Quantum physics and the creation of reality. Quantum reality


The Ukrainian events of recent times, which have attracted everyone's attention, increasingly give rise to the thought in me: “This is not my war, why am I interested in this, why am I stirring up the lower energies in myself?” The answer would seem to be on the surface: you need to know about this, just like about the Second World War and other wars and historical disasters, in order to learn lessons so that it never happens again.

We learn these lessons over and over again, so what? Isn't it repeated? Repeating...

I repeat the question: why do I need to know this? Why experience unbearable negative emotions from events that have nothing to do with me?

Moreover, this is especially true in those moments when defense mechanisms psyches begin to rebel against horrifying facts and scenes of violence, causing somatic reactions of the whole organism to this, even spasms in the stomach...

Why the hell do I care???

It may be immoral, but I don't want to receive information that causes pain and suffering. And there is a scientific basis for this:

What do the latest discoveries in quantum physics, biology, genetics, and medicine tell us? This is what we imagine, model and then materialize the surrounding reality according to at will, consciously managing the process of fixation in the physical dimension of the multidimensional vibrating fields of our vital energy. We create reality with our consciousness, manifesting information in the material world through our DNA.

When we consciously imagine the desired reality from the depths of our essence, space and time become completely subordinate to us, as it was originally. Space-time is transformed due to high-frequency vibrations of our soul, which recreates the surrounding reality in its own image and likeness, following the example of the Prime Creator. In other words, the information of our soul or the quantum particles of our experience, with the help of our visualization, are emitted into the “external” world in the form of multidimensional energy-information waves and recreate themselves in the corresponding forms of matter. Thus, the surrounding reality shows us only what we expect to see.

We see around us only what our consciousness is tuned to - what our imagination constructs.

That's why, if we do not want to experience something, we should NOT concentrate on such information, we should NOT record it in the form of experience - we need to live as if we simply DO NOT KNOW about such a probability of the emergence of a reality that we do not need. If, on the contrary, we want to ACQUISE something IN THE FORM OF EXPERIENCE, in the form of concrete reality, we should CONSCIOUSLY IMAGINE what we want, systematically FIXING OUR CHOICE in reality.

Through our problems, joys and sufferings, Reality loudly shouts to us:

“Well, finally make your choice! Decide what you want and who you are! Otherwise, all this is meaningless! How long can you hang around in space like a chaotic collection of atoms...?”

When I tried to delve deeper into the physics textbooks, I got bogged down (after all, everything has its time), so I skimmed a little “over the top” in a popular science style.

If you come across materials “for dummies”, drag them here - we’ll read them and take our minds off the hustle and bustle of vanities))




at one time I was completely struck by the idea that most of the universe as such is emptiness. What matter directly occupies a very small part. but now I’ve somehow gotten used to it))))).


In my opinion, what is called matter is the result of the interaction of emptiness and energy...

Everything has shells, at least that’s what it seems to us human perception... But studying these shells deeper and deeper, we do not find matter there, but only new shells... And the shells themselves are formed by energy. And you can feel this shell only by interacting with it with your energy...






Miracles modern world- lasers, Internet, computers, television, Cell Phones, radars, microwave ovens, etc. - based on quicksand probabilities.

Something doesn't add up here...


Space-time is transformed due to high-frequency vibrations of our soul, which recreates the surrounding reality in its own image and likeness, following the example of the Prime Creator. In other words, the information of our soul or the quantum particles of our experience, with the help of our visualization, are emitted into the “external” world in the form of multidimensional energy-information waves and recreate themselves in the corresponding forms of matter. Thus, the surrounding reality shows us only what we expect to see.

Our egocentrism is incurable) It’s nice to think that the universe revolves around me and is concerned with my desires. Or maybe not just mine? Then the question is - how does it choose who to please? If there are two people nearby emitting different “waves,” how is the shown real determined? If you show one, it won’t suit the first, if you show another, it won’t suit the second, if you show a mix, it won’t suit both. And when there are many people in one place, will there finally be a “quantum mess”?)) Or is reality the same, but everyone sees it differently? Then the conversation about tuning reality to suit the individual is meaningless and a huge section of philosophy about subjective perception begins.











To be honest, I didn’t quite catch the essence of what the author ultimately wants to say... The theory of probability is as old as the world, Pascal and Fermat worked on it...

But this phrase threw me into a stupor:

Something doesn't add up here...

This is no longer the same t.s. “flat” theory of probability, which we studied at school/in the 1st year and which is described by well-known mathematical functions.

Here we are talking about quantum probabilities, the principles of which scientists only “feel” so far, but there is essentially no evidence that can be “touched”...

That's how I understood it.

For example:

Physicists saved "Schrödinger's cat"

The cat from the experiment of Australian scientist Erwin Schrödinger survived when scientists from the American University of Berkeley measured a quantum system without disturbing its equilibrium.

Thought experiment with a cat one of the creators quantum mechanics Schrödinger invented it back in 1935.

The gist of it is this: a cat is locked in a box for an hour, in the box there is also an ampoule with poisonous gas, a radioactive atom and a Geiger counter. The probability that the nucleus of an atom will decay within an hour is 50%.

If the nucleus decays, the Geiger counter reacts to radiation and opens an ampoule of gas - the cat dies. If the nucleus does not decay, then the cat remains alive.

At this hour, the probability that the cat is alive is 50%. And the same - that he is alive. In quantum physics, a radioactive atom, while we do not observe it, is at the same time slightly decayed and slightly not.

This is called “superposition of states.” To clarify, you need to destroy this very superposition, open the box and look inside. Schrödinger came up with an experiment with a cat to show the incompleteness of this branch of physics.

Scientists from the USA were able to organize observation of the system without disturbing the superposition state. For the experiment, scientists collected electrical circuit with a superconductor, and introduced it into a state of superposition, cycling between the states of zero and one. The researchers then determined the frequency of the oscillation without measuring the zero or one states directly. The result should have been information with a degree of unreliability, which at the same time could help in determining the properties of the object.

The scientists' intervention, which lasted only a few hundredths of a second, did not disrupt the state of the quantum system.

The practical benefit of the discovery is its use for the design of quantum computers of the future. Previously, it was not possible to study superpositions without destroying them, and this obstacle was a stumbling block to the creation of quantum computers.


Quantum reality- Your life becomes what you believe in most! Laureates Nobel Prize in the field of physics have proven that, beyond any doubt, physical world is a single ocean of energy that appears and disappears milliseconds later, pulsating again and again. There is nothing solid and solid. Such is the world of quantum physics. It has been proven that only thought allows us to collect and hold together those “objects” that we see in this constantly changing So why do we see a person, and not a blinking clot of energy?

Imagine a reel of film. A movie is a collection of frames at approximately 24 frames per second. The frames are separated by a time interval. However, due to the speed with which one frame follows another, an optical illusion occurs, and we think that we are seeing a continuous and moving image. Now think about television. A TV's cathode ray tube is simply a tube with lots of electrons that hit the screen in a certain way, thereby creating the illusion of shape and movement. That's what all objects are anyway.

You have 5 physical senses(vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste). Each of these senses has a specific spectrum (for example, a dog hears a sound in a different range than you; a snake sees light in a different spectrum than you, and so on). In other words, your set of senses perceives the surrounding sea of ​​energy from a certain limited point of view and, based on this, constructs an image. This is not a complete and not at all accurate picture. This is just an interpretation. All our interpretations are based solely on the “internal map” of reality that we have formed, and not on objective truth. Our “map” is the result of experience accumulated throughout life.

Our thoughts are connected to this invisible energy, and they determine what this energy forms. Thoughts literally go through the universe, particle by particle, to create physical life. Take a look around. Everything you see in our physical world began as an idea - an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed until it grew enough to, through several stages, become physical object. You literally become what you think about most. Your life becomes what you believe in most. The world is literally your mirror, allowing you to physically experience what you believe to be true for yourself... until you change your perspective.

Quantum physics shows us that the world around us is not something rigid and unchanging, as it might seem. Instead, it is something constantly changing, built on our individual and collective thoughts. What we consider to be true is actually an illusion, almost a circus trick. Fortunately, we have already begun to uncover this illusion and, most importantly, to look for opportunities to change it. What is your body made of? The human body consists of nine systems, including circulation, digestion, endocrine system, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal and urinary tract systems.

What are they made of? From tissues and organs. What are tissues and organs made of? From cells. What are cells made of? From molecules. What are molecules made of? From atoms. What are atoms made of? From subatomic particles. What are they made of? subatomic particles? From energy! You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent embodiment. An energy constantly changing beneath the surface, but under the control of your powerful intellect.

A great starry and powerful Human Being. If you could see yourself under a powerful electron microscope and perform other experiments on yourself, you would be convinced that you are composed of a bunch of constantly changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons, and so on. So is everything that surrounds you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be where and how we see it. An object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you see, your observations, your attention to something, and your intention, literally creates that object. This is proven by science.

Your world consists of spirit, mind and body. Each of these three elements, spirit, mind and body, performs a function that is unique to it and not available to the others. What your eyes see and your body feels is the physical world, which we will call the Body. A body is an effect created for a reason. This reason is Thought.

The body cannot create. It can only sense and be felt... this is its unique function. Thought cannot feel... it can only invent, create and explain. She needs the world of relativity (the physical world, the Body) in order to feel herself. Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body. The body does not have the power to create, although it gives such an illusion. This illusion is the cause of many disappointments. The body is simply a result and does not have the power to cause or create anything. The key to all this information is the opportunity for you to learn to see the Universe differently in order to give

Nobody in the world understands quantum mechanics - this is the main thing you need to know about it. Yes, many physicists have learned to use its laws and even predict phenomena using quantum calculations. But it is still not clear why the presence of an observer determines the fate of the system and forces it to make a choice in favor of one state. “Theories and Practices” selected examples of experiments, the outcome of which is inevitably influenced by the observer, and tried to figure out what quantum mechanics is going to do with such interference of consciousness in material reality.

Shroedinger `s cat

Today there are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, the most popular of which remains the Copenhagen one. Its main principles were formulated in the 1920s by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. And the central term of the Copenhagen interpretation was the wave function - mathematical function, which contains information about all possible states of the quantum system in which it simultaneously resides.

According to the Copenhagen interpretation, only observation can reliably determine the state of a system and distinguish it from the rest (the wave function only helps to mathematically calculate the probability of detecting a system in a particular state). We can say that after observation, a quantum system becomes classical: it instantly ceases to coexist in many states at once in favor of one of them.

This approach has always had its opponents (remember, for example, “God doesn’t play dice” by Albert Einstein), but the accuracy of calculations and predictions has taken its toll. However, recently there have been fewer and fewer supporters of the Copenhagen interpretation, and not the least reason for this is the very mysterious instantaneous collapse of the wave function during measurement. Erwin Schrödinger's famous thought experiment with the poor cat was precisely intended to show the absurdity of this phenomenon.

So, let us recall the contents of the experiment. A live cat, an ampoule with poison and a certain mechanism that can at random put the poison into action are placed in a black box. For example, one radioactive atom, the decay of which will break the ampoule. The exact time of atomic decay is unknown. Only the half-life is known: the time during which decay will occur with a 50% probability.

It turns out that for an external observer, the cat inside the box exists in two states at once: it is either alive, if everything goes fine, or dead, if decay has occurred and the ampoule has broken. Both of these states are described by the wave function of the cat, which changes over time: the further you go, the greater the probability that radioactive decay has already happened. But as soon as the box is opened, the wave function collapses and we immediately see the outcome of the knacker’s experiment.

It turns out that until the observer opens the box, the cat will forever balance on the border between life and death, and only the action of the observer will determine its fate. This is the absurdity that Schrödinger pointed out.

Electron diffraction

According to a survey of leading physicists conducted by the newspaper The New York Times, the experiment with electron diffraction, carried out in 1961 by Klaus Jenson, became one of the most beautiful in the history of science. What is its essence?

There is a source emitting a flow of electrons towards a photographic plate screen. And there is an obstacle in the way of these electrons - a copper plate with two slits. What kind of picture can you expect on the screen if you think of electrons as just small charged balls? Two illuminated stripes opposite the slits.

In reality, a much more complex pattern of alternating black and white stripes appears on the screen. The fact is that when passing through the slits, electrons begin to behave not like particles, but like waves (just as photons, particles of light, can simultaneously be waves). Then these waves interact in space, weakening and strengthening each other in some places, and as a result a complex picture of alternating light and dark stripes appears on the screen.

In this case, the result of the experiment does not change, and if electrons are sent through the slit not in a continuous flow, but individually, even one particle can simultaneously be a wave. Even one electron can simultaneously pass through two slits (and this is another important position of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics - objects can simultaneously exhibit their “usual” material properties and exotic wave properties).

But what does the observer have to do with it? Despite the fact that his already complicated story became even more complicated. When, in similar experiments, physicists tried to detect with the help of instruments which slit the electron actually passed through, the picture on the screen changed dramatically and became “classical”: two illuminated areas opposite the slits and no alternating stripes.

It was as if the electrons did not want to show their wave nature under the watchful gaze of the observer. We adjusted to his instinctive desire to see a simple and understandable picture. Mystic? There is a much simpler explanation: no observation of the system can be carried out without physical impact at her. But we’ll come back to this a little later.

Heated fullerene

Experiments on particle diffraction were carried out not only on electrons, but also on large objects. For example, fullerenes are large, closed molecules made up of dozens of carbon atoms (for example, a fullerene of sixty carbon atoms is very similar in shape to a soccer ball: a hollow sphere stitched together from pentagons and hexagons).

Recently, a group from the University of Vienna, led by Professor Zeilinger, tried to introduce an element of observation into such experiments. To do this, they irradiated moving fullerene molecules with a laser beam. Afterwards, heated by external influence, the molecules began to glow and thereby inevitably revealed to the observer their place in space.

Along with this innovation, the behavior of molecules also changed. Before the start of total surveillance, fullerenes quite successfully skirted obstacles (exhibited wave properties) like electrons from the previous example passing through an opaque screen. But later, with the appearance of an observer, fullerenes calmed down and began to behave like completely law-abiding particles of matter.

Cooling dimension

One of the most famous laws of the quantum world is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: it is impossible to simultaneously determine the position and speed of a quantum object. The more accurately we measure the momentum of a particle, the less accurately its position can be measured. But the effects of quantum laws operating at the level of tiny particles are usually unnoticeable in our world of large macro objects.

Therefore, the more valuable are the recent experiments of Professor Schwab’s group from the USA, in which quantum effects demonstrated not at the level of the same electrons or fullerene molecules (their characteristic diameter is about 1 nm), but on a slightly more tangible object - a tiny aluminum strip.

This strip was secured on both sides so that its middle was suspended and could vibrate under external influence. In addition, next to the strip there was a device capable of recording its position with high accuracy.

As a result, the experimenters discovered two interesting effects. Firstly, any measurement of the object’s position, observation of the strip did not pass without a trace for her - after each measurement the position of the strip changed. Roughly speaking, experimenters determined the coordinates of the strip with great accuracy and thereby, according to the Heisenberg principle, changed its speed, and therefore its subsequent position.

Secondly, and quite unexpectedly, some measurements also led to cooling of the strip. It turns out that an observer can change the physical characteristics of objects just by his presence. It sounds completely incredible, but to the credit of physicists, let’s say that they were not at a loss - now Professor Schwab’s group is thinking about how to apply the discovered effect to cool electronic chips.

Freezing particles

As you know, unstable radioactive particles decay in the world not only for the sake of experiments on cats, but also completely on their own. Moreover, each particle is characterized by an average lifetime, which, it turns out, can increase under the watchful gaze of the observer.

This quantum effect was first predicted back in the 1960s, and its brilliant experimental confirmation appeared in a paper published in 2006 by the group of Nobel laureate physicist Wolfgang Ketterle at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In this work, we studied the decay of unstable excited rubidium atoms (decay into rubidium atoms in the ground state and photons). Immediately after the system was prepared and the atoms were excited, they began to be observed - they were illuminated with a laser beam. In this case, the observation was carried out in two modes: continuous (small light pulses are constantly supplied to the system) and pulsed (the system is irradiated from time to time with more powerful pulses).

The results obtained were in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. External light influences actually slow down the decay of particles, as if returning them to their original state, far from decay. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect for the two regimes studied also coincides with predictions. And the maximum life of unstable excited rubidium atoms was extended by 30 times.

Quantum mechanics and consciousness

Electrons and fullerenes cease to exhibit their wave properties, aluminum plates cool, and unstable particles freeze in their decay: under the omnipotent gaze of the observer, the world is changing. What is not evidence of the involvement of our mind in the work of the world around us? So maybe Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli (Austrian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, one of the pioneers of quantum mechanics) were right when they said that the laws of physics and consciousness should be considered complementary?

But this is only one step away from the routine recognition: the whole world around us is the essence of our mind. Creepy? (“Do you really think that the Moon exists only when you look at it?” Einstein commented on the principles of quantum mechanics). Then let's try to turn to physicists again. Moreover, in last years they are less and less fond of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics with its mysterious collapse of a function wave, which is being replaced by another, quite down-to-earth and reliable term - decoherence.

The point is this: in all the observational experiments described, the experimenters inevitably influenced the system. They illuminated it with a laser and installed measuring instruments. And this is a general, very important principle: you cannot observe a system, measure its properties without interacting with it. And where there is interaction, there is a change in properties. Moreover, when the colossus of quantum objects interacts with a tiny quantum system. So eternal, Buddhist neutrality of the observer is impossible.

This is precisely what explains the term “decoherence” - an irreversible process of violation quantum properties system when it interacts with another, large system. During such interaction, the quantum system loses its original features and becomes classical, “submitting” to the large system. This explains the paradox with Schrödinger's cat: the cat is such a large system that it simply cannot be isolated from the world. The thought experiment itself is not entirely correct.

In any case, compared to reality as an act of creation of consciousness, decoherence sounds much calmer. Maybe even too calm. After all, with this approach the whole classical world becomes one big decoherence effect. And according to the authors of one of the most serious books in this field, statements like “there are no particles in the world” or “there is no time at a fundamental level” also logically follow from such approaches.

Creative observer or all-powerful decoherence? You have to choose between two evils. But remember - now scientists are increasingly convinced that at the core of our thought processes those same notorious quantum effects lie. So where observation ends and reality begins - each of us has to choose.

Quantum physics has radically changed our understanding of the world. According to quantum physics, we can influence the rejuvenation process with our consciousness!

Why is this possible?From the point of view of quantum physics, our reality is the source of pure potential, the source of raw materials from which our body, our mind and the entire Universe are composed. The universal energy and information field never ceases to change and transform, turning into something new every second.

In the 20th century, during physics experiments with subatomic particles and photons, it was discovered that the fact of observing the experiment changes its results. What we focus our attention on can react.

This fact is confirmed by a classic experiment that surprises scientists every time. It was repeated in many laboratories and the same results were always obtained.

For this experiment, a light source and a screen with two slits were prepared. The light source was a device that “shot” photons in the form of single pulses.

The progress of the experiment was monitored. After the end of the experiment, two vertical stripes were visible on the photographic paper that was located behind the slits. These are traces of photons that passed through the cracks and illuminated the photographic paper.

When this experiment was repeated automatically, without human intervention, the picture on the photographic paper changed:

If the researcher turned on the device and left, and after 20 minutes the photographic paper was developed, then not two, but many vertical stripes were found on it. These were traces of radiation. But the drawing was different.

The structure of the trace on photographic paper resembled the trace of a wave that passed through the slits. Light can exhibit the properties of a wave or a particle.

As a result of the simple fact of observation, the wave disappears and turns into particles. If you do not observe, a trace of the wave appears on the photographic paper. This physical phenomenon is called the “Observer Effect”.

The same results were obtained with other particles. The experiments were repeated many times, but each time they surprised scientists. Thus, it was discovered that at the quantum level, matter reacts to human attention. This was new in physics.

According to the concepts of modern physics, everything materializes from the void. This emptiness is called the “quantum field”, “zero field” or “matrix”. The void contains energy that can be converted into matter.

Matter consists of concentrated energy - this is a fundamental discovery of 20th century physics.

There are no solid parts in an atom. Objects are made of atoms. But why are objects solid? A finger placed against a brick wall does not go through it. Why? This is due to differences in the frequency characteristics of atoms and electrical charges. Each type of atom has its own vibration frequency. This determines the differences physical properties items. If it were possible to change the vibration frequency of the atoms that make up the body, then a person would be able to walk through walls. But the vibrational frequencies of the atoms of the hand and the atoms of the wall are close. Therefore, the finger rests against the wall.

For any type of interaction, frequency resonance is necessary.

This is easy to understand with a simple example. If you shine a flashlight on a stone wall, the light will be blocked by the wall. However, cell phone radiation will easily pass through this wall. It's all about the differences in frequencies between the radiation of a flashlight and a mobile phone. While you are reading this text, streams of a wide variety of radiation are passing through your body. This is cosmic radiation, radio signals, signals from millions of mobile phones, radiation coming from the earth, solar radiation, radiation that is created Appliances and so on.

You don't feel it because you can only see light and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with eyes closed, millions pass through your head telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages. You do not perceive this, because there is no frequency resonance between the atoms that make up your body and the radiation. But if there is resonance, then you react immediately. For example, when you remember a loved one who just thought about you. Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance.

The world consists of energy and information. Einstein, after much thought about the structure of the world, said: “The only reality existing in the universe is the field.” Just as waves are a creation of the sea, all manifestations of matter: organisms, planets, stars, galaxies are creations of the field.

The question arises: how is matter created from a field? What force controls the movement of matter?

The scientists' research led them to an unexpected answer. The creator of quantum physics, Max Planck, said the following during his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize:

“Everything in the Universe is created and exists thanks to force. We must assume that behind this force there is a conscious mind, which is the matrix of all matter."


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, new ideas appeared in theoretical physics that make it possible to explain the strange properties of elementary particles. Particles can appear from the void and suddenly disappear. Scientists admit the possibility of the existence of parallel universes. Perhaps particles move from one layer of the universe to another. Celebrities such as Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Juan Maldacena, Leonard Susskind are involved in the development of these ideas.

According to the concepts of theoretical physics, the Universe resembles a nesting doll, which consists of many nesting dolls - layers. These are variant universes - Parallel Worlds. The ones next to each other are very similar. But the further the layers are from each other, the less similarity there is between them. Theoretically, in order to move from one universe to another, one does not need spaceships. All possible options are located one within the other. These ideas were first expressed by scientists in the mid-20th century. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, they received mathematical confirmation. Today, such information is easily accepted by the public. However, a couple of hundred years ago, for such statements one could be burned at the stake or declared crazy.

Everything arises from emptiness. Everything is in motion. Objects are an illusion. Matter is made up of energy. Everything is created by thought. These discoveries of quantum physics contain nothing new. All this was known to the ancient sages. Many mystical teachings, which were considered secret and were accessible only to initiates, said that there is no difference between thoughts and objects.Everything in the world is filled with energy. The universe reacts to thought. Energy follows attention.

What you focus your attention on begins to change. These thoughts are given in various formulations in the Bible, ancient Gnostic texts, and in mystical teachings that arose in India and South America. The builders of the ancient pyramids guessed this. This knowledge is the key to new technologies that are used today to control reality.

Our body is a field of energy, information and intelligence, in a state of constant dynamic exchange with the environment. The impulses of the mind constantly, every second, give the body new forms to adapt to the changing demands of life.

From the point of view of quantum physics, our physical body, under the influence of our mind, is capable of making a quantum leap from one biological age to another, without passing through all the intermediate ages. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Quantum and mystical pictures of the world

Here is a reconstruction of conversations with students of the Open Space Simoron school about the latest achievements of quantum physics and the connection between the quantum and mystical pictures of the world, which took place at the numerous “requests of the working people.” Our meetings also took place because right now, in the last 10 years, quantum physics, and in particular the theory of entangled states, the theory of decoherence and quantum theory information, took decisive steps to connect the quantum and mystical pictures of the world, scientific and religious worldviews.
What was easy to explain in direct live contact turned out to be almost impossible to put on paper, maintaining clarity of presentation and at least moderate “scientific” rigor. So you don’t have to read those parts that are in italics at all - they are more for the sake of rigor. There's nothing significant there. Exactly the same as it does not exist in other places.
In the interests of the reader who is little familiar with esoteric practices, I turned to authoritative and accessible Buddhist texts to illustrate some of the points. Also, I supplemented the text with answers to questions that were asked during communication on the Internet.

Mikhail Zarechny


Many of you have probably encountered statements like: “Matter is not different from emptiness. Emptiness is not different from matter. Matter is emptiness. Emptiness is matter.... Therefore, there is no matter in emptiness...”. This is a quote from the Heart Sutra, written by Gautama Buddha. And here are the words of the Buddha about the illusory nature of the world around us: “The phenomena that exist everywhere are all illusory and empty.” This applies to both time and space. The presence of space and time, atoms and elementary particles, and even our very “I,” according to Mahayana Buddhism, is an illusion.
The description of many purely “technological” concepts used in Buddhism may seem no less shocking, for example: “Non-thought is when there is a thought and it is not there. This is the ability to not-think, plunging into thinking.”
To many, such statements seem like nonsense, but there is no doubt that the Buddha knew what he was talking about. We will try to understand these and other statements, and indeed the mystical picture of the world, from the perspective latest achievements quantum physics.
We will also touch on topics of interest to many: life, death, time, reality, consciousness, paranormal and mysterious phenomena, the relationship between Will and Fate. We will also touch upon the connection between physics and esoteric practices, and we will try to give not only a physical justification for some of them, but also fairly clear recommendations for their use. Just don’t think that you will hear the truth from me. As always, I will hang the noodles on my ears, and you don’t forget to shake them off! Maybe our conversation will be useful even for those who think that they have understood something.

Famous experiment

Now, using the example of specific experiments, we will get acquainted with the basic concepts of quantum physics, and make them understandable and “working”. And then we’ll move on to what is usually referred to as mysticism, although mysticism will begin right now. Let's begin.
According to classical physics, the object under study can be in one of many possible states. However, it cannot be in several states at the same time, i.e. no meaning can be attached to the sum of possible states. If I am now in the room, I am therefore not in the corridor. The state when I am simultaneously in the room and in the corridor is meaningless. I can’t be there and there at the same time! And I can’t get out of here through the door and jump out through the window at the same time. I either go out the door or jump out the window. As you can see, this approach is completely consistent with everyday common sense.
However, in quantum physics this situation is only one of the possible ones. States of a system when either one option or another is possible are called in quantum mechanics mixed, or mixture.
These are states that cannot be described using a wave function due to the unknown components caused by its interaction with the environment. In other words, this is the case when our system is part of another system, and there is interaction between them. Such states are described by the so-called density matrix. In this case, we can only talk about the probability of various outcomes of experimental measurements.

It is now well known that in nature there is a completely different situation when an object is in several states at the same time, i.e. there is an overlap of two or more states on each other. And not just an overlap, but an overlap without any mutual influence. For example, it has been experimentally proven that one particle can simultaneously pass through two slits in an opaque screen. A particle passing through the first slit is one state. The same particle passing through the second slit - a different state. And the experiment shows that the sum of these states is observed! That is, a particle simultaneously passes through two slits! In this case they talk about superpositions states.
We are talking about quantum superposition (coherent superposition), that is, a superposition of states that cannot be realized simultaneously with classical point vision. Those. this is a superposition of alternative (mutually exclusive from the classical point of view) states, which cannot be realized in classical physics. In what follows, the word “superposition” refers specifically to quantum superposition. Superposition states are described using the so-called wave function, which is also called the state vector. According to the axiomatics of quantum mechanics, the state vector provides a complete description of closed (that is, not interacting with the environment) systems.
Availability of these two types of states - mixture and superposition- is key to understanding the quantum picture of the world. Another important topic for us will be the conditions for the transition of a superposition of states into a mixture and vice versa. We will examine these and other questions using the example of the famous double-slit experiment.

First, let's take a machine gun and conduct a mental experiment shown in Fig. 1.

It's not very good, our machine gun. He fires bullets whose direction of flight is unknown in advance. Either they will fly to the right, or to the left.... In front of the machine gun there is an armor plate, and there are two slots in it through which bullets pass freely. Next is the “detector” - any trap in which all the bullets that fall into it get stuck. When necessary, you can count the number of bullets stuck in the trap per unit length and divide it by the total number of bullets fired. Or for the duration of the shooting, if the rate of fire is considered constant. We will call this quantity - the number of stuck bullets per unit length of the trap in the vicinity of a certain point X, related to the total number of bullets - the probability of a bullet hitting point X. Note that we can only talk about probability - because we cannot say definitely where another bullet will hit. After all, a bullet, even hitting a hole, can ricochet off its edge and go to no one knows where.
Let's mentally carry out three experiments: the first, when the first slit is open, and the second is closed, the second, when the second slit is open, and the first is closed. And finally, the third experiment, when both slits are open.
The result of our “experiment” is shown in the same figure, on the graph. The probability in it is plotted to the right, and the coordinate is the position of point X. The blue curve shows the distribution of the probability P1 of bullets hitting the detector when the first slit is open, the green curve is the probability of bullets hitting the detector when the second slit is open, and the red curve is the probability of hitting into the bullet detector with both slits open, which we designated P12. By comparing the values ​​of P1, P2 and P12, we can conclude that the probabilities simply add up,
P1 + P2 = P12.
So, for bullets, the effect of two slots is the sum of the action of each slot separately.

Let us imagine the same experiment with electrons, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 2.

Let's take an electron gun, like those found in almost every TV, and place in front of it a screen with two slits that is opaque to electrons. Electrons passing through the slits can be recorded using various methods: using a scintillating screen, the impact of an electron on which causes a flash of light, photographic film, or using various types of counters, for example, a Geiger counter.
The results of measurements for electrons in the case when one of the slits is closed look quite reasonable and are very similar to our experience with machine gun fire (blue and green curve in the figure). But for the case when both slits are open, we get a completely unexpected curve P12, shown in red. It clearly does not coincide with the sum of P1 and P2! The resulting pattern is called the double-slit interference pattern.
Let's try to figure out what's going on here. If we proceed from the hypothesis that the electron passes through either slit 1 or slit 2, then in the case of two open slits we should obtain the sum of the effects from one and the other, as was the case in the machine-gun experiment. Probabilities independent events add up, in which case we would get P1 + P2 = P12. To avoid misunderstandings, we note that the graphs reflect the probability of an electron passing through one or both slits hitting one or another place in the detector. Within the limits of statistical error, they are not sensitive to the total number of detected particles.
Maybe we did not take into account some significant effect, and the superposition of states (that is, the simultaneous passage of an electron through two slits) has nothing to do with it? Maybe we have a very powerful flow of electrons, and different electrons, passing through different slits, somehow distort each other’s movement? To test this hypothesis, it is necessary to modernize the electron gun so that electrons fly out of it quite rarely. Let's say no more than once every half hour. During this time, each electron will certainly fly the entire distance from the gun to the detector and will be registered! So there will certainly be no mutual influence of flying electrons on each other!
No sooner said than done. We upgraded the electron gun and spent six months near the installation, conducting an experiment and collecting the necessary statistics. What is the result? He hasn't changed a bit.
But maybe the electrons somehow wander from hole to hole and only then reach the detector? This explanation also does not work: on the P12 curve, with two slits open, there are points at which significantly fewer electrons fall than with either of the slits open. Conversely, there are points where the probability of electrons hitting is more than twice the probability of electrons passing from each slit separately.
Therefore, the statement that electrons pass through either slit 1 or slit 2 is incorrect. They pass through both slits simultaneously. And a very simple mathematical apparatus that describes such a process gives absolutely exact agreement with experiment, with what is shown by the red line on the graph.
What is the difference between bullets and electrons? From the point of view of quantum mechanics, nothing. Only, as calculations show, the interference pattern from bullet scattering is characterized by such narrow maxima and minima that no detector is able to register them. The distances between these minimums and maximums are immeasurably smaller than the size of the bullet itself. So the detectors will give an average picture, shown by the red curve in Fig. 1.
Let us now modify our experiment so that we can “follow” the electron, that is, find out through which slit it passes. Let's place a detector near one of the slits, which registers the passage of an electron through it (Fig. 3).

In this case, if the flight detector registers the passage of an electron through slit 2, we will know that the electron passed through this slit, and if the flight detector does not give a signal, but the main detector gives a signal, then it is clear that the electron passed through slit 1. We can put two flight detectors on each of the slits, but this will not affect the results of our experiment in any way. Of course, any detector, one way or another, will distort the movement of the electron, but we will consider this influence not very significant. For us, the very fact of recording which of the slits the electron passes through is much more important!
What picture do you think we will see? (the opinions of the audience are divided: most of the audience believes that the result of the experiment will not change, but several people believe that the probabilities will add up, and the result will be the same as in the experiment with machine gun fire).
The result of this experiment is shown in Fig. 3, it is qualitatively no different from the experience with machine gun fire. Thus we have found that when we look at an electron and record its state, we find that it passes through either one hole or the other. There is no superposition of these two states! And when we are not looking at it, it simultaneously passes through two slits, and their distribution on the screen is completely different from when we are looking at them! It turns out that observation, as it were, “rips out” an object from a set of indeterminate quantum states and transfers it to a manifested, observable, classical state.
Maybe all this is not true, and the point here is only that our flyby detector distorts the movement of electrons too much? Having carried out additional experiments with various fly-by detectors that distort the motion of electrons in different ways, we conclude that the role of this effect is not very significant. Only the fact of fixing the state of the object is significant!

Miracles and nothing more (about quantum correlations)

Want more miracles? As they say in Odessa, we have them!
Let's consider an experiment conducted at the University of Rochester by the famous quantum optics specialist Leonard Mandel and his colleagues in the early 90s of the last century. And along the way, we will get acquainted with the most important concept for us, entangled, or quantum-correlated states, which we will use more than once in the future. It is the non-local properties of entangled states that are the key to magic and all supposedly “supernatural” phenomena!
The scheme of Mandela's experiment is shown in Fig. 4.

The laser beam was split into two beams using a translucent mirror, and then each beam was directed to a so-called nonlinear crystal capable of splitting a light quantum (photon) into two daughter quanta. The law of conservation of energy is, of course, fulfilled: the energy of each of the daughter quanta is half the energy of the mother quantum. For example, if a laser beam with a wavelength of 405 nm (blue) is incident, then at the exit from the crystal there will be two beams with a wavelength of 810 nm (red), the energy of each quantum of which is half the energy of the quantum in the original beam. Then, using a system of mirrors, each of these two pairs of photons interfered with each other, approximately in the same way as the superposition components interfered in our experiment with electron scattering on two slits. The results of observing the interference pattern were recorded by detectors D1-D2 for the first pair of photons, and detectors D3-D4 for the second pair.
As is known, any particle with non-zero spin, including a photon, is characterized by polarization, that is, the projection of the spin onto the direction of motion. Photons can have two states of polarization, corresponding to two possible spin projections - along and against the direction of motion. The type of polarization of light determines the plane of oscillation electric field electromagnetic waves, and there are so-called analyzers (special crystals) capable of transmitting quanta only with a certain polarization. Since different states of polarization are in a state of superposition, using such a crystal it is possible to isolate certain of its components. If such a crystal is placed along the path of one of the beams and rotated relative to the axis of the beam, then the interference pattern will change due to a change in the ratio between the components of the superposition. Such actions in this experiment will lead to a change in the probabilities of recording photons (one or two) by each of the detectors.
So, Mandel spatially separated the two beams by sufficient distance long distance and began to change the ratio between the superposition components on one of them (the bottom one in Fig. 4) using the analyzer. Due to his manipulations, the interference pattern in this beam changed. He didn’t touch the second bunch at all! But the interference pattern observed in this second beam exactly repeated the interference pattern in the beam with which Mandel experimented. And this picture changed instantly, at the same time when the picture on the first beam changed. And this despite the fact that there were simply no objective reasons for changing the picture on the first beam! After all, in this case the person did not interact in any way with the object of observation, and there was no material carrier of interaction between the beams!
It turns out quantum object somehow found out what was happening to another object located at a considerable distance from it (experiments have now been carried out with a distance between pairs of photons of more than 100 km).
Such connections between particles are called quantum correlations, and the states of the particles involved are entangled.
Confused(this is an established term, although I prefer the term linked) state in the general case, they can arise in a system that at some point in time breaks up into non-interacting subsystems. For example, if an electron collides with an atom, an entangled state is formed in which the state of the electron will be correlated with the state of the atom as a result of the interaction that occurred. Note that an entangled state cannot be represented as a set of states of individual parts of the system due to the presence of correlations between them. Also, entanglement is a physical quantity that has quantitative characteristics, and it can be determined directly in experiment.
Superposition states - more general concept than entangled states. In them, the components of the wave function can be either correlated with each other or not. Last case corresponds to the presence in the system of isolated subsystems that never interacted with each other. In Mandel's experiment, entangled states of photon pairs arose during the splitting of the original quantum on a nonlinear crystal, and a laser was necessary to create photons that were completely identical in their characteristics.
Don’t worry, if not all terms become immediately clear and familiar, this will not interfere with the perception of what follows. And soon, on specific examples, everything will become much clearer.
The presence of quantum correlations is an inherent property of entangled states. For entangled photons, it is impossible to specify what the polarization of each of the photons of the pair is; If you make a measurement on one photon and thereby determine its polarization, then the polarization of the other photon will also become determined. And this particle will now behave differently than before the measurement carried out with the first particle. Entangled states of particles mean that there is a connection between the characteristics of these particles after their interaction, and this connection is much more rigid than follows from classical concepts. If the particles once interacted, then in closed systems the connection between them will always be preserved, and it will be instantaneous, no matter how far from each other they are. That is, a pair or any collection of particles will behave as a single object! This statement is always true for closed (isolated) systems, and in the case of open systems, the connection between particles will be maintained until the superposition of states turns into a mixture under the influence of interaction with surrounding bodies.
The situation with instant communication between particles is similar to how two balls, black and white, collide, while the area of ​​their collision is not observable, and we do not know which one will fly where. We are simply observing balls flying out of an invisible area, and we don’t know which one was which. For quantum particles it will not be as suggested common sense: Each ball is initially white or black, we just may not know its color. The ejected balls will behave as “gray”, that is, in each of them there will be a superposition of white and black, and this is manifested in the experiment. But this will happen only until we determine the color of one of the balls. If we have defined its color as black, then the other one immediately stops behaving as gray, and begins to manifest itself in the experiment as white, no matter what distance it is at!
From the standpoint of quantum mechanics, this coupled system can be described by some wave function. When the interaction stops and the particles fly far apart, they are still described by the same function. But the state of each individual particle is unknown in principle; this follows from the uncertainty relation. And only when one of them hits the detector, which records its parameters, does the other appear (namely appear, not become known) corresponding characteristics.
Now imagine that near one of the beams there is Petya, who is conducting experiments, and near the other is Vasya, who does not know about Petya’s existence. For Vasya, the change in the results of the experiment on his beam looks like a miracle, a miracle in the most obscurantist sense! After all, Vasya does nothing with his beam, all experimental conditions remain constant, but the interference pattern changes for completely unknown reasons! Now he sees “white” balls, now “gray”, now “black”. And Vasya will not find any reasons to change the picture, no matter how hard he tries. This cause is located in another event space; we can say that it is “magically” (that is, through quantum correlations) connected with its event space. For Vasya, everything looks as if there is a consequence, but no cause, because classically these two spaces of events are in no way connected.
A similar scheme can be used for “instant” transfer of information between Vasya and Petya. By attaching a third - “information” - particle to one of Petya’s linked particles, it is possible to transfer its properties to another similar particle located in Vasya’s installation. That is, we can not only instantly transmit information about the state of a particle, but also reproduce this state. And encode any message in the sequence of transmitted states.
The phenomenon of instantaneous transfer of particle properties over a distance is called quantum teleportation. A method for the practical implementation of this effect was proposed in 1993 by Charles Bennett's group (IBM), and the phenomenon itself was first observed in the work of Austrian researchers from the University of Innsbruck, led by Anton Zeilinger, and Italian researchers from the University of Rome, led by Francesco De Martini in 2001 - 2002 years.
However, in order to transmit information, it is necessary that Vasya and Petya coordinate their actions. After all, it is impossible to determine from incoming signals whether a colleague is transmitting a message or not. Therefore, it is necessary to either agree in advance on the time of transmission, or on a conditional signal (for example, a certain sequence of transmitted states) indicating the beginning of the transmission. And, of course, it is necessary to agree on the encoding of messages, that is, which sequence of states means, for example, this or that letter of the alphabet. Strictly speaking, no “transfer” of information occurs, the information is simply distributed between subsystems, and Vasya and Petya, during such an experiment, have access to a single non-local object. Of course, to instantly exchange information, you must first create entangled pairs of photons somewhere and somehow send them. Today, the use of fiber optic technologies makes it possible to maintain the entanglement of photon pairs at distances of up to several hundred kilometers; this still creates a limit for the implementation of instant quantum communication devices. But this is a purely technical issue, sooner or later it will be resolved, and the issues of creating global quantum communication systems are already being intensively discussed. You can also dream about creating “quantum canned food” - devices in which the coherence of the states of certain objects does not collapse for a long time, and which you can simply take with you.
People often ask: does the possibility of instantaneous transmission of information contradict the theory of relativity? No, it doesn't contradict. The theory of relativity speaks of a limit in the form of the speed of light on the speed of movement of material objects and the speed of transmission of interaction between them. This is absolutely true for local (classical) objects. In the case of pairs of photons in an entangled state, there is no interaction between them, there is no transfer of information between them, they simply remain a single object, no matter how far from each other they are. This is a facet of reality that goes beyond the theory of relativity.
Let's now imagine that Petya is near us, and Vasya, along with his installation and source of photon pairs, is near a star, the distance to which is a million light years. That is, Vasya set up his experiments a million years ago, and only now the light from the split beam reached Petya, and he began his manipulations with it. What will happen? The result will not change: Petit’s experiments now being carried out will change the results of Vasya’s experiments, who, perhaps, died a long time ago, and even managed to publish their results. After all, Petya’s determination of the state of photons determines the properties of Vasya’s photons, and his results change regardless of the distance between them and the elapsed time. That is, an action later in time affects an earlier event. This paradox, unsolvable within the classical approach, should be understood in quantum mechanics to mean that the physical interpretation of earlier experiments depends on later measurements. If Vasya does not know about the experiment being conducted by Petya, he will most likely decide that the statistically inexplicable results of the experiment are caused by some kind of malfunction in the installation. After all, he cannot find any reasons for the anomalous results, since they are in a different event space.
A similar effect of reverse causation was recently studied by the group of Anton Zeilinger, already known to us. The predictions of quantum mechanics were confirmed once again: Vasya’s earlier registration of photons compared to Petit’s actions does not in any way affect the results of the experiment.
What happens when we observe the light of distant stars? Or are we observing temperature inhomogeneities and polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which arose long before the emergence of the first stars and galaxies? Absolutely right, we determine the states of photons and thereby change the state of the distant past of the Universe, and therefore, we change history! A paradoxical conclusion emerges: history is what is created by the observations being carried out now! And not only a person, but any object. And we will return to the question of why history seems objective to us, and when this is the case!
If anyone wants to become more familiar with the topic of the influence of today's observations on history, look for references to the strong and weak anthropic principle, Bell's theorem, and quantum correlations. I think Scientific American should have reviews on these issues. Just don’t trust popular publications too much, especially if they don’t come from professionals.
I note that experiments to study quantum correlations were largely possible because physicists learned to prepare entangled states with known characteristics. Entangled states are always formed, but finding a method for preparing the type of bond needed for the experiment was very difficult; this was learned not so long ago. That is why experiments conceived by Einstein could only be carried out now. Similar experiments aimed at testing the so-called Bell inequalities and studying quantum nonlocality began in 1981 with a historical experiment by Alain Aspect’s group. Currently, about a hundred similar experiments have been carried out, and in the vast majority of them, clear experimental evidence of the nonlocality of the world around us has been obtained. Moreover, there are now commercial applications that exploit nonlocal communication between particles, for example, in commercially available quantum cryptography systems.
By the way, when Einstein conceived his mental experiments with pairs of particles, he wanted to thereby refute quantum mechanics, since in this case its predictions clearly contradicted the classical ideas about the local nature of interactions and the impossibility of instantaneous long-range action. However, the world turned out to be much more fantastic than the greatest of physicists imagined!
The contents of this section can be expressed briefly. Physical systems characteristics cannot be attributed (at least always) as objectively existing and independent of the measurements taken. In other words, the characteristics of an object are “created” by the observer; outside the act of observation, the state of any object is largely uncertain. Particles that were once formed in one act remain a single object in a closed (integral) system, regardless of the distance at which they are located and how long ago their separation occurred. If something happens to one of them, then the others “instantly” feel it and change their observable properties, regardless of the distance between them, and this happens without any material medium of interaction. Such objects are found everywhere and nowhere in the entire system, and are usually called non-local (or quantum-correlated) structures. As we will see in the next chapter, for them the concepts of time and space, cause and effect, become meaningless. In any closed system, the coherence of states is not destroyed (that is, the superposition does not transform into a mixture), and in this case the state of each particle can be quantum correlated with the states of all other particles in this system. And the system itself becomes completely non-local. Our Universe as a whole is such an object.

Quantum correlations, space and time

There is an interesting aspect to the question of time, which physicists are now intensively studying. Is it possible to introduce the concept of time for an integral (closed) system like our Universe, or for any closed system? Currently, the answer is clear - no.
Let us consider in more detail how the presence of quantum correlations affects the question of the presence of time in closed systems. Obviously, the concept of time can be introduced only if it is possible to classify events according to cause-and-effect relationships (event A preceded the event B and can influence it, or the event B preceded the event A and can influence it, or events A And B are not related in any way). This classification of events is shown schematically on the left half of Fig. 5. In this figure, the spatial coordinate of the event in the laboratory reference system (LRS) is plotted along the abscissa axis, and time in this system is plotted along the ordinate axis. If an object in the LSO is at rest, then it will be described by a vertical line corresponding to movement in time and rest in space. If an object moves at a constant speed, then it will be described by an inclined line, the magnitude of which depends on the speed of the object.

Dashed lines on the left side of Fig. Figure 5 shows the movement of an object moving with maximum possible speed transmission of physical interaction - the speed of light. These lines, corresponding to the propagation of light in different directions, form a cone, inside which events are located that can be reached by physical interaction from the point A. Thus, the event at the point A may affect the event at the point B, since interaction from the point can reach it A and cannot influence the event C, since the speed of physical interaction is insufficient for this. So the event A precedes the event B, and can affect it, and events A And C from a classical point of view are in no way related.
In case of unrelated events A And C, can be shown using the formulas special theory relativity, that in some frames of reference the event C will precede the event A, and in some - occur after it.
This can be qualitatively illustrated as follows. In LSO, as can be seen directly from the graph, the event A precedes the event C. Let us choose the reference frame of a rocket flying in the LSO to the right with sufficient high speed. This reference frame is shown schematically by the blue axes on the right side of Fig. 5, it seemed to “turn” relative to the laboratory system in the direction of the rocket’s movement. The reason for such a rotation is not difficult to understand - after all, if an object is at rest in the rocket’s reference system at the origin, then it simply moves along the time axis in the rocket’s system. Since an object at rest in this reference system corresponds to an inclined line in the LSO, this line becomes the time axis.
From the figure you can see that the projection of the event C on the time axis (let it be an event D, which occurs simultaneously with the event C in the rocket's reference frame) lies before the event A. That is, in the rocket’s reference frame the event D precedes the event A. Keep in mind, however, that the analogy between the Lorentz transformation and the rotation of the Cartesian coordinate systems, which we just used, is not always correct: in the first case we are dealing with rotations in Minkowski space, and in the second case with rotations in Euclidean space. But for our case this analogy is quite suitable.

Let us now imagine that the events B And C are quantum correlated, as was the case for pairs of photons in Mandel's experiments. In this case, the concept of cause and effect cannot be introduced for our events! After all, if in one frame of reference an event B happens after the event A and may be its consequence, then in the rocket’s reference frame the event WITH- event correlated with event B in a quantum manner and because of this, simultaneous with it, precedes the event A and can influence it! Two different observers see time moving in opposite directions! And among these observers there is no more correct one, since all inertial frames of reference are absolutely equal. In a sense, everything is happening at the same time, and everything is influencing each other, although the word "simultaneously" is not quite appropriate. Rather, any event occurs both before and after any other. There is no order of events! The concept of time in this case clearly loses its meaning!
OUR WORLD IS NON-LOCAL. Paradoxes of quantum mechanics, paranormal and supernatural phenomena, magical techniques, etc. have their source precisely in the nonlocality of the surrounding world. And the concepts of space and time familiar to us arise as a result of the interaction of subsystems. They do not exist initially, they arise during the decoherence that occurs during any interaction, that is, the process of transition of pure quantum states into mixed ones. We will now talk in more detail about what decoherence is.

Window to the quantum world

So, experiments on the microworld clearly indicate the possibility of superposition, when an object is characterized by a set of states, each of which, at first glance, excludes the other. And they talk about the possibility of non-local communication between objects. Let us ask ourselves the question: what is needed to observe a superposition of states? Is it possible to observe a superposition of states not only in the microworld, but also in the macroworld, in our everyday life? Is it possible to really feel your entanglement, interconnectedness with the rest of the world and use it? Can we manifest and make into reality those components of the superposition of the surrounding world that we desire? Can we say "Let it be!" (light, darkness, earth, water...)? Or do we live in an “objective” world, and our destiny is to try to intelligently fit into certain cause-and-effect chains? That is, at the basis of Being is Rock, the iron tread of history, or our Freedom and Will?
It is impossible to immediately give a simple and comprehensive answer to these questions; we will understand them gradually.
The answer to the first question is quite clear: to observe superposition, we do not have to fix the state of the object we are observing. But what does it mean to fix? Who does the recording of states? A device like our flight detector? Or an observer? Or is it necessary to have both a device and an observer? The answer to this question is provided by the theory of decoherence. Decoherence is the process of loss of coherence of quantum superpositions as a result of the interaction of the system with the environment. This is the universal mechanism that transforms a superposition quantum state into a mixed one, that is, a manifested, observable, classical one.
Before continuing this topic, I want to talk in more detail about open and closed systems.
In everyday life we ​​deal with open systems, when there is some object that we are observing (for example, a stone), and there is something external in relation to it (for example, sand, ourselves, and the rest of the Universe around the stone). Obviously, the environment can interact with our object and thereby influence its state. In addition, the environment may, in one way or another, record information about the state of the object. And our object, of course, also records in some form information about the state of the environment.
Example closed(holistic) systems- Universe. It contains everything that is, everything that can be. Outside of it, by definition, there is nothing that could affect it, and there is nothing where information about its condition could be recorded. After all, if something like this exists, it is, by definition, part of the Universe and is included in it. By recording we now mean any change in the state of an external subsystem under the influence of interaction with a selected one. Similar closed systems can be created in laboratory conditions, for this we need to exclude the influence of the environment on our system, and make sure that the state of the system does not in any way affect the state of the environment.
So, the theory of decoherence states that a superposition of states in any system is possible only if information sufficient to separate the components of the superposition is not recorded in the environment. These words have a clear meaning in theory mathematical formulation: it is necessary that the vector overlap integral various conditions environment corresponding to the various components of the superposition of our system was much less than unity. In other words, it is important that the states of our system do not become too entangled with the state of the environment. Otherwise, for the existence of a superposition of states in any system, it is necessary that the system does not interact with the environment with a force sufficient to record information in the environment that allows the components of the state vector of this system to be separated.
Thus, superposition states can only exist in closed systems, when there are no interactions that transform the superposition into a mixture. At least, superposition in open systems cannot be observed if we limit ourselves only to the system itself, without affecting the environment.
What happens in open systems? Very simply, in them superposition states turn into mixed ones, due to the recording in the environment of information about the state of the system that occurs during the interaction. Reverse transitions are also possible, from mixed (classical) states to pure quantum states. These processes are currently being studied extremely intensively in physical experiments aimed at creating a quantum computer.
The case when, along with quantum correlations, there are classical correlations, is characteristic of all bodies around us and is called mixed confusion. Mixed-entangled states arise due to the interaction of objects with each other, which leads to a partial loss of coherence. These states can be characterized by the ratio of classical and quantum correlations, or, more simply, by the expression of classical and quantum properties.
Let us now consider a system consisting of two subsystems: me and the Universe surrounding me. That is, I seem to complement the Universe to the whole, and together we form a closed system that is in a superposition state. At the same time, separately, both I and the surrounding Universe are in a mixed, confused state due to the presence of interaction between us. Question: what is needed to really feel your quantum entanglement with the World? Is this possible, and if so, to what extent? What is necessary to be able to consciously assemble the world around oneself, that is, to consciously manifest any superposition component from an infinite number of them in the state vector of the Universe?
Some of you, I'm sure, can already guess what the answer will be. It follows from the theory of decoherence, and is formally simple: to be a quantum observer, the “I” must not interact with the environment! This means that “I” - that is, that part of consciousness that I consider “myself” - should not change its state even if the body and psyche interact with the environment and their state changes. My attention should be where “nothing happens,” I should feel like an unchanging center of being, which is not affected by anything, no external events. Only in this case will I be in a state of maximum quantum entanglement with the environment, because I will minimize my interaction with the environment from the level of consciousness at which I am. Then, potentially, I can see all of reality, manifest any aspect of it, because I am not identified with the structures that mechanically carry out the decoherence of the environment and the creation of classical reality around, and I can control their work. Let me emphasize that here we mean by “I” not the body or the psyche, but deeper structures.
A little later we will find out when and how superpositional and entangled states manifest themselves in the life of an “ordinary” person, but now we will try to figure out what this “unchangeable center of being” and “deeper structures” in our consciousness are, and how they can be detected in to yourself. I’ll say right away that we’ll talk about level of consciousness, very far from the ordinary, which habitually identifies the “I” with the body and psyche. To make it easier to understand this issue, let’s first say a few words about the levels of consciousness in general and the layers of perception of reality.

Levels of Consciousness

Here in front of you in the first row is Natasha. You've known her for a long time. What do you see in her? Let everyone speak out, and let each subsequent one add something that the previous one missed. So, what do you see when you look at Natasha?
-Blonde, pretty, well dressed, sexy, married.
- Medium height, green eyes, drives a cool jeep.
- A little tired girl, very kind, helps everyone. She probably doesn’t sleep much, since she has small children.
- Rogue is still the same! Don't put your finger in her mouth!
- The Simoron presenter is very smart. Sometimes Mikhail will say something that makes nothing clear, but she will clearly and simply tell you what to do and how to do it.
- And he knows many languages, a good education is felt.
- And I see an even glow around her, golden, sometimes purple shades.
“I just enjoy being next to her, I feel something, that’s all.”
- And I feel her soul, which is here, in front of us, in this life... And I don’t need anything, nothing from her. I just understand her.

So, we see that one and the same “object” can have different sides. There can be many, infinitely many layers of perception (synonymous with pictures of the world, that is, how you perceive the world). They can be systematized - according to the chakras involved, or play areas, or the contours of consciousness of Timothy Leary... Such systematization is not very important for us now, but we will still highlight several key “channels” of perception of reality, mainly following the classification of Ram Dass, from the book “Grain on mill." We will have seven of them in total.
1 . Physical (all physical parameters matter - height, gender, clothing, etc.)
2 . Psychological (relationships, emotions, psychological characteristics are important here)
3 . Mental (what is important here is the achievement of specific goals, benefits, efficiency, mental abilities, education, etc.)
4 . Subtle material, energy plane (with which psychics, acupuncturists, etc. deal).
5 . The plane of the soul, I don’t know what to call it more precisely. Here you don’t need anything from another person. He chose his own, his life and his adventures, you chose yours. You feel him, are able to share his state, but exist separately from him.
For many people, only the first three channels are available, for them this is the only existing reality, they are not even aware of the presence of its other layers, a different worldview. Any channel of perception is nothing more than a way of interpreting the world, determined, ultimately, by our attachments, objects that are significant to us. Tags, as we call them. Of course, each layer of perception also determines the totality of events that can occur in a world assembled in this way.
It turns out that, in addition to the five mentioned, there are two more channels, the presence of which few people realize: the channel of universal unity and the channel where the division into being and non-being disappears, where, as Gautama Buddha said, “emptiness is form, and form is emptiness.” All channels are absolutely equal, among them there are no more important or preferable, or less important. Our ultimate task is to be present to everyone at the same time; this becomes available when we master the last of the channels, where non-existence and being become synonymous. Only in this case can we realize what and how we “detect”, because here we are not conditioned by anything, and can be in any position. And our real, today's task is to see other channels and easily move from channel to channel.
As soon as we fixate on one of the channels, all the diversity of the world disappears; we already exist only on a certain plane, events in which acquire incredible importance. Needless to say, a full life in joy and without fear becomes in this case almost impossible, because we have narrowed ourselves to the perception of a single series of events, and do not see its interaction with others. Hence the unknown, doubt and fear. Moreover, the law of conservation of the number of troubles begins to operate for us - no matter what we do, being at the same level of consciousness, their number will not decrease.
On the contrary, if we are able to see events from different layers of perception, to see them in volume, all our fears, worries and problems disappear by themselves. More precisely, we begin to understand perfectly their illusory nature - after all, they can exist only when we are not able to look at them from the outside, from other positions, other layers of reality, from which they look completely different - sometimes even as a blessing. And at the same time, in this state we begin to act much more successfully, because now we see not only various series of events, but also their interaction.
And we are fixed in a narrowed worldview only because some events, objects on one of the channels suddenly become more significant for us than others. We ourselves highlight them, become attached to them and fixate on the corresponding channel of perception. And we don’t always realize our connectedness. And the more we are attached to one thing, the less accessible other layers of reality become. Bindings, in essence, are the very detector that manifests one or another component of reality, simply by virtue of the fact that they provide energetic interaction with it.
The strength of the bindings is similar to the length of the rope with which the goat is tied to the tree. There are few bindings - a long rope, the goat runs. Lots of ties - a short rope, a goat sitting by a tree. There are no bindings, the goat is free, walks wherever he wants and can see everything that is around. If you listen to these goats, they are unlikely to have the same opinions about what is in the world and what may be happening there.
And now a few words about the mysterious sixth and seventh channels. Let's start with the sixth - the channel of universal unity, the connection of everything with everything. Probably each of you remembers moments of love, absolute unity that have happened to him at least once in his life. This is channel six, you can’t confuse it with anything. If on the channels known to us from worldly life, material objects, or emotions, or something else came to the fore, and they “grabbed” our attention, then on the sixth this is not the case. Your awareness has come to the fore (synonym - emptiness, synonym - clarity, synonym - vision), and everything else serves as the background. For example, now most of you are listening to me, I am a “figure”, and everything else is background for you. If you're reading a book, it's in the foreground and the rest is background. Someone called out to you - it came to the fore, and the book moved into the background. That is, there is a foreground object (figure) and a background to it. But on Channel 6 it’s not like that. The figure there is your awareness, and everything else is the background. There are no significant objects there - everything there is equally significant. You see everything almost as usual, but now everything is one, you are me and I am you, and if on previous channels you are separated from others and act out of your own interests, then this is not the case here. You are one with the world. Everything is perceived as if from within, from complete silence... Thoughts arise from somewhere out of the void, and go into the void. And you are the emptiness, and there is nothing but it. You are no longer some form, not a body and not a mind, you are Consciousness, a synonym for Clarity, a synonym for Emptiness, a synonym for Love.
I have now characterized this channel with different sides, it simply cannot be characterized from any one aspect; it has a lot of them, and dozens of projections of this state of perception onto the plane of language are possible. It has a qualitative difference from previous channels: if previously you acted to a greater or lesser extent out of separation from others, out of your personal interests, now this is no longer the case.
It is almost impossible to say anything specific about the seventh channel of perception; it is better to talk about the path to it. Of course, one of the possible ones.
I'll start from afar. Almost any person, after some training (sometimes, however, very long), can directly be aware of the position of his body, at any moment know in his gut how the joints are located, which muscles are tense or relaxed, whether he inhaled or exhaled.
It is more difficult to see the work of the mind, to see the emergence and disappearance of thoughts, to learn to fall into the gap between them, into a state of no-mind. It is more difficult because we are captured by thoughts, their significance, and identified with them. Key concept on this path - the Witness. A witness is someone who observes everything that happens to you, including your thoughts and feelings, and observes with absolutely no interest. Everything, absolutely everything around, even thoughts and emotions, is external to him. Subjectively, this is usually experienced as a space inside, similar to Newton's Absolute Space, in which all events take place, and it itself is eternal and unchanging, and nothing can affect it. In the Witness position, you go beyond all the feelings, emotions, thoughts and sensations that the body provides. Awareness has come to the fore, there are no more significant or less significant objects, everything around is equally significant, and you are filled with love for everything that you see around. Unity arises, the connection of everything with everything. You see everything around you, but as if from the inside, from the depths of still waters, and you see the absolute perfection of everything around.
Once you feel this state, it becomes clear that you are much more than your emotions, thoughts and ideas, they are not you, they are your creation - but they are not you, because you can observe them as an object external to yourself !
Mastering the position of the Witness, which contributes to the opening of the sixth channel, is not the limit, because the oppositions “observer-observed”, “being-non-existence” remain. However, one can rise above this opposition; mystics sometimes designate this state as “Witness of the Witness.” This opens the way to the seventh channel, where non-existence merges with existence, and where “form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.” The “Witness of the Witness” is the Quantum Observer, the very true “I” with which we began this conversation.
Here, according to the testimony of many mystics, a certain explosion occurs, a quantum leap, when an absolutely clear understanding comes that there is one, not two, that the Witness not only observes what is happening around, but also creates it. You suddenly clearly see that all our emotions, thoughts and actions come from it and return to it, that this is our true center, absolutely not subject to any external influences. Having realized this, you regain the opportunity to act and live FROM THE WHOLE, outside of the previous schizophrenic division into parts. And it becomes absolutely clear to you that there are no higher powers that this very Witness is your true self. And this true self does not only embrace you... it embraces everything around you. And, at the same time, he is not there. Objectively there is none. And you're gone. And there is no one but you.
This is a koan, a koan for seekers who want to find out who they really are; most people have no "objective" need to solve it.
And whoever solves it will see that the unchanging center of existence from which we began is present in each of us and is nothing more than the entire Universe!
The physical basis for this conclusion is simple; it is the quantum entanglement of states in a closed system called the Universe. We will touch on them again when we talk about the Source of Reality.
For now, let us note that from the standpoint of physics, the channels of perception differ primarily in the strength of interaction with the environment of that part of the spectrum of consciousness in which we are located, with which we are identified, that is, we consider “ourselves,” and its direction. Just as your body is made up of what you eat, your soul is made up of what you focus on. Thus, when attention is directed to the objective world, there is intense interaction with it, and a large amount of information about the environment is reflected in consciousness. Due to the decoherence that occurs during this process, the level of quantum entanglement with the environment is low, and the world in this case appears to us in the form of isolated, classical objects with established cause-and-effect relationships. In this case, you primarily perceive yourself as a body.
The psychological and mental level of perception differ little in interaction energies(i.e. bindings) from the physical plane, but here the possibility of changing the properties of an object during contact with it is much more often realized. As we will see later, this is due to the fact that there are much fewer observers capable of recording information about subtle mental states than observers who “see” the objective world. Therefore, the degree of “objectivity” of the world is different here, and the specifics of our interaction largely determine how this or that person will appear, how we will see him, and how he will see us. Here you perceive yourself more as the owner of a psyche.
By shifting attention to processes occurring in more fine structures, silence within us or to certain images, we reduce the intensity of interaction with the environment and recording information about it. Accordingly, less information is recorded in the environment about the level of consciousness at which we are, and we move into a state characterized by to a greater extent quantum entanglement and nonlocality. In this state, we can receive completely different information about the world - for example, see field and energy structures, really feel our inseparability with the world, receive hints in the form of pop-up dream images, create all sorts of “miracles” possible in this state due to contact with non-local objects, etc. Here we partially lose in the specificity of the information received, but we gain in its volume and coverage of the range of phenomena that is accessible to our perception. And another benefit is that controlled transitions between different layers of perception of reality become possible. Here you perceive yourself as a kind of energy structure that extends beyond the boundaries of the body and human qualities.
The perception of the world in this state is very interesting. In it, for example, the language of birds, dogs and ants may be completely understandable, but to compile a “dictionary” you need to leave the state of a non-local observer, recording what is happening (i.e., transforming the superposition into a mixture), while only the meaning is realized by the mind last event(for example, the cry of a bird). At least that's how it is for me.
Also, when located on deeper layers of consciousness, the conscious and spontaneous outward manifestation of any thoughts, feelings and emotions becomes available without obsession or being bound by them. The center of perception in this case is at a level where there is no split into self and non-self, thoughts and feelings, psyche and body, etc. Accordingly, there is no schizophrenic question of choice. You begin to act not out of conditioning by mental and other stereotypes, but out of fine attunement with your environment, using your mind as a tool if necessary. We can say this: if in the previous case we were identified with a role, a mask, then here we are in the position of an actor, capable of playing various roles, putting on any masks, and doing it when necessary. Only now we put on different masks not out of a desire to achieve this or that goal, but out of love to live, to realize our different selves, to play.
In the extreme case, when we pay attention to emptiness and “nothingness,” we move into a state of maximum entanglement with the Universe and unity with it. In reality, this is felt as empathy for everything that happens around - approximately in that sense, in which an ordinary person is able to feel the beating of his heart. You and Life are one, you are Life, there are no barriers between you. This does not mean at all that we now “know everything” - we are simply ready to perceive everything, just as an ordinary person is ready to look at his hands, or hear his breath. In this state, we are able to manifest any aspects of reality, including those that do not have an objective embodiment.
Thus, each visible layer of reality is nothing more than a way for an observer to describe the results of interaction with the environment of one or another level of intensity, and one or another direction. Our world is non-local, but we will not know about it if we remain local observers.

Choice of reality

Let's return to our other topic, the possibility of “creating” observable reality.
Having realized the work of sensory and mind and their role in creating classical reality in the process of observation (decoherence of the environment), I can understand that what is usually understood as reality phenomena is nothing more than a product of the work of my systems of perception and fixations, assessments, preferences mind. An ordinary person cannot even distinguish the world of his ideas from reality, because both at the level of images and at the level of verbal representation there are no differences. There is a phenomenon called internal representation, as a result of which a thought, an idea of ​​something, can cause exactly the same signal along the nerve circuits as a real object.
The choice of reality that I make, highlighting some of the components of the superposition, is completely determined by the work of my systems of perception and mind. And only in a state of merging with the world (usually the word samadhi is used to designate it) do I cease to be an unconscious device that predictably singles out only certain components of a superposition from an infinite number of them. Once again: that unchanging center of existence of each of us, which we talked about, turns out to be equal to the Universe! It cannot be otherwise - only in a closed system is the coherence of states preserved.
The active, conscious perception available in the state of samadhi is creativity. Through our active observation (interaction with the environment), we manifest certain of its properties, that is, we realize the hidden potential of the Void, the potential of the state of superposition. In this state, you are clearly aware of the illusory nature of all boundaries, and your ability to dissolve and set them.
It can be added that the ancient Hindus called any experience based on the separation of subject and object maya, illusion. The question does not boil down to whether everything around is an illusion or not. The question is that in this case it is impossible to distinguish reality from illusion - after all, it is impossible to learn anything about an object without interacting with it. And as a result of the interaction, the states of the subject and the object become “entangled”, become interconnected, some parts from each of the two subsystems turn out to be mixed, and there is no longer any possibility of distinguishing in this “confused” part what belongs to the first object and what to the second . Much like when a river flows into the sea, at some distance from the shore it is no longer possible to say where river water, and where is the sea one? They got mixed up!
However, in the part that has not yet “mixed”, we can still divide the system into components, i.e. say: this part belongs to the first subsystem, and this part to the second. This state is characteristic of all objects around us (since they all interact with each other) and is called a mixed entangled state.
I suspect that many of you are wondering: if I don’t look at the Sun, does it cease to exist?
Yes, if no one “looks” at the Sun, and not a single object around (including asteroids, other stars, dust, atoms, etc.) interacts with it and does not record information about it in its structure, then the Sun ceases to exist as a local classical object and passes into a purely quantum (unmanifest, non-local, superposition) state. However, since there are a great many observing subsystems around, the Sun appears to us as a local, classical object. Other objects in the external world have already carried out decoherence and transferred the object called “Sun” to a local state. Moreover, each of the objects “sees” in the other only those components with which its interaction was strong enough to fix the state. We can say that each of the existing objects contributes to the formation of reality. And if there are enough such objects, the reality around us appears as “objective” and independent of us. In this case, the illusion of the objectivity of the world and the existence of History in it arises. Of course, such “objectivity” arises primarily in “dense” layers of reality, characterized by high energy interactions and a low degree of entanglement, when many objects have ALREADY carried out decoherence of the nonlocal structure that interests us. But in the general case, neither History nor the “objective” world exists.
There is an important and subtle point here. As already mentioned, the level of “classicity” of an object is determined by the information recorded in the environment about its state, obtained during interaction. And the amount of this information, in turn, directly depends on the energy characteristic of a given interaction: the stronger the interaction, the more the state of the environment changes, the more information about the object is recorded in it.
Let us now remember that any material body consists of structures that differ greatly in typical interaction energies. Atomic nuclei are characterized by one order of interaction energy, chemical bonds by another, excitations in electron gas- third, interspin interaction - fourth. And so on, i.e. any object appears as a chain of interacting quantum fields, differing in interaction energy. That is, the energy spectrum of the system can be divided into sections, each of which is characterized by its own “strength” of interaction with the environment. It is not difficult to conclude that that part of the fields that interacts most strongly with the environment goes into a manifested, local, classical state. And that part of the fields that interacts weakly with the environment remains in a non-local, superpositional, entangled state. More precisely, in both cases the fields and the corresponding particles will be in a mixed entangled state, only in the first case the degree of entanglement will be much less than in the second.
For example, if we are now looking at a wall and fixing its shape, color, material, etc., it appears as a classical object. But we do not record the state of polarization of atoms in the wall, and the corresponding “part” of the fields of the wall continues to be in a nonlocal entangled state. That is, the wall seems to be present in two forms at once - both as a local object, located in front of us, and as a non-local object, located “everywhere and nowhere.”
A similar phenomenon is known in scientific literature called quantum halo (quantum halo, quantum halo). A quantum halo is defined as an environment that envelops a local collection of particles, and the dimensions of this environment go far beyond the boundaries of " central object", and the fields corresponding to it. Currently, this phenomenon is being intensively studied, both theoretically and experimentally, mainly on systems with a small number of particles. The idea of ​​​​using a more general idea of ​​​​a "chain" of interacting quantum fields, differing in interaction energy and the corresponding degree of nonlocality, including for the description of “mystical” phenomena, belongs to Sergei Doronin, a physicist who is professionally involved in the theory of quantum computers, and as a hobby - in explaining supernatural phenomena as macroscopic quantum correlations. His idea seems to me to be unusually fruitful. Within the framework of these ideas. in a single approach a huge number of various phenomena, including normal and lucid dreaming, out-of-body travel, clairvoyance, and much more. We will touch on this later, but now a few words about psychic phenomena in general.
For them the situation is different than for physical bodies. Each of us manifests in the other only those structures with which he interacts most intensively. Since "observers" capable of distinguishing subtle mental states, is immeasurably smaller than those capable of “seeing” the Sun, and the energy of interaction at the level of thought forms is comparable to the energy of thought itself, then the degree of influence of the observer on our state can be quite high.
The subjectivity of perception also becomes higher - as many people there can be as many opinions about the character of another person. If one psychoanalyst, for example, sees an Oedipus complex in 90% of his clients and finds a bunch of “objective” evidence for this, then another, in a completely similar sample of clients, sees anal fixation in 90%. The figures given are real and even typical. The conclusion suggests itself that when it comes to the qualities of another person, we do not so much observe them as we create them in the course of our interaction with him. The world we see is secondary, it reflects our qualities. You yourself have probably encountered people for whom “all women are fools,” or “all men are bastards,” and who provide so much “objective” evidence of this that they can convince others!
It should be added that any methods of harsh manipulation of a person begin with the fact that a person is brought into a certain, fixed state by using a whip, fear or carrot (i.e. through increasing the energy of interaction with him!). Further, his behavior is determined and predictable, because his psyche becomes a classic, predictable object. So if you want to be unpredictable, free and able to manifest yourself as you please, reduce your involvement in what is happening, reduce the strength of interaction and the corresponding level of classical correlations! We always have levels of consciousness available where we are non-local and are “everywhere and nowhere.”
And now we can return to the channels of perception of reality. Any channel of perception is characterized by a section of the spectrum of consciousness from which we perceive the world. As we have found out, there are several of them, and each of them is characterized primarily by the strength of interaction with the environment of that part of the spectrum of consciousness with which we are identified. And the level of classical correlations proportional to it, that is, the manifestation of determinism, space and time. And the degree of quantum entanglement with the environment and the associated Freedom as the absence of dependence is inversely proportional to all this. At one pole, we represent a classical object, localized in space and time, identified with the body or cranium and seeing isolated objects around. And subordinate, as a local object, to all existing cause-and-effect relationships. At this pole you exist as a person, however, you are conditioned and determined by all kinds of stereotypes and dependencies. You may not even notice these stereotypes, because this requires sufficient distance between you and your views. But it may not exist.
And at the ultimate level, the level of the “true self,” we are entangled with the entire Universe as a whole, and incredibly, unimaginably free, if only because we are not dependent on anything and are not conditioned by anything. “I and my Heavenly Father are one,” Jesus Christ said about this. But there is nothing personal or egoistic in this state, you are simply Life, you are Freedom, it flows through you and through you.
For many, the thought of a possible loss of personality seems completely unacceptable; this thought seems to dissolve into some homogeneous gray mass, it seems to be a departure from life. This is wrong. There is no loss of individuality, you do not descend to the animal level of existence, you reach precisely the human level. I will add that the Buddha’s advice not to consider oneself a person applies only to someone who has already become a person and has seen the limited possibilities of realization at this level. The word “personality” comes from the word “mask”, that is, mask, role. To be afraid of losing personality means to be afraid of losing the prison of familiar roles and masks, to be afraid of losing illusions. As for “departure from life,” this is approximately the same departure that occurs in a person who has given up drinking in the eyes of his drinking neighbors.
And one last point. There is no need to consider one of some poles, one of some states, one of some channels of perception to be better or worse than another. They are all equal, all are perfect, and all their combinations are perfect. They simply have different perfections, just as the perfection of a bud and the perfection of a blossoming flower are different.

The view about the existence of these poles of perception is confirmed in neurophysiological research; those interested can turn, for example, to the works of Ken Wilber, who is considered the most outstanding theorist of transpersonal psychology and is even compared to Einstein in the field of consciousness research. According to them, the spectrum of human consciousness is characterized by an almost continuous range, characterized from the perception of a dual (i.e., divided into subject-object) world and isolated dense objects (an indicator of this state is, in particular, high-frequency beta activity of the brain), through the intermediate region perception of the world as fluid, changing and interconnected forms (alpha - activity), to the perception of universal, cosmic unity (low-frequency delta - activity).
In the waking state, perception of the world through delta brain activity in the vast majority people are depressed, and alpha activity is overshadowed by the channel of more powerful beta activity, which is responsible for seeing what is happening in the objective world and “tactical readiness”. As a result, a person simply does not notice weaker signals “from the whole”, and does not know how to rebuild perception or reduce the noise level so as to see and feel it. The experience of unity and interconnection of everything with everything received during sleep remains unconscious and inaccessible. So it turns out that almost all people do not have a conscious experience of perceiving the entire spectrum of reality, from separation to universal unity.
It turns out that the world appears to an ordinary person in its demonic guise in the form of roles, masks and isolated forms fighting for their survival. In this case, deep contact and cooperation with oneself and the environment becomes impossible. But all these possibilities are ALREADY present in a person, and they can be given way.
Thus, the higher the activity of the brain, its focus on the objective world and the amount of information collected about it, the lower the degree of quantum entanglement with the environment, and the higher the level of manifestation of classical correlations.
So, let's sum up the intermediate results. Superposition states are inherent in those layers of reality that interact rather weakly with the environment. In order to manifest this or that state at your own discretion, you simply need to intensify your interaction with it. In other words, in terms of a “double-slit experiment” - deliberately place the detector near the “right” slit. This can be done both from the position of an interested player, which is familiar to many, and by rising above the situation, moving to that part of the spectrum of consciousness and that degree of confusion with the environment where there is no division into the desired and undesirable outcome.
In this position we become Creators, we play freely, not particularly caring about achieving a utilitarian result. Something like “art for art’s sake”, not art for the people. The main thing is the process, the Game. The goal of the game is not somewhere outside, as usual, when you need to achieve something, the goal is inside you, you just live, and it is realized through you and by you. In this state, books are written, and work is accomplished, and fish are caught, and children are born and grow up.
Imagine, for example, you know two girls, both of whom are willing to get married. One constantly keeps her goal in mind, communicates mainly with “promising” people, sometimes even on the first date she hints to young people about her desire. And the second communicates with them simply because she likes it, and with whomever she wants.
Who is more pleasant for young people to communicate with? Who has the best chance? Most likely, the second one, right? She acts as a Creator, not bound by a goal. Why should she set any other goals if nature itself will lead her to where she needs to go? Why does she need anything else when everything she needs is ALREADY there, right NOW? And everyone has this experience of a creative state, when there is a goal and there is no goal. For some, this state is clearly present when preparing a favorite dish, for others - when driving a car, for others - when picking mushrooms...
To put it a little differently, to rise above the situation means to be not involved in the events taking place, much in the same way that Gulliver was not involved in the conflict between other Swift heroes starting wars over a dispute over which end to break an egg, sharp or blunt.
Moreover, such a position of consciousness does not mean detachment and indifference. We simply understand perfectly well that there is a game going on, we are playing and we can externalize any thoughts, feelings and emotions to an arbitrary degree, without being in the least obsessed or bound by them. We have the opportunity to control systems of attention and perception, which become systems for creating and actively changing reality. Paradox: desires come true in a state where there are no desires, where you are spontaneous and play with them!

Let us dwell in more detail on the methods of regulating the degree of quantum entanglement with the environment of our consciousness, which makes it possible to get into certain layers of reality. By and large, there is only one way - conscious control over the intensity and direction of interaction between our consciousness and the environment. Any of its technical variants is always based on entering the moment “Here and Now”, on accepting everything that is happening around, because rejection of the moment and situation always means being on the layers of the mind, conditioned and bound by ideas of what and how it should be. And the corresponding split between these ideas and what is happening.
Still, from the standpoint of physics, there are two main ways:
The first of them is quite obvious, and we have already talked about it. The level of reality that we perceive depends on the “strength” of our interaction with the world, and to increase the degree of confusion it is necessary to shift attention from the analysis of objective information to the processes occurring in more subtle structures. That is, reduce the classic interaction with the environment, and remove your own “noise” there, such as internal dialogue, and various types of stress. At the limit, for example, when meditating on empty space or pausing between inhalation and exhalation, consciousness is able to achieve a pure entangled state where there are no classical interactions, and only quantum correlations remain. As a rule, the necessary states are achieved by the practitioner first on the mat, and only then transferred into everyday life. One of the most difficult moments on this path, which many practitioners face, is the ability to maintain the activity of consciousness with almost complete peace.
The other path is less obvious, although it has long been used in a number of esoteric practices. It consists of taking control of the energy flows inside the body and being able to quickly change your states. In this case, when quick shift our states, the environment simply does not have time to record information about them. Just like in us, information about the state of the environment is not recorded. Accordingly, our degree of quantum entanglement increases. The situation is somewhat similar to shooting a fast-moving object with a movie camera: as the speed of movement increases, its outlines initially blur, and then it may completely disappear from the footage.
This path also does not require any super knowledge or super abilities. Remember how breathtaking it is when you swing on a swing? This is the sensation of energy flows (gradients) that arise during any acceleration. If you begin to pay attention to such sensations when starting a car from a standstill, or when walking normally, your consciousness will sooner or later take control over them, you just need to learn to separate the sensations from flows from an incredible number of other sensations. And over time, consciousness itself will be able to create certain energy gradients inside the body. In the same way, you should pay attention to the sensations of energy flows when strong emotions, exciting thoughts, while performing certain exercises, etc. Once again: here, as in other serious practices, what is required first of all is attention to what is happening.
When we talk about very recently obtained results that have not yet been published anywhere other than the Internet, I will indicate the authorship. This also applies to the theoretical justification of this method; it was proposed by Sergei Doronin at the end of 2002.

Let's move on to the question of what is the source of the observed classical reality, following the presentation of Sergei Doronin, already known to us:
Suppose we have some closed system consisting of two identical subsystems. Closedness means that the system (considered as a whole, as a single whole) does not interact with the environment, i.e. there is no exchange of energy between the system and the environment - there is no flow of energy “from within” this system, and there is no flow of energy into this system from the environment. Let us assume that the subsystems interact with each other, i.e. exchange energy. From the first subsystem there is a flow of energy to the second and, vice versa, from the second to the first. As a result of such an exchange of energy, these subsystems “see” each other as classical local objects, and the degree of their mutually perceived locality depends on the intensity of energy flows. But if we consider the system as a whole, the energy flows from two bodies are directed in opposite directions and in total “destroy” each other - so that in total, for a closed system, the energy is distributed evenly. What can be considered as one of the interpretations of Newton’s third law, which in its original form formulated by Newton sounds like this: “An action always has an equal and opposite reaction, otherwise, the interactions of two bodies on each other are equal and directed in opposite directions.”*
For the system as a whole, there are no classical objects inside it, there are no energy inhomogeneities, and there is no flow of energy “from within” this entire system. If there could be an outside observer of the entire system who did not interact with it, he would not see anything in this system. For him, this system will be purely quantum, in which there are no classical objects.
Thus, if we consider the Universe (the World as a whole), which by definition is a closed system, the conclusion follows that the Universe, considered as a single whole, is a purely quantum system. The universe as a whole is in a pure entangled state (PES), or, as Hermes Trismegistus said, “the world is invisible in its entirety.”*
Since, upon independent consideration of individual parts of the system, pure quantum fluctuations corresponding to the FES of the composite quantum system transform into classical fluctuations, and they are caused by single source(which is the World as a whole, as an intricate, inseparable, that is, inseparable into parts, a single object), the conclusion follows about the presence of such a physical concept, which historically is called “God”. I use the term “God” as a more familiar and familiar term, if it hurts someone’s ears, they can replace it with a physical analogue: “a single quantum source of classical correlations.”*
I'll try to explain this point. Parts of a composite closed system, purely quantum in their totality in a space with maximum dimension (we are talking about Hilbert space), become classical objects in spaces of lower dimension. Those. pure quantum correlations in a system considered as a whole (NWS for the entire system, God) are the source of classical correlations between parts of the system, considered separately.
In other words, Reality is the “manifestation” of local objects from the Black Earth of the entire system, where these objects are in a non-local form (ideas, forms, images, etc.).*
I will add on my own behalf (M.Z.) that no one is trying to “define” God here - for this, if we follow the theory of entangled states, it would be necessary to completely describe the state vector of the Universe as a whole. Obviously, this is impossible. God (the ESA of the Universe as a whole) cannot be seen and cannot be “understood”, because there is nothing to understand here. We can only see its shadow, like quantum and information noise.
Let me clarify the last thought a little, about “there is nothing to understand.” The fact is that the mind always deals with ideas, with some objects, that is, with something. The mind cannot operate with “nothing”; in this case, it simply does not have a subject to analyze. And as long as any figure of attention, any object is in the foreground, this means dependence on the mind, which closes the way to higher levels of consciousness.
“Something” becomes “understandable” when awareness itself comes to the fore. One of the ways to do this is this: attention is first transferred from objects to processes, and then to their source. And it is not surprising that in many traditions the metaphor “Emptiness” is used to designate this source.

And now I want to quote a few sayings of the Great Enlightened Ones:
Jesus Christ, Gospel of Thomas: "Be passers-by."
Buddha Gautama, Diamond Sutra: “All bodhisattvas must generate a consciousness that does not reside in color, sound, smell, or the objects of the world. They must not reside anywhere and they need to generate a consciousness that does not reside in anything ".
Sixth Patriarch of Zen Hui-nen, one of (along with Bodhidharma) the founders of Zen Buddhism: “If there is attachment to external signs, then your consciousness will not be calm; if there is detachment from external signs things, then the consciousness will be calm and your original nature will be pure in itself and enlightened in itself. As soon as you start relying on external circumstances, movement will arise, and movement causes anxiety. But if you renounce external signs, then this will be meditation; if you maintain inner peace, this will be enlightenment - samadhi.
What does "maha" mean? "Maha" means great, which means that the properties of consciousness are vast and like emptiness. All Buddha worlds are like emptiness, the wonderful nature of man is basically emptiness, so there is not a single thing that can be gained. The true emptiness of one's own nature is also like this... However, emptiness contains both the sun and the moon, and all the stars and planets, the great earth, the mountain and the rivers, all the grass and trees, bad and good people, bad things and good things, the Heavenly Altar and hell, which are all, without exception, in emptiness. The emptiness of human nature is exactly the same (i.e., it contains all things and phenomena).
Contemplate your consciousness and do not become dependent on the [external] signs of things... To go through the darkness of things, to be ready for any action and not to give up anything, but to renounce only the external signs of things and to gain nothing in all actions is and there is the Supreme Chariot. "The Chariot" means a practice that is not to be discussed but to be practiced, so don't ask me any more."
As we may have noticed, Buddha, Hui-nen, many other Enlightened Ones, and you and I, are essentially talking about the same thing: we ourselves create the reality that we observe, and this reality is illusory, since it depends on the work of our mind , from our fixations and bindings. And so there is nothing in the world except the One. And even the mind and systems of perception that create mirages around us are in fact also the One. The main way to comprehend this is meditation, meditation not in the sense of “concentrated thinking,” but meditation as an unoccupied consciousness.
This conclusion is in agreement with the fundamental principles of quantum physics, since fixations and preferences are a tool for isolating certain components of a superposition, turning a superposition into a mixture.
So it turns out that all the objects of this world, including you and me, stones, Buddha, stars, etc. originated from one source, and are essentially that source. We may not be aware of this only because we localize ourselves in layers of existence with a low degree of entanglement. And this happens due to our attachments to the mind, for which there is too much that is significant around, too much of what it is attached to, and as a result, energetically strong classical correlations dominate in our perception of the world.

Consciousness. What is this?

If you ask a psychologist what consciousness is, then most likely we will hear something like: consciousness is the activity of the conscious part of the psyche. This is something that can be verbalized or conceptualized. But such a definition only distinguishes consciousness and subconsciousness, but does not in the slightest degree answer the question of what consciousness is. Let's relax now and allow ourselves to fantasize about this topic.
Consciousness at the manifested level is, first of all, the ability to DISCOVER, that is, to record in the process of decoherence in one’s state information sufficient to isolate certain components of the superposition in the vector of the state of the environment. According to this definition, consciousness can be attributed to any object; it will only differ in its properties. At some level, it may be possible to control the flow of nutrients, the activity of individual organs and the distribution of energy within one’s own structure; at some level, there may be the possibility of self-awareness. And if earlier we talked mainly about human consciousness, now we will talk about its other levels.
Any object makes reality a reality through its structure and activity, highlighting it as a collection of local objects. We give the world its Being, and we ourselves create the boundaries between ourselves and the world. What seems to us to be circumstances is actually our way of assembling the world, establishing boundaries in it.
As we have already done in relation to ourselves, we will consider a system consisting of two subsystems: the observer and the Universe surrounding him. Together with the rest of the Universe, it forms a closed system. The observer, thanks to his systems of perception and storage of information, is somehow able to distinguish some of the components of the superposition. As already mentioned, in this interpretation, any object can be an observer. For example, a stone, or a dog, or a device that records the decay of an atom or the passage of a particle through a detector.
It is not difficult to see that the world for each observer is subjective; it is determined only by those systems of perception and storage of information that are present in it. “Perception” in this context simply means the ability of an object to record in itself information sufficient to separate the components of a superposition in the surrounding world.
We can talk about different levels of manifested Consciousness, which differ from each other in the ability to highlight certain components of the superposition in the full state vector, and in the degree of awareness of oneself as Consciousness. We can talk about the perception and Consciousness of minerals, plants, animals, humans and the Consciousness of the Buddha. Everything that exists in nature is aware of itself at the level at which it exists. Now I will try, very briefly, to talk about this.
Again, consider the stone and the Universe surrounding it. Can a stone separate the components of the superposition of the world around it as effectively as it does human Consciousness? Of course not. But it selects some components from the superposition and records information about the state of the environment. Because of this, time flows for the stone, albeit extremely slowly, because the subjective passage of time is determined by the speed at which the object creates the surrounding reality. Or, in other words, the rate of transition of the environment from a quantum superposition state to a mixed one, that is, the rate of separation of the components of the superposition of the state vector of the environment.
If you've ever been under anesthesia, you know that several hours pass in a flash. So, for a stone, an instant is millions, if not billions, of years. Minerals have virtually no consciousness or self-awareness. They do not have the ability to control the decoherence of the environment and the freedom that appears as a consequence of this possibility, but instead there are iron laws classical physics, causes and consequences.
In animals and plants there is already an unconscious Consciousness that can divide significantly large quantity component of the quantum vector of the state of the surrounding Universe. There is already an accident here, there is the possibility of controlling energy flows within the system and the freedom associated with this, as an as yet unconscious possibility of assembling different worlds, carried out through controlled decoherence. Time flies in this world. In general, it is dominated by cause-and-effect relationships.
At the human level of Consciousness, the possibility of self-awareness appears, the possibility of awareness of the work of one’s mind, systems of perception and control of energy flows within the body. Hence, a person is potentially free. However, in a person, as a rule, the consciousness of the mind dominates, that is, awareness of the world through ideas about it. Mind is a very high level of Consciousness compared to stone. But, at the same time, due to the conditioning of the mind by the environment, ideas about oneself, etc., total unconsciousness, zombification, roboticity arises, which we have talked about more than once (on the website www.simoron.dax.ru an article on this subject is written "Five Evenings"). Because of this, for the vast majority of representatives of the species homo sapiens Time passes, and the cause-and-effect relationship dominates. But a person, since he is capable of awareness of the work of his mind, perception systems, control of attention and energy flows inside the body, can potentially be at all levels of Consciousness, including one where there is no time, no space, no cause-and-effect relationships .
Finally, the last and highest level of Consciousness is characterized by the awareness of Consciousness of itself. This is awareness of oneself as an unborn consciousness, i.e. consciousness in its pure form, preceding identification with the object.
A person is aware of the work of his mind and perceptual systems, their role in the creation of the illusory phenomenal world. He is capable of consciously identifying certain components of a superposition and is capable of not identifying any components at all. He goes beyond this illusory world, goes beyond the mind and ego, goes to the Whole. Now he and the Whole are one and the same. The world is in you, and you are in it.
This cannot be understood, because there is nothing to understand here, but it can be brought into life. Mystics speak of this state as total immersion in God. In this state there is no self, there is simply Consciousness, which has no boundaries, names or forms. This is the Consciousness of Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu. There is no more time for you, no more space, no more cause and effect. You are in eternity called here and now, in a state of unity between yourself and the world, all-encompassing understanding and joy. In this state you have millions of possibilities of what to do, but there is no question of choice. It's obvious. True, both the stone and the little child remain in eternity. But unlike a stone or a child, you are now fully aware of it. The last statement, however, is no longer true, because there is nothing to be aware of... and no one to be aware of. Buddha Consciousness does not exist because Buddha himself does not exist! The man returned home. Now he is the living Truth and the living God. He is a sakura blossom that doesn’t exist yet…. He is Nobody. And he is everything.

Life, death and more. Questions and answers

In conclusion, I am very pleased to express my gratitude to Sergei Doronin and other participants in the “Physics of Magic” forum, communication with whom and whose ideas played an invaluable role in the appearance of the updated version of this article. Also, I am very grateful to Natalya Pankratieva for her comprehensive support and careful search for inaccuracies and incomprehensible places, and to Elena Bogdanovich, who patiently and carefully made changes to the html version of this work.

Mikhail Zarechny
[email protected] ,
April 2001.
Revised and expanded - May 2004.

An asterisk (*) in the text marks quotes from Sergei Doronin from the forum “Physics of Magic”, http://physmag.h1.ru/cgi-bin/forum.cgi.

A much more complete book on this topic can now be read on the website www.ppole.ru

Mikhail Zarechny,
November 2007

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