G new prison. Uzen Big and Small


In June 1989, major ethnic riots occurred in Zhanaozen.

By official version On December 16, 2011, after seven months of the oil workers' strike, main square In Zhanaozen, mass riots occurred with the participation of internal troops using weapons, which, according to official data, led to the death of 15 people. According to unofficial data, up to 64 people were killed and 400 were injured. It was alleged that a group of people were allegedly hired under the guise of oil workers, who organized the riots. Troops were brought in, after which a curfew was declared that lasted more than a month. After these events, mass arrests occurred, leading to the use of torture.

In July 2012, strikes took place, a rally was being prepared, and internal troops were brought into the city.

In October 2012, a group of old-timers of Zhanaozen approached the akim of the Mangistau region, Baurzhan Mukhamedzhanov, with a proposal to rename the city and name it in honor of Saint Beket-ata. In December 2012, the city akim, Serikbay Turymov, stated that the city would not be renamed.


As of January 1, 2016, 113.4 thousand people live in the city, or 18% of the total population of the region. The distance from Aktau to Zhanaozen is 150 km. To Zhanaozenskaya city ​​administration In addition to the city, it also includes the village of Tenge (with a population of 11.5 thousand people) and the village of Kyzylsay (3.5 thousand people). In 2012, the village of Rakhat was formed as part of the city (population - 30.8 thousand people). National composition settlements subordinate to the city administration - Kazakhs (98.52%), Russians (0.81%), Uzbeks (0.16%), Karakalpaks (0.15%).

The population in the city arrives at 3-4 thousand people a year due to migrants, and in the 2000s it grew, according to various sources, by one and a half to two times. Zhanaozen is a city with one of the most significant population growth dynamics in Kazakhstan.



Akim of Zhanaozen is appointed as akim of Mangistau region in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2001 “On local public administration and self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Heads of the city

See also

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Excerpt characterizing Zhanaozen

Pelagia interrupted her comrade; She obviously wanted to tell what she saw.
- In Kolyazin, father, great grace was revealed.
- Well, are the relics new? - asked Prince Andrei.
“That’s enough, Andrey,” said Princess Marya. - Don’t tell me, Pelageyushka.
“No...what are you saying, mother, why not tell me?” I love him. He is kind, favored by God, he, a benefactor, gave me rubles, I remember. How I was in Kyiv and the holy fool Kiryusha told me - a truly man of God, he walks barefoot winter and summer. Why are you walking, he says, not in your place, go to Kolyazin, there is a miraculous icon, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos has been revealed. From those words I said goodbye to the saints and went...
Everyone was silent, one wanderer spoke in a measured voice, drawing in air.
- My father came, the people came to me and said: great grace has been revealed to mother Holy Mother of God myrrh dripping from the cheek...
“Okay, okay, you’ll tell me later,” said Princess Marya, blushing.
“Let me ask her,” said Pierre. -Have you seen it yourself? he asked.
- Why, father, you yourself have been honored. There is such a radiance on the face, like heavenly light, and from my mother’s cheek it keeps dripping and dripping...
“But this is a deception,” said Pierre naively, listening attentively to the wanderer.
- Oh, father, what are you saying! - Pelageyushka said with horror, turning to Princess Marya for protection.
“They are deceiving the people,” he repeated.
- Lord Jesus Christ! – the wanderer said, crossing herself. - Oh, don't tell me, father. So one anaral did not believe it, he said: “the monks are deceiving,” and as he said, he became blind. And he dreamed that Mother of Pechersk came to him and said: “Trust me, I will heal you.” So he began to ask: take me and take me to her. I’m telling you the real truth, I saw it myself. They brought him blind straight to her, he came up, fell, and said: “Heal! “I will give you,” he says, “what the king gave you.” I saw it myself, father, the star was embedded in it. Well, I have received my sight! It's a sin to say that. “God will punish,” she instructively addressed Pierre.
- How did the star end up in the image? – asked Pierre.
- Did you make your mother a general? - said Prince Andrei, smiling.
Pelagia suddenly turned pale and clasped her hands.
- Father, father, it’s a sin for you, you have a son! - she spoke, suddenly turning from pallor to bright color.
- Father, what did you say? God forgive you. - She crossed herself. - Lord, forgive him. Mother, what is this?...” she turned to Princess Marya. She stood up and, almost crying, began to pack her purse. She was obviously both scared and ashamed that she had enjoyed benefits in a house where they could say this, and it was a pity that she now had to be deprived of the benefits of this house.
- Well, what kind of hunting do you want? - said Princess Marya. -Why did you come to me?...
“No, I’m joking, Pelageyushka,” said Pierre. - Princesse, ma parole, je n"ai pas voulu l"offenser, [Princess, I'm right, I didn't want to offend her,] I just did that. Don’t think I was joking,” he said, smiling timidly and wanting to make amends. - After all, it’s me, and he was only joking.
Pelageyushka stopped incredulously, but there was such sincerity of repentance in Pierre’s face, and Prince Andrei looked so meekly first at Pelageyushka, then at Pierre, that she gradually calmed down.

The wanderer calmed down and, brought back into conversation, talked for a long time about Father Amphilochius, who was such a saint of life that his hand smelled like palm, and about how the monks she knew on her last journey to Kyiv gave her the keys to the caves, and how she, taking crackers with her, spent two days in the caves with the saints. “I’ll pray to one, read, go to another. I’ll take a pine tree, I’ll go and take a kiss again; and such silence, mother, such grace that you don’t even want to go out into the light of God.”
Pierre listened to her carefully and seriously. Prince Andrei left the room. And after him, leaving God's people After finishing her tea, Princess Marya led Pierre into the living room.
“You are very kind,” she told him.
- Oh, I really didn’t think of offending her, I understand and highly value these feelings!
Princess Marya silently looked at him and smiled tenderly. “After all, I have known you for a long time and love you like a brother,” she said. – How did you find Andrey? - she asked hastily, not giving him time to say anything in response to her kind words. - He worries me very much. His health is better in winter, but last spring the wound opened, and the doctor said that he should go for treatment. And morally I am very afraid for him. He is not the type of character we women are to suffer and cry out our grief. He carries it inside himself. Today he is cheerful and lively; but it was your arrival that had such an effect on him: he is rarely like this. If only you could persuade him to go abroad! He needs activity, and this one is smooth, quiet life ruins him. Others don't notice, but I see.
At 10 o'clock the waiters rushed to the porch, hearing the bells of the old prince's carriage approaching. Prince Andrei and Pierre also went out onto the porch.
-Who is this? - asked the old prince, getting out of the carriage and guessing Pierre.
– AI is very happy! “kiss,” he said, having learned who the unfamiliar young man was.
The old prince was in good spirits and treated Pierre kindly.
Before dinner, Prince Andrei, returning back to his father’s office, found the old prince in a heated argument with Pierre.
Pierre argued that the time would come when there would be no more war. The old prince, teasing but not angry, challenged him.
- Let the blood out of your veins, pour some water, then there will be no war. “A woman’s nonsense, a woman’s nonsense,” he said, but still affectionately patted Pierre on the shoulder and walked up to the table where Prince Andrei, apparently not wanting to engage in conversation, was sorting through the papers the prince had brought from the city. The old prince approached him and began to talk about business.
- The leader, Count Rostov, did not deliver half of the people. I came to the city, decided to invite him to dinner, - I gave him such a dinner... But look at this... Well, brother, - Prince Nikolai Andreich turned to his son, clapping Pierre on the shoulder, - well done, your friend, I loved him! Fires me up. Other and smart speeches He says, but I don’t want to listen, but he lies and inflames me, an old man. Well, go, go,” he said, “maybe I’ll come and sit at your dinner.” I'll argue again. Love my fool, Princess Marya,” he shouted to Pierre from the door.

Trip to the city of Zhanaozen.

“The land of the Kazakhs is truly sacred: it is rich both in its mineral resources and in the people born on this land”

N. A Nazarbayev. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ecological tourism in Kazakhstan.

Zhanaozen (Kazakh Zhanaozen, formerly New Uzen) is a city of regional subordination in the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan. Formed in 1968, located on the Mangyshlak plateau (Mangistau). There is an airport.
From 1968 to 1992, the city was called New Uzen; since 1992, only the Kazakh name is used within Kazakhstan - Zhanaozen; after this, the name changed on Russian maps, although there was no renaming of the city as such.
There were several correctional labor institutions in the city, where prisoners from a number of regions of Kazakhstan served their sentences. One of the main attractions of the city in Soviet era there was a fountain decorated with a sculpture of a boy with a dolphin.
As a result of construction, which began especially in 1965, an urban-type working settlement arose - Novy Uzen. During construction, industrial methods of work were used, which helped speed up the pace and improve the quality of construction.
Up for promotion economic efficiency construction work The transfer of some of the customer functions by the oilfield management itself, which was in charge of the corresponding construction projects, in 1967 by the Kazakhstanneft association had a positive effect.
During the socialist competition between builders in Novy Uzen in 1966–1967, which unfolded in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, a regional boiler house, a bakery, a communications system and a number of cultural and everyday facilities were put into operation.
October 21, 1968 By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council In the Kazakh SSR, the urban settlement of Novy Uzen was transformed into a city and again became the center of the newly formed Uzensky district.
Later, in connection with territorial and administrative reorganizations, New Uzen became the center of the new Yeralievsky district of the Mangyshlak region. As the city grew, its population grew.
In addition to the cities of Shevchenko and New Uzen, large urban-type settlements were built on the peninsula: Old Zhetybay, New Zhetybay, Old Uzen, Eralievo, Tenge, Tasbulat, Karamandybas, Mangyshlak, Beineu, Sai Utes.
Numerous families of enthusiastic conquerors live there. natural resources Mangyshlak: geologists - prospectors, oil workers, builders, railway workers and others. According to data as of January 1, 1978, there were 13 urban-type settlements in the region.
As of January 1, 2004, 60.2 thousand people lived in the city of Zhanaozen, or 17% of the total population of the region. The distance from Aktau to Zhanaozen is 150 km. The Zhanaozen city administration includes: the village of Tenge (with a population of 11.5 thousand people) and the village of Kyzylsay (3.5 thousand people).
The ethnic composition of the region is Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians, Karakalpaks. Dialing code Zhanaozen: 72934. To call from Russia to Zhanaozen from a landline phone, dial 8-10-7-72934 subscriber number.
To call to Zhanaozen from cell phone, dial +7-72934 - subscriber number.

events of 1989 in Zhanaozen (then Novy Uzen): on a hot summer day, many young people appeared on the street near the former Stroitel club; some with iron bars in their hands; some have blood on their faces; one Kazakh guy with a wounded eye ran up to the people at the neighboring houses, looking in the direction of the club in a stupor, and asked for water; They brought it to him, he drank it and ran back to the club; a curfew was introduced in the city, which for some reason was reminiscent of films about Patriotic War; military men with weapons and dogs made their rounds in the evenings; people, accustomed to cooling off outside in the evenings from the heat of the day, had to stay indoors...


Novouzensk interethnic conflict(June 16-July 24, 1989). There were 2 parties involved in the conflict: 1) the local Kazakh population; 2) representatives of the Caucasian ethnic groups(Lezgins, Chechens, Ingush), both permanent residents in the Caspian region and shift workers.

The interethnic conflict engulfed the vast Caspian region - the Guryev (now Atyrau and Mangistau) region, including the cities of Novy Uzen, Shevchenko (Aktau), Mangyshlak station, the villages of Uzen, Kulsary, Zhetybai, Munayshi, Shetpe, Akshukur, Yeraliyevo, Kzyltyube.
The causes of the ethnic conflict lie in a complex of economic, social, and demographic problems that have developed in the Caspian region over the previous few decades.

Most of the Kazakh Chechens and Ingush were deported to Kazakhstan in 1944 and are descendants of those deported. Since the 1950s, representatives of Caucasian ethnic groups in the economic sphere of the region, the system of division of labor, have firmly occupied certain ethno-economic niches, including dominant positions in the field of trade and services, which provided them with a relatively higher mainly Kazakh population, standard of living. With the beginning of the development of cooperatives (1987-1988), social and property stratification along ethnic lines increased sharply.

The growth of social tension in the region was also facilitated by: the increasing shortage of all types of goods during that period, including essential goods, high level unemployment among Kazakh youth, due to the introduction by the USSR Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry of the rotational method of development natural resources Western Kazakhstan, extremely weak social infrastructure (lack of housing, kindergartens, schools, shops, canteens, hospitals, clinics), violations of the principles of social justice within the Soviet distribution system (providing apartments to visitors out of turn), environmental crisis (Aral disaster, lack, contamination of drinking water).

The city of New Uzen arose in 1964 in connection with the development oil fields. The population of the city in 1989 was 56,000 people, including: Kazakhs - over 50%, Russians - 18%, Lezgins - 11%. The USSR Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry paid attention only to the extractive industry; social infrastructure was financed on a residual basis. Every second child in the city did not have the opportunity to go to kindergarten, schools worked with double load. The Union departments elected and established the practice of landing highly paid shift workers in the Novy Uzen area from Baku, Grozny, Makhachkala, and others Russian regions. At the same time, several thousand city residents were involuntarily unemployed.

Ethnosocial tension in Novy Uzen and, in general, in the Kazakh Caspian region, began to clearly increase since 1987. Even before the incident of June 16, 1989, which gave rise to a large-scale interethnic conflict, symptoms of growing interethnic tension appeared. On March 28, 1989, a mass fight between local residents and rotation workers occurred in the Tengiz rotational camp. The sharp ethno-social “explosion” on June 16 in Novy Uzen did not come as a surprise to the city authorities. Several weeks before the outbreak of the ethnic conflict, many townspeople warned the authorities about conflicting sentiments in youth environment, explosive situation. A significant increase in social tension was associated with another sharp increase in prices for the products of cooperatives, the owners of which were mainly immigrants from the Caucasus region.

The reason for the outbreak of the conflict was a fight on the evening of June 16, 1989, on a dance floor in the city of Novy Uzen, between young Kazakhs and Lezgins. The police took measures to stop the fight, and the incident seemed to be over. However, interethnic conflict on everyday grounds began to unfold rapidly. That same night, groups of residents began to form in the city on an ethnic basis, and clashes broke out between them, resulting in 3 casualties and dozens of injuries.

The peak of the escalation and development of the Novouzen interethnic conflict falls on the period from June 17 to June 28, 1989.
On June 17-19, groups of youth, armed with sticks, iron rods, and stones, committed pogroms in citizens' homes, shops, administrative buildings, and on the streets of the city. Attempts were made to seize the city police department, water supply system, and other vital important objects city ​​of New Uzen. The work of passenger transport has been paralyzed, the activities of some industrial enterprises. During the riots, the conflicting parties used firearms, incendiary mixtures.

On June 19, in Novy Uzen, on the square in front of the city executive committee, a crowd of several thousand people gathered. The protesters demanded to solve the problem of employment and other pressing social problems, to improve the food supply, to evict representatives of Caucasian ethnic groups, and to close cooperatives. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the KazSSR M.R. Sagdiev, other representatives of the republican and regional level, stated that measures are being taken to stabilize the situation, resolve a number of social problems. However, the authorities' attempts to establish dialogue, reach consensus and prevent the escalation of the conflict were unsuccessful. The crowd of protesters, dividing into groups of 150-200 people, left the square and moved through the streets of the city, committing pogroms, arson, and clashing with Lezgins, representatives of other Caucasian ethnic groups, police and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the riots, 5 people received gunshot wounds.

It is obvious that at this moment, this interethnic conflict, like many other ethnic conflicts at a certain stage, began to acquire irrational character. The stage has come when “the right and the guilty disappear, only the distressed remain... hesitant, doubtful, not entirely embittered (and they are the majority on both sides) - according to objective and subjective reasons– they delegate the defense of their national dignity to people who occupy extreme positions” [see: Mikhailov V.A. The “funnel” principle, or the mechanism for the deployment of interethnic conflict // Sotsis. – 1993. – No. 5. – P.58,59].

On the evening of June 19, a curfew was introduced in the city, an operational headquarters was created to localize and resolve the conflict, and a special government commission was formed.
Unauthorized rallies (including peaceful ones), in which people took part different cases from 100 to 1,000 people, pogroms and arson continued on June 19-22 in the city of Novy Uzen, June 21, 23 in the village. Zhetybay, June 21 in the village. Munyishi, June 23 at Mangyshlak station, village. Kzyltyube, village Shetpe, June 24-25 in the city of Shevchenko, June 24 in the village. Akshukur, village Kulsary. Clashes also took place in the village. Eralievo, and a number of other settlements in the region. On the night of June 22, a group of armed men of 6 people attempted to seize the gas compressor station of the gas pipeline Central Asia- Center.

As the conflict escalated (June 17-28), the authorities took a significant part of the representatives of Caucasian ethnic groups out of the city and provided their protection. It was decided to close some cooperatives in the field of trade and catering. During the escalation of the conflict, 5 people died - 3 Kazakhs and 2 Lezgins. From June 17 to June 26, 3,516 people left Novy Uzen for Dagestan and Checheno-Ingushetia. Later, when the conflict began to fade, some of the refugees returned.

Relative calm in the cities and towns of the Caspian region established itself on June 29. On July 24, 1989, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the KazSSR, the curfew was lifted in Novy Uzen. Being conditionally “anti-immigrant,” this ethno-conflict has not acquired a protracted character, characteristic of separatist, irredentist, autonomist ethno-conflicts. The collapse of the ethno-conflict was due to the patterns of staged development (“life”) of the anti-immigrant conflict noted by ethno-conflictologists.

Along with the peculiarities of self-development of the ethno-conflict, a number of factors contributed to the curtailment of the Novouzensky ethno-conflict. subjective factors:
– the introduction of a curfew on June 19, which lasted for 36 days;
– separation of conflicting parties by police forces, internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs;
– temporary removal out of the city and protection of the majority of citizens of Caucasian ethnic groups;
– neutral policy, equal sanctions from the authorities against the conflicting parties;
– attempts by the authorities to conduct a dialogue with demonstrators, the population at rallies (including unauthorized ones), and meetings at the place of work;
– temporary closure of some cooperatives in response to one of the main demands of the demonstrators;
- operational information activities authorities, aimed at refuting and neutralizing rumors;
– prompt solution of certain economic and social problems (solving the problem of shortage food products, work begun by the authorities to solve the employment problem local population, decision-making on the expansion of housing construction, development material base social sphere);
– the activities of a specially formed government commission to resolve the conflict.

On August 25, 1989, a joint resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, the board of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and the Ministry of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises of the USSR “On urgent measures for the socio-economic development of the city of Novy Uzen, Guryev Region.” In 1989-1991, a number of points of this resolution, which provided for the solution of a complex of economic and social problems of the region, were partially implemented. The subsequent implementation of a set of measures was curtailed with a change in economic, political, social conditions the beginning, first half of the 1990s.

Twenty years ago, June 22, 1989, when Nazarbayev celebrated his victory, and with him, many Kazakhstanis sincerely rejoiced at his coming to power; in the west of Kazakhstan, in the city of New Uzen (now Zhanaozen) and in other settlements of Mangyshlak (now Mangystau) they had just managed to suppress popular uprising. From June 16 to June 20, bloody interethnic clashes took place here. What happened in those days on Mangyshlak, what did the rebellious indigenous people demand, why is so little written about this uprising, why have the causes and consequences of the interethnic clash not been fully explored? Why didn’t the government celebrate either the 10th or 20th anniversary of this event? And who benefits from consigning this now historic popular uprising to oblivion?

This was a real uprising, say those few researchers who study this topic.

Because, according to various estimates, from 25 to 30 thousand people took part in it. This was not an everyday event at the small-town level when two neighbors fought over a bucket of strawberries.

The uprising involved, to one degree or another, settlements almost all of Mangyshlak. And in order to suppress it, the detachment’s fighters were hastily transferred from Russia special purpose Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR "Vityaz".

No one today can say exactly how many special forces took part in the suppression operation, but eyewitnesses say that there were from one to two thousand of them. The same number, if not more, of local and regional police officers participated.

In addition to human resources, armored personnel carriers, tanks, combat helicopters and other weapons were used to suppress the uprising. military equipment. Only on the fourth day was it possible to suppress the uprising. And it was only possible to finally “calm down” the people on June 22, that is, a week after the start of the spontaneous uprising. And even after that for a long time Meetings continued in various places, and they were not always peaceful. Only from such meager facts can we conclude what the true scale of the popular uprising was.

According to official data, five people were killed, more than 100 received various types of injuries, 21 of them severely. The curfew established in Novy Uzen on June 19 lasted for a whole month.


A command was received to arrive in the city of New Uzen, Mangyshlak region, Kazakh SSR.

Riots broke out in its vicinity. A curfew has been introduced. The current operational situation shows that corruption has struck everything and led the population of the region, rich in its natural and agricultural resources, to poverty. This was the impetus for mass unrest, which developed into riots on social and ethnic grounds.
Nationalist leaders called for killing non-indigenous residents of the republic, setting fire to their houses, seizing vital important objects, rename them in your own way.
The task of the special forces was to stop group violations of public order, localize the instigators and aggressive riot participants, provocateurs and activists of atrocities, confiscate weapons, and conduct patrols. Law and order had to be restored throughout the area.
Four days later, the situation in Novy Uzen came under the control of special forces, and the riots were suppressed.
The special forces, through their actions, ensured the preservation of law and order and the safety of people, and acted as a guarantor of peace.

——————— ————————————————————-

New Uzen

Zhanabzen, city, Mangistau region, Kazakhstan. The definition new contrasts this young city of oil workers with the previously established village of Uzen (about 30 km) , whose name is from Kazakh. (&en - "small river, valley, hollow, ravine". In 1993 G. officially adopted in Kazakhstan Russian transfer of the name in the form Zhanaozen ( Kazakh. Zhana - "new") . Cm. also Novouzensk.

  • - from the Crimean Tatar “place where apples grow” and “stream”, the right tributary of the Sary-Uzen River, begins on the northern slope of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla, flows through a deep wooded valley, cluttered with rock fragments, flows 1 km...

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  • - from the Crimean Tatar “flowing from the mouth”, the name of the section of the river flowing from the Grand Canyon of Crimea, from the Pania source to the confluence with the Sary-Uzen river...

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  • - from the Crimean Tatar “obvious stream”, a river starting on Babugan-yayla and flowing into the sea in the village of Partenit near Cape Medvezhonok...

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  • - from the Crimean Tatar “drying stream” 1) the upper reaches of the Auzun-Uzen River, the Belbek River basin, collected from several sources in a wide wooded basin 2) a dry ravine in the upper reaches of the Almalykh-Uzen River, the river basin...

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  • - from the Crimean Tatar “small stream”, a river that flows into the sea near the village of Malorechenskoye...

    Toponymic Dictionary of Crimea

  • - from Crimean Tatar " big flow" 1) river, formed by merger the Sofu-Uzen and Uzen-Bash rivers, flows into the sea in Alushta 2) Vostochny, a river starting at the eastern slopes of the Demerdzhi massif and the southern slopes of Mount Tyrke,...

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  • - river in the Saratov region. and Kazakhstan. 638 km, pl. basin 18.2 thousand km2. It flows into the drainless Kamysh-Samara lakes. Used for irrigation...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - Samara province; see Novouzensk...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a river that flows into the Kamysh-Samar lakes; Russia and Kazakhstan. The name comes from Turk, Ozen, Uzen "river"...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - a city of regional subordination of the Mangyshlak region of the Kazakh SSR. Located on the Mangyshlak plateau. Railway station. 29 thousand inhabitants...
  • - an urban-type settlement in the Mangyshlak region of the Kazakh SSR. Subordinate to the Novouzensky City Council. Located on the Mangyshlak plateau, 15 km to the north-east. from the train station...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a river in the Saratov and Ural regions. 650 km, basin area 15.6 thousand km². The average water flow near Novouzensk is 6.7 m³/s. It flows into the drainless Kamysh-Samara lakes. Runoff in spring. Used for irrigation...
  • - a river in the Saratov and West Kazakhstan regions. 638 km, basin area 18.2 thousand km². It flows into the drainless Kamysh-Samara lakes. Used for irrigation...

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  • - NEW Uzen is a city in Kazakhstan, Mangistaur region. Railway station. 42.3 thousand inhabitants. Oil and gas production. Gas processing plant...

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  • - Uzen m. "arm of the river", Astrakh., also Uzen - the left tributary of the Ros, Kievsk. lips; a river near Yalta, in Crimea; right tributary of Ika, Samarsk. lips From Turkic, cf. balkar., karach. özen "valley, river", Kazakh...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 deposit...

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BRICS: a new monetary fund and a new development bank

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BRICS: a new monetary fund and a new development bank Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr., Carta Maior, BrazilIt is the turn of the BRICS to show, especially to countries with developing economy, why and for what we want to expand opportunities for influence and acceptance of independent

From the book How to Survive an Economic Crisis. Lessons Great Depression author Utkin Anatoly Ivanovich

Section II New rise and new crisis


From the book Shell shocks the world by Cummins Ian

A NEW DAY – A NEW CRISIS Jeroen van der Veer received baptism of fire as chairman of Shell, and Malcolm Brinded suffered the wrath of investors as the new head of research and production. Brinded, a Cambridge graduate and mining enthusiast

Andrey Bader: “The new world gave me a new chance”

From the book Lobbying in Russian. Between business and government author Tolmacheva Irina

Andrey Bader: “ New world gave me a new chance” Now, when I (very rarely) go to my institute for funerals and holidays, I feel that I have no regrets. Neither about the fact that I worked at the Academy of Sciences for more than ten years, nor about what is happening in my life now. I don't regret that

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