How to be fun and interesting. Ways to gain skill in communication

Some people don't have to ask this question at all. How to become talkative is no longer necessary. They have already mastered the secrets since childhood and began to use them. Like this. Every conversation with them can become another argument. And the winners are those who have more developed unique qualities such as erudition and acting. In general, everything that distinguishes them from others.

Why do others have communication problems and others don't? A talkative person asks himself a question. He doesn’t understand, because he never needed it, he was already, as it were, born for this element. But it is a mistake to think so. As children, they read a lot and were interested in many curious things. Everything comes from this.

1. When starting a conversation, do not think about what opinion your interlocutors will have of you. Here attractive girl What's stopping you from starting a conversation? My hairstyle is not the same, I am not that attractive in appearance. The fact is that a person who feels like this inevitably becomes the culprit of his emotions. His speech is incoherent, decrepit, with no room for jokes or witty phrases.

You need to think like this: if you think about someone else’s opinion, then you are not a leader, that is, not a leader. And no one likes such characters.

2. Did you want to say that you can’t stop? You need to know when to stop; excessive talkativeness only causes harm. You might think that a person is not the master of his word, they are controlled by passions. they don't do that.

3. Eat good way, one good friend told me about him. Mentally give some valuable thing to a person. Maybe your smile, a bouquet of flowers? Eye contact simply brilliant, and as if by invisible forces the person himself is drawn to you. You seem to have gained everyone’s trust, and now you can conduct a calm dialogue.

I once conducted a so-called experiment. He gave gifts to some, and completely bypassed others. The result amazed me. In the first case, I was able to customize the person for myself instantly, but in the other, it took me additional effort.

4. Replace the word talkative with sociable. This is more suitable. What's the difference? Sociable means interesting with his deep thoughts and thoughts, while the other is just an empty talker.

5. Always focus your attention on people. Be more interested in them, not forgetting that the whole human mystery lies precisely in them. They're on at the moment creators of all machines existing on Earth. And your success depends on how much you manage to come to an agreement with them.

6. What is their state of health, what useful things can a person give you? That's all, always focus on mutual benefit. Without this simple emotions, are worth absolutely nothing. Even if you are a genius at how to become talkative.

7. Remember, at the moment when you want to withdraw into yourself, think: will this be interesting not only to me? Most likely not. That's the whole mystery. Sometimes there are so many problems that we don’t have time to focus our attention on others. And that means you become necessary only to yourself, without anyone else, if maybe it works out.

8. I started as usual with what others were reading. There are always well-read people in my circle, and therefore if I want to learn something, I immediately start the conversation with their favorite book or movie. It’s very nice and warm in your soul when you see a like-minded person who lives and thinks. Then the questions of how to start and act will disappear by themselves and easily.

Refer to the literature where famous speakers offer their own methods. You see, behind their backs whole life, where there is a tremendous amount of experience of living among your own kind.

9. Under no circumstances should you be afraid to take on the entire burden. That is, come up first and start interesting conversation. Otherwise, you can even sit at home all alone on popular holidays. Many are not used to taking the initiative, and therefore live out their lives in splendid isolation. People need to be invited, some don’t even think about it. Hence such stupid consequences, without...

Are you poor at talking only with your friends, or with everyone without exception? Yes, that means you won't do well in the company of other people. Then you don't have to worry too much. Everything is solvable, you just need a little time and patience.

Look at her others, do you think they force themselves to say a word? They all do this automatically, their language has become flexible and bold. Here's how to become talkative.

As is known, funny people literally attract the attention of others. Everyone loves them, wants to be with them, they always turn out to be the center of attention of any company. Why does it happen that some people have this quality by nature, while others are constantly haunted by depression, despondency and disappointment in their lives? How to make the life of the latter rich and interesting? Let's try to give some advice on how to how to become cheerful.

You can often find people who are quite boring, irritable, show their dissatisfaction with every trifle, and treat others with disdain. In their company, any person will feel uncomfortable, trying to get rid of the unpleasant company as quickly as possible. At the same time, everyone can remember another type of girl who outwardly is not the standard of beauty, but their face is always adorned with a smile and their eyes are full of joy. No man can pass by such girls indifferently. Naturally, it is the second type that every woman wants to belong to. What does it take to become cheerful and attract the attention of others?

Firstly- the smile should not disappear from your lips. Even in situations when you are sad and lonely, try to smile. At first, you will end up with artificial, “tight” smiles, but very soon you will notice how your tone begins to return to normal, problems no longer seem so scary, and life literally fills your body.

In addition to this, we must remember that a smile is the only decoration that can make absolutely any woman more attractive.

Second important skill is the skill of finding positive notes in any situation. Don't get hung up on the small ones. As a rule, it is quite easy to get out of them, and you can even get some benefit. The main thing is to consider it in time.

Life situations, by their nature, are neutral, and everyone decides for themselves whether they are good or bad.

Parting with a young man can be assessed as a personal tragedy, but on the other hand, you become free to find a companion worthy of you! If you are sick, you can completely lose heart and sit and grieve about how unlucky you are, but it will be better if you begin to perceive your illness as an unplanned opportunity to have a good rest, sleep and get yourself in order.

It is very important to be able to program yourself for success. Talk to yourself more often about how good your life is, what your great mood, which wonderful people you are surrounded. Very soon your life will change for the better and become truly more colorful.

Don't neglect the opportunity to communicate with people you are interested in. They can be relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates, as well as Internet interlocutors. The main thing is not to get hung up on communication on the Internet and not to exchange your real friends for virtual ones.

In order to answer the question of how to become cheerful, force yourself to walk as often as possible. Of course, this applies to those days when the weather is beautiful outside the window. sunlight has a beneficial effect on a person, making his mood more positive.

Very effective means There are some foods that help lift your mood. As you know, the best of them is chocolate, which supplies the body with endrophin, but other foods may also be suitable, such as bananas, spaghetti, hard cheese, oranges and many others.

It is important to be able to create your own mood, to organize holidays for yourself, albeit small ones, more often. By paying attention to yourself, you will no longer feel lacking from others, and this will allow you to treat them not as a necessity, but as gifts.

You are constantly on the move, because it is known that movement is life. Take up dancing, which will be no less useful but more enjoyable. This will allow you to relax, feel more comfortable around people you don’t know and, most importantly, constantly keep your body in good shape.

That's all our advice on how to become cheerful. Try to follow them, and you will notice how your life will begin to be filled with positivity, and you will become a welcome person in any company.

I wish everyone bright smiles every day, my dear readers!

Give thanks in front of everyone. Too often we carry out our daily activities with the participation of other people, forgetting to express our gratitude to them. Next time you order coffee or pay for groceries at the supermarket checkout, smile at the person helping you. Look him in the eye and say thank you. This simple gesture will make you feel more comfortable with different people, but for some it will simply lift their spirits.

  • A small compliment can also go a long way, especially in a service situation. Don't forget that a cash register clerk or a coffee shop bartender serves several hundred people a day, most of whom either ignore them or are rude. Don't be "like that". Don't be impatient or comment on people's appearance. You can just say, "Oh, Thanks a lot“What’s so fast!” - thus, you will demonstrate that you appreciate their work.

If you are in a place where people are actively socializing, such as at a party, try to be as supportive as possible. eye contact with other people. When you catch someone's eye, smile in a friendly manner. If the person will answer you in kind, come up and talk. (Especially if they smiled back at you!)

  • If the person didn’t react, it’s okay. The main thing is to be “outgoing” and not “intrusive”. You should not insist on communicating with a person who is not interested in this.
  • This approach is not particularly effective in situations where people do not expect anyone to approach them, e.g. public transport. Part of being sociable involves understanding where and when it is appropriate to approach people, and where and when it is better not to do so.
  • Introduce yourself. To be friendly and sociable person, you don't have to be cute. You can start a conversation by saying that this is your first time here and giving the other person a small compliment.

    • Pay attention to the same shy loners. Most likely, you will be uncomfortable suddenly changing the role of a “quiet person” to a “socialite”. If you are at an event, pay attention to those who are also shy or obviously uncomfortable. Most likely, they are just as uncomfortable as you are. They might be happy for you to make the first move and initiate the conversation.
    • Be friendly, but avoid being pushy. After introducing yourself and asking a couple of questions, step aside if you feel that the person is not interested in communicating.
  • Ask open-ended questions. One of the great ways to become a sociable person is to learn to ask open-ended questions. Such questions give the interlocutor the opportunity to go beyond a short “yes” or “no.” It is much easier to start a conversation by inviting the other person to tell you a little about yourself. If you've already made eye contact and exchanged smiles, start with a question. Here are a few similar questions for example:

    • How do you find this book/magazine?
    • What is your favorite thing to do here?
    • Where did you find this awesome shirt?
  • Look for what you have in common. First conversations, as a rule, are always based on a search for what both sides agree on. In order to identify a topic for conversation, you need to try to find what you have in common. If you work together or have mutual friends or something, what unites you, consider that half the battle is done. Talking about your boss or your friend Yulia, or those same culinary arts classes will open the way for you to further topics of conversation.

    • If the person is a stranger, start with a general scenario. For example, if you are in a bookstore, you can ask the person to recommend you good book from among my favorites. If you both are stuck somewhere for a long time, you can joke about it.
    • Give a compliment, but be careful that it doesn't sound like an assessment. For example, you can compliment a haircut and ask which hairdresser did it. Or say that you have been looking for the exact same sneakers that this person is wearing for a long time, and ask where he bought them. Avoid topics that may be offensive: don't make comments about size, skin color, or physical attractiveness in general.
  • Pay attention to what inspires your interlocutor. If person A is obsessed with thermodynamics and person B is obsessed with Italian coffee (and who knows why?), the conversation won't go far. One of the two will have to pick up the theme of the second. Let that person be you

    • While you're making awkward small talk in search of commonality, try to catch the moment when your interlocutor perks up. You'll hear it And you'll see. Both facial expressions and voice will become more expressive, and perhaps you will even notice certain body movements. All people show animation in approximately the same way: imagine what you look like when you sit on your skate - others look the same when the conversation turns to a topic that is fascinating to them.
  • Engage in casual conversations with your colleagues. If you have a job, then most likely there is an environment in which, with a certain amount of effort, you can establish communication. Find a place where people simply spend time together, be it a break room or an office of one of the employees.

    Always end the conversation on a positive note. Let your interlocutor want to continue after your conversation. The surest way to do this is to let the person know that you are always open to communicating with him. End the conversation tactfully, so that the other person does not get the impression that you are trying to get rid of him.

    • For example, if you were discussing your pets, ask where the nice park for walking dogs. If your interlocutor is willing to share information, you can suggest taking a walk together: “Do you recommend the park behind Southern Boulevard? I've never been there. Maybe we can take a walk there together next Saturday, what do you think?” Specific offer, as a rule, is more effective than “let’s meet again someday,” because in this case your interlocutor can be sure that you are not just saying this out of politeness.
    • After finishing the conversation, say one of the main points of your conversation again. Your interlocutor will be convinced that you listened carefully and will feel your interest. For example: “Good luck on Sunday at the marathon! I hope to hear more details next week."
    • Finally, confirm that the interaction was pleasant for you. “It was very nice to meet you” or “Wonderful conversation, thank you.” Thanks to such words, your interlocutor will feel important.
  • Connect with everyone everywhere. Now that you are familiar with the basics of the art of dialogue, you need to start using your knowledge with all the people you meet. life path. At first, you may feel uncomfortable engaging in conversation with those who seem too “different” to you. However, the more different people you allow into your life, the more you will begin to realize how much you have in common - after all, we are all human.

    Part 2

    Work for results
    1. Set clear, healthy goals for yourself. Becoming sociable is an elusive goal, primarily due to its complete abstraction. It will become easier for you if you break large goals into smaller ones. Instead of telling yourself to become more social, set a goal every day to start at least one conversation, reach out to a stranger, or smile at five people.

      • Start small. Try to engage in a secular, non-committal conversation with a stranger or acquaintance at least once every day. Even if this difficult task, just try to smile. Say hello to your neighbors. Remember the bartender who served you coffee every day for the last three months? Ask him what his name is. Small victories like these will help you maintain a determined mindset and take bolder steps in the future.
    2. Join the club. If you're not sure how to make social contacts, join a social club. You will have a lot of opportunities to communicate, usually in a narrow circle, with people who have common interests.

      Invite people to visit. In order to become sociable, you don’t even have to leave your home. Invite people over for a movie night or dinner. If you're welcoming, people will feel valued by you (and they'll be more likely to have a good time in your company).

      Take up a hobby. Everyone needs to feel like they are good at something. Humans have an innate need to “control” something. A hobby can become one of simple ways satisfy this need. When we do something really, truly well, we feel proud and confident in ourselves in general. After all, if we succeeded in this, who’s to say that something else won’t work?

      • In addition, a hobby provides a lot of opportunities to meet and communicate with new people and is very good for health, as it significantly reduces the risk of depression.
    3. Focus on what you see in your clothes. It may sound cliché, but numerous studies have proven that what you wear can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. Appearance, helping you express your personality and values, boosts confidence and promotes sociability.

      Build on existing friendships. Don't forget about those who have already become your friends, And those you already know. You will not only strengthen already existing connections, but also bring it into your life new experience, which you can share with new friends.

      • Old friends are a great option for practice. They can introduce you to new people or accompany you to places you would never go alone. Don't forget about them! They may be experiencing the same difficulties as you.
    4. Introduce people to each other. In a sense, being sociable means helping people feel comfortable communicating. Once you're comfortable making friends yourself, start showing love to people by introducing them to each other.

      • Introducing people to each other can help reduce social awkwardness. Think about what you know about each person - what do they have in common? When communicating with Katya from the handicraft store, take a moment to call a friend: “Hey, Seryozha, this is Katya. We were just discussing the performance new group at a jazz festival. What do you think of them?”, knowing full well that they both like jazz. It worked!

    Part 3

    Use body language
    1. Observe your body language. Nonverbal communication– body language and eye contact say as much about you as words. According to a language researcher Amy's body Cuddy, your body also sends certain messages to others through its behavior. People rate each other on attractiveness, friendliness, competence, trustworthiness, or wariness in a matter of seconds. According to some studies, you may only have 1/10th of a second to make a first impression.

      Maintain eye contact. Eyes are the “mirror of the soul”; you can become a more sociable person just by learning to maintain eye contact with others. So, for example, if you look a person directly in the eyes, this is interpreted as an invitation to communicate. The other person may give a long return glance to express agreement to your invitation.

      Use your body to express your interest. In addition to how you sit or stand when you're on your own, you can use body language when communicating. “Open” gestures demonstrate your interest in the interlocutor and your willingness to continue communication.

      Become an active listener. While listening to the person, be involved in the conversation. Concentrate on the other person's words. Look at a person when he tells you something. Nod your head in agreement, smile, and use interjections such as “Yeah,” “Mmm,” “Yeah.” This will show that you are following the conversation.

      • Try not to look over the other person's head or to the side for more than a couple of seconds, otherwise this can be interpreted as a sign of boredom and inattention.
      • Repeat the other person's key points or include them in your answer. For example, if you are communicating with a new person who tells you about his hobby fishing fly fishing, mention it in your next line: “Wow, never fly fished before. However, the way you talk about it suggests that it should be quite entertaining.” This way the other person will understand that you really listened to him and did not have your head in the clouds and did not make your future plans in your head.
      • Before you speak, let the person finish.
      • Don’t rehearse your answer to yourself while you’re listening to your interlocutor, and don’t rush to speak as soon as he’s silent. Concentrate your attention completely on the words of your interlocutor.
    2. Learn to smile. If you've ever heard the expression “smile with your eyes alone,” then keep in mind what it means: research. People can tell the difference between a “real” smile and a fake one due to the fact that a real smile requires the use of many more facial muscles. There is even a term “Duchenne smile”, which refers to a real smile. This type of smile uses the muscles around the mouth And around the eyes.

      Force yourself to get out of your comfort zone. According to psychologists, there is a zone of “optimal anxiety” or “productive discomfort” that borders directly on your comfort zone. When you are in this zone, you are more productive because you are ready to to a certain extent risk. However, you are not so far from your “safety zone” that you become paralyzed by anxiety.

      Reconsider your attitude towards “failures”: treat them as experiences from which to learn. Along with risk comes the possibility that this risk will materialize and you will not get the result you expected. There is always a temptation to judge similar situations as "failures". The problem with this worldview is that it devalues ​​everything else. Even in the worst case scenario, there is always something you can learn for yourself for the future. After all, it's better to be smart in hindsight.

    Part 4

    Think positively, effectively and confidently
    1. Become social on your own terms. In being an introvert or shy person, there is nothing reprehensible. Determine what exactly you would like to change in yourself, and change, but for the sake of “yourself”, and not someone who insists on it..

      • Think about why your shyness bothers you so much. Perhaps this is a case where the solution lies in simply accepting yourself for who you are. Being yourself and being shy is much better than denying yourself and pretending to be an extrovert.
      • Remember: In what types of situations do you become shy? What exactly provokes it in these situations? How does your body react? How do you tend to deal with such situations? Becoming aware of how you behave is the first step to taking control of your reactions.
      • Jimi Hendrix did not become a guitar virtuoso overnight, and Moscow was not built overnight. You don't become a socialite in a couple of days. So set realistic goals for yourself and don’t punish yourself for your next failures. We all go through this.
        • Only you alone know what you have to overcome and what comes to you with ease. If you were asked to rate your “sociability” on a scale of 10, where would you rate yourself? Now think about what kind of behavior would allow you to add another point to yourself? Focus on this task before you set yourself a goal of getting to 9 or 10.
    2. Realize that this is a skill. Sometimes it seems that all these social chameleons that are in everyone’s sight were born this way. And this is partly true: some people are naturally predisposed to pay attention to other people and make an impression - but overall, it is an acquired skill. Scientific world tends to think that you can learn to change your reactions to certain situations by developing new habits of thinking and behavior.

      • If you know people who are outgoing (and you definitely do), ask them about this personality trait. Have they always been like this? Have you ever felt the need to “learn” how to be sociable? Do they have their own (even limited) understanding of social anxiety? You may hear the answer: no, yes and yes. And it will become obvious to you that such behavior is the result of a decision once made to take control of the situation.
    3. Think about your past successes. Somewhere at a noisy party, at the thought of having to communicate with people, you may be overcome by a familiar anxiety. You may have negative thoughts regarding his ability to pleasant communication with people at a party. In this case, think about those situations when you were able to enjoy time with other people and feel comfortable doing so. You're probably quite social around your family and friends, at least some of the time! Take this experience successful communication to the current situation

      • Remembering all the times we have managed to do something that required us to overcome our fear, we are convinced again and again that we are capable of it. Such awareness gives confidence.
    • Be open to your surroundings and live in the moment. If you yourself do not enjoy communication, no one will.
    • Smile as often as possible. Alone with yourself or among others. Smiling will lift your mood and you will be more inclined to communicate.
    • Once you feel comfortable starting the conversation, take the next step. Learn to have a conversation and win people over.
    • Be proactive. If you see stranger, which you are interested in, just come up and ask: “What is your name?” and, after waiting for an answer, continue: “And I’m (insert your name), and I’d like to make friends.” You might be treated like a weirdo, but that's okay. At the very least, you will demonstrate friendliness and willingness to communicate.
    • Resist the temptation to behave in ways that are inconsistent with who you are. The basis for confidence is to be yourself.
    • Don't forget that the path from shyness to confidence in communication does not happen overnight. It may take weeks, months, or even years before you reach a comfortable level of confidence. Give yourself time. Practice communicating with different people. IN school class or on the board of directors - it doesn't matter.
    • If people are interested in your life, don't forget to ask them similar questions in return. It's easy to forget, but asking questions like these can help you enrich your communication.
  • Communication is a very important component of our life.. It relieves a person from the feeling of loneliness, helps to acquire the necessary life experience, because when talking we share our skills, impressions, give each other good advice. Without communication, a person may feel unnecessary, uninteresting, and socially inferior. But some people subconsciously build a wall within themselves that separates them from society. This is done due to shyness, lack of self-confidence or distrust of people. The reasons may be different, but the result is always the same. No communication - no friends. No friends - no support difficult moment. Is it possible to learn this difficult art for you? Of course you can. Today we’ll talk about how to become more sociable.

    Start by working on yourself

    First, make it clear to yourself that the problem lies not in the people around you, but in yourself. It is you who do not make contact with them, which is why they do not show any desire to engage in conversation or give up after a few phrases. They don't get any feedback from you. It is advisable to figure out what exactly is preventing you from communicating freely. These may be complexes, uncertainty about what you interesting conversationalist, fear of seeming stupid and awkward. If self-analysis does not bring the desired results, and you cannot find the reason for your isolation, then a psychologist will help you. At the same time, he can tell you how to become a sociable person.

    It all starts with working on yourself. Having overcome yourself, it will be easier for you to make contact. This is what psychologists advise.

    A little training on yourself and you will be ready to take the next steps.

    Five steps to becoming more sociable

    You've already worked a little on yourself and are now ready to move on. Don't think that it will be easy, that you will instantly make new friends and become the life of the party. This takes time. Some less, some more. These little tips will show you how to become more fun and sociable.

    Step one. Visit big companies

    A person very quickly adopts the mood of other people, since from birth he social creature. If you go to the funeral of a stranger, you will definitely feel sad at the sight of someone else’s grief. If you find yourself in fun company, then you will get your portion of positive. Therefore, do not refuse invitations to parties, attend fun activities With large quantities people. This is your chance to open up and get closer to people.

    Step two. Learn to find common interests

    Have you ever wondered about the meaning of the word “communication”? It comes from the word “common”, that is, a real, fascinating and interesting dialogue for both interlocutors begins only if there are common interests. And you can find them with almost everyone. There is always a common ground - you just need to learn to see it. For example, housewives may be interested in more than just recipes, TV series, and children. Unexpectedly, you may discover that this woman is a fan of a football team or an avid fisherman. Or a serious entrepreneur suddenly confesses to you his passion for crocheting. The main thing is to catch a topic that is close to you in the conversation and support it.

    Step three. Don't annoy your interlocutor

    Step four. Don't talk about the ordinary

    People who have difficulty communicating usually focus all their conversations on “wonderful or terrible weather” and stories about their lives. You need to change this about yourself. Promise yourself that you will never start a conversation by talking about the weather or personal life. The conversation should be interesting to both participants in the dialogue. Therefore, expand your horizons and behave naturally. It is very useful to give unobtrusive compliments, show sincere interest in the subject of conversation, and sometimes just listen carefully.

    Step five. Don't be a misanthrope and turn insults into a joke

    To see in the people around you only negative aspects- Very bad trait character. She doesn't let you see in a person good qualities, understand its essence. This trait must be ruthlessly eradicated. Yes, and you need to treat everything more simply - if someone inadvertently offended you, then you should not overreact to it. It's better to try to make it a joke. This does not mean that you should completely ignore what was said - let the other person know that you are slightly offended, but do not be angry with him. Next time he won't throw words around so carelessly.

    The art of communication will come to you over time and only when you work hard enough on yourself. And these small tips will help you see your mistakes and find ways to correct them.

    How to communicate with a girl. Tips for guys. How to become sociable. Positive Pickup training.

    Recommendations on how to become sociable:

    • Sign up for dancing. Dancing will help you discover yourself, your rhythm, express your feelings, emotions, overcome complexes and insecurities.
    • Learn new things in the world and around you.
    • Expand your horizons
    • Communicate with different people, different cultures and worldviews
    • Read more literature. Fiction, fantasy. But read less and watch the news.
    • They are not afraid to express their emotions, to insert their words into communication, even if they may seem funny and stupid.
    • Be able to quickly switch from one topic to another. Try to focus less on your inner feelings.
    • Express yourself in creativity. This could be music, drawing, modeling, creating something interesting.

    Often, people get used to communicating on business, at work, at meetings and this becomes a habit, it becomes difficult to talk relaxedly in simple themes. You need to be able to switch.

    Sometimes it seems that someone is simply a very sociable person from birth, but in fact, you can independently become a person with developed social skills, if necessary. From this article you will learn how to be sociable and interesting.

    Part one: overcoming our existing complexes

    • Make a list that describes all your positive aspects. Consider how your internal qualities, and external data. You can view this list every day. Hang it, for example, on your refrigerator.
    • Not worth it talk about yourself as a person whory tries to avoid communicating with people because he is not confident in himself. So you internally set yourself up for negativity in advance. This does not help solve the problem, but, on the contrary, only makes it worse. If you really would like to actually communicate more with different people, then the possibility of this is worth believing.
    • We all know that there are both good and bad people. You shouldn’t see everyone as bad in advance. This, in turn, will prevent you from connecting with those who are not. Take this moment into account and take it into account.

    Part two: how to improve the social side of your life

    1. Exercise regularly. Try to do social aspect your life as ordinary as possible for you. It is worth trying to communicate with other people as often as possible. Communicationthis is, in theory, the same skill or in other wordsa skill that needs to be developed. To do this, you should not avoid conversations. This can be done if the interlocutor or the topic of conversation itself is something unacceptable for you. Try to invite people to attend some interesting events together that might interest them as often as possible. Also, do not refuse if you are invited somewhere. It is in such cases that you can practice communicating with other people. If, for example, you refuse, then your friends or people you know may think that it is unpleasant for you to see them. In the future, they may simply stop inviting you anywhere. Consider this point and take it into account. Otherwise, you will have less and less chances to carry on conversations.
    2. Try to become positive person. There is so much injustice and bad things in the world. Therefore, many people simply avoid those people who themselves are a source of negativity. This is quite natural. Therefore, try to talk about sad things as little as possible, and instead at least try to set yourself up for positive mood. If something positive comes from you, then there is a high chance that people will become interested in finding out what kind of person you really are.
    3. Accept direct participation in the process of communication. When talking to someone, try to set yourself up for the positive in advance and don’t think about the bad. Listen to what the other person is telling you so that you can carry on the conversation. Don't get distracted by your smartphone. It’s better to turn it off in advance or switch it to silent mode. Show that the person is interesting to you at the moment of communication.
    4. Pay attention to body language. In fact, this kind of body language can also say a lot about a particular person. For example, if a person looks at you openly and directly in the eyes, then most likely he is in the mood for a conversation. There is no need to cross your arms or legs when talking, or spend every minute checking the news social network using the phone and so on.
    5. Become the initiator of communication with other people. You shouldn’t wait for the first step from certain people, because you can take it yourself. Show that you would not mind continuing your communication with this or that person. Invite him yourself to some event that will be interesting to both you and your interlocutor. Don't forget about your friends and loved ones who are currently in other cities. You can, for example, just call them to ask how they are doing.
    6. Try to start meeting new people yourself. In order to expand your social circle, you need to not be afraid to meet new people. To do this, do not refuse to visit some entertainment establishments or attend events. This is where you have the most opportunities to meet someone new. Of course, you need to exercise some caution when meeting people you don't know. Don't forget about your safety too. It’s better to meet people in clubs with similar interests and so on. You never know who this or that new person might turn out to be for you.

    Tips on how to become a sociable and interesting person:

    • Being a sociable person does not mean that you have to be friendly with absolutely everyone. This would be very strange and even impossible. Instead, it is better to have some small circle of close friends or acquaintances; this is the most beneficial.
    • Smile as often as possible. Earlier in this article we talked about the importance of being a positive person, as this attracts people to you. So, it’s worth starting with the simplest, which is accessible to absolutely everyone,with smiles. Do not underestimate this tool, since in reality it can help you win people over in the first place.
    • In any case, first of all you need to remain yourself. There is no need to play someone else's role and try to please everyone in this way. Nobody likes it.
    • If you feel that you lack communication, then join some club of similar interests, where it will be inevitable.

    Now you know how to become a more sociable person.

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