Bunin's lyrical hero: analysis of the image. How does the emotional state of the lyrical hero change from the beginning to the end of the poem “Stranger”? Essays by topic

poem "Autumn Leaves" Determine your mood and state lyrical hero.What images convey the state of the lyrical hero? Name the figurative means of language used for this.


In N. Rubtsov's poem "Autumn Leaves" the lyrical hero's state is sad, which brings to him the arrival of autumn. We see how the saddened horseman rides around his native lands, and he momentarily indulges in fun when he fires his gun for fun. .The metaphor “A careless shot// Was heard in the drowsy forests!..” conveys exactly his state. His spiritual mood can be correlated with the time of year, namely, autumn. Epithets “to the stove that has cooled down”, where the lyrical hero hurries to throw logs into it and warm up, as well as “under the attic roof”, where he will go to spend the night and where the “chamomile smell of an overnight stay” awaits him. And the hero understands that for him the hut is a refuge, a shelter where he can hide from the autumn weather and from loneliness: It’s sweet in the hut to while away the time of loneliness...

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Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning,” created by him in 1829, is perhaps one of the most famous works poet. Joyful, sunny intonations, beautiful language, vivid images - the poem instantly lifts your spirits and sets you in a “bright” mood.
In “Winter Morning” two themes meet and merge together – the theme of the beauty of nature and the theme of love. The lyrical hero wakes up his beloved in the early winter morning so that she can admire this miracle of nature and not miss the beauty that it represents:
Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, dear friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up...
Already in the first stanza the theme of love is clearly heard. Thanks to the appeals and general intonation, we feel the hero’s attitude towards his beloved - tender, inspired, reverent.
The hero is glad that the new day brings light, joy, and hope. After all, just recently - in the evening - everything was different: “In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, There was darkness in the cloudy sky...” And this description applies not only to the state of nature. Perhaps a storm swept between the heroes, brought discord into their relationship, spoiled the mood: “And you sat sad...”
However, today all this remains only in memories. Today is a sharp contrast to what happened yesterday. In the poem, Pushkin gives an accurate and colorful picture of Russian winter nature, winter landscape:
Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
transparent forest one turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
How can you not love all this, not admire it, not be nourished by such pictures!
However, everything has changed not only outside the window. Light of beauty winter morning illuminated the heroes’ room, making it warm and cozy:
The whole room has an amber shine
Illuminated. Cheerful crackling
The flooded stove crackles.
On such a morning, “it’s nice to think by the bed,” but I also want to enjoy nature, because how much pleasure and beauty the Russian winter conceals! The hero dreams:
And we'll visit the empty fields,
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.
And then - return to the warm room again and enjoy the company and love of the “charming beauty.”
Thus, Pushkin’s “Winter Morning” is permeated with optimism, love for life and all its manifestations. We can say that this is, to some extent, a philosophical poem. It speaks of the unity of all living things - man and nature, of their existence according to uniform, universal laws. In addition, this is a very optimistic poem - the poet claims that after every storm comes enlightenment, calm, a bright streak.
“Winter Morning” is also a deeply patriotic poem, for it is filled with love and admiration for our native nature, the beauty of our homeland. The poet emphasizes that native nature supports his hero, gives him mental strength and the desire to live.
The beloved of the lyrical hero appears in this poem as a child native nature, one of her miracles, the same as wonderful air, light, forest, river. The lyrical hero never ceases to admire them all, admires his “beauty,” and rejoices at the magnificent “winter morning.” It was not only the first good day after bad weather. It brought harmony to the relationship between the characters and became the beginning of a “bright streak” in their lives, in their relationships.
Thus, the title of the poem - “winter morning” - turns into a symbol: a bright beginning, a joyful period, happiness.
This work, in my opinion, typical of A.S. Pushkin. It is filled with characteristic “Pushkin” moods: optimism, love of life and all living things, patriotism, philosophical unity with nature and submission to its laws.

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The poem “The Swallows Are Missing” is a synthesis of landscape lyricism and deep, dramatic experience. This experience is most clearly expressed in the last, fifth, stanza of the poem. That is why the reader understands that a conflict with life is brewing in the soul of the lyrical hero. The hero's experience is framed by a corresponding landscape, which enhances the feeling of depression of the lyrical hero's spirit. The reason for such depression is autumn, and autumn, in turn, is a symbol of the approach of old age.

So, the leading theme is the approach of old age and the associated fear of death.

In the first stanza, the comparison of a flock of rooks with a net evokes associations with unfreedom.

In the second five-verse there is a measured, sleepy state of the area and the hero, a dark courtyard, falling leaves, caused by and strong wind and the general decline of nature - all this creates a bleak picture of a listless autumn evening.

The hero says that he is tired of the calm withering of nature:

It would be better if there was snow and a blizzard

Glad to meet you with breasts!

But this is how nature reacts to this statement:

As if in fright

Shouting out to the south

The cranes are flying.

At the end of the work, a state of hopelessness and painful languor is already openly shown, which was only hinted at in the course of the entire poem

You will go out - involuntarily

It’s hard - at least cry!

Look across the field


Bounces like a ball.

Which artistic media help the poet create a picture late autumn?

Main visual means in the work one can name the metaphorical use of the image of dawn, as a symbol of a bygone time (psychological plane) and a flock of rooks against the background of dawn (visual embodiment of the image). The lyrical hero is compared to autumn leaf. There are two reasons for highlighting this trope: loneliness and weakness. The “weakness” of the leaf is due to the arrival of autumn, and the weakness of a person is explained by the apathy that this autumn brings upon him. In addition, the author personifies the Wind in the penultimate line of the second five-line. There is only one epithet - “dry” (leaf). This adjective is an epithet because it means “lifeless.” A.A. Fet uses sound images: the angry noise and knocking of the wind, the plaintive cry of cranes.

In addition to the grammatical antithesis “dawn” - “autumn”, you need to pay attention to syntactic parallelism: “You will come out...”; “Look…”, as well as the technique of repetition, which is also reinforced by rhyme (“field” - “Tumbleweed”).

Compare the poem by A.A. Feta “The Swallows Are Missing...” from the first

part of a poem by N.A. Nekrasova " Railway" How are these landscape sketches different?

The picture of nature that opens the poem “Railroad” is written brightly, richly and visibly. Already the first in popular sound word“vigorous” (“vigorous air”), so unusual for the lyrics of nature, gives a special feeling of freshness and taste healthy air. Nekrasov makes full use of a variety of linguistic figurative and expressive means.

In the first stanza and bright epithets(“healthy, vigorous” air), and comparison (“ice”, like “melting sugar”) create a fresh and joyful image. Further the poet uses more comparisons (“as in soft bed", "like a carpet"), color spot - "yellow". Special role the alliteration plays healthy, CORE AIR... invigorates; near the Forest... in bed; The leaves did not have time to fade; They are yellow and fresh. With the help of alliteration, a special background of autumn is achieved: strength, vigor, sonority at the beginning, then softness and smoothness, the rustling of fallen leaves. IN last stanza One can note the assonance (under the moonlight, I recognize my native Rus' everywhere... I quickly fly along the cast-iron rails, I think my mind), which, as it were, precedes the whistle of the locomotive. So, the pictures of autumn in the poems of Fet and Nekrasov are completely different, one might say, opposite. And they perform completely different functions. A. Fet needs a picture of nature to convey the state of the lyrical hero. In N. Nekrasov, nature serves as a contrasting transition to the subsequent story about the construction of the railway.

Part 2

Why A.A. Fet is called the poet of the moment? (Using the example of at least two poems by a poet of your choice.)

A.A. Fet was often called the “singer of the moment,” an impressionist poet, because he knew how to capture fleeting, but wonderful, unique states natural world, the slightest changes in nature are its “ wonderful moments" The poet knew how to convey the immediate joy of experiencing these “moments” in poetry - in words, that is, to make the transitory immortal, eternal.

The poem “Evening” reflects not one moment, but a series, as one can understand, of unique and beautiful states of nature for the poet, corresponding to the movement of time - the amazing transformation of the world at the moment when evening turns into night. The signs of the evening - its sounds and colors - are concrete and mysterious at the same time: the reader does not know what “sounded”, but he sees the sensitivity of the lyrical hero to every moment of the life of nature. Fet, as if looking from one object to another, notices a “clear river”, and a “darkened meadow”, and a “silent grove”, and a “golden border” of clouds scattered like smoke, and “blue and green fire” night sky.

The change of landscape plans and their connection with the movement of time is Fetov’s main technique for depicting nature. And everyone new image the surrounding world is a new “moment”, from which in the lyrics of Fet, the “singer of the moment”, the image of “beauty” is formed - the main component art world poet.

Fet can be called a singer of Russian nature. The approach of spring and autumn withering, fragrant summer night and a frosty day, a rye field stretching endlessly and without an edge and a dense shady forest - he writes about all this in his poems. Fet's nature is always calm, quiet, as if frozen. And at the same time, it is surprisingly rich in sounds and colors, living its own life, hidden from the inattentive eye:

I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;
Tell me that the forest has woken up,
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled
And full of thirst in spring...

Fet also perfectly conveys the “fragrant freshness of feelings” inspired by nature, its beauty and charm. His poems are imbued with a bright, joyful mood, the happiness of love. The poet unusually subtly reveals the various shades of human experiences. He knows how to capture and put into bright, living images even fleeting mental movements that are difficult to identify and convey in words:

Whisper, timid breathing,
The trill of a nightingale,
Silver and sway
Sleepy stream,
Night light, night shadows,
Endless shadows
A series of magical changes
Sweet face
There are purple roses in the smoky clouds,
The reflection of amber
And kisses and tears,
And dawn, dawn!..

There is almost no action in his poetry; each of his verses is a whole kind of impressions, thoughts, joys and sorrows. Take at least such of them as “Your ray, flying far...,” “Motionless eyes, crazy eyes...”, “The sun’s ray between the linden trees...”, “I stretch out my hand to you in silence... "and others. The poet sang beauty where he saw it, and he found it everywhere. He was an artist with exceptional developed sense beauty, which is probably why the pictures of nature in his poems are so beautiful, which he took as it is, without allowing any decorations of reality. The landscape is visible in his poems middle zone Russia. In all his descriptions of nature, A. Fet is impeccably faithful to its smallest features, shades, and moods. It was thanks to this that the poet created amazing works that for so many years have amazed us with psychological accuracy, filigree precision. These include such poetic masterpieces as “Whisper, timid breathing...”, “I came to you with greetings...”, “At dawn, don’t wake her up...”, “Dawn bids farewell to the earth...”.

Option No. 1306

Part 1

Option 2

The poem “The Swallows Are Missing” is a synthesis of landscape lyricism and deep, dramatic experience. This experience is most clearly expressed in the last, fifth, stanza of the poem. That is why the reader understands that a conflict with life is brewing in the soul of the lyrical hero. The hero's experience is framed by a corresponding landscape, which enhances the feeling of depression of the lyrical hero's spirit. The reason for such depression is autumn, and autumn, in turn, is a symbol of the approach of old age.

So, the leading theme is the approach of old age and the associated fear of death.

In the first stanza, the comparison of a flock of rooks with a net evokes associations with unfreedom.

In the second five-verse, the measured, sleepy state of the area and the hero, the dark courtyard, the fall of leaves caused by both the strong wind and the general withering of nature - all this creates a joyless picture of a listless autumn evening.

The hero says that he is tired of the calm withering of nature:

It would be better if there was snow and a blizzard

Glad to meet you with breasts!

But this is how nature reacts to this statement:

As if in fright

Shouting out to the south

The cranes are flying.

At the end of the work, a state of hopelessness and painful languor is already openly shown, which was only hinted at in the course of the entire poem

You will go out - involuntarily

It’s hard - at least cry!

Look across the field


Bounces like a ball.

What artistic means help the poet create a picture of late autumn?

The main visual device in the work can be called the metaphorical use of the image of dawn, as a symbol of a bygone time (psychological plane) and a flock of rooks against the background of dawn (visual embodiment of the image). The lyrical hero is compared to an autumn leaf. There are two reasons for highlighting this trope: loneliness and weakness. The “weakness” of the leaf is due to the arrival of autumn, and the weakness of a person is explained by the apathy that this autumn brings upon him. In addition, the author personifies the Wind in the penultimate line of the second five-line. There is only one epithet - “dry” (leaf). This adjective is an epithet because it means “lifeless.” A.A. Fet uses sound images: the angry noise and knocking of the wind, the plaintive cry of cranes.

In addition to the grammatical antithesis “dawn” - “autumn”, you need to pay attention to syntactic parallelism: “You will come out...”; “Look…”, as well as the technique of repetition, which is also reinforced by rhyme (“field” - “Tumbleweed”).

Compare the poem by A.A. Feta “The Swallows Are Missing...” from the first

part of a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Railway". How are these landscape sketches different?

The picture of nature that opens the poem “Railroad” is written brightly, richly and visibly. Already the first folk-sounding word “vigorous” (“vigorous air”), so unusual for the lyrics of nature, gives a special feeling of freshness and taste of healthy air. Nekrasov makes full use of a variety of linguistic figurative and expressive means.

In the very first stanza, both bright epithets (“healthy, vigorous” air) and comparison (“ice”, like “melting sugar”) create a fresh and joyful image. Further, the poet uses more comparisons (“like in a soft bed”, “like a carpet”), the color spot is “yellow”. A special role is played by the alliteration HEALTHY, NEUTRAL AIR... invigorates; near the Forest... in bed; The leaves did not have time to fade; They are yellow and fresh. With the help of alliteration, a special background of autumn is achieved: strength, vigor, sonority at the beginning, then softness and smoothness, the rustling of fallen leaves. In the last stanza, one can note the assonance (under the moonlight, everywhere I recognize my native Rus'... I quickly fly along the cast-iron rails, I THINK my THOUGHT), which, as it were, precedes the whistle of the locomotive. So, the pictures of autumn in the poems of Fet and Nekrasov are completely different, one might say, opposite. And they perform completely different functions. A. Fet needs a picture of nature to convey the state of the lyrical hero. In N. Nekrasov, nature serves as a contrasting transition to the subsequent story about the construction of the railway.

Part 2

Why A.A. Fet is called the poet of the moment? (Using the example of at least two poems by a poet of your choice.)

A.A. Fet was often called the “singer of the moment,” an impressionist poet, because he knew how to capture fleeting, but wonderful, unique states of the natural world, the slightest changes in nature—its “wonderful moments.” The poet knew how to convey the immediate joy of experiencing these “moments” in poetry - in words, that is, to make the transitory immortal, eternal.

The poem “Evening” reflects not one moment, but a series, as one can understand, of unique and beautiful states of nature for the poet, corresponding to the movement of time - the amazing transformation of the world at the moment when evening turns into night. The signs of the evening - its sounds and colors - are concrete and mysterious at the same time: the reader does not know what “sounded”, but he sees the sensitivity of the lyrical hero to every moment of the life of nature. Fet, as if looking from one object to another, notices a “clear river”, and a “darkened meadow”, and a “silent grove”, and a “golden border” of clouds scattered like smoke, and “blue and green fire” night sky.

The change of landscape plans and their connection with the movement of time is Fetov’s main technique for depicting nature. And each new image of the surrounding world is a new “moment”, from which in the lyrics of Fet, the “singer of the moment”, the image of “beauty” is formed - the main component of the poet’s artistic world.

Fet can be called a singer of Russian nature. The approach of spring and autumn withering, a fragrant summer night and a frosty day, a rye field stretching endlessly and without an edge and a dense shady forest - he writes about all this in his poems. Fet's nature is always calm, quiet, as if frozen. And at the same time, it is surprisingly rich in sounds and colors, living its own life, hidden from the inattentive eye:

I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;
Tell me that the forest has woken up,
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled
And full of thirst in spring...

Fet also perfectly conveys the “fragrant freshness of feelings” inspired by nature, its beauty and charm. His poems are imbued with a bright, joyful mood, the happiness of love. The poet unusually subtly reveals the various shades of human experiences. He knows how to capture and put into bright, living images even fleeting mental movements that are difficult to identify and convey in words:

Whisper, timid breathing,
The trill of a nightingale,
Silver and sway
Sleepy stream,
Night light, night shadows,
Endless shadows
A series of magical changes
Sweet face
There are purple roses in the smoky clouds,
The reflection of amber
And kisses and tears,
And dawn, dawn!..

There is almost no action in his poetry; each of his verses is a whole kind of impressions, thoughts, joys and sorrows. Take at least such of them as “Your ray, flying far...,” “Motionless eyes, crazy eyes...”, “The sun’s ray between the linden trees...”, “I stretch out my hand to you in silence... "and others. The poet sang beauty where he saw it, and he found it everywhere. He was an artist with an exceptionally developed sense of beauty, which is probably why the pictures of nature in his poems are so beautiful, which he took as it is, without allowing any decorations of reality. The landscape of central Russia is clearly visible in his poems. In all his descriptions of nature, A. Fet is impeccably faithful to its smallest features, shades, and moods. It was thanks to this that the poet created amazing works that for so many years have amazed us with psychological accuracy, filigree precision. These include such poetic masterpieces as “Whisper, timid breathing...”, “I came to you with greetings...”, “At dawn, don’t wake her...”, “Dawn bids farewell to the earth.. ."

Option No. 1306

Part 1

Option 2

Which spiritual qualities manifested by the lyrical hero V.V. Mayakovsky

In this poem?

Lyrical hero V.V. Mayakovsky is contrasted with the mocking “onlookers,” the crowd that laughs at the horse: “Kuznetsky laughed. /Only I /didn’t interfere with my voice in his howling.” Amazing in modern world The hero’s feelings are manifested: not just sympathy, but the ability to connect with all living things, pain for all living things: “And some kind of general / bestial melancholy / poured out of me / and blurred in a rustle.” And then we see not only the ability to feel someone else’s pain as our own, but also to support the falling one (remember A.S. Pushkin - “he also called for mercy for the fallen”). This is precisely where the poet sees the meaning of poetry: “it was worth living, / and it was worth working.”

I also think that the story of a horse is an occasion to talk about yourself, about your “animal melancholy” and your ability to overcome it. Without exaggeration, we can say that the crying horse is a kind of double of the author: “Baby,
/we are all a little bit of a horse, /each of us is a horse in our own way.” The exhausted poet, just like the horse, finds the strength to get up and get to work again.

Lesson topic « The mood of the lyrical hero in landscape lyrics A.S. Pushkin"

Lesson type: lesson complex application knowledge

Lesson type: lesson study ; The class is divided into 4 groups.

Lesson Objectives :

educational: help students compare the “winter” poems of A. S. Pushkin,

revealing their emotional coloring, color palette,

sound images; identify the stylistic potential of words,

used by the poet.

developing: develop skills research activities


develop speech, creativity and communication

capabilities, analytical thinking;

educating: tune in to the perception of poems about winter nature,

awaken personal impressions, experiences associated

with winter paintings;

create an emotional mood, teach listening skills

music and perceive related art forms.

Equipment: recording of music by G. V. Sviridov “Blizzard”;

recording of poems,

painting reproductions Russian artists,

computer, slides, handouts.

    Organizing time.

    Introductory conversation and setting lesson goals.

Before us are illustrations of paintings by Shishkin, Polenov, Kustodiev. What is shown on them? /slide number 2

What mood does the winter landscape convey?

What is a landscape? / Landscape - depiction of nature in art /slide number 2

Before us is an image of a landscape in painting. Try to describe one of the paintings without using the traditional “ White snow", "blue sky", " bright sun».

You see how difficult it is to do this. There are not enough words!

Conclusion No. 1 : Pictures of nature are more difficult to depict in literature.

-But what if you propose a more difficult task: not just describe a picture in words, but so that it turns out to be poetry? Like this difficult task decided by A.S. Pushkin when he wrote his poems about winter. Listen here...

2. Listening to recordings of poems by A.S. Pushkin / slides No. 3-6, Vocabulary slide No. 11

Is the winter landscape monotonous in these poems? What colors and sounds are characteristic of it? We will answer these questions today in class by conducting research - observing the emotional coloring of these poems.

Before we begin our research activities, let's formulatehypothesis: The mood of the lyrical hero can be conveyed through a description of the state of nature / Slide No. 1 )

- What unites these poet’s poems? (Refers to landscape poetry.

Landscape lyrics - lyric poems, in the center of which are images of nature)

How are they different? (Mood)

Find in the textsomething that creates a mood. ( Emotionally charged vocabulary).

    Research work.

1. Let's identify the emotional coloring of these poems.

Find and write out positively and negatively colored words from the text of poems. Students in groups work independently, report the results of their mini-research to the whole class, and all observations are recorded in notebooks.

1st group poem « Winter evening»,

2nd group - poem"Winter morning",

3rd group - poem" Winter road",

4th group - poem"Demons."

Positively colored words

Negative words

1st group “Winter evening”

good friend, more fun

Storm, darkness, whirlwinds, will howl like a beast, will cry, a dilapidated shack, sad, dark, howling, tired, poor youth, out of grief

2nd group “Winter morning”

Sun, (day) wonderful, lovely friend, beauty, star (of the north), magnificent (carpets), sparkling in the sun, (river) sparkles, amber shine, illuminated, cheerful (crackling), pleasant (to think), dear friend

The blizzard is angry, the darkness is rushing, the clouds are gloomy, sad

3rd group “Winter Road”

Three greyhounds, to my dear, daring expanse, sonorous hour hand,

On the winter road, boring, boring, sad,

my path is boring, wilderness, tiresomely rattling, monotonous bell, heartfelt melancholy, sad meadows, sad light,

4th group “Demons”

Whitening plains, the moon illuminates the snow

The clouds are rushing, swirling, the horses are heavy, the sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy, unknown plains, the devil is leading, it’s scary, no trace is visible, we are lost, a wild horse, the blizzard is angry, crying, the demons are spinning, plaintive squeal

Conclusion No. 2

The words used by Pushkin in his poems help us understand internal state lyrical hero.

In a poem "Winter evening" the lyrical hero is sad, melancholy, and this state is conveyed using negatively colored words that predominate in the poem.

In a poem "Winter morning" the lyrical hero rejoices, rejoices, admires, and therefore positively colored words predominate in the poem.

In a poem "Winter road" negative words intensify feelings

boredom, heartache, sadness of the lyrical hero.

In a poem"Demons" negatively colored words, depicting the power of the elements of nature, increase the feeling of anxiety, fear, uncertainty and insecurity of the lyrical hero.

Analyzing lyrical work, let's remember thatlyrical hero a person whose thoughts and feelings are expressed in a poem. The lyrical hero is close to the author, but these concepts cannot be identified. / slide No. 12, writing in notebooks .

2. The timing of writing poems is very important: it helps explain state of mind poet. Presentation by representatives of groups with homework.

1st group. The poem “Winter Evening” was written in 1825. The poet at that time was under house arrest in exile, in Mikhailovsky. At that time my soul was restless, lonely, and anxious. The poet admitted in letters to friends: “Mikhailovskoe is stuffy for me...”, “I’m bored in the village,” “It’s boring - there’s no urine,” “My deaf Mikhailovskoe makes me sad and furious.”

2nd group . The poem “Winter Morning” was written in 1829. The poet at that time felt calm and peaceful, so it is understandable why the beauty of the winter landscape is so joyfully perceived:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies.

3rd group. The poem “Winter Road” was createdin December 1826, when Pushkin’s friends, participants in the Decembrist uprising, were executed or exiled, and the poet himself was in exile in Mikhailovskoye. So the author’s mood corresponds to the mood of the lyrical hero.

4th group . Poem "Demons" (1830)- one of the most disturbing poems by Pushkin - written in Boldino on the eve of the cholera quarantine and marks a crisis in the poet’s mental state, due to personal reasons. This poem is a response to tragic events in spiritual and creative life poet.

3. Look at the painting by the artist Grabar. What poem do you associate it with? ("Winter morning"). Now listen to Sviridov’s music “Blizzard”. What poems does it go with? (“Winter Evening”, “Demons”) In order to understand why we associate sound images with the poem “Winter Evening”, and visual images with the poems “Winter Morning”, “Demons”, let’s do two more studies. Let's write down from the poems words denoting sounds and words denoting colors.

Group, title of the poem

Words denoting sound

1st group “Winter evening”

Howl, cry, make noise, purr, fall silent, howl, buzz, sing.

2nd group “Winter morning”

Crackling, crackling.

3rd group “Winter Road”

The bell is rattling, you can hear it, the driver has fallen silent, the hour hand is loud, the bell is ringing loudly

4th group “Demons”

The bell is ding-ding-ding, they are rushing, curling (clouds), the blizzard is angry, crying, the demons are spinning, singing pitifully, a pitiful squeal, a howl

Conclusion No. 3

In the poems “Winter Evening” and “Demons,” words denoting sounds predominate. With the help of these words, the poet conveys the howl of a blizzard and thus influences our imagination.

Group, title of the poem

Words for color

1st group “Winter evening”


2nd group “Winter morning”

Muddy (sky), pale (spot), yellowed, blue (sky), shining, (forest) turns black, (spruce) turns green, amber shine, (filly) brown

3rd group “Winter Road”

No fire, no black house

4th group “Demons”

Muddy (sky), (night) muddy, clear field, sparkled, whitening plains

Conclusion No. 4

In the poem "Winter Morning" Words denoting color predominate. With the help of these words, the poet conveys the beauty of the winter landscape.

4. How did the poet achieve such bright and expressive poems? (Used expressive language )

For what purpose did he use them? Present the results of your work in the form of a cluster on the board. Slide number 9

Convey sounds, play of light,

color of nature Convey the mood



about nature

5. Let’s summarize the observations by making a coherent statement according to plan. Speech supports will help shape your thoughts.

Performance of the 1st group.

Support diagram for student answer No. 1.

In the poem “Winter Evening” the poet’s mood ______(sad), ________(sad), because it reflects the reality of life of the disgraced poet, whose only companion there was a nanny Arina Rodionovna

Used to accurately express feelings _______(epithets), expressed by adjectives in short form, shack _______ (sad), _______(dark).

_________(personifications), depicting a storm: it will howl, it will cry, it will knock on the window - they help to figuratively imagine the unfolding elements.

Interesting and_________ (comparisons), characterizing the acting storm. Either this is _____ (“then she will howl like a beast”), then this is _______ (“then he will cry like a child”). So different _______ (comparisons) the poet uses for more precise expression______ (feelings) lyrical hero.

Performance of the 2nd group.

Support diagram for student answer No. 2.

The poem “Winter Morning” is imbued with ____________( joyful) mood. They talk about this ____________( exclamations) poet: “Frost and sun; a wonderful day!”, “Towards the northern Aurora, appear as the Star of the North!” Bright and sonorous____ ____(epithets):_______ (day), _______ (friend),_________ (carpets),______ (friend), ______(shore)- show the strength of the poet’s feelings, the happiness that overwhelms him. They are the ones ________ (epithets), help the poet convey his _____, ________, _______ (joy, cheerfulness, delight). It is interesting that the poet __________
(contrasted) the splendor of a winter morning from yesterday's storm, this technique is called _________ (antithesis). If in the morning “Frost and sun; a wonderful day!”, then it, a magnificent morning, was preceded by an evening when “the blizzard was angry,” “the darkness was rushing.” __________ ( antithesis) is used by Pushkin to enhance ________

(joyful) mood. It would seem that the words from the second stanza “ cloudy, pale, gloomy, turns black, green, brown, empty"should darken the picture________ ( wonderful) in the morning, but this does not happen, because there are many bright, light words: ________, _______, _________, ________, ________, _________, ________ ( sun, star, shining, transparent, sparkles, brilliance, illuminated).

Performance of the 3rd group.

Support diagram for student answer No. 3.

How dreary and monotonous the path is in A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Road”! The poet calls the road _______( boring), After all, there is only “wilderness and snow” around. Winter securely wrapped nature in a blanket, and the world fell asleep. Everything around has frozen, and in this silence the poet feels himself_______( lonely), ________(superfluous). Your________( mood) Pushkin is trying to convey through the image of the moon, which “makes its way” through the clouds in the night sky and “sheds a sad light” on the silent “sad meadows”. Nature, like a sleeping beauty, is dozing, and any sounds seem alien, inappropriate. That’s why the bell rattles “tiringly” under the arc of the troika running through the snow. Feeling _________( loneliness) And _________ (abandoned) awakens _____ in the poet's heart (longing) by people, by a warm hearth, which is why the coachman singing his long songs seems to Pushkin like a dear person, almost a friend. And all around - “no fire, no black hut,” only a “winter, boring” and monotonous road.

The poem “Winter Road” is based on _________ ( antithesis ). The motive of the road, this long and tiring journey, here _________ _(opposite) home comfort.

In the poem _______ (scenery) corresponds___________ (state of mind) lyrical hero. It is the long winter road that brings sad thoughts to a person and makes him think about life.This is a poem of philosophical content. Its theme is much deeper than just an image winter road. The image of the road is an image life path person.

Performance of the 4th group

Support diagram for student answer No. 4

When drawing the image of the moon, the author uses ________________ (comparison, epithet):“invisible moon”, which conveys feelings (anxiety, worry, uncertainty, insecurity). What makes the moon so fabulously unusual ______________ (rushing clouds, flying snow). _______________ (comparison, epithet),“The sky is cloudy”, “the night is cloudy” also emphasizes the difficulty of the travelers’ situation, since there is “flying snow” around, “a blizzard... blinds the eyes.”

Thus, epithets and comparisons helped A.S. Pushkin to create _________________ ( bright, imaginative, memorable, real, alive) picture winter blizzard.

A special role in the poem “Demons” is played by _________ (repeat) lines:

“The clouds are rushing, the clouds are curling; The invisible moon illuminates the flying snow; The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.” Before us is _______( repetitions) independent proposal, which is harmoniously woven into the structure of the poem. Repeating them several times, at the beginning, middle and end of the poem, A.S. Pushkin considers them the most significant because they enhance _______________ (dynamics, movement of the overall picture of the poem; show the power of the elements of nature), strengthen _________________

(feelings of anxiety, increase feelings of fear).

Rhythmic repetitions emphasize _________ (loneliness, insecurity) person in the surrounding world, but at the same time the rhythm is very dynamic and does not evoke in the reader a feeling of ____________ (fear, doom).

Conclusion No. 5

What conclusion have we come to? Continue the sentence:

Drawing nature, A. S. Pushkin depicts...(the inner world of the lyrical hero ). Nature relates to human experiences.

How do we see the lyrical hero in all these works?(He is different: sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful, sometimes bored, sometimes happy. Pushkin’s lyrical hero knows how to be sad and admire.)


Pushkin - masterfully conveys the mood of the lyrical hero through a description of the state of nature. The poet’s landscape coincides with a certain state of mind of the lyrical hero, which the author skillfully puts into words, These words contain everything: colors, sounds, emotions.

V . Reflection./ Slide number 10

What did you remember most about the lesson?

What did you like?

What goals have I achieved?


Learn your favorite poem by heart

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