History of the creation of communications. History of the development of means and methods of information transmission

The formula “He who owns information rules the world” was known back in ancient times. Ancient commanders needed to secretly and quickly obtain information about the enemy’s advance, to quickly communicate with separately located partisans, as well as with the commanders of besieged fortresses.

History teaches that for every demand there is always a supply. Ancient engineers and inventors created many ingenious instruments and devices that can rightfully be called the forerunner of modern means of coded communication.

The Mystery of the Wanderer

The very first, so to speak, conductors of communication were messengers who delivered dispatches to their destination, almost always of a secret nature.

The messenger could be ambushed, killed, or simply bribed.

Therefore, it was extremely important that even if the messenger was captured or betrayed, the enemies would not be able to read the intercepted message.

For this purpose, back in the 7th century BC. in many Greek states, in particular in Ithaca and Sparta, the wandering was widely used.

The scytale consisted of two completely identical round sticks with a diameter of several centimeters. One of these sticks was kept by the sender, for example, the commander of the land army, the other was given to the official with whom the dispatches were to be exchanged, for example, the commander of the fleet.

When it was necessary to send an urgent secret message, this is what they did. The sender took a strip of white leather and wound it diagonally along the ascending part of the skeletal so that the edges of the strip were closely adjacent to each other. Then he wrote a message on closed turns of leather in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the stick.

After the strip was unwound again, the text seemed to disintegrate into separate fragments and letters, which baffled the uninitiated. Now, in addition to the sender, only the recipient could read this message, having applied a strip of skin in a certain way to his part of the wandering.

The ancient military historian Aeneas Tacticus wrote in the middle of the 4th century BC. a book about the siege of cities. In it, he describes 16 different methods of transmitting secret dispatches and encrypted messages, some of which have survived to this day. The dotted method of secret correspondence continues to be popular. In the most trivial writing, individual letters are marked with tiny dots. If you take only these marked letters from the context, you will form a phrase that a not very attentive censor may miss. But this is perhaps the simplest method of encryption. There were also more sophisticated ones.

Aeneas described one of them. A small disk was taken with 24 holes drilled at equal intervals along its edge. Each of these peripheral holes corresponded to a letter Greek alphabet, of which there are also 24. There were several more holes in the central part of the disk. The sender, preparing the dispatch, simply sequentially passed the thread through those holes that corresponded to the letters of the message. The end of each word was indicated by passing a thread through one of the central holes. The recipient to whom the disc was delivered, knowing which hole corresponded to the letter “A,” easily marked all the other letters. Now all he had to do was to sequentially unwind the thread through the holes, each time writing down the letter corresponding to the hole through which the thread was passed.

Unraveling the thread, turn by turn, the recipient, aware of the secret of the disk, wrote down the letters of the dispatch one by one. True, now they were going to reverse order. But in order for everything to fall into place, the message had to be read from the end, from right to left.

Signal lights

In ancient telegraphy, the lights of torches or fires were very actively used, which were transmitted at night from post to post.

There are reliable historical sources, in which Demosthenes describes the famous episode when, upon news of Philip’s attack on Elatea (339 BC), the Athenians used market tents woven from willow to light a signal fire, which alerted all the inhabitants of Attica who were able to bear arms.

Herodotus mentions that the Hellenes, being at the northern tip of the island of Euboea, received a message from the opposite island of Skiathos by lights that two Greek ships had been captured by the Persians.

And the Persian commander Mardonius, after the battle of Sapamin, transmitted messages to his master, King Xerxes, using signal lights through the islands to Asia Minor.

Water telegraph

However, the telegraph based on signal lights had a significant drawback. It allowed the transmission of only such messages, the content of which was pre-determined between the sending and receiving parties.

But still, the ancients managed to get around this very difficult obstacle. The same Aeneas reports about an ingenious device that can be called a water telegraph. Two clay vessels of the same width (1 cubit) and depth (3 cubits) were taken.

Two plugs were cut out and fit freely into the vessels. On top of the plugs were mounted racks with notches along their length at intervals of approximately 5.5 cm. Thus, the rack was divided into 24 fields equal length. Each field was assigned the name of one of the events common during military operations. For example, the first field meant “The country was invaded by cavalry”, the second - “heavily armed infantry”, the third - “ships”, etc. (It is clear that both vessels had exactly the same markings.) At the very bottom of the vessels there were outlet holes with a plug.
When the vessels were filled with water, the stoppers with racks rose to the top like floats. In this position, the devices were ready for telegraphy.

One of them was located, naturally, at the departure station, the second - at the receiving station. When one of the foreseen events occurred, a signal was given from the departure station with a torch (in the dark, pike perch). The second station also used a torch to indicate its readiness to receive the message.

The torch at the departure station was lowered. This action served as a new signal that the drain hole should be opened. The water in both vessels, due to their complete identity, flowed out at the same speed. In exactly the same way, completely synchronously, the floats with the stand were lowered. When the inscription on the stand containing the required report dropped to the edge of the vessel, the sending station gave a signal with a torch, meaning: “Closed, hole!” At the destination station they immediately looked at which field was above the edge of the vessel. This was the message being conveyed.

Of course, the service personnel were required to be extremely careful and attentive. But the most amazing thing is that this same device could be used as a telegraph in literally words. After all, 24 fields are 24 letters. However, you need to take into account that the letters in the report do not follow one after another. Therefore, it was regularly necessary not only to pour out, but also to add water to the vessel, every now and then again filling it to the brim. This, of course, slowed down the sending of the dispatch.

But in any case, within one and a half to two hours it was possible to convey a laconic, clear message, especially since the ancients were proficient in cursive writing, when vowels were partially released from the text.

Polybius' torch telegraph

The famous historian and strategist Polybius (2nd century BC) left an accurate description of the signal telegraph, invented by the Alexandrian engineers Cleoxenes and Demokpetes and improved by himself. At each of the two stations - transmitting and receiving - two walls were built, having six teeth at the top and, therefore, five spaces between them. Each station had a code containing all 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. The letters were divided into five numbered groups. The left wall with battlements served to indicate the number of the letter group, the right stack - to indicate the number of the letter in its group.

So, if two torches appeared between the battlements of the left wall, it means that it was necessary to use the second group of letters. If five torches then appeared between the battlements of the right wall (one in each gap), then it was necessary to take the fifth letter from the second group. Let's say it was the letter "K".

Despite the apparent cumbersomeness of the method, within just half an hour it was possible to convey an important message, for example: “The Cretans have received reinforcements of 2000,” that is, a detachment of two thousand infantrymen arrived to the aid of the Cretan army.

This “telegram” required about two hundred torch signals to be transmitted. The inconvenience of the system was that the minimum distance between stations had to be about one kilometer, otherwise individual torches became indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Who would have thought that after 16 prisoners, the invention of ancient engineers would find a second life! In 1792, the French mechanic Claude Chappe presented a project for an optical (semaphore) telegraph to the National Convention, borrowing the idea from Polybius. In 1794, the first operating line from Paris to Lille was built. Twenty intermediate stations were set up along the line, each sign required six minutes for transmission, and signals were observed using a telescope. In 1832, the optical telegraph line Berlin - Cologne - Trier was opened. But the era of electricity was already approaching, which made possible the electric telegraph, which took from antiquity the replacement of letters with symbols, and instead of torches used current.











The conference materials contain information from the simplest audio and visual means for transmitting signals and commands to the most modern. The historical path of development and improvement of communications, the role of scientists and practitioners, the latest achievements of physics and technology, and their practical use are shown.

Lesson - Conference promotes growth creative potential teachers, developing students’ skills of independent work with various sources information, allows you to comprehend previously acquired knowledge in a new light, systematize and generalize it. Participation in the conference develops the ability to speak publicly, listen and analyze the messages of your classmates.

The conference materials are designed for creative use and are intended to help teachers prepare and conduct physics lessons.


Communications have always played important role in the life of society. In ancient times, communication was carried out by messengers who transmitted messages orally and then in writing. Signal lights and smoke were among the first to be used. During the day, smoke is clearly visible against the background of clouds, even if the fire itself is not visible, and at night, the flame is visible, especially if it is lit in an elevated place. At first, only pre-agreed signals were transmitted in this way, say, “the enemy is approaching.” Then, by arranging several smokes or lights in a special way, they learned to send entire messages.

Sound signals were used mainly on non- long distances to gather troops and population. To transmit sound signals, the following were used: a beater (a metal or wooden board), a bell, a drum, a trumpet, a whistle and covers.

Played a particularly important role veche bell in Veliky Novgorod. At his call, Novgorodians gathered at a veche to resolve military and civil matters.

For command and control of troops, they were of no small importance different shapes banners on which large pieces of various brightly colored fabrics were fastened. Military leaders wore distinctive clothing, special headdresses and signs.

In the Middle Ages, flag signaling appeared, which was used in the navy. The shape, color and design of the flags had a specific meaning. One flag could mean a sentence (“The vessel is conducting diving work” or “I require a pilot”), and it, in combination with others, was a letter in a word.

Since the 16th century in Rus', the delivery of information using the Yamskaya chase has become widespread. Yamskaya tracts were laid to important centers of the state and border cities. In 1516, a Yamskaya hut was created in Moscow to manage the postal service, and in 1550, the Yamskaya order was established - the central institution in Russia in charge of the Yamskaya chase.

In Holland, where there were many windmills, simple messages were transmitted by stopping the wings of the mills in certain positions. This method was developed in optical telegraphy. Towers were erected between cities, which were located at a distance of direct visibility from each other. Each tower had a pair of huge articulated wings with semaphores. The telegraph operator received the message and immediately transmitted it further, moving the wings with levers.

The first optical telegraph was built in 1794 in France, between Paris and Lille. The longest line – 1200 km – operated in the middle of the 19th century. between St. Petersburg and Warsaw. The line had 149 towers. It was served by 1308 people. The signal traveled along the line from end to end in 15 minutes.

In 1832, Russian army officer, physicist and orientalist Pavel Lvovich Schilling invented the world's first electric telegraph. In 1837, Schilling's idea was developed and supplemented by S. Morse. By 1850 Russian scientist Boris Semenovich Jacobi created a prototype of the world's first telegraph apparatus with letter printing of received messages.

In 1876 (USA) he invented the telephone, and in 1895 a Russian scientist invented the radio. Since the beginning of the twentieth century. Radio communications, radiotelegraph and radiotelephone communications began to be introduced.

Map of Yamsk tracts of the 16th century. Postal routes Russia XVIII century.


Communication can be carried out by filing signals of various physical natures:


Visual (light);


According With nature of the signals, used for information exchange, means of transmission (reception) and delivery messages and documents communication can be:

Electrical (telecommunications);



Depending on the linear means used and the signal propagation medium, communication is divided by gender on the:

Wired communication;

Radio communications;

Radio relay communication;

Tropospheric radio communication;

Ionospheric radio communications;

Meteor radio communication;

Space communications;

Optical communication;

Communication by mobile means.

According to the nature of the messages transmitted and mind communication is divided into;



Telecode (data transmission);

Facsimile (phototelegraph);


Video telephone;


Courier-postal service.

Communication can be done by transmission of information via communication lines:

In clear text;


Encrypted (using codes, ciphers) or classified.

Distinguish duplex communication when simultaneous transmission of messages in both directions is ensured and interruption (request) of the correspondent is possible, and simplex communication, when transmission is carried out alternately in both directions.

Communication happens bilateral, in which duplex or simplex information exchange is carried out, or unilateral, if messages or signals are transmitted in one direction without a return response or acknowledgment of the received message.


Signal communication carried out by transmitting messages in the form of predetermined signals using signaling means. In the Navy, signal communications are used to transmit official information between ships, vessels and roadstead posts, both in plain text and in signals typed in codes.

For signal communication by means of subject signaling, one-, two- and three-flag sets of Navy signals, as well as a flag semaphore, are usually used. Telegraphic Morse code signs are used to transmit clear text and signal combinations of arches by light-signal devices.

Navy ships and vessels and roadstead posts use the International Code of Signals to negotiate with foreign ships, merchant vessels and foreign coastal posts, especially on issues of ensuring the safety of navigation and the safety of life at sea.

Signaling means, means of signaling visual and audio communication, used to transmit short commands, reports, warnings, designations and mutual identification.

Visual means of communication are divided into: a) means of subject signaling (signal flags, figures, flag semaphore); b) means of light communication and signaling (signal lights, spotlights, signal lights); c) pyro technical means signaling (signal cartridges, lighting and signal cartridges, marine signal torches).

Sound signaling means - sirens, megaphones, whistles, horns, ship bells and fog horns.

Signaling means have been used since the days of the rowing fleet to control ships. They were primitive (drum, lit fire, triangular and rectangular shields). Peter I, the creator of the Russian regular fleet, installed various flags and introduced special signals. 22 ship flags, 42 galley flags and several pennants were installed. With the development of the fleet, the number of signals has also increased. In 1773, the book of signals contained 226 reports, 45 night and 21 fog signals.

In 1779, a Russian mechanic invented a “spotlight” with a candle and developed special code for transmitting signals. In the 19th – 20th centuries. The means of light communication - lanterns and spotlights - were further developed.

Currently, the Naval Code of Signals flag table contains 32 alphabetic, 10 numeric, and 17 special flags.


At the end of the twentieth century, widespread telecommunications – transmission of information through electrical signals or electromagnetic waves. Signals travel through communication channels - wires (cables) or wirelessly.

All methods of telecommunication - telephone, telegraph, telefax, Internet, radio and television are similar in structure. At the beginning of the channel there is a device that converts information (sound, image, text, commands) into electrical signals. These signals are then converted into a form suitable for transmission over long distances, amplified to the required power and “sent” to the cable network or radiated into space.

Along the way, the signals are greatly weakened, so intermediate amplifiers are provided. They are often built into cables and placed on repeaters (from the Latin re - a prefix indicating a repeated action, and translator - “carrier”), transmitting signals via terrestrial communication lines or via satellite.

At the other end of the line, the signals enter a receiver with an amplifier, then they are converted into a form convenient for processing and storage, and, finally, they are again converted into sound, image, text, commands.


Before the advent and development of radio communications, wired communications were considered the main one. By purpose, wired communications are divided into:

Long-distance – for interregional and interdistrict communications;

Internal – for communication in locality, in production and office premises;

Service - to manage the operational service on lines and communication centers.

Wired communication lines are often interfaced with radio relay, tropospheric and satellite lines. Wired communication due to its great vulnerability (natural influences: strong winds, accumulation of snow and ice, lightning strikes or criminal human activity) has disadvantages in application.


Telegraph communication is used to transmit alphanumeric information. Auditory telegraph radio communication is the simplest type of communication, which is economical and noise-resistant, but its speed is low. Telegraphic direct printing communication has more high speed transmission and the ability to document received information.

In 1837, Schilling's idea was developed and supplemented by S. Morse. He proposed the telegraph alphabet and a simpler telegraph apparatus. In 1884, the American inventor Morse commissioned the first writing telegraph line in the United States between Washington and Baltimore, 63 km long. Supported by other scientists and entrepreneurs, Morse achieved significant distribution of his devices not only in America, but also in most European countries.

By 1850, Russian scientist Boris Semenovich Jacobi

(1801 - 1874) created a prototype of the world's first telegraph apparatus with letter printing of received messages.

The operating principle of a writing electromagnetic telegraph apparatus is as follows. Under the influence of current pulses coming from the line, the armature of the receiving electromagnet was attracted, and in the absence of current, it was repelled. A pencil was attached to the end of the anchor. In front of him, a matte porcelain or earthenware plate moved along guides using a clock mechanism.

When the electromagnet was operating, a wavy line was recorded on the plate, the zigzags of which corresponded to certain signs. A simple key was used as a transmitter, closing and opening an electrical circuit.

In 1841, Jacobi built the first electric telegraph line in Russia between Winter Palace and the Main Headquarters in St. Petersburg, and two years later a new line to the palace in Tsarskoe Selo. Telegraph lines consisted of insulated copper wires buried in the ground.

During the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, the government insisted on laying an underground telegraph line along it. Jacobi proposed building an overhead line on wooden poles, arguing that the reliability of communications over such a long distance could not be guaranteed. As one would expect, this line, built in 1852, did not last even two years due to imperfect insulation and was replaced by an overhead line.

The academician carried out important work on electrical machines, electrical telegraphs, mine electrical engineering, electrochemistry and electrical measurements. He opened new way galvanoplasty.

The essence of telegraph communication is the representation of a finite number of symbols of an alphanumeric message in the transmitter of a telegraph apparatus by a corresponding number of different combinations of elementary signals. Each such combination, called a code combination, corresponds to a letter or number.

Transmission of code combinations is usually carried out by binary signals alternating current, most often modulated by frequency. When taken, it happens inverse conversion electrical signals into signs and registration of these signs on paper in accordance with accepted code combinations.

Telegraph communication is characterized by reliability, speed of telegraphy (transmission), reliability and secrecy of transmitted information. Telegraph communications are developing in the direction of further improving equipment, automating the processes of transmitting and receiving information.


Telephone communication is intended for conducting oral conversations between people (personal or business). When driving complex systems Air defense, railway transport, oil and gas pipelines use operational telephone communication, which ensures the exchange of information between the central control point and controlled objects located at a distance of up to several thousand km. It is possible to record messages on audio recording devices.

The telephone was invented by an American on February 14, 1876. Structurally, Bell's telephone was a tube with a magnet inside. On its pole pieces there is a coil with a large number turns of insulated wire. A metal membrane is located opposite the pole pieces.

Bell's telephone receiver was used to transmit and receive speech sounds. The call to the subscriber was made through the same handset using a whistle. The range of the phone did not exceed 500 m.

A miniature color television camera equipped with a micro-bulb turns into a medical probe. By inserting it into the stomach or esophagus, the doctor examines what previously could only be seen during surgery.

Modern television equipment allows you to control complex and hazardous production. The operator-dispatcher monitors several technological processes simultaneously on the monitor screen. The operator-dispatcher of the security service solves a similar problem. traffic, monitoring traffic flows on roads and intersections on the monitor screen.

Television is widely used for surveillance, reconnaissance, control, communications, command and control, in weapon guidance systems, navigation, astro-orientation and astro-correction, for monitoring underwater and space objects.

IN missile forces television allows you to monitor preparations for launch and launch of missiles, monitoring the condition of units and components in flight.

In the navy, television provides control and surveillance of the surface situation, overview of premises, equipment and personnel actions, search and detection of sunken objects, bottom mines, and rescue operations.

Small-sized television cameras can be delivered to the reconnaissance area using artillery shells, unmanned aircraft controlled by radio.

Television has found wide application in simulators.

Television systems, working in conjunction with radar and direction-finding equipment, are used to provide air traffic control services at airports, flights in adverse weather conditions and blind landings of aircraft.

The use of television is limited by insufficient range, dependence on weather and lighting conditions, and low noise immunity.

Television development trends include expanding the range of spectral sensitivity, introducing color and volumetric television, reducing the weight and dimensions of equipment.


Videotelephony - a combination of telephone communication and slow-motion television (with a small number of scan lines) - can be carried out over telephone channels. It allows you to see your interlocutor and show simple still images.


Delivery of documents, periodicals, parcels and personal correspondence is carried out using couriers and mobile communications equipment: airplanes, helicopters, cars, armored personnel carriers, motorcycles, boats, etc.


The quality of communication is determined by the totality of its interconnected basic properties (characteristics).

Timeliness communications– its ability to ensure the transmission and delivery of messages or negotiations in specified time– determined by the deployment time of nodes and communication lines, the speed of establishing communication with the correspondent, and the speed of information transfer.

Communication reliability– its ability to operate reliably (stablely) for a certain period of time with the reliability, secrecy and speed specified for given operating conditions. A significant impact on the reliability of communication is exerted by the noise immunity of the communication system, lines, channels, which characterizes their ability to function under conditions of exposure to all types of interference.

Reliability of communication– its ability to ensure the reception of transmitted messages with a given accuracy, which is estimated by the loss of reliability, that is, the ratio of the number of characters received with error to total number transmitted.

In conventional communication lines, the loss of reliability in best case scenario 10-3 – 10-4, therefore they use additional technical devices to detect and correct errors. In automated control systems in developed countries, the reliability standard is 10-7 – 10-9.

Communication secrecy characterized by the secrecy of the fact of communication, the degree to which distinctive features of communication are revealed, and the secrecy of the content of the transmitted information. The secrecy of the content of transmitted information is ensured through the use of classification, encryption, and encoding equipment for transmitted messages.


Currently, all types and types of communications and the corresponding technical means are being improved. In radio relay communications, new sections of the ultra-high frequency range are used. In tropospheric communications, measures are taken against communication disruptions due to changes in the state of the troposphere. Space communications are being improved on the basis of “stationary” relay satellites with multiple access equipment. Optical (laser) communications are being developed and put into practical use, primarily for transmitting large amounts of information in real time between satellites and spacecraft.

Much attention is paid to standardization and unification of blocks, components and elements of equipment for various purposes in order to create unified communication systems.

One of the main directions for improving communication systems in developed countries is to ensure the transmission of all types of information (telephone, telegraph, facsimile, computer data, etc.) in converted discrete-pulse (digital) form. Digital communication systems have great advantages when creating global communication systems.


1. Computer science. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 22. M., “Avanta+”. 2003.

2. At the origins of television. Newspaper "Physics", No. 16, 2000.

3. Craig A., Rosni K. Science. Encyclopedia. M., "Rosman". 1994.

4. Kyandskaya-, On the issue of the world’s first radiogram. Newspaper "Physics", No. 12, 2001.

5. Morozov invented, and for which G. Marconi received a patent. Newspaper "Physics", No. 16, 2002.

6. MS - DOS - no question! Editorial and Publishing Center "Tok". Smolensk 1993.

7. Reid S., Farah P. History of discoveries. M., "Rosman". 1995.

8. Soviet military encyclopedia. M., Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense. 1980.

9. Technique. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 14. M., “Avanta+”. 1999.

10. Turov military communications. Volume 1,2,3. M., Military Publishing House. 1991.

11. Wilkinson F., Pollard M. Scientists who changed the world. M., “The Word”. 1994.

12. Urvalov of television equipment. (ABOUT). Newspaper "Physics", No. 26, 2000.

13. Urvalov electronic television. Newspaper "Physics", No. 4, 2002.

14. Fedotov schemes by O. Lodge, G. Marconi. Newspaper "Physics", No. 4, 2001

15. Physics. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 16. M., “Avanta+”. 2000.

16. Hafkemeyer H. Internet. Journey through the worldwide computer network. M., “The Word”. 1998.

17. At the origins of radar in the USSR. M., “Soviet Radio”. 1977.

18. Schmenk A., Wetjen A., Käthe R. Multimedia and virtual worlds. M., “The Word”. 1997.


From the history of communications... 3

Communication classification ... 5

Signal communication... 6

Physical foundations of telecommunications ... 7

Wired communication... 7

Telegraph communication ... 8

Telephone connection ... 10

Telecode communication... 12

Internet... 12

Optical (laser) communication ... 14

Fax communication... 14

Radio communication ... 15

Radio relay communication... 17

Tropospheric communication ... 17

Ionospheric radio communication ... 17

Meteor radio communication ... 17

Space communications ... 18

Radar… 18

Television communication ... 21


Courier-postal service… 24

Communication quality ... 25

Prospects for the development of communications ... 25

Literature ... 26

Responsible for release:

Computer layout: Press Boris

It's only begining...

Since ancient times, humanity has been looking for and improving means of information exchange. Messages were transmitted over short distances by gestures and speech, and over long distances using bonfires located within line of sight from each other. Sometimes a chain of people was built between points and news was transmitted by voice along this chain from one point to another. In central Africa, tom-tom drums were widely used for communication between tribes.

Ideas about the possibility of transmitting electrical charges over distances and implementing telegraph communication in this way have been expressed since the middle of the 18th century. Professor of the University of Leipzin Johann Winkler - it was he who improved the electrostatic machine, proposing to rub the glass disk not with hands, but with pads made of silk and leather - in 1744 wrote: “With the help of an insulated suspended conductor it is possible to transmit electricity to the ends of the world at the speed of a bullet.” . In the Scottish magazine "The Scot's Magazine" on February 1, 1753, an article appeared, signed only by C.M. (later it turned out that its author, Charles Morison, was a scientist from Renfrew), in which a possible telecommunication system was described for the first time It was proposed to hang as many uninsulated wires between two points as there are letters in the alphabet. Attach the wires at both points to glass stands so that their ends hang down and end with elderberry balls, under which the letters written on pieces of paper are placed at a distance of 3-4 mm. at the point of transmission by the conductor of the electrostatic machine of the end of the wire corresponding to the required letter, at the receiving point the electrified elderberry ball would attract a piece of paper with this letter.

In 1792, Genevan physicist Georges Louis Lesage described his design for the line electrical communication, based on laying 24 bare copper wires in a clay pipe, inside of which partitions-washers made of glazed clay or glass with holes for the wires would be installed every 1.5...2 m. The latter would thus retain parallel arrangement without touching each other. According to one unconfirmed, but very probable version, Lesange in 1774, at home, conducted several successful experiments in telegraphy according to the Morison scheme - with the electrification of elderberry balls that attract letters. Transmitting one word took 10...15 minutes, and phrases 2...3 hours.

Professor I. Beckmann from Karlsruhe wrote in 1794: “The monstrous cost and other obstacles will never allow the use of the electric telegraph to be seriously recommended.

And just two years after this notorious “never”, according to the project of the Spanish physician Francisco Savva, military engineer Augustin Betancourt built the world’s first electric telegraph line, 42 km long, between Madrid and Aranjuez.

The situation repeated itself a quarter of a century later. Since 1794, first in Europe and then in America, the so-called semaphore telegraph, invented by the French engineer Claude Chappe and even described by Alexandre Dumas in the novel “The Count of Montecristo,” became widespread. Along the line route, high towers with poles like modern antennas with movable crossbars were built at a line of sight distance (8...10 km), the relative position of which indicated a letter, syllable or even a whole word. At the transmitting station, the message was encoded, and the crossbars were one by one installed in the required positions. Telegraph operators at subsequent stations duplicated these provisions. Two people were on duty at each tower in shifts: one received the signal from the previous station, the other transmitted it to the next station.

Although this telegraph served humanity for more than half a century, it did not satisfy society's needs for fast communication. It took an average of 30 minutes to transmit one dispatch. Inevitably there were communication interruptions due to rain, fog, and blizzards. Naturally, the “eccentrics” sought out more advanced means of communication. London physicist and astronomer Francis Ronalds began conducting experiments with the electrostatic telegraph in 1816. In his garden, in the suburbs of London, he built a 13-kilometer line of 39 bare wires, which were suspended by means of silk threads on wooden frames installed every 20 m. Part of the line was underground - in a trench 1.2 m deep and 150 m long there was a tarred wooden trench was laid, at the bottom of which there were glass tubes with copper wires passed through them.

In 1823, Ronalds published a pamphlet outlining his results. By the way, this was the world's first printed work in the field of electrical communications. But when he offered his telegraph system to the authorities, the British Admiralty declared: "Their Lordships are quite satisfied existing system telegraph (the semaphore described above) and do not intend to replace it with another."

Literally a few months after Oersted's discovery of the effect of electric current on a magnetic needle, the relay race further development electromagnetism was picked up by the famous French physicist and theorist Andre Ampère, the founder of electrodynamics. In one of his communications to the Academy of Sciences in October 1820, he was the first to put forward the idea of ​​an electromagnetic telegraph. “The possibility has been confirmed,” he wrote, “of making a magnetized needle, located at a great distance from the battery, move using a very long wire.” And further: “It would be possible... to transmit messages by sending telegraph signals in turn along the corresponding wires. In this case, the number of wires and arrows must be taken equal to the number letters in the alphabet. At the receiving end there should be an operator who would write down the transmitted letters, observing the deviating arrows. If the wires from the battery are connected to a keyboard, the keys of which are marked with letters, then telegraphy can be carried out by pressing the keys. Transmitting each letter would take only the time required to press the keys on the one hand and read the letter on the other."

Not accepting innovative idea, the English physicist P. Barlow wrote in 1824: “At the very early stage of experiments with electromagnetism, Ampere proposed creating an instantaneous telegraph using wires and compasses. However, the assertion ... that it would be possible to implement the specified project with a wire up to four long was doubtful.” miles (6.5 km). My experiments showed that a noticeable weakening of the effect occurs even with a wire length of 200 feet (61 meters), and this convinced me of the impracticability of such a project."

And just eight years later, corresponding member Russian Academy Sciences Pavel Lvovich Schilling embodied Ampere's idea into a real design.

The inventor of the electromagnetic telegraph, P. L. Schilling, was the first to understand the difficulty of manufacturing reliable underground cables at the dawn of electrical engineering and proposed the ground part designed in 1835-1836. make the telegraph line overhead by hanging uninsulated bare wire on poles along the Peterhof road. This was the world's first overhead communication line project. But members of the government “Committee to Consider the Electromagnetic Telegraph” rejected Schilling’s project, which seemed fantastic to them. His proposal was met with unfriendly and mocking exclamations.

And 30 years later, in 1865, when the length of telegraph lines in European countries amounted to 150,000 km, 97% of them were overhead lines.


The invention of the telephone belongs to a 29-year-old Scot, Alexander Graham Bell. Attempts to transmit sound information through electricity have been made since mid-19th century centuries. Almost the first in 1849 - 1854. The idea of ​​telephony was developed by Parisian telegraph mechanic Charles Boursel. However, he did not translate his idea into a working device.

Since 1873, Bell has been trying to construct a harmonic telegraph, achieving the ability to simultaneously transmit seven telegrams (according to the number of notes in an octave) over one wire. He used seven pairs of flexible metal plates, similar to a tuning fork, with each pair tuned to a different frequency. During experiments on June 2, 1875, the free end of one of the plates on the transmitting side of the line was welded to the contact. Bell's assistant mechanic Thomas Watson, unsuccessfully trying to fix the problem, cursed, perhaps even using not entirely normative vocabulary. Bell, who was in another room and manipulated the receiving plates, with his sensitive, trained ear, caught the sound that came through the wire. The plate, spontaneously fixed at both ends, turned into a kind of flexible membrane and, being above the pole of the magnet, changed it magnetic flux. As a result, entering the line electricity changed according to the vibrations in the air caused by Watson's muttering. This was the birth of the telephone.

The device was called a Bell tube. It had to be applied alternately to the mouth and ear, or to use two tubes at the same time.


May 7 (April 25, old style) 1895 occurred historical event, which was appreciated only a few years later. At a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society (RFCS), the teacher of the Mine Officer Class, Alexander Stepanovich Popov, spoke with a report “On the relationship of metal powders to electrical vibrations.” During the report by A.S. Popov demonstrated the operation of a device he created, designed to receive and register electromagnetic waves. It was the world's first radio receiver. He sensitively responded with an electric bell to parcels. electromagnetic vibrations, which were generated by a Hertz vibrator.

Scheme of the first receiver A. S. Popov.

Here is what the newspaper "Kronstadt Bulletin" wrote on April 30 (May 12), 1895 about this: Dear teacher A.S. Popov... combined a special portable device that responds to electrical vibrations with an ordinary electric bell and is sensitive to Hertzian waves on outdoors at a distance of up to 30 fathoms.

The invention of radio by Popov was a natural result of his purposeful research into electromagnetic oscillations.

In 1894, in his experiments, A. S. Popov began to use the coherer of the French scientist E. Branly (a glass tube filled with metal filings), first used for these purposes by the English researcher O. Lodge, as an indicator of electromagnetic radiation. Alexander Stepanovich worked hard to increase the sensitivity of the coherer to Hertzian rays and restore its ability to register for new impulses electromagnetic radiation after exposure to a previous electromagnetic message. As a result, Popov came to the original design of a device for receiving electromagnetic waves, thereby taking a decisive step towards creating a system for transmitting and receiving signals over a distance.

From experiments within the walls of the Mine Class, Alexander Stepanovich moved on to experiments in the open air. Here he implemented new idea: to increase sensitivity, I attached a thin copper wire - an antenna - to the receiving device. The signaling range from the oscillation generator (Hertz vibrator) to the receiving device has already reached several tens of meters. It was a complete success.

These experiments on signaling at a distance, i.e. essentially radio communications, were carried out at the beginning of 1895. By the end of April, Popov considered it possible to make them public at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Federal Chemical Society. So May 7, 1895 became the birthday of radio - one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century.

A television.

Modern electronic television originated in St. Petersburg in the project of a teacher at the Technological Institute, Boris Lvovich Rosing. In 1907, he filed patent applications in Russia, Germany and England for the invention of a television device with a cathode ray tube (a prototype of a kinescope), and on May 9, 1911, he demonstrated an image on a kinescope screen.

“...Professor Rosing,” V.K. Zvorykin later wrote), assisted Rosing, and in 1918 he emigrated to the USA, becoming a famous scientist in the field of television and medical electronics), - fundamentally discovered new approach to television, with the help of which he hoped to overcome the limitations of mechanical scanning systems...".

Indeed, in 1928-1930. In the USA and in a number of European countries, TV broadcasting began using not electronic, but mechanical systems, allowing you to transmit only elementary images with clarity (30-48 lines). Regular transmissions from Moscow according to the standard 30 lines, 12.5 frames were carried out on medium waves from October 1, 1931. The equipment was developed at the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute by P. V. Shmakov and V. I. Arkhangelsky.

In the early 30s, CRT televisions began to appear at foreign exhibitions and then in stores. However, image clarity remained poor because mechanical scanners were still used on the transmitting side.

On the agenda important task- creation of a system that accumulates light energy from the transmitted image. The first to practically solve this problem was V.K. Zvorykin, who worked at the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). He managed to create, in addition to the kinescope, a transmission tube with accumulation of charges, which he piled with an iconoscope (in Greek, “observe the image”). Zworykin made a report on the development of a completely electronic TV system with a group of employees, with a clarity of about 300 lines, on June 26, 1933 at the conference of the US Society of Radio Engineers. And a month and a half after that, he read his sensational report to scientists and engineers of Leningrad and Moscow.

In the speech of Professor G.V. Braude, it was noted that in our country A.P. Konstantinov made a transmitting tube with accumulation of charges, similar in principle to the Zvorykin tube. A.P. Konstantinov considered it necessary to clarify: “In my device, basically the same principle is used, but Dr. Zvorykin has done it immeasurably more elegantly and more practically...”

Artificial Earth satellites.

On October 4, 1957, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in the USSR. The launch vehicle delivered the satellite to a given orbit, the highest point of which is at an altitude of about 1000 km. This satellite had the shape of a ball with a diameter of 58 cm and weighed 83.6 kg. It was equipped with 4 antennas and 2 radio transmitters with power supplies. Artificial satellites The lands can be used as: a relay station for television, significantly expanding the range of television broadcasts; radio navigation beacon.


Cellular systems were created to provide wireless services radiotelephone communication in the interests of a large number of subscribers (ten thousand or more in one city), they allow very efficient use of the frequency resource. This year will mark the 27th anniversary cellular communications- this is a lot for advanced technology.

Paging systems are designed to provide one-way communication with subscribers by transmitting short messages in digital or alphanumeric form.

Fiber optic communication lines. The global information infrastructure has been under construction for a long time. It is based on fiber optic cable lines, which have gained dominant positions in global communication networks over the past quarter century. Such highways have already entangled most of the Earth; they pass through both the territory of Russia and the territory of the former Soviet Union. Fiber-optic communication lines with high bandwidth provide transmission of signals of all types (analog and digital).

InterNet is a worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of computers. The embryo was the distributed network ARPAnet, which was created in the late 60s by order of the US Department of Defense to communicate between the computers of this ministry. The developed principles for organizing this network turned out to be so successful that many other organizations began to create their own networks based on the same principles. These networks began to merge with each other, forming a single network with a common address space. This network became known as InterNet.


1) Magazine "Radio": 1998 No. 3, 1997 No. 7, 1998 No. 11, 1998 No. 2.

2) Radio Yearbook 1985.

4) Large Soviet Encyclopedia.

"This new development of technology brings unlimited possibilities for good and evil"

It's only begining...

Since ancient times, humanity has been looking for and improving means of information exchange. Messages were transmitted over short distances by gestures and speech, and over long distances using bonfires located within line of sight from each other. Sometimes a chain of people was built between points and news was transmitted by voice along this chain from one point to another. In central Africa, tom-tom drums were widely used for communication between tribes.

Ideas about the possibility of transmitting electrical charges over distances and implementing telegraph communication in this way have been expressed since the middle of the 18th century. Professor of the University of Leipzin Johann Winkler - it was he who improved the electrostatic machine, proposing to rub the glass disk not with hands, but with pads made of silk and leather - in 1744 wrote: “With the help of an insulated suspended conductor it is possible to transmit electricity to the ends of the world at the speed of a bullet.” . In the Scottish magazine "The Scot's Magazine" on February 1, 1753, an article appeared, signed only by C.M. (later it turned out that its author, Charles Morison, was a scientist from Renfrew), in which a possible telecommunication system was described for the first time It was proposed to hang as many uninsulated wires between two points as there are letters in the alphabet. Attach the wires at both points to glass stands so that their ends hang down and end with elderberry balls, under which the letters written on pieces of paper are placed at a distance of 3-4 mm. at the point of transmission by the conductor of the electrostatic machine of the end of the wire corresponding to the required letter, at the receiving point the electrified elderberry ball would attract a piece of paper with this letter.

In 1792, the Genevan physicist Georges Louis Lesage described his design for an electrical communication line based on laying 24 bare copper wires in a clay pipe, inside of which partitions made of glazed clay or glass with holes would be installed every 1.5...2 m for wires The latter would thus maintain a parallel arrangement without touching each other. According to one unconfirmed, but very probable version, Lesange in 1774, at home, conducted several successful experiments in telegraphy according to the Morison scheme - with the electrification of elderberry balls that attract letters. Transmitting one word took 10...15 minutes, and phrases 2...3 hours.

Professor I. Beckmann from Karlsruhe wrote in 1794: “The monstrous cost and other obstacles will never allow the use of the electric telegraph to be seriously recommended.

And just two years after this notorious “never”, according to the project of the Spanish physician Francisco Savva, military engineer Augustin Betancourt built the world’s first electric telegraph line, 42 km long, between Madrid and Aranjuez.

The situation repeated itself a quarter of a century later. Since 1794, first in Europe and then in America, the so-called semaphore telegraph, invented by the French engineer Claude Chappe and even described by Alexandre Dumas in the novel “The Count of Montecristo,” became widespread. Along the line route, high towers with poles like modern antennas with movable crossbars were built at a line of sight distance (8...10 km), the relative position of which indicated a letter, syllable or even a whole word. At the transmitting station, the message was encoded, and the crossbars were one by one installed in the required positions. Telegraph operators at subsequent stations duplicated these provisions. Two people were on duty at each tower in shifts: one received the signal from the previous station, the other transmitted it to the next station.

Although this telegraph served humanity for more than half a century, it did not satisfy society's needs for fast communication. It took an average of 30 minutes to transmit one dispatch. Inevitably there were communication interruptions due to rain, fog, and blizzards. Naturally, the “eccentrics” sought out more advanced means of communication. London physicist and astronomer Francis Ronalds began conducting experiments with the electrostatic telegraph in 1816. In his garden, in the suburbs of London, he built a 13-kilometer line of 39 bare wires, which were suspended by means of silk threads on wooden frames installed every 20 m. Part of the line was underground - in a trench 1.2 m deep and 150 m long there was a tarred wooden trench was laid, at the bottom of which there were glass tubes with copper wires passed through them.

In 1823, Ronalds published a pamphlet outlining his results. By the way, this was the world's first printed work in the field of electrical communications. But when he proposed his telegraph system to the authorities, the British Admiralty stated: “Their Lordships are quite satisfied with the existing telegraph system (the semaphore system described above) and do not intend to replace it with another.”

Literally a few months after Oersted’s discovery of the effect of electric current on a magnetic needle, the baton of further development of electromagnetism was picked up by the famous French physicist and theorist Andre Ampère, the founder of electrodynamics. In one of his communications to the Academy of Sciences in October 1820, he was the first to put forward the idea of ​​an electromagnetic telegraph. “The possibility has been confirmed,” he wrote, “of making a magnetized needle, located at a great distance from the battery, move using a very long wire.” And further: “It would be possible... to transmit messages by sending telegraph signals in turn along the corresponding wires. In this case, the number of wires and arrows should be taken equal to the number of letters in the alphabet. At the receiving end there should be an operator who would write down the transmitted letters, observing the deviating arrows. If the wires from the battery were connected to a keyboard, the keys of which were marked with letters, then telegraphing could be carried out by pressing the keys. The transmission of each letter would take only the time required to press the keys, on the one hand, and to read the letter, on the other. sides."

Not accepting the innovative idea, the English physicist P. Barlow wrote in 1824: “In the very early stage of experiments with electromagnetism, Ampere proposed creating an instantaneous telegraph using wires and compasses. However, the assertion ... that it would be possible to carry out the specified project with with a wire up to four miles (6.5 km) in length, I found that a noticeable weakening of the effect occurs even with a wire length of 200 feet (61 meters), and this convinced me of the impracticability of such a project."

And just eight years later, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel Lvovich Schilling embodied Ampere’s idea into a real design.

The inventor of the electromagnetic telegraph, P. L. Schilling, was the first to understand the difficulty of manufacturing reliable underground cables at the dawn of electrical engineering and proposed the ground part designed in 1835-1836. make the telegraph line overhead by hanging uninsulated bare wire on poles along the Peterhof road. This was the world's first overhead communication line project. But members of the government “Committee to Consider the Electromagnetic Telegraph” rejected Schilling’s project, which seemed fantastic to them. His proposal was met with unfriendly and mocking exclamations.

And 30 years later, in 1865, when the length of telegraph lines in European countries amounted to 150,000 km, 97% of them were overhead lines.

The invention of the telephone belongs to a 29-year-old Scot, Alexander Graham Bell. Attempts to transmit sound information through electricity have been made since the mid-19th century. Almost the first in 1849 - 1854. The idea of ​​telephony was developed by Parisian telegraph mechanic Charles Boursel. However, he did not translate his idea into a working device.

Since 1873, Bell has been trying to construct a harmonic telegraph, achieving the ability to simultaneously transmit seven telegrams (according to the number of notes in an octave) over one wire. He used seven pairs of flexible metal plates, similar to a tuning fork, with each pair tuned to a different frequency. During experiments on June 2, 1875, the free end of one of the plates on the transmitting side of the line was welded to the contact. Bell's assistant mechanic Thomas Watson, unsuccessfully trying to fix the problem, cursed, perhaps even using not entirely normative vocabulary. Bell, who was in another room and manipulated the receiving plates, with his sensitive, trained ear, caught the sound that came through the wire. The plate, spontaneously fixed at both ends, turned into a flexible membrane of sorts and, being above the pole of the magnet, changed its magnetic flux. As a result, the electric current entering the line changed according to the air vibrations caused by Watson's muttering. This was the birth of the telephone.

The device was called a Bell tube. It had to be applied alternately to the mouth and ear, or to use two tubes at the same time.

On May 7 (April 25, old style), 1895, a historical event occurred, which was only appreciated several years later. At a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society (RFCS), the teacher of the Mine Officer Class, Alexander Stepanovich Popov, spoke with a report “On the relationship of metal powders to electrical vibrations.” During the report by A.S. Popov demonstrated the operation of a device he created, designed to receive and register electromagnetic waves. It was the world's first radio receiver. He sensitively responded with an electric bell to the sending of electromagnetic oscillations that were generated by the Hertz vibrator.

Here is what the newspaper "Kronstadt Bulletin" wrote on April 30 (May 12), 1895 about this: Dear teacher A.S. Popov... combined a special portable device that responds to electrical vibrations with an ordinary electric bell and is sensitive to Hertzian waves on open air at a distance of up to 30 fathoms.

The invention of radio by Popov was a natural result of his purposeful research into electromagnetic oscillations.

In 1894, in his experiments, A. S. Popov began to use the coherer of the French scientist E. Branly (a glass tube filled with metal filings), first used for these purposes by the English researcher O. Lodge, as an indicator of electromagnetic radiation. Alexander Stepanovich worked hard to increase the sensitivity of the coherer to Hertzian rays and restore its ability to register for new pulses of electromagnetic radiation after exposure to the previous electromagnetic message. As a result, Popov came to the original design of a device for receiving electromagnetic waves, thereby taking a decisive step towards creating a system for transmitting and receiving signals over a distance.

From experiments within the walls of the Mine Class, Alexander Stepanovich moved on to experiments in the open air. Here he implemented a new idea: to increase sensitivity, he attached a thin copper wire - an antenna - to the receiving device. The signaling range from the oscillation generator (Hertz vibrator) to the receiving device has already reached several tens of meters. It was a complete success.

These experiments on signaling at a distance, i.e. essentially radio communications, were carried out at the beginning of 1895. By the end of April, Popov considered it possible to make them public at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Federal Chemical Society. So May 7, 1895 became the birthday of radio - one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century.

A television.

Modern electronic television originated in St. Petersburg in the project of a teacher at the Technological Institute, Boris Lvovich Rosing. In 1907, he filed patent applications in Russia, Germany and England for the invention of a television device with a cathode ray tube (a prototype of a kinescope), and on May 9, 1911, he demonstrated an image on a kinescope screen.

“...Professor Rosing,” V.K. Zvorykin later wrote), assisted Rosing, and in 1918 emigrated to the USA, becoming a famous scientist in the field of television and medical electronics), “discovered a fundamentally new approach to television, with the help of which he hoped to overcome the limitations of mechanical scanning systems...".

Indeed, in 1928-1930. In the USA and in a number of European countries, TV broadcasting began using not electronic, but mechanical systems that made it possible to transmit only elementary images with clarity (30-48 lines). Regular transmissions from Moscow according to the standard 30 lines, 12.5 frames were carried out on medium waves from October 1, 1931. The equipment was developed at the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute by P. V. Shmakov and V. I. Arkhangelsky.

In the early 30s, CRT televisions began to appear at foreign exhibitions and then in stores. However, image clarity remained poor because mechanical scanners were still used on the transmitting side.

An important task on the agenda is the creation of a system that accumulates light energy from the transmitted image. The first to practically solve this problem was V.K. Zvorykin, who worked at the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). He managed to create, in addition to the kinescope, a transmission tube with accumulation of charges, which he piled with an iconoscope (in Greek, “observe the image”). Zworykin made a report on the development of a completely electronic TV system with a group of employees, with a clarity of about 300 lines, on June 26, 1933 at the conference of the US Society of Radio Engineers. And a month and a half after that, he read his sensational report to scientists and engineers of Leningrad and Moscow.

In the speech of Professor G.V. Braude, it was noted that in our country A.P. Konstantinov made a transmitting tube with accumulation of charges, similar in principle to the Zvorykin tube. A.P. Konstantinov considered it necessary to clarify: “In my device, basically the same principle is used, but Dr. Zvorykin has done it immeasurably more elegantly and more practically...”

Artificial Earth satellites.

On October 4, 1957, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in the USSR. The launch vehicle delivered the satellite to a given orbit, the highest point of which is at an altitude of about 1000 km. This satellite had the shape of a ball with a diameter of 58 cm and weighed 83.6 kg. It was equipped with 4 antennas and 2 radio transmitters with power supplies. Artificial Earth satellites can be used as: a relay station for television, significantly expanding the range of television broadcasts; radio navigation beacon.


Cellular systems were created to provide wireless radiotelephone communication services for the benefit of a large number of subscribers (ten thousand or more in one city), they allow very efficient use of frequency resources. This year will mark the 27th anniversary of cellular communications - this is quite a lot for advanced technology.

Paging systems are designed to provide one-way communication with subscribers by transmitting short messages in digital or alphanumeric form.

Fiber optic communication lines. The global information infrastructure has been under construction for a long time. Its basis is fiber optic cable lines, which have gained dominant positions in global communication networks over the past quarter century. Such highways have already entangled most of the Earth; they pass through both the territory of Russia and the territory of the former Soviet Union. Fiber-optic communication lines with high bandwidth provide transmission of signals of all types (analog and digital).

InterNet is a worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of computers. The embryo was the distributed network ARPAnet, which was created in the late 60s by order of the US Department of Defense to communicate between the computers of this ministry. The developed principles for organizing this network turned out to be so successful that many other organizations began to create their own networks based on the same principles. These networks began to merge with each other, forming a single network with a common address space. This network became known as InterNet.


1) Magazine "Radio": 1998 No. 3, 1997 No. 7, 1998 No. 11, 1998 No. 2.

2) Radio Yearbook 1985.

3) Figurnov V.E. "IBM PC for the user. A short course."

4) Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

To prepare this work, materials were used from the site http://mini-soft.net.ru/

Radio communication) was one of the greatest inventions in the history of science and technology. This is a conquest scientific and technological progress First of all, it opened a new, exceptionally fruitful stage in the development of communications and information. In the field of radio engineering, new directions have emerged, primarily electronics, which plays (like radio engineering in general) an outstanding role in the modern scientific and technological revolution (...

Can be transmitted over a network of optical cables made from pure glass rods or similar low attenuation material working length waves. Modern era Optical communications began with the invention of the laser in 1958 and the creation of the first lasers, which followed shortly after in 1961. Compared to optical radiation from conventional sources, laser radiation has...

It was only in the 70-80s of the last century, when widespread construction of railways began, that the Yamskaya chase as a means of communication ceased to exist. CHAPPE'S TELEGRAPH IN THE 17th and XVIII centuries

, when science, technology and industry began to develop noticeably, new trade routes began to be laid out and close political and economic relationships were established between peoples, ... 15-20 years. The first PPPs were simple thematic collections of programs for solving individual problems in a particular application area. A modern package is a complex software system that includes specialized system and language tools. In relatively short story

The development of computing software can be divided into 4 main generations (classes) of packages. Each of these: classes... For me personally, there is nothing more pleasant than being on a business trip in some other city and, after a busy day at work, chatting with colleagues about various abstract topics over a cup of tea, beer and fish. One of these evenings we tried to restore the evolution of communications and the list of technologies and names of people who, with their genius, gave impetus to the development of our frantic information world . What I managed to remember is under the cut. But I got the impression that we missed a lot. So I'm waiting for comments and interesting stories

from you, dear Khabrovtsy.

We started remembering from ancient times... The party was in full swing when we began to remember the development of communication technology. main idea

The history of information messaging began in the Stone Age. Then information was transmitted through the smoke of fires, blows on a signal drum, and the sounds of trumpets through a developed network of signal towers. Later they began to send messengers with oral news. Perhaps this is the very first and effective way convey an urgent message between people. Such a messenger memorized the “letter” from the words of the sender, and then retold it to the addressee. Egypt, Persia, Rome, the Inca state - had a developed, well-organized postal service. Messengers plied along the dusty roads day and night. They took turns or changed horses at specially built stations. Actually, the word “post office” comes from the Latin expression “mansio pozita...” - “station at a point...”. 2500 years ago, the relay race method of transmitting letters from messenger to messenger was already used. In the last quarter of the 9th century, almost at the very beginning of the existence of Kievan Rus, the foundations of the Russian postal service were laid - one of the oldest in Europe. In terms of time of occurrence, only the communications services of Great Britain and Spain can be placed on a par with it. The courier service stands apart, the history of which in Russia goes back more than two centuries. However, this is a special type of communication that served exclusively government officials and the military.

Ancient letters are a recognized example of the culture of human communication. Special paper was produced, perfumes for impregnating envelopes, cliches, sealing wax and seals - all this was in the order of things, and writing a letter to another person was a whole ritual.

Pigeon mail

No matter how fast the messenger is, he will not be able to keep up with the bird. Carrier pigeons have made a huge contribution to human communication. A kind of short message service - after all, the pigeon could only carry a small load, a short letter or even a note. However, pigeon mail was a very effective information channel that was used by politicians, brokers, the military and ordinary people.

Device parameters
Flight range - up to 1500 km. (the competition starts from a maximum distance of 800 km.)
Speed ​​- up to 100 km/h
Flight conditions - any (rain, snow, whatever)
Service life - up to 10-15 years (with good care)
Price - from $100 (the most expensive pigeon is the Danish Subian named " Dolce Vita"recently sold for $329,000)

Passport of the most expensive pigeon (identification is based on the pupil of the bird)

Almost any pigeon can become a homing pigeon. These birds have an amazing ability to find their way to the nest, but only on condition that it was born there, fledged and lived for about 1 year. After this, the pigeon can find its way to the house from any point, but the maximum distance cannot be 1500 km. It is still not clear how pigeons navigate in space. There is an opinion that they are sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field and infrasound. The sun and stars also help them. However, there are also disadvantages. Pigeon mail - simplex communication. Pigeons cannot fly back and forth. They are only able to return to their parent's nest. Therefore, pigeons for information purposes were taken in special cages or cars to another place, where it was necessary to establish an “information channel.”

There are probably thousands of stories and legends about the role carrier pigeons played in human life. One of these is about the Rothschild family. The news of Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815 was received by Nathan Rothschild through a dove two days earlier than the official news, which gave him the opportunity to successfully conduct a campaign on the stock exchange with French securities and receive 40 million dollars in profit from this transaction in 1815 prices! Even in our times this is not bad. A typical example of the importance of information, especially in financial areas.

Maritime and military communications

The most important place to ensure communications is the theater of military operations. Before the advent of the telegraph and wired telephone exchanges, semaphore systems were actively used (which is still surprising). Both iconic and illuminated.

The semaphore, or flag, alphabet has been used in the Navy since 1895. It was developed by Vice Admiral Stepan Makarov. The Russian flag alphabet contains 29 letters and three special characters and does not include numbers or punctuation marks. The transmission of information in this type of communication is carried out in words, letters by letter, and the transmission speed can reach 60-80 characters per minute. It’s strange, but sailor training has been abolished in the Russian Navy since 2011 semaphore alphabet, although in most naval powers of the world it is a compulsory discipline.
The signaling system using special flags is also interesting. Used by sea vessels. There are only 29 pieces, which, as I understand it, everyone who goes to sea should know. Here, for example, are the first six flags. Some are quite funny.

Wired connection. Telegraph, telephone, teletype...

Let's talk about electrical systems. Of course, let's start with the telegraph. One of the first attempts to create a means of communication using electricity dates back to the second half of the 18th century, when Lesage built an electrostatic telegraph in Geneva in 1774. In 1798, Spanish inventor Francisco de Salva created his own design for an electrostatic telegraph. Later, in 1809, the German scientist Samuel Thomas Semmering built and tested an electrochemical telegraph. The first electromagnetic telegraph was created by the Russian scientist Pavel Lvovich Schilling in 1832.

Of course, at this time the wired communications infrastructure began to rapidly develop. The advent of the Morse apparatus and Bell's deft patenting of the telephone (disputes about who invented the telephone principle itself have not yet died out) led to the first wave of informatization of the planet. It was an amazing time of development of new technologies, which created tens of thousands of jobs. Telephone operators, technicians, engineers, telephone and telegraph companies.

By the way, about telephone operators. The requirements for applicants were high. The girl must be smart, have an excellent memory and be pretty. Probably, such a requirement was because in those days only men were the heads of telephone exchanges.
Of course, companies producing various telegraph equipment began to develop rapidly. Peculiar technological startups of the 19th century).

Of course, it was important for the development of communication to introduce them ordinary people. It was not uncommon to see such promotions on city streets. Phone booth on wheels. Just like now.

And, of course, people were interested in the task of transmitting graphic information. Since the invention of the telegraph, work began on transmitting images. Mainly photographs. The first prototypes of fax machines were developed. However, it was possible to make an acceptable phototelegraph apparatus only after the Second World War. And transmitting an image over the phone is still in the sixties. One way or another, these technologies have appeared and we can no longer be surprised by them.

As I understand it, in the right top corner the eyepiece of the video camera, and behind the screen there is equipment for transmitting the image. Apparently the system was cumbersome)

Invention of the radio

A real breakthrough in technology came with the invention of radio. Thanks to this, it was possible to get rid of wires and establish communications throughout almost the entire planet. Of course, first of all, this technology reached the military. Almost immediately, radio began to replace wire telegraphy. But, of course, not right away. The first radio equipment was unreliable and extremely expensive.

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