion and monitor its progress.
  • · If you intend to summarize participants' presentations and write down the main conclusions on paper, warn participants about this.
  • · Start a discussion.

Management and control

  • 1. Once you have started, allow participants to gather their thoughts. Resist the temptation to immediately break the silence in the group if there is one at first. By abruptly interfering, you risk turning the discussion into the “your questions - their answers” ​​mode and thereby killing the discussion (exchange of opinions).
  • 2. During a group discussion, make sure that those wishing to speak can take turns getting the floor. Follow the regulations. Listen carefully to the speakers, summarize, summarize and write down (if this was agreed upon at the beginning).
  • 3. Follow the group discussion process. There are situations when your intervention is necessary.

Summarizing (generalization)

Summarizing is a purposeful activity used by the facilitator to bring together the main points made by one or more people during a discussion. The purpose of summarizing what has been said is to:

  • · combine important data, thoughts, ideas in one statement;
  • · develop a basis for further discussion or move on to another topic;
  • · evaluate success;
  • · check whether the interlocutors agree with each other and whether everyone understands what was said.

Summarized, summarized information allows all participants in the discussion to understand what happened at this stage of the discussion. When you need to summarize or summarize what has been said, you can start with the following phrases: “It seems to me that several important thoughts were expressed here...”, “If I understand correctly, you mean...”, “It seems to me that we have reached an agreement. We agreed that we...”, etc. d.

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